Standing Waves on a String R.L.Griffith,M.R.Levi,D.Cartano ABSTRACT A test concerning the principles of standing waves on a string was performed. A Pasco Mechanical Vibrator was used to produce the appropriate wave motion with a known frequency. Two different types of strings with different linear mass densities were used for this experiment. Using different tensions and frequencies, we were able to record the distances between each node and apply the principle equations of standing wave motion. using the equations derived in the introduction section we were able to verify that the theory is capable of making very precise approximations. The average error derived was less than 5 percent and comparing it to the standard deviation we are able to conclude that the experiment was a success. Subject headings: Waves,sound,standing waves 1. Introduction by v = λn f n The result of the interference between two waves can be modeled using the principles of wave motion. Standing waves are produced whenever two waves of identical frequency interfere with one another while traveling opposite directions along the same medium. Standing wave patterns are characterized by certain fixed points along the medium which undergo no displacement. These points of no displacement are called nodes (nodes can be remembered as points of no displacement), The nodes are always located at the same location along the medium, giving the entire pattern an appearance of standing still (thus the name ”standing waves”). The highest points of displacement occur at the anti-nodes and those are also located at the same location along the medium. The modes of vibration are numbered according to the number of segments the standing wave has. This number is given the letter n, and is called the ’harmonic number’. The wavelength of the standing wave is given by the formula 2L λn = (1) n where L represents the length of the strings between the fixed ends. The velocity of a wave on a string is given by s T v= (2) µ (3) where fn is the frequency of the wave. If the string is attached to a mass pulley than the tension is defined as T = Mg (4) where M is the mass of the weight and g is the gravitational force. using equations 1,2,3, and 4 we get s fn = n 2L Mg µ (5) we will use equation 5 for our data analysis. 2. 2.1. Method Equipment Used Equipment Pasco power amp II Pasco interface II Pasco Mechanical vibrator Support rod Two types of string Mass set and mass hanger Meter Sticks 2.2. Model CI-6552A CI-6560 SF-9324 n/a n/a n/a n/a Procedure The first step is to set up the equipment as outlined in LACC physics 103 manual, standing wave experiment. There were 6 different runs performed with each string. Taking measurements of the lengths of each segment off the loop where T is the tension in the string and µ is the linear mass density of the string. The wavelength, the velocity, and frequency are related 1 number of segments # 3 2 1 4 5 for each run, we are able to use equation 5 to see if theory matches experiment. The last test was performed with both the tension and the length kept constant. The frequency was changed and the number of segments was recorded. 3. 4. Results and Discussion Plots An analysis for the relationship between the mass of the weight and the wavelength can be modeled using a logarithmic scale. We will be plotting log λn versus log m if the we rearrange equation five we get There are six calculations performed for each string, using equation 5 we are able to calculate the experimental values for fn and compare them to the theoretical values, which are acquired from the setting of the mechanical vibrator that was used. The third trial, we were able to compare the number of nodes per frequency to see if they adhered to the principles of harmonic motion for waves on a string. The results we acquired were accurate to a high degree. s f n λn = Mg µ (6) taking the log of both sides we get log λn = 3.1. fn Hz 60 40 20 77 95 1 √ √ log M + log g − log fn µ 2 (7) where the 1/2 in front of the M is the slope of the theoretical graph. Finding the slope for our experimental data and comparing it to the theoretical slope, we are able to calculate a percentage error. The error analysis was performed by comparing the standard deviation to the average error using the experimental and theoretical values. the average error was calculated using Data and Calculations Mass of string 1 2.56 g. Length of string 1 492 cm Mass of string 2 .92 g. Length of string 2 481.6 cm Part 2 Data Mass of weight 500 g Length of string 202 cm Measured quantities µ = 5.21 × 10−4 kg/m Trial m L n fn g cm Hz 1 350 350 5 60 2 400 300 4 60 3 450 316 4 60 4 500 250 3 60 5 550 265 3 60 6 600 280 3 60 µ = 1.92 × 10−4 kg/m 1 350 225 2 60 2 400 241 2 60 3 450 257 2 60 4 500 270 2 60 5 550 140 1 60 6 600 147 1 60 Data for part two of this experiment, where the tension and length were kept constant |ftrue − fmean | × 100 = % ftrue (8) the standard deviation is defined as s R2 − R12 /R0 (9) R0 − 1 P P 2 where R0 = n, R1 = xi , and R2 = xi , where n is the number of calculations and xi is the calculation. Errorave = .0368 σx = .07156 and since Errorave ≪ σx we can conclude that the experiment was a success. String Experimental Theory Error White .518 .5 3.6 % Black .493 .5 1.4 % Black 18.96 16.59 14.3 % σx ≡ 2 5. Conclusion This lab was conducted to get a better understanding on how waves behave on a string. The results that we acquired were very accurate and confirmed that the principles that were derived in the introduction section are very accurate at making prediction on the behavior of standing waves on a string. We did acquire some errors in our experiment. Possible sources of error include, the precision of our measuring equipment and taking the measurements. We could have also possibly introduced some error by the precision of the Mechanical vibrator’s output frequency. Our calculations were very accurate to the theoretical values. Fig. 1.— graph for trial one, white string. 6. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Roni and David for their help with this experiment. REFERENCES Los Angeles City College Lab Manual Physics 103. Fig. 2.— graph for trial two, black string. Fig. 3.— graph for part 2 data. This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2. 3