- I4Ultimate.com

I-4 Ultimate List of Four (4) Proposer Teams who were short-listed (6-5-2013)
**Alphabetical order
Equity Member
VINCI Concessions S.A.S.
Equity Member
Meridiam Infrastructure I-4 Ultimate, LLC
Equity Member
Walsh Investors, LLC
Lead Contractor
Archer Western-Hubbard-de Moya Joint Venture (Archer Western
Contractors, LLC; Hubbard Construction Company; and The de
Moya Group, Inc.)
Lead Engineering Firm
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Lead Operations and Maintenance Firm
4wardPartners (a team comprised of VINCI Concessions S.A.S.;
Meridiam Infrastructure I-4 Ultimate, LLC; & Walsh Investors, LLC)
Highway Safety Devices;
Arazoza Brothers;
Valley Crest;
CDS Manufacturing;
Concrete Services;
JVD Construction;
Bob’s Barricades;
Media Relations Group;
Hills Fencing;
Shelby Erectors;
DT Read;
Cruz Trucking;
Metric Engineering;
Seminole Precast; and
Rogers Environmental.
O&M Subcontractors
Highway Safety Devices;
Metric Engineering;
Valley Crest;
Arazoza Brothers;
Media Relations Group;
Archer Western;
Hubbard Construction Company;
The de Moya Group, Inc; and
Hills Fencing.
Stantec (C3TS);
Metric Engineering;
GAI Engineering;
Terracon (Nodarse);
Gannett Fleming;
The Heimburg Group;
Florida Bridge and Transportation;
WBQ Design and Engineering; and
Brindley Pieters & Associates.
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updated 9/09/2013
I-4 Ultimate List of Four (4) Proposer Teams who were short-listed (6-5-2013)
**Alphabetical order
I-4 Development Partners LLC
Equity Member
Macquarie Capital Group Limited
Equity Member
OHL Concesiones S.A.
Equity Member
FCC Construccion S.A.
Lead Contractor
A team comprised of Obrascon Huarte Lain, S.A.; Community
Asphalt Corp.; and FCC Construccion S.A.
Lead Engineering Firm
Parsons Brinckerhoff (approved 8/20/2013) HNTB Corporation
Lead Operations and Maintenance Firm
A team comprised of Macquarie Capital Group Limited; OHL
Concesiones S.A.; and FCC Construccion S.A.
Anderson Columbia Inc.;
The Middlesex Corporation;
Condotte America Inc.;
Leware Construction Company;
Zep Construction, Inc.; and
TME Enterprise Inc.
Dix-Lathrop and Associates, Inc.;
Curtis + Rogers Design Studio;
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.;
Lassiter Transportation, Inc.;
Aspireon Consulting Group;
3E Consultant Group;
IDA Consulting Engineers, Inc.;
Ardaman & Associates;
Geotechnical & Environmental Consultants, Inc.;
Antillian Engineering Associates, Inc.;
Bolton Perez & Associates;
Nadic Engineering Services, Inc.;
McKim & Creed, Inc.;
Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc.;
Geodata Consultants, Inc.;
Brindley Pieters & Associates. Inc.; and
TranSystems (approved 9/9/2013) ;
Wantman Group, Inc. (approved 9/9/2013)
URS Corporation(approved 9/9/2013) .
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updated 9/09/2013
I-4 Ultimate List of Four (4) Proposer Teams who were short-listed (6-5-2013)
**Alphabetical order
I-4 Mobility Partners
Equity Member
Skanska Infrastructure Development Inc.
Equity Member
John Laing Investments Limited
Lead Contractor
Skanska-Granite-Lane Joint Venture (Skanska USA Civil
Southeast Inc.; Granite Construction Company; and The Lane
Construction Corporation)
Lead Engineering Firm
HDR/Jacobs Design Joint Venture (HDR Engineering, Inc. and
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.)
Lead Operations and Maintenance Firm
Infrastructure Corporation of America
Traffic Control Devices; and
Scheda Ecological Associates, Inc.
Horizon Engineering;
Tierra, Inc.; and
Cardno TBE.
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updated 9/09/2013
I-4 Ultimate List of Four (4) Proposer Teams who were short-listed (6-5-2013)
**Alphabetical order
Ultimate Mobility Partners
Equity Member
InfraRed Capital Partners Limited
Equity Member
Fluor Enterprises, Inc.
Equity Member
Kiewit Infrastructure South Co.
Lead Contractor
Ultimate Mobility Constructors (a team comprised of Fluor
Enterprises Inc. and Kiewit Infrastructure South Co.)
Lead Engineering Firm
Parsons/Atkins (a joint venture of Parsons Transportation Group
Inc. and Atkins North America, Inc.)
Lead Operations and Maintenance Firm
Ultimate Mobility Operators (a team comprised of Fluor
Enterprises, Inc.; and DBi Services, LLC)
PCL Constructors, Inc.;
Prince Contracting, LLC;
Raba Kistner Infrastructure, Inc.; and
Cone & Graham, Inc.
Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc.; and
This and other information pertaining to the project
may be found on the www.moving-4-ward.com website.
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updated 9/09/2013