1 Table of Contents Background Information ....................................................... 3 Purpose ...................................................................................... 5 Hypothesis ............................................................................... 5 Materials .................................................................................. 5 Procedure ................................................................................. 6 Data and Graphs ..................................................................... 9 Analysis ................................................................................... 19 Conclusion ............................................................................... 20 Bibliography ........................................................................... 21 Appendix ................................................................................. 22 2 Background Information Beans originated in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Honduras. But now beans can be found all over the world, even in places that you would never think to find them. And there are about 30 different kinds that are used as vegetables. In the United States some of the most commonly grown kinds are garden peas, cowpea, lima beans, snap beans, soybeans, lentils, kidney beans, pinto beans, chick-peas, and fava beans. Beans extract some of the nitrogen in the atmosphere and are a good source of protein when eaten. Many kinds of beans can be found in developed and undeveloped countries. Beans contain proteins, carbohydrates and some essential vitamins and minerals. The ancestors of snap beans originated between 6,000 and 8,000 years before today. And some beans that are as old as 2,500 years old have been found preserved in the Andes. As well as all the special kinds of beans grown today there are common beans that didn’t have scientific names. Beans are either pole beans (which means they are long and stringy and grow on a pole like a vine), and there are bush beans (they grow short and thick like bushes). The leaves of pole beans tend to be smaller than those of bush beans which tend to be larger. Some beans have multiple leaves in a clump kind of like a clover and others have only one or two leaves in a clump. The rate at which beans produce seeds depends on cultivar type and the size of their leaves, which means that some beans will produce seeds in larger quantities and faster than other kinds of beans. pH is defined as “the negative logarithm of the effective hydrogen ion concentration or hydrogen ion activity in gram equivalents per liter, used in expressing both acidity and alkalinity on a scale whose numbers less than 7 indicate increasing acidity, and numbers greater than 7 increasing alkalinity.” What this means is that pH 7 is neutral, solutions with pH numbers above that are basic (or alkaline), and solutions with pH numbers below that are acidic. Numbers on the pH scale differ from each 3 other by a factor of 10 in how acid or basic they are (in other words, how many H+ or OH- ions they have). This means that a solution with a pH of 5 has 10 times as many hydrogen ions as one with a pH of 6, and a solution with a pH of 9 has 10 times as many hydroxyl ions as one with a pH of 8. However, when a chemical is added to water to change the pH of the solution, it is not possible to add pure hydrogen ions or pure hydroxyl ions. The hydroxyl (OH-) ions are bound to a cation to make a stable chemical. Perhaps the chemical used to change the pH affects the bean growth as well as the pH. If so, the response of beans to growing in different pHs would vary depending on what cation was used. Different plants grow best in different pHs, but in general, most garden vegetables prefer a slightly acidic soil, around pH 6.5. A pH below 6 or above 7 is usually not as good for vegetable growth. Pinto beans grow best in pH 6, and the higher pH the worse the pinto beans grow. An experiment on the Internet tested how pinto beans grow in different pHs. The person who did that project found that the pH does affect the growth of plants (in this case beans) which was the opposite of his hypothesis. Another person did an experiment on how mung beans grow in different pHs. They found that they grew best in pH 6 and anything below or above that stunted the beans’ growth, causing them to grow shorter. 4 Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to test how beans grow in different pHs, and see if the chemical used to change the pH affected the beans’ response to the different pHs. Hypothesis The hypothesis used in this experiment was that the higher the pH, the poorer the beans would grow, and that the beans would grow worst in the sodium (NaOH) solution, best in the calcium (Ca(OH)2) solution, and that potassium (KOH) would be in between. Materials The materials used in this project were: 1. One bag of mixed pinto and great northern beans from the grocery store 2. 26 4-quart plastic tubs 3. 78 ft. of 3/4” PVC pipe 4. 13 9” x 12” pieces of plastic needlepoint cloth 5. 14 one gallon jugs of distilled water 6. One plastic sprayer 7. One roll of paper towels 8. 500 gram jar of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) flakes 5 9. 500 gram jar of potassium hydroxide (KOH) flakes 10. 250 gram jar of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) powder 11. One roll of pH paper for pHs 5.5 - 8 12. One roll of pH paper for pHs 3 - 9 13. Disposable plastic gloves 14. One package of 3 oz. plastic cups 15. Hot glue gun 16. 10 sticks of hot glue 17. One 25 lb. bag of epoxy-coated aquarium gravel 18. Black marker 19. White labels 20. Ruler graduated in millimeters 21. Meter stick 22. Triple-beam balance scale 23. Scissors 24. Drill press with 1/2” bit Procedure 1. Cut PVC pipe into 3” sections. 2. Cut needlepoint cloth pieces in half the short way: 3. Trim one piece of the needlepoint cloth so that it fits in the bottom of the vat. Do this for each of 13 vats. 4. Mark the large (untrimmed) halves of the needlepoint cloth with 18 holes in a 6 x 3 grid about 2” apart. 6 5. Stack up the large (untrimmed) halves of the needlepoint cloth and drill 1/2” holes in all the marked places with a drill press. 6. Glue 3” PVC tubes over the holes drilled in the needlepoint cloth. 7. Make 12 solutions, one gallon each: pH 7.5, pH 8, pH 8.5, and pH 9, for each of the three chemicals (sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide). The 13th solution (control) is plain distilled water. This is done in the garage so if the chemicals spill, they don’t ruin the floor. This is done by adding small amounts of the chemical powder/flakes to a gallon jug of distilled water, and repeatedly testing the pH, until the proper pH is obtained. Remember to wear plastic gloves when handling chemicals. 8. Label each vat with the chemical and pH, or water for the control. 9. Put the small pieces of needlepoint cloth into the bottoms of the vats (this keeps the tubes from sealing to the bottoms of the vats, so the solutions can get in). 10. Fill the vat not quite full with the proper solution. 11. Place all of the pieces of needlepoint cloth with the tubes glued onto them into the solutions with the tubes down in the solutions. 12. Soak about 200 beans of each type in plain water overnight. 13. Feed the epoxy-coated gravel down all of the holes until the tubes are full. (This is so that the beans have something to grow into, and the epoxy coat on the gravel keeps the gravel from reacting with the solution.) The tubes contain each bean’s roots so the roots don’t get tangled, and the bean can be weighed at the end of the experiment. 14. Fill the sprayer with distilled water. 15. Place the soaked beans on a wet paper towel, and spray them twice a day. When some of them start to sprout, carefully place them over the gravel-filled tubes and place tops over them (use the other 13 tubs for covers). Use 9 pintos and 9 great northerns per vat. 16. Make a data sheet for each bean and assign it a bean number, for example, Ca-7.5-P-1 means calcium pH 7.5 pinto7 bean #1. 17. Begin taking data on each bean when it is placed over a tube (height measurements after they begin to grow).* 18. When the beans get too tall, remove the covers and keep spraying them until their roots reach the solution. Any short beans are covered with the plastic cups (personal greenhouses) at this point. 19. Take height measurements on the beans every day for 40 days. 20. Rotate the vats once each day in a caterpillar fashion. This is so that none of the vats are closer to the window any more of the time than any of the others, so that differences in light do not affect the results. Bean rotation is done in the following manner: window 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a. Vat 13 is moved out of the way. b. Vat 12 is moved into the 13 position. c. Vat 11 is moved into the 12 position, etc. until position 1 is vacant. d. Vat 13 is moved into position 1. 21. After 40 days, pull out the beans and weigh them on the triple beam balance. * All the beans were starting to sprout when they were placed over the holes. If a bean died before it put down roots, it was listed in the Appendix as never sprouted and not used in the analysis. 8 Data The data presented here are the averages for all beans in a vat. The individual measurements for each bean are in the Appendix. Day Ca 9 Ca 8.5 ca 8 Ca 7.5 Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 13 20 43 66 98 128 150 168 178 192 205 219 227 269 282 293 299 307 316 319 325 328 330 332 337 340 343 348 355 359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 16 28 42 69 96 125 150 178 204 226 247 260 277 288 296 308 321 326 322 334 352 356 359 363 367 370 372 374 377 385 393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 19 51 68 110 145 179 204 224 244 267 297 319 328 342 358 364 373 386 393 399 405 411 413 417 418 422 426 435 440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 22 46 78 114 134 160 191 214 235 253 274 292 306 320 335 345 354 356 359 367 370 374 378 384 386 390 393 396 400 403 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 9 20 55 93 115 148 181 209 231 250 273 287 305 307 321 328 339 340 344 351 354 358 362 367 368 365 366 367 368 372 377 Weight (g) 1.44 1.53 1.89 1.87 1.81 9 450 Water 400 Ca 7.5 350 Ca 8 Ca 8.5 300 Height mm Ca 9 250 200 150 100 50 0 2 Water 1.8 Ca 7.5 1.6 Ca 8 Weight grams 1.4 Ca 8.5 1.2 Ca 9 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 11 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 7.5 8 Growth Curves for Calcium ter Wa Ca ca Ca 8.5 Ca 9 200 150 100 50 0 450 400 350 300 250 Day K9 K 8.5 K8 K 7.5 Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 14 18 25 35 69 93 127 162 181 200 212 231 246 259 270 281 292 305 313 319 329 332 342 345 367 373 380 382 386 386 395 403 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 6 12 23 42 81 110 140 167 187 208 229 246 264 288 312 343 353 368 370 375 365 378 391 396 398 401 408 412 416 422 430 437 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 33 39 47 81 112 135 158 192 212 229 246 255 265 272 286 294 313 324 335 342 356 360 368 372 379 381 388 390 395 406 413 421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 19 33 72 119 150 177 200 219 239 261 282 292 302 309 319 324 339 340 347 355 361 367 367 370 373 377 379 384 390 394 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 9 20 55 93 115 148 181 209 231 250 273 287 305 307 321 328 339 340 344 351 354 358 362 367 368 365 366 367 368 372 377 Weight (g) 1.81 2.23 1.59 1.92 1.81 12 450 Water 400 K 7.5 350 K8 K 8.5 300 K9 Height mm 250 200 150 100 50 0 2.5 Water K 7.5 2 K8 Weight grams K 8.5 K9 1.5 1 0.5 0 13 14 200 150 100 50 0 450 400 350 300 250 Potassium Growth Curves ter Wa K7 .5 K8 K 8 .5 K 9 150 100 50 0 450 400 350 300 250 200 Day Na 9 Na 8.5 Na 8 Na 7.5 Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 38 72 106 126 156 189 211 221 232 247 253 266 275 287 all dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 16 26 31 34 43 75 93 115 141 159 176 183 194 202 215 223 227 232 238 241 242 247 252 256 257 259 259 274 274 276 280 287 294 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 19 27 44 66 101 122 147 176 191 205 219 231 242 252 265 277 286 295 298 302 309 313 317 321 327 328 334 335 336 338 341 346 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 10 13 18 31 55 80 117 161 194 220 241 270 293 311 327 343 346 355 360 369 374 380 385 388 409 400 405 406 408 412 415 421 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 9 20 55 93 115 148 181 209 231 250 273 287 305 307 321 328 339 340 344 351 354 358 362 367 368 365 366 367 368 372 377 Weight (g) 1.33 1.43 1.49 1.75 1.81 15 450 Water Na 7.5 400 Na 8 350 Na 8.5 300 Na 9 Height mm 250 200 150 100 50 0 2 Water Weight grams 1.8 Na 7.5 1.6 Na 8 1.4 Na 8.5 1.2 Na 9 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 16 17 0 50 100 150 200 300 250 350 400 450 7.5 8 Sodium Growth Curves ter Wa Na Na Na 8.5 Na 9 0 50 200 150 100 450 400 350 300 250 450 450 400 400 350 350 300 300 250 200 250 150 200 100 150 50 100 0 50 0 Na 7.5 8 Ca 8.5 9 K W ate r Overall Comparison of Heights 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 Na pH pH Ca pH pH K 7.5 8 8.5 9 W ate r Overall Comparison of Weights 18 Analysis In calcium the great northerns grew a little bit better than the pintos. But in potassium and sodium the pintos grew a little bit better than the great northerns. These graphs are shown in the Appendix along with the raw data. But for the most part the growth curves were pretty much the same shapes for both kinds of beans in a vat. Because of this, the average of all of the beans in a vat was used for the final graphs. For calcium pH 8 was the pH that the beans grew best in and they grew worst in pH 9, for both height and weight. They grew better in pH 7.5 than they did in plain distilled water, better in pH 8 than in pH 7.5, but then worse at pH 8.5 and worst at pH 9. From this it is concluded that the best pH for the beans for calcium was 8. In potassium the beans grew best in pH 8.5 for both height and weight. For height they did better in pH 7.5 than in water, better in pH 8 than pH 7.5, and better yet in pH 8.5 than in pH 8, and worse in pH 9. For weight they followed the same trend except that the pH 8 weights were strangely low. This was probably just a fluke, because the beans varied a lot in how robust or skinny they were, and there seemed to just have been a lot of tall, skinny beans in that vat by chance. The conclusion here is that pH 8.5 is best for beans growing in a potassium solution. In sodium the beans grew best in 7.5 and worst in 9 for the height, and for the weight. After pH 7.5 they did worse on both height and weight the higher the pH went. In fact it is worse than it looks on the graphs because by day 24 all the beans in sodium 9 died. They had seemed to be growing fine, but then within about 3 days they all bent over and went limp. The beans appeared to have been poisoned by the sodium, although it took a while, as if they could handle just so much sodium, and then they couldn’t take it any more. This could account for why the beans did worse in the more concentrated solutions, because there was more sodium in them as well as a higher pH. 19 Except for an occasional bean here and there, the sodium 9 vat was the only one where the beans all died. All the other vats of beans made it the 40 days and still looked good. The heaviest and tallest beans on average were in the potassium solutions. Potassium is an ingredient in Miracle-Gro plant fertilizer, presumably because it is good for plants. Calcium and sodium are not ingredients in Miracle-Gro, so they must either be neutral for plants or bad for them. In fact this experiment found that sodium seems to poison beans. Since potassium is a plant nutrient, this is probably why the tallest and heaviest beans were in potassium. In fact the potassium 8.5 vat had an average bean weight of 2.23 g which was the only one that was over 2 grams. The experimenter learned that the chemical used to change the pH of a solution does have an effect on the growth of the beans, as well as the pH that is in the water. The hypothesis was partially correct. The sodium solutions did turn out to be the worst for the beans. But the calcium solution did not turn out to be the best. The best one was the potassium. And there was a difference in how the beans responded to different pHs depending on what chemical was used. Conclusion This experiment tried to find out how the beans responded to the different pHs and whether there was a difference between how they responded depending on which chemical was used to change the pH. In calcium and potassium, the beans grew best in the middle range pHs (8 to 8.5) and worst in the high pH of 9. For sodium, they grew best in the lowest pH, 7.5, and steadily worse as the pH got higher. In pH 9 the beans grew so poorly that within a few days during the third week they all died and did not even make it to the end of the experiment. Therefore, the conclusion is that it does matter what chemical is used to change the pH of the water, because it will affect the results obtained when growing beans. 20 Bibliography Cheng, G., Cheung, W., Wong, L., and Yen, C., date unknown. The Effects of pH on Mung Beans. http://members.aol.com/ScienzFair/phmung.htm Conway, K., Lucarelli, A., O’Connor, J., and Rodgers, J., 1998. The Effect of Different Types of Water on the Growth of Bean Plants. http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/ nsfall98/FinalArticles/Final.TheEffectofDifferen.html Fageria, N. and Biligar, V., 1998. Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Common Bean, Lowland Rice, Corn, Soybean, and Wheat at Different Soil pH and Base Saturation on an Inceptisol. http://www.nal.usda.gov/ttic/tektran/data/000007/27/ 0000072730.html Mississippi State University, 2002. Vegetables: the Ideal Soil pH. http:// muscares.com/lawn/garden/vegetables/soil/ph.html Nguyen, M., 2002. Sinking pH. http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/Current/Projects/ J1622.pdf 21