Neurophysiol Clin 2000 ; 30 : 263-88 © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved S0987705300002276/FLA REVIEW Functional imaging of brain responses to pain. A review and meta-analysis (2000) R. Peyron1,2,3,4*, B. Laurent1,2,4, L. García-Larrea3,4 1 Département de neurologie, hôpital de Bellevue, boulevard Pasteur, 42055 Saint-Étienne, France ; 2 Centre de la douleur, hôpital de Bellevue, boulevard Pasteur, 42055 Saint-Étienne, France ; 3 CERMEP, hôpital neurocardiologique, 59, boulevard Pinel, 69003 Lyon, France ; 4 UPRES EA 1880, université Claude-Bernard, Lyon, France (Received 7 July 1999; accepted in revised form 19 May 2000) Summary – Brain responses to pain, assessed through positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are reviewed. Functional activation of brain regions are thought to be reflected by increases in the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in PET studies, and in the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal in fMRI. rCBF increases to noxious stimuli are almost constantly observed in second somatic (SII) and insular regions, and in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and with slightly less consistency in the contralateral thalamus and the primary somatic area (SI). Activation of the lateral thalamus, SI, SII and insula are thought to be related to the sensory-discriminative aspects of pain processing. SI is activated in roughly half of the studies, and the probability of obtaining SI activation appears related to the total amount of body surface stimulated (spatial summation) and probably also by temporal summation and attention to the stimulus. In a number of studies, the thalamic response was bilateral, probably reflecting generalised arousal in reaction to pain. ACC does not seem to be involved in coding stimulus intensity or location but appears to participate in both the affective and attentional concomitants of pain sensation, as well as in response selection. ACC subdivisions activated by painful stimuli partially overlap those activated in orienting and target detection tasks, but are distinct from those activated in tests involving sustained attention (Stroop, etc.). In addition to ACC, increased blood flow in the posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices is thought to reflect attentional and memory networks activated by noxious stimulation. Less noted but frequent activation concerns motor-related areas such as the striatum, cerebellum and supplementary motor area, as well as regions involved in pain control such as the periaqueductal grey. In patients, chronic spontaneous pain is associated with decreased resting rCBF in contralateral thalamus, which may be reverted by analgesic procedures. Abnormal pain evoked by innocuous stimuli (allodynia) has been associated with amplification of the thalamic, insular and SII responses, concomitant to a paradoxical CBF decrease in ACC. It is argued that imaging studies of allodynia should be encouraged in order to understand central reorganisations leading to abnormal cortical pain processing. A number of brain areas activated by acute pain, particularly the thalamus and anterior cingulate, also show increases in rCBF during analgesic procedures. Taken together, these data suggest that hemodynamic responses to pain reflect simultaneously the sensory, cognitive and affective dimensions of pain, and that the same structure may both respond to pain and participate in pain control. The precise biochemical nature of these mechanisms remains to be investigated. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS allodynia / analgesia / attention / central pain / fMRI / imaging / motor cortex stimulation / nociception / PET *Correspondence and reprints. 264 Peyron et al. Résumé – Appréciation par l’imagerie fonctionnelle des réponses cérébrales à la douleur. Revue et méta-analyse. Cette revue de la littérature concerne les réponses cérébrales à la douleur appréciées par l’imagerie fonctionnelle, soit la tomographie d’émission de positons (TEP), soit l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). La première mesure les variations de débit sanguin cérébral, la seconde les variations du signal BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) entre deux conditions. Pour l’étude de la nociception, la douleur induite par un stimulus nocif comparée à un stimulus non nocif (en dessous du seuil) s’accompagne d’une augmentation presque constante du débit sanguin cérébral et du signal BOLD dans le cortex insulaire, l’aire SII, et le gyrus cingulaire antérieur, de façon plus inconstante dans le thalamus et l’aire SI. Les réponses insulaire/SII, thalamiques et SI sont supposées refléter l’aspect discriminatif de la douleur. La réponse du cortex SI présente dans approximativement la moitié des études, apparaît liée à la surface cutanée stimulée par unité de temps, elle semble donc dépendante des sommations temporelles et spatiales; elle est modulée par l’attention portée au stimulus. La réponse thalamique, souvent bilatérale fait probablement intervenir des phénomènes attentionnels d’« éveil » en réponse à la douleur. La réponse cingulaire antérieure (aire de Brodmann 24 et 32) ne participe vraisemblablement pas au codage de l’intensité du stimulus ni de sa localisation mais reflète certainement des processus attentionnels et émotionnels associés à la perception douloureuse. Au sein de cette structure, on distingue d’ailleurs plusieurs sub-divisions, l’une se superposant partiellement avec les activités d’orientation et de détection de cibles, l’autre, plus antérieure et rostrale, correspondant plutôt à une attention soutenue (exemple : Stroop, etc.). En plus de l’augmentation de débit cingulaire, l’attention au stimulus s’accompagne d’une activité du cortex pariétal postérieur (aire de Brodman, BA 40) et du cortex pré-frontal dorsolatéral (BA 44 à 46) droits qui participent au réseau cortical attentionnel et/ou mnésique. Les activations du striatum, du cervelet, de l’aire motrice supplémentaire, moins commentées, pourraient intervenir dans la réponse motrice à la douleur, l’activation périaqueducale pouvant être impliquée dans les contrôles inhibiteurs descendants. Chez les patients, la douleur spontanée s’accompagne d’une diminution du débit thalamique controlatéral, situation réversible sous thérapeutique analgésique. L’allodynie, douleur évoquée par un stimulus non nocif, est associée à une amplification des réponses thalamiques, insulaires et de SII, alors que la réponse cingulaire rostrale est diminuée, traduisant des anomalies de réorganisations centrales postlésionnelles. Enfin, il apparaît que des procédures antalgiques, pharmacologiques ou neurochirurgicales, augmentent le débit sanguin cérébral dans les mêmes régions que celles activées par la douleur aiguë, en particulier le gyrus cingulaire antérieur et le thalamus. Ces données suggèrent que les réponses cérébrales à la douleur reflètent à la fois les aspects sensoriel, cognitif et peut-être motivationnel de la perception douloureuse, et qu‘une même structure peut à la fois répondre à la douleur et participer à son contrôle, même si la médiation biochimique de ces activités reste à inventorier. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS allodynie / analgésique / attention / douleur spontanée / imagerie / IRMf / nociception / stimulation de l’aire motrice / TEP The functional anatomy of pain in humans has been, in recent years, mainly studied with positron emission tomography (PET). This technique measures concentrations of isotopes within a given body volume; such isotopes are carried by natural molecules which are usually injected and enter the brain via the blood stream. The physical variable that is directly measured by PET cameras is therefore the distribution of radioactivity, while the associated physiological variable depends on the molecule that carries the positronemitting isotope. In studies where relatively rapid changes in activity are to be measured, isotopes with a short half-life are preferred, which allow repeated measurements in short amounts of time. One of the choice isotopes is 15O, with a half-life of about 2 min only, which can be included in natural molecules such as water or butanol and yields information on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The so-called ‘activation’ PET studies investigate variations of rCBF specifically associated to a given task or a particular stimulus. Data interpretation is based on statistical comparisons of rCBF values obtained in two clinical or experimental situations, often labelled ‘activated’ and ‘control’ conditions. PET has been applied to the study of pain since the beginning of the 1990s, mainly by comparing responses to noxious and non-noxious stimuli, and has brought relevant information to the understanding of the ‘normal’ brain processing of pain. The insights provided by the study of normal subjects have opened a Brain responses to pain large field of investigation in patients with chronic pain, with the aim to understand (and possibly to treat) the brain dysfunctions and reorganisations leading to these conditions. The finding that the hemodynamic brain response to pain is modulated by both cognitive [18, 122] and affective components [134] has joined electrophysiological data [66, 143], and connected with the view of Melzack and others [101, 102], who described pain sensation as the result of a multi-dimensional integration of sensory-discriminative, cognitive, and affective-motivational axes. However, this evolution of pain imaging complicates the interpretation of new data. Particularly, for each of the responses classically described as ‘pain-related’, the question arises now as to whether it is associated with the encoding of the sensory (intensity, location, modality), affective (fear, unpleasantness), and/or cognitive (attention, memory) aspects of pain integration, all of which contribute to the pain experience. This view is further complicated by the likely contribution of responses not linked to pain integration per se, but related to preparation or inhibition of motor responses triggered by painful stimuli [23]. Thus, the interpretation of imaging studies on pain has moved from a ‘locationist’ conception to the more fluid view of composite networks, where the interaction of interdependent processes creates the unpleasant experience that we name ‘pain’. In this overview we attempt to critically synthesize a number of results, sometimes convergent and sometimes contradictory, obtained with PET and functionnal MRI (fMRI) during the past ten years. The review will concentrate first on the responses to ‘laboratory’ pain observed in normal subjects. It will then comment on the results obtained from patients suffering from pain-related conditions and/or subject to therapeutic procedures for pain relief. SOME METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF PAIN IMAGING CBF studies using PET Even though the physiological significance of rCBF changes with regard to neural activity is not clearly established, there is considerable evidence that local CBF changes are generated by metabolic products of synaptic function, and therefore reflect variations in local synaptic activity [147, 148]. The short scan duration (50–120 s) and inter-scan interval (10–15 min) 265 permit multiple studies in rapid succession, therefore allowing comparisons between consecutive functional states, including the resting state. The interpretation of results is usually based on voxel-by-voxel subtraction of images, looking for areas where rCBF is significantly changed across conditions. In most pain experiments, comparisons have been performed between two intensities of a thermal stimulus, one below and one above the pain threshold, so that the subtraction analysis extracts activity which can be ‘specifically’ attributed to nociceptive processing. Limitations of PET studies are : – low temporal resolution due to signal averaging during approximately 1 min; – the need of group analysis pooling the data of at least five to six subjects to obtain meaningful results; – the need for a nearby cyclotron facility to prepare radioactive tracers; – the need to give intravenous injections to the subjects. These drawbacks may be partly overcome in the future by fMRI, which uses similar experimental procedures as PET with a better temporal resolution, a non-radioactive environment, no injection, and a possibility for individual analysis. Studies using fMRI Analysis of fMRI images is based on changes in the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal, which reflects simultaneously local CBF changes and variations in deoxyhemoglobin content [140, 158]. Results obtained with fMRI have been found to be strongly correlated with those from PET-CBF in identical paradigms [32, 139, 142]. fMRI has some advantages over PET, including the operation in a nonradioactive environment and thus the possibility to repeat recordings. Even though new-generation PET cameras have been recently applied to single-subject analysis [25], the possibility to take into account anatomy and other individual characteristics by fMRI is a clear advantage over PET. Furthermore, the access to single-subject analysis will be an important gain in pain studies, since pain is notoriously dependent upon individual factors. Finally, the temporal resolution of fMRI, which ranges from a 300 ms theoretical value to a more realistic figure of 1–3 s in event-related fMRI studies with echo-planar systems [15], is another advantage compared to PET; fMRI appears therefore as 266 Peyron et al. an intermediate solution between PET resolution (tens of seconds) and electrophysiology (tens of milliseconds). Among the fMRI’s current drawbacks we should first cite the requirement of MRI-compatible (i.e., nonferro-magnetic) equipment, as well as the need for strict timing between stimuli and acquisition in rapidly alternating conditions, all of which add technical constraints, making some experiments more difficult to conduct than with PET. In addition, a disadvantage of fMRI is the existence of pulsation artifacts, which currently impairs analysis of brainstem and thalamic responses. More important, fMRI remains currently limited to ‘activation’ studies, and is neither able to provide information on the resting state nor on neurotransmitters or receptors; this may represent a shortcoming in future studies on pain, which should develop strategies to describe the in vivo distribution and the functional properties of neurotransmitters related to pain processing and control [86, 87, 161]. So far, the ‘pain responses’ obtained using PET and fMRI methods have been very similar, but the use of this latter is still too recent to permit definite conclusions, at least until a comparison of results using both techniques in the same population of subjects is available. RESPONSES TO ACUTE PAIN IN NORMAL VOLUNTEERS Table I summarises the results of previously published PET studies in normal subjects. In a decreasing order of consistency, hemodynamic responses to acute pain in normal subjects have been observed in the following brain areas: insular and SII cortices (primarily contralateral to stimulation but also ipsilateral); anterior cingulate cortex (ACC, Brodmann areas [BA] 24 and 32); thalamus (primarily contralateral to stimulation but often bilateral); SI cortex contralateral to stimulation; prefrontal (BAs 10 and 45–47) and posterior parietal (BA 40) cortices; striatum; cerebellum (vermis); periaqueductal grey (PAG); and supplementary motor area (SMA, BA 6). In figure 1, reported sites of maximally significant rCBF increases to pain have been projected onto a normalised MRI matching the Talairach and Tournoux atlas [152]. Insula/SII cortices The most reliable pain-related activity across previous studies is bilateral, and has been located in a broad region comprising the depth of the Sylvian fissure and the parietal and frontal operculi, and therefore extending from the anterior insula to the second somatic (SII) area and associative parietal cortex (table I). It is not easy to individualise these different regions from stereotaxic coordinates provided in previous PET studies, since significant rCBF increases often extend over both sagittal and vertical axes in adjacent brain regions. In a number of studies, activations are reported as a focus of increased CBF, which overlaps on both posterior insular and SII cortices [24, 27, 41], while in other cases two separate foci of maximal significance are observed within a large ‘activated’ area [22, 116, 150, 165]. This is illustrated in figure 2, which also shows that the location of activation maxima in the vertical axis ranges from z = –8 mm to z = +32 mm when projected onto the Talairach atlas. The particular anatomy of this region, with numerous cortical folds increasing the risk for partial volume effect, as well as the lack of a clear-cut anatomical delineation of SII cortex in primates and its known variability across individuals [97], are major limiting factors to discriminate among different anatomic regions when using group analysis. In accordance with the well-known bilaterality of SII and insular receptive fields in both human [63] and animal [167] investigations, more than 50% of imaging studies have described a bilateral distribution of increased CBF in insular/SII cortices during painful stimuli [5, 8, 10, 22, 24, 27, 29, 81, 99, 116, 122, 151, 156, 162, 165]. Notwithstanding these difficulties, analysis of figure 2 shows that in a significant proportion of cases, two spatially distinct foci of maximal rCBF increases were detected, one focus being antero-inferior, near the anterior insula, and the other postero-superior, in a region corresponding to the retro-insular/SII interface. Spatial discrimination of these two foci will probably become accessible with the use of fMRI techniques (see recent studies [7, 8, 10, 39]). However, even if the two foci may be spatially discriminated, activation of SII and insula seems, despite the functional differences between the two areas, very often concomitant in response to a noxious stimulus (see table I). Previous literature suggests that neither anterior insular nor SII/retro-insular responses are specific for pain, as they have also been described in response to a wide variety of innocuous somatic stimuli, including tactile [7, 81], electrical [62, 97], vibratory [27], innocuous thermal [7, 34] and olfacto-gustatory [56, 146]. Although these regions may therefore be involved in general somatosensory integration, in the context of Brain responses to pain 267 Figure 1. Summary of the principal regions showing maximally significant rCBF changes to painful stimuli in previous literature. Thirteen studies providing stereotaxic coordinates of rCBF changes according to the Talairach and Tournoux atlas [152] are represented. The provided coordinates of maximal rCBF increases in each study (volume of 8 mm3) were projected onto a normalised magnetic resonance template (MNI, Montreal Neurologic Institute). Coordinates from studies using right-sided stimuli were taken just so, while those from studies using left-sided stimuli were flipped along the x-axis; thus, the left and right sides of the figure are respectively ‘contralateral’ and ‘ipsilateral’ to stimulation. rCBF changes are clustered in three midline regions (cerebellum/midbrain, thalamus, and anterior cingulate) and two lateral sites (around SII and the insular cortex). For more exhaustive details on insular, SII, and cingulate activations, see figures 2, 3 and 5 (represented data are from references [22, 24, 27, 34, 42, 43, 81, 99, 122, 134, 150, 162, 165]). Figure 2. Regional peaks of pain-related CBF increase in the insular and SII cortices across 34 studies. Peaks of maximal increase have been plotted (when stereotaxic coordinates were available) onto axial brain slices from the Talairach and Tournoux atlas [152]. rCBF responses in normal subjects are represented by red letters, while experimental (i) and clinical (p, s) allodynia as well as ongoing neuropathic pain (h) are displayed in green for comparison purposes. Although regions of maximal response are widely scattered, most studies found two distinct peaks of maximal response (letters represented twice). One peak was generally consistent with anterior insula (in upper row) and the other with posterior insula/SII cortex (lower row). See also text for details. Note that sites activated during noxious stimulation and allodynia are very similar. Red letters: b: see reference [8]; c: [24]; e: [43]; h: [75]; h: [74]; i: [81]; j: [41]; k: [27]; l: [28]; m: [99]; o: [116]; p: [122]; q: [34]; r: [134]; s: [150]; s: [151]; t: [153]; t: [156]; v: [162]; w: [10]; x: [165]. Green letters: h: [76]; i: [81]; p: [121]; s: [118]. Authors PET fMRI N Stimuli T/P Talbot et al. 1991 PET 8 Heat thermode P C + R Jones at al. Derbyshire et al. Casey et al. 1991 1994 1994 1996 PET PET PET PET 6 Heat thermode 6 Heat thermode 9 Heat thermode 9 Heat thermode 9 36-43°C Discrimination 9 Cold water bath 9 Heat thermode 16 Heat thermode 10 Sub-cutaneous histamine 4 Sub-cutaneous ethanol 11 Heat thermode Cold thermode Grill illusion of pain 7 Heat thermode 8 Heat water bath 12 laser 6 laser 11 laser 11 Electrical muscular pain 10 Heat thermode 9 Heat thermode 9 Heat thermode 6 Capsaicin injection 8 Esophageal distention 5 Esophageal distension 6 Visceral (rectal) pain 6 Visceral (rectal) pain 12 Heat water bath P P P P P T P P T T T T T P T P P P T T P T T P T+P T P T D D C C C C D C C C C C C D C D D D C C D C C D C/D D D C – – + + + – + + – – – – – – – – + + – – – – – – – – – – R R L L L L L R R R R R R L L R L L L R R L R R/L R/L R/L R/L R 13 Capsaicin injection (pain) Capsaicin-induced allodynia 9 Capsaicin-induced allodynia 7 Capsaicin injection (facial) 10 Heat thermode M 10 Heat thermode F 12 Heat thermode 12 Heat thermode (intensity) Heat thermode (attention) 12 Heat thermode T P C C – + P C T Coghill et al. 1994 1999 1994 1995 1996 PET PET PET PET PET Vogt et al. 1996 Rainville et al. 1997 Derbyshire et al. 1997 Xu et al. 1997 Svensson et al. 1997a PET PET PET PET PET 1997b PET Hsieh et al. Craig et al. Adler et al. Andersson et al. Aziz et al. Binkofski et al. Silverman et al. Baciu et al. Derbyshire and Jones Iadarola et al. 1997 PET 1997 PET 1997 PET 1998 fMRI 1997 PET 1999 fMRI 1998 PET 1998 PET Baron et al. 1999 fMRI May et al. 1998 PET Paulson et al. 1998 PET Tölle et al. Peyron et al. Becerra et al. 1999 1999 PET PET 1999 fMRI C/D Move- Side ment Ant Insula ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑B ↑B ↑R ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑B SII mid ACC ThalaACC (rostral) mus 24/32 ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑R ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B – – – ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑B ↑L ↑B ↑B SI DLPFC MPFC Parietal Amygdala SMA 6 10, 9, 10, 40 Hippocam44-47 32 pus ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑I ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C – ↑I ↑C – ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ss ↑ C ss ↑ C ↑C ↑C – ss ↑ C ↑C ↑C Midbrain ↑C ↑C ↑I – ↑I ↑C ↓I ↑B ↑B ↑B ↑B ↑R ↑B ↑C ↓B ↓B ↑B ↑B ↑C ↓C ↑C ↑B ↑I ↑I ↑B ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↓B ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑ ↑ ↑B ↑I ↑I ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑C ↑ ss ↑ C ↑C ↑I ↑B ↑C – R ↑C ↑C – – C – R ↑B ↑I ↓C P D + L ↑I ↑C – P D + L ↑C T+P T+P C C – – R R/L ↑B (*↑C) ↑B ↑B ↑B ↑B – ↑B (*↑C) ↑C ↑C ↓I – – ↓I ↑B ↑C – T+P C – R/L – – ↑C ↑B – ↑ I (R) ↑B – ↑B ↑B P C – L ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↓I ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑C ↑L ↑R ↑I ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑B ↑I ↑I ↑L ↑R ↑I ↑R ↑ – L L ↑C ↑I ↑C ↑C ↑C ↑I ↑B ↑ ↑C ↑L Cerebellum ↑C ss ↑ I ↑I ↑C ↑R ↑B ↑R ↑B ↑I ↑B ↑C ↑B ↑B LN ↑B ↑I ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑C ↑ ↑C ↑I ↑C ↑C (*↑) ↑I ↑I ↑C ↓B ↑I ↑ ↑ ↑ T: Tonic; P: Phasic pain; C: Continuous; D: Intermittent stimulus; Stimulus displaced (+) or not (–) during experiment; R/L side of stimulation; ss: sub-significant but discussed as relevant by authors; ↑ or ↓ of rCBF or BOLD signal contralateral (C) or ipsilateral (I) to stimulus; B indicates bilateral or poorly lateralized activations; * indicates abnormal (excessive) responses. Peyron et al. Year 268 Table I. Normal subjects (Nociception - Capsaicin allodynia). Brain responses to pain thermal stimuli their activity dramatically increases when intensity reaches painful ranges (see table I). Thus, Casey et al. [22, 24] did not find a significant insular/SII CBF increase during discrimination of two non-noxious heat stimuli, while insula was activated by both heat and cold and SII was activated by noxious heat. In a recent PET study, both anterior insula and SII rCBF gradually increased with thermal intensity [29]. In another study which separated activities related to intensity coding from those linked to attention, specific encoding of thermal pain intensity appeared related to anterior insular activation, bilaterally [122]. Thus, in the context of thermal pain processing, both the anterior insular and the retro-insular/SII cortices appear as functionally implicated in the discrimination of stimulus intensity. This is in agreement with animal studies in primates [167], suggesting that the insular cortex may gradually encode for different intensities of stimulation, as well as with recent human recordings from SII and insular regions showing gradually incremental responses to increasingly intense laser stimuli [64]. These results are also in line with the recent claim of a specific thalamo-insular pathway for cold, including noxious cold, in primates [33] and in humans [40], which cortical projections to the insular cortex could be gradually activated by cold (including noxious cold) stimulations [35]. However, there is very little evidence from the literature that points out insular activity as related to attention. In their description of the attentional network to pain, Peyron et al. [122] did not find the insular cortex to participate in brain regions involved in selective attention, while it is a major region involved in thermal discrimination. The question whether insular cortex is involved in emotional processing cannot be simply answered because of the lack of studies investigating directly this aspect of insular response to pain. A first argument for such a participation is the activation of insular cortex in emotional tasks with negative affective components such as stimulation by fearful faces [125], emotional voices [108, 109], or aversive conditioning [14]. A second argument is the observed changes in the emotional dimension of pain after lesion of the insular region, while the discriminative dimension of pain is spared. In this disconnection syndrome known as asymbolia for pain [9], the subcortical lesion has been considered as disrupting sensory-limbic connections. 269 Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) The ACC follows closely the anterior insula in the rank of most frequently reported sites of rCBF increase to pain (table I). In most cases the ‘activated’ sites corresponded to the ‘mid-cingular’ region (area 24), but a number of studies have also showed hemodynamic activations and deactivations of more anterior (rostral) perigenual cingulate portions (see table I). ACC, localisation of stimuli and intensity coding The activity of anterior cingulate units is not suitable to encode sensory aspects such as stimulus location, because of very wide and overlapping receptor fields [51, 144]. Accordingly, animal studies and clinical data indicated that cingulotomy, although decreasing the affective response to noxious stimuli, preserves the ability to localise such stimuli [60, 144, 159]. Whether the ACC participates in the encoding of stimulus intensity is more difficult to resolve: in animals, response characteristics of ACC ‘nociceptive’ units are very similar to those of medial and intralaminar thalamic nuclei from which they receive projections [144], and which have shown some intensity coding for mechanical, heat [79], and electrical [93] noxious stimuli [17, 50]. In addition, anecdotal reports in humans have suggested partial loss of the ability to code stimulus intensity after cingulotomy [154]. However, processing of intensity coding in the human ACC has not been supported so far by functional imaging studies. Casey et al. [24] did not observe significant cingulate activation during active discrimination between two non-noxious heat intensities. Peyron et al. [122] described a network of structures involved in noxious intensity encoding, which did not include mid-ACC. Using regression methods, Tölle et al. [156] did not find any relationship between ACC blood flow and stimulus intensity. Furthermore, in some pain studies, ACC activation was shown to increase in the absence of any real change in stimulus intensity. For instance, Craig et al. [34] used a ‘thermal grill’ to induce pain by employing a combination of two non-noxious stimuli (alternated warm and cool bars). Anterior cingulate was not activated by either stimulus in isolation, but showed enhanced rCBF when they were applied in combination, suggesting that ACC changes were not related to actual stimulus intensity, but rather to the subjective pain sensation. In the study of Peyron et al. 270 Peyron et al. [122], increased ACC activation was observed without any change in actual stimulus intensity, during a ‘distraction’ experiment entailing decreased pain sensation. We may therefore conclude that there has been, up to now, no support from imaging studies favouring a role of ACC in coding stimulus intensity. ACC and the affective reaction to pain It has been generally considered that the ACC response to noxious stimuli reflects the ‘suffering’ component of pain [83]. Vogt et al. [162] suggested that the affective reaction associated with pain unpleasantness would be principally integrated in the rostral (perigenual) sections of ACC (BA 32 and 25), whereas mid-cingulate activation (the one most commonly seen in PET and fMRI studies) would be instead associated with cognitive processes, especially response selection and motor inhibition. The implication of rostral perigenual ACC in emotional and affective reactions is supported by experimental and clinical studies [6, 47, 53] and also by recent imaging studies that have manipulated the emotional stimulus content [11, 158]. However, the dichotomy between a perigenual ‘emotional’ and a middle ‘cognitive’ ACC has not been supported by other imaging studies. Neither Rainville et al. [134] nor Tölle et al. [156] found any relationship between the perigenual ACC and the affective reaction to pain. In an elegant experiment, the Montreal group [134] modulated the affective component of pain using hypnotic suggestion and reported a linear relationship between subjective unpleasantness and CBF in the midACC, rather than in its perigenual portion. Tölle et al. [156] found that pain unpleasantness correlated positively with CBF in the posterior sector of ACC. Also in studies assessing the reaction to the unpleasant character of stimuli from other modalities, such as the facial expression of disgust [108], frightful animals [61], unpleasant musical dissonance [12], or words with negative semantic content [68], the main increases in CBF have been observed in the middle and posterior sections of the ACC rather than in its perigenual portions (see figure 3b, blue letters). In turn, CBF in perigenual cingulate was found to change independently of affective reactions by Svensson et al. [151], who reported rostral ACC activation by tonic, but not phasic heat, in spite of a similar affective reaction to both, as judged by both autonomic (heart rate) and subjective (unpleasantness) measures. Thus, encoding of affective and mood responses seems relatively distributed within the anterior cingulate and, according to functional imaging studies, may implicate rostral but also middle and even posterior ACC portions. It is noteworthy that dramatic CBF increases have been repeatedly observed in the rostral ACC of psychiatric patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders [13, 136], phobic anxiety [137], post-traumatic stress [138], or mood disorders [53]. These data suggest that stress and anxiety, rather than unpleasantness, might be the subjective variables most closely associated to CBF increase in this portion of ACC. This could partly explain the paucity of activation sites of rostral ACC in pain studies since, due to extensive training and habituation of the subjects to the experimental paradigm, the stress and anxiety component is likely to be minimised in normal subjects. Conversely, this component is likely to persist in patients with clinical pain, in whom hemodynamic abnormalities (usually CBF decrease) have been repeatedly reported in this area (see below). ACC and cognitive-attentional response to pain The implication of the middle ACC region in cognitive responses to pain has received direct support from recent studies [38, 44, 122, 135]. Using a factorial design to separate the attentional and discriminative components of the pain response, Peyron et al. [122] found that ACC was not a part of the ‘intensity coding’ network, but was activated as part of an ‘attentional matrix’ also involving the posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices. This mid-cingulate activation, mainly in BA 32, proved to be dependent on sustained attention toward the stimulus, and independent of whether the stimulus was noxious or not (figure 3b, green ‘p’). This ACC activity was spatially concordant with that observed in other attentional or ‘cognitive’ studies requiring sustained attention in the absence of pain (Stroop test, word generation, etc.) and which are illustrated in figure 3b (green letters). A second mid-ACC activation was observed in Peyron et al.’s study, with a more caudal and lower position than the previous one (see figure 3b, red ‘p’). This second cingulate activity (in BA 24) was spatially distinct from the one associated to sustained attention, and was also independent of ‘intensity coding’ since it appeared while subjects were diverted from pain and produced lower thermal intensity scores. This activity was assumed to reflect phasic attentional shifts to the sudden irruption of painful stimuli, and subjects indeed reported to have had their attention phasically drawn by noxious heat, in what Brain responses to pain 271 Figure 3. Upper panel (3a): Localisation of maximal cingulate rCBF changes, as reported in published imaging studies on pain (PET and fMRI) during the 1991–1999 period. Reported peaks of maximal rCBF changes were plotted (when coordinates were available) onto a sagittal brain slice (x = 4 mm) formatted according to the Talairach and Tournoux atlas [152]. Pain-related increases of rCBF are represented by red letters; rCBF decreases by blue letters. Pain studies (red): a: see reference [1]; b: [8]; c: [24]; d: [42]; e: [43]; f: [44]; h: [75]; i: [81]; j: [41]; k: [27]; l: [28]; m: [99]; o: [116]; p: [122]; q: [34]; r: [133]; s: [150]; s: [151]; t: [153]; v: [162]; w: [10]; x: [156]. Lower panel (3b): Reported loci of maximal CBF increase in imaging studies which manipulated selective, sustained attention (green letters), or emotion (blue-grey letters). Emotional manipulations consisted of increasing (intense blue) or decreasing (blue/grey) unpleasantness, or inducing stress/anxiety (grey). The letters r, f, and p in both a red and green colour refer to reports where pain and attentional responses were investigated within the same study. Although there is overlapping between clusters, cingulate ‘activation’ during selective sustained attention tends to be anterior and rostral to that obtained in pain studies. ‘Attentional’ studies (green): a: [20], (Stroop); b: see reference [16] (Stroop); c: [30] (visuospatial & divided attention); d: [96] (divided attention); f: [44] (Stroop); g: [68] (Stroop); k: [90] (go/no go (posterior) & response selection [anterior]); m: [110] (cognitive anticipation); n: [111] (visuospatial attention & target detection); o: [112] (auditory & visual attention); p: [122] (sustained attention to one hand); q: [114] (Stroop); r: [135] (hypnosis); t: [155] (stimulus-response compatibility task); w: [163] (Stroop); x: [103] (target detection). ‘Emotional’ studies (intense blue) = increased unpleasantness f: see reference [61] (frightful animals); g: [68] (sad Stroop); l: [11] (anger facial expression); m: [108] (fearful facial expression); r: [134] (increased thermal unpleasantness); t: [156] (increased thermal unpleasantness); u: [14] (aversive trace conditioning); w: [163] (negative emotion with sad Stroop); (blue/grey) = decreased unpleasantness r: [134] (decreased thermal unpleasantness); (grey/blue) = stress, anxiety, and mood. b: [13] (obsession-compulsion); r1: [136] (obsession-compulsion symptoms); d: [53]; r2: [137] (phobic symptoms); r3: [138] (stress). 272 Peyron et al. they described as an orienting reaction. Since this latter activation of BA 24 was similar in location to those reported in other pain studies where attention was not controlled (figure 3b, red dots), it was suggested that at least part of mid-ACC activation in pain studies may reflect phasic orienting to the painful stimuli. Similar conclusions have been reached by Tölle et al. [156] (figure 3a, red ‘x’) who, using regression analysis, observed that mid-ACC CBF correlated positively with pain threshold intensities, and concluded that it could reflect attentional shifts toward stimuli which capture attention. Also supporting this view are some recent studies [103, 112] in which hemodynamic activation was observed in a very similar mid-ACC region (BA 24) in cases of detection of suddenly-appearing auditory or visual targets (figure 3b). These attentional experiments would share with pain studies the need to monitor the possible occurrence of sudden inputs. Therefore, in general terms we may conclude that two distinct midACC hemodynamic activations can be observed in pain studies, both of which reflect the cognitive dimension of pain experience. The commonest of them is located below the intra-cingulate sulcus (BA 24) and appears to reflect attentional shifts to the painful stimulus, while the other, above the sulcus (BA 32), would appear only in cases of sustained and voluntary directed attention to the stimulated area. ACC and motor response to pain Preparation and/or inhibition of motor reactions are also functional responses triggered by pain and ACC is known to participate in response selection [47, 157], motor learning [71, 88], and motor planning [47, 126]. Some of the less commented ‘activations’ in PET experiments, such as those within the cerebellum, basal ganglia, supplementary motor area, and motor cortex (see table I) might be indeed considered as part of this ‘motor’ response to pain, as could also be the case, to some extent, for the ACC. To date, no functional imaging study has specifically investigated this particular aspect. ACC and anticipation of pain Both the perigenual ACC and medial prefrontal cortex modify their activities during the seconds preceding the arrival of a noxious stimulus, as previously observed during anticipation of cognitive tasks [110]. Changes described up to now are manifested either as a decreased [128] or increased [78, 127] signal, but aversive conditioning is known to increase the BOLD signal in rostral ACC [14]. It is difficult at this point to judge whether such signal changes are specifically related to the internal representation of impending stimuli (anticipatory processes per se), anger [11], or rather reflect anxiety and stress, which have also been shown to modify orbito-frontal and perigenual ACC activity [13, 136138]. ACC as a multi-integrative structure Convergent evidence summarised in previous sections suggests that ACC supports multiple functions as a subject experiences pain. From previous paragraphs, it may sometimes appear that different processing axes (sustained attention, orienting, stress, unpleasantness) are indeed represented in different subsections of the ACC. However, on the one hand, studies on groups of subjects do not adequately reflect the high spatial variability of individual responses. On the other hand, when the whole significant areas (rather than the ‘maximal’ peak responses) are considered, substantial overlap exists between ACC activations. Individual variability was demonstrated by Vogt et al. [162], while close proximity and partial overlapping of ACC activations with different functional significance (i.e., unpleasantness sensation and hypnotic suggestion) was shown in studies by Rainville et al. [134, 135]. Even at a neural level, animal experiments have demonstrated that subpopulations of ACC neurons may respond in a similar way to different experimental contexts. For instance, a large proportion of ACC neurons labelled as ‘nociceptive’ has been found to respond also to pain anticipation, i.e., preceding actual stimulus delivery [93]. It is very likely that multi-functionality of ACC units and regions also exists in relation with human pain: single ACC regions may be involved in several functional networks, and their processing capacities with respect to a given function are probably modulated by other concomitant processes. Accordingly, ACC activation has been demonstrated to vary with the learning of non-motor tasks [133] as well as the learning of nociceptive stimulations, in such a way that ACC can be activated in naive subjects for an unlearned pain but is no longer activated with the practice of tasks, increased performance, and learned pain [78]. Functional interactions and internal modulations within the ACC deserve, therefore, to be specifically investigated in future studies on cortical pain imaging. Brain responses to pain Primary somatosensory (SI) cortex Previous reports on rCBF changes to pain in the primary somatosensory cortex have been notoriously inconclusive. Thus, while a number of studies have described significant pain-related rCBF increases in SI, a comparable number of reports using similar methods have failed to do so. From the 30 experiments (from 24 studies) on somatic pain summarised in table I, significant SI ‘activation’ was observed in 15 (63% of cases), and no significant change in the other nine (46%). Thus, the contribution of SI to pain processing, as revealed by PET/fMRI experiments, is much less consistent across studies than that of the second somatosensory (SII), insular and anterior cingulate regions. Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain such inconsistent results. Derbyshire et al. [43] found that moderate painful stimuli entailed contralateral SI activation, while stimuli just above the pain threshold failed to do so. However, the intensity of the painful stimulus does not appear by itself to play a major role in SI rCBF changes, since in a number of other studies on somatic pain, such intensity was enough to produce moderate to strong pain, yet no hemodynamic activation of SI was observed [85, 122, 150, 162, 165]. High intensity levels may, however, play an indirect role by increasing the level of attention toward the stimulus (see later). Since SI rCBF enhancement is more frequent for moving than for immobile stimuli (table II), the hypothesis was put forward that SI changes might depend on activation of separate groups of nociceptors by moving stimuli [83, 85, 122, 162]. However, clear contralateral SI activity has also been observed when using non-moving painful stimuli such as hot or cold water baths [24, 49, 134], mechanical stimulations [36], subcutaneous injections [2, 74, 75, 81], or immobile thermodes [8, 34, 151]. Furthermore, in the case of moving stimuli, SI activation was obtained by comparing painful to non-painful conditions, where the stimulus movement was identical. Thus, stimulus movement per se does not appear to be the discriminating criterion between studies activating SI or not. A much less explored feature that may prove relevant for SI hemodynamic activation is the stimulus’ spatial summation. In experiments using skin stimuli, this variable should be proportional to the total skin area stimulated [72, 132], which in turn is determined by 1) the intrinsic stimulus size; and 2) the repetitive application of the stimulus over different body sites. A 273 majority of published imaging studies can be classified as activating ‘large’ or ‘small’ body surfaces depending on these parameters; table II was constructed following these lines, as applied to 30 experiments from 24 studies that used noxious skin stimuli. ‘Large’ body area experiments involved a contact thermode successively applied to multiple skin sites (usually 6) [21, 23, 27, 29, 34, 35, 115, 152], as well as studies using water baths or other stimuli covering the whole hand [24, 34, 41, 134] or electrical shocks to a large nerve trunk [37]. Conversely, ‘small’ body surfaces were considered to be stimulated in studies using either laser stimuli or point electrical stimulators [43, 150, 165], as well as those that used contact thermodes applied to one single skin site [8, 42, 85, 122, 162]. As shown in table II, spatial summation appears as a relevant variable influencing SI rCBF, since a vast majority of studies involving large skin surfaces also activated the contralateral SI, while most experiments using small surfaces failed to do so (χ2 = 7.08, corrected P = 0.02; Fisher exact test, P = 0.01). The average estimated surface in studies showing SI CBF increase was about 16,300 mm2, relative to 6,400 mm2 in studies that did not describe SI activation. Published data suggest therefore that, when using painful stimuli applied on the skin, spatial summation is a crucial factor that increases the likelihood of hemodynamic SI activation in PET studies. The fact that a relatively important amount of SI surface needs to be excited to obtain significant increases of rCBF is consistent with both the very limited number of units specifically responding to pain in this region [91] and the rare evocation of pain during SI stimulation [117]. The amount of spatial summation cannot be easily estimated in studies using subcutaneous injections (capsaicin, histamine, ethanol [74, 75, 81, 99]) or visceral distension with a balloon [4, 5, 10, 145], so that these figures are obviously too limited to derive conclusions at this stage. Some studies also suggest a possible role of temporal summation as a determinant of SI CBF increase. For example, data from Svensson et al. [151] reveal that for an identical stimulating surface of about 2,000 mm2, a continuous stimulus yields more important SI activation than a phasic one. However, pooled data from table II suggests that, in general terms, continuous stimulation (labelled C+) was less discriminating than the stimulation area in determining CBF increase, and therefore spatial, more than temporal summation, critically influenced the probability of SI CBF increase. 274 Peyron et al. Table II. Relationships between surface of stimulation and SI activation* Surface SI activation Small Derbyshire et al., 1997 Laser (79 mm2) Becerra et al., 1999 Heat thermode (900 mm2) Large M- CM- C+ YES NO Jones at al., 1991 Heat thermode (1250 mm2) Derbyshire et al., 1994 Heat thermode (1250 mm2) Vogt et al., 1996 Heat thermode (375 mm2) Peyron et al., 1999a Heat thermode (900 mm2) Xu et al., 1997 Laser (50, 625 mm2) Svensson et al., 1997a Laser (79 mm2) Svensson et al., 1997a Electrical (10 mm) M- CM- CM- C- Talbot et al., 1991 Heat thermode (79, 2800 mm2) Casey et al., 1994 Heat thermode (254, 1524 mm2) Casey et al., 1996 Heat thermode (254, 1524 mm2) Casey et al., 1996 Cold water bath (56000 mm2) Coghill et al., 1994 Heat thermode (100, 2800 mm2) Coghill et al., 1999 Heat thermode (79, 3600 mm2) Craig et al., 1996 Heat thermode (28000 mm2) Rainville et al., 1997 Hot water bath (56000 mm2) Paulson et al., 1998 (males) Heat thermode (254, 1524 mm2) Davis et al., 1995 Electrical (median nerve, 28000 mm2) Svensson et al., 1997b Heat thermode (1256, 1600 mm2) Craig et al., 1996 (ss) Cold thermode (28000 mm2) Derbyshire and Jones, 1998 Hot water bath (56000 mm2) Paulson et al., 1998 (females) Heat thermode (254, 1524 mm2) Tölle et al., 1999 Heat thermode (2304 mm2) M+ C+ M+ C+ M+ C+ M- C+ M+ CM+ C+ M- C+ M- C+ M+ CM- C+ M- C+ M- CM- C+ M- C+ M+ CM - C+ M- CM- C+ M- CM+ CM- C+ * First number in brackets indicates the surface of stimulus (thermode, laser beam, bath, etc.). The second number indicates, for stimuli applied over multiple sites (M+), the total surface of stimulation (56000 mm2 is indicative of the surface for hand immersion in a water bath) (It has been fixed by authors as approximately double of those used for the thermal grill applied on the palm). M- indicates that stimuli were not displaced during PET or fMRI recordings; C+ indicates continuous stimuli while C- indicates intermittent stimuli; ss :sub-significant activation discussed by authors as relevant. Accordingly, spatial summation has been shown to modify the cognitive, affective, but also the sensorydiscriminative dimension of pain appraisal [72, 113, 150]. From a pragmatic point of view, increasing the total stimulated surface (and possibly also the total stimulation time) may be the simplest way of increasing the likelihood of SI activation in further imaging studies. In addition to the mechanisms described earlier, converging evidence suggests that rCBF increase in SI may Brain responses to pain partially depend on attention directed to the painful stimulus. Electrophysiological studies have shown that selective attention enhances neural activity from SI, both in animals [59, 82, 168] and in humans [46, 65, 106]. PET studies have also shown that attention directed to a tactile stimulus enhances both glucose consumption and the hemodynamic response in SI [69, 105]. Evidence that these mechanisms can be relevant for pain experiments has been recently provided by Bushnell and coworkers [18] in a study where the rCBF increase in contralateral SI was enhanced as attention was turned to a noxious stimulus. Based on stimulusresponse characteristics of SI neurons in monkeys, it has been concluded that two different populations within SI participate respectively to the sensory and attentional aspects of pain processing [26, 59]. All these results probably underlie the psychophysical observation that attention directed to a painful stimulus increases its detectability [107]. In general terms, it can be hypothesised that, in the painful ranges, moving stimuli are more likely to drive spatial attention than immobile ones, and heavily supraliminal stimuli more than stimuli barely at pain threshold. It is, however, noted that neither attention nor high intensity alone appear to be sufficient to ensure a PET-detectable rCBF increase in SI in the absence of adequate spatial summation (see [124]). In addition to increased rCBF in contralateral SI, several groups have described decreased blood flow [3], particularly in portions of the SI region that do not correspond to the stimulated body area. Decreased rCBF has been observed in SI ipsilateral to a noxious stimulus [122], or in both contralateral and ipsilateral SI regions corresponding to non-stimulated areas (for instance, the leg and face representation in case of a hand stimulus [52]). Since this phenomenon was observed even in the absence of actual stimulus, it has been attributed in part to cognitive variables such as anticipation of pain [53] or focalised attention to the site being stimulated. An rCBF decrease in sensory areas that do not receive relevant input may represent an ‘economical’ brain mechanism to facilitate stimulus detection by enhancing the contrast between regions concerned or not by stimuli [53]. 275 tion of these regions in both attentional and executive functions is well known, their activation being frequently described in experiments involving attention, working memory, and goal-directed processes [21, 31, 32, 57, 70, 92, 95, 100, 111, 115, 130, 166] (for a review, see [104]). In the context of pain experiments, both posterior parietal and DLPF activations are therefore likely to mediate part of the cognitive dimension of pain processing associated with localisation and encoding of the attended stimulus [122]. Although bilateral, these cortical activities often show asymmetrical distribution and predominate on the right hemisphere, regardless of the side of stimulation [41, 42, 85, 116, 122, 162], as has been previously observed in attentional experiments [31, 70, 115]. Thalamus and brainstem Thalamus has been often but inconstantly activated across PET or fMRI studies on pain (table I). Thalamic activation is frequently described as bilateral [23, 24, 44, 162], suggesting that it does not merely reflect a sensory response, which would be supposed to predominate contralaterally to the noxious stimuli. Furthermore, attentional processes and vigilance have also been shown to increase thalamic activity bilaterally [61, 111, 129-131] and thus, thalamic enhancement in pain studies may also reflect a general ‘arousal’ reaction to pain ([122], see figure 4). Thus, thalamic hemodynamic responses to painful stimuli can be considered as a part of both discriminative and attentional networks involved in pain processing. The thalamus contains a great number of inhibitory synaptic connections mainly involving the reticularis thalami, and these may contribute to bilateral thalamic and brainstem activations seen in pain studies. For instance, brainstem activity in response to pain is commonly reported as corresponding to the periaqueductal grey matter (PAG), but inspection of data usually shows that it greatly exceeds this localisation, includes reticular formation, and often appears as a caudal extension of thalamic activation. It may reflect synaptic activation of mesencephalic nociceptive relays related to arousing activity, to the set-up of descending pain controls, or both. Prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices Dorso-lateral prefrontal (DLPF) and (to a lesser extent) posterior parietal responses have been repeatedly reported as ‘pain-related’ activities (see table I). Participa- Other brain regions Among the several other areas that have shown hemodynamic changes to pain, the presence of brain regions 276 Peyron et al. Figure 4. Different components of the brain haemodynamic response to pain according to Peyron et al. [122]. Subjects received low- or high-intensity thermal stimuli while directing or not their attention to the stimulated hand. The ‘intensity coding’ component (top left) was obtained by subtraction of ‘low intensity’ from ‘high intensity’ conditions, regardless of attention. The ‘attention component’ (bottom) was obtained by subtraction of ‘no task’ from ‘attentional’ scans regardless of stimulus intensity. The ‘attentional component’ involved a large network including prefrontal, posterior parietal, and cingulate cortices and thalami. This component may be tentatively divided into ‘arousal’ and ‘selective attention’ systems. Decreased rCBF in the primary sensory cortex ipsilateral to the painful stimuli might participate to contrast enhancement or reflect anticipation of pain. For further details, see text and references. involved in motor functions is noteworthy, particularly the lenticular and caudate nuclei, the cerebellum (vermis and hemispheres) and the SMA. Even the primary motor cortex has been found to respond with the rCBF increase in some studies [5, 24, 151], and with the rCBF decrease in others [122]. Whether the primary motor area is activated independently of, or in conjunction with SI, and whether it reflects motor activation (withdrawal reaction) or a motor inhibition (movement refrain) cannot be ascertained at this time. BRAIN RESPONSES IN PATIENTS WITH PAIN Spontaneous pain in patients with neuropathic pain Spontaneous pain is difficult to investigate using functional imaging due to the need to compare in the same subjects a painful versus a pain-free condition. This binary situation is rare in clinical practice and the literature is therefore restricted to a few reports, in Brain responses to pain patients with either cancer pain alleviated by cordotomy [48], ongoing neuropathic pain alleviated by anaesthetic blocks [76], or central pain treated with motor cortex stimulation [67, 119]. One common finding in these studies was a relative decrease of thalamic rCBF during ongoing pain, which receded after analgesic treatment. In addition, a relative hypoperfusion of the thalamus contralateral to ongoing pain (compared to the ipsilateral side) has been verified in patients with either peripheral neuropathic pain [76, 80] or central pain after cortical lesions sparing the thalamus [119, 123]. These findings suggest that ongoing neuropathic pain (central or peripheral) is often linked to thalamic hypoperfusion, and that a variety of analgesic treatments are mediated through an increase in thalamic blood flow. Provoked pain in patients with neuropathic pain The term ‘allodynia’ refers to abnormal pain triggered by a non-noxious stimulus (i.e., light touch, contact of the skin, brushing, non-noxious cold). Allodynia reflects, therefore, a ‘misinterpretation’ of somatosensory information, which abnormally evokes a painful experience for intensities clearly below the normal pain threshold. In patients suffering from allodynia, this symptom can be reproduced during PET or fMRI sessions, and it is thus easier to explore than spontaneous pain (figure 5). The main limitation of ‘allodynia’ paradigms is that responses to allodynic stimuli cannot be compared with innocuous stimulation of the same territory, since any skin stimulation in the affected area rapidly induces unbearable pain. The allodynic stimulation is therefore compared either to a ‘resting’ (no stimulation) condition, or to an identical stimulation of a non-affected body area. A study in patients with allodynia after a lateral medullary infarct (Wallenberg’s syndrome) showed that allodynic stimulation (light rubbing of the affected area) induced both a pain sensation and brain activities which are usually associated with pain processing, notably in the thalamus, anterior insula, SII, and posterior parietal cortex, while such activities were not observed when the same stimulus was applied to the normal side [121] (figure 6). These data were interpreted as reflecting abnormal stimulus amplification in the thalamus and thalamo-parietal loops, leading to increased rCBF in the ‘lateral’ discriminative pain system (i.e., lateral thalamus and parietal cortex), and activating attentional (posterior parietal) networks. A similar pattern of amplification of the 277 thalamo-parieto-insular response was described in normal subjects suffering from experimental allodynia after injection of capsaicin [7, 81]. In contrast with this unequivocal thalamo-parietal behaviour, allodynic responses in the ACC and medial prefrontal regions seem to be more complex, and, as for nociceptive pain, should be separated into mid-ACC and rostral ACC activations. Mid-ACC have firstly shown variability in the experimental model of capsaicin-allodynia since a bilateral rCBF increase has been observed in a first study [82] but has not been confirmed in another one [7]. Secondly, increased activity of the mid-ACC has been reported in the two studies on clinical allodynia after peripheral nerve lesions [76], while such activation was not observed in patients with allodynia after a lateral medullary (Wallenberg’s) infarct [121]. Interestingly, and thirdly, in these latter patients, investigation of the basal hemodynamic status showed that this mid-ACC region specifically had a ‘paradoxical’ decrease of rCBF [120], in a localisation highly congruent with rCBF decreases reported in other non-neuropathic pain situations [see later, 45, 84, 141]. Since the mid portion of ACC receives numerous inputs from spino-thalamic tracts [51, 144] and since different amounts of deafferentation can be observed in neuropathic pain patients (for instance, patients with Wallenberg’s syndrome have a pure spino-thalamic syndrome while those with peripheral nerve lesion had a less selective involvement), deafferentation itself may participate in hemodynamic results, independently of pain. Finally, it is noteworthy that the most consistent ACC response to allodynia, regardless of the level of the lesion (i.e., peripheral or central), is a decrease of rCBF located in the rostral portion of ACC [76, 121]. In the absence of more numerous studies, it cannot yet be ascertained whether these disparities are purely methodological in origin or reflect genuine differences between experimental and clinical allodynia. If these data are confirmed by further studies, the ‘lessened’ reaction of the rostral ACC and medial prefrontal cortex to allodynic stimuli might be one characteristic of allodynia resulting from neuropathic lesions. Other clinical pain situations Apart from neuropathic pain, the mid-ACC portion has also been pointed out as a major cortical target of hemodynamic abnormalities in studies on clinical pain situations without lesion on the neuraxis. Angina 278 Peyron et al. Figure 5. Upper panel (5a): Loci of pain-related cingulate CBF increase in normal subjects (red spots) compared with those of patients with clinical pain. Capital green and blue letters refer respectively to increased and decreased blood flow during clinical pain situations: pharmacologically-induced cluster headache (H: [77]; M: [98]); nociceptive pain in atypical facial pain patients (D: [42]); dental pain patients (E: [45]); pain from rheumatoid arthritis (J: [84]); ongoing neuropathic (peripheral) pain (N: [76], S: [118]); angina pectoris (R: [141]); allodynia (P: [121]); and basal rCBF in patients with chronic central pain (W: [120]) after Wallenberg’s syndrome. Although most of the CBF changes in clinical pain are located in areas which also respond to normal nociception, a decrease of CBF has often been reported in patients. Such paradoxical responses might be relevant for the understanding of abnormal pain processing. Lower panel (5b): Pain-related ACC responses in normal controls (red spots) and foci of increased CBF during analgesic procedures (blue letters), using opioids (O: [58], O: [1]); anaesthetic blocks (A: [76]); spinal cord (S: [73] [decreased rCBF]); thalamus stimulation (T: [54]); or motor cortex (M: [67], M: [123]). pectoris [141], cluster headache [98], atypical facial pain [42], dental pain [45], and pain from rheumatoid arthritis [84] all demonstrated abnormal (i.e., increased or decreased; see figure 5, table III) activity in the mid and/or rostral portion of ACC. Hemodynamic abnormalities in a restricted area of the mid-ACC in patients compared to normal subjects [42, 45, 84] lead some authors to conclude that reduced ACC response to acute pain may be one adaptive cortical mechanism characteristic of patients with chronic pain. An alternative (or complementary) view comes from recent data showing an rCBF decrease in rostral ACC and medial prefrontal cortices during anticipation of a previously learned pain [78]. The question arises as to whether Brain responses to pain 279 Figure 6. The insular/SII responses to either nociception (top row) or allodynia (bottom row). Responses to nociception were obtained by PET from 12 volunteers submitted to a thermal stimulation on the right hand [122]. Responses to allodynia were obtained from patients with right-sided lesions and therefore a left allodynic pain. Note that insular/SII nociceptive responses to high intensity (painful) thermal stimuli in normal subjects (top) are very similar to allodynic responses in patients. Note also that allodynic responses in insula/SII are obtained with a low-intensity (normally non-painful) stimulus consisting of non-noxious cold rubbing on the left thigh (lower row): Left: Patient 1 had allodynia secondary to an isolated SII lesion (fMRI, unpublished data). Middle: Patient 2 had a combined SI, SII, and anterior cingulate lesion (PET and fMRI images, published as a single case, see [124]). Right: Nine patients with lateral medullary infarct (LMI) were studied as a group by PET (see [121]). anticipation of an intensely distressful and well-learned sensation, rather than the sensation itself, might also contribute to the blunted ACC response in allodynia. Analgesic procedures In that context, it may be of importance to note that analgesic procedures, including administration of opioids [1, 58] and neurostimulations for pain relief [54, 67, 73, 119], all increased rCBF in the ACC (figure 5b, table IV). Particularly, opioids and stimulation of both thalamus and motor cortex increased rCBF in the rostral ACC and basal orbitofrontal cortices, at very similar sites where it has been found to be decreased in allodynic or chronic pain patients (figure 5a, b). These convergent, although preliminary, data suggest, therefore, that regulation of activity at the orbitofrontal/ACC regions may play a role in stimulation-induced pain relief. Although the precise participation of these areas in patients’ relief remains unknown, their functional role in animals and humans suggests that they might either contribute to normalise stress, anticipatory and mood processes, the alteration of which is common to different kinds of chronic painful states, or activate descending inhibitory controls of pain. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND FUTURE LINES OF RESEARCH Functional imaging and subcomponents of the pain experience Imaging studies in recent years have allowed the visualisation of a number of brain regions which consistently respond to pain with changes in blood flow. These cortical targets appear to subserve different aspects of the multidimensional pain experience; thus, the sensory-discriminative aspects of pain perception appear to implicate the lateral thalamus, primary and second somatosensory regions and the insular cortex, 280 Table III. Patients with chronic pain. Disease / Authors Atypical facial pain Derbyshire et al. Neuropathic (central) pain Peyron et al. Stimuli T/P Move- Side Ant ment Insula SII ↑C mid ACC ThalaACC (ros- mus 24/32 tral) ↑Β (*↑) 1994 PET 6 Heat thermode P – R 1994 PET 12 Parmacological induction T – R/L 1995 PET 5 Patients vs normals, rest T – R/L 1995 PET 8 Ongoing pain vs relief T – R/L ↑Β 1996 PET 7 Pharmacological induction T – R/L ↑Β ↑R 1998a PET 9 Pharmacological induction T – R/L ↑Β ↑R 1997 PET 1997 PET 1999 PET 6 6 6 Ongoing pain vs rest Heat thermode Heat thermode T P P – – – R/L R R ↑Β (*–) (*↓) (*↓) 1998 PET 9 Wallenberg’s syndromes allodynia Electrical pain P T + – R/L R/L ↑C ↑Β ↑C – Mononeuropathy P + R/L ss ↑ I ↑Β Neuropathic (peripheral) pain Petrovic et al. 1999 PET 5 ↓Β SI DL- MPFC Parie- Amygdala SMA PFC 9, 10, tal 40 Hippocampus 6 10, 32 /7 44-47 ↑ ↑L ↓Ι (*↓) ↑Β ↓C ↑Β ↓L ↑Β ↑Β LN Mid- Cerebrain bellum ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓C – ↑R ↑C ↓Β ↓C – ↑Β ↑R ↓Β ↓L ↑R ↑R ↑Β ↑R ↑ (*–) (*↓) (*↑) (*↑) ↓Ι ↑C – ↑C – ↓C ↑Β ↑C ↑ Ι (*↓) (R) (*↓ Ι) ↑C ↑Ι ↓C ↓Ι ↑C ↓ Ι (R) ↑C (*↑) ↑Β ↑Β ↑C ↓Β ↑C ↑ ↑ Peyron et al. Angina pectoris Rosen et al. Neuropathic (peripheral) pain Iadarola et al. Neuropathic (peripheral) pain Hsieh et al. Cluster headache Hsieh et al. Cluster Headache May et al. Irritable bowel syndrome Silverman et al. Rheumatoid arthritis Dental pain Year Moda- N lity Table IV. Analgesic procedures studied with PET. Disease / Authors Modality N 1991 PET 5 1995 PET 1999 PET Stimuli T/P Move- Side Ant ment Insula T – R/L T+P – R/L 2 10 Cancer pain Cordotomy Central pain Stimulation Stimulation 1998 PET 5 Neuropathic pain T+P – 1991 PET 1 T – Firestone et al. 1997 PET 6 Adler et al. 1997 PET 9 Cancer pain Morphine analgesia Fentanyl in normals Heat pain Fentanyl analgesia 1995 PET 8 Regional lidocaine blocks Anaesthesic blocks Hsieh et al. SII mid ACC ThalaACC (ros- mus 24/32 tral) ↑Ι ↑Β ↑Β R/L ↑Ι ss ↑ I L ↑C T – L T – R/L ↓Β ↑Β ↑Β ↑I ↑Ι (*↑) ↑Β ↑Β ↓Β ↑Β ↓C ↑C ↓C ↑C ↑C SI DL- MPFC Parie- Amygdala SMA PFC 9, 10, tal 40 Hippocampus 6 10, 32 /7 44-47 ↓C LN ↑Β ↑Β Mid- Cereebrain bellum ↑Β ↑C ss ↑ I ↑C ↑I ↓Β ↑I ↑Ι (*↑) ↑C ↓Β ↑Β ↑Β ↓Β ↑Β Brain responses to pain Anterior cordotomy Di Piero et al. Motor cortex stimulation Peyron et al. Garcia-Larrea et al. Thalamic stimulation Duncan et al. Opioids analgesia Jones et al. Year ↑C ↑C (*↑) ↓Β T: Tonic; P: Phasic pain; Stimulus displaced (+) or not (–) during experiment; R/L side of stimulation; ss: sub-significant but discussed as relevant by authors; ↑ or ↓ of rCBF or BOLD signal contralateral (C) or ipsilateral (I) to stimulus; B indicates bilateral or poorly lateralized activations; * indicates abnormal (excessive) responses. 281 282 Peyron et al. while the additional activation of posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices appears to subserve the cognitiveattentional processing of noxious information. Different subsections of the anterior cingulate cortex are likely to underlie cognitive (orienting, response selection) and affective (aversive) reactions to pain; although some discrimination among ACC subsections may be done on the basis of meta-analyses (figure 3), it is still premature to ascribe precise ACC subdivisions to welldefined cognitive operations or especially affective reactions. Regions implicated in pain inhibition (periaqueductal grey) and in motor control (basal ganglia, SMA, cerebellum) also show inconstant rCBF increase during painful stimulation, probably reflecting the setup of descending inhibitory controls, as well as of motor and pre-motor mechanisms linked to the avoidance reactions to pain [160]. As in every schematic classification, the above assertions deserve some nuance: for instance, there is little doubt that both SI and SII cortices also participate in the attentional processing of somatic stimuli, and that thalamic activation (especially when bilateral) also reflects pain-induced generalised arousal. The affective dimensions of the pain experience remain poorly investigated, probably because ‘laboratory pain’ is not a good model for inducing intense affective reactions in trained subjects [153]. It appears, however, that the hemodynamic correlates of ‘pain unpleasantness’ in normal subjects and patients with chronic pain greatly differ: while in normal controls increased unpleasantness correlates with enhanced rCBF in the mid-cingular or posterior portions of the anterior cingulate cortex [134, 156], a rCBF decrease in more rostral areas of ACC (BAs 32 and 10) has been reported in patients undergoing clinical, intensely unpleasant pain [141]. Further studies aimed at modulating specifically the emotional reactions to pain, both in healthy subjects and patients, should in the near future ameliorate our insights into these variables. The subtraction and normalisation procedures in brain imaging studies Subtraction of ‘control’ images from those obtained during test conditions reveals changes which are associated uniquely with the test condition. The subtraction procedure has evident advantages, in that it eliminates common sources of variance between conditions, such as general anxiety or stress. Without elimination of such data results would be much more difficult to interpret. However, this methodology also entails limitations in data interpretation, and its use to study the neural substrates of cognitive activities has been recently challenged [166]. Subtraction images do not provide information about the complete network involved in stimulus processing; therefore, finding regions where the processing of innocuous and painful stimuli is different does not imply that such regions are sufficient to sustain the experience of pain. In turn, the fact that a given area is not differentially activated by innocuous and painful stimuli cannot discard its possible participation to pain processing. The activity of such a region may have a different functional content depending on whether or not it is associated with that of other areas activated by noxious stimuli. Therefore, the pain experience should not depend on the activity of regions exclusively driven by noxious input, but rather on the interaction between these regions and other areas giving similar response to noxious and innocuous stimuli, which are eliminated by subtraction. Normalisation of different conditions for global activity is also a common procedure that enhances focal changes in rCBF and eliminates the need of arterial sampling. However, this method also ignores global CBF modifications that may prove relevant to our understanding of pain processing by the brain. For instance, it has been recently demonstrated that painful stimulation may actually decrease global CBF by more than 20%, relative to resting levels [28], which represents a previously unidentified response to pain. Experimental designs using several activation levels, comparison between rCBF and electrophysiological changes including those from intracranial electrodes, and utilisation of event-related fMRI techniques are among the procedures that might overcome these difficulties in the near future. Functional significance of PET and fMRI signals An everlasting problem associated to both PET and fMRI results is the interpretation of blood flow changes in terms of ‘activation’ of underlying cerebral structures. Substantial evidence supports that increased rCBF reflects increased synaptic activity [147, 149], which may reflect either activating or inhibitory energy-consuming processes. The rate of blood flow increase is determined by firing rates in the synaptic terminals, and this whether an excitatory or an inhibitory neurotransmitter is released. To quote Sokoloff [148]: “To distinguish between the two, one must look Brain responses to pain one synapse downstream; if an inhibitory transmitter is released... one will observe reduced glucose utilisation in the next synapse. If an excitatory neurotransmitter is released, then glucose utilisation will increase at the next synapse.” It is obviously impossible with current PET or fMRI technology to ascertain rCBF changes “in the next synapse” of a given region. Network analysis, which seeks for statistical correlation of dynamic flow changes between interconnected regions, is one promising strategy that might partially surmount this limitation [19, 89, 164] and may help significantly to interpret the functional significance of the observed changes. Neurochemical basis of pain-related imaging A further field which deserves intensive investigation is the neurochemical basis of pain-related hemodynamic changes. Variations of rCBF associated with opioid analgesia have been explored in a few studies with rather congruent results (table IV, figure 5b). The opioid agonist fentanyl increases rCBF in the rostral part of anterior cingulate and orbito-frontal cortices in normal subjects [1, 58]. This region is involved in pain integration (see earlier) and contains a high density of opioid receptors [86], the density of which is known to change during pain states. For instance, in chronic rheumatoid arthritis, the binding on opioid receptors is decreased during inflammatory phases and pain relapses, and increased during remissions [87]. On the other hand, rCBF was found to increase in very similar locations during non-pharmacological analgesic procedures such as motor cortex and thalamic stimulation [54, 67, 94, 119]. Thus, increased synaptic activity in the rostral ACC/orbito-frontal boundary may be an important common effect of both drug and neurostimulation analgesia, reflecting presumably increased activity in pain control areas. Although this also suggests that part of the analgesia-related rCBF changes might depend on opioid receptors, no direct proof of this is currently available. It is likely that in vivo neuroreceptor mapping studies in coming years will be of importance for the understanding of these issues and therefore for the treatment of chronic pain. CONCLUSION This review has shown a good deal of convergent data and promising results that should, in the next years, improve our understanding of pain processing in the 283 brain. 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