“Gulp” Lyrics and Hand Motions

Hand Motions
Your love swallows me up in one big gulp
Hands start together, curved in like a heart in front of your chest.
As you sing, raise your hands up so that by the time you get to the word "up" your hands and arms
should be stretched wide above your head like jazz hands.
Emphasize the words “one” and “big” by bending and popping arms with jazz hands.
Arms come down to a big clap in front of chest on the word "gulp."
Your love swallows me up in one big gulp See above
It starts at my toes Bend down and point to toes.
And then my elbows Touch each elbow starting with left hand to right elbow.
All the way to my nose Point to nose with both pointer fingers.
In one big gulp, your love swallows me up
Raise left arm to jazz hand on “in one.”
Raise right arm to jazz hand on “big gulp.”
Shaking jazz hands on “your love.”
Arms come down to a big clap in front of chest on the word "up."
Your love squeezes me tight, so so tight
Raise left arm up on “Your.”
Raise right arm up on “love.”
Bring both arms down to squeeze yourself around the waist and twist from side to side.
Your love squeezes me tight, so so tight See above
I can’t get away Run in place.
Oh no Shake head no while shaking finger in front of face.
I can’t get away Run in place.
I can wiggle Wiggle from top to bottom.
I can shake Shake from top to bottom.
But I can’t get away from your love
Shake head no while shaking finger in front of face.
Both hands high and arms open wide looking up to heaven on “love.”
God really loves me
Trot back and forth on each leg with arms bent at your side
Move forward for 2 beats and then backward for two beats.
Echo: God really loves me
Continue trotting
He really, really loves me
Continue trotting
Echo: He really, really loves me
Continue trotting
When I feel happy
Continue trotting adding an exaggerated big smile
And, when I’m so sad
Continue trotting adding an exaggerated big frown
In one big gulp, your love swallows me up
Raise left arm to jazz hand on “in one.”
Raise right arm to jazz hand on “big gulp.”
Shaking jazz hands on “your love.”
Arms come down to a big clap in front of chest on the word "up."
Words by Kendra Fleming & John Delich, Music by John Delich
Your love turns my frown upside down
Both hands high and arms open wide looking up to heaven on “Your love.”
Point to an exaggerated frowning face and turn it into a smile.
Your love turns my frown upside down Same as above
And makes me smile Make a big smile.
Cheese! Frame face with hands as if taking a picture.
And then I start to laugh Clap on beat of words and then hold belly while laughing.
And then we all let out a big shout Clap on beat of words.
Wahoo! Both hands making megaphone around mouth.
For God’s love Both hands high and arms open wide looking up to heaven on “Your love.”
Your love turns my frown upside down
Both hands high and arms open wide looking up to heaven on “Your love.”
Point to an exaggerated frowning face and turn it into a smile.
Your love squeezes me tight, so so tight
Your love squeezes me tight, so so tight
Raise left arm up on “Your.”
Raise right arm up on “love.”
Bring both arms down to squeeze yourself around the waist and twist from side to side.
Your love swallows me up in
Hands start together, curved in like a heart in front of your chest.
As you sing, raise your hands up so that by the time you get to the word "up" your hands and arms
should be stretched wide above your head like jazz hands.
Emphasize the words “one” and “big” by bending and popping arms with jazz hands.
Arms come down to a big clap in front of chest on the word "gulp."
Words by Kendra Fleming & John Delich, Music by John Delich