Anita. Behav., 1987, 35, 1215-1224 Search paths of foraging common shrews S o r e x a r a n e u s G R A H A M J. P I E R C E Culterty FieM Station, Newburgh, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB4 0AA, U.K. Abstract. The searching behaviour of common shrews, Sorex araneus, was observed as they foraged for prey hidden in a grid of wells in a small arena. The search paths are described and their efficiency compared to that of a simulation model. The shrews searched more efficiently than a random (neutral) model, and were approkimately as efficient as the 'optimal' model. The efficiency of the model, however, declined more rapidly than that of the shrews with increasing length of search path. It is probable that the shrews were able to increase their searching efficiency by remembering where they had searched: the shrews are shown to have used a simple memory rule, namely alternating right and left turns. The decisions made by foragers include how to allocate time to food patches, which prey to eat and how to locate prey (Pyke et al. 1977). Of these, the question of how foragers locate prey has received relatively little attention (see reviews by Krebs et al. 1983; Pyke 1984). Searching behaviour has several components. First, some foragers have access to a range of 'foraging modes', e.g. they may switch between sitand-wait and actively searching strategies depending on conditions (Andersson 1981; Janetos 1982). Second, there is the question of how fast to travel while searching. Beyond the unilluminatingsuggestion that the optimal strategy ~isto travel as fast as possible all other things being equal (Norbert 1981; Pyke 1981), Gendron & Staddon (1983) identified a possible trade-off between the rate at which prey are encountered and the forager's ability to detect them. Third, there is the choice of search path. Numerous authors have described 'area-restricted searching', in which the forager turns more frequently or moves more slowly after finding an item of prey (e.g. Banks 1954; Bond 1980; Carter & Dixon 1982; Nakamuta 1982). Some attempts have been made to describe optimal search paths, usually working on the assumption that foragers should maximize their rate of energy intake while searching. The best strategy depends upon the amount of information available to the forager. Pyke (1978a) makes the distinction between 'sensory foragers', which can detect and orientate to prey from a distance, and 'harvesters' which detect prey only at very close range. Common shrews, Sorex araneus, have poor senses of vision, smell and hearing (Pernetta 1973), and appeared not to be able to detect prey at a distance under experimental conditions in this study. They have therefore been regarded as harvesters. Following from the earlier work of Beukema (1968) and Cody (1971), Pyke (1978a) constructed a model in which a forager moved between points on a grid, each step being a unit move in one of the four compass directions (north, south, east or west) relative to current heading. The direction of movement at each step was selected at random, the probabilities associated with each direction being derived from a truncated or circular normal distribution. The optimal movement pattern was defined as that maximizing the number of different grid points visited. Since all moves were of unit length, for a forager searching at a constant speed this is equivalent to maximizing the rate at which prey are encountered. Pyke showed that optimal directionality (the difference between the frequency of forwards and backwards moves when left and right turns are equally fi-equent) is higher on bigger grids and for shorter foraging bouts. Foraging efficiency is greater if the boundary is non-reflecting (i.e. the forager does not bounce back at 180~ and if the forager can remember its past movements and (for example) alternate left and right turns. For a harvester foraging in an arena, searching efficiency will be maximized if it searches systematically, i.e. it visits each resource point only once and travels by the shortest possible route. For harvesters that do not search systematically, there will be an optimal set of directional probabilities, which maximizes the number of different grid points visited. In this study, the searching behaviour of corn- 1215 Animal Behaviour, 35, 4 1216 m o n shrews was observed as they h u n t e d for r a n d o m l y distributed items of prey hidden in a grid of 225 wells. The searching strategy employed by shrews u n d e r these conditions m i g h t be applicable to, say, foraging in a p a t c h of leaf litter. The search p a t h s arc described, the effects o f prey type, prey density a n d the capture of prey are investigated, a n d searching efficiency is c o m p a r e d to that o f a simple model derived from that in Pyke (1978a). METHODS C o m m o n shrews were t r a p p e d near N e w b u r g h , Aberdeenshire (2~ 57~ and m a i n t a i n e d in captivity for at least 2 weeks prior to use in experiments. The shrews were trained to forage in a plywood a r e n a (0.66 x 0.66 m) with wooden sides and a Perspex roof. The roof was set a b o u t 3 cm above the base, providing the shrews with dorsal contact, i n the base of the a r e n a was drilled a grid of 225 wells (11 m m diameter, 10 m m deep, 44 m m between centres), in which prey could be hidden. Shrews gained access to the a r e n a from a nest box (containing hay a n d a water bottle) attached to the middle of one side of the arena. This a p p a r a t u s is based on t h a t used by B a r n a r d & B r o w n (1981). T h e shrews were m a i n t a i n e d o n a diet consisting primarily of blowfly larvae and pupae (Calliphora spp). D u r i n g experiments, one or two types of prey were available. Type 1 prey were blowfly pupae. Type 2 prey were p u p a e inserted into lengths of plastic drinking straw: they thus h a d a similar energy content b u t were more difficult to handle. Preliminary observations indicated t h a t shrews would a t t e m p t to eat type 2 prey a n d were able to extract the flesh o f the pupa. All pupae were t a k e n from a stock culture a n d it is assumed t h a t they h a d a c o n s t a n t average energy content. In the first series of experiments, six c o m m o n shrews were offered the two types of prey at various total a n d relative densities. The c o m b i n a t i o n s of n u m b e r s of prey used (type 1 to type 2) were: 10: 10, 10:20, 10:40, 20:10, 20:20, 20:40, 30:30, 40:10, 40:20, 40:40. The order in which the different c o m b i n a t i o n s were presented was r a n d o m i z e d for each shrew. In order to test whether searching b e h a v i o u r would differ if only one type of prey was available, further experiments were conducted in which three c o m m o n shrews were offered 30 prey of one type, the types being alternated in successive experiments. Table i gives details of the shrews used in these experiments. Table I. Shrews used for search path analysis Captive number Sex 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Female Age Body weight (g) Number of experiments Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Subadult Adult Subadult Subadult 10.5 10-5 11.5 12.5 12.0 7'5 12"0 8.0 7.0 11 I1 11 6 10 20 18 9 9 Prior to each experiment, the predetermined n u m b e r o f prey was distributed in r a n d o m l y selected wells, a m a x i m u m of one item per well. The shrew was removed from its cage a n d held in the nest box for 1 h, without food, before being allowed access to the arena. Its foraging b e h a v i o u r was then recorded over 20 min, as timed f r o m first entry into the arena. Behaviour in the a r e n a was recorded on videotape. At the end of an experiment, the entrance to the a r e n a was closed a n d the shrew replaced in its cage. A shrew was considered to have searched a well if its snout passed immediately over the well. Direct o b s e r v a t i o n of searching shrews revealed dipping m o v e m e n t s of the snout as a shrew passed over a well, but this could n o t be discerned from the videotapes. The n u m b e r o f prey handled was recorded for each experiment, as were the coordinates of the wells from which they were removed. Searching for prey a n d h a n d l i n g prey were assumed to be m u t u a l l y exclusive: a l t h o u g h the shrews sometimes m o v e d to the nest box or to the edge of the a r e n a to eat, these m o v e m e n t s were n o t included in the search paths. E n c o u n t e r rates were estimated as the n u m b e r of wells containing prey over which a searching shrew passed, divided by the total searching time. The p a t h s followed by searching shrews were transcribed o n t o m a p s of the a r e n a a n d subsequently digitized. The search paths of each shrew were analysed to determine average travel speed, path length, the n u m b e r of different wells visited, the frequencies of turns in different directions, the b o u n d a r y rule (reflecting or non-reflecting) and Pierce." Search paths of shrews efficiency (the number of different wells visited divided by path length). To evaluate search-path efficiency, the searching behaviour of the shrews was simulated using a Pascal program in which an animal moved around a square grid of 225 wells. Paths were generated as series of independent steps, each step being a movement to an adjacent well. At each step the animal chose its direction of movement, independently of previous moves, selecting at random from the set of directions in which shrews actually moved. The probabilities of moves in the various directions summed to one but were not necessarily equal. (Directional probabilities were fixed relative to the axis of motion of the animal rather than to the grid.) The rule of movement at the boundary of the grid was chosen to represent that used by the shrews (see below). As a baseline, a neutral or random version of the simulation was used: in this case, moves in all the allowed directions were equally likely. The simulation was also used to find the set of directional probabilities that maximized searching efficiency, and the efficiency of the shrews was compared with this 'optimum'. RESULTS Description of Searching Behaviour Over 20 min, shrews typically made a series of visits to the arena, totalling approximately 5 min, during which they searched for and consumed items of prey. Sometimes items of prey were taken back to the nest box before being eaten; on other occasions the shrews ate items whcre they were found. The average speed of movement (over 20 min) while searching varied between 71 and 204 mm/s. Examples of search paths are illustrated in Fig. 1. N o n e of the search-path parameters measured varied in relation to prey density or the types of prey available for any of the shrews, so all data were combined for each shrew. Efficiency The total distance moved by the shrews while searching was measured for each visit to the arena, as a multiple of the distance between the centres of two adjacent wells in the arena (44 ram). The distances covered in diagonal movements were 1217 16 12 4 o d C o 16 8 _L 4 0~ 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 X coordinate Figure l. An example of search paths: shrew 46, experiment 4. (a) visits 1 10, (b) visits 11--20, (c) visits 21-30, (d) visits 31 39. The nest box was at [8,0] and the wells have coordinates [x,y] where x and y are in the range 1-15. obtained using Pythagorus' theorem. Converting to metres, the average distance covered per visit varied between 0-48 and 3-21 m, and the average distance covered over 20 min varied between 4.46 and 22.48 m. On average, the shrews visited between 9 and 50 different wells during each visit to the arena, and between 78 and 190 over 20 min. Thus they searched up to 25% of wells per visit, and up to 80% over 20 min. A measure of the efficiency of searching is given by the ratio of the number of different wells searched to the distance travelled while searching. When distance is measured in multiples of the distance between adjacent wells, efficiency can take values between 0 and 1. The average efficiency for single visits was higher than the average efficiency over 20 min (Table II), indicating that the shrews revisited parts of the arena searched during previous visits. The efficiency of observed paths was negatively correlated with distance travelled, both for single visits and over 20 min (Table III). The relationship between efficiency and path length for single visits was approximately linear, and was expressed as a linear regression, for each shrew (Table IV). An example is shown in Fig. 2. Animal Behaviour, 35, 4 1218 Table II. Efficiency (the number of different wells visited while searching divided by distance travelled), over single visits and over complete experiments Per visit Shrew Median 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 0-84 0.82 0.88 0.94 0-68 0.80 0.81 0.73 0.88 Per experiment 95%, C L N Median 95% CL N (0.78q3.88) (0.764).89) (0-86 0.95) (0-90-0.96) (0.64 0.73) (0.74-0.84) (0.79-0-85) (0.63 0.79) (0.67-0.96) 70 44 46 87 52 94 77 85 185 0-48 0.55 0.63 0.39 0.34 0.52 0.54 0.42 0.40 (0.414).59) (0-454).73) (0.46 0.77) (0.34-0.51) (0.27-0.52) (0.44 0.64) (0.47-0.58) (0.25 0.54) (0.21 0.53) 11 11 11 6 9 14 18 9 9 The values given are medians, with approximate 95% confidence limits in brackets (see Campbell 1974 for calculation of interval estimates for the median). N is the sample size, i.e. the number of visits or the number of experiments. Table III. Correlations between efficiency and distance travelled Shrew 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 Single visits Over 20 min -0.30 (70)* -0.93 0.33 (44)* -0.53 -0.69 (46) . . . . 0-44 -0.77 (87)*** -0.77 -0.63 (52) . . . . 0-91 -0.30 (94)** -0.89 -0.12 (77) 0.97 0.14 (85) -0.93 - 0 . 0 0 (185) -1.00 (11)** (11)* (11) (6) (9)** (14)** (18)** (9)** (9)*** Spearman's rank correlation coefficients, with sample sizes and levels of significance. Significance values are for two-tailed tests. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001. Directionality D i v i d i n g t h e s e a r c h p a t h s i n t o steps, a step b e i n g a m o v e m e n t f r o m o n e well to t h e next, t h e c h a n g e in d i r e c t i o n o f t h e p a t h at e a c h s t e p w a s m e a s u r e d . F o r w a r d s , b a c k w a r d s a n d s i d e w a y s m o v e s to a d j a c e n t wells m a d e u p 70 7 5 % o f all m o v e s . D i a g o n a l m o v e s to a d j a c e n t wells a c c o u n t e d for a f u r t h e r 2 0 % o f m o v e s . A s s u m i n g t h a t all s t e p s were i n d e p e n d e n t , t h e ' relative f r e q u e n c i e s o f different m o v e s were u s e d to derive p r o b a b i l i t i e s f o r e a c h k i n d o f m o v e (see T a b l e V). The paths had the following characteristics. (1) F o r w a r d s m o v e s ( t u r n i n g a n g l e = 0 ~ were t h e most common type of movement. (2) B a c k w a r d s m o v e s were v e r y rare. (3) L e f t a n d r i g h t t u r n s o c c u r r e d w i t h s i m i l a r frequencies. Table IV. Regressions of efficiency on distance travelled for single visits Shrew Intercept a Variance a Slope b Variance b Sample size N 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 0.85 0.84 0.94 0.96 0"80 0.83 0.79 0.73 0.83 6-01x10 4 1"50 x l0 -3 4.15 x 10 -4 9.81x10 5 8.01 x 10 -4 3.53 x 10 4 9.90x10 4 5.97x10 4 1.91xl0 4 _7.45x10-4 - 9 . 3 8 x l0 -4 - 2 . 1 6 x 10 3 -1.75x10 3 - 1"40 x 10 3 9.43 x 10 4 -1.73x10 4 2 . 1 3 x 1 0 -4 6.20x10 5 1.9xl0 6 5.5 x l0 7 1.6x 10-7 5.0x10 8 7.0 x 10 8 1.3 x 10 -7 2.0x10 v 1-8x10 7 1.0xl0 7 70 44 46 87 52 94 77 85 185 Student's t-test for testing the null hypothesis: b - 0 . P <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0-05 <0.05 Pierce. Search paths o)Cshrews 1 .o may of course behave quite differently when the b o u n d a r y is defined only by a change in the density of food particles rather than by a physical barrier. d~ ~ _ o . 9 o ~8"O o o ~ o o ~ co @ o~ o o 0"8 o o o 0.7 o o o ~ o o o ~176 o Oo o ~ o Effect of prey capture ~ o o o g o LIJ o 0.6) %0 001o ~ . 1219 2'o Distance I 4'0 ' d0 ' do '10'o '12'0 ( 1 unit : 44mm = distance adjacent wells ) between i I ,40 centres of Figure 2. An example of searching efficiency: the efficiency of paths for single visits as a function of path length for shrew 7. The line is the fitted linear regression. T o test for the occurrence o f area-restricted searching following the capture of an item of prey, correlations between the angle turned at each step a n d the n u m b e r of steps taken since capturing an item o f prey were evaluated. If an item of prey was t a k e n back to the nest box to be eaten, all steps taken until the next item was captured were discounted from the analysis. The shrews sometimes moved to the edge of the arena to eat, inevitably resulting in a new direction when they Table V. The total number of steps, summed over all search paths, for each shrew, and the proportion of steps that were turns in various directions relative to the axis of motion of the shrew (directional probabilities) Shrew Total 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 2642 1581 1390 2455 3899 3391 4160 3086 4934 P(N) P(S) P(W) P(E) 0.409 0.538 0.371 0.451 0.434 0.369 0-400 0-480 0.494 0-008 0.013 0.016 0.006 0.010 0.019 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.153 0.101 0.166 0.151 0-156 0-168 0.178 0.132 0.132 0-147 0.091 0.172 0.158 0.165 0.159 0.182 0-132 0.122 P(NW) P(NE) P(SW) P(SE) 0,092 0.093 0.079 0-077 0.067 0-092 0.071 0.081 0.102 0-094 0.076 0.094 0.087 0.059 0.073 0-070 0'066 0"087 0.031 0.017 0.027 0-023 0.011 0.027 0.027 0.021 0.012 0.018 0-0t6 0-023 0.018 0-016 0-033 0-022 0-024 0.014 N = n o r t h (i.e. straight ahead), S=south (i.e. backwards), etc. (4) The average change in direction was close to 0 ~ for all shrews (Table VI). (5) Overall, directionality took values between 0.35 a n d 0"53 (Table VI). Behaviour at the boundary U p o n reaching the edge of the arena, forwards moves to a n o t h e r well were always impossible, and diagonal-forwards, left, or right moves were sometimes excluded depending on the angle of approach. Pyke (1978a) defined two types of b o u n d a r y behaviour: reflecting a n d non-reflecting. In the former, the angle of return equals the angle of incidence. In the latter, the forager simply selects fi'om those directions still available. The shrews were 'reflected' in only 3% of encounters with the b o u n d a r y of the grid (59 o u t of 2146 encounters excluding visits to the nest box). O f these, only 13 were b a c k w a r d s moves. Shrews resumed searching. To remove this effect, the first step after every prey capture was deleted from the analysis. F o r each shrew, data from all experiments were combined. A significant negative correlation was f o u n d for shrew 30 only ( r = - - 0 - 2 3 , N = 1 9 7 1 , P < 0 0 5 ) . T h u s there is evidence of area-restricted searching only for this individual. The Efficiency of Searching Behaviour The shrews did not search the arena systematically, which means either that they must be regarded as not h a v i n g maximized their searching efficiency, or their failure to search systematically must be regarded as a constraint on the strategy used, a n d the optimization problem reconstructed within these limits. T h e latter course has been Animal Behaviour, 35, 4 1220 Table VI. Average angle turned between consecutive steps along a search path, and the average directionality of the paths Shrew Average Sample size Directionality 7 8 12 16 19 22 30 38 46 --0.033 --0.028 0-035 0.023 0.019 -0.037 0'001 --0.003 --0.031 2642 158l 1390 2455 3849 3391 4160 3086 4934 0-400 0-526 0.355 0.445 0.424 0.350 0.389 0.470 0.486 The values given use all data from each shrew. Average angles are measured in radians. (The average angle is the angle whose sine and cosine are equal to the mean sine and mean cosine of the sample angles.) Directionality is the difference between the probabilities of moving forwards and backwards. shrews were all more efficient than the neutral model. (The differences are significant, since the 95% confidence limits do not overlap.) The best strategy The efficiency of the simulation was investigated for a range of sets of directional probabilities, using the simplifying a s s u m p t i o n t h a t the probability distribution was symmetrical a b o u t the axis of m o t i o n of the forager. Visits of 25, 50, 100 a n d 150 steps were simulated, varying each m e m b e r o f the set of directional probabilities t h r o u g h the range 0 1, a n d repeating each simulation 20 times. The best strategy for each path length, a n d the associated efficiencies and directionalities, a p p e a r in Table VII. Referring back to Table VI, it can be seen that the shrews followed search paths of lower overall 1"C 0 .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7~ followed, using a simulation model to find optimal search p a t h characteristics. O n approximately 95% of occasions, shrews selected directions, relative to current heading, from the set n o r t h , north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west. The simulated animal therefore selected only f r o m these directions at each step. The shrews treated the b o u n d a r y of the a r e n a as non-reflecting, so w h e n the simulated animal reached the edge of the grid it selected moves at r a n d o m until the move selected allowed it to stay in the arena. Average visits to the a r e n a by the shrews consisted of 30 90 steps, with 4-20 visits being m a d e over 20 min. Visits of 10, 20 . . . . 100 steps were simulated. The neutral model One h u n d r e d visits to the arena were simulated, 10 each o f 10, 2 0 , . . . 100 steps. All directional probabilities were set equal (i.e. each m e m b e r of the set took the value 0.125). The efficiency of this neutral model, as a function of p a t h length, is described by the linear regression e q u a t i o n with parameters: intercept, a = 6 . 4 1 x 1 0 I (variance 4 " 7 0 x 1 0 - 4 ) ; slope, b = - 2 . 0 8 x 1 0 3 (variance 9 x 1 0 - 8 ) ; regression t-test, b < 0 at P < 0 " 0 5 , dJ'= 98. C o m p a r i n g this regression with those obtained for the shrews (Figs 3 a n d 4), it can be seen t h a t the 9 ] ......................... ................ 0"6 0.4 c~ t.u -... 0"2 ~ohl I I 40 Distance I 810 I (1 u n i t = 4 4 r a m = d i s t a n c e adjacent wells ) I 120 between I 160 centres of Figure 3. Comparison of the efficiency of (l) shrew 38 with that of (2) the neutral model. The solid lines are regressions of efficiency on path length and the dotted lines are 95% confidence limits. Shrew 38 was one of the two least efficient shrews, but is clearly more efficient than the model. ~ t.o 2~ ~ o.a g ~ o. e R o~ o.4 -~ o . ~ ~ 0 2'0 Distance 4'0 6TO ' 8~0 ( 1 unit = 44mm=distance adjacent wells between centres loo of ) Figure 4. Regressions of efficiency on path length for all nine shrews. Also shown are regressions for the neutral model and systematic searching. Pierce. Search paths of shrews 1221 Table Vll. Directional probabilities, directionality and efficiency for the best strategies for paths of various lengths (P(NE)=P(NW), P(E)=P(W), P(SE) = P(SW)) Probabilities Number of steps P(N) P(NE) P(E) P(SE) P(S) Directionality Efficiency 150 100 50 25 0'67 0'67 0"67 0"71 0 0 0 0 0"17 0-17 0"17 0-14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"67 0"67 0"67 0"71 0'660 0"754 0'818 0"935 See Tables V and VI for definitions. directionality t h a n predicted by this simulation, a n d would therefore be expected to be less efficient. F o r short visits (25 steps), optimal directionality is higher t h a n for longer visits. The efficiency o f any one strategy inevitably declines with increasing path length. The simulation was r u n 1000 times, using the optimal strategy for longer visits, to derive the regression of efficiency on p a t h length: intercept, a = 9 ' 5 4 x 10 ~ (variance 5 . 5 0 x 10-s); slope, b = - 2 " 5 2 x 10 -3 (variance 1.43x 10 8); regression t-test, b < 0 at P < 0-05, df= 998. C o m p a r i n g this regression with t h a t for a shrew (shrew 7, Fig. 5), it can be seen t h a t the efficiencies of the model a n d the shrew are similar over a range of p a t h lengths. However, the simulation is more efficient over short distances, a n d less efficient over long distances, t h a n the shrew: the slopes of the two regression lines are significantly different (d test, d = 3 ' 9 1 , P < 0 . 0 0 1 ) . Performing the same test on data from the other shrews, a significant difference was f o u n d for seven out of the other eight shrews. The simulation was repeated using the set of probabilities derived from the observed frequencies of moves for the shrews. The simulation was run 100 times using directional probabilities from shrew 7. The relationship between efficiency and p a t h length for the simulated paths is given by a linear regression with p a r a m e t e r values: intercept, a = 8 . 1 1 x 10 i (variance 3.11 x 10 4); slope, b = - 2 . 1 2 x 10 3 (variance 6-0 x 10-8); regression t-test, b < 0 at P < 0"05, dr= 98. This simulation was less efficient t h a n the 'best' strategy, but also less efficient t h a n shrew 7, especially for longer paths (Fig. 6). Similar results were o b t a i n e d using data from the other shrews. Thus, failure to use the ' o p t i m a l ' set o f directional probabilities is not the only source o f discrepancy between the shrews and the model. 1"0 1"0 '~- 0-8 0-8 ~ 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.~ o 0.~ klJ w f Distance 2'0 i 410 I 6JO ( 1 unit = 44mm = distance adjacent wells ) i 810 between i 100 c e n t r e s of Figure 5. Comparison of the efficiency of (1) a moderately efficient shrew, number 7, with that of (2) the 'optimal' model. The solid lines are regressions of efficiency on path length and the dotted lines are 95% confidence limits. Shrew 7 was arbitrarily chosen for this comparison, as being a typical shrew. I I 20 Distance I I 40 q i 0 I J 80 ( 1 unit = 44mm ; distance adjacent wells ) I I 100 J ~)/ 1 0 I i 140 b e t w e e n c e n t r e s of Figure 6. Comparison of the efficiency of (1) a moderately efficient shrew, number 7, with that of (2) a simulation using directional probabilities derived from data for shrew 7. The solid lines are regressions of length and the dotted lines are 95% confidence limits. Shrew 7 was arbitrarily chosen for this comparison, as being a typical shrew. Animal Behaviour, 35, 4 1222 Reasons Jor the Jailure of the simulation There are several ways in which the search paths of shrews m a y differ from the assumptions of the model. (1) P a t h characteristics m a y change with increasing time spent in the arena. Frequencies of turns in the eight m a i n directions were calculated separately for the first, second, third, etc., visits to the arena, s u m m i n g over all experiments for each shrew. Chisquared tests indicated significant heterogeneity between visits for seven out o f nine shrews, a l t h o u g h evidence o f a systematic trend was found only for shrew 30. F o r this animal, average directionality was positively correlated with visit n u m b e r ( S p c a r m a n ' s rank correlation coefficient, r = 0 . 9 0 5 , N = 9 , P < 0-05). (2) P a t h characteristics m a y differ in different parts o f the arena, e.g. at the edge, or in response to local variations in prey density. Frequencies o f turns in the eight main directions were calculated separately for m o v e m e n t s u n d e r different circumstances (see Table VIII): m o v e m e n t s from a nonedge point, m o v e m e n t s immediately after hitting the edge at right angles, m o v e m e n t s immediately after hitting the edge diagonally, a n d m o v e m e n t s following a move along the edge. Sets of directional frequencies for each class of m o v e m e n t were c o m p a r e d using chi-squared tests. (The comparisons excluded frequencies for directions that were unavailable or t o o k zero values in one or b o t h classes.) Significant differences between at least some pairs of classes were found for all shrews. One obvious p a t t e r n (see Table VIII for data on shrew 30; very similar results were o b t a i n e d for all shrews) was for shrews to move straight ahead relatively more frequently following a straight-ahead m o v e along the edge t h a n following a move from a non-edge point, even allowing for there being fewer available directions in which to move. In other words, the shrews showed edgeseeking behaviour. A l t h o u g h this result is contrary to the assumptions of the simulation, edge-seeking would tend to reduce searching efficiency (directionality away from the edge was even lower t h a n suggested by the overall values in Table VI). (3) Successive moves m a y not be independent: the shrews m a y have increased their searching efficiency by avoiding areas they had previously searched. One simple m e m o r y rule that would increase searching efficiency is to alternate right and left turns. Looking at the sets of directional frequencies for moves following left, right and Table VIII. Total number of moves and directional probabilities for shrew 30 Class Total P(N) P(S) P(W) P(E) P(NW) P(NE) P(SW) P(SE) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 I1 2095 183 64 88 587 813 781 788 512 281 1789 0.26 ---0"69 0.75 0-23 0.21 0.39 0"12 0.29 0.01 0-02 0 0 0.01 0-01 0-01 0.01 0 0.01 0-01 0.23 0.44 0.23 0.42 0-03 -0.22 0-08 -- 0'09 0.02 0-03 0.03 0.15 0.03 0.04 0' 16 0.13 0.02 -0.02 0.06 0.01 0-08 0.03 0-02 -0"18 0.38 0.09 0.22 0'05 0.26 0"09 0-39 0.19 0.04 0.26 0.70 0.04 0-09 0.07 0"09 0.28 0.05 0-78 -0-04 -0.09 0.11 0'08 0-33 0.06 0.01 0-06 0.01 0 0.06 0.02 Directional probabilities (see Table V for definition) were derived separately for different classes of move. ( indicates non-available move.) Classes: (1) moves from a non-edge point, (2) moves following a right-angle encounter with the edge, (3) moves following a clockwise diagonal encounter with the edge, (4) moves following an anti-clockwise diagonal encounter with the edge, (5) moves following a clockwise move along the edge, (6) moves following an anti-clockwise move along the edge, (7) moves from a non-edge point following a right turn, (8) moves from a non-edge point following a left turn, (9) moves from a non-edge point following a forwards move, (10) moves from a non-edge point following a diagonal move, (11) moves from a non-edge point following a non-diagonal move. 1223 P&rce. Search paths o f shrews straight-ahead moves (see Table VIII for a typical example), it is apparent that the shrews did tend to alternate left and right turns, and there was no directional bias following straight-ahead moves. Non-independence of successive moves is also apparent when comparing moves following diagonal moves and those following non-diagonal moves: diagonal moves were relatively more frequent following a diagonal move. DISCUSSION The search paths of shrews in the arena showed several features that Pyke's (1978a) simulation suggests should be found: the shrews turned left and right with approximately equal frequency, rarely turned through 180 ~, and showed sensible ('non-reflecting') behaviour at the boundaries of the grid. In c o m m o n with Pyke's simulation, the shrews were more efficient when searching over short distances than over longer distances. Evidence of a change in searching behaviour following the capture of an item of prey was found for one shrew only. However, an increased rate of turning following prey capture will be adaptive only if prey are patchily distributed. In the present study the distribution of prey was homogeneous, which may account for the absence of changes in turning rates following prey capture by most of the shrews. The shrews did not search the arena systematically. Assuming that search paths are a series of independent steps in randomly selected directions, the shrews performed more efficiently than the neutral simulation of random searching behaviour and were approximately as efficient as the optimal simulation. However, the efficiency of the simulation declined more rapidly than the efficiency of the shrews as path length increased. Further analysis of directional frequencies revealed spatial and temporal variation in the pattern of movements, but although contrary to the assumptions of the simulation this cannot account for the superior efficiency of the shrews. Evidence that the shrews searched more efficiently by remembering where they had searched is provided by their tendency to alternate left and right turns. This feature of search paths has previously been reported for thrushes (Smith 1974a, b) and bumblebees (Pyke 1978b). Is there some other model against which the shrews' efficiency could be compared? If shrews remember where they have searched, the optimal strategy depends upon the length of memory. Given a sufficiently long memory, systematic searching should result. If shrews respond to local depletion of prey, the optimal strategy will depend upon the area sampled by the shrews in order to assess local prey density. While both these ideas suggest further experiments which might lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in searching behaviour, it is apparent that no useful functional model will be possible until the range of strategies available to shrews is known. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by postgraduate studentship awards from the Natural Environment Research Council and the University of Aberdeen, and was supervised by Dr John Ollason. 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