What the Owl Saw

What the Owl Saw
By Gerald W. McFarland
"What the Owl Saw," the second volume in the Buenaventura
Series and the sequel to "The Brujo's Way," opens in
December 1705 with a terrifying nightmare that fills Don
Carlos Buenaventura, a powerful brujo in his sixth life, with
dread. Feeling the need to strengthen his brujo powers,
always weakened by town life, he rides out into the wild
mountain landscapes around Santa Fe in order to practice
his sorcerer's technique of transforming himself into hawks
and owls. Transformations are exhilarating, but they do not
dispel his sense of an impending menace. In addition, as he
tells his friend Inez de Recalde, he is impatient to move
forward in his quest for wisdom on what he calls the Unknown
Book Details
What the Owl Saw
Second in the Buenaventura Series
By Gerald W. McFarland
Publisher: Sunstone Press
ISBN: 978-1632930088 (print)
ISBN: 978-1611392685 (ebook)
Pages: 336
Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure
Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes &
Into this picture comes a trio of itinerant entertainers, a
magician and two women dancers, who offer an ambiguous
promise. Can they lead him to deeper realms of
consciousness, or are they agents of his enemy, the evil
sorcerer Don Malvolio? The magician and his alluring
companions introduce Carlos to dances that transport him
into ecstatic mind states, but he remains uncertain about
what master they serve. Despite the risk of exposing his
secret brujo identity and of being disloyal to his beloved Inez,
Carlos allows himself to be drawn ever farther into their web
of dark and dangerous enchantments.
About the Author:
A native Californian, Gerald W. McFarland received his
B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley and his
doctorate in U.S. history from Columbia University. He
taught at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for
forty-four years, specializing, among other things, in the
History of the American West. During that time he
published four books in his field, including "A Scattered
People: An American Family Moves West," cited by the
Colonial Dames of America as one of the three best books
in American history published in 1985. Since his
retirement, he has written three novels in the
Buenaventura Series. He and his wife life in rural Western
Other Books in the Buenaventura Series
The Brujo's Way
First in the Buenaventura Series
By Gerald W. McFarland
Publisher: Sunstone Press
ISBN: 978-0865349445
Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure