AP Biology Summer Work 2013-2014

AP Biology Summer Work 2013-2014
Welcome to AP Biology with Mrs. Daniel and Mr. Burgess. Don’t worry; this may look a
lot worse than it is. We just wanted to get you all the information you’ll need and
address some common questions before we go on summer break. If you have any
questions, please feel free to stop by our room and talk with us. We look forward to
working with you during the next school year. We hope you have a wonderful summer
We know what you are thinking…why a summer assignment?
AP Biology is a vigorous, yet manageable and rewarding class. In order to meet the
demands of the curriculum it is necessary for you to complete some work before you
come back in August. The College Board objectives outline for AP Biology is broad and
deep. We have the months of September-February to complete the curriculum prior to
AP testing in May. In order to cover the entire curriculum we must dive into our learning
during the summer months.
What are you required to do?
Part #1
First, we would like to know who you are and how to get a hold of you so, your
assignment is to send us an email. That’s it! Your first AP Biology grade will be sending
us an email…if only all the grades were this easy! Here is what we would like you to
email BOTH Mrs. Daniel: rdaniel@rbtfiloh.org and Mr. Burgess: jburgess@btfiloh.org
before the end of the school year.
Subject line: AP Biology 13-14
Your full name
Why are you taking AP
Biology and what do you
hope to accomplish?
End email with a formal
closing: “Cordially”,
Include your Gmail address
What are you most anxious
about in AP Biology
Begin email with a formal
Don’t worry! There is no right or wrong answer… be honest so that we can figure out the
best way to help you next year! The formalities are simply getting you ready for
Part #2 (Vocabulary Slideshow/Presentation)
Listed below is over one hundred important terms in the AP Biology curriculum. You
must select 50 of these terms to use in your summer work. The first 50 will be due on
the first day of class, and the second 50 will be due exactly four weeks from the first
day of class. Read the due dates at least THREE times so that there are no excuses or
confusion as to when the words are due.
You will need to take an ORIGINAL PICTURE of an example of the vocabulary word
and describe how your image fits the definition of the vocabulary term and the function
or use of that item in nature. In order for the picture to be an original, you must place an
item that you own like a picture of yourself, cell phone, ring, or your own face beside that
of the picture. It should also include the date that the picture was taken; you may
choose any of the words below for your 50 pictures. This must be turned in electronically
or via a flash drive. You may turn them in as a Keynote Presentation or Prezi
(http://prezi.com) we are avoiding Powerpoint for now.
adaptation of a
Adaptation of
a plant
abscisic acid
amniotic egg
13. autotrophs
10. anther &
14. auxin
area of a
animal that has
a segmented
11. arthropod
12. archaebacteria
15. basidiomycete
16. batesian
17. biological
18. bryophyte
19. C4 plant
20. Calvin cycle
21. carbohydratefibrous
22. cambium
23. cellulose
24. chitin
25. chlorophyta
26. cnidarian
27. coelomate
28. conifer leaf
29. commensalism
30. connective
32. deciduous leaf
33. deutersome
34. dicot plant
with flower
31. cuticle layer of a
35. diploid
37. ectotherm(ic)
38. endosperm
39. endotherm(ic)
40. enzyme
41. epithelial tissue
42. ethylene
43. eubacteria
44. eukaryote
45. exoskeleton
46. fermentation
47. flower ovary
48. frond
49. fruit-dry with
53. genetically
57. haploid
50. fruit-fleshy
with seed
51. gametophyte
52. gastropod
54. gibberellins
55. glycogen
56. gymnosperm
58. heartwood
59. hermaphrodite
60. insect
36. echinoderm
61. K-strategist
62. keratin
63. leafgymnosperm
64. Lepidoptera
65. lichen
66. lignin
67. lipid used for
energy storage
68. littoral zone
69. long-day plant
70. meristem
71. modified leaf of
a plant
72. modified root of
a plant
73. modified stem
of a plant
74. monocot
plant with
flower & leaf
75. muscle fiberstriated
76. mutualism
77. mycelium
78. mycorrhizae
79. myosin
80. nematode
81. niche
82. nymph stage
of an insect
83. parasite
84. parenchyma
85. phloem
86. pine cone
87. platyhelminthes
88. pollen
89. pollinator
90. porifera
91. prokaryote
92. protein-fibrous
93. protein-globular
94. protosome
95. pteridophyte
97. radial symmetry
98. rhizome
99. scale from an
animal with tow
chamber heart
101. Unicellular
102. vascular
plant tissue
103. xerophytes
96. r-strategist
100. spore
104. xylem
Part #3 (News and Current Events)
This assignment consists of reading and analyzing articles related to AP Biology. You
must find one article that is about each main concept that will be discussed in AP biology
this year. You will have to do 10 News and Views Assignments throughout the school
The main topics discussed will be based on each of the following concepts:
a) Evolution
b) Anatomy and Physiology (any system)
c) Ecology/Diversity/Environmental issues
d) Animal (structure/function)
e) Animals (structure/function)
f) Chemistry (biochemistry/cells/enzymes/photosynthesis…)
g) Genetics and Heredity.
Articles can be taken from journals, magazines, newspapers, or the internet (only 2 of
the 7 can come from the internet). All sources must be current (2010 and up). In
addition to reading the articles the following items are to be completed for the product
that will be turned in:
1. Articles must include the name of the sources and the dates, for example,
when collecting an article from a newspaper, clip the article including the
name and date of the newspaper. Copies can be made from journals and
magazine. Do not clip pages from journals that are not your own.
2. For each article do the following:
a. Circle vocabulary/unfamiliar science terms in each article
b. Identify the part of AP Biology to which the article relates.
c. Summarize the article in your own words. (1-2 pages) and explain
its importance (or unimportance); you may need to do extra
research on the topic to help you with the summary.
3. A glossary is to be included in your product. It should consist of at least 5
of the “science” vocabulary words found in the article; define and give an
example or illustration.
(Quiz Grade):
1. Your name, date, period, and teacher’s
name must be displayed on the front of the
article analysis. The product must be word
processed (10pts)
2. Each article is to be analyzed and
described in a)-c) listed above (80 pts)
3. Glossary (10pts)
The first News and Views Assignment will
be due the first day of school. It will count as
your first quiz grade! You can choose any one of
the topics to do it on. The rest will be due one per
three weeks, throughout the school year. Our
suggestion is to go ahead and work ahead!! Get as
many completed, or at least get started, during the
summer as possible so you don’t get behind during
the school year.
You should also peruse the AP central website and read the course description to learn
about the topics we will cover in AP Biology. There is also a description o f the format of
the AP Biology Exam.
AP Central
• Go to http://apcentral.collegeboard.com
• Under AP courses and exam on the left choose course home pages.
Go to the biology home page
Read over the course description
• Under AP courses and exams on the left choose exam questions
Go to biology
Hear you can review some information on the types of questions on the
exams and some of the question that have been asked in the past.
Part # 5…NEXT to LAST ONEJ
You have to get used to reading an upper-level college text. Thus, you have three
chapters to read. We consider these review chapters for material learned in 9th grade
biology (though you may have forgotten much). The three chapters are: 1 (Intro); 4
(Cells); and 7 (Cell Cycle). Follow our pointers and you will be fine!
Use Cornell Notes hand written on notebook paper or typed to outline the chapters. Not
using this format will result in a zero.
To receive full credit for this assignment, you must have no less than 10 comprehensive
note entries and no more than 20 per chapter!
a. The objective is to be short and concise, not elaborate and “fluffy.”
b. These are NOTES that should be effective study materials, NOT essays that are a
drag to read.
Use pictures and diagrams. You don’t always have to use words.
Do not take 20 notes from the first 5 pages of the chapter and leave the rest unread. If
you have more than 20 before reaching the end of the chapter you are writing too much.
This is intense reading so break it up into small sections throughout the summer. Do not
save this until the weekend before school starts.
Below is an example of Cornell Notes taken from JMU:
You will need to get a Google Plus account and set up
for school and home use. We will make use of Google
Docs and well as Google Hangouts as part of our
learning ecosystem. On Sunday August 25 at 8 pm we
will hold out first Hangout session to work out any kinks
and clarify any summer assignment questions. We will
hold one of these every week during the year as a
homework study session.
In summary here is what you need the first day of class
Due Date
#1 Send email to both Mrs.
Daniel & Mr. Burgess
Before 6/10/13
#2 Vocabulary Slideshow
First day (first 50)
#3 News and Events
First week of School (then
one every 3 weeks)
#4 Cornell Notes
First day of class – All 3
#5 AP Biology Website
By the first day of class
#6 Google Plus
Date Completed
25 August 2013 – 8 pm.
A Final Note
Don’t be intimidated? If you want to succeed you will? Don’t get us wrong, it will take
some work, but we will provide you with all of the tools necessary to be successful.
However, We can’t do the work for you! That being said- Don’t Procrastinate on your
summer assignments, Schedule some time just for AP Bio, but the rest of the summer
relax, unwind and get ready for a great 2013-2014 school year!
If you have any questions please email.