Filmguide - Indonesian Film Week

Lab 111
Arie Biemondstraat 111
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Ticket Prices:
Normal €5,00
Discount €3,50
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Di r ector : A ng g a Sas o ng ko, Leng th: 117 M ins
F es ti val Open i n g F i l m an d E urop e a n Pre mie re
Screening: Wednesday, 25 November, 20:00 | Friday,
27 November, 18:30
The movie is a tale about soul-searching and making peace with
the past through coffee.
Ben and Jody are two friends and owners of ‘Filosofi Kopi’, a
sophisticated coffee shop known for only serving the best coffee
i n t h e c o u n t r y. W h e n a b u s i n e s s m a n c h a l l e n g e s t h e m t o m a k e
“the perfect cup”, Ben and Jody embark on an adventure that forces them to visit their troubled
pasts and reexamine their relationships with their parents. It is a film that not only tells a captivating
s t o r y, b u t o n e t h a t w i l l m a k e u s l o o k a t c o f f e e w i t h a w h o l e n e w, p a s s i o n a t e p e r s p e c t i v e .
Director: Hanung Bramantyo, Duration: 153 Mins
European Premiere
Screening: Thursday, 26 November, 18:30 | Saturday,
28 November, 17:00
It’s the 1920’s, Surabaya, a young boy named Soekarno is living at
the house of HOS Cokroaminoto. Under the wings of Cokroaminoto,
Soekarno begins to learn the art of capturing people’s heart. It’s the
people that becomes the inspiration for Soekarno to stand up and
fight against the oppression of the ruling nation. His wish is to see
Indonesians unite and Independent.
His battle against the Dutch and Japanese conquerors makes his
life a living hell. He has to go through different prison systems, being
out-casted and has to live in horrible conditions. During his years in
Bengkulu, he meets Fatmawati, his love for Fatmawati adds another burden on his shoulders, as he also has
to deal with the politics and the fight for independence.
Soekarno finally earns independence for the Indonesian people through his intellect and hard-work, as the
Japanese are thrown into their own turmoil at the end of World War 2 with the bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. All these chain of events leads up to the defining moment and mark the date in which Soekarno
declares the Independence of Indonesia and its people, on the 17 th of August, 1945.
Director: Anggy Umbara, Duration: 105 Mins,
International Premiere
Screening: Friday, 27 November, 21:00 | Saturday,
28 November, 21:40
Indonesia’s No.1 box office hit in 2014. COMIC 8 is a fresh comedy action film that tells the story of eight
youngsters from all walks of life, each with their own specific back story, who happen to rob the same bank
at the same time. The film cast of 8 Stand Up Comedians, each of whom bring a unique character to the story,
and each character has their own reason and motivation to rob the bank.
One person robs the bank because their feeling sad, because it’s a hobby, because they have nothing else to
do, because they’re an adrenaline junkie, or because they want to support the poor and an orphanage.
Such uncanny situations, heavy hard-hitting actions and intense shoot-outs using firearms such as guns,
bazooka, grenades and dynamites, including unpredictable twists in the story will present a great entertainment
and a series of humorous moments for the audience.
Director: Eddie Cahyono, Duration: 88 Mins
Winner Best Screenplay (Shanghai IFF, New Talents Awards 2015)
and Best Performance Award: Sekar Sari (Singapore IFF 2014)
Screening: Saturday, 28 November, 20:00 | Sunday,
29 November, 17:00
Siti (convincingly portrayed by the as-yet-unknown actress Sekar
Sari) is a young mother, married to a fisherman who has been
paralysed in a boating accident. The boat was paid for with
borrowed money and now the young family, including mother-in-law, is without work and income.
The untiring
Siti makes the best of it. During the day she sells snacks (jingking crackers) on the beach and at night she
sells herself in an illegal karaoke bar. During her work in the karaoke bar, Siti gets to know a policeman. This
makes her life even more complicated.
Absence of the Sun)
Di r ector : Lucky Kus wandi, Leng th: 94 M ins
F esti v a l C l osi ng F i l m a nd D utch P remiere
Screening : Thursday, 26 November, 21:30 | Sunday,
29 November, 19:00
A tender, melancholic night is experienced through the eyes of
three women as they struggle to find themselves in this everchanging jungle of Jakarta. This film is a tribute not just to Jakarta
but to any big cities where culture clashes and identities are meshed. It is for urban souls who have
experienced loneliness, melancholia and uncertainty. Hopefully we can survive the city without losing
much of our soul. And hopefully the city can keep on thriving, keep on living with poise, maturity, and
The eight robbers are divided into three teams, each with its own experience and special abilities. The story then
develops from a strange coincidence, to being surrounded by a police force headed by a beautiful Captain, to
the robbers having to work together in order to find the answer to the puzzling incidents.
For more information about the whole program,
special guests and events, visit:
Co-Organized by:
w w w. c i n e m a s i a . n l