Lecture Outlines SFR 107 Fall 2015 - Exam 1 Lecture 1 September 1, 2015 Introduction Review syllabus, resources (web sites, flashcards) Dendrology, woody plant, forest cover type, forest stand definitions Extent and distribution of forests Climatic parameters (precipitation, temperature) Geographic and species ranges, naturalized range, habitat US forest regions Northeast forest type percentages Maine forest type percentages and ownership Maine forests (history, forest area, farm abandonment, etc) - Comments on on-campus lab today (print species spreadsheet, bring MFS field guide to lab for keying out a plant using the summer key) Lecture 2 September 3, 2015 Comments on lab/keys, flashcards, texts Dendrology/taxonomy/plant classification system Binomial nomenclature – Scientific names, system for naming species (family, genus, species and author abbreviation) Common and vernacular names Species ID – clues and convergence of evidence, based on profile/form, leaves, twigs, buds, flowers, fruit, site relationships and disturbance factors. Dichotomous plant ID keys (summer and winter) Leaf structure (simple vs compound) check buds, petiole, leaflets and rachis Leaf arrangement (alt., opp., whorled) Leaf shapes (ovate, linear, elliptical, etc) Leaf margins (smooth, wavy, toothed (dentate, serrate, etc) Lobes and venation (pinnate, palmate, parallel) Twig characteristics (buds, leaf scars, stipules) Pith (solid or homogeneous, chambered, etc) Conifer needles (needle, awl, scale) Flower arrangements (raceme, cyme, etc) Fruit type and terms (drupe, pome, berries, samaras, etc) Bark characteristics (smooth, scaly, furrowed, etc) Branching patterns (excurrent, decurrent) NOTE: Practice flash cards and review texts for Quiz 1 species ID and correct spelling of family, genus, species, and common name. Lecture 3 September 8, 2015 -Comments on lab quiz and next week’s lab -Recap/Questions (leaf shapes/margins/terms, etc) -Pronunciation of plant names on Conn. And Virginia Tech. Dendro Web site Historical disturbance and land use history Aspen- birch forest type introduction (pioneer species and disturbed sites) wildlife habitat (woodcock, ruffed grouse examples) Salicaceae – willow family (poplars, willows) overview Genus Salix Black willow Genus Populus Quaking or trembling aspen Big tooth aspen Balsam poplar Eastern cottonwood - Comments on lab today (Gardner Road, aspen-birch early successional forest type) – practice for quiz with flashcards Lecture 4 September 10, 2015 -Comments on lab (quiz 1) Practice flash cards – spelling. -Recap of last lecture/last week (Salix and Populus BRFs) Plant succession, habitat (biophysical relationships), shade tolerance rating for various species Habitat, range, topography, forest cover type, clues in identification Betulaceae – birch family (genera Betula, Ostrya, Alnus, Corylus) Genus Betula Gray birch Paper birch Yellow birch Other genera (Betulaceae cont.) Ostrya (hop-hornbeam) Corylus (beaked hazel) Alnus (speckled alder) Lecture 5 September 15, 2015 -Recap/Questions - Belulaceae family, Betula BRFs, and other genera (3 more we cover) -MADCapAdox_Horse mnemonic (Below is the “M” for maple) Northern hardwood forest type (beech, birch, maple) introduction Aceraceae – maple family Sugar maple Norway maple Sugar vs. Norway maple Red maple Silver maple Box elder Striped maple Mtn. maple Uses of all (can get sugar from red and silver maple too) Lab- Northern hardwoods and understory plants this week Lecture 6 September 17, 2015 -Comments on lab Quiz 2 -Help session sign-up -Recap/ questions – maples BRFs Tiliaceae – basswood family Tilia (American basswood) Ulmaceae –elm family (Ulmus) American elm Hamameliaceae – witch hazel family Hamamelis (witch hazel) 1st Lab Practical next week (20 plants) Lecture 7 September 22, 2015 -Comments -Recap/questions on Tilia, Ulmus, and Hamamelis -BRFs Elm-Ash-Red maple forest type (swamp hardwoods, riparian) introduction Oleaceae - Olive family Genus Fraxinus MADCapAdox_Horse (Below is the “A” for ash) Green ash Black ash White ash Rosaceae – Rose family Genus Prunus Black cherry Choke cherry Pin cherry Lab practicum today/tomorrow – 20 plants (no new species this week after practicum/ no quiz next week but new species in lab, preliminary exam 1 next Thursday) Lecture 8 September 24, 2015 -Comments/results of lab practicum 1 -Help session sign-up -Recap/questions on Fraxinus and Prunus BRFs -How is the course going – informal survey questions –Preliminary exam 1 next Thursday, October 3 (comments at end of lecture). Rosaceae – rose family (Sorbus, Rosa, Crataegus, Malus, Prunus, Rubus, Amelanchier, Fragaria) Rosa spp. (rose) Crataegus spp.(Hawthorn) Malus spp. (apple) Sorbus spp. (mountain-ash) Rubus spp. (brambles, blackberry, etc) Amelanchier spp. (serviceberry) Fragaria spp. (strawberry) -Remember MADCapAdox_Horse (Below is the Cap and Adox!) Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family) Genus Lonicera (honeysuckle) Adoxaceae (Moschatel family) Genus Viburnum Hobblebush Maple-leaf viburnum Genus Sambucus American elder -Preliminary exam 1 - Thursday, Oct. 2nd. An outline of lectures and study notes will be on web site. There will be some time for review and questions at Tuesday lecture. -Comments on next lab (riparian forest & misc. tree/shrubs). No lab quiz next week. Lecture 9 September 29, 2015 -Recap/Questions on Rosaceae family (8 genera that we covered) Caprifoliaceae and Adoxaceae -Remember MADCapAdox_Horse (Below is the “D” for dogwood) Cornaceae – dogwood family Genus Cornus Red-osier dogwood Alternate leaf dogwood Bunchberry Review/prep for preliminary exam 1 (study notes and lecture outline on web site, sample questions provided as a handout during lecture period) Preliminary Exam 1 – October 1, 2015 (125 points)