NATIONAL GOOD GOVERNANCE DIALOGUE Asian Corporate Governance Deddy Setiady Koesmana +62811893797 December 14, 2015 0 Agenda • Corporate Governance Vs Firm Performance: Theoretical Perspectives • Asian Corporate Governance Rankings • Indonesian Banking CG Practices • Corporate Governance Trends Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 1 Agency Theory Abdullah and Valentine, 2009 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 2 Stakeholder Theory Donaldson and Preston, 1995 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 3 Stewardship Theory Aydemir, 2012 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 4 Agenda • Corporate Governance Vs Firm Performance: Theoretical Perspectives • Asian Corporate Governance Rankings • Indonesian Banking CG Practices • Corporate Governance Trends Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 5 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 6 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 7 Source: Asian Corporate Governance Association Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 8 Source: Asian Corporate Governance Association Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 9 Source: Asian Corporate Governance Association Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 10 Agenda • Corporate Governance Vs Firm Performance: Theoretical Perspectives • Asian Corporate Governance Rankings • Indonesian Banking CG Practices • Corporate Governance Trends Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 11 An Overview.. . Banking Soundness Assessment in Indonesia Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process Minimum Capital Requirement Policy Assessment on Conventional Bank Soundness CAR Risk Profile GCG Risk Profile Rank 1: 8% Inherent Risk SE BI 15/15/DPNP (GCG) Risk Profile Rank 2: 9% -<10% Risik Profile Rank 3: 10% -<11% Risik Profile Rank 4-5: 11-14% Rating Element Understand the 11 Rating Element Assess every element on: • Governance Structure • Governance Process • Governance Outcome Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Capital Quality of Risk Management Implementation Understanding the New GCG Policy Self Assessment Aspect Earnings Self Assessment Rating Assign a suitable self assessment rating What’s New? • Assessment for each element will be organized into 3 aspects (Structure, Process, and Outcome) • Assessment will considering significance and materiality • Quality of Risk management implementation will be impact by GCG implementation • Self assessment will be conducted semiannual based on assessment for “Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Umum”, 12 An Overview.. . Banking Soundness Assessment in Indonesia Kualitas Manajemen Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Penilaian Profil Risiko Tugas Dekom & Direksi Risiko Kredit Tugas Komite Risiko Pasar Fungsi Kepatuhan, audit intern, dan eksternal Risiko Operasional Manajemen Risiko Risiko Likuiditas Penyediaan Dana Besar dan Pihak Terkait Risiko Hukum Rencana Strategis Bank Risiko Kepatuhan Transparansi Risiko Strategik Earning Peringkat Komposit TKB RBBR Permodalan Risiko Reputasi Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 13 BI CG Principles & Aspects T A R I F 1.Governance structure 2.Governance process 3.Governance outcome Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Minimum Factors of BI GCG Assessment GS GP GO 1. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris 2. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi 3. Kelengkapan dan pelaksanaan tugas Komite 4. Penanganan benturan kepentingan 5. Penerapan fungsi kepatuhan 6. Penerapan fungsi audit intern 7. Penerapan fungsi audit ekstern; 8. Penerapan manajemen risiko termasuk sistem pengendalian intern 9. Penyediaan dana kepada pihak terkait (related party) dan penyediaan dana besar (large exposures) 10. Transparansi kondisi keuangan dan non keuangan Bank, laporan pelaksanaan GCG dan pelaporan internal 11. Rencana strategis Bank Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Composite Rating Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 16 Know Your Risk Management and Good Corporate Governance Implementation Bank Indonesia GCG Framework Implementation of BoC roles and responsibility Implementation of BoD roles and responsibility Implementation of risk management and internal control Bank’s business plan Implementation and completeness Committee roles and responsibility Conflict of interest handling Implementation of compliance function Implementation of internal audit function Implementation of external audit function Funding to related parties Financial and non financial disclosure Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 17 What is the effect of the implementation of Bank Indonesia Regulation No.13/1/PBI/2011 (RBBR) on the firm value of banking companies (PBV)? Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 18 Agenda • Corporate Governance Vs Firm Performance: Theoretical Perspectives • Asian Corporate Governance Rankings • Indonesian Banking CG Practices • Corporate Governance Trends Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 19 Key governance issues for 2015 • Through the eyes of the board − Strategy − Reputation • A director’s perspective − Subsidiary governance − Board composition − Regulation − Technology − Organizational talent − Activism − Corporate reporting − Sustainability Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 20 No One-Size-Fits All ID UK US Good Corporate Governance implementation for commercial bank stipulated by Bank Indonesia regulation on 2013 The UK Corporate Governance published by Financial Reporting Council (FRC) 2014 Corporate Governance is determined predominantly by legislation in the form of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of ("SOX") 2002 published by US Congress King Report on Corporate Governance (2010) – published by King Committee Main principle are BoC - BoD role and responsibility, sufficiency of internal control committee, compliance, internal auditor, external auditor and risk management function, funding to related parties, bank strategic plan, and financial statement transparency Main Principles are: Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability, Remuneration and Relations with Shareholders Main Principles are: establishment of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), Corporate Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, Corporate Fraud Main Principles are : Leadership, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship “Comply or Else” “Comply or Explain” “Comply or Else” “Apply or Explain” Enforced by Legislation Enforced by Legislation Enforced by Legislation Not Enforced by Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 SA Legislation 21 King III What is King Report on Corporate Governance? The King Report on Corporate Governance (collectively is called King III) is a ground-breaking code of corporate governance in South Africa issued by the King Committee on Corporate Governance. The King Report on Corporate Governance has been cited as the most effective summary of the best international practices in corporate governance. Three reports were issued in 1994 (King I), 2002 (King II), and 2009 (King III). King III report was released on 1 September 2009 and is effective from 1 March 2010. In contrast to King I and King II, King III applies to all entities regardless of the manner and form of incorporation or establishment. Principles are drafted on the basis that, if they are adhered to, any entity would have practiced good governance. Boards of directors are confronted with many difficult decisions on a regular basis. The right choice is not always obvious. The King Report on Governance for South Africa 2009 (King III) provides a list of best practice principles to assist and guide directors to make the right choice for their company. King III provides guidance to all corporate entities on various governance in related aspects, as follows: 1. Ethical leadership and corporate citizenship 2. Boards and directors 3. Audit committees 4. The governance of risk 5. The governance of information technology (IT) 6. Compliance with laws, rules, codes and standards 7. Internal audit 8. Governing stakeholder relationships 9. Integrated reporting and disclosure. Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 22 King III Overview Taking stock Although the King III Report builds on the pertinent issues as raised in King I and King II, the promulgation of the Companies Act, as well as the focus on sustainability, necessitated the inclusion of or renewed emphasis on a number of issues. These include: • Integration of strategy, sustainability and governance • A number of matters concerning the board and directors, such as the composition of the board, duties for the chairperson and the CEO, the board appointment process, director development, remuneration, and performance assessment of directors • Clearly defined role and functions of the audit committee What’s New in King III • While not a new concept, emphasis on the risk based approach to internal audit and the strategic positioning of the internal audit function within the company • Inter-relation between risk management and the company’s strategic and business processes • The concept of combined assurance • Alternative dispute resolution and stakeholder relationships • IT governance and IT risk management • Compliance with laws and regulations • Integrated reporting and disclosure Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 23 King III GCG Principles Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Governance Elements Recommended Practices 24 Aligning Role Players Integrated Report Audit by 3rd Party Organization Strategy Strategic Objectives Risk circumventing achievement of Strategic objectives Written Assessment by Internal Audit Combined Assurance Internal Control Internal Controls Risks Combined Assurance Written Assessment by Internal Audit Integrated Report Audit by 3rd Party Strategic Objectives Organization Strategy Risk Appetite Strategic Compliance 25 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Combined Assurance Model Management Assurance Control Identification & Management of Risk Assurance Providers Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Financial Control Assurance Combine Assuranc e Control Assurance Risk Assurance & Monitoring Legal Monitoring & Assurance Control Assurance Risk Assurance & Monitoring Complianc e Assurance & Monitoring 26 Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 27 Maturity Model Assurance Maturity Model Optimized Unaware Fragmented Integrated Comprehensive Maturity level Policy Assurance policies are not defined or in place Assurance policies are defined and in place but may not be documented Assurance policies are defined, in place, and documented Assurance policies are communicated to personnel and training occurs as necessary Continuous monitoring and updating for necessary changes and emerging leading practices Methodology And Process Methodology and processes are not defined or in place Uniform methodology and processes are defined and in place but may not be documented Uniform methodology and processes are defined, in place, and documented Methodology and processes are communicated to personnel and training occurs as necessary Continuous monitoring and updating for necessary changes and emerging leading practices People Resource skills and credentials do not match process requirements; training programs not defined Some specialized technical skills and credentials; training and development defined but may not be documented Appropriate skills and credentials in place; training requirements documented and executed All resources have appropriate skills and credentials; targeted training and development in place Subject matter experts are identified and used; training and development monitored; robust succession planning in place Systems and Information High reliance on manual systems and spreadsheets; critical information not readily available Fairly effective systems are in place; low reliance on data and information generated from systems Stable systems in place; information generated is reliable and relied upon Data integrity is high; automated reports are reliable; key data is monitored continuously Extensive use of data mining and analytics; continuous assurance and monitoring processes in place driving value Communicatio n and Reporting Communication and reporting done on an ad hoc basis; no validation of results or focus on quality Communication and reporting processes are defined and in place but may not be documented Communication and reporting processes are defined, in place, and documented; effective use of reporting templates Communication and reporting highly effective; quality and timeliness metrics defined and monitored Communication and reporting highly effective; high level of quality demonstrated in timely reports Deddy Setiady Koesmana,, +62811893797 Thank You Deddy Setiady Koesmana +62811893797 29