Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy Simulation Analysis of Weather Effect on Cooling Capacity and Cooling Load for a Small Building Cooled by Solar Adsorption Air-Conditioning System ALKHAIR M. A., M. Y. SULAIMAN, K. SOPIAN, C. H. LIM, S. MAT, E. SALLEH Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 43600 Bangi, Selangor MALAYSIA Abstract: -This study indicates the analysis of the weather data effect on a small building cooled by direct solar adsorption air-conditioning system. The weather data of Malaysia was used in the simulation, with a cooling load and its variation due to the solar radiation change. TRNSYS simulation was used in this study with the assistance of HAP 4.6 software. With a cooling capacity of 3.5 kW for the adsorption system, the maximum cooling load recorded was 3.1 kW. The results of the study show that the weather data plays a major rule on the cooling load and the performance of the adsorption cooling system. Key-Words: -Solar Energy, Weather Effect, Cooling Capacity, Cooling Load, Adsorption System, Simulation. any building are estimated based on the solar radiation at a clear sky[7]. So that, these factors considered the maximum solar heat gain, with the ambient temperature are adopted in the cooling load determination and in cooling system design[8]. The analysis of the building using the heat transfer approach was considered as very complex understanding, since the simulated data must be between the design parameters and the change in weather data at the same time[9]. The cooling loads are the energy needed to be removed from the building by the cooling system to provide the desired level of comfort. The right size of the cooling system starts with the understanding of the cooling loads on the building[10]. For the estimating of the cooling loads, the unsteady state process has to be considered, as the peak cooling load occurs along the day time and the environmental conditions also vary throughout the same period according to the solar radiation change[11]. The total cooling load of the building consists of heat transferred through the building which contains (wall, roof, floor, window, door, etc.), and the heat generated by the occupation of the space and lights or any other equipment used inside the building[12]. The percentage of external load to the internal load varies with the building design, the weather data, and the type of the building. The total cooling load of any building consists of sensible and latent load components[13]. This paper studies the influences of weather data in climatic region on the cooling 1 Introduction The climate of any location tends the influence of the building design according to some parameters such as the shape, material, position, and weather data[1]. The main strategy of any building design is to reduce the cooling capacity requirements during the hot weather period[2]. The major parameters that affecting the cooling load of the building are the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, the solar radiation, and humidity[3]. The solar radiation and the wet bulb temperature are important to the calculations of heat gain and latent heat load, respectively[4]. Hence the cooling capacity of any refrigeration or cooling system designed to cover the maximum cooling load of the building, and then the requirement of any building is directly proportional to the weather effect[5]. In conventional refrigeration and cooling systems both includes the estimation of the peak load at a specific period based on the maximum cooling load at the same period. The weather data which represents the climatic conditions are utilized in the calculation of the cooling load, therefore, for solar driven air conditioning and refrigeration systems, the performance of the system depends on the weather data condition, and then the relationship between the cooling load and the cooling capacity is directly related to the weather data[6]. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the design factors for the cooling load calculations of ISBN: 978-960-474-370-4 156 Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy September with an average monthly solar radiation of 735 Wh/m2. load and cooling capacity for a small building in Bangi, Malaysia. 2 Adsorption system Solar radiation is a sustainable and clean source of energy in the world. Many technologies utilize this source of free energy to compensate the increasing in fuel price[14]. One of these technologies is the solar cooling, which is compatible with this type of free energy source. The solar cooling system introduces processes that are benign to the environment due to its zero rate of ozone depletion potential (ODP) and low effect on global warming potential (GWP), compared to other standard technology such as vapor compression[15]. In this study the model of two adsorption beds solar cooling system was carried out, used for the purpose of air conditioning in small building with a capacity of one refrigeration ton (i.e. 3.5 kW cooling capacity). Figure (1) below represents the schematic diagram of the adsorption system connected to the building. Figure 2. Annual global solar radiation 4 Simulation process In order to obtain the cooling capacity of the solar adsorption cooling system, a simulation program was developed using MATLAB. The simulation results indicate that the maximum cooling capacity of the system reach 3.6 kW at various hot water temperatures in different solar radiation. figure (3) below represents the flow chart of the simulation for the whole system which consists of weather data analysis, solar adsorption cooling system, and the analysis of the cooling load. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the system From the figure above, the main source of energy used for the adsorption system is the evacuated tube collectors with an area of 11m2. The evacuated tube collectors connected to the adsorption system by insulated pipes, and then the cooling system is connected to the building which represents the cooling load. 3 Weather data The accuracy of the weather data plays an important role in the solar cooling load and solar cooling systems, both the ambient temperature and the solar radiation are important[16]. The weather data for the year 2013 for the location Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia has been used. Figure (2) below shows the annual global solar radiation with an average solar hours of 12/day. The maximum solar radiation occurred in February, March, and ISBN: 978-960-474-370-4 Figure 3. Simulation flowchart of the system 157 Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy Table 2: Maximum and minimum weather data days. Form the figure above, the simulation was done in three processes or levels; the first stage was considering the simulation of the weather data collected in the site with the analysis of that data to minimize it to calculate the average annual typical metrological year (TMY) for that location in one year. The second was to simulate the adsorption system as illustrated above using the developed simulation program that consist all the thermal equilibrium equations handling the solar adsorption cooling system performance. The results from these governing equations were estimated in transient state not in steady state mode, according to different solar radiation and ambient temperature within the time for the whole period. The third stage was to simulate the cooling load of the small building with the weather data also. The fluctuating of weather data records lead to a very complicated analysis of the cooling load, where the cooling load was analyzed using the Hourly Analysis Program HAP v.4.6. All the above simulation was combined together in one simulation program using the TRNSYS software, where the simulation program of the adsorption system connected to the cooling load, both influenced by the weather data were combined in one simulation process.The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), recommended the dry bulb temperature with a frequency of 2.5% and its simultaneous wet bulb temperature design procedure for HVAC applications [7]. In this study, the calculations of the cooling load were estimated under the assumptions and design parameters as shown in table (1), while table (2) indicates the data in which the maximum and minimum dry bulb temperatures and solar irradiation occur during one year period. Highest DryBulb Temperature January Jan 25, 1500 February Feb 21, 1400 March Mar 26, 1500 April Apr 1, 1400 May May 21, 1400 June Jun 24, 1400 July Jul 3, 1400 August Aug 1, 1500 September Sep 29, 1300 October Oct 10, 1200 November Nov 6, 1500 December Dec 27, 1400 Month Remarks 34.5oC 25.6oC 0.85 Cloudy climate 0.2 Grass ground 1.385 W/m/K 2 15 m Education 1 ISBN: 978-960-474-370-4 Minimum Total Solar Jan 13 Feb 8 Mar 12 Apr 27 May 19 Jun 26 Jul 12 Aug 25 Sep 17 Oct 11 Nov 2 Dec 16 The incentive study is to simulate the effect of the weather data on a small building cooled by a solar adsorption air-conditioning system having a cooling capacity of 3.5kW. The average annual cooling load for the building was simulated as shown in figure (4). It is obvious found that the cooling load of the building is almost at the same numerical value with a maximum of 3.1 kW. The fluctuating in the cooling load as shown in the figure indicated that the weather data effect is very important as the change in the solar radiation and the ambient temperature both affecting on the calculation of the external and internal cooling loads. 3.0 2.5 kW 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 360 352 344 336 328 320 312 304 296 288 280 272 264 256 248 240 232 224 216 208 200 192 184 176 168 160 152 144 136 128 120 112 104 96 88 80 72 64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 Value Maximum Total Solar Jan 25 Feb 3 Mar 25 Apr 2 May 8 Jun 2 Jul 7 Aug 31 Sep 7 Oct 5 Nov 6 Dec 24 5 Results and discussion Day of Year Figure 4. Annual cooling load values Table 1: cooling load design parameters Design Parameters Weather Design DB Temperature Design WB Temperature Atmospheric Clearness Number Average ground reflectiveness Soil conductivity Building Area Space usage No. of level Lowest DryBulb Temperature Jan 30, 0600 Feb 3, 0600 Mar 5, 0600 Apr 29, 0600 May 7, 0300 Jun 29, 0500 Jul 14, 0600 Aug 25, 0500 Sep 1, 0300 Oct 12, 0500 Nov 6, 0500 Dec 3, 0500 Figures (5 to 16) respectively, represent the monthly cooling load with the cooling capacity of the system. The blue line represents the cooling capacity of the solar adsorption system, while the black line represents the cooling load of the building. It is found that all the profiles of monthly cooling load for the whole year started from 12:00 AM with very low value and then start increasing as the sun rises with a parallel to the cooling capacity profile except on the peak period of the day as the solar radiation and the ambient temperature were at their maximum values. According to these profiles, the maximum cooling load which will be above the cooling capacity of the system occurred in January, February, and Muddy ground Computer lab Ground floor 158 Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy December, as these months in the year 2013 were recorded as the warmest period in the year since many years ago. June 2013 January 2013 July 2013 February 2013 August 2013 March 2013 September 2013 April 2013 October 2013 May 2013 ISBN: 978-960-474-370-4 159 Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy stages consists the simulation of the weather data, the simulation of the cooling load of the building, and the simulation of the adsorption cooling system. Each stage or process was connected to the other two processes to illustrate the relationship between them. The results of the simulation indicated that the cooling capacity of the adsorption system can carry out the cooling load of the building except for three months, where the cooling load was almost equal or above the value of the cooling capacity of the system. November 2013 December 2013 References: [1] M. A. Aktacir, O. Büyükalaca, H. Bulut, and T. Yılmaz, “Influence of different outdoor design conditions on design cooling load and design capacities of air conditioning equipments,” Energy Convers. 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