Focus on Programme Monday 9th November 12:00 14:00 Luncheon club Silver Service (Over 55’s) Club Tuesday 10th November 10:00 Parent & Toddler Group Wednesday 11th November 10:45 11:00 14:00 20:15 14:30 18:00 19:00 19:05 20:15 10:00 19:30 10:45 Armistice Service - Morrisons Prayer meeting led by Jack Baxter Home League Songster rehearsal Ladies Fellowship Singing Company rehearsal Bible Study Young People’s Band rehearsal Senior Band rehearsal Parent & Toddler Group Christmas Choir rehearsal Hadleigh Temple Timbrel Brigade at the Lord Mayors Show Thursday 12th November Friday 13th November Saturday 14th November Sunday 15th November 09:20 Prayer meeting led by Major Ralph Stewart 10:00 Morning Worship led by Major David Woodman 18:00 Evening Worship led by Major David Woodman CONTACT Corps email: Corps Sergeant Major: Wayne Johnson email: Tel: 01268 793972/Mobile: 07801 107365 Registered Charity No. 214779 Hadleigh adleigh Temple Corps FOCUS OCUS our weekly newsletter. th Sunday 8 November 2015 10am am & 6pm Remembrance Sunday Our Worship Meetings led by Major David Woodman “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM” Major David Woodman Commanding Officer 146-148 London Road, Hadleigh, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 2PF Telephone: 01702 558913 General: André Cox. Territorial Commander for the United Kingdom with ith the th Republic of Ireland: Commissioner Clive Adams Focus on People Thank you for the flowers: The flowers today have been given by Don & Mildred Watson. Thank you both for your kind gift of flowers. Our flowers next week will be given by Avril Bird. Anyone for coffee?: Coffee and tea following today’s meetings will be provided this morning by Kath Jacob & Jenny Levey and this evening by Louise Cowie & Norma Paul. Next Sunday morning our coffee and tea will be provided by Vera Oakes & Betty Sadler and in the evening by Julia & Maurice Winbolt. Farewell: Today we say farewell to Colonels Hubert & Jane Boardman as they leave us and move home to Blackheath, South East London, which is more central to their family. We thank both the Colonels for their contribution to our fellowship over the last few years and pray God’s blessing on them both as they settle into their new surroundings. Ladies Fellowship - Important Information: Please note that our Ladies Fellowship have changed the time and frequency of their meetings. They will now be held, fortnightly, on a Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm. The next meeting will be this coming Thursday, 12th November and they have as their guest John Spain who will present “Another interesting holiday with slides”. Thank You: To our Corps fellowship your generous giving to our Harvest Altar Service. The amount raised this year was £5,210.17. The Big Collection: The total amount raised by Hadleigh Temple for this year’s Annual Appeal was £8,153.45. We thank everyone who contributed to this amount. Hadleigh Christmas Choir: There is still time to join our 'Christmas Choir' for the “Christmas at the Temple” event on Saturday 19th December and Sunday 20th December. All are welcome to join in, male and female and any age - the more the merrier! Please come and attend our next rehearsal on Friday 13th November at 7.30 pm in Georges Hall. Christmas Ukulele Orchestra: There will be another rehearsal for our Ukulele Orchestra today at 4.45pm in George’s Hall. You don’t need to have to have any previous experience and all are welcome to participate. Christmas Day Lunch: The Christmas Day lunch for members of our community who would normally be alone will go ahead in 2015. We are looking for volunteers to help with transport, the meeting and greeting of our guests, those prepared to serve guest at their lunch tables and people to provide post-lunch entertainment. There is a planning meeting today at 4.30pm in the lounge to which all who interested in helping are invited. If you are unable to attend today’s meeting, but still wish to offer your help, then please speak to Major David Woodman or Corps Sergeant Major Wayne Johnson. MAY GOD BLESS THE MINISTRY OF HADLEIGH TEMPLE CORPS Focus on Prayer Our Corps Prayer Subject for this week: For the work of the Home Action Resource Project (HARP) in Southend as the numbers of homeless clients increase. For the management and staff of the project, that God will bless their ministry. Those linked to our fellowship who especially need our personal intercessory prayers this week: Emma Smith Marjorie Kimberley John Skeet Audrey Harrison Doris Wyatt Ted Cockerton Peter Howard Peggy Rackham Jan Wood Geraldine Saunders Rae Chapman Sheila Edwards Betty & Arthur Oliver Yvonne Thorn Ruby Edwards Marjory Hickman Major Alice Graham Jecelda Allen Lt. Col. Ann Hurcum Major Audrey Whitehead Don Watson Jack Johnson Betty Cannon Robin Bryant Helene Giles Marilyn Raybould Greet Gadsden Kath Hart Major Berta Draper Christine & Eddie Horton Kathy Boreham Joyce Russell Major Alan Bennett Major Brian Stubbington Major Joan Stubbington “Sacred Cows” I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a scholar of the English language. However, one thing I do notice is the increasing use of metaphors in our day to day lives. They are present in everyday language and we use them almost constantly. For example, sayings like “a wolf in sheep's clothing”, “have your cake and eat it”, “a rose between two thorns”, are all phrases we use as part of our daily lives. So why do we use metaphors? In my research I have discovered that the principle reason is that they are used to substitute expressions that are not easy to explain with literal language. One metaphor I’ve been thinking about is one which we do not hear all that often, that is the “Sacred Cow”. This term is an allusion to the Hindu reverence for cows and can be defined as something too highly regarded to be open to criticism or curtailment. Although a “sacred cow” may be seen as a positive attribute, I do wonder whether we as individuals and a church community are sometimes unable to risk any of our secure traditions (our sacred cows) to the detriment of taking new opportunities. There is a danger that if we cling to those “sacred cows” we fail to see the consequences that could negatively impact us in the future. We often hold onto things that are actually not moving us forward because of deep-seated senses of obligation or loyalty. Jesus said these words found in Luke 9 verse 62 “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” In other words Jesus was saying following Him would require sacrifice, which will include the sacrifice of certain “sacred cows”. (WJ)