Developed by Mr. Hume Peacock/Loudon HRE 2O1 Grade 10 Religion I.S.U. Students are to select one of the five models presented by Richard Niebuhr in Christ and Culture and write a 1000 word essay arguing why their model fits into a time period of their choice during the 2000 year span of Christianity’s existence. In order to properly defend their thesis—that a given model applies to a chosen time period—students will need to provide in their body an in-depth look at what constitutes culture, and an understanding of what was going on in their chosen time period. Ultimately, the thesis should prove why the chosen cultural model has been appropriately applied to the chosen time period. Christ Against Culture (Opposition) The Christ of Culture (Agreement) Christ Above Culture (Limited Experience of Christ) Christ and Culture Paradox (Tension) Christ the Transformer of Culture (Reformation) Research Students should conduct thorough research for this assignment. A minimum of 3 academic sources is required. Please conform to Chicago style citation formatting (see for specifics). On the back side of this page is a rubric outlining the grading scheme. Assignment is due at the beginning of class on: January 6, 2014 Value: 10% of final grade. 2013 St. Michael’s Choir School Rubric: Grade 10 Religion ISU Essay Criteria Level 1 Knowledge/ Understanding • importance and context 15 Thinking/Inquiry • formulating a thesis Name _______________________________ Level 3 Level 4 offers limited explanation of the importance and context of chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture offers some explanation of the importance and context of chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture Level 2 clearly explains the importance and context of the essay topic of chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture thoroughly explains the importance and context of the essay topic of chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture presents a flawed thesis statement that offers limited focus for unifying the essay presents an appropriate thesis statement that partially unifies the essay presents an effective, focused thesis statement that unifies the essay presents an insightful, thought-provoking thesis statement that unifies the essay incorporates limited relevant evidence from research on topic and chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture incorporates some relevant evidence from research on topic and chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture incorporates considerable and relevant evidence from research on topic and chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture incorporates highly effective and relevant evidence from research on topic and chosen model for Niehbuhr’s Christ and Culture shows limited command of essay structure and chosen organizational pattern. Fails to articulate how chosen model fits into Christ and Culture theme. shows some command of essay structure and chosen organizational pattern. Some success in showing how chosen model fits into Christ and Culture theme. shows considerable command of essay structure and chosen organizational pattern. Essay articulates chosen model of Christ and Culture theme. shows extensive command of essay structure and chosen organizational pattern. Thoroughly articulates chosen model from Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture theme. uses appropriate language and voice with limited effectiveness and consistency uses appropriate language and voice with some effectiveness and consistency uses appropriate language and voice with considerable effectiveness and consistency uses appropriate language and voice with a high degree of effectiveness and consistency applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with limited accuracy and effectiveness applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with some accuracy and effectiveness applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with considerable accuracy and effectiveness applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness develops ideas with limited logic, objectivity, and coherence develops ideas with some logic, objectivity, and coherence develops arguments carefully and logically develops ideas with a high degree of logic, objectivity, and coherence 5 • use of evidence 10 Communication • structure and organization (e.g., induction, deduction, cause– effect) 5 • language and voice 5 Application • language conventions 5 • develops ideas for ISU essay 5 TOTAL _______ /50