PNI Meeting 4-02-08,UW ECC, 7pm Attendance: Sharla, Johanna

PNI Meeting 4-02-08,UW ECC, 7pm
Attendance: Sharla, Johanna, Ashely, Clarice, Kat, Karen, Isabel, Lovely, Myra, Charmane, Haz, Sam
1) Ates Business
a. Balances
i. Johanna-108.95 (check)
ii. Charmane-86.49 (check)
iii. Ashley-151.95 (check)
iv. Sharla-101.95 (check)
v. Myra-100 (cash)
vi. Isabel-115.95 (check)
vii. Lovely-58.95 (check)
viii. Clarice-153.44 (cash)
ix. Kat-51.95 (cash)
x. Christine-7 (pm can’t make it to meeting)
b. Transcript give to Myra-Charmane, Ashley, Johanna
c. Schedule give to Johanna-Charmane, Ashley, Johanna, Clarice
d. Community Service to Raine-Charmane, Ashley
e. Food Permit-Charmane, Isabel, Johanna, Sharla, Sam, Ashely
f. Ates Gear is ORDERED
g. Formal Pictures are IN
h. Business cards vote
i. Yes-7, will wait on it
ii. No-1
i. Name tags vote
i. Can purchase independently.
ii. Will bring up in a later meeting
j. Proposal for May by Ashley about Founders Week
i. Will Post on the Forum
1. Please post ideas
2) Fundraising
a. Cultural Remix
i. Schedule (W, Th, F 11-3)
1. Wednesday-Myra (all day), Clarice (all day), Isabel (130-3pm) Charmane,
Sharla (1-3)
2. Thursday-Charmane, Johanna (1220-3), Sharla (11-230)
3. Friday-Johanna, Charmane, Sharla (12-1), Karen, Kat, Clarice
ii. Food list1. Mango juice in a can (we got this for a good price at costco actually)-$1
Little pre-packaged ube cakes/mamon cakes-$1.50
Bags of filipino chips (Boy Bawang, Chippy, etc.)-$1
Nagaraya nuts-$2
Polvoron snack things-$0.50
b. Bite of Asia-May 8th
i. Same food that was supposed to be for cultural remix
3) Community Service
a. Literacy Laps
i. PR-assignments are posted
1. Ashley in contact with Library
a. Montlake is done (Charmane)
b. North Seattle (Johanna)
2. Kat will meet with Allan
3. Sharla contacted UW Pipeline
4. Johanna contacted Literacy Community Program
ii. Admin
1. Talked to Allan about splitting the money with Page Ahead
a. Go to a FOTC meeting to work things out
2. Meet with Pi Beta Phi because also have literacy walk
3. Food list is taken care of
a. Sell food at LL
4. Music? PA system?
iii. Fun Club
1. Budget approve by ECC-$35
a. Maybe ask for more
2. Description of games-6 total
b. Walk for Rice
i. Post if attending
4) Cultural
a. NWFASA conference tabling
i. List of material on forum
ii. Isabel, Ashley, and Myra will run the tabling
5) Pledges
a. When will they meet with them next