NURS 3424 Pharmacology: Nursing Implications Spring 2010 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will focus on the fundamental principles of pharmacology and investigation of the major classifications of drugs with emphasis on pharmacotherapeutic actions and nursing implications. Previously learned skills and concepts as well as prerequisite science courses are integrated into the discussions. Students will be required to take an assessment Pharmacology Exam (ATI). CREDIT: 4 Credit hours (6 clock per week) Class time:Monday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.; Wednesday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. PROGRAM LEVEL: I REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Kee, J, Hayes, E.R., McCuistion, L.E., (2009). Pharmacology : A Nursing Process Approach (6th edition). St. Louis: Saunders. Kee, J, Hayes, E.R., McCuistion, L.E. , (2009). Pharmacology : A Nursing Process Approach 6th Ed Study Guide. St. Louis: Saunders. Wissmann, J., Knippa, A., Lawler, K.M., Brant, L.S., (2006). Pharmacology for Nursing. ATI Latest Version, Overland Park, Kansas. WWW.ATITESTING.COM Course Coordinator: Dorothy Flagg Diaz, JD, MSN, WH-NP, RN, BSN Office Hours by appointment Phone: Cell: 210-849-2448 Email: COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Recognize pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynanamics of selected agents, and be able to administer medications according to current and approved standards. 2. Select and prioritize nursing interventions based on differentiating side effects from adverse reactions in clients. 3. Identify specific client responses influenced by pharmacodynamic interactions of categories of drugs. 4. Utilize the nursing process and critical thinking skills to assist clients with management of drug therapy. 5. Identify key elements to be included in client teaching programs related to medications. EVALUATION AND GRADING: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 75-79 D = 70-74 F = 69 and below dfd 3/1//2010 1 Quizzes ATI Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Exam 5 Group Presentation Group Paper Final Exam Total 15% 5% (Level 3 = 100; Level 2 =90; Level 1 =80; Below Level 1 = 70) 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 7.5% 7.5% 15% _____________ 100% Worksheets or other learning tools may be used @ instructor’s discretion. Class Schedule: Monday & Wednesday 1:00- 4:00 pm, may be adjusted at instructor/school discretion Group project 15-20 minutes presentation & 5 page paper Grading Criteria for Group Seminar Paper & Presentation Points Describe a Pharmacologic Classification relevant to pharmacology (assigned) 10 Describe the generic & trade names & therapeutic classification Mechanism of Action & Indication for use 10 Usual route, administration & dose & contraindications, side effects, adverse effects, drug interactions Nurse management 30 Discuss assessment, management, including how self-care & holistic needs are encouraged Promote group discussion of nursing management (Nursing Process -ADPIE) Review evidence base cited 5 professional nursing sources (not textbooks or websites) 20 Group written paper or presentation 30 proper grammar & pronunciation powerpoint- each slide cited, references Paper APA format, 5 pages (title page, intro, body, conclusion, references) Research and writing competency is an expectation in professional nursing, therefore, effective writing and proficiency in research is required in this course. ENGL 1301 and RSWR 3345 are required prior to this course and provide preparation for the writing level required in this course. Consult Purdue’s OWL website or WBU’s Saturday clinic for writing assistance in APA citation. Research and writing competencies are expected, source selection shall be nursing peer reviewed, format, citations, organization, grammar and mechanics can impact your grade on written assignments. Group process is an essential part of professional nursing, therefore, group projects will be required in various nursing courses. Just as various shifts are responsible for patient care and nurses rely on each other and other professionals to accomplish total care, you will rely on each other and work together for a particular project. The grade earned goes to the entire group, therefore, it is crucial that students work together, review the grading rubric, and review the work together before presentation or paper submission. ATI Testing dfd 3/1//2010 2 To foster long-term comprehension and development of an ability to apply learned pharmacology knowledge to situations similar to the Board of Nurse Examiners NCLEX all students are required to take the Assessment Technologies Institute exam. The student must purchase the Pharmacology for Nursing ATI text and participate in the self paced self study modules. It is the students’ responsibility to complete each self study module. Prior to the ATI exam students will receive access to online practice ATI pharmacology exams. The student should use these practice exams to prepare for the Proctored ATI exam usually given the week of final exams. Students who score below level two will be required to partake in a pharmacology remediation course. This remediation course will be determined and designed at the discretion of the pharmacology faculty. Class Attendance 1. The student must attend the class (es) for which he/she is enrolled. 2. A student enrolled at Wayland Baptist University should make every effort to attend all class meetings. All absences must be explained to the satisfaction of the instructor. 3. A student who misses twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the regularly scheduled class meetings will receive a grade of ―F‖ for that class. 4. The instructor may count three tardies as one absence. 5. If an instructor fails to appear or fails to send notification of arrival within the first fifteen minutes of a class period, the student may leave without incurring an absence. 6. Mandatory Health Fair/SAMCEE or other Dean mandated Attendance 7. Other Dean of Nursing School required community/school events to be announced Disability Statement Wayland Baptist University adheres to a policy of providing equal opportunity to students with disabilities. Disability is defined by the University as any condition that falls under the purview of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Wayland will strive to achieve optimum opportunity for participation in the University experience for all students, regardless of their circumstance. The University encourages any student who has a disability, as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, to inform the University of any Special Requirements or needs by reporting these to the Dean of Students or the Vice President for Academic and Student Services. The University will strive to meet these needs in accordance with applicable federal guidelines and Christian ethical considerations. Student Conduct (This is a statement of conduct standards. It is enforced in conjunction with the Discipline Policy and Substance Abuse Policy found elsewhere in this handbook.) Wayland proudly adheres to high standards of intellectual, moral, ethical, and spiritual values. Convinced that self-discipline is more desirable than outside force and that the truly educated person must pursue what is right under all circumstances, Wayland entrusts each student with the solemn obligation of preserving these standards. However, in the light of revelation, reason, and the custom of the Christian community from which Wayland has sprung, certain practices are evaluated: 1. Personal integrity in keeping with New Testament standards is expected of all students. 2. Respect for the property, knowledge, and rights of other people must prevail. 3. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs is forbidden. 4. Gambling, hazing, and the on-campus possession of firearms or deadly weapons are prohibited. BB Guns and Paint Ball Guns are also prohibited. dfd 3/1//2010 3 5. The use of tobacco by students is discouraged, though permitted in certain designated areas of the campus. In consideration of the rights of others and the requirements of safety, such areas are designated. The authority of the University is exercised over all student groups or organizations bearing the name of the university, or any student enterprises to the extent necessary to safeguard the good name and well being of Wayland. Specifically, each student is expected to conduct himself in such a manner as to uphold, not detract from, the good name of Wayland Baptist University. If one feels that he/she cannot subscribe to the moral and social practices of the University, he/she will find greater acceptance elsewhere. Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (BON 213.27, 217.11, 217.12) 1. Knows rationale for side effects of medications and treatments, and correctly administers same. 217.00 (1)(c). 2. Documents nursing care accurately and completely, including signs and symptoms, nursing care rendered, medication administration. Contacts health care team concerning significant events in patient health. 217.11 (1) (d). 3. Implements a safe environment for patients and/or others. 217.11 (1) (b). 4. Respects client confidentiality. 217.11 (1)(e). 5. Accepts assignments commensurate with educational level, preparation, experience and knowledge. 217.11(1)(t). 6. Obtains instruction and supervision as necessary when implementing nursing procedures and practices. 217.11(1)(h). 7. Notifies the appropriate supervisor when leaving an assignment. 217.11 (1) (I). 8. Recognizes and maintains professional boundaries of the nurse/patient relationship. 217.11 (1)(J). 9. Clarifies orders, treatments, that the nurse has reason to believe are inaccurate, non-effective or contraindicated. 217.11 (1)(N). 10. Able to distinguish right from wrong. 213.27 (b)(2)(A). 11. Able to think and act rationally 213.27(b)(2)(B). 12. Able to keep promises and honor obligations 213.27(b)(2)(C). 13. Accountable for own behavior 213.27(b)(2)(D). 14. Able to promptly and fully self-disclose facts, circumstances, events, errors and omissions when these disclosures will enhance health status of patients or protect patients from unnecessary risk or harm. 213.27(b)(2)(G). Please refer to the Board of Nursing at for any additional information regarding the Texas Nurse Practice Act. Testing Test dates and content will be published in the course syllabi downloaded from Black Board. A test blueprint may be prepared by the faculty. The type of question will be categorized two ways, when applicable. First the question will be categorized by the areas of the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. The question will also be categorized by cognitive level; knowledge, analysis, application, and comprehension. In the event a faculty must change a test date, they will notify the students as soon as practical. dfd 3/1//2010 4 Make-up Tests Occasionally a student will miss a test that is scheduled for a class. A student should contact the instructor first before the test is missed, and then make arrangements to take the make-up test with the staff at the front desk in the main office. Only ONE make up test is permitted per course, good reason is needed to take a make-up test (determined by instructor). The make-up test may be administered by the staff at the IH 35 location on Monday- Friday at 1 PM; if both the instructor and the individual student contact the office to schedule the test. Test must be completed within one week from date of missed exam. There will be no make-up quizzes & no blueprints for quizzes. Broad Course Outline/Calendar I. Principles II. GI, Respiratory III. Pain & Inflammation IV. Anti-bacterial, anti-infective, Skin, Eyes, Ears V. CV, Hematologic, peripheral vascular systems VI. Nervous System (ANS, CNS, Anti-Convulsants, Neuro, Neuro-Muscular, Psychiatric) VII. Endocrine, reproductive & gender VIII. Immune & anti-neoplastic medications Date Date 2/22/10 2/24/10 3/1/10 3/3/10 3/8/10 3/10/10 3/15/10 3/17/10 3/22/10 Topic Text, Workbook, ATI Topic Text, Workbook, ATI Chapter 1, 2,5, etc. Drug Action, Nursing Process & Client teaching, Drug Approval Process Quiz Chapter 7, 8, 9 Drug interactions, Drug abuse, Herbals Quiz Chapter 46, 47 GI Agents Chapter 39, 40 Respiratory Agents Test 1: Ch 46, 47, 39, 40 Chapter 17 Adrenergics & Adrenergic blockers Chapter 18 Cholinergics & Anticholinergics Test 2: Ch 17 & 18 Chapter 24, 25 Pain & inflammatory agents Chapter 41 CV agents Chapter 42,43 Diuretics & Antihypertensives, Chapter 43 Hematology, antilipid & peripheral vasodilators dfd 3/1//2010 5 3/24/10 3/29/10 4/5/10 4/7/10 4/12/10 4/14/10 4/19/10 4/21/10 4/26/10 4/28/10 5/12/10 Date Test 3: Ch 24, 25, 41, 42, 43 Easter Break 3/23/10-4/3/10 Chapter 19,20,21 CNS Chapter 22,23 neuro, neuro-muscular PAPERS DUE Chapter 26,27 Psychiatric (Group 2- antipsychotics) Test 4: Ch 19,20,21, 22, 23,26,27 Ch 28,29,30 Antibacterial agents (Group 3- PCN & Cephalosporins) Ch 31,32,33 Anti-infective agents Note 4/16/10 last day to drop with ―W‖ Ch 48, 49 skin, eye ear agents Test 5: Ch 28,29,30,31,32,33,48,49 Chapter 50, 51 Endocrine (Group 1- oral meds to treat diabetes) Chapter 44,56,57 reprod/gender Quiz Chapter 34, 35 immune agents(Group 5-immune agents) Ch 36,37,38 anti-neoplastics (Group 4 anti-cancer drugs) Final Exam 100 questions 1.5 hour & ATI 1.0 hour & ATI Exam 1 hour - Practice Scores = Entrance ―ticket‖ to Exam Topic Text, Workbook, ATI Unit 1: A Nurses Perspective of Pharmacology Unit Objectives Student Assignments 1. Discuss basic terms used in pharmaceutic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic phases. 2. Understand the meaning of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in the pharmacokinetic phase. 3. Understand the meaning of pharmacodynamics. 4. Describe the difference between half-life therapeutic range and side effects of medications. 5. Describe the factors that modify drug response. 6. Identify routes of medication administration. 7. State the nursing interventions associated medication administration by each route. dfd 3/1//2010 Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch. 1-3 Ch 5, 7-11 ATI Unit 1 Learning Activities Lecture and Discussion Case Studies Complete study guide Ch. 1 Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter. 6 8. Compare and contrast the various federal legislation acts related to Food and Drug Administration as they apply to drug use approvals. 9. Describe the role of the Nurse Practice Act. 10. Distinguish between chemical, generic, and brand names. 11. Define the concept drug interaction. 12. Compare and contrast the four processes related to drug interaction. 13. Identify the effect of drug—food interactions. 14. Discuss the use of over the counter drugs. 15. Define drug induced photosensitivity. 16. Compare and contrast the terms substance abuse, substance misuse, addiction, dependence, tolerance, detoxification, withdrawal, and abstinence. 17. Discuss the nurse’s role in safe pediatric administration. 18. Determine the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the older adult that relate to drug administration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Unit 2: Gastrointestinal & Respiratory Unit Objectives Student Assignments Explain the action and side effects of Kee, Hayes, McCuistion antiemetics, emetics, antidiarrheals and Ch 46 & 47 laxatives. Identify contraindications to the use of ATI Unit 10 antiemetics, emetics, antidiarrheals, and laxatives. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to the use of antiemetics, emetics, antidiarrheals, and laxatives. State the predisposing factors for peptic ulcers. Describe the pathophysiology of GERD. Describe the actions of antiulcer drugs. Identify and describe anticholinergics, antacids, and histamine2 blockers. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to the use of the above drugs. Discuss the drugs used for colds. Kee, Hayes, McCuistion dfd 3/1//2010 7 Learning Activities Lecture and Discussion Study Guide Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter Lecture and Discussion 2. Compare antihistamine, decongestant, antitussives, and expectorants. 3. Review the pathophysiology of rhinitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis. 4. Explain the side effects of nasal decongestants. 5. Differentiate the drugs used to treat asthma. 6. Discuss the side effects of the above listed drugs. 7. Discuss therapeutic versus a toxic lithium level. 8. List the emergency drugs used in cardiac, neurosurgical, poisoning, shock, hypertensive crisis and pulmonary edema. 9. Describe the indications for use of the previously stated drugs. 10. State significant adverse effects of each drug previously listed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ch 39 & 40 ATI Unit 6, 7, 8 Case Studies Study Guide Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter Unit 3 Pain & Inflammation Unit Objectives Student Assignments Compare and contrast nonsteriodal Kee, Chapter 24, 25 anti-inflammatory drugs (including ATI Unit 4 NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and antirheumatic drugs, (DMARDs) and Antigout drugs. State the side effects of NSAIDs, DMARDs, & anti-gout drugs. Apply the nursing process to include patient teaching as it applies to the use of NSAIDs and DMARDs. Differentiate between acute and chronic pain. Compare indications and side effects for nonopiod and opioid analgesics. Explain methadone treatment. Discuss nursing interventions and client teaching related to analgesics. Learning Activities Lecture and discussion Case Studies Complete Study Guide Define terms Unit 4: Anti-inflammatory and Anti-infective Agents Unit Objectives Student Assignments Learning Activities 1. Compare and contrast between bacteria Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Lecture and Discussion that are naturally resistant and those Ch 28, 29, 30, 31 Case Studies dfd 3/1//2010 8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. that have acquired resistance to antibiotic therapy. Differentiate between antibacterial, antibiotics, penicillin’s, and cephalosporins. Describe the major side effects associated with the use of each of the above listed. Apply the use of the nursing process in caring for clients receiving penicillin’s and cephalosporins. Discuss Macrolides, Lincosamides, Mycins, Aminoglycosides, Fluoroquinolones, and Unclassified antibacterials. Describe the mechanism of action for erythromycin, and tetracycline including the side effects. Discuss the purpose of peak and trough levels. Identify signs and symptoms of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use of tetracyclines, and macrolides. Describe the use and side effects of sulfonamides. Apply the nursing process including teaching to patients using sulfonamides. Compare and contrast the use of antifungal, polyenes, antitubercular, and peptide drugs. List the adverse reactions of the previously stated drugs. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use of antifungal, polyenes, antitubercular, and peptide drugs. List antiviral and antimalarial drugs and explain their use and side effects. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use of antimalarial and antifungal drugs. dfd 3/1//2010 ATI Unit 2 and Pg 127130, 145-146, 151-164 Study Guide Ch 27-29 Define terms at the beginning of each chapter Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 30, 31, 32, 33 Lecture and Discussion Case Studies ATI Unit 2 and Pg 127-130 Study Guide Ch 30 – 33 Complete on-line quiz Define terms at the beginning of each chapter 9 8. Discuss the use, side effects and adverse reactions of antiseptics and anti-infective used to treat urinary tract disorders. 9. List examples of urinary analgesics, urinary stimulants, and urinary antispasmodics. 10. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use of urinary analgesics, urinary stimulants, and urinary antispasmodics. 1. Describe medication groups commonly used for disorders of the eye & ear. 2. Discuss mechanisms of action, route, side effects, adverse reactions, & contraindications for selected drugs in each group. 3. Differentiate acne vulgaris, psoriasis, drug-induced dermatitis, & contact dermatitis. 4. Describe nonpharmacologic measures to treat mild acne vulgaris. 5. Describe drugs that can cause dermatitis and their characteristic symptoms. Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 48, 49 ATI Unit 5: CV, Hematological Agents Unit Objectives Student Assignments 1. Identify and list side effects of nitrates, Kee, Hayes, McCuistion beta-blockers, and calcium channel Ch 41-45 blockers. 2. Explain signs and symptoms of digitalis ATI Unit 6, 7, 8 toxicity. 3. List the various groups and names of diuretics. 4. State the action and use of diuretics. 5. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patients receiving cardiac agents and diuretics. 1. Describe the pathophysiology of hypertension. 2. List the categories of anti-hypertensive dfd 3/1//2010 Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 41-45 ATI Unit 6, 7,8 10 Lecture & discussion Case studies Complete study guide Learning Activities Lecture and Discussion Case Studies Study Guide Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter Lecture and Discussion Case Studies 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and their side effects. Describe non-pharmacological methods for treating hypertension. Describe the pathophysiology of clot formation. Compare anticoagulants, antiplatelets, and thrombolytics. Describe the pathophysiology of hyperlipidemia along with associated abnormal labs. Describe the action and side effects of antilipidemics, and peripheral vasodilators. Apply the nursing process to the use of antihypertensives, Antiplatelets, Thrombolytics, Antilipidemics, and Peripheral Vasodilators. Study Guide Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter VI. Autonomic Nervous System Agents, Neurologic & Neuromuscular Agents Unit Objectives Student Assignments Learning Activities Describe the difference between Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Lecture and discussion selective and nonselective adrenergic Ch 17 and 18 Case Studies drugs. Complete Study Guide State the names of selective and ATI Unit 5 nonselective adrenergic drugs and list their side effects. Describe the use of alpha blockers and Define Terms at the beta blockers and their side effects. beginning of each Describe the nursing interventions chapter associated with adrenergic and adrenergic blockers. Differentiate the uses of cholinergics and anticholinergics. Describe the side effects of cholinergic and anticholinergic drugs. Incorporate the nursing process including client teaching associated with cholinergics and anticholinergics Describe the use and side effects anticholinergics, dopaminergics, dopamine receptors, MAO~B inhibitors, and COMT inhibitors in the treatment of parkinsonism 1. Discuss physiology of the CNS and the therapeutic effects of CNS drugs. dfd 3/1//2010 Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 11 Lecture and Discussion Case Studies 2. Discuss the effects of stimulants on the central nervous system. 3. Define attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 4. List commonly used amphetamines, anorexants, analeptics, doxapram and discuss their side effects. 5. Define: hangover, dependence, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms. 6. List drugs that cause the preceding adverse effects. 7. List barbiturates and benzodiazepines used as hypnotics. 8. Describe nursing interventions including patient teaching associated with the treatment of patients taking barbiturates and benzodiazepines. 9. Differentiate between acute, chronic, superficial, visceral, and somatic pain. 10. Describe both the classifications and types of seizures. 11. Describe the uses of Dilantin, barbiturates, succinimides, oxazolidones, benzodiazepines, carbamazepines, and valproate. 12. Incorporate the nursing interventions, including client teaching related to the use of hydantoins and anticonvulsants. 13. List the drugs used to treat Alzheimer. 14. Describe the nursing process to include patient teaching at it applies to the treatment of Parkinsonism and Alzheimer. 15. Describe nursing interventions including patient teaching for drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis. 16. Compare and contrast myasthenia gravis, and multiple sclerosis. 17. Identify drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis and multiple sclerosis 1. Discuss the use of antipsychotics and anxiolytics. 2. State the side effects associated with antipsychotics and anxiolytics. 3. Give the nursing interventions including client teaching for dfd 3/1//2010 Wissmann, J. et al Unit 4 Study Guide Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 26, 27 Lecture and Discussion Case Studies Study Guide ATI Pg 141-144, 195-222 Define Terms at the 12 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. antipsychotics and anxiolytics. List the categories, use of antidepressants. Describe the side effects and adverse reactions of antidepressants. Explain the use of lithium and the therapeutic serum range. Give the nursing interventions including patient teaching for antidepressants. beginning of each chapter Unit 7: Endocrine, Reproductive Agents, Urinary Tract Drugs Unit Objectives Student Assignments Learning Activities Differentiate the actions, uses, and side Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Lecture and Discussion effects of the pituitary hormones, Ch 50,51 thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), Study Guide parathyroid hormone (PTH), and ATI Unit 11 glucocorticoids. Differentiate among rapid-acting, intermediate-acting, and long-acting Define Terms at the insulins and combination mix. beginning of each Identify the action of oral antidiabetic chapter drugs ant their side effects. Describe the nursing process, including client teaching, for insulin and oral antidiabetic agents. Describe the types and side effects of Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Lecture and Discussion oral contraceptives. Ch 52-57 Contrast premenstrual syndrome, Study Guide endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, ATI Unit 12 dysfunctional uterine bleeding and osteoporosis. Compare common conditions for which Define Terms at the androgen therapy and antiandrogen beginning of each therapy are indicated. chapter Describe both therapeutic and adverse effects of androgen therapy. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use of androgen therapy. Discuss the types and transmission of various STD’s Discuss the pathophysiology of STD’s. Discuss the use, and side effects of drugs used to treat STD’s. Apply the nursing process including dfd 3/1//2010 13 patient teaching to patient care involving the use of drugs used to treat STD’s. 10. Assess clients for therapeutic and adverse effects of androgen therapy. 11. Compare and contrast commonly prescribed medications that can impair male sexual function. 1. Compare urinary antiseptics & antiinfectives 2. Describe side effects & adverse reactions to urinary antiseptics & antiinfectives 3. Differentiate uses for urinary analgesic, stimulant & antispasmodic Kee, Ch 33, Pp 485-492 Lecture Discussion Case Studies Define terms VIII: Immunologic Agents & Antineoplastic Agents Unit Objectives Student Assignments Learning Activities 1. Discuss the types and treatments of Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Lecture and Discussion opportunistic infections. Ch 34-35 Case Studies 2. Describe human immunodeficiency ATI Unit 3 and Pg. 78-79 Study Guide virus (HIV) Ch 34-35 3. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to patient care involving the use opportunistic Define Terms at the infections. beginning of each 3. Compare and contrast active, passive, chapter active natural and active acquired immunity. 2. State current vaccines and the disease in which they prevent. 3. List vaccines routinely given to adults. 4. Discuss the contradictions to giving specific vaccines. 5. Apply the nursing process including patient teaching to vaccine administration 1. Describe general side effects and adverse reactions to anticancer drugs. 2. Compare and contrast cell-cycle specific and cell-cycle nonspecific drugs. 3. Illustrate client education specifics dfd 3/1//2010 Kee, Hayes, McCuistion Ch 36,37, 38 ATI Unit 3 14 Lecture and Discussion Case Studies Study Guide Ch 36,37 associated with receiving both anticancer drugs and chemotherapy. 4. Apply the nursing process to patient care involving the use of anticancer drugs and chemotherapy. 5. Discuss the actions of the biologic response modifiers. 6. 11. List common side effects of interferons, and colony-stimulating factors. Define Terms at the beginning of each chapter Kee, Hayes, Mc Cuistion Ch 1-57 ATI Units 1-10 dfd 3/1//2010 15 ATI EXAM