Bramleys Big Adventure Calendar Event Activity The Big Draw Month Competition (October 1st-25th) - Submit your drawings of Bramley the Brontosaur and win some Bramley's Goodies and Prizes. Winners will be announce at Bramley's Birthday Celebration on Monday, October 26th. OCTOBER Thursday 1st World Vegetarian Day Friday Saturday 2nd 3rd World Smile Day Sunday 4th World Animal Day Monday 5th World Teachers Day Tuesday Wednesday 6th 7th Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8th 9th 10th 11th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12th 13th 14th 15th 10% Off any vegetarian meal Do an act of kindness and help a person smile! £1 Off entry for those customers wearing animal costumes. Arts and Crafts, make a card for your teacher. Chalkboard - Write something nice about your http://www.national-awarenessteacher. Early Bird Tuesday - 10% Off Entry from 10am-11am National Poetry Day Poem Writing Competition (Theme- Light) - Submit your poem about light to win a free entry on your next visit! Bramley's will donate 10% of food and drink takings to charity Action Aid to help tackle world http://www.national-awarenesshunger. 16th 17th 18th World Food Day Monday Tuesday 19th 20th Wednesday 21st Chalkboard - Draw an apple. Early Bird Tuesday - 10% Off Entry from 10am-11am Free apple for every paid child Apple Day entry. Thursday 22nd 23rd 24th 25th http://www.forwardartsfoundation. org/national-poetry-day/what-isnational-poetry-day/ Chalkboard - Draw your favourite food. Early Bird Tuesday - 10% Off Entry from 10am-11am Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Links and background info Wear it Pink! Bramley's will donate £1 from the entry of anyone wearing anything pink. Half-Term (October 26th-30th) Halloween Activity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 26th 27th 28th 29th Free Balloons, stickers and visits from Bramley the Brontosaur and Bramley's 19th Birthday Pixie Anzu. Chalkboard - Write Celebration your birthday greetings to Bramley. Bramley's Halloween Party 5:00pm - 7:30pm Friday 30th Saturday 31st National Bug Busting Day £14 PER CHILD - Disco, Fancy Dress, Ghost & Pumpkin Hunt, Facepainting, Games & Entertainment, Halloween Goodie Bag and Snack Box. £3 PER ADULT - Halloween Fruit Punch, Nibbles and Fancy Dress Competition.