THE LEARNING MODEL AT BYU-IDAHO: EVIDENCE FROM COURSE EVALUATIONS By SHAWN V. JENSEN A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling Psychology DECEMBER 2010 To the Faculty of Washington State University: The members of the Committee appointed to examine the dissertation of SHAWN V. JENSEN find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted. ____________________________________ Paul Pitre, Ph.D., Chair ____________________________________ Paul Goldman, Ph.D. ____________________________________ Michael Pavel, Ph.D. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Throughout this four year journey in pursuit of a terminal degree, I have recognized how blessed I have been to have the support and guidance of kind and loving individuals. First and foremost, I acknowledge the grace and tender mercies of my Savior and God. I have felt his direction in my life. I know that he loves me and wants me to be successful in all virtuous endeavors I embark in. Second, I acknowledge the blessing it is to have a living prophet. For the words of President Gordon B. Hinckley to “get as much education as possible” has motivated me to keep going when it seemed too difficult to continue. Third, my family has been ever constant in their support and encouragement. Hilary, my sweet wife, never complained about all of the evenings she spent as a “single mom” while I was away taking classes, or at summer institutes, or working on my dissertation. She has been the best blessing of my life. I also acknowledge the sacrifice of my five children as they have given up hours of play time with their daddy over the past four years to allow me time to finish. Last but not least, I acknowledge my committee; Dr. Pitre, Dr. Goldman, and Dr. Pavel. I appreciate all of their direction and guidance throughout this process. Without the support and help of these kind individuals, this dissertation would not be possible. iii THE LEARNING MODEL AT BYU-IDAHO: EVIDENCE FROM COURSE EVALUATIONS Abstract by Shawn V. Jensen, Ed.D. Washington State University December 2010 Chair: Paul Pitre The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the Learning Model (LM) compared with end-of-course ratings and student perceived learning per existing course evaluation data at Brigham Young University-Idaho. The LM is based on a broadly accepted pedagogy associated with improving student learning by way of increasing student engagement. Students are asked to take more responsibility for their own education and learning by using LM principles and applying related process steps. The three main process steps of the LM include: Prepare, Teach-One-Another, and Ponder/Prove. This study represents an attempt to measure the effects of implementation of the LM on course evaluations. The change in course ratings and student perceived learning scores were measured. The correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores were likewise evaluated. LM scores were derived from the new evaluation instrument beginning Winter 2009 semester. These scores reflect the level of student and faculty participation of LM process steps for a given course. A total of eight semesters were used in this study. A comparison of means analysis was used to compare iv the changes between course evaluation score from the Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2010 semester. Also a correlation matrix was employed to measure the relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning scores from the time the new evaluation instrument was implemented (Winter 2009) to the Winter 2010 semester. Once data were collected, disaggregated, and analyzed as mentioned, further investigation of breakout variables based on class size, faculty status, and types of courses were compared to one another. The findings suggest that course ratings significantly increased from the time the LM was introduced in the Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semester. Interestingly, student perceived learning scores did not seem to improve significantly over the same time period for the 33 courses identified in this study. Finally, conclusions and implications were inferred regarding the significance of applying the three LM process steps on course ratings and student perceived learning. The implications of these findings can have far reaching consequences as other institutions consider implementing and/or measuring a campus wide learning model. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................iii ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................iv LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................1 Background ........................................................................................1 Research Questions ............................................................................2 The Learning Model ..........................................................................2 Prepare ..................................................................................5 Teach-One-Another ..............................................................9 Ponder/Prove .........................................................................10 Application .........................................................................................11 The New Evaluation Instrument ........................................................12 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................................................................18 A Change from the Traditional ..........................................................18 A New Model for Learning................................................................24 Preparing for an Active Learning Environment.....................25 Active Learning Pedagogy .....................................................26 Critical Reflection ..................................................................30 Course Evaluations ............................................................................31 vi Measuring Effective Instruction ............................................33 3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................35 The Two Evaluation Instrument ........................................................37 LM Scores ..............................................................................38 Research Questions and Methods ......................................................41 Research Question 1 ..............................................................42 Research Question 2 ..............................................................46 Research Question 3 ..............................................................49 Limitations .........................................................................................51 4. FINDINGS…. ................................................................................................53 Research Question 1: A Change in End-of-Course Scores ................54 Research Question 2: A Change in Perceived Learning Scores ........65 Research Question 3: The Relationship between LM and Perceived Learning Scores .................................................................72 The Effects of Class Size .......................................................80 The Effects of Semester Enrollment ......................................81 The Effects of Instructor Employment Status ........................83 Summary of Findings .........................................................................85 5. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................86 Results of Findings ............................................................................86 The Change in Course Ratings Over Time ............................87 The Change in Perceived Learning Over Time .....................89 vii The Relationship between LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores .....................................................................92 Possible Implications .........................................................................96 Suggestions for Future Research .......................................................98 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................100 APPENDIX I - INITIAL RESEARCH FINDINGS BY SCOTT BERGSTROM ....109 APPENDIX II - OLD EVALUATION INSTRUMENT ...........................................113 APPENDIX III - NEW EVALUATION INSTRUMENT.........................................116 APPENDIX IV – CORRELATION MATRIX FOR COURSE RATINGS ..............119 APPENDIX V – TWO SAMPLE T-TEST MEASURING SIGNIFICANCE ..........120 APPENDIX VI – CORRELATION MATRIX FOR PERCEIVED LEARNING ....121 APPENDIX VII – PARAMETER ESTIMATES COMPARING PERCEIVED LEARNING SCORES WITH EMPLOYMENT STATUS .......................................122 APPENDIX VIII – MEAN LM SCORES BY SEMESTER BASED ON CLASS SIZE .............................................................................................................. 123 APPENDIX IX – LM SCORES COMPARED TO PERCEIVED LEARNING SCORES BY CLASS SIZE .......................................................................................124 viii LIST OF TABLES 1. Course Ratings of Qualifying Courses for T1Semesters ...............................56 2. Course Ratings of Qualifying Courses for T2 Semesters ..............................59 3. ANOVA: End-of-Course Ratings for T1& T2 Semesters .............................61 4. Perceived Learning Scores for T1 by Semester .............................................67 5. Perceive Learning Scores for T2 by Semester ...............................................69 6. ANOVA: Student Perceived Learning Scores for T1& T2 Semesters ..........71 7. Mean Perceived Learning Score by Semester Based on Instructor’s Employment Status ........................................................................................75 8. Mean LM Scores by Semester Based on Instructor’s Employment Status ...77 9. Mean Perceived Learning Scores by Semesters Based on Class Size ...........79 10. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Class Size .......................................................................................................81 11. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Semester ....................................................................................................82 12. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Instructor Employment Status........................................................................84 ix LIST OF FIGURES 1. The traditional teaching process of higher education ....................................7 2. BYU-I’s LM process......................................................................................8 3. The three process steps of the LM .................................................................8 4. Questions Regarding “Prepare” from both Evaluation Instruments ..............14 5. Questions Related to “Teach-One-Another” from both Evaluation Instruments ..................................................................................15 6. Question Regarding “Ponder/Prove” from both Evaluation Instrument........16 7. LM Question Set from the New Course Evaluation Instrument ....................39 8. LM Score Totals ............................................................................................41 x CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Background Over the last decade Brigham Young University-Idaho (BYU-I) has seen many changes. Perhaps the most significant change occurring in June 2000 when the Board of Trustees announced an expansion of the school from a two year junior college (Rick’s Junior College) to a four year university (BYU-I) (see General History of BYU-Idaho). This announcement brought about opportunities to implement, enhance, and introduce new programs, curriculum, and courses. In August 2001 the school began its first semester as a four year university. More recently, another significant event occurred on June 6, 2005 when Dr. Kim B. Clark, former dean of Harvard Business School, was announced as the 15th President of BYU-Idaho (Rydalch, 2005). From day one President Clark’s mantra for BYU-I has been, “rethinking education” (Clark, 2009). In his inaugural address, President Clark encouraged a more progressive and active learning approach to teaching when he stated: The challenge before us is to create even more powerful and effective learning experiences in which students learn by faith…. Students need opportunities to take action…where prepared students, exercising faith, step out beyond the light they already possess, to speak, to contribute, and to teach one another. (As cited by Gilbert, et al, 2007, p. 98) 1 Research Questions With the implementation of the LM at BYU-I—which denotes the need for students to take more responsibility for their learning—and with an understanding of the three process steps of the LM, one is left to ask the following questions: 1. How have end-of-course ratings changed from the Fall 2007 semester (pre-LM implementation) to the Winter 2010 semester, as the LM was introduced on campus? 2. How have student perceived learning scores changed based on course evaluation data collected from Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters? 3. Is there a relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning based on the new evaluation instrument (beginning Winter 2009 semester)? The Learning Model In the summer of 2007, President Clark introduced to the faculty and students a new model of teaching and learning that was simply termed, the Learning Model (LM) (Learning Model, 2008). The LM was introduced as a pedagogical approach to classroom teaching and learning. This new model reflected President Clark’s philosophy of active student engagement and by implementation of said model, faculty were invited and encouraged to rethink and evaluate their instructional pedagogy. Active student engagement plays an essential role in the effective use of the LM. By creating a more participatory learning environment students are able to be more active and engaged in their own learning. Faculty members were encouraged to evaluate their teaching methodology and evaluate how they could facilitate a more active learning environment 2 in their course(s). The LM was implemented to foster student growth and development, both academically and spiritually through active student engagement (Learning Model, 2008). As President Clark stated: BYU-Idaho has embarked on a journey of growth and progress that began with the decision to transform Ricks College into a four-year university. From that change, BYU-Idaho has implemented unique academic offerings, creative calendaring, and programs focused on the development of students. (Clark, 2009, p. 1) In this study, the researcher will compare the effects of using the newly implemented Learning Model (LM) on course ratings, instructor ratings, and student perceived learning scores as found on course evaluations at BYU-I. This LM consists of three process steps which students are encourage to incorporate and apply as a key component to learning, and are explained in further detail below. The manner in which the LM has affected course ratings, instructor ratings, and student perceived learning scores over a two and ½ year period as found on end-of-course evaluations is the focus of this study. It is important to point out however, that learning models are typically a compilation of proven practices in teaching and learning (Thurgood & Gilbert, 2008). Likewise, BYU-I’s LM is not proprietary to BYU-I. In general, educational theorists and cognitive psychologists have endorsed a more active learning environment for students for some time now (Thurgood & Gilbert, 2008). Also, active learning methodology has been a focus of study for many researchers throughout the recent years. For example, methods for engaging students that have been studied include peer instruction (Mazur, 3 1997), cooperative learning (Slavin, 1995), and mutual peer tutoring (King, et al, 1998), just to name a few. BYU-I’s LM also endorses a more active learning environment for students, but the implementation of this LM is unique in that instructors and students campus wide are encouraged to apply the three process steps of this model in their learning and teaching, respectively. The level at which students perceive the LM being implemented into their respective classes may be reflected in end-of-course evaluation scores. Obviously, the LM is not structured to be a prescriptive “fix all” to passive learning. The ways in which an instructor designs his/her course(s) to facilitate student activity and learning, as it relates to the LM, can vary considerably (Gilbert, 2008). In fact, instructors are encouraged to incorporate LM strategies that best fit the subject they teach (Gilbert, 2008). For example, a physics course may have different options to choose from, in terms of motivating students to actively participate, then does an English course or computer science course. In each case, the instructor has the latitude to consider which instructional tool will be most effective in actively conveying the information to the students. Thus, instructors have a wide range of autonomy in choosing which teaching technique to incorporate that best fits their teaching style as it relates to the three process steps of the LM. As the LM was introduced, both instructor and student were encouraged to become familiar with the principles and process steps related to the model (Clark, 2007). New freshman entering their first semester at BYU-I are introduced to the processes and principles outlined in the LM in almost all of their required freshman level courses (Learning Model, 2008). The University’s website contains information regarding this 4 model which can easily be accessed. The following was taken from the above mentioned website and gives a brief definition of the LM: The Learning Model was created to deepen the learning experiences of students at BYU-Idaho. The Learning Model enables students to take greater responsibility for their own learning and for teaching one another. The model is structured around three process steps. (Learning Model, 2008) The three process steps of the LM are designed to help students become more responsible for their own learning, as mentioned above, and include: Prepare, Teaching One Another, and Ponder/Prove. In other words, the LM endorses student preparation before attending class (i.e., reading the assigned chapters or literature) to deepen class discussion, during class time through actively participating in discussions, and after class by reflecting on the material learned to help extend their understanding of the information being presented in class. Prepare. Beichner et al. (2007) states that in order to create an active learning environment in the classroom the foremost element is student preparation. In this study, the LM used at BYU-I included a preparation step. In fact, preparation is the first process step in the LM and contains three parts (Learning Model, 2007). There is first an ongoing, underlying spiritual preparation for each student. That spiritual preparation is critical to learning by faith and being guided and taught by the Holy Spirit. It requires daily attention to prayer and scripture study, and a commitment to obedience (Learning Model, 2007). The second part of preparation is individual. Here the student prepares to learn and to teach by organizing required readings or assignments; by reading and studying and 5 writing or solving problems; and by thinking about questions the material raises, and how to answer those questions (Learning Model, 2007). The third part of preparation involves group activities. For example, the process assumes that students have been organized into small learning teams or study groups (5-7 members). These groups “meet” for a short period (e.g., 30 minutes) on a regular basis (before class—daily or multiple times a week) either online or face-to-face to discuss assignments, to try out ideas, and to test understanding. The groups may also be required to complete a group assignment or project. With this kind of preparation, students come to class ready to learn and to teach (Learning Model, 2007). The Prepare step is not solely the responsibility of the student. The instructor must organize, assign, and hold students accountable for being prepared. Information regarding the Prepare process step of the LM can be found on the BYU-I’s teaching and learning website and reads as follows: Student preparation work is designed, guided and aided by the instructor, but the impetus for actually doing the work is on the student. Students rely on the help of the instructor to show them how to successfully prepare. The instructor defines the questions framing the assignment, provides suport materials like worksheets, reading questions or the like, and the instructor defines both the way in which students are expected to engage the new material and how it will be assessed. (BYU-I, 2009) The LM places more responsibility on the student to prepare themselves before class (Learning Model, 2007). By doing so, the student can absorb the new material based on their preferred learning style and at their own pace. Bonwell & Eison (1991) 6 suggest that “cognitive research has shown that a significant number of individuals have learning styles best served by pedagogical techniques other than lecturing” (p. 46). In addition, “several studies have shown that students prefer strategies promoting active learning to traditional lectures” (Bonwell & Eison, 1991, p. 45). Gilbert (2008) defines the traditional teaching process as following this sequence; students attend a class lecture, followed by homework assignment to review the material covered in class, followed by another lecture (see fig. 1). Lecture Homework Lecture Homework Lecture Homework Figure 1. The traditional teaching process of higher education as defined by Gilbert et al (2008). The BYU-Idaho LM (2009) suggests that students prepare before class so they can better benefit from and contribute to in-class learning and teaching experiences (see fig. 2). This model places more responsibility on the student to come prepared to participate in classroom discussion. In fact, the preparation element is critical to classroom participation. 7 Preparation Class Preparation Class Preparation Class Figure 2. BYU-I’s LM process. This approach places a responsibility for students to prepare before class to allow for richer conversations and higher level comprehension (Gilbert et al, 2008). With this approach “homework” becomes preparation work for future class discussion. More time can then be used during class to facilitate a more active and engaged classroom environment. Using this method of instruction, students study before class to prepare in order to better participate during class. Requiring more of students early in the process allows the instructor to spend more time deepening understanding rather than dispensing information (BYU-I, 2009). Prepare is a key element of the LM. When students fail to prepare for class the level of active participation during class is hampered. Each process step of the LM is connected and leads to the next (see figure 3). Prepare Teach One Another Figure 3. The three process steps of the LM. 8 Ponder/ Prove Student preparation cannot be overlooked nor neglected for the LM to be effective (Gilbert, 2008). As shown from the figure above, each of the three process steps of the LM lead to the next step with the third process step, ponder/prove, connecting back to prepare. Teach One Another. Preparing before class to actively contribute during class time naturally lends itself to a more participatory learning environment, given that the instructor encourages peer-to-peer discussion (Gilbert et al, 2008). The second process step of BYU-I’s LM is called “Teach One Another”. This step includes group projects, peer evaluations, teams, presentations, and any other means to facilitate a more active learning environment. These techniques and teaching strategies are, in essence, what makes up the Teaching One Another process step of the LM. Student are encouraged to come to class prepared to participate and contribute to classroom learning via any of the above mentioned techniques and strategies. BYU-Idaho Boardmember, Richard G. Scott (2005) stated the importance of having an engaged and active learning environment in the classroom when he stated: Never, and I mean never, give a lecture where there is no student participation. A “talking head” is the weakest form of classroom instruction…. Assure that there is abundant participation because that use of agency by a student authorizes the Holy Spirit to instruct. It also helps the student retain your message. As students verbalize truths, they are confirmed in their souls and strengthened in their personal testimonies. (Scott, 2005) 9 In addition, President Clark has taught that “overtime it will become apparent that the most powerful way for students to learn is for them to teach… they will teach to learn” (BYU-I, 2009). Ponder/Prove. The third process step of the LM includes two elements; pondering and then proving what is being taught. The “ponder” element includes taking time to reflect on what is being learned to help solidify and relate the new concepts, ideas, or perspectives being taught. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Reflecting individually through journals, notes, blogs, and/or by simply telling another person what you have learned can help solidify new learning. Group discussion and reflection can also play a role in helping individuals ponder ideas and concepts being taught (Learning Model, 2009). Research has demonstrated, for example, that if an instructor allows students to ponder what is being taught and allow students time to consolidate their notes by pausing three times for two minutes each during an hour long lecture, they will learn and retain significantly more information (Ruhl, Hughes, and Schloss 1987). “Prove” includes, but is not limited to, the assessment and evaluation element of a course (Learning Model, 2009). The Ponder/Prove process of the LM might include tests, exams, and even thought provoking questions, where students must apply what they have learned in order to solve a problem or in answering a question. These process steps are grounded in current literature surrounding active learning and student engagement. Research has consistently shown that traditional lecture methods, where professors lecture and students listen and write, are less effective compared with active learning 10 methodology (Prince & Felder, 2006; Prince, 2004; Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Students must be given an opportunity to actively prove their learning from time to time. Active learning and student-centered instruction encourages students to be actively engaged in reading, writing, discussions, or problem solving activities (Prince & Felder, 2006; Draper & Brown, 2004; Chickering & Gamson, 1987). These types of learning experiences must engage students in higher order thinking tasks, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The LM was introduced as a means of encouraging more participation in these proven teaching methods and techniques. Application Effectively applying the three process steps of the LM by both students and instructors may require a change in either the instructor’s teaching methodology or the students’ perception of what is expected of them, and sometimes both changes are requisite (Felder & Brent, 1996). As instructors actively apply these process steps of the LM in their courses some students might struggle with the added responsibilities placed on them to be active participants in the classroom. Woods (1994) observes that students forced to take major responsibility for their own learning go through some or all of the steps psychologists associate with trauma—from shock and denial to resistance and then finally integration. Students may not be used to taking more responsibility for their own learning and students may push back when an instructor takes this approach. This type of instruction may impose steep learning curves on both instructors and students, and initial instructor awkwardness and student hostility are both common and natural (Felder & Brent, 1996). Students who are accustom to the traditional method of teaching—which 11 includes note taking during a lecture followed by some form of independent homework—can have a difficult time initially adjusting to a more participatory or active model for learning. Felder and Brent (1996) gave the following example: When confronted with a need to take more responsibility for their own learning, [students] may grouse that they are paying tuition-or their parents are paying taxes-to be taught, not to teach themselves…They may gripe loudly and bitterly about other team members not pulling their weight or about having to waste time explaining everything to slower teammates (p. 7). As instructors begin to hear this type of resistance some may feel awkward and want to return to the more familiar lecture methodology. What’s more, Felder and Brent (1994) have found that an instructor who uses a more participative and active teaching methodology (i.e., as in the three process steps of BYU-I’s LM) can initially experience a drop in their course-end ratings. The New Evaluation Instrument BYU-I has recently adapted their end-of-course evaluation instrument (Winter Semester, 2009) to reflect the three process steps of the LM, which emphasizes the need for students to take more of a responsibility for their own learning. The means by which to track how effective students are in taking more responsibility for their learning is through questions asked on the end-of-course evaluations regarding LM process steps. This new evaluation instrument has questions built-in that directly relate to the level at which LM process steps are being implemented, based on students’ perceptions 12 (Bergstrom, 2009). Students are asked to rate how effectively they and their instructor(s) used the three process steps of the LM throughout the course (see Appendix III). The changes between the two end-of-course evaluation instruments are stark. For example, in the old evaluation instrument questions were general to the course and/or to the instructor’s teaching abilities. However, in the new evaluation instrument students are asked questions related to their own preparation, participation, and personal reflection in addition to how well they perceived the LM was implemented by their instructor and peers. Using a side-by-side comparison of the two end-of-course evaluation instruments, one can detect the difference in the question sets as they relate to students taking responsibility in each of the three process step of the LM. The change in end-of-course evaluation instruments is important to keep in mind throughout this study as the methodology is affected as a result of the differences between the two evaluation instruments. Therefore, questions that address a similar concept (i.e., the Prepare process step of the LM) are compared and contrasted using the following tables. The first sideby-side comparison shows the difference in questions students are asked to answer as they relate to the Prepare process step of the LM (see Figure 4). 13 Old Evaluation Instrument Assigned homework is not just busywork. New Evaluation Instrument I was prepared for each class. Text(s) and other materials have helped The instructor held me accountable for me understand course content. coming to each class prepared. The approximate number of hours per week that I have spent in outside preparation for this class is… The approximate number of hours per week that I have spent in outside preparation for this class is… I arrived at class on time Figure 4. Questions Regarding “Prepare” from both Evaluation Instruments Notice the two questions directly related to student accountability found in the new evaluation instrument, “I was prepared for each class” and “I arrived at class on time”. Essentially, this means that course and instructor end-of-course evaluation scores are being influenced by student participation in the LM. A significant change is noticed in the amount of questions asked regarding the second process step of the LM—the Teach One Another step—between the two end-ofcourse evaluation instruments in question. The Teach One Another process step was heavily emphasized on the new evaluation instrument, as shown in the side-by-side comparison in Figure 5. One will quickly notice that no questions were found in the old evaluation instrument that relate to the Teach One Another process step of the LM while the new evaluation instrument contains six related questions. This change in course evaluations highlights the added focus and attention administrators at BYU-Idaho are 14 giving to the LM, particularly the Teach One Another process step. These added questions focused on peer-to-peer teaching may be used as a motivational tool to encourage student and faculty to participate in developing and maintaining a more participatory learning environment. Old Evaluation Instrument New Evaluation Instrument I was an active participant in online or face-to-face class discussion. I sought opportunities to share my learning with others outside of class. I feel that I made important contributions to the learning and growth of fellow classmates. The course provided opportunities to learn No related questions were found. from and teach other students. Group work, if assigned, was beneficial and meaningful. Students were actively involved in this class through discussions, group work, & teaching. The instructor provided appropriate opportunities to participate in the class. Figure 5. Questions Related to “Teach-One-Another” from both Evaluation Instruments 15 An increase in questions asked regarding the third process step of the LM—the Ponder/Prove step—was also noticed when comparing the new evaluation instrument with the old. The evaluation instrument that was in place previous to the implementation of the LM contained one question related to pondering and/or proving new learning, whereas the new evaluation instrument contained three. Likewise, the new evaluation instrument contains questions that emphasis student taking more responsibility for their own learning as it relates to the third process step of the LM (see Figure 6). Old Evaluation Instrument New Evaluation Instrument The instructor provided opportunities to reflect upon my learning and experiences Exams are good measures of my in the class. knowledge, understanding, or ability to I sought opportunities to reflect on what I perform. had learned in the class. The course as a whole has produced new knowledge, skills, and awareness in me. Figure 6. Question Regarding “Ponder/Prove” from both Evaluation Instrument This comparison between the old evaluation instruments with the new evaluation instrument shows the evolution of the question sets and how the new evaluation instrument has a strong LM emphasis (see Appendix II). These differences may contribute to a change in an instructor’s course rating as students are asked to consider additional or new elements when rating their instructor(s). For example, an instructor 16 might have had a class rating of 5.0 (out of 7 possible) based on the old evaluation instrument, but on the new evaluation instrument the same instructor’s course rating could now be positively or negatively affected by student perceptions of how effectively they and their instructor applied the LM process steps throughout the course. This added emphasis on students taking more of a role for their own learning and being held accountable for such, surely may have an effect on end-of-course evaluations, but to what extend? This is the purpose of this study, to explore the implications of introducing a campus wide learning model on course ratings and student perceived learning as found on end-of-course evaluations. 17 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE The focus of this study is based on the implementation of the three process steps inherent in the LM and the effects of said implementation on end-of-course student evaluations. The researcher has chosen to focus on literature that outlines the rationale behind the need for a change in methodology. Additionally, literature that relates to the three process steps of the LM—Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder/Prove have been examined. Research collection and analysis of data using course evaluations are also a significant aspect to this study as the finding are based on students’ assessments of courses they have taken. Therefore, the subsequent review of literature is divided into three main sections; A Change from the Traditional, A New Model for Learning, and Course Evaluations. The first section, A Change from the Traditional, includes a review of literature that has been published regarding the traditional teaching methodology in higher education (specifically lectures) and reviews relevant studies regarding the significance of a more active learning approach. The second section, A New Model for Learning, consists of a compilation of studies related to the three process steps embedded in the LM; i.e., prepare, teach-one-another, and ponder/prove. The third section, Course Evaluation, considers the viability of using this type of method to evaluate effective teaching and reviews literature that supports its use. A Change from the Traditional Traditionally, higher education courses have been taught using some form of a lecturing method, mostly to accommodate for larger audiences. Recent studies have 18 shown that lecturing is not always the best methodology for disseminating information from instructor to the students (Goyak, 2009; Johnson et al, 1998; Felder & Brent 1996). One author, Woods (1994), describes lecture based instruction as a waste of everyone’s time. He states that it is neither teaching nor learning and suggests that it is more a practice in stenography. “Instructors recite their course notes and transcribe them onto the board, the students do their best to transcribe as much as they can into their notebooks, and the information flowing from one set of notes to the other does not pass through anyone's brain” (Felder & Brent, 1996, p. 44). Instructors have the best intentions of helping their students understand the material they are presenting but many times the learning is minimal. One problem with this form of teaching is that the instructors are largely responsible for the dissemination and explanation of course content instead of placing more responsibility to the students for their own learning (Crouch & Mazur, 2001; Bonwell & Eisen, 1991). Most often instructors teach based on how they were taught. However, if instructors were to shift responsibility of learning more to students then learning would be transposed based on the students’ preferred learning methodology. American educational philosophers Dewey (1916), Piaget (1928), and Vygotsky (1978) each argues that learning is more powerful when learners are actively engaged in the knowledge creation process. “Many proponents of active learning suggest that the effectiveness of this approach has to do with student attention span during lecture” (Prince, 2004). Wankat (2002) cites numerous studies that suggest “student attention span during lecture is roughly fifteen minutes.” Earlier, Hartley and Davies (1978) found that after fifteen minutes of lecturing the number of students paying attention drops 19 quickly and their ability to retain the information likewise decreases with each passing minute. They further found that immediately following a lecture, students retained 70 percent of information given during the first ten minutes of the lecture and only 20 percent of information was retained from the last ten minutes of the lecture. These finding suggest that breaking up the lecture may be beneficial because students’ minds start to wander and activities provide the opportunity to start fresh again, keeping students engaged (Prince, 2004). In the mid-1980s, Halloun and Hestenes (1985) conducted a series of studies measuring knowledge gains of conceptual material for physics students. They demonstrated that physics students performed poorly on pre- and post-tests when even though their grades suggested otherwise. Students could memorize the formulas, but did not seem to understand the underlying concepts (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985). This led to several different studies experimenting with peer instructional techniques including concept tests designed by Eric Mazur (2001) and others. Internal departmental studies began to show dramatic improvements in conceptual understanding (Mazur, 2001). Large sample studies were next to be studied, of which the Hake (1998) study was the most significant. There has been continued growth in regards to the empirical literature that encourages and promotes a more active learning environment (Gilbert et al, 2007). For example, Karabenick and Collins-Eaglin (1997) conducted a study of more than 1,000 students across nearly 60 different classes and found that students in courses that emphasized collaborative learning were more likely to develop higher-order learning skills, such as comprehension and critical thinking. Another study by Laws et al (1999) 20 shows how a more active learning environment can greatly enhance student understanding of basic physics concepts compared with traditional teaching techniques. In addition, Alison King and her colleagues (1998) found that students who used structured questioning techniques to teach and learn from their peers had a better understanding of the information than did students who were taught by traditional methods. Richard Hake (1998) studied more than 6,000 students in 62 introductory physics courses and found that “students who used peer instruction techniques showed almost two standard deviations greater average normalized gain on pre- and post-tests than students who were taught through traditional methods” (as cited by Gilbert et al, 2007, p. 102). This is a significant finding for those advocates of active learning, in that it shows evidence of student learning when compared with traditional lecturing techniques. The use of these techniques in the classroom is vital because of their powerful impact upon students' learning. Research has demonstrated, for example, that if a faculty member allows students to consolidate their notes by pausing three times for two minutes each during a lecture, students will learn significantly more information (Kellogg, 2008; Boyle, 2001; Ruhl, Hughes, and Schloss 1987). The reason why students learn more information is due to the fact that they are given time to actively process the new information and compartmentalize new ideas more effectively as they are being taught (Kellogg, 2008). Other research studies evaluating students' achievement have demonstrated that many strategies promoting active learning are comparable to lectures in promoting the mastery of content but superior to lectures in promoting the development of students' skills in thinking and writing (Smith et al., 2005; Prince, 2004; 21 Bonwell & Eison, 1991). However, students have a variety of learning styles and no instructional approach can be optimal for everyone (Grasha, 1994; Felder, 1993; Claxton & Murrell, 1987). Therefore, the importance to differentiate instruction becomes that much more important as it relates to student learning. Felder and Brent (1996) discuss some of the broad approaches to differentiating instruction that could lead to more student engagement: • Substituting active learning experiences for lectures. • Holding students responsible for material that has not been explicitly discussed in class. • Assigning open-ended problems and problems requiring critical or creative thinking that cannot be solved by following text examples. • Involving students in simulations and role-plays. • Assigning a variety of unconventional writing exercises. • Using self-paced and/or cooperative (team-based) learning. Other active learning pedagogies include cooperative learning, debates, drama, role playing and simulation, and peer-to-peer teaching. In short, the published literature on alternatives to traditional classroom presentations provides many different approaches faculty could use as instructional tools (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Student engagement and active participation has shown to be helpful in promoting long-term retention of information, motivating students toward further learning, allowing students to apply information in new settings, and in developing students' thinking skills (McKeachie et al., 1986). Research has suggested, however, that to achieve these goals faculty must be knowledgeable of alternative techniques and strategies for questioning 22 and discussion (Hyman, 1980) and must create a supportive intellectual and emotional environment that encourages students to take risks (Lowman, 1984). In other words, faculty must be willing to try new methodology to engage students. So why doesn’t every higher educational instructor strive to improve student engagement in terms that were previously outlined? Bonwell and Eison (1991) speak of some common barriers to instructional change. Included in their list are the powerful influence of educational tradition, faculty self-perceptions and self-definition of roles, the discomfort and anxiety that change creates, and the limited incentives for faculty to change. However, there are certain specific obstacles that are associated with the use of active learning. These include limited class time, a possible increase in preparation time, the potential difficulty of using active learning in large classes, and a lack of needed materials, equipment, or resources (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Perhaps the most significant barrier for instructors not being willing to modify their instruction to fit a more participatory learning environment involves risk. They may feel the risk that students will not respond to the active learning requirements that demand higher-order thinking and open participation of students. In other words, instructors who are trying to change their teaching methodology to a more active learning environment take a risk that students will resist the change and not respond to the added responsibilities associated with active learning. Some instructors may feel a loss of control as they implement active learning strategies like peer-to-peer instruction. What’s more, some instructors may even feel a lack of necessary skills required in fostering an active learning environment. However, each of these barriers can be overcome with 23 careful planning, direction, and preparation (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). The LM at BYU-I is designed to help faculty and students overcome some of these barriers (Gilbert, 2008). A New Model for Learning This section of the literature review is focused on the relevant literature surrounding the process steps of the BYU-I’s LM—Prepare, Teach-One-Another, and Ponder/Prove. For the most part, the LM is based on student engagement and active participation. Facilitating an active learning environment is possibly the most effective way to increase student engagement (Kuh, 2001). All three process steps focus on ways of improving activity and engagement of students to increase their learning. The literature review sections that relates to the LM are termed; Preparing for an Active Learning Environment, Active Learning Pedagogy, and Critical Reflection. Empirical literature is building in each area of the LM. One example of this would be active learning, which has been studied by many authors, and is the basis of the Teach One Another process step of the LM (Borman et al., 1993; Brockway, Mcneely and Niffennegger, 1992; Dev, 1990; Hunt et al., 1985; Mallor, Near, & Sorcinelli, 1981). The natural question that follows would be how one could implement this style of teaching into their regular classroom instruction. Penner (1984) gives an answer to this question when he suggests that the modifications of traditional lectures are ways to incorporate this form of active learning in the classroom. The following literature will outline the most relevant methodology that supports modification of lectures to make room for active student engagement. 24 Preparing for an active learning environment. The LM’s first process step is “Prepare”. This step is foundational to the integrity and efficacy of the LM. Beichner et al. (2007) agree that student preparation is foremost in facilitating a cooperative learning environment where students freely collaborate, question, and teach one another. Most Universities preach the unwritten law of “two for one” as their academic mantra, meaning “undergraduate students should spend at least two hours preparing for every class hour…Unfortunately, most students spend only about half that amount of time” (Kuh, 2003, p. 27). Additionally, only a fifth of the first-year students through seniors “frequently” come to class with any preparation. Meaning, that only 20% of the student body come to class prepared to ask questions, discuss meanings, and/or contribute to the learning environment by sharing experiences, stories, ideas, and thoughts that all have to potential of increasing the level of learning for others in the classroom. What’s more, these students say “their institutions give little emphasis to studying and spending time on academic” preparation before class (Kuh, 2003, p. 27). One pedagogical approach used to encourage student preparation is by inviting students to begin learning about a topic before it is presented in class by reading information that pertain to the topic. “Students are asked to focus on the key ideas and express them in their own words before completing an assignment based on the reading.” (Beichner et al, 2007, p. 5). Another methodology used to encourage pre-class preparation is the use of online reading quizzes. These quizzes are designed to encourage students to read the material before it is covered in class. In this way, students come to class already prepared to participate in discussions and other activities (Beichner et al, 2007). 25 Active learning pedagogy. The second process step in The LM is termed TeachOne-Another. This type of teaching methodology is not new. In fact, “first-century Roman rhetorician, stated that students could benefit by teaching one another” (Goyak, 2009, p. 31). Likewise, Johann Amos Comenius, a prolific reformer of pedagogy of the early 1600s, believed that peer-to-peer teaching was beneficial to student learning (Johnson et al., 1998). The concept of teaching one another is not new but it has taken many different names and forms throughout the years. Forms of teaching one another have been termed as active learning, peer-to-peer instruction, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, inductive learning, and student-centered learning (Felder & Brent, 2006). Active learning incorporates activities that engage students in doing something besides listening to a lecture and taking notes to help them learn and apply course material. Students may be involved in talking and listening to one another, or writing, reading, and reflecting individually (Felder & Brent, 2006). “Active learning strategies reach all types of learners in the visual, auditory, read/write, kinesthetic, and tactile schemes. With active learning strategies, visual learners are targeted by the presence of models and demonstrations” (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006, p. 18). Auditory learners are reached through discussion during peer instruction (Cortright et al, 2005; Rao & DiCarlo, 2000), debates (Scannapieco, 1997), games (Bailey et al, 1999; Mierson, 1999; Moy et al, 2000; Patil et al, 1993), and answering questions. Manipulating models (Rodenbaugh et al, 1999; Silverthorn, 1999; Chan et al, 1991) and role playing (Kuipers & Clemens, 1998) satisfy kinesthetic and tactile learners. It is generally thought that students have better retention and understanding of knowledge when taught by active as opposed to 26 passive methods (Matlin, 2003; Rao & DiCarlo, 2001; McKeachie, 1994; McDermott, 1993; Michael, 1993). Lymna's (1981) Think-Pair-Share and Mazur's (1997) Peer Instruction are “peer instruction activities that provide opportunities for students to be actively engaged in the reasoning and application of concepts” (as cited by Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006, p. 20). Studies have “documented that pausing two to three times during a 50-min class to allow peer instruction of concepts enhanced the students' level of understanding and ability to synthesize and integrate material” (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006, p. 20). Specifically, peer instruction enhanced the mastery of original material and meaningful learning (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006). Collaborative learning is a subset of active learning in which students interact with one another while they learn and apply course material (Felder & Brent, 2006). Collaborative testing is an effective cooperative learning teaching strategy (Cortright et al, 2003; Rao et al, 2002). To conduct a collaborative testing experience, students first complete a quiz individually. Once the quiz is completed individually, students complete the same quiz in groups. Specifically, students complete the quiz individually for the first 50 minutes immediately after completing the quiz individually, students are assigned to a group of two or three and work as a team to answer the original questions; 80% of the final quiz score is based on individual results, and 20% of the final quiz score is based on group results. This collaborative group testing has been shown to increase student learning (Rao et al, 2002) as well as student retention of previously learned material (Cortright et al, 2003). For this study, the second process step of the LM ties in naturally to collaborative groups and other cooperative learning techniques. 27 Cooperative learning is a form of collaborative learning in which students work together on structured assignments or projects under conditions that assure positive interdependence, individual accountability, periodic face-to-face interaction, appropriate development and use of interpersonal skills, and regular self-assessment of group functioning (Felder & Brent, 2006). When students learn with others, they have the emotional and intellectual support that allows them to go beyond their present knowledge and skills and accomplish shared goals (Silberman, 1996). In the cooperative learning setting, students become more engaged in learning by discussing material, facilitating understanding and encouraging hard work (Lujan & DiCarlo, 2006). In addition, cooperative learning has positive effects on race relations, self-esteem, and a willingness to cooperate in other settings (Slavin, 1983). Sapon-Shevin and Schniedewind (1992) promoted the concept and purpose of cooperative learning in the following statement: Cooperative learning [is] more than a teaching strategy, more than an instructional technique. Cooperative learning is an entirely different way of viewing the educational process of schools, reshaping them into communities of caring in which individual students take responsibility for the learning of their classmates and respect and encourage each other’s diversity. Cooperative learning has the potential to completely transform all aspects of your classroom and of your school so as to promote the sharing of power, responsibility, and decision-making throughout. (p. 16) Cooperative learning argues that it is not enough merely to work with others or just to work in groups within the class. Cooperative learning demands that all students 28 within a class actively and meaningfully engage in a discovery process of learning (Johnson & Johnson, 1999). Goyak (2009) suggests that the reward structure of a classroom can also be very different from a traditional setting when viewed in light of cooperative learning principles. He further states that an interpersonal reward structure highlights rewards by how they are linked to students. “In a negative reward interdependence system, competition in the classroom is emphasized. Competition in this framework refers to one student’s success necessitating another student’s failure. Conversely, in a positive reward interdependence system, cooperation within groups is emphasized” (Goyak, 2009, p. 9). Goyak (2009) explains that one student’s success allows all group members to experience success in the classroom. Inductive learning has been referred to as problem-based learning, project-based learning, guided inquiry, or discovery learning (Felder & Brent, 2006). These new approaches to instruction present challenges to both teachers and students (Marx et al, 2004). For teachers using instructional methods based on recitation and direct instruction, inductive teaching strategies challenges them to develop new content knowledge, pedagogical techniques, approaches to assessment, and classroom management (Blumenfeld, Marx, & Soloway, 1994; Edelson, Gordin, & Pea, 1999; Marx, Blumenfeld, Krajcik, & Soloway, 1997) Felder and Brent (1996) studied student-centered instruction (SCI) and found that SCI differs from traditional instruction. In traditional instruction, the teacher's primary functions are lecturing, designing assignments and tests, and grading; in SCI, the teacher still has these functions but also provides students with opportunities to learn 29 independently and from one another and coaches them in the skills they need to do so effectively. More of a focus is centered on peer-to-peer instruction and student’s participation. In recent decades, the education literature has described a wide variety of student-centered instructional methods and offered countless demonstrations that properly implemented SCI leads to increased motivation to learn, greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive attitudes toward the subject being taught (Bonwell and Eisen 1991; Johnson Johnson and Smith 1991a,b; McKeachie 1986; Meyers and Jones 1993). Critical reflection. Critical reflection is a term used in academia that relates to the third process step of the LM, the ponder/prove process step. Critical reflection, sometimes grouped with transformative learning, involves the critical examination and self-reflection of held personal beliefs to assess their validity, bias, and limitations in a given context (Wolf, 2009). Mezirow (1990) proposes that critical “reflection can take place within both instrumental and communicative learning realms” (p. 7). Ponder/Prove, occurs after class and may involve individual or group activities. In this step students ponder what they have learned in class. They keep a learning journal and write down impressions and insights they have received. Students pursue unanswered questions and discuss the class with their study group. This process step naturally transitions back to the initial process step of preparing before class (BYU-I, 2007). The process step is not only functional and helpful as a way of increasing student learning, it is also a good practice for instructors. Further, each faculty member should engage in self-reflection, exploring his or her personal willingness to experiment with alternative approaches to instruction (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). 30 Course Evaluations Course evaluations have been used for many years in higher education to measure student perceptions regarding the course design and the instructors’ strengths and weaknesses. Studies have also been conducted on the implementation, usefulness, design, and application of course evaluations for a number of years. In the mid-eighties, Marsh (1987) conducted a thorough review of the massive literature on the use of student evaluations and their relation to teaching effectiveness. He identified nine dimensions critical to effective instruction at the university level; workload, teachers' explanations, empathy (interest in students), openness, and the quality of assessment procedures (including quality of feedback) (March, 1987). He also found that lecturers rated themselves higher than students did regarding good teaching at the university level. A decade earlier, Feldman's (1976) developed a rubric of 19 categories of instructional effectiveness that included; stimulation of student interest, teacher sensitivity to class level and progress, clarity of course requirements, understandable explanations, respect for students, and encouraging independent thought. Another studies based on evaluation of course improvement rather than individual instructor ratings have emerged. Entwistle & Tait (1990), for example, found that those factors that best improve a course include; the provision of clear goals, appropriate workload and level of difficulty, assignments providing choice, quality of explanations, level of material and the pace at which it is presented, enthusiasm, and empathy with students' needs. Literature on student evaluation such as those of Marsh (1987), Feldman (1978), and Roe & Macdonald (1983), together with the authoritative summaries of key findings 31 of validity studies (e.g. McKeachie, 1983; Centra, 1980) attest to the usefulness and accuracy of student evaluation of instruction in comparison with other measures such as peer evaluations (Ramsden, 1991, p. 135). By the time students find themselves in a higher educational classroom, most have seen a great deal of teaching and many understand which teaching approaches best maximize their own learning. As Ramsden (1991) puts it, “nonexperts in a subject are uniquely qualified to judge whether the instruction they receive is helping them to learn” (p. 137). Marsh (1987) reports students are rarely misled into confusing good entertainment or performance with effective teaching. Some instructors are good performers or entertainers, yet fail to teach effectively the concepts and objectives of the course. Student evaluations are the means whereby they evaluate effective teaching, and rarely are students mislead into thinking an entertaining performer is always an effective teacher (Ramsden, 1991). However, an effective teacher can also be a great entertainer. A fair and effective evaluation based on performance and designed to encourage improvement in both the teacher being evaluated and the college or university is a basic need of a good teacher evaluation system (Stronge, 1997). A comprehensive teacher evaluation system should be outcome oriented in that it contributes to the personal goals of the teacher, to the mission of the program, to the school, and to the educational institution, and should provide a fair measure of performance (Stronge, 1997). Studies have shown a positive relation between student evaluation and student achievement, supporting the validity of student ratings. The many sources of potential bias in student evaluations are minimized if exacting controls over methods of administration are imposed and if students are asked only about those aspects of teaching 32 which they are qualified to comment upon. The general consensus is that there is no other single measure of teaching performance which is as potentially valid (Ramsden, 1991). Measuring effective instruction. Studies have shown aggregate-level associations between course quality and perceived student learning using the instrument of course evaluations (Entwistle & Tait, 1990; Ramsden & Entwistle, 1981; Ramsden et al., 1989). These findings point to the usefulness and reliability of student evaluations in comparison to other measures such as peer evaluations (Marsh, 1987; Feldman, 1978; Roe & Macdonald, 1983). Ramsden (1991) also stated that because students see a great deal of teaching, they are in an unrivalled position to comment on its quality. Moreover, it shows that non-experts in a subject (i.e., students) are uniquely qualified to judge whether the instruction they receive is helping them to learn. After all, students know if they are benefiting from and learning as a result of a particular method or style of teaching. In summary, there is much literature available that supports the concepts presented in the LM. Preparation before class is essential to creating a more active learning environment in the classroom. Incorporated into the Teach One Another step of the LM are a variety of teaching pedagogy and strategies that could be employed. Cooperative learning, peer-to-peer instruction, and group work—just to name a few— have been found to be effective instructional teaching strategies when correctly implemented. Likewise, the third process step of the LM—the Ponder/Prove process step—also has scholarly roots tied to it. In addition, literature also is prevalent in the area of using end-of-course evaluations to measure effective teaching. This study will 33 investigate the implications of implementation of the three process steps of the LM on end-of-course evaluations. 34 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY As mentioned previously, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the LM on course ratings and student perceived learning as found on end-of-course evaluations. The methodology used to collect the desired data for this study was predominately through the compilation and interpretation of end-of-course student evaluations. Course evaluations are archived at BYU-I and are considered public information; they may also be viewed upon request. This chapter first details the methods used to collect and compile data from end-of-course evaluations for both the old evaluation instrument and the new evaluation instrument, both used to measure course ratings and student perceived learning. The second section of this chapter specifies the methodology and procedures used to address each of the three research questions governing this study. The methodology used in this study was determined based on the three research questions, as previously outlined. The first research question asks if a change has occurred in end-of-course ratings from the Fall 2007 semester (pre-LM implementation) to the Winter 2010 semester, as the LM was introduced on campus? The purpose in asking and addressing this question was to learn how end-of-course ratings have changed, if at all, from the semester just prior to when the LM was introduced (Fall 2007) to the latest semester in which data were collected for this study (Winter 2010). Remember, the LM was first introduced during the Fall 2007 semester, but was not fully endorsed and encouraged as a campus wide model for teaching and learning until the Winter 2008 semester. The purpose in asking research question one was to learn if the implementation of the LM at BYU-I has had any significant affect on course ratings over time, from a 35 general perspective. Now admittedly, many variables can be contributed to the inflation or deflation of end-of-course ratings from one semester to another. This chapter will discuss such variables and will also address the methods used to control for confounding variables associated with each research question. Research question two states, “How have student perceived learning scores changed based on course evaluation data collected from Fall 2007 to Winter 2010 semesters?” The methodology used in examining this research question is similar to the methodology used to address research question one, as mentioned above, with the exception of student perceived learning scores being the focus. In other words, research question two examines the changes that may have occurred in perceived student learning scores over time. Both the old evaluation instrument along with the new evaluation instrument (introduced Winter 2009 semester) asks the same, identical question regarding student perceived learning. Even though the two course evaluation instruments contain the same question verbatim, regarding perceived learning, the questions preceding it are different. The differences in question sets from the old evaluation instrument to the new evaluation instrument could bias the way students answer the perceived learning question. Methods to control for the difference in the two evaluation instruments are discussed further in this chapter. The third research question governing this study asks, “Is there a relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning based on the new evaluation instrument (beginning Winter 2009 semester)?” This question asks how strongly correlated are LM scores with perceived learning? Remember, LM scores are derived from the new course 36 evaluation instrument which was introduced as a means of collecting data Winter 2009 semester. The LM had already been introduced campus wide for one year when the evaluation instrument changed to reflect the three process steps of the LM. In this new evaluation instrument, questions are asked and scores given based on students’ perceptions of the level at which the LM was applied throughout the course. LM scores are then compiled based on this information. This third research question addresses the relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. Thus a correlation methodology was employed to help answer this question. Also included in this chapter are the control variables used to limit outside influences that may have biased the study. The Two Evaluation Instruments For this study, it is important to understand that course evaluation data spans two different evaluation instruments (see Appendix II and III). The differences of these two evaluation instruments will be evaluated in this section. The purpose in doing so is critical to the integrity of this study as research questions one and two involve a comparison of data that were generated from both instruments. For research question one and two, both evaluation instruments were employed as a means of tracking changes in course ratings and student perceived learning scores. The differences between the two evaluation instruments are important to consider when comparisons are being made. As mentioned previously, the new course evaluation instrument was first used to measure course ratings and student perceived learning for the Winter semester of 2009. The evaluation instrument was changed in an attempt to emphasize the LM and to 37 highlight the importance of students taking personal responsibility for their own learning. As a result, questions were changed and added to reflect this initiative, as explained in Chapter 1. This is important to consider as a methodological parameter as it has played a role in determining how the variables will be studied. LM scores. Questions that were added to the new evaluation instrument were specific to the way either the student or instructor had applied aspects of the LM throughout the course. Questions were either rewritten or new questions were added that specifically addressed the level of implementation of the three process steps of the LM— Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder/Prove (see Appendix III). As a result, LM scores were computed. These results are made available for the course instructor. These scores reflect the level at which the LM was applied in a course as students perceived it to be. For example, if the collective student population for a specific course rated both themselves and the instructor as moderately implementing the Prepare aspect of the LM throughout the semester the instructor would receive around a 70% LM score for the course. LM scores are critical to this study as they will be used in determining the relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores. Specific LM scores are only found in the new evaluation instrument, employed Winter 2009. For this reason, research question three, which addresses the relationship between the two variables, only uses data from the Winter 2009 semester to the Winter 2010 semester. The questions that make up the LM scores are listed in Figure 7. Each question makes up the overall LM score for that particular LM process step, as shown. For example, there are four questions that relate to the prepare process step of the LM. The 38 prepare LM score for a course is based on how students answer each of the four questions respectively. Prepare I was prepared for each class. I arrived at class on time. Teach-One-Another Ponder/Prove I was an active participant in I sought opportunities to online or face-to-face class reflect on what I had discussions. learned in the class. I sought opportunities to share my learning with others outside of class. The course as a whole has produced new knowledge, skills, and awareness in me. I worked hard to meet I feel that I made important the requirements of this contributions to the learning and class. growth of fellow classmates. The instructor held me The course provided accountable for coming opportunities to learn from and to each class prepared. teach other students The instructor provided opportunities to reflect upon my learning and experiences in the class. Group work, if assigned, was beneficial and meaningful. Students were actively involved in this class through discussions, group work, and teaching. The instructor provided appropriate opportunities to be an active participant in the class. Figure 7. LM Question Set from the New Course Evaluation Instrument 39 For the third research question, LM scores serve as the independent variable. As mentioned earlier, these scores are derived from the questions students are asked to evaluate based on their own performance in, and instructor’s level of, implementing the three LM process steps throughout a course. In other words, students are asked to rate the level at which they perceived the presence of the LM both in their effort and throughout the course as designed by the instructor. They may choose from the following categories: Very Strongly Disagree (VSD), Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Agree (A), Strongly Agree (SA), and Very Strongly Agree (VSA). Points are assigned to their choice with the following scale: 1=VSD, 2=SD…7=VSA (see Figure 8). The way the LM scores are compiled is by taking the average score for each process step based on student responses. For example, suppose ten students enrolled for a particular course one semester, and for each of the Prepare questions found on the end-of-course evaluation they each answered VSA. In this case, 7 points would be added to each of the four questions pertaining to the Prepare element of the LM for this particular course. Thus, the average would be 28 points out of a maximum of 28 points. The end-of-course evaluation LM score for Prepare would be 100% since each student selected VSA for this element. See the following figure for a breakdown of all three LM process steps: 40 Number of Questions 4 Maximum Points From Evaluation 7 Teach-One-Another 7 7 49 Points Ponder/Prove 3 7 21 Points Process Step of the LM Prepare Total Points Possible 28 Points Figure 8. LM Score Totals Another important aspect of course evaluations is the manner in which they are administered at BYU-I. Courses are evaluated based on instructor’s employment status. At BYU-I, faculty are hired as adjunct (ADJ), one-year appointments (1YR), or PreContinuing Faculty Status (CFS). Faculty, once in the CFS track, can work towards continuing faculty status (VET) or in other words a “tenured” faculty member. This process takes 4 years to successfully earning VET status. To earn this status, one factor is largely dependent on end-of-course ratings. ADJ, 1YR, and CFS are evaluated each semester. Later in this chapter the methodology used to control for differences in employment status will be addressed for each research question. Research Questions and Methods Each research question has a slightly different methodological approach and will therefore be addressed one at a time. It is helpful to remember that questions one and two of this study compare the differences between course evaluation scores and perceived learning scores, respectively, over a specific time period. The semesters included for this analysis are the Fall 2007 semester through to the Winter 2010 semester, a total of eight 41 individual semesters. For both previously mentioned questions the purpose in comparing the two variables to an earlier point in time is to learn if a change has occurred in course ratings or perceived learning scores as the LM has been implemented campus wide. The methods and procedures used to collect data and to control for confounding variables are outlined below. Again, the purpose in asking the first research question is to establish whether end-ofcourse ratings have been affected during the time period when the LM was introduced across campus. The second research question asks how student perceived learning scores have been affected, if at all, by the implementation of the LM. The third research question delves deeper into the strength of correlation between the LM scores derived from course evaluations and perceived learning scores. Again, each question has its own set of variables and methodology in gathering and analyzing the data. Each of the three research question in this study will address the following: the purpose in asking each research question, the variables measured and controlled for, the data collection methodology employed to aid in answering each respective question, and the analysis procedure used for each research question. Research Question 1. The first research question asks, “How have end-of-course ratings changed from the Fall 2007 semester (pre-LM implementation) to the Winter 2010 semester, as the LM was introduced on campus?” The purpose in asking this question is to find out if the LM has had an effect on end-of-course ratings over time, as the LM has been implemented by the University to further student learning and to encourage a more participatory learning environment. Once again, the LM was introduced to students and faculty beginning Winter 2008 semester. From that point on, 42 did course ratings increase, decrease, or stay the same? One might conclude that due to the added emphasis on students taking more responsibility for their own learning, course ratings might be adversely affected by students who prefer a more traditional approach in receiving instruction (Felder & Brent, 1996). Thus begs the question, does application of the LM positively or negatively affect end-of-course ratings? As mentioned above, questions were added to the new evaluation instrument in the Winter semester of 2009. The change in the evaluation instrument has impacted the methodology used to address research question one. To control for the difference in evaluation instruments the researcher collected data regarding course ratings for the four semesters preceding Winter 2009 semester and data found in the four semesters after the new evaluation instrument was employed. This was done to control for the differences in the two evaluation instruments. Therefore, the four semesters previous to the Winter 2009 semester were evaluated independent of the four semesters following this time. Again, the first four semesters, beginning with the Fall 2007 semester, represents the time period where the old evaluation instrument was employed to survey students. This first time period will be referred to as T1 from this point on. The second time period, beginning with the Winter 2009 semester, represents the four semesters following the change in the course evaluation instrument, as previously explained. This time period will be referred to as T2. In addition, a second variable addressed in this study was for new instructors; or in other words, the natural change that occurs when an instructor teaches a course more than one time. In general, instructors have a natural propensity, to change, adapt, and adjust the content and approach of a course each time they teach it (Kagan, 1992). This 43 can be especially true when an instructor teaches a course for the first or second time. No doubt these adjustments, no matter how subtle they may be, could affect end-of-course ratings. In other words, instructors experience learning curves in their first few attempts at teaching a course, which can affect end-of-course ratings. To control for this variable the researcher collected data from only those faculty members who had taught each respective course more than three times previous to their teaching it the Fall of 2007 semester. Comparing data in this manner will reduce the chance of inflation of course evaluations due the learning curve that can be present with instructors teaching a course in their first few attempts (Kagan, 1992). Another consideration in addressing research question one is whether to compare end-of-course evaluation scores for specific instructors who taught the same course in specific semesters or to include data from all instructors over a broader time period. In an attempt to control for conflicting variables, the researcher has chosen to look specifically at instructors who taught the same course during the specific semesters in question (i.e., from the Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2010 semester). In this way, the same instructor teaching the same course Fall of 2007 is compared with himself/herself teaching the same course Winter of 2008, etc…. The reasoning behind this methodological approach being that the change in scores will more closely reflect the change in the use of the LM by the course instructor rather than other influences. Another variable that was considered being a contributing factor in end-of-course scores was class size. For instance, if a class increased in student count from the Fall semester compared to the Winter semester or vice versa, the change may have affected course ratings for that particular course. Class size can and does have an effect on 44 learning outcomes as shown in a study by Krueger (1999). Krueger measured gains on standardized tests for more than 11,600 students in Tennessee. In his study Krueger categorized students into small and regularly sized classrooms based on the number of students in each. He found a significant gain in test scores for those students in a smaller classroom compared with those in regular sized classroom. To control for class size the researcher has disaggregated the data (based on Krueger’s 1999 study) to the following class sizes; small, medium, large, and very large. For this study, classes that had less than 10 students enrolled were categorized as a small class, classes with 10-20 students were categorized as a medium class, classes with 20-30 students enrolled were categorized as a large class, and classes with more than 30 students enrolled were categorized as a very large class. For research question one and two, only those instructors who consistently had the same amount of students throughout the eight semesters were included in the study. The statistical tool chosen to analyze the change in end-of-course ratings between semesters was through a comparison of means and ANOVA. With the use of ANOVA the difference in means of course ratings were measured and compared one with another. A paired, two sample t-test was a second statistical tool that was also employed for this research question. In addition, a significance value (P-value) was also calculated to determine if the change in end-of-course ratings were considered to be statistically significant. The significance level was pre-determined to be .05, as it was calculated from the two-sample two-tailed t-test. Meaning, if a change in scores had occurred between the two semesters and was calculated to be less than the .05 percentile, it was 45 considered to be a significant change. This analysis tool was used to measure the difference in end-of-course ratings for both T1 and T2, respectively. In summary, the focus of research question one relates to the change in course ratings as the LM has been implemented. As mentioned, the variables that will be controlled for are; the change to the evaluation instruments, learning curve of new instructors, inconsistencies in different instructors teaching a particular course, and class size. To control for the confounding variables associated with this question, the researcher collected data from those instructors who have taught the same course each of the eight semesters, from the Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters. Instructors who had not taught the course at least three times previous to the Fall 2007 semester were eliminated. Due to the change in evaluation instruments, the first four semesters will be analyzed independent of the last four semesters. In other words, T1 represent the period when the old evaluation instrument was being used to track course ratings. T1 was examined independent of T2, representative of the period when the new evaluation instrument was employed to measure course ratings. Class size was also factored in, meaning only those instructors who taught small, medium, large, or very large classes consistently over the four semester time frame were included. As a result of controlling for these variables, the data set was reduced from 850 courses down to 33 courses. The following chapter will address the findings for research question one as outlined above. Research Question 2. The second research question is much like the first in that data was collected in an attempt to learn how the implementation of the LM affected, if at all, student perceived learning. In this case, the second question specifically addresses the change in student perceived learning over time. The question is stated in this way, 46 “How have student perceived learning scores changed based on course evaluation data collected from Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters?” The purpose in asking this question is to learn if students, in general, perceive that they have learned more in their courses—compared to other college courses they have taken—as the LM has been introduced at the University level. In both the new course evaluation instrument and the old evaluation instrument the perceived learning question remained the same; “Compared to other college courses you have taken, would you say that you have learned….” The students then select either “a great deal less”, “a little less”, “about the same”, “a little more”, or “a great deal more” based on their experience. On both evaluation instruments students are asked to rate their learning as it compares with other classes taken. This information was used to determine the change, if any, in student’s perceived learning between the Fall 2007 and the Winter 2010 semesters. The student perceived learning score is derived from the above mentioned question found on both course evaluation instruments (see Appendix II & III). If a student answers that they have learned about the same amount when compared with other college courses taken then the instructor would receive a 0 score, per that students’ answer. All students perceived learning scores are averaged for each course. In other words, if an instructor received a 1.49 student perceived learning rating for a particular course this would mean that the average student perceived learning for that course was between “a little more” and “a great deal more” as compared with other college courses taken. As mentioned, both evaluation instruments contain the same question regarding student perceived learning. Yet, the questions leading up to this one are different on the 47 pre-LM instrument compared with the new evaluation instrument, and could affect how the latter is answered. More specifically, the new course evaluation includes questions related to the level at which students were responsible for their own learning; “I was prepared for each class”, for example. These questions may influence the way students answer the perceived learning question found at the end of the evaluation. To control for this variable, the researcher collected student perceived learning for each semester, beginning with the Fall 2007 semester and each semester thereafter, up to the Winter 2010 semester. Attention was given to the difference in student perceived learning scores between semesters. However, the first four semesters were compared one to another independent of the last four semesters, and vice versa. This was done to reflect the semesters when the old evaluation instrument was used compared with the semesters when the new evaluation instrument was used to survey students. Similar to the methodology employed for the previous research question, the researcher compared only those semesters together in which the evaluation instrument was unchanged. Again, T1 semesters were compared together, as were T2 semesters. Thus, eliminating the possible effects associated with the use of two different course evaluations instrument to measure student perceived learning scores. The same variables were controlled for to measure the change in perceive learning scores as were used to measure the change in course ratings. This resulted in the same data set of 33 courses evaluated regarding changes in perceived learning scores over the two time periods—T1 and T2. A comparison of means and ANOVA were also employed as the statistical method for analyzing the change in mean scores for student perceived learning. The 48 differences between the means were explained. Likewise, a p-value was employed to measure the level of significance between the differences. A small p-value indicates that the probability of the difference in end-of-course perceived learning scores changing due to chance unlikely. A t-test was then employed to measure the level of significance between the difference of means for T1 semesters, and again for T2 semesters. The significance level was pre-determined to be .05 or less. In other words, the change from the time the LM was first introduced to the time the course evaluation was changed will be analyzed independent of the time the new course evaluation was introduced to the most recent semester. Research Question 3. The third research question states, “Is there a relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning based on the new evaluation instrument (beginning Winter semester 2009)?” Another way to ask this question would be to say, “Does evidence of LM application in a course help predict student perceived learning scores for a particular course?” The purpose in asking this question is to identify the relationship of the LM on perceived learning scores. Do scores drop, increase, or stay the same as the level of implementation of the LM changes, for example. Perhaps, the most telling information that can be gained in asking this question is whether or not students perceive themselves learning more when LM process steps are employed by an instructor. In other words, do students perceive themselves as learning more information when an instructor employs the three process steps of the LM? This is the purpose of research question three, to learn the relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores. 49 Perceived learning scores can be influenced by a variety of variables, as mentioned previously. However, for this question LM scores are used as the independent variable whereas perceived learning scores serve as the dependent variable. In other words, the researcher is interested in learning how the level of implementation of the LM correlates with students’ perceived learning for a particular course. Furthermore, the researcher has broken down the data to more specific variables. These variables include the relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores as they relate to; (1) class size (number of students enrolled in the course), (2) semester in which the student was enrolled, and (3) instructor employment status (i.e., adjunct, one-year appointment, Pre-CFS (nontenured), and CFS (tenured)). As mentioned previously, LM scores are derived from the new evaluation instrument and are based on student perceptions of the level at which the three process steps of the LM were infused throughout the course. The data set for this question comes from student evaluations of individual courses during T2. The researcher disaggregated the information from course evaluations to draw out the previously mentioned variables. All data sets found in T2 (the last four semesters of this study) were incorporated in the findings. Remember research question three explores the relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores given particular variables such as; class size, semesters taken, and instructor’s employment status. LM scores are a product of the new evaluation instrument and are therefore only available for the last four semesters of this study. When the evaluation instrument was changed the LM had already been introduced to students and faculty for one year (three semesters). All perceived learning scores and 50 their associated LM scores for T2 were used to measure the strength of correlation between these variables. To find this relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores the researcher first compared mean perceived learning scores by semester and employment status for all data points in T2. The relationship between the independent variable with the dependent variables, as previously explained, was evaluated using a correlation matrix. Data points were collected and analyzed using SPSS as the statistical analysis tool. R-values and P-values were calculated to show the strength of correlation and the level of significance for each set of variables. Results and findings are found in the following chapter. Limitations Limitations of this study include the consistency of data and regularity of course evaluations collected for instructors. Untenured faculty members including adjunct, oneyear appointments, and Pre-CFS are usually evaluated each semester for their first four years of teaching. Tenured faculty members who have earned CFS are only evaluated once every three years, unless requested by themselves or by one of their supervisors. Due to this method for evaluating faculty members, the numbers of qualifying courses for this study are limited. Another limitation of this study relates to the fact that the faculty is ever changing. Faculty members have been hired at different times and at different capacities (i.e., Full-time, adjunct, or temporary status). As a result of faculty being ever changing, data will likely reflect this pattern. BYU-Idaho has experienced tremendous growth since 51 the announcement of Ricks Jr. College becoming a four year university. Each year, an increase in the number of new faculty members hired has gone up, to keep up with the student growth. This again has affected the methodology for this study as controls have been put in place, as previously mentioned to control for new instructors. Faculty members often change their teaching methodology and strategies from semester to semester based on previous findings, student’s needs, workload, and a variety of other reasons. Determining the actual reasons for increased end-of-course ratings, instructor ratings, and perceived learning can be a difficult task. Even though many of the variable that could affect the viability of this study have been controlled, one significant limitation must be recognized; students differences from one semester to another. Students’ attitudes, learning styles, and personalities can change significantly semester-by-semester. This limitation will not be accounted for in this study; only the collective perceived answers given by students as it relates to end-of-course evaluations have been evaluated and compared. Lastly, but perhaps most significant, is the fact that the student population changes each semester. New students enter each semester with new learning styles and a variety of experiences. The demographics of each semester can also change dramatically from semester to semester. Likewise, class sizes fluctuate between semesters. As this is an Ex Post Facto study, some of the limitations mentioned are not possible to measure or control for. However, those variables that are controllable have been considered and methodology to control for such variables has been previously mentioned. 52 FINDINGS In this chapter, data pertaining to each research question were analyzed and findings were discussed. This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the significance of implementing and applying the three process steps of the LM (Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder/Prove) relative to course ratings and perceived learning scores, as measured from course evaluations. Findings associated with each research question are addressed in this chapter. Research questions one and two are similar in methodology, in that the researcher took a large data set and disaggregated it down to a smaller fraction to control for confounding variables. As a result, 33 courses were used in determining the change in course ratings and perceived learning scores over time. Remember, research question one asks, from the Fall 2007 semester up to the Winter 2010 semester, how have course ratings changed over the eight semesters time period? In the second research question, the change in student perceived learning for the same time frame was the focus. Both research question one and two employed a comparison of means, ANOVA, and a two sample t-test to measure the differences in mean scores. Research question three looks at a variety of variables that may contribute to the level of correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the three variables that are measured relative to the third research question are; class size, semester when courses were taken, and instructor employment status. By disaggregating the data to class size, semesters, and instructor employment status the degree at which these variables affect the strength of correlation 53 between LM and student perceived learning scores were evaluated and analyzed respectively. Research Question 1: A Change in End-of-Course Scores The first research question in this study asks if a change was noticed in course ratings beginning Fall 2007, representing the semester preceding the implementation of the LM. In other words, the LM was fully introduced to students and faculty before the second semester (Winter 2008) of this study. Remember, there are a total of eight semesters examined throughout the study. The first semester represents the time before the LM was fully implemented, while the remaining seven semesters are reflective of the period when the LM was introduced and encouraged as a learning and teaching methodology for student and faculty campus wide. As mentioned previously, the evaluation instrument used to measure course ratings was changed beginning Winter semester, 2009. For this reason, course ratings for T1 will be compared one with another. Likewise, end-of-course ratings for T2 will be evaluated. Remember, T1 represents the semesters (Fall 2007 to Fall 2008) where the old evaluation instrument was used to collect data from student evaluations. T2 represents the semesters (Winter 2009 to Winter 2010) in which the new evaluation instrument was used for the same purpose. The methodology used to measure the mean differences in course ratings were primarily through a comparison of means using ANOVA and a paired, two-sample mean t-test, as previously explained. Have course ratings change over time? For question one, the researcher collected end-of-course ratings for all courses from the Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2010 54 semesters. The data were further disaggregated to only those instructors who had taught the same course in each semester, consecutively. The researcher found 33 courses that met the criteria. Course ratings for the 33 courses were compared and analyzed. A correlation matrix was used to evaluate the mean differences in course ratings for each semester (see Appendix IV). This revealed that each semester’s course ratings are closely correlated. In other words, no semesters revealed a significant deviation from the other semesters. Furthermore, a breakdown of each individual course by semester was given in a comparison of means table. Table 1 shows those qualifying courses for this study; each course is categorized by department. Notice the difference in individual course ratings for each individual course over the eight semesters. For the most part, increases in course ratings between semesters were realized over time. When comparing course ratings for Fall 2007 with Fall 2008 course ratings 21 out of the 33 courses showed gains, one course stayed equal, and 11 courses showed a drop in courses ratings. 55 Table 1. Course Ratings of Qualifying Courses for T1Semesters Departments Accounting Agribusiness Animal Sciences Arch & Const Art Biology Communications Computer Science English Exercise and Sports Sciences Foreign Languages History Home and Family Mathematics Music Psychology Sociology Inst. ID 146 146 267 266 727 888 471 471 225 228 743 931 889 717 297 203 767 722 722 722 722 367 202 470 836 508 508 111 823 534 245 245 245 Fall 2007 4.37 4.61 5.68 5.60 6.33 5.00 5.24 5.75 5.63 6.18 5.95 6.22 5.00 4.37 6.17 5.34 4.50 6.14 6.30 6.05 5.81 5.53 5.07 5.95 4.38 5.58 5.33 7.00 4.79 4.76 5.57 4.68 5.46 Course ACCTG 202 ACCTG 312 AGRON 122 AS 347 CONST 430 ART 130 B 461 B 478 B 466 COMM 150 COMM 230 COMM 130 COMM 100 COMM 316 COMM 102 CS 124 ENG 316 ESS 160 ESS 161 ESS 162 ESS 264 SPAN 101 HIST 201 CHILD 210 CHILD 335 HFED 100 HFED 350 MATH 100A MUSIC 209 PSYCH 302 SOC 111 SOC 340 SOC 360 56 Winter 2008 4.71 4.29 5.70 6.29 6.09 5.19 5.53 6.10 6.00 6.26 6.47 6.20 4.94 4.67 5.77 5.59 4.87 6.29 6.47 5.93 5.91 5.38 4.94 5.47 4.67 5.74 5.24 6.29 4.54 5.43 5.66 4.43 4.91 Spring 2008 5.15 4.78 6.00 6.80 5.86 5.68 5.90 6.10 6.67 5.86 6.29 6.00 4.58 4.75 5.96 5.82 5.11 6.10 6.20 6.10 5.54 4.89 4.48 5.77 5.41 5.86 5.90 5.50 4.50 4.87 5.06 5.20 5.40 Fall 2008 4.60 4.61 5.54 6.43 5.83 5.22 5.91 6.36 6.42 6.59 5.94 6.52 4.75 4.52 6.23 6.22 5.55 6.18 6.25 6.18 6.25 5.00 5.00 5.80 6.00 6.12 5.38 5.95 4.62 5.12 5.50 4.95 6.00 Mean Score 4.71 4.57 5.73 6.28 6.03 5.27 5.64 6.08 6.18 6.22 6.16 6.23 4.82 4.58 6.03 5.74 5.01 6.18 6.31 6.07 5.88 5.20 4.87 5.75 5.12 5.82 5.46 6.18 4.61 5.04 5.44 4.82 5.44 Also, notice the mean scores for the 33 courses in question. The two lowest mean course ratings were ACCTG 312 and COMM 316. The two highest mean course ratings were ESS 161 and AS 347. Interestingly, the two courses that scored lowest on course ratings were found to be in the Accounting and Communication departments, respectively. While the two highest mean course ratings were from the Exercise and Sports Sciences and Animal Sciences departments. The courses that scored lowest are typically taken to fulfill a general education requirement, whereas the courses that scored the highest normally are taken to satisfy a major course requirement. Other observations noticed as a result of comparing course ratings for T1were the quantity of courses that showed consistent gains over the four semester period. There were six courses that showed consistent gains in course ratings from one semester to the other over time. Those six courses include B461, B478, CS 124, ENG 316, CHILD 335, and HFED 100. There was only one course found of the 33 total courses in which a consistent drop in course ratings was noticed over the four semesters, CONST 430. In other words, six of the 33 courses showed consistent gains in course ratings over the four semester period, whereas only one course showed consistent losses in course ratings for the same period. Once again, T1 represents the first four semesters of this study. In these semesters the old evaluation instrument was used to collect course rating data. The first semester (Fall 2007) is representative of the last semester preceding the implementation of the LM. The next three semesters in T1 represent the first three semesters when the LM was introduced and application of said model encouraged campus wide. 57 Course rating data for T2 was also collected and organized in a similar manner. T2 represents the time period when the new evaluation instrument was employed to gather end-of-course data. Remember, T2 includes the last 4 semesters of this study. Due to the fact that the two evaluation instruments are somewhat different as it relates to the question sets, independent analyses where conducted for each time period. Table 2 shows course ratings for each of the 33 courses during T2. 58 Table 2 Course Ratings of Qualifying Courses for T2 Semesters Departments Accounting Agribusiness Animal Sciences Arch & Const Art Biology Communications Computer Science English Exercise and Sports Sciences Foreign Languages History Home and Family Mathematics Music Psychology Sociology Inst ID 146 146 267 266 727 888 471 471 225 228 743 931 889 717 297 203 767 722 722 722 722 367 202 470 836 508 508 111 823 534 245 245 245 Course ACCTG 202 ACCTG 312 AGRON 122 AS 347 CONST 430 ART 130 B 461 B 478 B 466 COMM 150 COMM 230 COMM 130 COMM 100 COMM 316 COMM 102 CS 124 ENG 316 ESS 160 ESS 161 ESS 162 ESS 264 SPAN 101 HIST 201 CHILD 210 CHILD 335 HFED 100 HFED 350 MATH 100A MUSIC 209 PSYCH 302 SOC 111 SOC 340 SOC 360 Winter Spring 2009 2009 4.63 4.54 4.25 4.39 5.68 5.29 6.67 6.45 6.07 6.20 6.11 5.24 6.13 5.71 6.63 6.00 5.92 6.00 6.35 6.19 5.67 6.17 6.45 6.08 5.38 4.53 4.76 5.30 6.29 6.06 6.08 6.00 5.16 5.02 6.18 6.31 6.69 6.54 6.26 6.25 6.10 6.38 5.24 6.00 5.33 5.03 6.18 6.07 5.29 4.92 6.07 5.86 5.74 5.93 6.57 5.50 4.52 5.35 4.77 5.56 5.47 5.67 5.16 4.84 5.00 5.93 59 Fall 2009 4.81 4.59 5.96 6.60 6.11 6.00 6.15 6.62 5.62 6.23 6.00 6.02 4.81 4.50 6.20 5.39 5.63 5.83 6.58 6.53 6.70 5.80 5.00 6.13 6.00 6.19 5.89 6.00 5.32 5.75 5.73 5.27 5.41 Winter Mean 2010 Score 4.87 4.71 5.38 4.65 5.70 5.66 6.50 6.56 6.24 6.15 5.43 5.70 5.81 5.95 6.05 6.32 5.75 5.82 6.24 6.26 5.54 5.84 6.21 6.19 5.60 5.08 5.60 5.04 6.26 6.20 6.07 5.89 5.36 5.29 5.77 6.02 6.57 6.60 6.13 6.29 6.55 6.43 5.59 5.66 4.43 4.95 6.10 6.12 6.00 5.55 6.06 6.05 5.60 5.79 6.36 6.11 5.15 5.08 5.48 5.39 5.31 5.54 5.12 5.10 5.08 5.35 During T2, it seems that a leveling off occurred for each of the 33 courses in question. Only one course (ACCTG 312) showed consistent gains in course ratings for each of the four semesters in T2. Likewise, there was only one course (HIST 201) that showed consistent drops in each consecutive semester during the same time period. Interestingly, ACCTG 312—the one course that showed gains in each of the four semesters during T2—had the lowest mean score for T1. This being said, the two lowest mean scores in T2 were found to be ACCTG 202 and ACCTG 312. Even with consistent gains in ACCTG 312, this course went from having the lowest mean course ratings of the 33 courses being evaluated to next to lowest mean rating. What’s most curious about this course is the jump in course rating for Winter 2010 semester. What was different about this semester that caused the change? Was it more use of the LM? Research questions two and three will examine further these inquiries. The two highest course ratings were again found for ESS 161 and AS 347. In fact, mean course rating scores for both ESS 161 and AS 347 for T1 and T2 respectively, show an increase from one period to another. ESS161 showed a gain in mean score from T1 to T2 of .29 points. Likewise, AS 347 course showed gains from 6.28 to 6.56 during the same time, a difference of .28. The high ratings and evidence of continued improved scores are cause for further investigation, as this study relates to the affects of LM application on course ratings and student perceived learning. Are LM scores associated with higher course ratings? Again, question three will address this relationship. Once individual courses were examined using a comparison of means analysis the researcher used a one-way ANOVA test to measure the differences in the combined means for T1 and T2. In other words, an average course rating of all 33 courses were 60 computed for each semester. This was done in an attempt to compare the differences in mean course ratings for the entire 33 courses by semester. The researcher wanted to learn if course ratings improved over time when the 33 courses were grouped into one body. Again, T1 represents the semesters previous to the change in the course evaluation instrument (from Fall 2007 to Fall 2008 semesters). T2 represents the semesters when the new course evaluation was employed (from Winter 2009 to Winter 2010 semesters). Table 3 shows the results of the one-way ANOVA test for T1 and T2. Notice the differences between the means for each semester. Table 3 ANOVA: End-of-Course Ratings for T1& T2 Semesters Evaluation Instrument Standard Semester N Course Rating Employed Deviation Fall 2007 33 5.46 .45 Old Evaluation Winter 2008 33 5.51 .41 Instrument (T1) Spring 2008 33 5.57 .37 Fall 2008 33 5.68 .41 Winter 2009 33 5.72 .46 New Evaluation Spring 2009 33 5.67 .35 Instrument (T2) Fall 2009 33 5.79 .34 Winter 2010 33 5.75 .26 *Indicates a significance level at or less than .05 between semesters 61 In five out of the seven opportunities for course ratings to change an increase in average course ratings was realized. Only in two semesters did the average course rating drop for the composite body of courses. Although the average means for each semester were different, the significance level was measured at .55 between each semester. This indicates that no significant changes in end-of-course ratings were found between semesters during the T1 time period. Or in other words, no significance was found for the change in average course ratings from one semester to another (i.e., from Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2008 semester). Again, for T2 no significant differences between semesters were found. The P-value for end-of-course ratings for T2 was measured at .86, clearly showing no significance. However, notice the increase in course ratings from Fall 2007 semester to Winter 2010 semester for the 33 courses in question. Gradually, the end of course ratings increased from one semester to another over the time period when the LM was introduced and implemented campus wide. Remember, the LM was informally introduced just prior to the Fall 2007 semester. It wasn’t until the next semester, Winter 2008, when the LM was fully encouraged to be implemented by students and faculty throughout the campus. The three semesters following the Fall 2007 semester, representing the time period when the old evaluation instrument was employed, realized a consistent increase in course ratings. From the Fall 2007 semester to Fall 2008 semester, average end-of-course ratings improved from 5.46 to 5.68, more than .2 points increase. However, the improvements in end-of-course ratings for T2 were not as profound as in T1. The findings reveal a average course rating for Winter 2009 of 5.72 and a mean course rating for Winter 2010 62 of 5.75, a little more than .03 point difference. A two-sample t-test was used to measure the level of change and to calculate the significance level of the change for T1 and T2. The hypothesized change was selected to be zero, meaning that no changes in course ratings were anticipated. The results of this t-test showed that the change in course ratings for T1 was significant (see Appendix V). Remember, the significance level of this study was set at the .05 level. For T1, the findings reveal that the increase in end-of-course ratings for T1 measured .019. A similar t-test was conducted for T2. Taking the beginning semester (Winter 2009) and comparing it to the most recent data available for this study (Winter 2010), revealed a P-value of .66 (see Appendix V). The significance value for T2 is very large at .66, revealing no significance in the differences between mean end-of-course ratings for this time frame. The findings show that during the T1 semesters a steady increase was apparent for the 33 courses being measured. But, in T2 semesters the change in end-of-course ratings showed no significance between Winter 2009 and Winter 2010 semesters. The change in course ratings for T1 was found to be significant, whereas the change in course ratings for T2 was not significant. The difference between end-of-course ratings for Fall 2008 semester and Winter 2009 semester was also evaluated to see if the change in course evaluation instrument had any significant affect on course ratings. The Fall 2008 semester showed a mean course rating for the 33 courses under investigation measuring 5.68 points. Whereas, the Winter 2009 semester showed a mean course rating of 5.72 for the same courses. The differences of mean course ratings between Fall 2008 semester and Winter 2009 semester 63 measured less than .04 points, not a noticeable change. Likewise, using a two sample ttest the significance value between these two semesters measured .57, revealing no significance (see Appendix V). Remember, the Fall 2008 semester represents the last semester in which the old evaluation instrument was used to measure end-of-course ratings. Also, the Winter 2009 semester represents the first semester in which the new evaluation tool was employed to gather end-of-course ratings, among other data. This lack of significance between the Fall 2008 and Winter 2009 semester is surprising. The change in evaluation instruments did not seem to have much of an effect on course ratings between the two semesters in question. As a result of finding no difference between course ratings between T1 and T2 a comparison of means for the beginning semester of this study with the last semester of this study was conducted. The difference in mean course ratings for the Fall 2007 and the Fall 2010 semesters were evaluated using the same two sample t-test. The same 33 courses were used in this evaluation to keep with methodological criteria previously established for this research question. The purpose in comparing the Fall 2007 semester with the Winter 2010 semester was to learn the significance of the change in course ratings from the semester before the LM was implemented to the latest semester. In other words, for the average mean course ratings of the 33 courses in question, what changes have occurred over the last eight semesters and was this change significant? When course ratings from the first to the last semester are compared a significant difference in mean scores is realized. The findings show a significant change between composite course ratings over time. The significance level for this two-tailed t-test was measured at the .003 level, meaning that there is roughly a 99.997% chance that the 64 difference between the two end-of-course mean ratings did not occur by chance alone (see Appendix V). The mean rating for Fall 2007 semester was measured to be 5.46, compare that with the mean score for Winter 2010 of 5.75. With an n of 33, this difference becomes significant between the two semesters. What does this tell us? For one, it shows that some factor has caused or aided this increase in scores from one semester to another. However, it doesn’t help us understand what that factor was. Many variables may have played a role in causing this increase in course ratings and only one of those contributing factors might be the implementation of the LM. Research Question three deals with data that may help us understand to what level the LM may have been a contributing factor in raising end-of-course scores for these instructors. Research Question 2: A Change in Perceived Learning Scores The second research question governing this study asks how student perceived learning scores have changed during the time the LM was introduced and implemented campus wide. Perceived learning scores are evaluated and calculated with a similar methodology used to evaluate the previous research question regarding course ratings. The purpose in this evaluation is to learn if students’ perceived learning scores have increased, decreased, or if the scores stayed the same in relation to the time the LM was implemented campus wide (between the Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 semesters). The data used to find the differences between perceived learning scores for T1 and T2 were compiled using the same methodology as in the first research question. Instructors were identified who taught the same courses for each of the eight semesters, 65 spanning the Fall 2007 semester through to the Winter 2010 semester. The differences in class sizes between semesters were controlled for and beginning instructors (those who have taught the course less than 3 times previous to the Fall 2007 semester) were eliminated from the data set. In controlling for such variables, the remaining qualifying data set revealed 33 courses that met all criteria previously address in Chapter 3. Again, the 33 courses used to answer question two, regarding the change in student perceived learning over time, are the same courses used in research question one. In the previous section, the findings show that course ratings increased during T1, T2, and from Fall 2007 to Winter 2010 semesters, as reported above. But, how has students’ perceived learning changed, if at all, during T1, T2, and between the Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters? This section will attempt to compile and compute data that will help in answering this question. A correlation matrix was used to quickly compare perceived learning scores for each of the eight semesters of this study (see Appendix VI). In each case, the correlation values of perceived learning scores for each semester were found to be significantly correlated. In other words, none of the semesters showed extreme differences in perceived learning scores. Each of the perceived learning scores for the eight semesters was found to be homogeneous one with another. Individual perceived learning scores were compiled using a comparison of means table. Table 4 shows the results of individual perceived learning scores for each of the 33 courses for T1. Remember, the scores may range from negative two to positive two. 66 Table 4. Perceived Learning Scores for T1 by Semester Departments Accounting Agribusiness Animal Sciences Arch & Const Art Biology Communications Computer Science English Exercise and Sports Sciences Foreign Languages History Home and Family Mathematics Music Psychology Sociology Inst ID 146 146 267 266 727 888 471 471 225 228 743 931 889 717 297 203 767 722 722 722 722 367 202 470 836 508 508 111 823 534 245 245 245 Course ACCTG 202 ACCTG 312 AGRON 122 AS 347 CONST 430 ART 130 B 461 B 478 B 466 COMM 150 COMM 230 COMM 130 COMM 100 COMM 316 COMM 102 CS 124 ENG 316 ESS 160 ESS 161 ESS 162 ESS 264 SPAN 101 HIST 201 CHILD 210 CHILD 335 HFED 100 HFED 350 MATH 100A MUSIC 209 PSYCH 302 SOC 111 SOC 340 SOC 360 67 Fall 2007 0.64 0.19 1.21 1.89 1.38 1.43 0.81 1.30 1.26 1.38 1.38 1.78 0.62 0.37 1.06 1.11 0.17 0.91 0.77 0.57 0.94 1.41 0.93 0.74 1.00 1.00 0.44 2.00 0.59 0.75 1.00 1.08 1.39 Winter Spring Fall Mean 2008 2008 2008 Score 0.71 1.32 0.73 .85 -0.14 0.68 0.10 .21 1.00 1.55 0.86 1.16 1.71 2.00 2.00 1.90 1.35 1.20 1.17 1.28 1.21 1.64 1.33 1.40 1.20 1.50 1.55 1.27 1.60 1.90 1.68 1.62 1.50 1.89 1.63 1.57 1.07 1.05 1.51 1.25 1.50 1.53 1.13 1.39 1.58 1.53 1.48 1.59 0.58 0.00 0.07 .32 0.25 0.39 -.16 .21 0.87 1.36 1.00 1.07 1.17 0.30 1.50 1.02 0.35 0.44 0.47 .36 1.00 0.71 1.04 .92 0.94 0.48 0.50 .67 0.60 0.60 0.73 .63 1.09 0.92 1.25 1.05 0.79 1.58 1.42 1.30 0.97 0.67 0.46 .76 0.75 1.07 0.91 .87 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.26 1.29 1.37 1.13 1.20 0.48 0.95 0.81 .67 1.75 2.00 1.60 1.84 0.57 1.17 0.50 .71 1.00 1.13 0.97 .96 1.04 0.56 0.88 .87 0.90 1.29 1.23 1.13 1.09 1.38 1.35 1.30 The findings show that the two courses with the lowest mean perceived learning scores for T1 are the same courses that had the lowest course ratings for the same time period. Both ACCTG 312 and COMM 316 scored a .21 for perceived learning. This shows that a correlation between course ratings and perceived learning scores may exist. Likewise, AS 347 had the highest mean perceived learning score and course rating for T1. What about for T2? Table 5 shows the result of perceived learning scores by semester for T2. Again, AS 347 showed the highest perceived learning score for T2. Also, ACCTG 312 and COMM 316 accounted for two out of the three lowest perceived learning scores for T2. 68 Table 5. Perceive Learning Scores for T2 by Semester Departments Accounting Agribusiness Animal Sciences Arch & Const Art Biology Communications Computer Science English Exercise and Sports Sciences Foreign Languages History Home and Family Mathematics Music Psychology Sociology Inst ID 146 146 267 266 727 888 471 471 225 228 743 931 889 717 297 203 767 722 722 722 722 367 202 470 836 508 508 111 823 534 245 245 245 Winter Spring Fall Winter Course 2009 2009 2009 2010 ACCTG 202 0.53 0.90 0.73 0.69 ACCTG 312 0.19 0.25 0.24 0.71 AGRON 122 1.03 0.80 1.00 1.09 AS 347 1.89 1.80 1.80 1.80 CONST 430 1.34 1.47 1.33 1.39 ART 130 1.68 1.38 1.74 1.21 B 461 1.69 1.62 1.75 1.38 B 478 2.00 1.57 1.92 1.52 B 466 1.62 1.65 1.08 1.30 COMM 150 1.50 1.29 1.40 1.42 COMM 230 1.20 1.08 1.42 1.15 COMM 130 1.63 1.62 1.43 1.62 COMM 100 0.58 0.15 0.43 1.10 COMM 316 -0.16 0.65 -.17 0.35 COMM 102 0.38 1.08 0.24 1.03 CS 124 1.49 1.61 1.44 1.53 ENG 316 0.61 0.71 0.81 0.49 ESS 160 1.17 0.93 0.78 0.54 ESS 161 0.86 0.34 0.83 0.67 ESS 162 0.40 0.50 0.27 0.13 ESS 264 1.20 1.46 1.60 1.64 SPAN 101 1.13 1.12 1.16 1.18 HIST 201 0.95 0.47 0.78 0.43 CHILD 210 1.24 1.24 1.17 0.56 CHILD 335 1.07 0.92 1.79 1.67 HFED 100 1.05 0.32 0.68 0.49 HFED 350 0.97 1.17 1.02 0.76 1.33 1.00 1.91 MATH 100A 1.67 MUSIC 209 0.03 0.65 0.77 0.55 PSYCH 302 0.62 1.12 1.14 1.20 SOC 111 0.74 1.10 1.10 0.85 SOC 340 1.03 1.17 1.20 1.18 SOC 360 0.75 1.31 0.71 0.46 69 Mean Score .71 .35 .98 1.82 1.38 1.50 1.61 1.75 1.41 1.40 1.21 1.58 .57 .17 .68 1.52 .66 .86 .68 .33 1.48 1.15 .66 1.05 1.36 .64 .98 1.48 .50 1.02 .95 1.15 .81 Preliminary evidence shows that a correlation may be present between course ratings and perceived learning scores. In other words, if perceived learning scores are high then course ratings will likely be high as well. This intuitive result seems plausible based on experience. When a student enjoys a course they may have a tendency to rate the course high. Also, when a student feels he/she has learn a significant amount in a course they may tend to rate highly all aspects of the course. Could application of LM process steps be the reason students perceive themselves as learning more in a given course? Again, research question three will address this in detail. Individual mean scores for perceived learning were averaged for each semester for both T1 and T2. This was done to study the average fluctuation of perceived learning scores by semesters. Table 6 shows the mean perceived learning scores for T1 and T2 by semesters. As previously defined, perceived learning scores are based on a scale from a negative two to a positive two. A negative two indicates that all students participating in the end-of-course evaluation felt they had learned a “great deal less” when compared with other courses. A combined evaluation score of negative one indicates that students felt they had learned “a little less” in this particular course as it compares to other courses they have taken. A zero score indicates students perceived that they had learned “about the same” as compared to other courses they have taken. A positive one perceived learning score suggests students felt as if they had learned “a little more” than other courses taken. Lastly, a score of positive two would mean all students felt they had each learned “a great deal more” when compared to other college courses taken. 70 Table 6 ANOVA: Student Perceived Learning Scores for T1& T2 Semesters Evaluation Instrument Semester Perceived Learning Standard Score Deviation N Employed Fall 2007 33 1.01 .20 Old Evaluation Winter 2008 33 0.99 .18 Instrument (T1) Spring 2008 33 1.13 .27 Fall 2008 33 1.03 .26 Winter 2009 33 1.03 .28 New Evaluation Spring 2009 33 1.05 .20 Instrument (T2) Fall 2009 33 1.04 .25 Winter 2010 33 1.02 .22 *Indicates a significance level at or less than .05 between semesters Notice that the mean scores for student perceived learning is close to positive one, plus or minus a tenth of a point. What this suggests is that for the 33 courses being evaluated the average student perceptions of their learning was “a little more” than other college courses taken. However, no noticeable pattern of an increase in perceived learning scores are apparent in this initial ANOVA for T1 & T2. The differences between the Fall 2007 semester and the Fall 2008 semester is very slight. There seemed to be a spike in perceived learning scores during the Spring 2008 semester, but then scores seem to level off around 1.04. No significance was found between the differences in perceived learning scores for either T1 or T2. Likewise, the 71 differences in mean scores between Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 were such that almost no difference was noticed. The significance level was found to be .904, a value close to one, indicating little to no change. In summary, the findings show that no significant change in student perceived learning was noticed for the 33 courses measured. The average mean perceived learning score indicated that, in general, student felt that they had learned “a little more” in the courses being studied compared to other college course they had taken. Interestingly, the findings for research question one indicated that a significant change in course ratings was realized for this same population being studied. Yet, research question two revealed no significant change in student perceived learning during the same time period. It seems that course ratings have been affected by some outside factor, but student perceived learning has remained unchanged, regardless of the change in course evaluation instruments. To what degree has the LM contributed to the change in these variables? The next section will explore the strength of correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. Research Question 3: The Relationship between LM and Perceived Learning Scores The purpose in asking the third research question is to learn how closely LM scores correlate with student perceived learning scores. If a correlation exists between these variables one could assume that the independent variable could help predict the outcome of the dependent variable. In other words, if evidence shows a strong correlation between variables, then LM scores could be used to predict the general outcome of student perceived learning scores. Furthermore, one could extrapolate from 72 this assumption that when instructors are effective in implementing LM process steps in a course an increase in student perceived learning will be the outcome, generally speaking. For this study, LM scores act as the independent variable and student perceived learning represent the dependant variables measured. In addition, by measuring the strength of correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores the implications of applying LM process steps begin to be revealed. The finding for this section can help answer questions like the following: “Do student perceived learning scores improve as LM scores improve?” or “When LM scores are high in a given class do students perceive to learn more in these classes compared to course where a low LM score was recorded?” The first step in learning the strength of correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores was to compare the means for each variable; this was completed in the previous two sections. For this research question all data points found in T2 were used, totally 5,696 courses over the four semester span. These data points were disaggregated to control for class size, semesters in which the course was taught, and the instructor’s employment status. Table 7 shows mean perceived learning scores for each semester based on instructor’s employment status. Notice the increase in mean perceived learning scores for CFS instructors when compared to 1YR, ADJ, and VET for each of the four semesters represented. On average, CFS instructor’s mean perceived learning scores were found to be at least .15 points higher than 1YR instructor’s mean perceived learning score and .21 points higher than VET instructor’s scores. Also, notice the standard deviation for CFS is lower than the other three variables with an average of .46 points. 73 Less variation from the mean perceived learning score was found for CFS instructor’s than for 1YR, ADJ, and VET. VET instructor’s had the highest deviation from the mean perceived learning score with an average deviation of .59 points. 74 Table 7. Mean Perceived Learning Score by Semester Based on Instructor’s Employment Status Semester Fall 2009 Spring 2009 Winter 2009 Winter 2010 Mean Instructor’s Employment Status 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total Mean .93 .83 1.09 .87 .94 .91 .94 1.07 .86 .96 .88 .89 1.10 .89 .96 .99 .85 1.07 .86 .93 .93 .88 1.08 .87 .95 N 122 311 488 564 1485 111 233 458 402 1204 102 405 533 578 1618 128 306 404 551 1389 463 1255 1883 2095 5696 Std. Deviation .53 .54 .45 .58 .54 .51 .53 .46 .63 .55 .53 .53 .48 .59 .55 .45 .52 .47 .55 .52 .50 .53 .46 .59 .54 Next, the researcher likewise compared mean LM scores by semester based on instructor’s employment status (see Table 8). Similar results were noticed with CFS instructors having the highest mean LM score per semester over 1YR, ADJ, and VET instructors. The difference between average LM scores was not as stark of a contrast 75 when compared to perceived learning scores. On average, only .03 points separated the top score from the bottom score. A similar pattern was noticed in standard deviation, as CFS instructors showed lowest deviation from the mean of .06 points and VET instructors had the highest standard deviation score of .10 points. 76 Table 8. Mean LM Scores by Semester Based on Instructor’s Employment Status Semester Fall 2009 Spring 2009 Winter 2009 Winter 2010 Mean Instructor Employment Status 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total 1 Year Appointment Adjunct Continued Faculty Status Veteran Total Mean .83 .83 .85 .82 .83 .84 .84 .85 .81 .83 .82 .83 .85 .82 .83 .84 .83 .85 .83 .84 .83 .83 .85 .82 .83 N 122 311 488 564 1485 111 233 458 402 1204 102 405 533 578 1618 128 306 404 551 1389 463 1255 1883 2095 5696 Std. Deviation .07 .09 .06 .10 .08 .06 .07 .07 .12 .09 .06 .09 .06 .10 .09 .05 .10 .07 .07 .08 .06 .09 .06 .10 .08 A similar pattern was noticed for both perceived learning scores and LM scores when controlling for instructor’s employment status. For each semester, CFS instructors 77 scored the highest for both perceived learning scores and LM scores. Likewise, VET instructors had the lowest score for most of the semesters. Standard deviation scores were low for CFS and high for VET instructors. Compared with VET instructors, in general CFS instructors will have a perceived learning score that is .101 points higher (see Appendix VII). Does this trend hold true when perceived learning scores and LM scores are disaggregated by class size? Does class size affect this trend? Perceived learning scores were categorized by semester and class size to compare the differences in means (see Table 9). The results of the comparison show a difference in mean perceived learning scores between small classes and very large classes. Small sized classes have the highest perceived learning score, whereas very large sized classes tend to have the lowest perceived learning scores. However, perceived learning scores tend to have the highest deviation from the mean and very large classes have the lowest variance from the mean score, generally speaking. 78 Table 9. Mean Perceived Learning Scores by Semesters Based on Class Size Semester Fall 2009 Spring 2009 Winter 2009 Winter 2010 Mean Class Size Mean N Std. Deviation 0-10 1.04 102 .74 11-20 21-30 Over 30 Total 0-10 11-20 21-30 Over 30 Total 0-10 11-20 21-30 Over 30 Total 0-10 11-20 21-30 Over 30 Total 0-10 11-20 21-30 Over 30 Total 1.0 .96 .87 .94 1.13 1.05 .97 .88 .96 1.12 .96 .97 .89 .96 1.02 1.01 .94 .87 .93 1.10 1.02 .96 .88 .95 263 417 703 1485 126 238 308 532 1204 240 332 449 597 1618 97 268 435 589 1389 565 1101 1609 2421 5696 .60 .51 .48 .54 .67 .50 .53 .53 .55 .74 .59 .47 .47 .55 .65 .64 .52 .42 .52 .71 .59 .51 .48 .54 LM mean scores were also compared by semester based on class size (see Appendix VIII). No differences in mean LM scores were noticed between large, medium, and small classes, each scoring on average .84 points. Very large class sizes showed a slight drop in mean LM score with an average score over the four semesters of .82 points. For the most part, there were virtually no differences in LM scores from one 79 semester to another. In other words, mean LM scores for class size based on the semester year in which the course was taught showed little to no difference between categories or semesters. Preliminary evidence shows that perceived learning scores tend to be affected by class size. Yet LM scores show little to no effects from the change in class size from one semester to the next. Likewise, LM scores tend to be similar regardless of a small, medium, or large class. There seems to be some variability for very large classes, however. Very large classes show a drop in LM scores for most of the semesters in which it was taken. The last section for question three addresses the relationship between the LM and student perceived learning. This portion of the third research question is most revealing and telling about the effectiveness of the LM and the importance of its use in the classroom. Implications could be significant if students feel they learn more when the LM process steps are applied throughout a course. Again, this section is broken down into three areas of study in an attempt to evaluate the strength of correlation between the LM and student perceived learning, given different variables. First an overview of the average correlating values will be looked at, followed by a breakdown of variables as previously mentioned. The effects of class size. Class size can have an effect on both LM scores and student perceived learning scores, as show previously. The following section will look at the correlating effects of class size and evaluate how the difference in class sizes might affect the strength of correlation between the two variables. Table 10 shows how average LM scores, perceived learning scores, and class size correlate one with another. 80 Table 10. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Class Size Average LM Perceived Class Size Scores Learning Scores Average LM Scores 1 Perceived Learning Scores .518 1 Class Size -.091 -.142 1 Each of the correlating values was found to be significant at the .05 level. In other words, evidence suggests when LM scores increase perceived learning scores do likewise, generally speaking. Another significant finding was noted in this correlation matrix regarding class size. Notice the negative correlation between class sizes and both LM scores and perceived learning scores, respectively. This shows that when class sizes are increased, LM scores and perceived learning scores decrease. Remember, from earlier findings very large sized classes tend to have the lowest LM scores and perceived learning scores when compared to other sized classes. This begs the question, could using the LM in very large sized courses produce greater change in perceived learning scores compared with other sized classes? The effects of semester enrolled. This next section focuses on the effects course fulfillment status may have on LM scores and student perceived learning scores. As mentioned from previous sections, semesters are divided into four separate categorizes; 81 Winter 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, and Winter 2010. Table 11 shows the correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores by semesters. Table 11. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Semester Semester Winter 2009 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Winter 2010 Variables LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Scores .61 N 1485 .56 1204 .62 1618 .64 1389 To summarize this section of the study regarding the semester when students enrolled, the pattern of a positive correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores are consistent throughout. Similarly to previous sections of this study, a correlation seems to be present between the two variables when compared one to another. Courses taken during the Winter 2010 semester showed the strongest correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. In other words, the LM scores of those students enrolled in a course during the Winter 2010 semester could be used to predict perceived learning score more accurately than the other three semesters. However, this is not conclusive. Not every winter semester will bring similar result. Likewise, in each semester, the correlation values are positive and fairly strong. In other words, the 82 semester in which a course was taken seems to have little to no affect on the strength of correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores. The effects of instructor employment status. The last portion of this section, regarding the relationship between LM scores and perceived learning scores, looks at the effects that instructor employment status might have on the strength of correlation between these two variables. In other terms, will the strength of correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores be affected by whether the instructor is tenured (VET), working towards tenure (CFS), adjunct (ADJ) or hired on as a temporary oneyear appointment (1YR)? The first to be considered are instructors who are working towards tenure (CFS). It is assumed that most of instructors in this category are working towards and are hoping to receive tenure status. One requisite in receiving tenure at BYU-Idaho are good student evaluations. Likewise, instructors who use good teaching strategies, like those inherent in the LM, will have more of the advantage receiving tenure status. Table 12 represents the relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning scores for each respective instructor. Notice again the strong correlation between the two variables in a positive direction. This value was calculated to be at the .000 significance level, meaning that the probability of this correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores happening by chance is less than .001%. Therefore, not only does this tell us that a positive correlation exists between these two variables, but that the correlation itself is significant. 83 Table 12. Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Instructor Employment Status Instructor Employment Status 1YR ADJ CFS VET Variables LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Score LM Scores / Perceived Learning Scores .76 N 463 .67 1255 .60 1883 .55 2095 It is interesting to see that the strongest correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning was found for 1YR instructors. The lowest correlation between the two variables was found to be with VET instructors. In other words, instructors on a one year appointment have a better chance of predicting perceived learning scores based on LM score results over courses taught by VET instructors. This might be due to teacher reputations. A VET instructor may already be known to incoming students. This previous bias may play a role in the difference in strength of correlation between these variables. The findings for employment status seem to be consistent in showing a positive correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. Some correlations are stronger than others, but all seem to be positively correlated, meaning LM scores are good predictors of student perceived learning, regardless of class size, semester enrolled, or instructor employment status. 84 Summary of Findings The findings for each of the three research questions reveal differing results. For research question one, findings show a significant increase in end-of-course ratings from the Fall 2007 semester and the Fall 2008 semester. Likewise, a significant increase in end-of-course ratings from the Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 semesters were measured for the 33 courses studied. Yet, no significant difference in mean end-of-course ratings were noticed between the Winter 2009 and Winter 2010 semesters, the semesters reflective of the new course evaluation instrument. For question two, no significant change in perceived learning scores was revealed for the 33 courses under investigation. Somewhat surprising was the fact that little to no difference in student perceived learning scores was measured between the Fall 2007 and the Winter 2010 semesters. Overall, student perceived learning scores stayed relatively constant at a rating of around 1.04. The third research question was a study of the relationship between LM scores and student perceived learning scores for semesters when the new course evaluation instrument was used to collect student data. Furthermore, the findings were disaggregated into class size, semester enrolled in course, and instructor employment status. In all cases, a significant correlation was found between these variables. The question remains, what do these findings mean? Chapter 5 will focus on the possible implications and future impact these findings may have on curriculum development, student study habits, course design, among other related areas. 85 CONCLUSIONS The purpose in conducting this study was to determine if the implementation of LM principles and process steps has affected (either negatively or positively) course scores and/or student perceived learning scores as found on end-of-course evaluations. Furthermore, the researcher inquired to know what effects class size, semesters enrolled, and instructor employment status had, if at all, on the strength of correlation between LM student perceived learning, respectively. Data was collected, based on course evaluations from the Fall 2007 through Winter 2010 semester. The data were disaggregated to control for the different variables, as previously mentioned, and statistical analyses were employed to reveal the findings. This Chapter will summarize the revealed findings and draw conclusions related to the implementation of the LM and the associated affects on course scores and student perceived learning. Also, possible implications of these findings along with further research possibilities and suggestions are explored. Results of Findings The purpose in asking research question one was to learn if end-of-course scores had changed beginning with the Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2010 semesters. The difference between the two semesters is roughly two and ½ years. Shortly following the Fall 2007 semester the LM was formally introduced to students and faculty as a campuswide model to follow. The researcher wanted to learn if the implementation of the LM has had an effect on course scores over time. The second research question was asked in an attempt to learn if student perceived learning scores changed from the Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters. The 86 claim for implementing the LM at BYU-Idaho was to increase student learning and understanding of the material being presented in class. If students perceived themselves as learning more from one semester to another then perhaps something might be contributing to this change. This was the intent in asking the second research question. The third research question looks specifically at the semesters after the course evaluation instrument was changed to measure the level at which the three process steps of the LM were being employed by the instructor and students. This question was asked in an attempt to evaluate the strength of correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. Furthermore, data were disaggregated down to subcategories of class size, semester when taken, and instructor employment status. These subcategories were evaluated to see what effects they might have on the strength of correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores. Change in course ratings over time. For research question one, the researcher first looked at course ratings of those classes that were taught by the same instructor for the Fall 2007 semester to the Winter 2010 semester. The researcher used a comparison of means and ANOVA to measure the differences in mean course ratings for the 33 courses identified as matching the criteria previously determined for this question. A two-paired t-test was used to measure the significance between mean scores for T1, T2, and the Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 semesters. This analysis revealed a significant difference between the mean course ratings for the Fall 2007 semester compared with the Winter 2010 semester. This finding suggests that the change in mean course ratings from Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semester did not happen by chance. In other words, during the two and ½ year time frame between the Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 semesters something occurred, 87 or a variety of things occurred, to bring about the change in end-of-course scores from one semester to the other. Remember, the course evaluation instrument was changed in the Winter 2009 semester. For this reason, the collection of data was divided into two parts, T1 and T2. T1 represents the semesters in which the old evaluation instrument was used to collect student data (Fall 2007 – Fall 2008), and T2 represented the semesters in which the new course evaluation instrument was employed for the same reason (Winter 2009 – Winter 2010). The findings revealed a significant difference in mean course ratings for T1, but not for T2. Also shown, was the fact that each consecutive semester’s mean course rating improved for both T1and T2 time periods. With the implementation of the LM occurring after the Fall 2007 semester, one may question “how has the LM process steps attributed to this increase in course ratings?” Definite conclusions cannot be made at this point regarding the cause of the increasing in course ratings during T1 through to the end of T2. However, evidence shows that course ratings have been increasing, generally speaking, from the Fall 2007 to the Winter 2010 semesters. The change in mean course ratings for the Fall 2008 and the Winter 2009 semester was also measured. The purpose in doing so was to learn what affects the new course evaluation instrument may have had on end-of-course ratings for the 33 courses being evaluated. The finding revealed no significant change in course ratings between the two semesters. Likewise, the increase in course ratings from the Fall 2008 to the Winter 2009 semester was equal to the increases of previous semesters. What this suggests is that the change in evaluation instrument seemed to have had little to no affect on course ratings for the 33 courses studied. With this in mind, the researcher expanded 88 the study to span both T1 and T2. In other words, with no significant change in course ratings between the Fall 2008 and Winter 2009 semesters, the researcher conducted a ttest on the mean differences in course ratings between the Fall 2007 and the Winter 2010 semesters. The differences between mean course ratings between Fall 2007 and Winter 2010 had a positive difference, meaning that the average scores increased from one semester to the other. On average, the scores did not drop between the two semesters. In fact, the average mean scores for this group of instructors increased significantly from the beginning semester to the end semester in this study. This is important in learning that the implementation of the LM did not have a negative effect on course scores, generally speaking. In conclusion, for the 33 courses evaluated course ratings seemed to have improved between the first semester and the last semester of this study. Still the question remains: Could the LM be a reason for the increase? One of the probable causes of this increase may be due to the application of LM process steps by instructors, but that conclusion cannot be made at this time. Research question three addresses the strength of correlation between these two variables in question, and will be addressed later in this section. The change in perceived learning over time. Findings from research question one shows a definite change in course ratings from the semester before the implementation of the LM to the Winter 2010 semester, representing the most recent data available. Likewise, perceived learning scores were evaluated using the same methodology as was used to address research question one. However, results for 89 perceived learning ratings for the 33 courses evaluated revealed a much different outcome than was found for course ratings. No significant changes in perceived learning scores were noticed for the 33 courses evaluated. T1 and T2 showed no significant difference in perceived learning scores. In fact, the correlating value approached 1, meaning the perceived learning scores between semesters were nearly the same. Likewise, when the study was expanded to include the beginning semester (Fall 2007) to the last semester in this study (Winter 2010) a similar result was realized. For the 33 courses measured, no significant differences in perceived learning scores were found. Perhaps the reason for the relative similarity in perceived learning scores between semesters over time is due to the structure of the question. The question used on both evaluation instruments to measure perceived learning scores asks, “Compared to other college courses you have taken, would you say that you have learned…” then students select one of the following; “much less”, “a little less”, “about the same”, “a little more”, or “much more”. The findings show that the mean perceived learning score is close to one, which correlates with the response, “a little more”. In other words, for the 33 courses evaluated, students felt that, “compared to other college courses [they] have taken … [they] have learned a little more.” One issue with this question is that students are basing their answers on other college course they have taken. Does this give a real representation of what students have learned in the particular class being evaluated or is it merely a reflection of how much more or less a student has learned in a particular course compared with other college courses taken? What if a student is evaluating a course in which he/she has no experience in? Would the perceived learning score be higher in this course compared with a course in which the student has a fundamental background 90 knowledge. For example, a student who is a native Chinese speaker may feel she learns less in an Introduction to Chinese course compared with a non-Chinese speaking student, simply due to past experiences. Certainly, perceived learning scores would be affected in this scenario. A more accurate measure of perceived learning scores would be to measure students’ competency level at the beginning of a course and again at the conclusion of the same course. Another interesting finding noticed when comparing mean perceived learning scores with mean course ratings per semester was the fact that both scores seemed to follow a similar trend. What was noticed was those courses which had the highest perceived learning scores also had the highest course ratings. Likewise, those courses that scored lowest in perceived learning also has the lowest course ratings. This preliminary evidence shows that course ratings and perceived learning scores are correlated. In other words, when course ratings go up it is likely that perceived learning scores would also improve. Research question three would measure the strength of this correlation. In conclusion, the findings show no significant change in perceived learning scores for the 33 courses evaluated during T1 or T2. However, the fact that perceived learning scores measured close to a one for each respective semester suggests that in general they felt they had learned “a little more” in these courses compared to other courses they had taken. Does this suggest that these courses are at a higher level than other courses? There are still too many variables to say what factors help predict student perceived learning scores. More research is needed related to the variables that affect 91 student perceived learning scores. However, research question three of this study examined the effects of LM scores on this variable and others. The relationship between the LM scores and perceived learning scores. The third research question looks particularly at the relationship or correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. The purpose in evaluating the correlation between these two variables is to learn if an instructor whom implements the process steps of the LM would realize a higher student perceived learning score. The findings point to the fact that there is a correlation between LM scores and student perceived learning scores. In an attempt to measure the strength of correlation between each factor, LM scores and perceived learning scores for T2 were disaggregated to class sizes, semesters when the courses were taught, and instructor employment status. In each case, the findings showed a positive correlation between LM and student perceived learning scores. This suggests that the higher the LM score is for an instructor the higher their student perceived learning score will be. The correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores remained strong regardless of class size, semesters when course was taken, or instructor employment status. Furthermore, when data were disaggregated to class size a difference in perceived learning scores were realized between small and very large classes. Small classes showed a composite mean perceived learning score of 1.10. Compare this score to the composite mean perceived learning score for very large sized classes, measuring .88, and one can quickly notice a significant difference between the two scores. In other words, students perceive themselves as learning more in small sized classes than they do in very 92 large sized classes, generally speaking. This is congruent with Krueger’s (1999) study of gains in test scores for a large population of students, as mentioned in Chapter 3. Also noted was the difference in LM scores between small and very large sized classes. Small sized classes had a higher LM score than did courses that were considered to be very large in size. This difference between small and very large classes tells us one of two things. Either, those instructors who are teaching small classes are implementing and practicing the LM more effectively than instructors of very large classes, or instructors of very large classes simply are not using the LM in their respective classes. A correlation matrix was employed to measure the strength of correlation and direction between LM scores, perceived learning scores, and class size. Evidence was found suggesting that LM scores and perceived learning scores are positively correlated. The strength of this correlation was found to be .518, a fairly strong result. In other words, when LM scores increase student perceived learning scores will likely increase as well. This is a significant finding considering initial literature suggests that instructors are resistant to changing their teaching methodology for fear of lower course ratings and student perceived learning scores (Bergstrom, 2009). This is evidence of just the opposite. When the LM is practiced more in a course, chances are course ratings and student perceived learning will improve. Also noted from the correlation matrix measuring LM scores, perceived learning scores, and class size, were the effects class size had on LM scores and perceived learning scores. A negative correlation was found between these variables, meaning evidence points to the fact that when class size increases LM scores decrease. Likewise, when class size increases perceived learning scores decrease as well. In other words, the 93 bigger the class size the lower the LM score and perceived learning score will be, generally speaking. However, the strength of correlation for class sizes showed growth between LM scores and perceived learning scores as the size of classes increase (see Appendix IX). The larger the class size the stronger the correlation between the two variables. In other words, the confidence in predicting perceived learning scores based on LM scores would be higher for very large sized classes compared to small sized classes, generally speaking. In fact, very large sized classes revealed a very strong correlation between LM scores and perceived learning scores of .71. What this suggests is that in courses of very large size, instructors who have a high LM score will likely have high student perceived scores as well. Since this correlation between the two variables is so strong, one must ask if instructors of very large sized classes would experience the most improvement in course ratings and student perceived learning by simply using more of the LM process step in their teaching methodology. This inquiry demands further study and investigation to give a definite answer to this question. Interestingly, when data were disaggregated to semester, no significant changes were found between LM scores and perceived learning scores. In other words, it is irrelevant when a course is taken as it relates to LM scores and perceived learning scores. The time of year when a course was taken showed no differences between LM scores and perceived learning scores, respectively. Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters all had similar scores. Conversely, significant changes in LM scores and perceived learning scores were found when data were disaggregated to employment status. CFS instructors showed the 94 highest mean LM and perceived learning scores, whereas VET instructors showed the lowest respective scores. Remember, CFS instructors are those who are hired fulltime but not yet tenured. BYU-Idaho’s tenured track system is a four year process. VET instructors represent that portion of the faculty who are tenured and have been employed at BYU-Idaho for a minimum of four years. It’s not surprising to learn that those instructors who are working towards tenured status are implementing the LM at a higher level than those instructors who are not. However, it is somewhat discouraging to find that VET instructors have the lowest perceived learning scores compared to the rest of the faculty population. One might assume that an instructor who is tenured and has been teaching for at least four years would have at least comparable student perceived learning scores with their colleagues. But, evidence shows that VET instructors have significantly lower LM and perceived learning scores compared with CFS instructors. One factor that may be contributing to the differences in LM and perceived learning scores between VET and CFS instructors could be due to variance in scores. CFS instructors showed the lowest deviation from mean for both LM and perceived learning scores. Conversely, VET instructors were found to have the highest deviation from the mean for both variables. What this reveals is the fact that more CFS instructors are receiving scores that are close to the mean score than VET instructor. In other words, more VET instructors are receiving a wider range of scores than are CFS instructors. More VET instructors are receiving very low LM and perceived learning scores compared to CFS instructors. However, when comparing the strength of correlation between LM and perceived learning scores for each of the four categories of employment status, 1YR instructors 95 received the strongest correlation value of .76. VET instructors measured the lowest correlation strength of .55. Both of these correlation values are strong, suggesting that LM scores are a good predictor of perceived learning scores. The difference in correlation strength between each employment category is interesting. Perhaps one reason for the difference in correlation strength is due to reputation? Notice, those instructors who are hired as a one-year appointment are relatively unknown to student prior to their teaching assignment. Compare them to VET instructors who have been teaching for at least four years and have likely built some type of reputation with students. An instructor who is unknown to the student and is without prior reputation seems to have the strongest chance of improving student perceived learning scores by implementing more of the LM. However, more research is needed in this area to make a conclusive statement. To conclude, evidence suggests that when the LM is practiced at a higher level of implementation in the classroom student perceived learning scores will likely improve, generally speaking. Also, regardless of class size, the semester when the course is taken, or the employment status of an instructor, when LM scores are high student perceived learning scores will likely also be high. Possible Implications Scott Bergstrom, BYU-I’s Institutional Researcher, writes, “We are aware that some instructors are concerned that their course evaluations might be adversely affected by incorporating elements of the Learning Model into their teaching.” Then he adds, “The new course evaluation instrument, which has a strong Learning Model orientation, 96 gives us some preliminary information that might allay this concern” (Bergstrom, 2009). Bergstrom found that in courses where students percieved the highest occurance of LM applications, instructors likewise received equally high marks. Similarly, this expanded study of more than 5,600 courses also corroborate Bergstroms findsings. This suggests that instructors who effectively impliment the LM process steps may not see a drop in their course ratings nor in student perceived learning scores. The implications of these findings may help alleviate concerns regarding instructors changing teaching techniques to mirror LM practices. In turn, if instructors realize the positive effects of implementing LM practices in their teaching curriculum, student learning will be enhanced and the level of learning will increase campus wide. In this study, the researcher compared data previously collected from the old course evaluations with data collected from the new course evaluation instrument, presently being used on campus. What was discovered was that, in general, the implementation of the LM has had no ill effects on course ratings or student perceived learning. What’s more, the findings point to evidence that shows an increase in course ratings and student perceived learning when the level of implementation of the LM is increased. The implications of such a study could be useful for administrators, instructors, and students alike as they consider what type of teaching methodology could best facillitate learning in the classroom. On a broader scale, researching the significance of implimenting a model for teaching and learning in the arena of higher education could have far reaching implications. Results from this study could be used in developing an accountability model for students, much like how the end-of-course evaluations are designed in this 97 study. Institutions with a desire to emphasis the importance of students taking more responsibility for their own learning could also profit from this study. Fears regarding large scale implimentation of a learning model at a University with similar demographic may be alliviated as a result of these findings. What’s more, the findings in this study show a strong correlation between teaching practices that encourage active participation and engagement of students and perceived student learning scores. Meaning, students learn more when they actively prepare for and participate in class. The finding is not new, but the way to encourage students and faculty to apply good teaching practices is. The process steps inherent in the LM at BYU-Idaho incorporates elements of sound, effective teaching strategies. Another University or college could, in effect, incorporate the idea of a model for learning and teaching— founded in effective teaching strategies. This study highlights one method of tracking good teaching through the use of course evaluations. Having a LM score reflective of the level of active participation in and implementation of effective teaching can be benefitial to other orgainizations. Suggestions for Future Research This study has revealed many avenues for future study. As the study progressed over time, additional questions arose and caused the researcher to take note. Some of the possible future research ideas involve specific techniques while other questions are general in nature. This study was the first attempt at measuring the effects of the LM at BYU-Idaho. A more detailed look into specific teaching techniques, instructor skills, and student demography, along with many other variables are still waiting to be explored. 98 One possible research idea might include a qualitative analysis of an effective instructor and an ineffective instructor and determining the differences between the two. Also, one might focus their study on an instructor that has a low LM score but has high course ratings, instructor ratings, and high student perceived learning scores and compare their teaching style to an instructor who scores low on their course ratings, instructor ratings, and student perceived learning scores although their LM score is high. Another possible action research idea would be to introduce this LM to an instructor who’s teaching technique is more of a traditional style and measure whether their end-of course ratings, instructor ratings, and student perceived learning scores increase as the instructor increases the level of implementation of the LM. This could also be extended to a group of instructors or even to another University. Again, there are many avenues that one could pursue in conducting further research in this area of study. The findings of this study are significant enough that they do demand further study and investigation. After all, the purpose in education is to further knowledge and increase learning. This study suggest that there is evidence in doing so, which should cause all true educators to sit up and take notice. 99 REFERENCES Bailey, C.M., Hsu, C.T., & DiCarlo, S.E. (1999). Educational puzzles for understanding gastrointestinal physiology. 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Retrieved July 9, 2009, from Dissertations & Theses: Full Text.(Publication No. AAT MR27250). 108 APPENDIX I - INITIAL RESEARCH FINDING BY SCOTT BERGSTROM Using questions from the course evaluation instrument, I created five scales to correspond to the five elements of the LM architecture – Outcomes, Architecture, Prepare, Teach One Another, and Ponder/Prove. Space does not permit me to describe each of these scales so I will use the Teach One Another scale as an example. Student responses to seven questions from the instrument were used to create the Teach One Another scale: o I was an active participant in online or face-to-face class discussions. o I sought o I feel opportunities to share my learning with others outside of class. that I made important contributions to the learning and growth of fellow classmates. o The course provided o Group opportunities to learn from and teach other students. work, if assigned, was beneficial and meaningful. o Students were actively involved in this class through discussions, group work, and teaching. o The instructor provided appropriate opportunities to be an active participant in the class. The scale score derived from these seven questions serves as an indicator of the extent to which this element of the LM is present in a course. Using the scores on the Teach One Another scale, I divided all courses that were evaluated in Fall 2008 into four quartiles representing the degree to which the Teach One Another element of the LM was present in the course. The first quartile represents 109 courses in the lowest 25% of the Teach One Another scores, the second represents the next 25% of courses, and so on. I computed the average overall instructor rating1 and the average level of perceived learning2 for each quartile group of courses. The results of this analysis are in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1. The average overall instructor rating for each quartile of the Teach One Another scale. 110 Figure 2. The average level of perceived learning for each quartile of the Teach One Another scale. As shown in Figure 1, the overall instructor rating rises steadily from the 1st to the 4th quartile. The difference between the bottom and top quartiles is 1.34 points, a rather large (and statistically significant) difference. As shown in Figure 2, the level of perceived learning rises sharply from the 1st to the 2nd quartile and then steadily upward thereafter. The top quartile average level of perceived learning is more than three times larger than the bottom quartile average! The pattern seems clear for both measures. The higher the presence of the Teach One Another element in a course, the higher the overall instructor rating and the greater the level of perceived learning. My analysis showed that this same pattern holds true for all five elements of the LM: the greater the presence of a LM trait in a class, the higher the overall instructor rating and the higher the level of perceived learning. This is a very preliminary analysis and more work needs to be done before we can draw firm conclusions. In the first place, this [is] a correlational analysis. We do not know if there is a causal relationship at work. Do LM activities make effective teachers or are effective teachers more likely to use LM activities? Second, there may be other factors and traits that are more influential on the overall instructor rating or on the level of perceived learning. Is there a halo effect in play here wherein teachers who are popular and courses that are well-liked yield high scores on all questions no matter what? We simply do not know from this preliminary analysis how influential LM traits are on these selected measures. The presence of such a pronounced effect connected with 111 LM practices compels further examination. Third, the power of the indicators being used remains to be determined. For example, do the seven items that make up the Teach One Another scale really provide a good measure of the presence of that trait in a class? Are there better indicators of the Teach One Another trait? In the spirit of the scholarship of teaching and learning, I am hopeful that some instructors will experiment with a well-defined LM practice and see if there are any changes in the course evaluations or, more importantly, in overall student learning and growth. For example, several members of the Physics faculty have conducted pre- and post-test student assessments comparing the impact of different peer- and problem-based teaching innovations. Such experiments may provide us with compelling evidence of LM effects, beyond what we can derive from course evaluation data. At the very least, it is exciting that this first empirical look at LM practices implies a positive relationship with the overall instructor rating and the level of perceived learning. It also suggests that, in general, teachers will not be penalized by students for using elements of the LM in their classes. (Bergstrom, 2009) 112 APPENDIX II – OLD EVALUATION INSTRUMENT BYU-IDAHO COURSE EVALUATION Please evaluate the following instructor and course. If you feel an item is not applicable to your course, then leave it blank. When you are finished, click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. Your identity is completely anonymous. Please be as thorough and as accurate as possible. Your feedback is highly valued. It is used by your instructor and the school's administration to improve teaching. Instructor: CHECKETTS, MAX L Course : REL 233 CHURCH HISTORY Section: 9 Overall Rating: CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 very poor poor fair good very good excellent exceptional What is your overall rating of this instructor. What is your overall rating of this course . Items about the Course: CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 Strongly Disagree 1 Course objectives are clear. 2 Course is well-organized. 3 Student responsibilities are clearly defined. 4 Course content is relevant and useful. 5 Assigned workload is appropriate for credit hours. 6 Assigned homework is not just busywork. 7 T ext(s) and other materials have helped me understand course content. 8 Exams concentrate on important points of the course. 9 Exams are clearly worded. 10 Exams are good measures of my knowledge, understanding, or ability to perform. 11 Grading procedure is fair and impartial. 12 Assignments are appropriately distributed throughout the course of the semester. 13 Course as a whole has produced new knowledge, skills, and awareness in me. 113 Disagree Somewhat Somewha Disagree t Agree Agree Very Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Items about the Instructor: CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 Strongly Somewhat Somewha Disagree Disagree Disagree t Agree 1 Has an excellent knowledge of the subject matter. 2 Is enthusiastic about the subject. 3 Is well prepared for each class. 4 Makes good use of class time. 5 Gives clear examples and explanations. 6 Makes helpful feedback of my work (e.g., papers, exams). 7 Clearly explains difficult concepts, ideas, or theories.. 8 Responds respectfully to student questions and viewpoints. 9 Is genuinely interested in helping me understand the subject matter. 10 Is available to students during regular and reasonable office hours. 11 Motivates me by his/her example to want to learn about the subject. 12 Has produced new knowledge, skills, and awareness in me. 13 Starts/dismisses class at scheduled times. 14 Seldom misses class. Agree Very Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Agree Very Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Items about Core Values:CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 Somewhat Somewha Strongly Disagree Disagree t Agree Disagree 1 Appropriately brings Gospel insights and values into secular subjects. 2 Inspires students to develop good character. 3 Helps students prepare to live effectively in society. Is spiritually inspiring insofar as the subject matter permits. 4 Other Information: CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 a gre at de al le ss a little less about the same a little more a gre at deal more 5 6 7 8 9 Compared to other college courses you have taken, would you say that you have learned . . . T he approximate number of hours per week that I have spent in outside preparation for this class is ... 1 2 3 114 4 ge ne ral educatio n e le ctive other major minor 90% to 100% 75% to 90% 50% to 75% le ss than 50% neve r atte nde d B C D F O the r T his course fills requirements for my . . . My class attendance has been . . . A T he grade I expect from this course. . . Is there anything about this course and/or instructor that was particularly good? If so, what? What could be done to improve this course to help you learn more? 115 APPENDIX III – NEW EVALUATION INSTRUMENT BYU-IDAHO COURSE EVALUATION Please evaluate the following instructor and course. If you feel an item is not applicable to your course, then leave it blank. When you are finished, click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. Your identity is completely anonymous. Please be as thorough and as accurate as possible. Your feedback is highly valued. It is used by your instructor and the school's administration to improve teaching. Instructor: CHECKETTS, MAX L Course : REL 233 CHURCH HISTORY Section: 9 Overall Rating: CHECKETTS MAX L - REL 233 very poor poor fair good very good excellent exceptional What is your overall rating of this instructor. What is your overall rating of this course. Items about Student Performance in this Course: Strongly Disagree 1 I was prepared for each class. 2 I arrived at class on time. 3 4 5 6 I was an active participant in online or face-toface class discussion I sought opportunities to share my learning with others outside of class. I worked hard to meet the requirements of this class. I sought opportunities to reflect on what I had learned in the class. 7 I feel that I made important contributions to the learning and growth of fellow classmates. 8 T he course as a whole had produced new knowledge, skills, and awareness in me. 116 Disagree Somewhat Somewha Disagree t Agree Agree Very Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Items about the Course: 1 Course objectives are clear. 2 Course is well-organized. 3 Student responsibilities are clearly defined. 4 Instructional resources--textbook(s), course guide(s), online material, etc--were useful and helped me to achieve course objectives. 5 Assessment activities--exams, quizzes, papers, hands-on demonstrations, presentations, etc.-accurately and fairly measured the knowledge and abilities I acquired from the course. 6 Class assignments contributed to my learning and growth. 7 T he course provided opportunities to learn from and teach other students. 8 Group work, if assigned, was beneficial and meaningful. 9 Students were actively involved in this class through discussions, group work, and teaching. Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Somewha Disagree t Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Somewha Disagree t Agree Agree Very Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Items about the Instructor: 1 T he instructor effectively modeled problemsolving and application of subject matter. 2 3 T he instructor made good of class time. When given, examples anduse explanations were clear. 4 T he instructor gave helpful feedback of my work. 5 constructively to student questions and viewpoints. 6 T he instructor was available to me when I requested assistance, in class or outside of class. 7 8 9 10 11 T he instructor motivated me by his/her enthusiasm to want to learn about the subject. T he instructor starts/dismisses class at scheduled times. T he instructor held me accountable for coming to each class prepared. opportunities to be an active participant in the class. T he instructor provided opportunities to reflect upon my learning and experiences in the class. 117 Very Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Items about Core Values: Strongly Disagree 1 Appropriately brings Gospel insights and values into secular subjects. 2 Inspires students to develop good character. 3 Helps students prepare to live effectively in society. Is spiritually inspiring insofar as the subject matter permits. 4 Disagree Somewhat Somewha Disagree t Agree Agree Very Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Other Information: a great de al less a little less about the same a little more a great deal more a great de al less a little less about the same a little more a great deal more 5 6 7 8 9 Compared to other college courses you have taken, would you say that you have learned . . . Compared to other college courses you have taken, would you say that your satisfaction is . . . 1 2 3 4 per week that I have spent in outside preparation for this class is ... general educatio n elective major minor 90% to 100% 75% to 90% 50% to 75% le ss than 50% never attende d B C D F O ther other T his course fills requirements for my . . . My class attendance has been . . . A T he grade I expect from this course. . . 118 APPENDIX IV – CORRELATION MATRIX FOR COURSE RATINGS Fall 2007 1 Winter 2008 Winter 2008 .87 1 Spring 2008 .60** .76** 1 Fall 2008 .70** .79** .82** 1 Winter 2009 .79** .84** .78** .82** 1 Spring 2009 .74** .82** .70** .77** .72** 1 Fall 2009 .65** .75** .71** .78** .80** .76** 1 Winter 2010 .65** .70** .64** .72** .77** .66** .73** Fall 2007 Spring 2008 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 119 Fall 2008 Winter 2009 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Winter 2010 1 APPENDIX V- TWO SAMPLE T-TEST MEASURING SIGNIFICANCE Mean Differences in Course Ratings Period Semester Mean Std. Std. Error Deviation Mean N Compared Fall 2007 5.46 33 .67 .11 Fall 2008 5.68 33 .64 .11 Winter 2009 5.72 33 .67 .11 Winter 2010 5.75 33 .51 .08 Between T1 Fall 2008 5.68 33 .64 .11 & T2 Winter 2009 5.72 33 .67 .11 Semester 1 Fall 2007 5.46 33 .67 .11 &8 Winter 2010 5.75 33 .51 .08 T1 T2 120 APPENDIX VI – CORRELATION MATRIX FOR PERCEIVED LEARNING Fall 2007 Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 1 Winter 2008 .87 1 Spring 2008 .70 .67 1 Fall 2008 .79 .83 .73 1 Winter 2009 .73 .81 .58 .84 1 Spring 2009 .64 .66 .59 .83 .73 1 Fall 2009 .55 .68 .51 .78 .83 .72 1 Winter 2010 .67 .68 .51 .71 .71 .68 .73 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 121 1 APPENDIX VII – PARAMETER ESTIMATES COMPARING PERCEIVED LEARNING SCORES WITH EMPLOYMENT STATUS Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: Perceived Learning Score Parameter Intercept Std. B Error -2.13 .05 t -39.71 Sig. .00 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Partial Eta Bound Bound Squared -2.23 -2.02 .21 3.65 .06 56.89 .00 3.52 3.77 .36 Employment Status=1YR .00 .02 .37 .70 -.03 .05 .00 Employment Status=ADJ -.04 .01 -3.08 .00 -.07 -.01 .00 Employment Status=CFS .10 .01 7.36 .00 .07 .12 .00 Employment Status=VET 0a . . . . . . LM Scores a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. 122 APPENDIX VIII – MEAN LM SCORES BY SEMESTER BASED ON CLASS SIZE Mean LM Scores by Semesters Based on Class Size Semester Class Size Mean F09 0-10 .82 11-20 .84 21-30 .84 Over 31 .83 Total .83 S09 0-10 .86 11-20 .85 21-30 .83 Over 31 .82 Total .83 0-10 .84 11-20 .84 W09 21-30 .84 Over 31 .82 Total .83 0-10 .84 11-20 .84 W10 21-30 .84 Over 31 .83 Total .84 0-10 .84 11-20 .84 Total 21-30 .84 Over 31 .82 123 N 102 263 417 703 1485 126 238 308 532 1204 240 332 449 597 1618 97 268 435 589 1389 565 1101 1609 2421 Std. Deviation .18 .11 .06 .06 .08 .13 .06 .09 .09 .09 .17 .07 .07 .06 .09 .14 .10 .06 .06 .08 .16 .09 .07 .07 APPENDIX IX – LM SCORES COMPARED TO PERCEIVED LEARNING SCORES BY CLASS SIZE Correlation Matrix of LM Scores and Perceived Learning Scores by Class Size Class Size LM Scores Small LM Scores Perceived Learning Score Medium LM Scores Perceived Learning Score Large LM Scores Perceived Learning Score Very Large LM Scores Perceived Learning Score Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 124 1 565 .50 .00 565 1 1101 .56 .00 1101 1 1609 .67 .00 1609 1 2421 .71 .00 2421 Perceived Learning Score .50 .00 565 1 565 .56 .00 1101 1 1101 .67 .00 1609 1 1609 .71 .00 2421 1 2421