Capacitación IBM Conozca las opciones que le ofrecemos para mantener y desarrollar sus conocimientos en las tecnologías de Software de IBM: Cursos Públicos Se cuenta con clases programadas en un calendario semestral con los detalles de cada uno de los cursos. Consulte el calendario e inscríbete! Cursos Privados IBM le lleva la capacitación en el momento que lo requiera. E-learning IBM ofrece tres tipos de cursos e-learning que cubren todo el portafolio de software. Son ideales para aquellos que necesitan ser entrenados en cualquier momento ahorrando tiempo y dinero en los gastos de viaje: Instructor Led Online - Cursos virtuales en vivo, con interacción instructor - alumno, a través de VOIP y laboratorios. El contenido y presentación son los mismos que para las clases presenciales. Self Paced Virtual Class - Cursos en línea con el mismo contenido del dictado de manera presencial. Acceso remoto a los instructores y laboratorios en la mayoría de las clases. Web Based Training - Clase soportada en Internet, para entrenarse en su propio ritmo, que abarca una variedad de tecnologías de IBM y otros proveedores. Disponible como títulos individuales o paquetes de cursos. IBM Multimedia Library ¿Requiere formación para el usuario final? Conozca Multimedia Library de IBM, una increíble herramienta con cursos e-learning, lecciones, tutoriales, búsqueda de temas, contodo el contenido enfocado en el usuario final. Multimedia Library de IBM está disponible para: Lotus Sametime, Notes, Quickr, Connections, Symphony, y iNotes Tivoli Maximo® Asset Management y Service Request Manager Education Pack IBM Education Pack es la única cuenta pre-pagada que ofrece diversos descuentos en la capacitación de IBM. Compra el EdPack y obtenga un año para su uso en todo tipo de capacitaciones oficiales. Aprovecha y ahorra! Código Duración (dias) Precio USD Relational Database Design CF180 4 1.760 Informix Structured Query Language IX131 4 1.760 IBM Informix Stored Procedures and Triggers IX711 2 880 Informix 11.7 Database Administration IX222 4 1.760 6 Informix 11.7 System Administration IX812 4 1.760 13 Informix Dynamic Server 11 Performance Tuning IX401 4 1.760 3 IBM Informix Backup and Restore IX440 3 1.320 17 Informix Dynamic Server 11 Internal Architecture IX911 4 1.760 8 Informix 11 Replication IX421 4 1.760 PRIVADO Developing Applications Using Informix 4GL IX101 5 2.200 Developing Applications Using IBM Informix ESQL/C IX150 4 1.760 PRIVADO Relational Database Design CF180 4 1.760 PRIVADO DB2 Family Fundamentals CE031 2 880 PRIVADO DB2 SQL Workshop CE121 2 880 PRIVADO DB2 SQL for Experienced Users CE131 2,5 1.100 PRIVADO DB2 Stored Procedures and SQL/PL Programming Workshop CL711 2 880 PRIVADO DB2 9 Database Administration Workshop for Linux, UNIX, and Windows CL2X2 4 1.760 20 15 DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Administration for Experts CL462 5 2.200 27 29 DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery CL492 4 1.760 3 12 DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Performance Tuning and Monitoring Workshop CL412 4 1.760 17 26 DB2 UDB Programming Fundamentals CF104 3 1.320 DB2 UDB Advanced Programming CF114 2 880 Information Management diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Calendario de cursos 2012 Informix Product Family Cursos Básicos PRIVADO 27 22 10 5 Administración de Bases de Datos 29 5 Desarrollo 10 DB2 Cursos Básicos Administración de DB2 V9 DB2 Application Programming 8 10 3 Precio USD DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 CV831 5 2.350 13 DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 2 CV841 5 2.350 5 CV860 5 2.350 DB2 9 for Z/OS System Administration CV851 4 1.880 DB2 9 for z/OS System Performance Analysis and Tuning CV950 4 1.880 8 DB2 9 for z/OS Application Data Recovery CV891 3 1.410 PRIVADO DB2 9 for z/OS Advanced System and Disaster Recovery Workshop CV910 4 1.880 DB2 9 for z/OS Stored Procedures CV731 3 1.410 PRIVADO DB2 9 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop CV721 3 1.410 PRIVADO DB2 9 for z/OS Programming Using Java CV141 3 1.410 PRIVADO DB2 9 for z/OS Application Performance and Tuning CV960 5 2.350 1 What's New in IBM InfoSphere DataStage V8.5? KM100 2 1.100 3 5 IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials V8 KM200 4 2.200 24 26 IBM InfoSphere Advanced DataStage V8 KM400 4 2.200 DataStage Essentials for Parallel Jobs V8 DX444 4 2.200 Advanced DataStage for Parallel Jobs V8 DX445 4 2.200 What's New in IBM InfoSphere QualityStage V8.5? KM110 3 1650 IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Essentials V8 KM210 4 2.200 IBM InfoSphere Advanced QualityStage V8 KM410 3 1.650 InfoSphere Guardium 8 Technical Training GU201 3 1.650 Advanced DataStage for Enterprise Edition V8.5 3M400 4 2.000 2 QualityStage Essentials V8.5 3M210 4 2.000 15 IBM Netezza Appliance Usage DW501 3 1.500 10 12 IBM Netezza Appliance Advanced Concepts DW510 2 1.000 12 14 IBM Netezza Appliance Usage and Advanced Concepts - Updated DW520 5 2.500 17 26 IBM Netezza Analytics for Developers DW551 3 1.500 PRIVADO IBM Netezza Analytics for Data Scientists - Using R and NZSQL DW540 2 1.000 PRIVADO diciembre noviembre octubre Duración (dias) agosto septiembre Código Information Management Administración de DB2 Z/OS V9 System Administration Z/OS V9 DB2 UDB for Z/OS System Implementation Workshop PRIVADO 13 26 DB2 Z/OS Application Programming Information Integration 1 3 20 24 8 5 10 10 19 Information Integration Instructor Led Online Netezza Código Duración (días) Precio USD Administration of WebSphere Application Server V8 on Windows WA380 5 2.200 IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 Problem Determination WU582 4 1.760 IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Performance Tuning WA715 3 1.320 PRIVADO Administration of WebSphere Application Server V8 on Windows VA380 5 2.200 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 Problem Determination VU582 4 1.760 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Performance Tuning VA715 3 1.320 PRIVADO Technical Introduction to WebSphere MQ WM101 1 440 IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Application Development (Windows Labs) WM504 3 1.320 IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System Administration (Windows labs) WM204 4 1.760 IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) WM211 3 1.320 IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System Administration for z/OS WM301 4 2.000 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Advanced System Administration for z/OS WM311 4 2.000 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Application Development (Windows Labs) WM501 3 1.320 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7: Designing and Architecting Clustering Solutions WM251 4 1.760 PRIVADO Technical Introduction to WebSphere MQ VM101 1 440 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Application Development (Windows Labs) VM504 3 1.320 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System Administration (Windows labs) VM204 4 1.760 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) VM211 3 1.320 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 System Administration for z/OS VM301 4 1.760 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7.1 Advanced System Administration for z/OS VM311 4 1.760 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7: Designing and Architecting Clustering Solutions VM251 4 1.760 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) VM210 3 1.320 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System Administration for z/OS VM300 4 1.880 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Advanced System Administration for z/OS VM310 4 1.880 PRIVADO IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 Development I WM664 5 2.200 IBM WebSphere Message Broker V7.0 Developer Workshop WM663 5 2.200 IBM Webspere Message Broker V7.0 System Administration WM643 4 1,760 IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8 Development I VM664 5 2.200 IBM WebSphere Message Broker V7.0 Developer Workshop VM663 5 2.200 IBM Webspere Message Broker V7.0 System Administration VM643 4 1,760 diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Websphere WebSphere Application Server 27 22 10 5 WebSphere Application Server- Instructor Led Online WebSphere MQ Family 3 5 4 6 17 20 1 3 WebSphere MQ Family- Instructor Led Online WebSphere Message Broker 27 29 10 15 WebSphere Message Broker- Instructor Led Online 13 1 20 26 12 4 3 Código Duración (días) Precio USD Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 - I WB751 5 2.500 Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5-II WB752 5 2.500 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V7.5 WB753 5 2.500 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 WB762 5 2.500 Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 - I VB751 5 2.500 Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5-II VB752 5 2.500 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V7.5 VB753 5 2.500 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 VB762 5 2.500 Process Modeling with IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8 WB801 2 1.000 PRIVADO Modeling and Implemation with IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8 - I WB802 5 2.500 PRIVADO BPM Project Management WB004 2 1.000 PRIVADO IBM Websphre Lombardi Education Process Analysis Methods I WB009 3 1.500 PRIVADO IBM Websphre Lombardi Education Process Analysis Methods II WB010 4 2.000 PRIVADO IBM Websphre Lombardi Education Process Analysis Methods II WB011 5 2.500 PRIVADO Process Modeling with IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) WB731 2 1.000 PRIVADO Process Modeling and Implementation with IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) WB733 5 2.500 PRIVADO IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 Process Modeling and Administration WB735 5 2.500 PRIVADO IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 Administration WB736 3 1.500 PRIVADO VB731 2 1.000 Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8 - I WB851 5 2.500 PRIVADO Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8 - II WB852 5 2.500 PRIVADO Developing Applications for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 - I WB751 5 2.500 PRIVADO Transition to IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5 for Developers WB754 2 1.000 PRIVADO Getting Started With SOA WS007 2 880 Designing SOA Solutions using IBM SOA Foundation WS008 3 1.320 CICS V4.1 Fundamentals WM804 3 1.500 PRIVADO CICS V4.1 Basic Tailoring WM814 5 2.500 PRIVADO CICS V4.2 Fundamentals WM805 3 1.500 PRIVADO CICS V4.2 Basic Tailoring WM815 5 2.500 PRIVADO diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Websphere WebSphere Business Process Management 3 5 17 26 1 10 22 WebSphere Business Process Management- Instructor Led Online 29 10 3 13 5 27 26 Business Process Manager Express/Standard Business Process Manager Express/Standard-Instructor Led Online Process Modeling with IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) 27 5 BPM 7.5 Advanced Service Oriented Architecture 10 5 12 7 CICS Duración (días) Precio USD VM815 5 2.500 Developing Business Rule Applications with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0 WB300 5 2.500 PRIVADO Developing Applications in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1 WB307 5 2.500 PRIVADO Capturing and Authoring Business Rules in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1 WB308 5 2.500 PRIVADO Authoring Business Rules in IBM WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server V7.1 WB310 3 1.500 PRIVADO Developing Applications in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1 VB307 5 2.500 29 Capturing and Authoring Business Rules in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1 VB308 5 2.500 Código Duración (días) Precio USD IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 Implementation and Administration TS612 5 2.350 13 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 Advanced Administration, Tuning and Troubleshooting TS622 5 2.350 3 5 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 Implementation and Administration 8S612 5 2.350 25 5 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 Advanced Administration, Tuning and Troubleshooting 8S622 5 2.350 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2.3 Fundamentals TM022 3 1.410 3 26 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Advanced Administration TM061 2 940 6 27 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2.3 for Implementers TV354 3 1.410 10 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2 Historical Reporting and Data Collection TV372 1 470 15 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Operations and Scheduling TX304 3 1.410 16 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Administration TX314 2 940 29 diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Código agosto Websphere CICS- Instructor Led Online CICS V4.2 Basic Tailoring 5 ILOG ILOG Instructor Led Online diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre Tivoli 10 IBM Tivoli Storage Management 15 IBM Tivoli Storage Management Instructor Led Online 13 29 Tivoli Server, Network, and Device Management 3 Tivoli Server, Network, and Device Management Instructor Led Online IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2.1 Agent Builder 8V382 2 940 20 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Operations and Scheduling 8X304 3 1.410 15 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.6 Administration 8X314 2 940 18 IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus 7.3 New Features Implementation TN500 3 1.410 24 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 User TN013 2 940 27 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 Installation and Configuration TN023 3 1.410 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 Administration and Maintenance TN033 4 1.880 Tivoli NetCool/OMNIbus 8 12 diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Código Duración (días) Precio USD IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 User TT013 2 940 8 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 Installation and Configuration TT023 3 1.410 10 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3 Administration and Maintenance TT033 4 1.880 30 IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.1 Basic User Workshop ZW035 1 600 PRIVADO IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.1 Advanced User Workshop ZW036 2 1.200 PRIVADO IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.1 Advanced System Administration Workshop ZW038 1 600 PRIVADO IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.1 Implementation Specialist Workshop ZW039 1 600 PRIVADO IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.1 Compliance Manager Workshop ZW037 2 1.200 PRIVADO OMEGAMON Fundamentals Workshop TC200 4 2.400 PRIVADO Using IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS 4.1 to Solve Problems TC350 2 1.200 PRIVADO Using IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS 4.1.0 to Solve Problems TC320 3 1.800 PRIVADO Security Systems Código Duración (días) Precio USD agosto Tivoli IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 6.1 Deployment Administration TW103 5 2350 27 IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 6.1 Architecture and Solution Design TW011 3 1410 IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 System Administration TW083 3 1410 RT350 2 880 20 RT350 2 880 13 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager 8.1 Introduction TP411 1 470 24 3 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager 8.1 Administration TP421 1 470 25 4 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager 8.1 Advanced Master Operator TP441 1 470 26 5 IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager 8.1 Content Development TP431 2 940 28 7 IBM Security SiteProtector System Basic Implementation and Administration Workshop ZW053 2 940 17 20 IBM Virtual Server Protection for VMware 1.1 Configuration and Deployment ZW054 2 940 19 22 IBM Security Network Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Config and Deployment Workshop ZW055 1 470 24 26 IBM Security Server Protection for Windows and Linux Configuration and Deployment Workshop ZW070 1 470 25 27 Tivoli NetCool/OMNIbus Instructor Led Online Tivoli NetCool Configuration Manager diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre Tivoli Omegamon Tivoli Security Risk and Compliance Management 5 3 27 AppScan Essentials of IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition V7.7 12 AppScan Monterrey/Guadalajara Essentials of IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition V7.7 1 6 Tivoli Endpoint Tivoli Security Virtual Server Protection Código Duración (días) Precio USD agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre Essentials of the Rational Unified Process V7.0 RP401 2 880 20 29 29 29 20 Essentials of Tailoring Methods with Rational Method Composer, v7.0.1 RP522 2 880 Mastering Requirements Management with Use Cases RR611 3 1.320 15 15 12 Essentials of Requisite Pro V7.1 RR332 1 440 20 23 17 Mastering Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 2.0 RD601 4 1.760 Essentials of Visual Modeling with UML 2.0 RD201 1 440 6 8 4 Business Modeling with the UML RR621 1 440 8 1 3 Principles of Software Testing for Testers RT101 2 880 Mastering Rational ClearQuest Administration v7 RS633 3 1.320 Essentials of Rational ClearCase for Windows v7.1 RS504 2 880 Mastering Rational ClearCase Administration for Windows v7.0 RS602 2 880 Mastering the Management of Iterative Development RP601 2 880 27 29 13 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearQuest, v7.1 RS204 1 440 13 15 17 Essentials of Modeling with Rational Software Architect, V7.5 RD565 2 880 6 1 6 Essentials of IBM Rational Software Modeler v7.0 RD561 1 440 17 26 Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, V8 RT525 2 880 3 5 Mastering Servlet and JSP Development with Rational Application Developer v7.5 RD810 5 2.200 17 Mastering Web Application Development with Rational Application Developer V7.5 RD815 5 2.200 Rational Teamtest Fundamentals for Performance Testing RT411 3 1.320 17 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, v8.0: Java Scripting RT545 2 880 24 Essentials of Test Management with IBM Rational Quality Manager V2.0 - New RT271 1 440 3 Essentials of the Rational Unified Process V7.0 RP401 2 880 20 22 17 Mastering Requirements Management with Use Cases RR611 3 1.320 13 15 10 Essentials of Requisite Pro V7.1 RR332 1 440 Mastering Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 2.0 RD601 4 1.760 6 Essentials of Visual Modeling with UML 2.0 RD201 1 440 27 12 Business Modeling with the UML RR621 1 440 13 10 Principles of Software Testing for Testers RT101 2 880 24 Mastering Rational ClearQuest Administration v7 RS631 3 1.320 19 Essentials of Rational ClearCase for Windows v7.1 RS504 2 880 Mastering Rational ClearCase Administration for Windows v7.0 RS602 2 880 3 Mastering the Management of Iterative Development RP601 2 880 17 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearQuest, v7.1 RS204 1 440 Essentials of Modeling with Rational Software Architect, V7.5 RD565 2 880 Essentials of IBM Rational Software Modeler v7.0 RD561 1 440 Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, V8 RT524 2 880 Rational Rational. En la Cd. De México, D.F. 20 19 4 13 5 13 5 3 5 22 10 13 1 10 22 17 17 19 3 Rational. En la Cd. De Monterrey N.L. y Guadalajara Jal. 20 29 22 3 17 21 15 6 3 5 5 8 17 27 26 23 3 24 18 27 Código Duración (días) Precio USD Mastering Web Application Development with Rational Application Developer V7.5 RD815 2 880 Rational Teamtest Fundamentals for Performance Testing RT411 3 1.320 19 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, v8.0: Java Scripting RT545 2 880 6 Designing Deployment Architectures with Rational Software Architect V7.5 YD470 2 880 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Management V7.1.1 YD406 1 440 8 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase UCM using the ClearCase Remote Client YS319 1 440 22 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase using the ClearCase Remote Client, V7.1 YS316 1 440 15 Industry Solutions Código Duración (días) Precio USD IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Fundamentals 6T610 5 2.500 3 12 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Data Mapping and EDI Processing (X12) 6T655 5 2.500 10 26 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Advanced Business Process Modeling 6T630 2 1.000 8 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Administration and Tuning 6T635 4 2.000 22 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Fundamentals 6T710 3 1.500 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX Fundamentals 6T705 3 1.500 PRIVADO IBM Sterling Connect:Direct z/OS Fundamentals 6T700 2 1.000 PRIVADO IBM Sterling File Gateway 6T745 2 1.000 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Installation and Administration 6T715 2 1.000 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Data Mapping and EDI Processing (X12) 6L655 5 2.500 17 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Advanced Business Process Modeling 6L630 2 1.000 6 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Administration and Tuning 6L635 4 2.000 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Fundamentals 6L710 3 1.500 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX Fundamentals 6L705 3 1.500 IBM Sterling File Gateway - 6L745 2 1.000 8 IBM Content Manager System Administration 8.4 IM520 4 2.000 PRIVADO Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatform Application Implementation 8.4 V2 IM160 5 2.500 17 IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms System Administration 8.4 IM170 5 2.500 IBM FileNet BPM 5.0: Administration F1447 4 2.000 IBM FileNet BPM 5.0: Process Design F1457 5 2.500 diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Rational Rational. En la Cd. De Monterrey N.L. y Guadalajara Jal. 15 13 5 8 Rational Instructor Led Online diciembre 10 noviembre octubre 3 septiembre agosto 6 Sterling 17 3 24 PRIVADO Sterling Instructor Led Online 19 27 12 14 6 28 Content Manager Ondemand 15 7 FileNet Instructor Led Online 9 13 12 diciembre noviembre octubre Duración (días) Precio USD agosto septiembre Código F1420 5 2.500 20 ILOG Inventory Analyst V7.0 6T334 2 1.000 PRIVADO Implementing skills for IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE 7.0V. 6T333 3 1.500 PRIVADO Advanced Training Skills for IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE V7.0 6T335 3 1.500 PRIVADO Introduction to IBM Unica Campaign 8.5 9T317 3 2.100 PRIVADO IBM Unica Campaign 8.5 Administration 9T318 2 1.400 PRIVADO IBM Unica Campaign 8.5 Architecture and Installation 9T319 1 700 PRIVADO IBM Unica Campaign 8.5 Reports Installation and Administration 9T320 1 700 PRIVADO IBM Unica Campaign Advanced Techniques 9T321 3 2.100 PRIVADO Introduction to IBM Unica Marketing Operations 8.5 9T324 2 1.400 PRIVADO IBM Unica Marketing Operations 8.5 Administration 9T325 2 1.400 PRIVADO IBM Unica Marketing Operations 8.5 Architecture and Installation 9T326 1 700 PRIVADO Collaboration Solutions (Lotus) Código Duración (días) Precio USD Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Administration D8730 1 440 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Fundamentals D8L75 1 440 3 5 Building the IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Infrastructure D8L76 2 880 4 6 Managing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Servers and Users D8L77 2 1.320 6 8 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Bootcamp D8L89 5 2.200 3 5 D8L36 2 880 Developing Composite Applications for IBM Lotus Notes 8 D8550 1 440 Fundamentals of IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Application Development D8L51 5 2.200 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications: Intermediate XPage Design D8L53 3 1.320 10 12 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications: Advanced XPage Design D8L54 2 880 13 15 Introduction to IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Xpages D8L55 2 880 13 15 10 Modernizing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications D8L56 2 880 15 17 12 Creating a Xpage Application in IBM Lotus Domino 8.5x Applications Workshop D8W55 3 1.320 20 22 17 Industry Solutions FileNet Instructor Led Online IBM FileNet P8 Platform 5.0: System Implementation and Administration 15 3 ILOG diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto UNICA IBM Lotus Notes & Domino 8.5 System Administration Help Desk IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.x Help Desk Troubleshooting 23 25 20 6 1 3 Application Development diciembre noviembre octubre Duración (días) Precio USD agosto septiembre Código LN8587 1 440 17 19 14 Administering IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1 Services for IBM Lotus Domino QR700 1 440 13 15 10 Administering IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1 Services for IBM WebSphere Portal QR800 1 440 17 19 14 Implementing an IBM Lotus Sametime 8 Infrastructure ST850 1 440 Deploying and Administering Lotus Sametime 8.5.1 STL85 2 880 27 29 17 Lotus Sametime 8.5 Workshop to Build Solutions for the Communications & Collaboration Platform STW85 3 1.320 20 22 17 Implementing and IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 Infrastructure ST735 1 440 Implementing IBM Lotus Connections 2.0 CN710 1 440 17 19 Social Networking with IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 CNW30 3 1.320 29 29 Social Networking with IBM Lotus Connections 3.0 Workshop CNW40 3 1.320 20 22 17 Exploring New Features in IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Administration on Windows WPL80 2 880 13 15 10 Installation and Administration of IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 on Windows WPL81 5 2.200 Essential IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Administration Skills for Developers on Windows WPL82 3 1.320 Exploring new features of IBM Websphere Portal 7.0 Administration on Linux WPL90 2 Installation and Administration of IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 on Linux WPL91 Essential IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Administration Skills for Developers on Windows Collaboration Solutions (Lotus) End User IBM Lotus Notes 8.5: Mail and Calendars IBM Lotus Quickr Unified Communications IBM Sametime 31 3 5 Social Software IBM Connections 14 Portal System Administration 17 20 880 4 6 5 2.200 17 20 WPL92 3 1.320 Exploring New Features in IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Development WPL501 2 880 3 5 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 WPL51 5 2.200 24 26 Developing Websites Using IBM Lotus Web Content Manager 7 WPL40 5 2.200 24 26 Administration for IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) 7.0 WPL41 2 880 6 8 Developing Web Sites Using IBM Workplace Web Content Management 6.0 WP440 3 1.320 4 6 WPL46 3 1.320 10 12 Application Development IBM Web Content Manager IBM Forms Creating Forms Using IBM Lotus Forms 3.5 diciembre noviembre octubre Duración (días) Precio USD agosto septiembre Código Essentials for IBM Cognos BI: Supplement for Metadata Modelers (10.1) - New B5105 2 700 6 IBM Cognos BI Overview (V10.1) B5108 1 350 1 IBM Cognos BI What's New (V10.1) B5110 2 700 IBM Cognos Query Studio: Build Ad Hoc Reports (V10.1) B5150 1 350 3 IBM Cognos BI Analysis Studio: Analyze Data (V10.1) - New B5151 1 350 8 IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design Metadata Models (V10.1) B5152 5 1.750 IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.1) B5155 3 1.050 3 IBM Cognos Metric Studio: Design Scorecards (V10.1) B5157 3 1.050 17 IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.1) B5158 3 1.050 13 IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Advanced (V10.1) B5159 2 700 16 IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports (V10.1) B5160 5 1.750 IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.1) B5161 2 700 28 IBM Cognos Statistics: Author Statistical Reports in Report Studio (V10.1) B5168 1 350 30 Essentials for IBM Cognos BI (V10.1) B5170 5 1.750 IBM Cognos PowerPlay Client: Explore and Build Reports (V10.1) - New B5173 2 700 IBM Cognos PowerPlay Studio: Web Exploration (V10.1) B5174 1 350 PRIVADO IBM Cognos PowerPlay Administration (V10.1) B5175 1 350 PRIVADO IBM Cognos Data Manager: Build Data Marts with Enterprise Data (V10.1) B5180 5 1.750 PRIVADO IBM Cognos Business Insight Advanced: Author Self-Service Reports (V10.1) B5181 2 700 PRIVADO IBM Cognos Transformer: Design OLAP Models (V10.1) B5182 4 1.400 PRIVADO IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Active Reports (V10.1) - New B5198 1 350 IBM Cognos Planning Analyst: Build Models (V10.1) P8101 5 1.750 IBM Cognos Planning: Explore and Contribute to Plans (V10.1) P8104 1 350 5 IBM Cognos Planning Contributor: Develop Applications (V10.1) P8105 4 1.400 19 IBM Cognos Planning: Overview (V10.1) P8106 2 700 10 IBM Cognos Planning: Administer the Technical Environment (V10.1) P8107 3 1.050 13 IBM Cognos Controller: Administer the Technical Environment (V10.1) P8120 1 350 14 IBM Cognos Controller: Develop Applications (V10.1) P8121 5 1.750 24 IBM Cognos Controller: Author Reports (V10.1) P8122 1 350 2 IBM Cognos Controller: Create BI with Consolidation Data (V10.1) P8123 2 700 29 IBM Cognos TM1: Interact with Data (V10.1) P8151 1 350 5 IBM Cognos TM1: Design and Develop Models (V10.1) P8152 5 1.750 IBM Cognos TM1: Administer the Technical Environment (V10.1) P8155 2 700 Business Analytics Cognos BI 22 17 26 20 27 Planning 8 Controller TM1 3 3 Código Duración (días) Precio USD IBM Cognos TM1: Analyze and Share Data (V10.1) P8157 3 1.050 IBM Cognos TM1: What's New (V10.1) P8158 2 700 A3012 5 1.750 A3013 5 1.750 IBM Cognos Express: Manage IBM Cognos Express (V9.0) A3021 1 350 Essentials for IBM Cognos Express Reporter (V9.0) A3032 4 1.400 Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining 0A003 2 900 PRIVADO Introduction to IBM SPSS Text Analytics for IBM SPSS Modeler 0A102 2 900 PRIVADO Automated Data Mining with IBM SPSS Modeler 0A0G2 1 450 PRIVADO Clustering and Association Models with IBM SPSS Modeler 0A042 1 450 PRIVADO Predictive Modeling with IBM SPSS Modeler 0A032 3 1.350 PRIVADO Advanced Data Preparation with IBM SPSS Modeler 0A052 1 450 PRIVADO Best Practices/Tips & Tricks with IBM SPSS Modeler 0A0O1 1 450 PRIVADO Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Mining 0A003 2 900 PRIVADO Introduction to IBM SPSS Text Analytics for IBM SPSS Modeler 0F102 2 900 PRIVADO Automated Data Mining with IBM SPSS Modeler 0F0G2 1 450 PRIVADO Clustering and Association Models with IBM SPSS Modeler 0F042 1 450 PRIVADO Advanced Data Preparation with IBM SPSS Modeler 0F0E2 1 450 PRIVADO Best Practices/Tips & Tricks with IBM SPSS Modeler 0F0O1 1 450 PRIVADO TM1 7 2 Cognos Express IBM Cognos Express Reporter (V9.0): For Developers IBM Cognos Express Xcelerator and Advisor (V9.0): For Developers 15 12 1 10 SPSS SPSS Instructor Led Online Inscríbase ahora mismo! diciembre noviembre octubre septiembre agosto Business Analytics