Lab 01: Melting Point of an Unknown Compound Reading Pavia et al., Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale Approach (3rd edition): Technique 6, Sections 6.1 to 6.8 (pp. 576–584, 3rd edition). (Pavia 4th edition: Technique 9) Pre-Lab Planning The planning portion of the notebook should have the following sections: Date, Title, Introduction, HazMat (see below), Apparatus, and Procedure. The Haz-Mat portion should be completed for the following three compounds: urea, benzoic acid, and fluorene. It may be necessary to find MSDS information online for one or more of these compounds. Procedure You will first gain practice at taking and recording the melting point of a compound with a known melting point. Obtain a sample of one of the known compounds as assigned by the instructor. Record the identity of the known sample in the lab notebook, then look up and record the literature values of the melting points of the known compound. Be sure to record visual observations of the sample. Once you are confident in recording MPs, you can move on to your unknown, where you will first determine an accurate MP and then perform a mixed MP with your unknown and a possible suspect compound. Preparing a melting point sample: Carefully crush the sample to a coarse powder using a test tube. One method for doing this is to place the sample between two pieces of clean weighing paper and gently rolling a test tube over the sample. Another method is to place the sample in a clean watch glass, and gently crush the sample with the bottom of a clean test tube. Try to recover as much of the sample as possible after crushing. Capillary tubes containing the known compounds should be prepared using the procedure described in Section 6.5 (p. 580). Initially, one tube of each compound should be prepared; additional tubes should be prepared as needed. Try not to overfill the capillary tubes; only 1–2 mm of sample in the bottom of the tube are needed. Setting up a Thiele Tube melting point apparatus: Obtain an oil-filled Thiele tube from the center lab bench. Set up the melting point apparatus as illustrated in figure 6.3 (p. 581) with the following important exceptions: 1. A two or three-pronged utility clamp should be used on the top of the Thiele tube to secure it to a ring stand. 2. The quantity of sample suggested in Figure 6-3 is about five times too much. Use only the amount suggested in Section 6.5. Do not position the burner directly below the sample. Instead, position the burner about two-thirds the way out along the side arm as suggested in Figure 6.3. This will result in more uniform heating of the sample. Determining the melting of a compound for which the melting point is already known: Heat the melting point apparatus rapidly until the temperature is about 20 oC below the expected melting temperature. There is a delay between the time that heat is added or removed and the time that the temperature stops increasing—this is called an induction period. Avoid melting the sample during or after the rapid heating. When the temp has stabilized approximately 10–20 oC below the expected melting temperature, start heating gently to raise the temp at approximately 1–2 oC per minute. The melting point is determined by heating the oil in the Thiele tube until the sample melts. Ideally, the temperature of the oil should be changing by only 1–2 oC at the time of melting to measure an accurate melting point. Reporting melting point data: Melting points are always reported as temperature ranges. The lower number in the range is the temperature at which the sample first starts to melt. The upper number is the temperature at which the sample has completely melted. Be careful of impurities in the sample (for example, dust or broken glass) which will never melt; waiting for them to melt could cause the melting point to be reported as much higher than its actual value. Chem 221 Lab 01: Melting Point Page 2 The melting behavior should also be recorded. The melting behavior includes observations regarding shrinkage, sweating, discoloration, and decomposition. These are explained in more detail in section 6.8. As a general rule, all instruments should be read as precisely as both the instrument and the method allow. Thus, although the thermometer can be read to the nearest 0.1°, it may not be possible to obtain this precision, particularly if the rate of heating is rapid. Even at a low rate of heating, it may not be apparent precisely when the sample starts to melt. If it is apparent, the thermometer should be read to the nearest 0.1 °C; if it is not possible, then indicate so in your lab notebook. The samples should be replaced with fresh tubes after each melting point determination, because frequently chemical changes occur at high temperatures. These could introduce impurities that distort the melting point. Obtain an unknown sample from the instructor after determining accurate melting points of your known sample. Immediately record the number of the unknown sample directly in the lab notebook. Then, record visual observations of the sample. It may be useful to examine the unknown under a magnifying glass or the dissecting microscope. Determining the melting point of an unknown sample: Ideally, the temperature of the oil should be changing by only 1–2 oC at the time of melting to measure an accurate melting point. If an unknown sample were heated from room temperature at this rate, it could take hours to measure the melting point; this would be a very inefficient use of lab time. As a consequence, organic chemists have developed the following method for shortening the amount of time needed to determine an accurate melting point of an unknown compound. This efficient method involves measuring the melting point at least two times. The first time, an approximate melting point is determined by raising the temperature at a rate of about 10 oC per minute. Care should be taken not to raise the temperature too quickly, or the melting point will be too inaccurate. After the approximate melting point has been determined, the temperature of the apparatus is lowered to about 10 oC below the approximate melting point. A new sample is inserted in the apparatus, and the temperature is raised at a rate of 1–2 oC per minute. This permits a very accurate measurement that will only take a few minutes. Follow the procedures above to prepare two capillary tubes of the unknown sample. Determine an inaccurate melting point first by rapid heating (about 10 oC per minute), then lower the temperature, replace the first sample with the second capillary tube, and determine an accurate melting point. If necessary, perform additional melting point determinations with fresh melting point tubes until obtaining a precise range. When an accurate melting point range has been determined, make a conclusion regarding the purity of the unknown. Melting-point ranges greater than 2 °C usually indicate an impure compound, although there are exceptions. Mixed Melting Point: Examine the list of possible compounds found on the center lab-bench. The melting points on this list are literature values, and usually only the lowest temperature of the melting-point range is reported in the literature. Most of the possible compounds come in pairs with similar melting point values. Indicate in your lab book which compounds the unknown might be. Obtain a pure sample of one of the possible compounds from the chemical dispensing area. Use this sample to check the identity of the unknown using the Mixed melting Point Method as described in Section 6.4 (p. 579). Carefully record the melting behavior of the mixture along with the temperatures for the range. Based on the results of the mixed melting point determination, determine whether the unknown and the selected sample compound are the same. After finishing the experimental section, place any used capillary tubes and any excess unknown in the designated waste containers in the hood. Allow the Thiele tube to cool, and then return it to the box on the center bench. Return any clamps to the front of the room. Clean the area around your lab bench, including wiping up any spills with a moist paper towel. After writing up the conclusions section in your lab notebook, answer the following questions on the next page. Fold and neatly tape this page in your lab book after the conclusions. Chem 221 Lab 01: Melting Point Page 3 Chem 221: Additional CRC Handbook Exercise (Fold and tape this in your notebook) The preceding exercise was designed to illustrate the technique of melting point determinations as well as the method of mixed melting points. However, the exercise is somewhat artificial because very few compounds listed on the table of compounds could correspond to the observed melting point of the given unknown. A more realistic exercise would involve the use of the more extensive melting point tables found in handbooks such as Lange's or the CRC Handbook. To illustrate the use of the CRC Handbook in particular, perform the following steps and answer the questions regarding the melting point index. 1. Obtain a copy of the CRC 55th Edition or earlier. Indicate the edition used: 2. Look in the alphabetical INDEX at the end of the handbook under "Index of melting points for organic compounds". What section and page number is given for this entry? 3. Turn to the section and page number cited above. At the top of this page you will find information regarding the values in the index. In the case where a melting point range is known for a compound, how will the compound be listed? 4. If we wanted to make the melting-point exercise less artificial and more realistic, you would have been directed to determine the melting point range of your unknown and then refer to the CRC Handbook melting point index to determine the potential compounds that your unknown might be. Write down the accurate melting point range you determined for your unknown: Assuming that your observed melting point range is accurate to the nearest 1 °C, under what temperature in the index would you look to find the list of potential compounds? 5. Turn the entry corresponding to the above listed temperature. How many compounds are listed corresponding to this temperature? 6. Your answers to questions 4 and 5 were based upon the assumption that your observed melting point range was accurate to the nearest 1 °C. However, this is not a very good assumption. Much more likely, the observed melting point range is accurate to ±1 °C. Less likely, but possible, would be an error has high as ±2 °C. List two reasons why the observed m.p. range may not be highly accurate. 7. Lange's Handbook reflects the likely uncertainties in melting point determinations. The entries in Lange's index of melting points are grouped together in temperature-intervals of about 4 °C. Obtain a copy of Lange's. What edition is it? Find the m.p. index in Lange's. On what section and page does the index begin? Using the lower temperature of your observed m.p. range and assuming an error of ±2 °C, under what temperature-interval(s) would your unknown be found? The large number of compounds listed under these intervals should convince you that more information besides the m.p. is needed to easily identify a compound. Fortunately, we will usually have additional information about the compound, such as the functional groups present, solubility in various solvents, and chemical properties. The combination of such information will usually narrow down our search to just a few compounds. The mixed melting point method will then allow (nearly) positive identification.