2 3 4 5 6 CRAIG R. BREITMAN (SBN 105512) 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Sixth Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Telephone: (310) 445-0800 Facsimile: (310) 473-2525 Attorneys for Defendants and Cross-Defendants, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & WATERPROOFING CO., and AP & DECK WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS, INC. 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 10 11 ct HUMANE SOCIETY SILICON VALLEY, a California corporation, 12 Plaintiffs, 13 14 rO - H CH 16 17 18 Assigned to Hon. James P. Kleinberg OFFER TO COMPROMISE [Code Civ. Proc. Section 998] V. 15 Case No. 112-CV-219628 GEORGE MIERS & ASSOCIATES, a California corporation, currently doing business as SWATT MIERS ARCHITECTS, INC., a California corporation, ROBERT L. BROWN CONSTRUCTION, INC. a California corporation, and DOES 1-150, inclusive, Complaint Filed : February 28, 2012 Discovery Cut-Off : nla Motion Cut-Off : n/a Trial Date : n/a Defendants. 19 20 AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS 21 TO PLAINTIFF, HUMANE SOCIETY SILICON VALLEY, a CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, 22 AND TO ITS ATTORNEYS OF RECORD HEREIN: 579608 23 Defendant, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 24 WATERPROOFING CO., hereby offers to compromise this action in favor of Plaintiff and 25 against Defendant, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 26 WATERPROOFING CO. in the total and single sum of Seventy-Five Hundred Dollars 27 ($7,500.00) pursuant to the provisions of section 998 of the California Code of Civil 28 Procedure in exchange for Plaintiff’s execution of a Request for Dismissal of the 666 33008 OFFER TO COMPROMISE V Complaint with prejudice as to defendant DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba 2 KODIAK ROOFING & WATERPROOFING CO. and execution of a General Release as to 3 this defendant, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 4 WATERPROOFING CO. with a specific issues release related to any and all claims which arise 5 out of the scope of work of DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 6 WATERPROOFING CO. at the Plaintiffs project pursuant to its subcontract with Robert L. Brown Construction, Inc,, subject to a finding that such settlement is in Good Faith as required by - [’I Code of Civil Procedure section 877.6 (and not subject to the dismissal of the Express Indemnity 9 Cause of Action in the Cross-Complaint of Robert L. Brown Construction, Inc.) which will be 10 deemed a judgment pursuant to Goodstein v. Bank of San Pedro (1994) 27 Cal. App. 4th 11 899. Said sum shall include Plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees and costs to date as would be 12 apportioned to this offering Defendant. 13 If this offer is not accepted prior to trial or within thirty (30) days after it is made, 14 whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given in evidence upon 15 the trial. LIJ - 0 - ICH :1 16 If Plaintiff rejects said offer and fails to obtain a more favorable judgment against 17 this defendant, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 18 WATERPROOFING CO., Plaintiff cannot recover its post-offer costs and attorneys’ fees as 19 to defendant, DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & 20 WATERPROOFING CO. and shall pay this Defendant’s costs and attorneys’ fees (as the 21 attorney fee provision that Plaintiff is seeking to enforce is deemed bilateral per Civil Code 22 section 1717, from the time of the offer, in addition to other recoverable costs of this 23 Defendant pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 998(c)(1). 24 25 26 27 28 579608 666 33008 OFFER TO COMPROMISE 1 DATED: September 2013 SELMABREI 2 3 4 AttoifiĆys for Defendants and Cross-Defendants DWAYNE NASH INDUSTRIES, INC. dba KODIAK ROOFING & WATERPROOFING CO., and AP & DECK WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS, INC. 5 6 7 Acceptance of Offer to Compromise 8 9 10 11 12 ct 13 )V) PURSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE § 998, PLAINTIFF ACCEPTS DEFENDANT’S OFFER TO PAY THE SUM OF $7,500.00 IN SATISFACTION OF ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES, COSTS AND EXPENSES, ATTORNEY FEES AND INTEREST IN THIS ACTION AS STATED ABOVE. DATED: 14 LLJ 0 1CH I 15 Attorneys for Plaintiff 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 579608.1 66633008 OFFER TO COMPROMISE