Choosing classes for Westfield State University (WSU): WSU requires every student to complete a “Common Core of Studies” along with major requirements in order to earn a degree. You may use the following guide to choose courses at Asnuntuck Community College (ACC) which would fulfill the Common Core at WSU. Please consult the WSU bulletin to see if there are specific courses that are required for your intended major which would also fulfill the Common Core : Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: QUESTIONS? Jill Rushbrook, Transfer Counselor Room 111 (Admissions Office) • 860.253.3068 • For helpful transfer resources, please visit: *Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: HUMANITIES SECTION (18 credits, 6 from each) English Composition (6 credits) - CMP ACC Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 WSU Courses Composition Literature & Composition 3 3 ENGL 0101 ENGL 0102 English Composition I English Composition II 3 3 Introduction to Shakespeare Great Philosophical Issues Introduction to Ethics 3 3 3 3 Art Survey: Prehist. to Middle Ages Art Survey: Renaissance to Present Drawing I Design Fundamentals Sculpture I 3 3 3 3 3 Painting I Printmaking I 3 3 Intro to Computer Graphics 3 History & Dev. Of Motion Pictures Acting I 3 3 Literary & Philosophical Analysis (6 credits) – LPA ACC Courses ENG 213 ENG 233 PHL 101 PHL 111 PHL 151 WSU Courses Poetry Shakespeare Introduction to Philosophy Ethics World Religions 3 3 3 3 3 N/A ENGL 0228 PHIL 0104 PHIL 0102 PHIL 0107/0108 Appreciation of the Arts (6 credits) – AAPP ACC Courses ART 100 ART 101 ART 102 ART 111 ART 123 ART 131 ART 141 ART 151 ART 167 ART 215 DAN 121 DGA 111 MUS 101 THR 101 THR 107 THR 210 Art Appreciation 3 Art History I 3 Art History II 3 Drawing I 3 Design I 3 Sculpture I 3 Photography I 3 Painting I 3 Printmaking I 3 Illustration 3 Dance I 3 Intro to Computer Graphics 3 Music History & Appreciation 3 Intro to Theater 3 History of Film 3 Acting II 3 WSU Courses N/A ART 0106 ART 0107 ART 0103 ART 0104 ART 0205 N/A ART 0102 ART 0201 ART 0329 N/A ART 0108 MUSC 0101 THEA 0104 ENGL 0393 THEA 0252 *Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: SOCIAL SCIENCE SECTION (12 credits required; at least 3 credits must be from the U.S. History & Government area): U.S. History and Government (at least 3 credits) – HSGV ACC Courses HIS 201 HIS 202 POL 111 POL 112 WSU Courses U.S. History I U.S. History II American Government State & Local Government 3 3 3 3 HIST 0131 HIST 0132 POLS 0101 POLS 0103 U.S. History and Gov’t to 1865 U.S. History and Gov’t, 1865 – Present American National Government State & Local Government 3 3 3 3 Cultural Anthropology 3 Introduction to Mass Communication Introduction to Criminal Justice Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics World Regional Geography Western Experience I Western Experience II Introduction to Psychology Principles of Sociology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Social Understanding (maximum 9 credits) – SOCU ACC Courses ANT 101 ANT 111 COM 101 CJS 101 ECN 101 ECN 102 GEO 101 HIS 101 HIS 102 PSY 111 SOC 101 WSU Courses Introducation to Anthropology Anthropology of Women Introduction to Mass Comm. Introduction to Criminal Just. Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Introduction to Geography Western Civilization I Western Civilization II General Psychology I Principles of Sociology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SOCI 0200 N/A COMM 0101 CRJU 0101 ECON 0101 ECON 0102 GARP 0101 HIST 0101 HIST 0102 PSYC 0101 SOCI 0101 *Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: MATHEMATICS/APPLIED ANALYTICAL REASONING SECTION (6 credits required; at least 3 credits must be from the Traditional Mathematics area): Traditional Mathematics (at least 3 credits) – TMTH ACC Courses MAT 123 MAT 146 MAT 152 MAT 167 MAT 186 MAT 254 MAT 256 MAT 268 MAT 285 WSU Courses Elementary Statistics Math for Liberal Arts Finite Mathematics Principles of Statistics Pre-calculus Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III: Multivariable Differential Equations 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 MATH 0108 MATH 0111 MATH 0111 MATH 0108 MATH 0104 MATH 0105 MATH 0106 MATH 0201 MATH 0304 Elementary Statistics Mathematical Applications Mathematical Applications Elementary Statistics Pre-calculus Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Differential Equations 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Applied Analytical Reasoning – ARSN ACC Courses CSC 106 WSU Courses Structured Programming 3 N/A *Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: SCIENCE SECTION (7 credits; 4 must be a Lab. Science): Laboratory Science (at least 4 credits – LSCI ACC Courses BIO 115 BIO 121 BIO 122 BIO 211 BIO 212 CHE 111 CHE 121 CHE 122 PHY 110 WSU Courses Human Biology General Biology I General Biology II Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology II Concepts of Chemistry General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Introductory Physics Allied Science – ASCI AST 101 Principles of Astronomy BIO 111 Nutrition BIO 260 Principles of Genetics OCE 101 Introduction to Oceanography 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BIOL 0104 BIOL 0129 BIOL 0128 BIOL 0237 BIOL 0239 CHEM 0101 CHEM 0109 CHEM 0111 PHSC 0101 Human Biology Intro to Molecular, Cellular, & Dev. Bio Intro to Organismal, Ecological, & Evol. Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Introduction to Chemistry General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Introduction to Physics 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 ASTR 0101 N/A N/A N/A Astronomy 3 Cultural Anthropology 3 DIVERSITY SECTION (6 credits, 3 credits from each area): Global Diversity – GDIV ANT 101 Introducation to Anthropology 3 ANT 111 Anthropology of Women 3 SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II 3 SOCI 0200 N/A LSPA 0102 United States Diversity – UDIV HIS 224 The American Indian SGN 102 Sign Language I SOC 190 Self & Others N/A N/A N/A 3 3 3 Spanish II *Always confirm the transferability of courses by checking the online equivalency for ACC: