A Dredging and Disposal Strategy for Managing the Western Scheldt’s Morphology and Ecology By Jean Jacques Peters (Port of Antwerp Expert Team) Co-authors: • Youri Meersschaut (Hydraulic Laboratory) • Yves Plancke (Port of Antwerp Authority) • Reg Parker (Port of Antwerp Expert Team) Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. The Western Scheldt Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. The debate • A degradation of the environmental values of the Scheldt estuary was observed • The Westerschelde could evolve further from a multi-channel to a single-channel system • Danger of flooding increases with stronger and faster propagation of the tidal wave • More dredging is needed for improving the navigation conditions Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. The questions • Ecologists blame dredging for the degradation of the estuarine environment, but how does ecology relate to morphology? • What has caused the morphological changes in the estuary? • Can we use dredging to curb the negative evolution in the morphological changes? • Can we consider “morphological dredging” as part of a solution for the morphological management of the estuary? Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Morphological changes (1636 - 1800) 1636 Natural sedimentation and land reclamation Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Morphological changes (1800 - 1938) Land reclamation & cutting off side branches No significant dredging Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Morphological changes (1938 - 1972) Limited dredging but still very significant morphological changes Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Morphological changes (1972 - 1997) Increased dredging but almost no significant fluviomorphological changes Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. What did we learn? • Reclaiming land, establishing polders, cutting off side branches made the river morphology change much more than dredging does today • In some areas, the shape of sandbars is not adequate for keeping a “healthy” multichannel system • Morphological management should aim at correcting the shape of the multi-channel system: adapting channels, sandbars, tidal flats, hard bordering Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. The “Walsoorden” project Approach by combining different tools Analysis of historical data Field measurements Physical scale modelling Numerical modelling In situ test: conducting a well monitored disposal experiment Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Field surveys Sedimenttransport (DB): Kaloo MP1 10 50cm 40cm 20cm 10cm 30cm HW LW Sediment Volume [cc per 300 sec] 8 6 4 2 Port of Antwerp Expert Team 0 7:00 8:00 9:00 QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a a 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 and14:00 Photo - JPEG decompressor Photo - JPEG decompressor Time are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Numerical model Port of Antwerp Expert Team Physical scale model QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Mobile-bed scale model Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Measurements – 1998-2002 Simulations Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Technical feasibility • Hopper + pipeline + system for disposing the dredged material on the riverbed Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. But … • Morphological dredging and disposal of sediments is only one of the tools, used to redistribute the sediment • The “hard bordering” of the estuary too needs to be adapted Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Adapting the navigation channel? At present Future? Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture. Adapting the navigation channel? Adapting lay-out of the hard bordering (retreat/advance), modifying the shape of sandbars by dredging and sediment disposal. Port of Antwerp Expert Team QuickTime™QuickTime™ and a and a Photo - JPEGPhoto decompressor - JPEG decompressor are needed toare see this picture. needed to see this picture.