SYSTEMIC MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS IN CHEMISTRY *Ameen F. M. Fahmy, **J. J. Lagowski * Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry and Science Education Center, Ain shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: ** Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry the University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712 E-mail: 19th ICCE, Seoul, Aug. 12-17 (2006) In the last nine years, we have designed, implement, and evaluated the systemic approach to teaching and learning chemistry (SATLC)[1-4]. In continuing this work, we have designed a new kind of objective test based on systemics, which is presented here. The questions in objective tests require a very short answer. The questions are related to facts (thus, objective) which have unequivocal answers. Objective questions can be multiple choice, true/false, and fill in the blank. The scoring procedure for an objective test is completely specified enabling agreement among different scorers. Traditional objective tests are usually good instruments examining the recall of information and the application of terms, but they cannot assess learning beyond comprehension. However, systemic objective tests can challenge students and potentially can test higher learning levels (e.g., analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in Bloom’s taxonomy [5,6]). We illustrate here examples of systemic multiple choice questions that can form the basis of conventional objective tests and which require a choice from a list of possible systemic-related answers. Each systemic choice represents three to five physical, or chemical relations, between concepts, atoms, or molecules. Various types of systemic multiple choice questions from the fields of general, organic, heterocyclic, and physical, chemistry are presented here. 1 Type (I): Choices from among triangular systemics: General Description: Which of the following systemic diagrams represents the correct relations between (AC)? Indicate the correct systemic diagram by a (): (A, B, C) are concepts, atoms, or compounds. (X, Y, Z) are physical or chemical relations. a) A Z C b) X Y Z B Y A C B X (……) (……) d) c) A Y C X A Z X Y B C B Z (……) (……) Correct answer () is (a) Specific Examples: Q1. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between iron and its compounds? a) b) Fe dil H2SO4 Fe Zn H2SO4/ O2 Fe2(SO4)3 FeSO4 FeCl2 (……) c) FeO heat/ air FeCl3 (……) d) Fe CO/ 700°C Cl2/ Fe O2/ CO 400-700°C Fe3O4 FeSO4 (……) O2/ dil./H2SO4 (……) Correct answer () is (c) 2 FeO Q2. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between sodium and its compounds? Na a) Na b) electrolysis O2/ burn CO2 O2/ burn H2O HCl NaCl Na2O NaOH (……) c) Na2O (……) d) Na Na H2O Mg H2O CO2 Na2CO HCl NaOH NaCl NaOH (……) (……) Correct answer is () (a) Q3. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between ethylene, ethanol, ethyl bromide? CH2 = CH2 a) b) dil/H2SO4 alco. KOH, CH3CH2OH CH3CH - CH2OH CH 3 2 - Br aq. KOH, 3 2 (……..…) c) CH3 - CH2OH (…………) CH2 = CH2 alco. KOH, dil/H2SO4 PBr3 PBr3 CH3 -CH CH2OH CH Br CH2 = CH2 CH2 = CH2 d) HBr Conc./H2SO4 Conc./H2SO4 PBr3 CH3 -CH CH2OH CH 3 2Br PBr3 CH3CH2OH CH3CH - CH2OH CH 3 2 - Br CH3 - CH2OH (….……) (…….…) Correct answer () is (b) 3 Q4. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between benzene/ chlorobenzene, and phenol? Correct answer is () (c) Q5. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between pyrrole and its related compounds? Correct answer () is (a) 4 Type (II): Choices from among quadrilateral systemics: Q1. Which systemic diagram represents the correct relations between (AD) Indicate the correct systemic diagram by a (): (A, B, C,D) are concepts, atoms, or compounds. (X, Y, Z,E) are relations. Correct answer () is (a) Specific Examples: Q1. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between iron and its compounds? Correct answer () is (b) 5 Q2. Which systemic diagram represents the correct sequence of physical properties? Correct answer () is (c) 6 Q3. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between sodium and its compounds? Correct answer () is (d) Q4. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between calcium and its compounds? Correct answer () is (a) 7 Q5. Which systemic diagram represents the reaction sequence Substitution – Substitution – Elimination – Addition? Correct answer () is (a) Q7. Which Systemic diagram represents the chemical relations between oxirane, aziridine, ethanolamine, and ethylene? Correct answer () is (b) Type (III): Choices from among pentagonal systemics: 8 Which systemic diagram represents the correct relations between (AE)? Indicate the correct systemic diagram by a (): (AE) are concepts, atoms or compounds. (X, Y, Z,M,F) are physical or chemical relations. a X A B b Y M F Z D X A E d B A Y C M Y F D M (……) F E B C (…...) c X Z C E A Y B M C Z D X E (……) F (……) D Z Correct answer () is (a) Specific Examples: Q1. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between calcium and its compounds? O2 a Ca CaO H2O electrolysis Ca(OH)2 HCl CaCl2 CO2 CaCO3 (………………..…) 9 HCl b) CaCl2 Ca(OH)2 electrolysis Ca CO2 H2SO4 CaSO4 CaCO3 (………..…) c) CaO CaCO3 HCl CaCl2 H2O electrolysis O2 CaO Ca (………..…) HCl d CaCl2 CaO electrolysis Ca CO2 H2SO4 Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 (………..…) Correct answer () is (a) 10 Q2. Which systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between ethylene, ethane, acetaldehyde, ethylbromide, and ethanol? a) Br2/ hv CH3CH2Br CH3-CH3 aq. KOH H2/Ni CH3CH2OH KMnO4/ Conc.H2SO4 HgSO4/ CH2=CH2 CH3CHO dil H2SO4 (………………..…) b HBr CH3CH2Br CH2=CH2 aq. KOH H2/Ni CH3CH2OH KMnO4/ Conc.H2SO4 Zn/ Conc. HCl/ CH3CHO CH3-CH3 (………………..…) c) CH3CH2Br alco. KOH CH2=CH2 dil/H2SO4 Br2/ hv CH3CH2OH CH3-CH3 Zn/ Conc. HCl/ KMnO4/ Conc.H2SO4 CH3-CHO (………………..…) 11 d) aq. KOH CH3-CH2OH CH3CH2Br dil/H2SO4 HBr CH3CHO Zn/ Conc. HCl/ H2/Ni CH3-CH3 CH2=CH2 (………………....…) Correct answer () is (c) CONCLUSIONS We have shown how the ubiquitous multiple choice format for questions can be adapted to evaluate student learning using the systemic method of teaching. These kinds of questions probe the student’s ability to make maximum connections between classical concepts, elements, compounds, and their reactions. Additionally, students’ recognition of patterns of connection instead of the individual convictions is an important outcome of teaching and learning. Using systemic methods are important outcomes of that process and the evaluation technique described here probes that characteristic. Keywords: Systemics, objective tests, evaluation References: 1- Fahmy, A. F. M., Lagowski, J. J., J. Pure and Appl. 1998, [15th ICCE, Cairo, August 1998]. 2- Fahmy, A. F. M., Hamza, M. A., Medien, H. A. A., Hanna, W. G., Abdel-Sabour, M. : and Lagowski, J.J., Chinese J.Chem. Edu. 2002, 23(12),12 [17th ICCE, Beijing, August 2002]. 3- Fahmy, A. F. M., Lagowski, J. J; J. Chem. Edu. 2003, 80 (9), 1078. 4- Fahmy, A.F. M., Lagowski, J. J., “Using SATL Techniques to Assess Student Achievement,” [18th ICCE, Istanbul Turkey, 3-8, August 2004). 12 5- Bloom, B.; Englehart, M.; Furst, E.; Hill, W. and Krathwohl, D. (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green. 6- Anderson, L. W. and Drathwohl (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman. 13