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Contribute to health
and safety of self
and others
Teacher Guide
Written by Jennifer Atkins
© Jennifer Atkins 2013
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Copyright © Jennifer Atkins 2013.1
This training manual is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968.
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Jennifer Atkins asserts her ownership of the Intellectual Property contained
in this training manual. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, utilised,
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ensure you seek professional advice before relying on any statement or fact
contained herein. Material in this resource is current at the time of writing.
Jennifer Atkins Medical Administration Training
© Jennifer Atkins 2013
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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
Learner Guide ................................................................................................................ 5
Part 1 - Employability Skills..................................................................................... 7
1.1 Employability Skills Summary.................................................................................. 7
1.2 Specific Employability Skills for ............................................................................... 8
Part 2 - Assessment of Certificate III students ....................................................... 10
2.1 Competency details for BSWHS201A: Contribute to health and safety of self and
others .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Learner Guide - Mapping of Competencies .......................................................... 14
2.3 Key Learning Topics ............................................................................................... 16
2.4 Session Plans ......................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Answers to Learner Guide Activities ..................................................................... 27
2.6 Revision for OHS .................................................................................................... 30
2.7 Answers to Revision Sheets .................................................................................. 39
2.8 Assessments and Evidence of Competency .......................................................... 41
2.9 Assessment - Mapping of competencies for assessment ..................................... 43
2.10 Final Assessment ................................................................................................ 45
2.11 Answers to Final Assessment .............................................................................. 53
Part 3 - Templates ................................................................................................ 55
3.1 Assessment Front Cover ........................................................................................ 55
3.2 Assessment Plan .................................................................................................... 56
3.3 Record of Activities from Learner Guide ............................................................... 58
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3.4 Record of Competency .......................................................................................... 60
3.5 Employability Skills Stocktake ............................................................................... 62
Part 4 - Business Services Training Package ........................................................... 63
4.1 BSB07 Business Services Training Package ........................................................... 63
4.2 Business Services Training Package Sectors .......................................................... 63
4.3 Qualifications......................................................................................................... 64
4.4 Coding of Units ...................................................................................................... 67
4.5 Broad Field Competencies .................................................................................... 68
4.6 What are Employability Skills? .............................................................................. 72
4.7 Employability Skill Industry Requirements ........................................................... 73
4.8 Employability Skills Activities ................................................................................ 75
4.9 Assessment-Only or Recognition of Prior Learning Pathway................................ 76
4.10 Assessor Competencies ....................................................................................... 78
4.11 Job Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 79
4.12 Packaging Rules .................................................................................................. 80
4.13 Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)........................................................ 84
4.14 Distinguishing Features of Certificate III ............................................................. 85
© Jennifer Atkins 2013
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This teacher guide is for trainers and assessors of the unit BSBWHS201A - Contribute
to health and safety of self and others. This unit is a core unit in BSB31107: Certificate
III in Business Administration (Medical). This nationally recognised unit is part of the
Business Services Training Package.
Learner Guide
This teacher guide corresponds to the matching learner guide. The learner guide
introduces students to the medical environment. It provides relevant information,
practical scenarios, and industry information for the support of student learning. This
material is intended for students who have no formal background, skills or knowledge
in a medical environment. Each learner guide is a stand-alone guide and is suitable for
students who learn in a classroom setting with other students.
The corresponding learner guide for Contribute to health and safety of self and others
is set out in the following order:
o Table of contents
o Resources: Helpful Websites - these ensure students are able to source further
information in their own time
o Description of unit and performance criteria
o Employability skills
o Chapter outlines
o Chapters
o Self review questions and answers
o Revision sheets
o Glossary
o Assessment criteria
In the learner guide, there are four chapters. The chapters do not necessarily match an
element of the unit of competency. This is due to the change from BSBOHS201A to the
current version of WHS. For example, in BSBWHS201A: Contribute to health and
safety of self and others there are three units of competency. However there are four
chapters, the first three are titled as per the matching element, and the forth chapter
© Jennifer Atkins 2013
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is designated to discussing emergency incidents. Therefore, in line with the wording of
the element, Chapter 1 is called Work Safely.
The subheadings relate to the performance criteria for each element, and have the
performance criteria number displayed in brackets next to the sub heading. For
example: Follow established safety procedures (1.1) directly refers to performance
criteria 1.1: Follow established safety procedures when conducting work. These
performance criteria have their titles condensed so they are easier for students to
Each performance criteria has activities which can be undertaken. They are not
compulsory, and may be amended as required. All activities are continuously
numbered and use the following picture.
Activity 1
At the end of each chapter there are self review questions. Students can perform
these true and false questions in their own time, and check their results against the
answers provided. In the final section of the learner guide there are revision sheets,
which are a combination of short answer questions, fill in the gaps, choose the correct
answer, etc. These do not have answers provided, so students can do them in class as
part of their formal review. After the revision sheets, there is a glossary with the
descriptions of relevant terms.
The final section of the learner guide contains the assessment criteria. Here students
can record which activities match the relevant performance criteria, and tick them off
once completed. Required skills and knowledge and critical aspects for assessment and
evidence are then displayed for student and/or teacher use, if required.
The final assessment is provided as a holistic assessment, therefore it contains all
performance criteria in one assessment. It pulls together the entire students learning
from the matching learner guide. The final assessment is not provided as part of the
learner guide. However, the final assessment and answers are part of this teacher
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