This is an enhanced PDF from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery The PDF of the article you requested follows this cover page. Edge displacement and deformation of glenoid components in response to eccentric loading. The effect of preparation of the glenoid bone D Collins, A Tencer, J Sidles and F Matsen J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1992;74:501-507. This information is current as of November 10, 2007 Reprints and Permissions Click here to order reprints or request permission to use material from this article, or locate the article citation on and click on the [Reprints and Permissions] link. Publisher Information The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 20 Pickering Street, Needham, MA 02492-3157 1992 by T!te Jourttal Copyright Edge EFFEcr THE D. COLLINS. M.D.t. A. TENCER. In vestigation The ABSTRACT: aration of glenoid effect bone OF PREPARATION PH.D4. performed of different at the PH.D4. University methods on displacement OF J. SIDLES. of the osseous displacement cartilage surface was and deformation with a curet. displacement and deficiency associated and of prep- and Reaming with simple resulted deformation. less removal of in the Substantial least posterior glenoid was not of displacement deformation. Glenohumeral arthroplasty head This that is commonly head glenoid developed noid. articulated procedure and function in problems related humeral with used for the residual glenoid increased comfort many patients. However, Neer to the undisciplined articulation component In most the has substantially on surface. As a result, various prostheses systems a flattened, degenerated he, and subsequently for resurfacing for glenohumeral noted of the others, of the gle- arthroplasty, joint capsule and through the compressive scapulohumeral muscles”. The glenohumeral j oint-reaction force and it changes from an inferior abduction, to a superior direction to an inferior variable, and for or more personal directly direction off-center of glenoid *One the been tional of the authors funding dress requests VOL. 74-A. received or will is associated. article. III. School M.D4. fund. were study of Medicine, received reprints 4. APRIL to Dr. I9)2 Seattle. Matsen. in total in this University educaone 98195. or or partial article. The of Arkansas of Washington Washington related which for School Please WASHINGTON Seattle for loosening of high stresses These stresses of the component. at the create Although Neer et al. found no clinical evidence series’2, other reports have described fortunately, analysis of these reports ofloosening in their loosening’4’4. Unis impaired by their inconsistent of radiographic definitions of evidence and clinical loosening of a glenoid component, a problem was addressed in detail by Franklin et al. Cofield found radiographic cency at the evidence of loosening Neer prostheses, being associated glenoid that of with fifty-two of with some radiolu- bone-cement interface. In a more detailed study, Wilde et al. divided component into three zones and the stem measured of the glenoid the radiolu- cency occurred near in each zone. Radiolucency of the average stem in 89 per width of the Wilde lucency et al. also reported a high immediately postoperatively, technical problems cent of the lucent zone with technical the Using strict criteria, rate of loosening prevalence which cementing. problems with the into of radiosuggested Bade et al. susas well. Barrett et al. reported a 10 per cent of the glenoid component within a the stability failure tests cemented base cementing follow-up period of two to 7.5 years. Although a variety ofdesigns ofglenoid are available, there have been few studies influence performed the components, and the was 1 .4 millimeters. components of factors that of the component. Clarke et al. on glenoid components that had scapulae of cadavera and found that the torque to failure was three to four times greater than that predicted to occur in the shoulders of living patients. Fukuda et al. found that glenoid components had subin a direction We suggest that, in contrast to a pull-out mechanism of failure, an important mode of loosening of the glenoid component is rocking of the component in response to glenohumeral loads that are not centered on the compo- benefits foundation. with presented Surgery. party SEATTLE. stantial resistance to failure by pull-out perpendicular to the face of the glenoid. fixabenefits In addition, organization Funds receive Components BONE* MATSEN. a potential been large, small for a commercial of this to a research 1959 N.E. Pacific, NO. is available Little Rock, Arkansas 72205. of Orthopaedics, University for is substantial, that from non-profit of Orthopaedic Science, Department of Medicine. use research or clinical was DePuy. tDepartment Medical has subject or will be directed of the source support authors to the or other of the direction at 0 degrees of at 60 degrees, and back stock or professional institution. more the effect at 150 degrees’3. These loads, coupled with the bone of or indirectly have GLENOID F. pected humeral head is not captured by the glenoid component, but rather it is stabilized on the concave glenoid by the amount THE AND eight of seventy-three the other prostheses treatment of pain and loss of function resulting from destruction of the surfaces of the glenohumeral joint. P#{233}an is credited with developing the first total shoulder prosthesis9. More recently, Neer’ developed a prosthetic bone. Incorporattd tion, contribute to the development glenoid component-bone interface. deforma- associated than of the bone of the reamed with significant increases humeral Surgery. of Washington tion ofa glenoid component under eccentric loading was investigated in a series of scapulae of cadavera. Handburring a,tdJoint Displacement and Deformation of Glenoid in Response to Eccentric Loading BY . ofBotte ad- nent. Such unbalanced, when loads such capsular There preparation glenoid methacrylate may occur when as when the rotator tightness While neutralizes forces is torn are or is unbalanced7. is little published of the glenoid component. muscle cuff information bone on it is possible the effect the on the effect of stability of the that polymethyl- of imperfect prepa501 502 D. COLLINS. A. TENCER. J. SIDLES, FI;. Photograph glenoid ofthe hone ration layer (D). of the of this fragmentation. preparation specimen apparatus. cup glenoid material (E). and showing linear bone, it is also possible is subject to fatigue without We tested the surface the perpendicular variable-differential Theoretically, this risk can of the bone so that it directly component of experimental an interposed the hypothesis of the glenoid layer that a thin failure and be avoided supports by the component. component the reduces disand deforma- The specific hypotheses the component. to be tested component component (2) increasing ous surface to the creases displacement were (1) eccen- results in displaceand deformation of conformance of the osse- undersurface of the prosthesis deand deformity, and (3) posterior insufficiency of the glenoid bone (such as is often seen in patients who have degenerative disease of the glenohumeral joint) contributes to local deformation of the component under eccentric These hypotheses experimental transverse mounted nor loading. were tested with the use of an apparatus in which combined axial and loads were applied to a glenoid component in the scapula of a cadavera while the dis- placements edges combination,these of the of the anterior, posterior, component measurements III plunger (A). at the ment and of the load plunger glenoid deformation Preparation and lateral edges were superior, measured. reflected and infe- Taken of the the displace- component (C). (F). component under load. of the Specimen the E.vperimental Apparatus scapulae ders of distorted were human glenoid removed cadavera. and was specimens had These specimens no from One of not used. five pairs unconstrained evidence of glenohumeral were selected because the deformation, of shoul- the scapulae The remaining had a nine arthritis. surface of covered by the prosthetic The glenoid and scapularwere potted in a specimen- support cup with fast-setting potting plaster Buff: Columbus Dental, St. Louis, Missouri). we used a specially (Labstone To permit designed non-clinical all-polyethylene glenoid component with a radius of curvature of thirty millimeters and only one four-millimeter-diameter central fixation peg. The component had a rounded-rectangle shape, as do components that are used most commonly in the clinical setting, and it was three millimeters thick. The component was mounted on the glenoid bone after each sequential step ofthe preparation of the osseous surface. The central peg fit snugly into a hole drilled into the center of the face of the glenoid: this cement or other fixation. in (B). glenoid component each one could be completely component, without overhang. neck portions of each scapula Methods tric loading of the glenoid ment of the edges of the load Ten of cement. F. MATSEN. I transducers that optimum preparation bone, so that it fits undersurface of the glenoid placement of the edges of the tion or warp of the component. AND ing and The The prevented grouting peg provided sliding substance minimum of the component. No was used for glenoid restriction to rock- no resistance to deformation of the component. load was applied to the glenoid through a harTHE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY EDGE DISPLACEMENT AND DEFORMATION OF GLENOID 503 COMPONENTS in any of eight orientations: posterior, posterior-inferior, anterior, and placements nor edges with the anterior-superior. of four (model New posterior-superior, inferior-anterior, At each of the anterior, of the glenoid use ducers sauken, superior, inferior, posterior, component linear position, inferior, were the dis- and supedetermined variable-differential trans- 050-DCD: Shaevitz Engineering, Jersey), as shown in Figures 1 and Penn2. The core of each linear variable-differential transducer was suspended from the edge of the glenoid component at the location of measurement. Each core floated freely within the barrel of the corresponding transducer, which was attached bone rigidly. the glenoid to the fixture that Displacements were measured, analog digital lation, Marlborough, converter Schematic diagram showing the magnitudes loads applied to the glenoid component through of the linear variable-differential transducers tached to the glenoid component. dened radius, steel ball-bearing, centered on the with glenoid and directions of the the loading ball. One (LVDT) is shown at- (model preparations removal with glenoid DT-2801; Data within of Trans- a personal corresponding to a reso- hole was drilled in the center of the The stability of the glenoid component for each glenoid after five different of the first bone. stage of the of the articular only subchondral glenoid bone was a twenty-five-millimeter component (Fig. 1 ). This the to the face of a twelve-bit Sequence The fixation glenoid surface. was determined The held Massachusetts) computer, to within 0.001 volt, lution of 0.000125 millimeter. Experimental also perpendicular with the use its attached preparation of the cartilage with bone remained. performed. The linear glenoid a curet, was so that No shaping of the glenoid component. variable-differential transducer slight degree of mismatch between the radii of the ball and the glenoid was selected to avoid the inadvertent loading of the rim of the glenoid component that results cores,was mounted on the glenoid bone. With the loading ball resting on the glenoid component, a set of zero-load readings was recorded from each of the linear variable- from minimum humeral and differential verse loads displacements glenoid radii. in perfectly conforming A force of 196 newtons (30 were per cent of average body weight) was applied to the loading ball in a direction perpendicular to the glenoid surface. The load was maintained at a constant 196 newtons with the use of a servohydraulic materials-tester (Bionix, model nesota) set glenoid connected face cylinder tester. 828; on MTS Systems, Minneapolis, A transverse load-control. was applied to a load-cell load the component to the ball by a second plunger, and a pneumatic cylinder. The was mounted By adjustment on one side-post of the pressure of the materialsof the cylinder, seous surface approximate a transverse load of forty-nine newtons could be maintamed. These two applied loads may also have had frictional shear components ball. If friction is ignored, the glenoid was 202 at the surface the approximate newtons at perpendicular to the glenoid surface tude of this load was close to that vivo at both 30 and iSO degrees unweighted arm”. By rotation of the respect ponent VOL. to the transverse could be loaded 74.A. NO. 4. APRIL glenoid-holding load with 1992 of the net 14 degrees loading load on from the (Fig. 2). This magnipredicted to occur in of abduction of the apparatus plunger, the the transverse with glenoid comcomponent recorded from each Then perpendicular while the net of the linear and transdisplacements variable-differen- tial transducers. This procedure was repeated with the transverse component of the load oriented in each of the eight different directions. For the second stage of the preparation, the glenoid Mmto transducers. were applied and loading ball were removed, of the glenoid was carefully the shape of the back of the and the contoured glenoid os- to com- ponent by an experienced shoulder surgeon using a hand-held power-burr. The glenoid component and the cores of the linear variable-differential transducers were reinstalled and the measurements were made as they had been for the first preparation. In the third stage, the subchondral bone of the noid was reamed, with the use of a custom-designed gle- thirty-millimeter-radius reamer, so that it corresponded to the radius of the back of the glenoid component. The measurements were repeated. For the fourth stage of the preparation, the posterior 25 per cent of the previously reamed glenoid bone was measured and was removed The testing was repeated. along a straight The fifth stage vertical consisted line. of 504 D. COLLINS. A. TENCER. J. SIDLES. TABLE DIsPl.AcIs.i1NI OF EDGE TIlE OF TIlE GLENOID AND F MATSEN. III I COMPONENT (IN MILLIMETERS) IN RESPONSE TO LOADING* Comparison Method of Glenoid Cartilage Removed Directiont Superior 0.16 Preparation HandBurred ± 0.14 0.22 Reamed ± 0.23 0.16 Cartilage Removedl Hand-Burred ± 0.13 Hand-Burred! Reamed = -1)51 t 0.31 ±0.27 0.15±0.15 0.13±0.06 0.62 Posterior 0.39 ± 0.30 *Values tThe INS removal after are given direction 0.49 ± 0.17 0.21 0.15 ± 0.10 as average of the ± 0.19 NS I =0.36 t NS p t NS = 4.30 p < 0.001 t=2.24 t=0.26 I = 2.23 p NS p t and standard transverse load ± 0.19 1.28 = 1.29 t= 0.14 ± 0.08 = 0.04 t NS NS Anterior Removed! Reamed t =0.67 NS Inferior Testedt Cartilage < t 0.05 = 2.01 < 0.05 = 4.44 p<0.001 < 0.05 deviation. and the edge of the glenoid component at which the displacement was measured. not significant. = of the posterior 33 per which the testing This sequence of cent was done experiments of the glenoid bone, again. was performed on each of the nine glenoids. Although it would have been desirable to quantitate the quality ofeach preparation of bone, we did not have access to a method with which to do this. of the Displacement Edges of the resulting ent preparations of the glenoid on the each edge of the component in response rected toward that edge (for example, the superior I). Because Results Displacement edge toward the bone (a positive value), and in most instances hand-burring and reaming progressively diminished the displacement of the component. A comparison was done of the effects of three differ- Component from loading (toward in eight direc- from edge in response we considered the the glenoid) and glenoid) to be displacement to loading displacement to superior both positive negative loading) (Table displacement displacement undesirable, of diof we (away calculated the tions was measured at each of the four edges of the nine glenoid components after each of the five stages of preparation. Displacement was recorded in millimeters, with positive values indicating downward displacement (to- means and standard deviations on the basis of the absolute values ofthe displacements.The paired Student t test was used to calculate significance of the differences resulting from different glenoid preparations. The greatest ward displacements nor loading, were followed nor loading In general, and the the mean the glenoid surface). The displacement ofthe component was calculated anterior edge for each of the ofthe nine after each of three different stages of preparation glenoid bone (Fig. 3). It was found that anterior almost always produced displacement of the glenoid shoulders of the loading anterior hand-burring tilage and seen at the anterior by the posterior inferior edge displacements edge with anteedge with poste- with inferior loading. were diminished by in comparison with simple removal of carby reaming in comparison with hand-burring. Cartilage Displacement (mm) 0.40 of the anterior types of preparation away from the glenoid of the hone. edge glenoid Note Hand Burred 0 FIG. Displacement of the glenoid bone. that the Positive displacement component values indicate of the 3 in response to anteriorly displacement component Removed toward was 0 when directed the the loads glenoid first THE in nine glenoids bone glenoid JOURNAL and was tested OF after negative BONE three values, in the AND reamed JOINT different displacement state. SURGERY EDGE DISPLACEMENT AND DEFORMATION TABLE DIsPI.AIMIsr FOR RE,\smI OF liii GI.INoIos AND Method PosrtRIoR R)k Etxw REAMED OFFIIE Gl.INoIDs MADE Reamed ± 0.08 GLENOID TwENTY-FIVE (IN AND MILLIMETERS) ThIRTY-THREE Deficient Deficient Deficient 0.17 0.16 t = ± 0.18 C’Errr DEFICIENT 25 Per The when mean the (Fig. displacement tangential calculated for each 4). The sponse rendered was of the three cent and of the four toward different after then -I .14 reamed glenoid did not edge reamed did not significantly cent significantly increase in response to anterior We were interested nent the from table.) reflected the the glenoid Warp after the cartilage bone. The greatest (mm) NS the displacement had been displacements at the under Ifthe anterior and and inferior-anterior in whether the the loads glenoid were applied under anterior to the at We defined warp placement posterior in this the for in this a given and posterior vector sum (This relative difference a given of the in these loading of the anterior edge) (displacement displacement removed edges loading. glenoid compo- did not deform vector sum of the would be equal that posterior disthe of can be verified to the top of a The extent to which these sums were not equal the deformity induced in the component by the Thus, the reamed collected from each of the four edges of with eight different directions of loading. as an example, the effect of eight direcon the displacement at the four edges of component Deficient superior and inferior displacements. with a piece of cardboard moved load. from deformed load, the placements deficient increase occurred investigation. had the posterior edge in response to posteriorly directed loads (Table II). We calculated the means and standard deviations on the basis of the absolute values obtained from the nine glenoids.The paired Student t test was used for the statistical comparisons. Data were the component Figure 5 shows, tions of loading Reamed 33 Per Cent NS preparation in re- glenoid 33 per displacement at the posterior edge. A substantial loss of posterior bone glenoid AsPIr* t=0.25 edges at its posterior aspect was calculated also (Fig. 4). Again, the greatest displacements were seen with anterior, postenor, and inferior loading. Preparation of the glenoid diminished the displacements, and posterior deficiency of the Cent! Deficient it was preparations posterior the L()AI)S PosmRI0R deviation. oriented of the loading 25 per standard at each vector displacement to posterior been and AT TIlE 33 Per Cent NS *Values are given as average tNS = not significant. TO PosTERIoR IN RESI)NSE PER Reamed 25 Per Cent 33 Per Cent ± 0.12 505 COMPONENTS II COMPONENT of CilenoidPreparation 25 Per Cent 0.14 GLENOID OF edge inferior sums condition as warp. equals displacement of the superior + (disof the edge + edge). Our data suggested that the displacements of the anterior and posterior edges of the glenoid component were not always reciprocal and that these displacements were not always accompanied by corresponding similar displacements of the superior and inferior We calculated shoulder for the warp ofthe glenoid each loading condition preparation. We substantially under found that certain the edges component and each component 5). in each glenoid deformed circumstances. 0.30 (Fig. Since U Cartilage 0 Hand burred any Rem. #{149}Reemed Superiorinferior AnteriorPosterior Posterior25% Direction of FIG. 74-A, NO. 4. APRIL 1992 Posterior33% Def. loading 4 Displacement of each of the four edges of the glenoid component in response three different preparations of glenoid bone and for the reamed glenoid bone posterior aspect. The results are the means of the absolute values for the nine from those recorded after only the cartilage had been removed are designated VOL. Del. to loads directed toward after it had been rendered glenoids. The values that with an asterisk. that edge. The results are shown for 25 and 33 per cent deficient at the are significantly different (p < 0.05) 506 D. COLLINS. A. TENCER. J. SIDLES. TABLE WARP OF lIIE GI.lNoIo COMPONENT FOR Direction Superior - .Cartilage Removed 0.41 Inferior Posterior 0.44 ± 0.50 *Values tNS MethodofGlenoidPreparatiori HandBurred 0.44 0.27 ± 0.58 are given IN RlsIoNsE I’() Fot III Mu.t.Is1IIERs) DIFFERENT III GI.lNoID DIREIIoNs IR OF L0ADIN; PREPARATIONS* ComparisonTestedt 0.5 1 ± 0.70 0.45 THREE F. MATSEN. Cartilage ± 0.49 Anterior (IN AND as average 0.56 Reamed 0.30 ± 0.40 0.36 ± 0.62 standard ± 0.38 ± 0.42 Removed! Reamed t = 1.51 t NS NS p t = 1.53 t = 2.11 I NS p 0.05 p I = 1.40 t NS NS NS I = 2.58 t = 0.69 p NS t = 2.31 p < 0.05 -0.2() = I = 0.18 ± 0.24 Cartilage Hand-Burred! Reamed t 0. 1 7 ± 0. 1 1 ± 0.58 0.24 ± 0.28 and Removed! HandBurred < -0.67 0.05 < = < 2.26 0.01 3.73 = < = 0.005 0.70 deviation. = not significant. FIG. I Interior 0 Superior D Anterior . Posterior 5 The displacements at each of the four edges of the glenoid components superior (PS). posterior (P). posterior-inferior (P1). inferior (I). iliferior-anterior the means of the values for the nine glenoids that had been prepared with in response to loading (IA), anterior (A). removal of the cartilage in eight directions: and anterior-superior only. Displacement (mm) superior (AS). (S), The R Cartilage 0 Hand burred posteriorresults are Rem. Reamed Superior Inferior Direction Anterior Posterior to Posterior- 25% Def. 33% Def. of loading and displacement FI;. The warp of the glenoid components in response the means of the absolute values of warp. The values been removed are designated with an asterisk. Posterior- different directions that are significantly 6 of loading different after (p < different 0.05) THE from preparations those JOURNAL recorded OF of the after BONE hone. only AND The the JOINT values cartilage SURGERY are had EDGE warp the is undesirable. warp DISPLACEMENT we considered in our statistical the absolute analysis. in four different of preparation different states ciency of the (Fig. in the conformance of the component deficiency significantly under 6 and posteriorly directed III). An surface warp, in the reamed glenoid increase the warp ofthe that of design of the ance, the prosthesis, cementing tor cuff, and prostheticjoint. The only the effect the displacement adequacy of the preparation of the and warp of the glenoid this component metal backing, pegs. It was integrity only glenoid bone component. mechanism is rocking Thus, our nent benefits a keel, by the single of loosening of the produce an off-center on To little resultant force. In whereas with to warp was in the direction. glenoid approxianterior, is common in arthroplasty, or espe- arthritis that part of the capsule of recurrent instability. loss of a bone graft of bone for at the posterior to a posteriorly cent may support edge directed by a 25 per was In posteriorly complete It is difficult to know merits bone-grafting. by posterior results deficiency of this study how of much In this of the compoload was not or even a 33 per of the reamed glenoid. that careful prepara- suggest so that it matches component helps the contour to stabilize of the against the eccentric loads that are encounthe daily use of a prosthesis. A substantial degree of stability of the glenoid be achievable even without the metal backing. or a keel. the only the of the reamed glenoid bone. Similarly, the glenoid component was not significantly component tered during our the excessive tion of the glenoid bone the back of the glenoid loads. compo- load, component is osteoarthrosis increased cent deficiency warp of the component experimental system, this type of loading displaced glenoid component as much as 0.62 millimeter when use significantly The when it conformed under the to be treated diagnosis study, displacement nent in response increased or eccentric a transverse are the glenoid component. of an osseous deficiency by virtue and cent so that prosthesis. allows after the anterior for the treatment to the bone. that an impor- peg that patients, lead of cement, or multiple glenoid in response to off-center mode of loading included to deforms support if the these and warp, we that had only peg. Therefore, of the quality of the fit against the glenoid Our clinical experience has suggested tant component developed tightened rota- 50 per prepared of the load. The warp of the component one-half millimeter with loading cially applies to the was to explore displacement component fixation did not have the fixation with screws, stabilized than glenoid bone. and inferior ofthe polyethylene component permitted obserof deformation in response to loading. A perfectly shoulders bal- of the the patient of this study enhance our ability to detect used a thin, all-polyethylene one small, central, uncemented of a the of soft-tissue the loads that objective stability include from the posterior, by more posterior, superior, or inferior Posterior deficiency of technique, the removed anterior, had been undersurface non-conforming under mately been the reduced supported did not component to the clinical of these factors the bone to the Use loads. contribute Some at were 507 COMPONENTS had glenoid better vation Discussion Many factors glenoid component. GLENOID edges increase to the shape and posterior preparation glenoid OF the cartilage Displacements warp directions after and for posterior of posterior defi- Table of the glenoid diminished the DEFORMATION value We found occurred under loads three different stages loading with the two glenoid AND component use of cement, appears screws, to a References 1. Bade, H. A., Shoulder, 2. 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