F A T IH U N I V E R S I T Y Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry CHEM 105 B (Fall 2007) GENERAL CHEMISTRY I (3-2) 4 Instructor: Assist. Prof. Burak ESAT Office: A-340 Tel: 212-866 3300/ ext. 2065 e-mail: besat@fatih.edu.tr On-Line : http://www.prenhall.com/petrucci/ http://www.fatih.edu.tr/~besat/Teaching/Classes.htm Laboratory and Recitation Assistants: Nürufe Kemikli, Hilal Onay, Cemil Dizman, Aslıhan Sezgin Main Text (MT): “General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications”, 9th Edition, Ralph H. PETRUCCI, William S. HARWOOD, F. Geoffrey HERRING, Prentice Hall (2006). CLASSES will be held in Room B-304 on Thursdays between 8:00 AM-10:00 AM and on Fridays between 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. Office Hours: Thursday 10:00-11:00 (A-340) The aim of this course is to prepare the student for other advanced chemistry, material science, industrial, environmental, and electronics courses. Hence they will be able to follow subjects related to the chemistry of elements, liquid and solid state and spectroscopy. To accomplish this, the subjects given below will be covered. For many of you, the first course in chemistry will be a new experience-perhaps a difficult one. There appear to be two main sources of this difficulty. (a) The insufficiency of the students in English language, or (b) their study habits and/or the way they analyze a problem and proceed to its solution. To help you to get rid of these difficulties home works will be given, which will consist of vocabulary and problem solving. The following suggestions, taken seriously from the very beginning, may be of great help to you. For most CHEM 105B- (Fall 2007) General Chemistry I, by Assist. Prof. Burak Esat 1 people, improved study habits and problem solving come only with practice and with a determined effort spread over a long time. But it is worth it, not only in this course but also for all your university activities. – COURSE CONTENT • 1. Matter – Its Properties and Measurement (MT pp 1-33) • 2. Atoms and the Atomic Theory (MT pp 34-66) • 3. Chemical Compounds (MT pp 67-108) • 4. Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry (MT pp 109-141) • First Mid-term Exam (Date and room to be announced later) • 5. Introduction to Reactions in Aqueous Solutions (MT pp 142-177) • 6. The Gaseous State (MT pp 178-224) • 7. Thermochemistry (MT pp 225-276) • 8. Electrons in Atoms (MT pp 277-338) • Second Mid-term Exam (Date and room to be announced later) • 9. The Periodic Table and Some Atomic Properties (MT pp 339-371) • 10. Chemical Bonding I (MT pp 372-422) FINAL EXAM date and exam rooms will be announced as soon as they are fixed. GRADING The contributions of the exams and laboratory activities to the term grade* will be as follows: **Lab 30%; First Midterm 20%, Second Midterm 20%, FINAL 30%. * No matter what you receive from your other activities, Chem 105 course grade (a) will be F if you have missed the final exam with no valid excuse. (b) will be NA if your class attendance is below 70%. CHEM 105B- (Fall 2007) General Chemistry I, by Assist. Prof. Burak Esat 2