Ranking Very Many Typed Entities on Wikipedia

Ranking Very Many Typed Entities on Wikipedia
Hugo Zaragoza
Henning Rode
Peter Mika
Yahoo! Research
Barcelona, Spain
University of Twente
The Netherlands
Yahoo! Research
Barcelona, Spain
Jordi Atserias
Massimiliano Ciaramita
Giuseppe Attardi
Yahoo! Research
Barcelona, Spain
Yahoo! Research
Barcelona, Spain
Università di Pisa
We discuss the problem of ranking very many entities of different types. In particular we deal with a heterogeneous set
of types, some being very generic and some very specific.
We discuss two approaches for this problem: i) exploiting
the entity containment graph and ii) using a Web search
engine to compute entity relevance. We evaluate these approaches on the real task of ranking Wikipedia entities typed
with a state-of-the-art named-entity tagger. Results show
that both approaches can greatly increase the performance
of methods based only on passage retrieval.
Instead, we must develop models on the fly, at query time.
In this sense the models developed are more similar to those
described in [1]. However, here we wish to rank the entities
themselves, and not sentences.
In this paper we explore two types of algorithms for entity ranking: i) algorithms that use the entity containment
graph to compute the importance of entities based on the
top ranked passages, and ii) algorithms that use correlation
on web search results.
To study this task we followed these steps:
We are interested in the problem of ranking entities of different types as a response to an open (ad-hoc) query. In
particular, we are interested in collections with many entities and many types. This is the typical case when we deal
with collections which have been analyzed using NLP techniques such as name entity recognition or semantic tagging.
Let us give an example of the task we are interested in.
Imagine that a user types an informational query such as
“Life of Pablo Picasso” or “Egyptian Pyramids” into a search
engine. Besides relevant documents, we wish to rank relevant entities such as people, countries, dates, etc. so that
they can be presented to the user for browsing.
We believe this task is novel and interesting in its own right.
In some sense the task is similar to the expert finding task
in TREC [2]. However, this task will lead to very different
models, for two reasons. First we must deal with a heterogeneous set of entities; some of them are very general (like
“school”, “mother”) whereas others are very specific (“Pablo
Picasso”). Second, the entities are simply too many to build
entity-specific models as is done for experts in TREC [2].
∗on sabbatical at Yahoo! Research Barcelona.
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• we used a statistical entity recognition algorithm to
identify many entities (and their corresponding types)
on a copy of the English Wikipedia,
• we asked users to issue queries to our baseline entity
ranking systems and to evalute the results,
• we compared the performance of several algorithms on
these queries.
In order to extract entities from Wikipedia, we first trained
a statistical entity extractor on the BBN Pronoun Coreference and Entity Type Corpus which includes annotation of
named entity types (Person, Facility, Organization, GPE,
Location, Nationality, Product, Event, Work of Art, Law,
Language, and Contact-Info), nominal entity types (Person,
Facility, Organization, GPE, Product, Plant, Animal, Substance, Disease and Game), and numeric types (Date, Time,
Percent, Money, Quantity, Ordinal and Cardinal). We note
that some types are dedicated to identify common nouns
that refer or describe named entities; for example, father and
artist could be tagged with the Person-Description type.
We applied this entity extractor on an XMLised Wikipedia
collection constructed by the 2006 INEX XML retrieval evaluation initiative [3] (625,405 Wikipedia entries). This identified 28 million occurrences of 5,5 million unique entities. A
special retieval index was then created containing both the
text and the identified entities. The overall processing time
was approximately one week on a single PC. This tagged
collection has been made available [7]; more detailed information about its construction and content can be found at
this reference.
The evaluation framework for the task was set up as follows. First, the user chose a query on a topic that the user
Table 1: Example queries and entity judgedments (see text for discussion).
“Yahoo! Search Engine”
Most Important Entities
Yahoo, Google, MSN, Inktomi, Yahoo.com.
Important Entities
Web, crawler, 2004, AltaVista, 2002, Amazon.com, Jeeves, TrustRank, WebCrawler, Search Engine
Placement, more than 20 billion Web, eBay, Worl WIde Web, BT OpenWorld, between 1997 and 1999,
Stanford University and Yahoo, AOL, Kelkoo, Konfabulator, AlltheWeb, Excite.
Related Entities
users, Firefox, Teoma, LookSmart, Widget, companies, company, Dogpile, user, Searchen Networks,
MetaCrawler, Fitzmas, Hotbot, ...
Most Important Entities
Budapest, Hungary, Hungarian, city, Greater Budapest, capital, Danube, Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem, M3 Line, Pest county.
Important Entities
University of Budapest, Austria, town, Budapest Metro, Soviet, 1956, Ferenc Joachim, Karl Marx
University of Economic Sciences, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University
of Budapest, Technical University of Budapest, 1895, February 13, Budapest Stock Exchange, Kispest,
Related Entities
Paris, Vienna, German, Prague, London, Munich, Collegium Budapest, government, Jewish, Nazi,
1950, Debrecen, 1977, M3, center, Tokyo, World War II, New York, Zagreb, Leipzig, population,
residences, state, cementery, Serbian, Novi Sad, 1949, Szeged, Turin, Graz, 6-3, Medgyessy, ...
Most Important Entities
Important Entities
Related Entities
“Tutankhamun curse”
Tutankhamun, Carnarvon, mummies, Boy Pharaoh, The Curse, archaeologist, Howard Carter, 1922.
Pharaohs, King Tutankhamun.
Valley, KV62, Curse of Tutankhamun, Curse, King, Mummy’s Curse, ...
knew well and that was covered in Wikipedia. Then the
system ran this query against a standard passage retrieval
algorithm, that retrieved the 500 most relevant passages and
collected all the entities which appeared in them. This is
the candidate entity set which needs to be ranked by the
different algorithms. Finally, the entities were ranked using
our baseline entity ranking algorithm (discussed later) and
given to the user to evaluate. The possible judge assessments were: Most Important, Important, Related, Unrelated,
or Don’t know. The user was asked to rank all entries if
possible, and at least the first fifty. Besides the judgment
labels, users were not given any specific training nor were
they given examples queries or judgments. 10 judges were
recruited and each judged from 3 to 10 queries, coming to a
total of 50 judged queries.
Some resulting queries and judgments are given in Table 1;
with these examples we want to stress the difficulty and subjectivity of the evaluation task. Indeed we realize that our
task evaluation is quite naı̈ve and may suffer from a number
of problems which we wish to address in future evaluations.
However, this initial evaluation allowed us to start studying
some of the properties of this task, and to compare (however
roughly) several ideas and approaches.
First, we will introduce some notation. Let a retrieved passage be the tuple (pID, s) where pID is the unique ID of
the passage and s is the retrieval score of the passage for
the given query. Call Pq the set formed by the K highest
scored retrieved passages with respect to the query q (in our
case K =500). Let an entity be the tuple (v,t) where v is its
string value (e.g. ’Einstein’) and t is its type (e.g. Person).
Call C the set of all entities in the collection and Cq the set
of all entities occurring in Pq .
The baseline model we consider is to use a passage retrieval
algorithm and score an entity by the maximum score s of
the passages pID in which the entity appears in Pq . This
is referred to as MaxScore in Table 2. We report a number of evaluation measures. P@K, MAP and MRR denote
precision at K, mean average precision and mean reciprocal
rank respectively; these measures were computed by binarising the judgments into relevant (for Most Important and
Important labels) and irrelevant (for the rest). DCG is the
discounted cumulative gain function; we used gains 10, 3, 1
and 0 respectively for the Most Important to Unrelated labels, and the discount function used was −log(r+1). NDCG
is the normalized DCG.
Entity Containment Graph Methods
The first set of algorithms are based on the “entity containment” graph. This graph is constructed connecting every
passage in Pq to every entity in Cq which is contained in the
passage. This forms a bipartite graph in which the degree of
an entity equals its passage frequency in passages Pq . Figure 1 shows two of the entity-containment graph obtained
for the query ’Life of Pablo Picasso’.
Once this graph is constructed we can use different graph
centrality measures to rank entities in the graph. The most
basic one is the degree. This method (noted Degree in Table
2) alone yields a 47% relative increase in MAP and 22% in
NDCG. This is clear indication that the entity containment
where N is the total number of sentences and ne the number
containing the entity e. This improved the results further,
leading to a 76% relative increase over the baseline in MAP
and 31% in NDCG.
We also tried to improve results by weighting the entity degree computation with the sentence relevance scores. This
approach (noted W- in Table 2) did not improve the results,
despite trying several forms of score normalization.
we do not need to be constrained to the text of Wikipedia:
to compute entity relevance, we can rely on the Web as a
noisier, but much larger scale corpus. Based on this observation, we have experimented with ranking entities by
computing their correlation to the query phrase on the Web
using correlation measures well-known in text mining [6].
This technique has been successfully applied in the past, for
example to the problem of social network mining from the
Web [4, 5].
The difference here is that we are only interested in the
correlations between the query and the set of related entities,
while in co-occurrence analysis one typically computes the
correlations between all possible pairs of entities to create a
co-occurrence graph of entities. Query-to-entity correlation
measures can be easily computed using search engines by
observing the page counts returned for the entity, query and
their conjunction.
We found that of the common measures we tested (Jaccardcoefficient, Simpson-coefficient and Google distance), the
Jaccard-coefficient clearly produced the best results (see Web
Jaccard in Table 2). It resulted in practice that we obtain
the best results from the search engine when quoting the
query string, but not the entity label. This can be explained
by the fact that queries are typically correct expressions,
while the entity tagger often makes mistakes in determining
the boundaries of entities. Enforcing these incorrect boundaries results in a decrease in performance.
The improvement obtained over the baseline (32% relative
in MAP and 6% in NDCG) is however not as good as that
obtained from the entity containment graph. One of the reasons may be that, for some queries, the quality of the results
obtained from searching the Web may be inferior to that
obtained retrieving Wikipedia passages. For such queries,
results obtained after a certain rank are not relevant and
therefore bias the correlation measures. To alleviate this,
we experimented with a novel measure based on the idea of
discounting the importance of documents as their rank increases. Simple versions of this did not lead to an increase
in performance. One of the main problems is that different
queries and entities result in result sets of varying quality
and size. This lead us to try slightly more sophisticated
In order not to penalize documents with lots of relevant results, instead of using the ranks directly we used a notion
of average precision where the relevant documents are those
returned both by the query and the entity. The method is
illustrated in Figure 2. We compare the set of top K documents returned by the query (thought of as relevant) with
the ranked list of results returned for a particular entity.
Next, we determine which of the documents returned for the
entity are in the relevant set and compute the their average
precision. Computing such an average precision has the advantage of almost eliminating the effect of K, which should
depend on the query. Indeed, this method greatly improves
the result over the Jaccard and baseline methods (see Web
RankDiscounted in Table 2). This method has achieved a
performance that is on par with degree-based methods that
take ief into account. Nevertheless, we still require the entity extraction and passage retrieval steps to produce the set
of candidate entities.
Figure 1: Entity containment graphs for the query
“Life of Pablo Picasso”.
(a) Small Graph Detail (3 relevant sentences only):
(b) Full Entity Containment Graph
graph can be a useful representation of entity relevance. We
experimented with higher order centrality measures such as
finite stochastic walks or PageRank but the performance was
similar or worse than that of degree.
We observed that degree-dependent methods are biased by
very general entities (such as descriptions, country names,
etc.) which are not interesting but have high frequency. To
improve on this, we experimented with two different methods. An ad-hoc method consists in removing the description
types which are the most generic and would seem to be a
priori the less informative. However, doing this did not lead
to improved results (models noted F- in Table 2). Furthermore, this solution would not be applicable in practice since
we may not always know which are the less informative types
of a corpus. An alternative method considered was to weight
the degree of an entity by its inverse entity frequency:
ief := log(N/ne ) ,
Web Search based Methods
For computing the relevance of entities to a given query,
We have taken the first steps towards studying the problem
Table 2: Performance of the different models (best two in bold).
MAP P@10 P@30 MRR DCG NDCG Relative ∆NDCG
MaxScore(1 + ief )
Degree ·ief
0.63 0.451 0.98 83.89
F-Degree ·ief
W-Degree ·ief
Web RankDiscounted 0.62
0.95 86.34
Web Jaccard
of ad-hoc entity ranking in the presence of a large set of
heterogeneous entities. We have constructed a realistic testbed to carry out evaluation of entity ranking models, and
we have provided some initial directions of research. With
respect to entity containment graphs our results show that
it is important to take into account the notion of inverted
entity frequency to discount general types. With respect to
Web methods we showed that taking into account the rank of
the documents in the computation of correlations can yield
significant improvements in performance.
Web methods are complementary to graph methods and
could be combined in a number of ways. For example, correlation measures can be used to compute correlation-graphs
among the entities; these graphs could replace the entity
containment graphs discussed above. Furthermore ief could
be combined with Web measures. Or we could define a ief
that depends on Web information. Furthermore, it may be
possible to select the candidate set of entities directly from
the search results (or even just the snippets) obtained from a
Web search engine. This would eliminate the need of offline
pre-processing collections. We plan to explore these issues
in the future.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to increase the quality of the
evaluation in order to further quantify the benefits of the
different methods. To this end, we have released to the
public the corpus used in this study and we plan to design
and carry our more thorough evaluations.
Figure 2: Computing the average precision of the
results returned for the entity ”Gertrude Stein” with
respect to the set of pages relevant to the query ”Life
of Pablo Picasso”.
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