Effective Traffic Grooming in WDM Rings Abdur R. B. Billah , Bin Wang , Abdul A. S. Awwal Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box -808, Livermore, CA 94551-0808 Abstract— Much work has focused on traffic grooming in WDM ring networks. Previous work has considered many aspects of traffic grooming, including minimizing number of ADMs, minimizing number of wavelengths, single hub and multiple hub architectures, switching capabilities etc. In this work, we derive general and tighter bounds on the number of wavelengths in WDM ring networks that may be capable of switching streams across wavelengths. We also study traffic grooming in unswitched UPSR rings and derive a more general lower bound for the number of ADMs required in traffic grooming. This bound reduces to special cases first obtained in [1]. A cost-effective multi-phase traffic grooming algorithm is proposed and studied for UPSR rings. Our numerical results show that this algorithm outperforms existing traffic grooming algorithms, resulting in traffic grooming that uses lower number of ADMs. Our algorithm in many cases also reaches the general lower bound derived. I. I NTRODUCTION Optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network technologies promise to offer vast amount of bandwidth by delivering data over multiple channels using multiple wavelengths simultaneously [2]. Currently, dense WDM (DWDM) technology can already achieve up to wavelengths per fiber with each wavelength carrying Gb/s, resulting in a total transmission capacity of up to Tb/s [3]. There is a growing mismatch between the transmission capacity of optic fibers and the electronic switching capability. The transmission capacity of each wavelength is expected to increase further with the advancement of technology. Although electronic processing and switching are struggling to keep pace with the transmission capacity of fiber optics, it is just a matter of time for electronics to become the bottleneck. Moreover, the cost of high speed electronics is becoming economically unattractive. The design and operation of revenue generating optical WDM networks require to reduce cost. One important part of the cost is the cost of the network itself. It is thus imperative to reduce costly electronics by enabling optical bypassing as much as possible. Wavelength ADMs (WADMs) are capable of dropping (and adding) only the wavelengths carrying traffic destined to (and originated from) a node. At the same time, services requiring sub-wavelength capacity are necessary. Individual traffic streams are likely to have small bandwidth requirements compared to the bandwidth available in a single wavelength. To efficiently utilize the bandwidth on a wavelength, low rate traffic needs to be properly multiplexed at the ingress point and demultiplexed at the proper Abdur R. B. Billah, Bin Wang: E-mail: abillah,bwang @cs.wright.edu. Abdul A.S. Awwal: E-mail: awwal1@llnl.gov. The work reported in this paper was supported in part by an ITEC-Ohio TAF grant and a DAGSI scholarship. The work of Abdul A. S. Awwal was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. egress point. Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) rings are widely used in today’s network infrastructure. Each SONET ring is constructed by using fibers to connect SONET ADMs. An ADM can multiplex multiple lower rate streams to form higher rate ones. The desire to cost-effectively utilize bandwidth in a WDM system gives rise to the concept of traffic grooming which is defined as techniques used to combine lower rate traffic streams onto available wavelengths in order to meet user service requirements and to minimize cost. Much work has focused on traffic grooming in WDM ring networks [1, 4–13]. Previous work has considered many aspects of traffic grooming, including minimizing number of ADMs, minimizing number of wavelengths, single hub and multiple hub architectures, switching capabilities etc. In this work, we derive general and tighter bounds on the number of wavelengths in WDM BLSR networks with wavelength conversion capability. We also study traffic grooming in unswitched UPSR rings and derive a more general lower bound for the number of ADMs required in traffic grooming. This bound reduces to special cases first obtained in [1]. A cost-effective traffic grooming algorithm is proposed and studied for UPSR rings. Our numerical results show that this algorithm outperforms existing traffic grooming algorithms, resulting in traffic grooming that uses lower number of ADMs. Our algorithm in many cases also reaches the general lower bound derived. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II derives general bounds for the number of wavelengths needed in BLSR networks. Section III gives a summary on known bounds on the number of ADMs required for traffic grooming in WDM rings. A new and more general lower bound is derived for unswitched UPSR rings. The proposed traffic grooming algorithm is described in Section IV. Performance evaluation and comparisons with existing algorithms are reported in Section V. The paper concludes in Section VI. II. N EW B OUNDS ON THE N UMBER OF WAVELENGTH The lower bounds on the number of wavelengths necessary for traffic grooming in both WDM UPSR and BLSR/2 networks were studied in previous work including [4, 8, 12]. The lower bounds derived in [12] are also applicable in WDM BLSR/4 networks. The lower bounds in [8] have been calculated algorithmically with no mathematical formulation. The bounds for WDM BLSR networks in [8] is applicable only to BLSR/4 and can easily be modified to be applied on WDM BLSR/2 networks. In this paper, taking a more general perspective, we derive the lower bounds on the number of wavelengths needed in BLSR ring networks under static uniform traffic (full-duplex and all-to-all). We believe all the bounds presented in this paper are achievable. We use , and to represent the number of nodes, the granularity of a wavelength, and the size of a node-traffic in terms of low rate tributary streams (e.g., OC-3), respectively. We considered the impact of traffic splitting on the lower bounds on the number of wavelengths. Our bounds for WDM BLSR networks are found to be tighter than those obtained in [12] when is greater than . A. BLSR Rings In WDM BLSR networks, a traffic stream from node to node is carried through the shortest path route, i.e., with the minimum number of hops. The maximum number of hops is, therefore, limited to for an -node ring. However, each wavelength in a BLSR/2 ring can carry only up to of its full capacity. The rest of its capacity is reserved for carrying backup traffic for protection [4]. We calculate the lower bound for BLSR rings separately for odd and even number of nodes. We first compute the number of “full circles” (FCs) that are required to support all-to-all uniform traffic of low rate streams in one direction. The traffic in the reverse direction is carried through another fiber in exactly the same way. The number of wavelengths is then calculated in terms of FCs, and . 1) FCs in BLSR Rings with Odd Number of Nodes: In a BLSR ring with odd number of nodes, there is always a single shortest path from a source to a destination. The number of FCs can be determined by observing the following properties: The maximum node-distance between any pair of nodes is "! . So, traffic from a source node # to every other destination node $ goes through %& '(' ' "! hops. The number of paths with node-distance )*+) , %-(' '('./ "! is equal to the number of nodes in the network. The number of FCs consisting of paths with node-distance ) (or ) number of hops) is always ) , where )0, %-(' '('/ 1! . For example, only one FC is required to carry all nodetraffics between adjacent nodes in one direction. Two FCs are required to carry traffic streams between nodes that are two hops apart, and so on. The total number of FCs is therefore 1! , :9(; 1! . given by: 324526 27'(' ' /8 2) FCs in BLSR Rings with Even Number of Nodes: The lower bound on wavelength required in the case of even number of network nodes given below is tighter than that derived in [14], and is achievable. In a WDM BLSR ring with even number of nodes, there is always a single shortest path between a pair of nodes at a distance less than or equal to / . However, there are two shortest paths between a pair of nodes that are at a distance of . The number of FCs can be determined by observing the following properties: The maximum node-distance between any pair of nodes is . So, traffic from a source node # to every other destination node $ goes through %& '(' ' hops. The number of paths with a node-distance ) is +)<, %-(' '(' / . The number of FCs with node-distance ) (or ) number of hops) is always )*%)=,<%-(' '('/ . The number of paths with a node-distance is . Fig. 1. BLSRs with even number of nodes,three paths can be accommodated on two wavelengths if nodes are capable of wavelength switching. As stated above the number of paths between a pair of nodes at node-distance is . By carefully assigning each traffic to an FC, it is possible to accommodate them in > ?A@ 2B FCs. We note that this assignment requires wavelength conversion (switching) capability in some of the nodes (e.g., Figure 1). Thus, the total number of FCs is given by: CEDGF:HJIK,<L2MN2 2O' '(' / 2P> ? @ 2O SR , QJ ; 2T> ? @ 27 . In other words, U G; 9 2O if is a multiple of 4, CEDGF:HJIK, V if is even, not a multiple of 4. ;K9 W (1) 3) Lower Bounds on Wavelength in BLSR/2 Rings: The minimum number of wavelengths required in a WDM BLSR/2 network for various scenarios can be formulated in terms of the FCs determined above. Case 1: If traffic splitting is allowed or X is a multiple of Y Y ( ,7 mod X ), Z[FGHJI\, _ ]^^ R Red V Qc:; 9."! 2 Qc:9.? "! W ;R ; X Rgd V ^^`ba Qc:; 9f Qc:9? f W 2 V iSj km9 l X d h V a :;K9 W 2 W X if is odd, if is a multiple of 4, if is even, not a multiple of 4, (2) Case 2: If traffic splitting is not allowed and X is not a Y multiple of , ZnF:HJIK, ]^^ R R V ^ ;oL p ! W Qc:; 9."! 2 : 9." if is odd, _ ;R V 9rqs ; R ; i 9pf l W if is a multiple of 4, ^^ a Qc:; 9f Qc: 2 ^` V i j km9 l 9tq ha V o p W :; 9 W 2 if is even, not a multiple of 4, r9 qs (3) Y where ,7 div X and ,u mod X . The above bounds can be extended easily for calculation of lower bounds for BLSR/4 networks, and is omitted here. h III. T RAFFIC G ROOMING AND N EW ADM B OUNDS In this section, we discuss the number of ADMs required for traffic grooming in WDM UPSR ring. It has been shown in [1, 8] through examples that it is not always possible to minimize the number of wavelengths and the number of ADM’s simultaneously. The bounds on the number of ADMs in WDM rings have been addressed in many papers including [1, 4, 6–8, 12]. For uniform all-to-all traffic, lower bounds on numbers of ADMs required for UPSR and BLSR/2 for wvx have been formulated in [4]. The bounds assume wavelength switching (conversion) capability in the network. Elaborate discussions on stream switching can be found in [4]. Lower bounds on the number of ADMs for specific cases (y,z6,|{ and },z6,z~ ) for uniform traffic in UPSR rings have also been derived in [1]. The bounds in [4] is tighter than the corresponding ones in [1], as the latter did not assume switching capability of the network. The lower bound on the number of ADMs for distance dependent traffic (for the case in which 6,{ ) in UPSR rings was given in [1]. Lower bounds on the number of ADMs have been calculated algorithmically for both unidirectional and bidirectional rings in [8] with uniform and nonuniform traffic streams. However, no closed form expressions have been derived. Note that the lower bounds derived in [1] for unswitched UPSR rings is loose. In this section, we derive a general lower bound on the number of ADMs for uniform all-to-all traffic in UPSR WDM rings without wavelength switching (conversion). We note that with switching, the bound is tighter, but the wavelength continuity constraint is not preserved and the cost of switching is also not negligible [6]. A. General Lower Bound for Unswitched UPSR Rings Theorem 1: When , the minimum number of ADMs in a UPSR WDM ring with no wavelength switching for uniform all-to-all traffic (where each pair of nodes have low rate traffic streams between them) is at least Y V }- 6gwg2 Y Y W (4) ,u" M4 N24N>- @ o p£ ; Y if f f I s y[¤¥ X 9 @ and ,¢¡ where ,> "! - otherwise. Proof. The first term in the maximum is trivial, so for this proof we will only consider the second term. We first define a cluster as a group of nodes whose pairwise all-to-all traffic streams will be groomed on or supported entirely by the same wavelength ¦ . We then determine the cluster size by noting that the numI I R ber of pairwise low rate streams among nodes is Q 1! . I I R Thus, can be determined from Q 1! T . Solving for ; as an integer from the inequality, we have 4,§> f 9 f X @ . The number of ADMs necessary to support the traffic within the cluster is , one at each node. Therefore, the average number of low rate traffic streams (e.g., OC-3) supported by I R one ADM is Q " ! within the cluster. The amount of bandwidth left (inR terms of low rate streams) on the wavelength I I Q 1! . It is then possible to groom more internode is traffic onto this wavelength. However, more ADMs may be required. To maintain the efficiency of ADM utilization at I R Q 1 ! low-rate streams per ADM or improve the ADM utilization efficiency, internode trafficR streams will be groomed onto ¦ I I R I Q " ! ¤ Q " ! . That is, one more ADM is only if R ¦ I added with at least Q 1 ! or more streams groomed onto if oSp£ of ADMs is mainI s O¨¤© . Therefore, the efficiency o p£ "! tained or even improved. Otherwise, if I s ª[v¥ , no more "! ¦ . We then define additional traffic U streams are groomed onto o p£ Y Y if I s [y¤« an integer , As a result, n2 1! otherwise. I I R I I R Y Q 1! internode trafADMs can groom Q 1! 2P > X @ fics. The total number of internode traffics (in terms of ) in R an -node ring is /Qc/ 1! . The minimum number of ADMs R d V - /Qc/ "! ' ¬­®¬¯°e± oI p£ f ¬­²¬¯°g± Rgd W , required is then fAQ R I dR V 9 s 9 d W . µ , I I QJR "! dR Q f o Y Q 1! Q³!. f X´ s R M,¶{ , then Remarks. R ª,< and ,· . There }- If =? ,¢ and QJ ¸ ? "! , /Qc/ "! , which is the lower bound fore, , Y obtained in [1]. If ¹,b andRS¸-º , ~ , then 4R ,T ~ and ,· . » V V } W , /Qc/»1 /Qc/(1 ¸&¼! ½ ¼ ! ´ W which is exTherefore, , R V ½ ¼ ! ´ W , in [1] . µ actly the bound, QJ (" IV. P ROPOSED T RAFFIC G ROOMING A LGORITHMS In order to minimize the number of ADMs, heuristic algorithms have been proposed for grooming uniform and nonuniform traffic streams in UPSR and BLSR WDM networks in several papers including [1, 5, 8]. Mathematical expressions on the number of ADMs for presumably BLSR/4 networks are presented in [5] using super-node approximation for both uniform and distance-dependent (nonuniform) traffic. The lower bounds presented in [5] are essentially for networks without switching capabilities and is, therefore, slightly looser than those mentioned in the previous section. Algorithms and closed form expressions for specific cases (e.g., O,¾¿,©{ and ¹,º,~ ) have been derived in [1] for uniform traffic in UPSR networks. These traffic grooming algorithms are based on forming multiple groups of nodes. The number of nodes in each group is decided by the value of - the granularity of the wavelength. A heuristic greedy algorithm is also proposed for distance dependent traffic model in [1, 5]. Heuristic algorithms proposed in [8] are more general and comprehensive in dealing with both uniform and arbitrary non-uniform traffic in UPSR as well as BLSR networks. The traffic can be sub-wavelength, full wavelength, and super-wavelength streams. In this section, we propose an algorithm for grooming uniform all-to-all traffic streams in UPSR WDM rings to cover the entire spectrum of traffic stream sizes from 4,À to 4,Á regardless of whether and are multiples. It does not require any switching capability [4] in the network. We believe that the proposed algorithm is superior to those described above in terms of minimizing the number of ADMs as well as dealing with traffic streams of various sizes. In many cases it results in the number of ADMs equal to the lower bound derived in the previous section as well as in [1] (i.e., the case in which traffic streams are not switched). Our experience and analyses show that properly balancing the utilization of ADMs across the nodes tends to minimize the total number of ADMs. On the other hand, in a unidirectional ring network without switching capabilities, for any traffic grooming solution with split traffic, there exists a corresponding solution without split traffic that uses the same number of or fewer ADMs [1]. Based on the above two notions, we mainly focused on balancing the ADM utilization at every node and not splitting a traffic stream into more than one wavelength. The algorithm is divided into four phases. The first phase, Phase 0, is to construct full circles - one for the traffic streams between each pair of nodes. The other three phases are used for grooming the circles constructed in Phase 0. We note that not all the phases are required for grooming each nodetraffic, and the phases are not always necessarily in sequence. TABLE I a) Phase 0: This is the initial phase of constructing cir- C OMPARISON OF NUMBER OF ADM S : ÄÆÅ[ÇÈ , ÉLÊ IS THE LOWER BOUND cles from the traffic matrix. We borrow the idea of circle conOBTAINED IN THIS PAPER , ÉLÊË IS THE LOWER BOUND OBTAINED ALGORITHMICALLY IN [15], ÌÍ IS THE PROPOSED MULTI - PHASE struction from [8]. However, each of our circles contains trafALGORITHM , ËAÎ IS THE GROUPED ALGORITHM PRESENTED IN [1], AND fic streams equal to the node-traffic between a pair of nodes. ËÐÏ IS THE GREEDY APPROACH ALGORITHM PRESENTED IN [15]. For UPSR WDM rings the circle construction algorithm is quite r=1 r=4 N LB LBG MP GR GA LB LBG MP GR GA straightforward. In our terminology, a full circle is formed out 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 11 13 11 of two traffic streams between two nodes. In UPSR rings, both 6 6 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 18 17 7 9 10 11 11 13 21 21 21 26 23 traffic streams traverse in the same direction, forming a full cir8 12 12 14 16 15 28 28 29 32 30 9 15 16 18 18 20 36 36 38 42 37 cle. 10 18 18 20 20 21 45 45 46 50 48 11 22 23 27 29 30 55 55 57 63 60 12 27 28 34 36 35 66 66 66 72 72 b) Phase 1: We divide this phase into two sub-phases. 13 32 33 39 39 42 78 78 78 87 84 Phase 1a: In this phase, we make use of the concepts of 14 37 37 42 42 48 91 91 91 98 99 15 42 42 55 55 58 105 105 105 116 112 16 48 48 62 64 65 120 120 120 128 130 grouping nodes introduced in [1] and super-nodes in [5]. 17 55 68 68 136 136 148 18 62 72 72 153 154 162 19 69 89 89 171 172 185 We call it clustering to distinguish from grouping in which 20 76 97 100 190 191 200 the number of nodes in each group is taken equal to [1]. The number of nodes in a cluster, however, is equal to the number of a set of nodes whose all-to-all traffic can be accommodated in one wavelength without splitting any Ñ Ñ stream. Thus, for O,©-S{+ , and ¥,Â~ , the cluster size is ; for },Á the cluster size is { and for },© , it is ~ . This phase of grooming uses only one ADM per node and supports at least one or more circles per ADM depending on the value of . Each cluster requires one (a) (b) new wavelength. Fig. 2. Number of ADMs for uniform traffic in UPSR for Ä:Å}ÇÈ (a) Ò3ÅªÇ ; Phase 1b: This sub-phase grooms cross-traffic [1] across (b) ÒAÅÓÔgÒÅMÕ . the nodes from two different clusters. We call it crossis full. grooming. We consider cross-traffic grooming more gen5) Step 5: If no circle is found to groom in Step 2, unerally to include both equal and unequal number of nodes groom the circle groomed in Step 1 and release the from two clusters. Grooming between disjoint nodes from wavelength. two clusters taking three nodes from one cluster and five 6) Step 6: If Phase 2 is not applied before for reasons nodes from another in the case with },z , is an examexplained above, apply Phase 2 here. If there are ple of unsymmtric cross-grooming. The algorithm crossmore circles to be groomed, go to Phase 3b. Phase 3b grooms only if it results in effective use of ADMs, otherwise it goes to the next phase. 1) Step 1: Take a wavelength and groom a circle onto c) Phase 2: This phase grooms more circles onto the it. wavelengths created in the previous phase only if a wave2) Step 2: If the wavelength is full, start a new wavelength has enough capacity to accommodate one or more circles length. and e if the addition of an ADM does not decrease the factor 3) Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and 2 until there is no more “circles per ADM” (i.e., the efficiency of ADM utilization). On circles to be groomed. the other hand, if the remaining capacity in the wavelength after V. N UMERICAL R ESULTS Phase 1 is such that addition of one more ADM creates a situaIn this section, we present and analyze the results obtained tion where more than one circles can be groomed onto the same from our multi-phase heuristic algorithm and compare them wavelength in order to increase the factor “circles per ADM”, with the lower bounds derived in the previous section. We also Phase 1 and Phase 2 can go in parallel rather than in sequence. compare the results, where applicable, with the bounds and reThis is true in cases with Ã,B and Ã,7 . This phase does not sults in [1], [15] and [4]. Table I compares our results with need to create any new wavelength. 1 those in [1] and [15] for two cases ( à ¶ , m 7 , d) Phase 3: This is the final phase that grooms any cir- ÖÆ× ÖÆ×Ù{ Ø and =,¶ ~ ). is the lower bound obtained in this paper, is the lower cles left ungroomed after the previous phases and completes the ¿Ú bound obtained algorithmically in [15], is the multi-phase grooming process. It uses a simple heuristic approach to groom ØÃÛ is the grouped algorithm circles which can not otherwise be groomed efficiently. We di- algorithm proposed in this paper, ØÃÜ presented in [1] and finally, is the greedy approach algovide it into two sub-phases: rithm presented in [15]. We analyze the results case by case Phase 3a based on the value of node-traffic . 1) Step 1 : Take a wavelength and groom a circle onto A. Case m,< it. Figure 2(a) compares the number of ADMs resulted from 2) Step 2: Groom another circle, if any, with one overour multi-phase heuristic algorithm with corresponding lower lapping end node. bounds derived in Section III as well as with those obtained 3) Step 3: Groom as many circles as possible, if any, in [1] and [15]. Our algorithm performs almost always better with two overlapping end nodes. Ý 4) Step 4: Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the wavelength We obtained the results of [15] upto 16 nodes from [16]. Multi-phase Algorithm r=1,g=16, Lower Bound Grouped Algorithm Greedy Approach 100 160 r=2 r=2 Lower Bound r=3 r=3 Lower Bound 140 80 Number Of ADMs Number Of ADMs 120 60 40 100 80 60 40 20 20 0 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number Of Nodes 16 18 20 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number Of Nodes 16 18 20 200 Multi-phase Algorithm r=1,g=4, Lower Bound Grouped Algorithm Greedy Approach Multi-phase Algorithm r=5,g=16, Lower Bound Unswitched Lower Bound Switched SingleHub 200 Multi-phase Algorithm SingleHub Lower Bound Switched r=8,g=16, Lower Bound Unswitched 350 300 150 Ñ 100 Number Of ADMs Ñ 100 Number Of ADMs Ñ Number Of ADMs 150 250 200 150 100 50 50 50 0 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number Of Nodes 16 18 20 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number Of Nodes (a) 16 18 20 (b) 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number Of Nodes 16 18 20 (c) Fig. 3. Number of ADMs for uniform traffic in UPSR for Ä3ÅnÇÈ (a) ÒAÅMÞ ; (b)ÒÅMß ; (c) ÒAÅà . than the greedy approach taken in [15]. It also exhibits as good as or better performance in some instances than the “grouped” algorithm presented in [1] (see left part of Table I). B. Case E,7-m,« Figure 2(b) illustrates the performance of our algorithm relative to the lower bounds for =,T and \,¶ . In general, the algorithm exhibits good performances and the results are close to the lower bounds. We do not have the exact numerical results of [8], but we believe, from rough comparison, that our algorithm performs better than theirs (for the case of ª,á ). We could not compare our results for E,« with other work as we are not aware of any paper in the literature that illustrated this case. C. Case E,O{ This case is equivalent to the case \,B{SE,P as presented in [1, 8, 15]. Figure 3(a) compares the number of ADMs obtained from our multi-phase algorithm with the lower bounds derived as well as with the results from [1, 15]. It is evident that our algorithm clearly outperforms the grouped algorithm [1] in almost every cases. Table I (right part) shows that our lower bound derived in Section III is exactly the same as that calculated algorithmically by [15]. D. Case E,7 Figure 3(b) compares the number of ADMs resulted from our multi-phase heuristic algorithm with corresponding lower bounds derived in Section III. The algorithm performs very well in general and uses ADMs close to the lower bounds. Included in this figure are the lower bound for switched UPSR and results for single hub architecture obtained from [4]. The multi-phase algorithm, which does not require any switching capability, outperforms the single hub architecture in every instance. Our algorithm applies to networks without switching capabilities, yet requires fewer number of ADMs as well as fewer wavelengths. We could not find any similar cases from [1, 8, 15]. E. Case E,Oâ Figure 3(c) shows the results of comparison between the number of ADMs used by the multi-phase heuristic algorithm and the lower bound derived in Section III. As observed from the figure, the algorithm results in the same number of ADMs as the lower bound in all cases studied. We note that the lower bound obtained in [8] is the same as ours and their heuristic algorithm (greedy approach) performs the same as ours. Included in this figure are the lower bound for switched UPSR and the results for single hub architecture obtained from [4]. The multiphase algorithm, which does not require any switching capability, overwhelmingly outperforms the single hub architecture in every instance. VI. C ONCLUSIONS In this work, we derive general and tighter bounds on the number of wavelengths in WDM BLSR networks that may be capable of switching streams across wavelengths. We also study traffic grooming in unswitched UPRS rings and derive a more general lower bound for the number of ADMs required in traffic grooming. This bound reduces to special cases in previous work. A cost-effective multi-phase traffic grooming algorithm is proposed and studied for UPSR rings. Our numerical results show that this algorithm outperforms existing traffic grooming algorithms, resulting in traffic grooming that uses lower number of ADMs. Our algorithm in many cases also reaches the general lower bound derived. We are currently extending the techniques developed to groom more general traffic patterns as well as study traffic grooming in other types of ring networks with or without switching capabilities. R EFERENCES [1] E. Modiano and A. Chiu. Traffic grooming algorithms for minimizing electronic multiplexing costs in WDM ring networks. IEEE Journal of Light-wave Technology, January 2000. [2] R. Ramaswami and K. N. Sivarajan. Optical networks: A practical perspective. Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 1998. [3] U. Black. Optical networks: Third generation transport systems. Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. [4] O. Gerstel, P. Lin, and G. Sasaki. Combined WDM and SONET network design. 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