15th Annu ual Techno ology & Ho omeland Securityy Forum Breaakfast 7:30 – 9:00 Than nk you Brea akfast Sponsors! AMEP, FLTG & TW WCBC Beveerages 9:45 –– 11:15 1st & 2nd Flo oors Lu unch 11:30 0 – 1:00 2nd Floor Eventt Center Than nk you Lu unch Sponsors! LINSSTAR & Victo ory Tech Ceenter Beveerages 2:00 – 3:30 2nd Floor Eventt Center Vendor V Floor Open 8:0 00 ‐ 4:00 2nd Floor Event Center C 60 Vendor V Booths B On Display D 2nd Floor Event Center Vendor V Floor Open 8:0 00 ‐ 4:00 2nd Floor Event Center C 8:00 8:45 10 0:00 11 1:00 1:15 2:30 3:30 Registrration 2nd Floo or, Event Cente er Openin ng Keynote Speaker Preparring the Enterp prise for Tomo orrow’s Smart –– NG911 Netw works, Mark J. Fletcher, ENP, Avaya 2nd Floo or Event Cente er Room B Presen ntations 1st Fl. C Classrooms Secure e Wireless (APO OiDEA Networkk Solutions Gro oup & Aerohivve Networks) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk A Are You Managing Yo our Workstati ons? Or, are TThey Managingg YOU? RMM Made Easy (Lynx TTechnologies, Inc. & AVG) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf A A Practtical Approach h to Designing Secure Netwo orks, in a World with an Impractical Challen nge (Meridian IT Inc.) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk B Securin ng Your Inform mation, Not Yo our Data (Garnet River LLC) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf B Everyo one’s Role in In nformation Seccurity (Dopkinss & Company, LLP) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk C Truth? You Can’t Haandle the Truth h! (Tri‐Delta Reesources) 1st Floo or Classroom D Deer Presen ntations 1st Fl. C Classrooms Hacker Protection (APOiDEA Netwoork Solutions G Group & Watch hGuard Techno ologies, Inc.) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk A Securityy DNA – The Fingerprint of aa Generation (TTxMQ, Inc.) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf A Compre ehensive Safe Building Camp pus/Schools So olution (Merid dian IT Inc. & Avaya) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk B Securityy Landscape 2015 – Intelligeence‐Driven Seecurity (Rolta A AdvizeX) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf B The Role of the Cloud d in Informatio on Security (Microsoft) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk C Undersstanding the Crritical Threats to the Nation’’s Grid (EMPacct America) 1st Floo or Classroom D Deer st Presen ntations 1 Fl. C Classrooms Next G Generation Bussiness Commu nications (Fingger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc.) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk A BYOD: Bring Your Ow wn DoS? (Layeer 3 Technologgies & Allot Com mmunications)) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf A Crack tthe Code and D Defeat the Advvanced Adverssary (Meridian IT Inc. & Palo Alto Networkss) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk B Gettingg More than Ju ust Video Out of Your VMS ((LINSTAR, Inc. & & Video Insigh ht) 1st Floo or Classroom W Wolf B Plannin ng Your Next G Generation Sofftware Defined WAN Solutio ons (PPM Asso ociates, Inc. & FatPipe e Networks) 1st Floo or Classroom H Hawk C Securitty for a Mobile e Workforce (FFrontrunner Neetwork System ms & Zscaler) 1st Floo or Classroom D Deer Closingg Keynote Speaaker Securitty is Dead, Lon ng Live Securityy, Reg Harnish, CISM, CISSP, CISA, ITIL, GreyCastle Securitty 2nd Floo or Event Cente er Room B Vendor Door Prize Drawing 2nd Floo or Event Cente er Opening O Keynote K S peaker 8:45 a.m. 2nd Floo or Event C Center Room R B ’s Smart - NG911 N Prreparing the t Enterp prise for Tomorrow T Networks Avvaya’s World dwide Publicc Safety Solu utions Chieff Architect, M Mark J. Fletccher, ENP, w will discuss tthe features aand functionalities that will w be availaable in Next Generation Public Safetty Networkss being built today. In adddition to thee new modalities that willl be offered d, linking privvate and pubblic networkks for the 1stt time ever, F Fletcher will share his insight on Oveer The Top technologies t s that can be implementeed now makiing use of exxisting techn nology provid ding a jump start on tom morrows capaabilities, pavving the wayy for thoughtt leaders in this bolld new spacee, by enablin ng new levelss of collaborration with ppublic safetyy 1st respondders, crittical informaation can be shared durin ng emergent situations, ddecreasing reesponse timees and increaasing safety for stafff during emeergent situattions and eveents. Marrk J. Fletcherr, ENP, Avay ya's Chief Architect A for Worldwide Public Safetty Solutions. Mark J. Fletcher, F EN NP, is Avaya''s Chief Arch hitect for W Worldwide Puublic Safety Solutions. W With a ttelecommuniications careeer spanning g three decad des, his role iis to define tthe strategic roadmap annd deliver thouught leadersh hip for Avayaa's Next-Gen neration Em mergency Serrvices solutioons. In the U U.S., he repreesents Avayaa on thhe NENA In nstitute Boarrd, and is co--vice chairm man of the EE ENA NG1122 Committeee in the Euroopean Union. In Wash hington D.C.., Fletch con ntributes tech hnical guidannce to variouus committees at the Fedderal Communications Commisssion, dealing g with Optim mal PSAP Arrchitecture annd Disabilitiies Access. F FCC Public S Safety & Hom meland Secu urity Bureau Chief David d Simpson, aand FCC Pub ublic Safety & Homelandd Security Buureau Executtive Directorr David Furtth regularly consult c withh Mark Fletchher on issues, Also, Marrk has been quuoted severall times by FC CC Commisssioner Ajit Pai P on his woork around P PSAP reliabiility and ML LTS access. Closing Keynote K Sp peaker 2:30 p.m. 2nd Floo or Event C Center Room R B Securrity is Dea ad, Long L Live Securrity M Most of have us have mix xed feelings about securiity, whether or not we'ree willing to aadmit it. Thee concepts, coontrols and conditions c th hat make us comfortable c are the sam me hassles annd headachess that cause uus to think tw wice about applying a them m. We comp plain about th he erosion oof privacy byy posting ourr grievances on social meddia. We delib berately trad de security fo or convenien nce with eachh one-handeed, knee-steeered, distractted text. And d it's oonly after wee have a heaart attack thaat we're willin ng to exercisse and eat heealthier, eveen if temporaarily. We aree doomed, an nd we like it that way. Ju ust don't ask me to changge my passw word, thank yyou very much. Join GreyCaastle Security y as we expllore the inseccurity of thee human minnd, and how it keeps us ssafe. Thhis presentatiion will focu us on the cyb bersecurity concepts c thatt are often foorgotten, missunderstoodd or ignored aand the effeccts that cognitive biases have h on the security deccisions we m make every daay. Attendeees will be exposed to the inhereent weaknesses in human n decision-m making, and how evolution is on ourr side. R Reg Harnish h (CISM, CIS SSP, CISA, ITIL) is an entrepreneur e r, speaker, seecurity speciialist and thee CEO of GreyC Castle Securiity. W With nearly 15 1 years of security expeerience in Fin nancial Servvices, Healthhcare, Higher Education and other inddustries, Reg focuses on security solu utions rangin ng from risk managemennt, incident hhandling andd regulatory o network, application a aand physical security. compliance to Reg is a frequent speaker and has presen nted at promiinent events , including tthe NYS Cybber Securityy Conferencee, me, Symantecc Vision, ISA ACA, ISSA, InfraGard aand more. Reeg's successees have beenn featured in US Cyber Crim several leadin ng industry journals, j including Softw ware Magaziine, ComputterWorld andd InfoWorldd. Reg is a felloow of the Naational Cybeersecurity Insstitute, located in Washiington, DC aand currentlyy serves on tthe Advisory y Board B for ITT T Technical Institute. Classroom Presentations 10:00 am Secure Wireless (APOiDEA Network Solutions Group & Aerohive Networks) 1st Floor Classroom Hawk A Deployment of a secure and reliable wireless network has been the exclusive domain of large enterprises with sophisticated IT expertise — until now. Aerohive's innovative cloud-enabled, controller-less network solution delivers full enterpriseclass Wi-Fi networking at a fraction of the cost and complexity. At this event, we'll show you how to set up a network in minutes with a single access point, and then add more access points to scale your network as your business grows. James Saarikko, email: jsaarikko@aerohive.com Phone: (757) 284-1849 Senior Wireless Engineer for Aerohive Networks. I have over 15+ years of wireless experience with multiple technologies. Prior to coming aboard Aerohive, I served as a Networking Technology Consultant and worked at Northrop Grumman’s AIT center, building and developing both wireless and RFID technologies to meet the government/military’s RF requirements. 10:00 am 1st Floor Classroom Wolf A Are You Managing Your Workstations? Or, are They Managing YOU? RMM Made Easy (Lynx Technologies, Inc. & AVG) See a Live Demonstration of how Lynx and AVG can simplify and centralize all the tasks associated with maintaining the Workstations in your environment. Handle all tasks from monitoring, remote access, and patch management to anti-virus, antispam, anti-malware, and content filtering in a single console and integrated process. Have Lynx manage the entire process, some of the process, or just be available to help when you need it. Choose the approach that works best for you and your staff. Kevin Schoener, President of Lynx Technologies Inc. KHSchoener@lynxtechnologies.net Kevin Schoener, president and CEO of Lynx Technologies, co-founded the company in 2000 with many years of Information Technology experience upon which to draw. He graduated with honors from Binghamton University (part of the SUNY system) and then worked for sixteen years for the New York State Electric and Gas Company (NYSEG) where he designed and conducted training courses for the inhouse information systems. 10:00 am 1st Floor Classroom Hawk B A Practical Approach to Designing Secure Networks, in a World with an Impractical Challenge (Meridian IT Inc.) The threats to today’s businesses are rapidly changing and the solutions seem to be numerous. How can we design an environment to be poised to adapt to the ever changing threat landscape? What are the threats, and how do we stop them? Join him for a discussion on what works, what doesn't, and what new technologies can help keep your business secure. Anthony Luz, Security Solutions Architect – Meridian IT Inc. 10:00 am Securing Your Information, Not Your Data (Garnet River LLC) 1st Floor Classroom Wolf B This topic will address both secure information Flow and Enterprise IT Risk Management. Michael Weisberg, CISSP, CSM, Vice President of Information Security and Assurance Services, Garnet River LLC Michael is the Vice President of Information Security and Assurance Services for Garnet River, LLC, and a certified NYS Woman Owned business enterprise in Saratoga NY. He is the current the Director of Cyber Security Programs at the School of Professional and Continuing Education at the Sage Colleges in Albany New York. Michael did a brief stint as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the New York State Office of Information Technology Services where he oversaw the NYS Office of Information Technology Services Enterprise Information Security Office (EISO), an organization charged with overseeing and coordinating security services provided to State agencies. These services also included; incident response, secures architecture, a security operations center, policy and standards development, and cluster security services. Previously, Michael was CIO and Director of Information Technology for a consulting firm in Richmond, Virginia, providing Information Security Services to both private and federal government customers. Prior to that, Michael worked at the U.S. Federal Reserve as their Senior Information Security Architect, where he developed and published security architectures and designs, and advised Senior Federal Reserve Officers and management on security technologies and practices. In addition, he was the Vice President for Information Security for Bank of America, and served as an Information Security Consultant to the State of New York. Michael brings over 30 years of information security experience. He has provided technical expertise and hands-on implementation assistance to both government and business in the areas of Identity Management, Perimeter Security, Patch Management, as well as general security policy. Michael has been involved in the Open Source community since 1994 and is an advocate for Standards Based software for securing environments while controlling costs. Michael has a Bachelor of Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY and holds several industry recognized certifications, including Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Scrum Master. 10:00 am Everyone’s Role in Information Security (Dopkins & Company, LLP) 1st Floor Classroom Hawk C Common axioms in information security are “everyone has a role to play,” and “a system is only as secure as its weakest link.” Members of the board, senior management, middle management, the I.T. department, the HR department, customers, vendors, rank-and-file employees, and private citizens all have individual roles to play in cyber/information security. This session will define and discuss these roles in detail, with specific “to-do’s” for each. William Prohn, Managing Director, Dopkins System Consultants wprohn@dopkins.com Bill provides consulting services to a wide spectrum of Dopkins’ clients. He has over 30 years of experience in accounting and business information systems. He founded Dopkins & Company’s Computer Consulting Department in 1987. He has extensive experience in implementing and maintaining all aspects of computer hardware and networking environments, and many types of software applications, including accounting, operations, manufacturing, HR and medical billing. He has worked with hundreds of businesses in dozens of industries, including many not-forprofit agencies both large and small; as well as clinics and medical practices. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional and a Certified Information Systems Auditor. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and an MBA in Computers and Information Systems. Bill was named one of Business First’s HealthCare Champions in 2015. 10:00 am Truth? You Can’t Handle the Truth! (Tri-Delta Resources) 1st Floor Classroom Deer Without the capability of securing your servers and endpoints, you are more vulnerable than ever before. Today’s attackers are after the data and intellectual property on your endpoints and servers. If you’re only relying on traditional endpoint security, such as antivirus, or network security, you’re putting your organization at risk. AV doesn’t see or stop targeted attacks, nor does it help you respond to an incident. And if an attack bypasses your network security, your endpoints will be compromised. Learn how to solve this problem through prevention, detection and response. Paul Kriksciun, Channel Account Manager Bit9 + Carbon Black pkriksciun@bit9.com 11:00 am 1st Floor Classroom Hawk A Hacker Protection (APOiDEA Network Solutions Group & WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.) An overview of hacker protection. Steve Butera, steve.butera@watchguard.com 11:00 am Security DNA – The Fingerprint of a Generation (TxMQ, Inc.) 1st Floor Classroom Wolf A This presentation will focus on the most challenging security issues that need to be addressed in 2015. The security issues being faced in 2015 include Nation – state attacks such as in the case of Regin, which at the end of 2014, was exploited against Belgium telecom. Also listed in this category are the breaches against critical infrastructure. The days when critical infrastructure in the U.S. will remain untouched are probably drawing to a close. One sign that hackers are looking at industrial control systems in the U.S. is a breach that occurred in 2012 against Telvent, a maker of smart-grid control software used in portions of the U.S. electrical grid as well as in some oil and gas pipeline and water systems. The second component of the security DNA are issues such as extortion, which we witnessed at the end of 2014, perpetrated against Sony to protest the movie The Interview. The Sony hack—is the first high-profile extortion breach that involved threats of data leaks. This kind of hack requires more skill than low-level ransomware attacks, but could become a bigger problem for prominent targets like Sony that have a lot to lose with a data leak. A third component of the world’s security DNA is data destruction. The attackers behind the breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment didn't just steal data from the company; they also deleted it. It’s a tactic that had been used before in attacks against computers in South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran—in South Korea against banks and media companies and in Saudi Arabia and Iran against companies and government agencies involved in the oil industry. Credit card breaches have been and remain major threats. In 2015, measures are being taken to protect data stored on cards. Measures are being put in place to prevent the data from being stolen by replacing old credit card technology with new EMV cards. Retailers have until October 2015 to install new readers that can handle the cards, after which they’ll be liable for any fraudulent transactions that occur on cards stolen where the readers are not installed. The fifth type of attack is third-party breaches. A breach against RSA security in 2011 was aimed at getting the hackers access to RSA security tokens used by government agencies and corporations to secure their systems. Additionally, a breach of certificate authorities—such as one involving a Hungarian certificate authority in 2011 provides hackers with the ability to obtain seemingly legitimate certificates to sign malware and make it look legitimate. Gary Dischner, Enterprise Architect gary.dischner@txmq.com Gary Dischner has been in the IT field for over 25 years. He has served as director of data processing and enterprise architect for many large multi-nationals such as Sony, State Farm, and JP Morgan Chase. Mr. Dischner has over 10 years teaching computer technology courses in computer operating systems and is a lover of all things technical. Gary's interest in security grew as a result of his concern regarding the security and sensitivity of national infrastructure to its exposure to cyber attacks. Recently, Belacom Belgium telecommunications was attacked by Regin, which looks to be the work of a western government. Gary has spent much time in understanding these types of attacks and defenses required when facing other nationstate malware attacks suffered by many globally. 11:00 am 1st Floor Classroom Hawk B Comprehensive Safe Building Campus/Schools Solution (Meridian IT Inc. & Avaya) This topic includes an overview of the following: Video Surveillance and Monitoring Smart phone/mobile device control of door access, emergency buttons, broadcast messaging, emergency activation and announcements Enhanced E911 for mobile IP devices Visual management and control of paging systems, programmable bell systems, visual and audible alerting systems Emergency notification and management Mark Fletcher, ENP, Avaya's Chief Architect for Worldwide Public Safety Solutions. 11:00 am Security Landscape 2015 – Intelligence-Driven Security (Rolta AdvizeX) 1st Floor Classroom Wolf B An overview of the changing drivers behind today’s security landscape, shifting from the traditional focus on Protection to enablers for Detection and Response. Sam Cattle, 703-869-4090 scattle@advizex.com As a security leader focused on Security Governance, Compliance Management, and Security Solutions Development, Mr. Cattle provides over 15 years of Security professional, consulting, and management expertise. He has held roles as a CISO and as a manager of a national Security/Splunk practice. He has led security consulting teams and developed security service offerings in many roles, including his time at Motorola, CSSG, GlassHouse Technologies, Mainstream Security, and Rolta AdvizeX. His expertise allows him to manage highly technical projects with the knowledge to translate security concepts into business language at the boardroom level. He focuses on Security Governance and Compliance Management advisory engagements specializing in the Security/Compliance challenges inherent in converging technologies and business models. Sam served in a number of security roles at Motorola, including engagement manager for Motorola Security Services, where he was tasked with leading sales support and deliveries of Motorola Security Services across multiple markets worldwide across Motorola’s enterprise, cellular, and government customers. At GlassHouse Technologies, where he served as both Security Practice Lead and Director of Information Security, he assured compliance with regulatory and contractual requirements for a global consulting and managed services organization. In the same organization, Sam led a Security and Splunk consulting practice in go-to-market strategy, business development, service development, and delivery quality. Leading the Rolta AdvizeX Security Practice, Sam is defining a new Security service portfolio, spearheading Security go-to-market efforts, and also supporting global Rolta Security initiatives. 11:00 am The Role of the Cloud in Information Security (Microsoft) 1st Floor Classroom Hawk C As IT systems become ever-more critical to the day-to-day operations of our counties, cities and states, growing attention must be placed on not just backup, but robust business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Whether you’ve already made the move to the cloud or you’re just beginning to dip your toe, this session will help you better understand the role that the Azure Government cloud can play in your efforts to build a reliable and resilient IT infrastructure. We’ll discuss the complete set of capabilities offered to stretch your on-premises infrastructure into the cloud, along with the specialized security, regulatory and compliance standards offered exclusively to government customers. We’ll also share examples of government agencies already using this technology to enhance their disaster recovery planning, while also saving money. Joshua Hoffman, Government Account Executive Microsoft joshhoff@microsoft.com Joshua Hoffman is an account executive with Microsoft's State & Local Government organization, collaborating with cities, counties and agencies across New York State. He has been with Microsoft for 15 years, having worked in a variety of technical and strategy roles in both commercial and government sectors, including four years as Editor-in-Chief of Microsoft TechNet. Today Josh focuses largely on helping governmental organizations transform their productivity and business processes with cloud technology. He lives with his wife and young daughter in Brooklyn, NY. 11:00 am 1st Floor Classroom Deer Understanding the Critical Threats to the Nation’s Grid (EMPact America) Understanding the Critical Threats to the Nation's Grid Recovering From and Mitigating the Effects of a Grid Down Environment General Kenneth Chrosniak, EMPact America chrosniakk@gmail.com Presenter’s Bio: Brigadier (ret.) General Ken Chrosniak General Chrosniak enlisted in the Army in 1965, and was later commissioned through Regular Army Officer Candidate School. He went on to complete 37 years of combined service in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard, and was advanced to the rank of Brigadier General by New York Governor George Pataki in 2005. He attained an undergraduate degree in Secondary Education from Daemen College, a Master’s in Education from Saint Bonaventure University, and is a 1990 Army War College graduate. General Chrosniak retired from active duty in 1998 while an instructor at the Army War College, where he remained as civilian faculty. In October 2002 he was recalled to active duty service, serving two years on the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he assisted in writing the National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terror. He then went on to serve in Baghdad, Iraq, as Chief of Staff of the Strategy Plans and Assessments Office, and later as Commander of the Abu Ghraib Forward Operating Base and detention facility. Upon release from active duty in 2005, General Chrosniak returned to the Army War College for one year, when he was again recalled to active service for two additional years as Chief of Staff of the Army Asymmetric Warfare Office in the Pentagon. He is presently an instructor in the Center for Strategic Leadership’s Mission Command and Cyber Warfare Division. General Chrosniak has served in varied command and staff assignments in the U.S. and overseas, including Vietnam, Bosnia, Kuwait, and Iraq. Significant decorations are the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Combat Action Badge. Currently, he is an active firefighter with the Carlisle Fire and Rescue Company, the Carlisle Cumberland-Goodwill Ambulance Company, the FBI-sponsored INFRAgard EMP Special Interest Group, and EMPact America. 1:15 pm Next Generation Business Communications (Finger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc.) 1st Floor Classroom Hawk A John Wrona, Solutions Manager 1:15 pm BYOD: Bring Your Own DoS? (Layer 3 Technologies & Allot Communications) 1st Floor Classroom Wolf A BYOD has created a security threat for networks. Allot Communications can identify and mitigate these threats to eliminate impact to the enterprise network and its users. Recent data shows networks are at more risk for DDOS attacks from internal users with Bring Your Own Device than they are from external threats on the internet. Effectively, for the enterprise, BYOD means Bring Your Own DoS. Jeff Garner, Director of Channel Sales 1:15 pm 1st Floor Classroom Hawk B Crack the Code and Defeat the Advanced Adversary (Meridian IT Inc. & Palo Alto Networks) Cybersecurity can sometimes feel like a puzzle, a code to crack. This isn’t how it should be. Adversaries don’t need to win. Stopping them doesn’t require endless time and resources because most just take the path of least resistance for the easiest win. Your objective as a security practitioner is to raise the total cost of a successful attack, to make your organization a less appealing target. Join us as we take a detailed look at real attacks and how you can crack the code to defend your organization. Specifically, you’ll learn: What tools, techniques, and procedures advanced attackers are really using. Why you need an intelligence-based approach that stops attacks at every point in the Cyber Attack Lifecycle, no matter what form it takes. How to architect for prevention, and plan for detection. Mike Drier, Palo Alto Networks 1:15 pm 1st Floor Classroom Wolf B Getting More than Just Video Out of Your VMS (LINSTAR, Inc. & Video Insight) Monitoring live and recorded video are the primary functions of a video management software application, however, integration with other systems maximizes coverage to provide a total security solution. A VMS should work effectively - and seamlessly - with applications such as access control, license plate recognition, and video analytics. In this webinar we will discuss the various integration options and how best to implement them. Blake Johnson, System Solution Manger, VideoInsight 1:15 pm 1st Floor Classroom Hawk C Planning Your Next Generation Software Defined WAN Solutions (PPM Associates, Inc. & FatPipe Networks) FatPipe Networks is pleased to introduce our guests to the latest in SD WAN solutions including our new orchestrator the “Symphony.” See the Gartner recommendations for: NextGen WAN models-the SD-WAN/Hybrid WAN environment One all-encompassing solution for integrating public and MPLS networks Real solutions to manage, monitor, control and optimize traffic over multiple carrier paths-between internal and external users. Dan Sekulich-Territory Manager Dan Sekulich has been with FatPipe Networks for over a year now and has completely immersed himself in all the FatPipe technology. Dan brings over 18 years of sales and account management experience along with a passion for learning, hard work and commitment. 1:15 pm Security for a Mobile Workforce (Frontrunner Network Systems & Zscaler) 1st Floor Classroom Deer Protecting the privacy of everyone connected to your network and of everyone who has data stored within your organization’s databases requires a shift in thinking. As recent hacks have illustrated, no longer the datacenter and device focus a sufficient solution. Employees and guests move in and out of your network with both personal and company devices. Visiting the wrong website, or running the wrong application can infect a device with malware that will just wait to gain access to the next system and the next network. In this presentation you will learn about this shift, and how to protect against the new vectors of attack. This is critical for organizations of any size. Mike Ruiz, Senior Systems Engineer for Zscaler Like you, Mike has worn many hats, and seen the usage of networks evolve with unparalleled speed over the years. Mike’s 15 plus years in networking, and server administration allow him a clear perspective and tangible ideas to bring to the conversation. Focusing on user needs, network access, and network security will help protect us all in this constantly-changing world. Currently Mike is a systems engineer at Zscaler, the world’s largest security as a service cloud. Previous to zscaler, Mike travelled the world helping organizations overcome Wi-Fi Challenges as a consulting engineer for Meru Networks. Mike has certifications from zscaler, Enterasys/Extreme Networks, SonicWall and CompTIA. Ex xhibitors Advvanced Mech hanical/Elecctrical Planning Services, LLC C (AMEP) Bootth # 41 www w.amepservices.com Breaakfast Spon nsor Aim metis Corporration Bootth # 12 www w.aimetis.com m All-aand-1 consu ulting Bootth # 30 all-aand-1.com Doorr Prize: Bacck Up Poweer Supply APO OiDEA Netw work Solutio ons Group & Aerohivee Netw works & Wa atchGuard Technologiies Inc. Bootth # 57 www w.ApoideaNSG.com 1st F Floor Classroom Hawk A Pressentation 10 0:00 Secuure Wireless Pressentation 11 1:00 Hackker Protectio on Doorr Prize: Meessenger Bag g AV P Perfection Limited L LLC Bootth # 39 www w.avperfectio onltd.com Avayya http://www.avay ya.com/usa/ssolution/statee-and-localgoveernment/ Bootth # 54 2nd Floor Room mB Keyn note Speakeer 8:45 a.m.. Prepparing the En nterprise for Tomorrow’ss Smart - NG G911 Netw works Barrracuda Netw works Bootth # 20 www w.barracuda..com Biel''s Documen nt Managem ment Bootth # 3 bielss.com Brite Bootth # 11 www w.britecompu uters.com Bufffalo Businesss First Bootth # 18 www w.buffalo.bizzjournals.com m c1secure Bootth # 14 www w.c1secure.ccom Doorr Prize: Gifft Card Caroousel Industries Inc. Bootth # 6 www w.carouselindustries.com m CDW W-G Bootth # 32 www w.cdwg.com m CMA A Consultin ng Services Bootth # 31 www w.cma.com Doorr Prize: TBD ColooCrossing Bootth # 21 www w.colocrossin ng.com Doorr Prize: TBD Dell LLP Bootth # 37 www w.Dell.com Digiital Surveilla ance Solutio ons, Inc. Bootth # 24 www w.dssvideo.ccom Dopkins & Com mpany, LLP P Bootth # 64 www w.dopkins.co om 1st F Floor Classrroom Hawk kC Pressentation 10 0:00 Everryone's Role in Informattion Security y DynTek Servicees Bootth # 29 www w.dyntek.com m Doorr Prize: Am mazon Gift Card C EMP Pact Americca Bootth #48 www w.empactamerica.org 1st F Floor Classroom Deer Pressentation 11 1:00 Undeerstanding th he Critical Threats T to thee Nation's Grid G Fingger Lakes Technologiess Group, Incc. Bootth # 53 www w.fltg.com 1st F Floor Classroom Hawk A Pressentation 1:15 Nextt Generation n Business Communicati C ions Breaakfast Spon nsor Doorr Prize: Blu uetooth Spea aker Fron ntrunner Neetwork Systtems & Zsca aler Bootth # 47 www w.frontrunneernetworks.com 1st F Floor Classroom Deer Pressentation 1:15 Secuurity for a Mobile M Workfforce Garn net River LLC L Bootth # 61 www w.garnetriverr.com 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf B Pressentation 10 0:00 Secuuring your In nformation, Not N Your Daata Doorr Prize: “Sa aratoga” Ba asket General Code Bootth # 1 cms..generalcodee.com GreyyCastle Security Bootth # 56 http://www.grey ycastlesecuritty.com/ 2nd Floor Room mB Keyn note Speakeer 2:30 p.m. Secuurity is Dead d, Long Live Security Doorr Prize: 6-A Axis Gyro Drone D Infragard Buffa alo & Infoteech WNY Bootth # 50 Doorr Prize: (9) I.T. Items Layeer 3 Techno ologies & Alllot Commu unications Bootth # 51 www w.layer3direcct.com www w.allot.com 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf A Pressentation 1:15 BYO OD: Bring Your Y Own Do oS? Doorr Prize: Gifft Card LINSTAR, Inc.. & Video In nsight Bootth # 52 www w.linstar.com m 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf B Pressentation 1:15 Gettiing More thaan Just Videeo Out of Yo our VMS Lunch Sponsor Doorr Prize: Goody Bag Lopttr LLC Bootth # 13 www w.loptrllc.com m Lynxx Technolog gies, Inc. & AVG Bootth # 58 www w.LynxTechnologies.nett 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf A Pressentation 10 0:00 Are yyou Managing our Work kstations? Or, O are They Mannaging YOU?? RMM Mad de Easy Doorr Prize: TBD Med daille Colleg ge Bootth # 15 www w.medaille.edu Doorr Prize: Gifft Card Merridian IT Inc. & Avaya & Palo Alto Networkss Bootth # 59 http://www.meriidianitinc.com 1st F Floor Classroom Hawk B Pressentation 10 0:00 A Prractical Apprroach to Dessigning Secu ure Networkss, in a Worrld with an Im mpractical Challenge C Pressentation 11 1:00 Com mprehensive Safe Buildin ng Campus/S Schools Solu ution Pressentation 1:15 Cracck the Code and a Defeat the t Advanced Adversary y Doorr Prize: TBD Micrrosoft Bootth # 49 www w.microsoft.com 1st F Floor Classroom Hawk C Pressentation 11 1:00 The Role of the Cloud in Infformation Seecurity Mottorola Solutiions, Inc. Bootth # 23 motoorolasolution ns.com New w Horizons of o Buffalo Bootth # 27 www w.newhorizo onsbuffalo.co om Doorr Prize: Fiv ve Day Tech hnical Train ning Class nfraastructure Bootth # 7 www w.nfrastructu ure.com Niaggara County y RACES Bootth # 65 httpp://www.niag garacounty.ccom/fire/RAC CES.aspx Nim mble Storagee Bootth # 26 www w.nimblestorrage.com Doorr Prize: Dro one NTS S Data Serviices, LLC Bootth # 36 www w.ntsdata.com m PPM M Associatess, Inc. & Fa atPipe Networks Bootth # 46 http://www.ppm ma.com/index x.html 1st F Floor Classroom Hawk C Pressentation 1:15 Plannning Your Next N Generattion Softwarre Defined WAN W Soluutions RLC Computing Bootth # 28 www w.RLCompu uting.com Roltta AdvizeX & Ingram Micro, M Inc. Bootth # 45 www w.advizex.co om/ 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf B Pressentation 11 1:00 Secuurity Landscaape 2015 – IntelligenceI -Driven Secu urity Ronco Commun nications Bootth # 5 www w.ronco.net Savaage IO Bootth # 8 www w.savageio.ccom Doorr Prize: Tab blet Siriu us Computeer Solutions Bootth # 25 www w.siriuscom.com SMP P Bootth # 33 www w.smp-corp.ccom Doorr Prize: SM MP Golf Shirrt Sunn nking, Inc. Bootth # 19 www w.sunnking.ccom Synaacom Netwo ork Inc. Bootth # 4 www w.synacon.neet TAG G Solutions & Sophos Bootth # 34 www w.tagsolution ns.com Doorr Prize: Am merican Exp press Gift Card C Time Warner Cable C Business Class Bootth # 42 businness.twc.com m Breaakfast Spon nsor Tran nswave Com mmunications Systems,, Inc. Bootth # 2 www w.transwave.net “Official Wi-Fi Provid der for the F Forum” Tri-D Delta Resou urces Bootth # 63 www w.tri-delta.co om 1st F Floor Classroom Deer Pressentation 10 0:00 Truthh? You Can n’t Handle th he Truth! Doorr Prize: Sab bre's Ticketts TxM MQ, Inc. Bootth # 55 www w.txmq.com 1st F Floor Classroom Wolf A Pressentation 11 1:00 Secuurity DNA - The Fingerp print of a Generation U&S S Services, Inc. I Bootth # 17 www w.USServiceesinc.com Veraaview LLC Bootth # 22 www w.veraview.ccom Veriizon Wireless Bootth # 38 www w.verizonwirreless.com Victtory Techno ology Centerr Bootth # 43 www w.victorytech hcenter.com m Lunch Sponsor Doorr Prize: TBD Win ndstream Bootth # 9 www w.windstream m.com Doorr Prize: TBD Zip Networks: EvoHop E Bootth # 10 www w.zipnets.com m/en/ Doorr Prize: Gifft Cards forr 716 Than nk you for attending a th he 15th Annu ual Technollogy & Hom meland Secu urity Forum m. W We will be emailing e you u a short su urvey in the next few daays. Please take a mom ment to complete the survey. Your Y feedba ack is very important i to t us and wee us it to im mprove the F Forum each year. Technology T y & Homelan nd Securityy Forum Committee Niaga ara County Information n Technologgy Info oTech WNY Y InfrraGard Member Allian nce Buffalo