Session F4F Design of Combinational Logic Training System Using FPGA Sujittra Sothong and Pornpimon Chayratsami King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,, Abstract - This paper describes a design of a training system for a combinational logic design course. The goals of this design are to reduce a cost of the system and to lower the lost and damage of TTL elements used in a digital laboratory currently. The system uses a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as a processor containing basic logic gates, and uses a microcontroller as a gate selector. The training system consists of a system unit base, 17 basic logic gate models, and 10 lab sheets. The system is evaluated in terms of quality and using suitability of the system by experts and instructors who work with technical schools in Thailand and have been involving and teaching a combinational logic design course for at least 5 years. The results show that the system is rated to have a very good quality and is suitable for being used as a training system in a combinational logic course with inexpensive cost. Output Displays On/off Switch IC model slot #2 Signal input switches (A) TRAINING UNIT BASE IC models Index Terms – Combinational Logic design, FPGA, laboratory, training system INTRODUCTION Combinational logic circuit is introduced to students in the digital circuit and logic design class, which is one of the fundamental courses in electrical engineering majors [1]. The course is included in the vocational education level in Thailand, which emphasizes students to have a practical skill. Therefore, laboratory experiment is important for students to increase theory understanding and hands-on skill. To help instructors to manage the class efficiently, a laboratory training system is an important tool. Currently, there are two types of commercially available training systems, which are hard wired “kits” and simulator [2]. The kit generally consists of experiment modules (including breadboard module), power supply, signal generator, switches and display [3, 4]. The simulator can be either PC based using a programmable logic device (software and hardware) or virtual process (software only) [5]. The technical school instructors, who have experiences in using the TTL elements with breadboard module, notice that the cost of constructing a combinational logic circuit is primarily from the loss and damage of the TTL elements using in the lab. While the instructors, who use other experiment modules (no breadboard) or simulators, notice that students do not obtain enough practical skills to build a combinational logic circuit. Accessories (B) THE IC MODELS AND ACCESSORIES FIGURE 1 TRAINING SYSTEM COMPONENTS To solve the problem of the losing/damaging TTL elements and to maintain practical skill of building a combinational logic circuit, a design of the training system for a combinational logic design course is proposed. The design is based on an FPGA and a microcontroller. A plastic acrylic IC model is used to replace the conventional TTL IC elements. Detail of the design is shown later in the next section. Then, the results of evaluation by experts in terms of quality and using suitability of the system are reported. Finally, the conclusion is made. TRAINING SYSTEM DESIGN The designed training system consists of a training unit base, 17 basic logic gate IC models, 10 lab sheets, and accessories. The unit base contains a set of output display, 4 IC model slots, and 16 signal input switches with displays 978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference F4F-1 Session F4F FIGURE 2 THE TOP AND THE BOTTOM OF A 7408 IC MODEL as shown in Figure 1(A). The output display includes 32 LEDs and two 7-segments. The IC model slots are the input terminals for IC models and the input switches are used to select a signal logic 0/1 (low/high) to the inputs of the logic gate models. The basic logic gate models are made from acrylic plastic. Each model has a label of a connection diagram on top to ease users to build a circuit as shown in Figure 1(B) and Figure 2. The bottom of each model is a printed circuit board (PCB) that encodes the model to an exclusive TTL character. TRAINING UNIT BASE DESIGN The design of the unit base consists of five parts: signal input switch, IC model input, microcontroller, FPGA, and display. Figure 3 is a block diagram of the training unit base design. selects the matched IC character that stored in the FPGA. After setting and wiring all connections for an experiment, the FPGA processes all input signals (0/1) from input switches and provides output to be displayed on LEDs or 7segments. The FPGA used in this training system is Altera ACEX1K series, which can store 17 basic IC characters. It contains 10,000 logic gates, 576 logic elements, 12,288 total RAM bits, and 102 user I/O pins. Since FPGA is a SRAM – base devices [6], the configuration data is stored in volatile SRAM cells during device operation. Then that information must be reloaded each time the device powers up [7]. Therefore, this training system requires a device, which is a non-volatile source to keep configuration data to be loaded in FPGA. The device used to store the configuration in the design is the microcontroller, MCU AVR ATMEGA128, which contains a 128 Kbyte FLASH memory. IC MODEL DESIGN In this training system design, there are 17 IC models (but 16 IC characters) used to complete all laboratories. Each model has a binary code to identify itself as a TTL IC. Therefore, the five-bit codes from 00000-11111 are used. For examples, the 7408 TTL model is encoded to a binary number “00100” and is converted to the PCB as shown in Figure 2. LABORATORY MANUAL Another component included in the combinational logic training system is a laboratory manual, which contains 10 lab sheets. The lab manual includes topics from an introduction to applications of the combinational logic. The topics of all lab sheets are as following: • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to Logic Gates NAND and NOR Gates Applications Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic Circuit Combinational Logic and Circuit Design Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Encoder Circuit Decoder Circuit Binary Adder Circuit Binary Subtraction Circuit Comparator Circuit RESULT FIGURE 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE TRAINING UNIT BASE DESIGN The signal input switch is an on/off switch that gives a logic status of high/low (0/1) to a virtual logic gate stored in the FPGA. The type of logic gate is selected by the IC model that has a unique code to identify itself as a basic TTL element. When a user plugs an IC model into the IC input slot, the microcontroller decodes the IC code and The designed training system is evaluated in terms of quality and using suitability of the system. The evaluation of the system quality is separated into two parts. First, the system is tested all functions specified in the laboratory manual. Then, it is sent to the experts and instructors, who have been involving and teaching a combinational logic design course for at least 5 years, to do the evaluation in both aspects of the training system. 978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference F4F-2 Session F4F D, Bo Bi, A, B (A) CONNECTING CIRCUIT (A) RESULTS OF THE FULL SUBTRACTION CIRCUIT WHEN (Bi, A, B) is (0, 0, 1) D, Bo (B) INPUT SWITCHES (C) OUTPUT DISPLAY FIGURE 4 AN EXPERIMENT VERIFYING A PROPERTY OF AN AND GATE The first part of the quality evaluation is done by the researchers to ensure that the designed training system will cover all topics in the laboratory manual and work properly. The results show that the designed training system is able to work well in all laboratories stated in the manual. Examples of the evaluation are shown in figure 4 and 5. Figure 4 shows an experiment verifying a property of an AND gate, which is a part of the first laboratory (An Introduction to Logic Gates). The IC 7408 model is plugged into the IC model slot #4, then two inputs of the AND gate are connected to input switches and the output of the gate is connected to an LED output display shown in Figure 4(A). Figure 4(B) shows that when both switches of the inputs are turned on (logic 1), the output of the gate results in logic 1 shown in figure 4(C). Notice that the LED is lit on and off to represent logic 1 and logic 0, respectively. Figure 5 shows an experiment of a binary subtraction circuit, which uses four IC ports with four kinds of IC models. This experiment is more complex than the one in Figure 4. The IC 7408, 7404, 7486, and 7432 models are plugged into IC slot #1, #2, #3, and #4 respectively. The circuit is corresponding to the binary full subtraction equation of D = Bi ⊕ A ⊕ B Bo = AB + Bi ( A ⊕ B ) Bi, A, B (B) RESULTS OF THE FULL SUBTRACTION CIRCUIT WHEN (Bi, A, B) is (1, 0, 1) FIGURE 5 AN EXPERIMENT VERIFYING A FULL SUBTRACTION CIRCUIT Where A is the minuend B is the subtrahend. Bi is the Borrow-in. Bo is the Borrow-out. D is the difference. The truth table to the binary full subtraction is shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 TRUTH TABLE OF THE BINARY FULL SUBTRACTION Input Output Bi A B D Bo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference F4F-3 Session F4F The results of using the training system in an experiment of a full subtraction circuit show that the I/O LEDs are lit up corresponding to the logics in the truth table. For example, both of the output LEDs are lit up when the input (Bi, A, B) is (0, 0, 1) and the LED displayed the output Bo is lit up when the input (Bi, A, B) is (1, 0, 1) as shown in Figure 5(A) and 5(B) respectively. All of the laboratories are performed on the designed training system and they result in an appropriate performance. After ensuring that the training system works properly as specified in all laboratories, the system and the laboratory manual are evaluated by 15 of experts and instructors, who have been involving and teaching a combinational logic design course for at least 5 years, via rating scale questionnaires. The rating scale using in the questionnaire is ranged from 1 (need improvement) to 5 (excellent) in each item. Scores of each question from 15 evaluators are averaged and interpreted. The evaluating criterion is as following: 4.50-5.00 means “excellent.” 3.50-4.49 means “good.” 2.50-3.49 means “average.” 1.50-2.49 means “usable.” 1.00-1.49 means “need improvement.” The questions are about the quality and suitability to use of the system. The quality of the training system is evaluated in terms of size, shape, safety, and convenience to use of the system. The quality of the laboratory manual is also evaluated in terms of format and description. After 14 days of investigation from each evaluator, the results show that the system is rated to have an excellent quality in average and is suitable for being used as a training system in a combinational logic course, with an average opinion of the experts and instructors in total of 4.54. In addition, the evaluators have the same opinions on saving money and times of doing an experiment by using the designed training system. The system would help saving money that they have to pay for the loss and damage TTL elements and also would reduce experimental time by working without opening a TTL datasheet. system could be a prototype for further more digital training system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The initial idea of the training system design was developed by Associate Professor Dr. Surasit Ratree from the department of Engineering Education, King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, who passed away in 2009. REFERENCES [1] Mealy, B.J.; Parks, B., “Work in Progress-PLD-based introductory digital design in a studio setting,” Frontiers in education conferenceglobal engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports, 2007, page F1C-1 – F1C-2, 2007. [2] Michael Barrett, “The Design of a Portable Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Training System for Use outside of the Automation Laboratory,” International Symposium for Engineering Education, 2008, Ireland. [3] (Access February 2010) [4] DLLT-1300.pdf (Access February 2010) [5] (Access February 2010) [6] Zhong Wei-Sheng; Wang Yu-Ti; Zeng Xiao-Shu , "FPGA-based implementation of hardware technology on Generic Algorithms," Control and Decision Conference, 2008. CCDC 2008. Chinese, vol., no., pp.1333-1335, 2-4 July 2008. [7] Guillermo A. Jaquenod and Marisa R. De Giusti, “Low cost configuration of SRAM based Altera devices,” the 8th International Workshop Iberchip (IWS2002), available: CONCLUSION This paper proposes a new application of FPGA in education point of view. It describes a design of a training system for a combinational logic design course that applies FPGA to produce virtual basic logic gates. The training system contains a system unit base, 17 basic logic gate models, and 10 lab sheets. The system is tested and evaluated by experts and instructors who have been involving and teaching a combinational logic design course for at least 5 years. The results show that the system is rated to have an excellent quality and is suitable for being a training system in a combinational logic course with inexpensive cost. However, the system could be improved to support a sequential logic design course if new elements are added into FPGA processor. Therefore, this training 978-1-4244-6262-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE October 27 - 30, 2010, Washington, DC 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference F4F-4