30 Ways to save time is a video that covers, in a humorous way, the principles of personal time mangagement. It is broken into segments as follows. 30 Ways 01 Short intro to the rest of the series :40 Tags: time management, efficiency 30 ways 02 Getting organised 5:41 Tags: efficiency, time management, organisation, stress, email, filing system, prioritise, procrastination James Nesbitt introduces us to the concept of better time management. In this 5:41 video he speaks about getting organised. He stresses the importance of email management and creating reasonable task lists. 30 Ways 03 Working efficiently 1:58 Tags: completion, procrastination, work habits, efficiency Here James Nesbitt stresses the importance of completing one task before moving on, rather than splitting time between tasks. Don’t try to do too much. 30 Ways 04 Communication – email 4:32 Tags: technology, information overload, email, internet. Inbox, distraction, communication, efficiency Here James Nesbitt discusses methods of making technology work for you – not being a slave to email and using it efficiently. 30 ways 05 Communication – the phone 4:03 Tags: telephone, communication, time wasting, efficiency, interruptions Here James Nesbitt advises on how to use the telephone, managing incoming calls, getting the information you need, keeping calls short and on track. 30 Ways 06 Dealing with people 4:17 Tags: interruptions, efficiency, people, priorities, socialising, distractions Here James Nesbitt talks about protecting your time, limiting socialising, prioritising and delegating your workload, saying no when appropriate 30 Ways 07 Meetings 3:15 Tags: meetings, agenda, objectives, schedule, timekeeping, interruptions, timewasting Here James Nesbitt discusses scheduling and timing meetings, and keeping them structured and productive. Best of Motives This video is introduced by Antony Jay, and then moves into an office situation where a manager who is initially very poor at motivating his employees learns a better way of management. It is broken into segments as follows. Best of Motives 01 2:58 Tags: management, solutions, productivity, motivation Antony Jay introduces the concept of good management, and what it means today. He stresses the importance of motivational technique. Best of Motives 02 Part 1: Nobody ever tells us 4:12 Tags: motivation, communication, information, management This video shows a manager displaying poor management and poor motivational techniques. Best of motives 03 4:33 A continuation of 02 Tags: motivation, communication, information, management This video is set in an office environment, and begins to explore the importance of explaining “why” to motivate staff. Best of motives 04 2:12 Follows on from 03 Tags: motivation, communication, information, management This demonstrates the first element of motivation – providing information. Tell staff how their job fits in and why it matters. Best of motives 05 1:15 Feedback Tags: feedback, motivation, communication, management This video begins lesson 2, the importance of feedback. Best of motives 06 1:42 Tags: Feedback, information, motivation, management Continues on from 05 Best of motives 07 1:54 Tags: feedback, motivation, information, management, production, targets, performance Continues the importance of giving feedback to staff to improve performance and motivation and monitoring productivity. Best of motives 08 1:28 Recognition Tags: Recognition, feedback, communication, motivation, management, productivity, improvement This video introduces the concept of recognition of achievement as good motivation, by giving examples of poor recognition. Best of motives 09 2:04 Recognition (continued) Tags: Recognition, feedback, communication, motivation, management, productivity, improvement Continuing on the importance of recognition. Stresses the importance of specific feedback and having something to show for achievements. Best of motives 10 2:16 Recognition (continued) Tags: Recognition, feedback, communication, motivation, management, productivity, improvement, praise This gives a few examples of a manager giving specific recognition. Best of motives 11 6:03 Tags: Recognition, feedback, communication, motivation, management, productivity, improvement, praise, information Summarises previous videos and continues to demonstrate the importance of recognising achievement. Building the Perfect Team discusses Belbin Team working. It includes an interview with Belbin, details what the roles are, then illustrates how a Belbin team could work together to solve a workplace problem. It is broken into segments as follows. Building the Perfect Team 01 2:32 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork Introduces the concept that teams can include all characteristics necessary for success. What is needed to build the perfect team? Includes the work of Dr Meredith Belbin Building the Perfect Team 02 6:31 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role, Description of how functional roles and team roles differ and overlap. Introduces the team roles in a case study situation. Discusses the team role types identified by Belbin. Building the Perfect Team 03 Team Roles in Action 9:52 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role Case Study to show Belbin team roles – their behaviour and interaction to resolve a problem. Building the Perfect Team 04 2:02 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role This video demonstrates how to suit duties to the person’s team role. Building the Perfect Team 05 0:39 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role, size Here Dr Belbin discusses the size of an ideal team. Building the Perfect Team 06 0:41 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role This video covers the self perception questionnaire which determines team role. Building the Perfect Team 07 1:03 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role Belbin discusses combination of roles in the same person. Building the Perfect Team 08 0:55 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role Belbin discusses managing team weaknesses. Building the Perfect Team 09 2:13 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role, conflict Belbin discusses how to manage conflict and balance between team roles. Building the Perfect Team 10 1:52 Tags: Belbin, team roles, teamwork, functional role Conclusion and summary of Belbin’s team working. First Among Equals In First Among Equals a manager is shown the error of his ways - he grows from being a manager who de-motivates his staff to one with good leadership and motivational techniques. It is broken into segments as follows. First Among Equals 01 3:16 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Beginning part of a dramatisation illustrating team leadership. First Among Equals 02 2:35 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video - showing where leader goes wrong. First Among Equals 03 2:51 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video – starts analysis of improving leadership. First Among Equals 04 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video – stresses encouragement not belittling. First Among Equals 05 1:04 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video – covers conflict and team focus First Among Equals 06 2:29 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management, challenges Continuation of video – covering showing how to make people feel part of a team. First Among Equals 07 1:20 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video – covering showing how to make people feel part of a team – and how not to. First Among Equals 08 1:19 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Continuation of video – covering showing how to make people feel part of a team. First Among Equals 09 1:56 Tags: Team, motivation, leadership, management Conclusion of video – covering showing how to make people into a team. Fish is a fun, lively video set in a working Fish Market in Seattle. Using a combination of interviews with staff and videos of the market in action, it shows the “Fish” principles of customer service and staff motivation. It is broken into segments as follows. Fish 01 1:59 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Fish 02 4:47 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Employees speak to camera explain why it works. Fish 03 4:04 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Employees speak to camera explain why it works. Having fun. Fish 04 2:49 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Employees speak to camera explain why it works. Being present with the customer. Fish 05 2:55 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation, attitude Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Employees speak to camera explain why it works. Choose your attitude. Fish 06 1:52 Tags: Customer service, teamwork, retail, motivation Fun upbeat video set in a working fish market showing workers having fun and enjoying their work. Music soundtrack. Employees speak to camera explain why it works. Summary Fish 07 2:44 Tags: Documentary, video production, customer service, engagement Producing the Fish Video The Helping Hand has John Cleese instructing Robert Lindsay in coaching techniques. It then cuts to Lindsay improving his coaching skills in a practical situation a member of “staff”. It is broken into segments as follows. The Helping Hand 01 6:40 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation John Cleese introduces us to coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 02 2:19 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation Continuation: John Cleese introduces us to coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 03 4:30 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 04 1:37 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 05 5:15 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation, listen Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 06 5:19 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation, listen Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 07 2:33 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 08 2:16 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 09 1:16 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation, empowerment Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 10 2:26 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation, empowerment Continuation: John Cleese introduces the “how to” of coaching, with dramatisation of coaching in action. The Helping Hand 11 2:53 Tags: coaching, staff development, active learning, managing people, delegation, empowerment Conclusion and summary of the principles of coaching. Managing Problem People This entertaining video features John Cleese, Stephen Fry and Rik Mayall. Stephen Fry as Jeeves counsels Cleese in how to manage Big Mouth Billy, who always promises more than he delivers. Broken into the following short video segments. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 01 2:01 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership This first video introduces John Cleese as the manager of Big Mouth Billy, who promises but doesn’t deliver. Stephen Fry as Jeeves is brought in to help him manage. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 02 2:47 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership Big Mouth Billy (Rik Mayall) is introduced – his manager overloads him with tasks, which he promises to do right away. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 03 2:18 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility Here Jeeves stresses the importance of management allowing discussion and feedback from tasks to determine whether it is feasible to complete the set tasks. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 04 2:30 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility, motivation Continuation of video. The manager begins to correct his ways. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 05 1:45 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility, motivation, targets Continuation of video. The manager begins to correct his ways. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 06 1:43 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility, motivation, targets, delegation Continuation of video. Managing Problem People – Behavioural Skills for Leaders 07 1:43 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility, motivation, targets, delegation Conclusion of video. Managing Problem People 08 Tags: management, behaviour, leadership, feasibility, motivation, targets, delegation Summary of main points of video. 01 2:29 Pass it on Most of these video clips are an illustration of coaching set in an office, with a manager learning to Pass it on: Coaching skills for managers 01 2:29 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management Introduces Rob Brydon who is talking to two other colleagues about what coaching involves. Pass it on 02 2:39 Coaching Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Identifying goals in coaching and training needs assessment. Pass it on 03 2:02 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. The coaching session gets off to a bad start but gives suggestions for how coaching should be done. Pass it on 04 1:12 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Set the targets. Pass it on 05 01:23 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Promote discovery. Pass it on 06 1:02 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Promote discovery. Provide a map. Pass it on 07 1:04 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Promote discovery. Provide a map. Let them explore. Pass it on 08 0:45 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Encourage through praise and constructive criticism. Pass it on 09 1:33 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Encourage through praise and constructive criticism. Pass it on 10 1:32 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Encourage through praise and constructive criticism. Don’t be afraid of showing gaps in your knowledge. Pass it on 11 0:39 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Treat them as equals. Pass it on 12 0:36 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Treat them as equals and admit your own mistakes. Pass it on 13 1:09 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Listen actively. Pass it on 14 1:27 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Listen actively. Pass it on 15 1:35 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Continuation of video. Follow up after each session. Check on progress. Brief others and provide resources. Pass it on 16 3:34 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets Conclusion of video. Summarising the coaching steps. Pass it on 17 1:28 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets, delegation Why coach? Frees up time and grows the business. Pass it on 18 1:25 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets, delegation What coaching isn’t. It isn’t mentoring. It isn’t training. Pass it on 19 2:12 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets, delegation What is coaching? Definition. Pass it on 20 2:14 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets, delegation Vacancies and opportunities. Coaching helps with progression planning. Pass it on 21 2:21 Tags: Coaching, preparation, planning, management, targets, delegation The GROW model. Goals, Reality, Options, Wrap-up. Project Management Dawn French leads a team planning an office move, showing the steps of successful project management. Project Management 01 5:42 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation Start of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Project Management 02 2:38 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation Continuation of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Project Management 03 3:16 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation, motivation, task setting Continuation of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Define the project as a team. Project Management 04 4:13 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation, motivation, task setting Continuation of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Targets. Allocate resources. Project Management 05 1:47 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation, motivation, task setting Continuation of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Milestones. Project Management 06 4:26 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation, motivation, task setting Continuation of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Implementation. Project Management 07 4:36 Tags: Planning, project management, budget, delegation, motivation, task setting Conclusion of video illustrating the importance of planning in project management. Evaluate the project and processes. Summary of important stages. Tale of O This animation uses “X”s and “O”s to illustrate how minority groups are sometimes treated in the workplace, and how issues can be resolved. Tale of O 01 1:09 Tags: equality, diversity An animation illustrating the concepts of equality and diversity. The opening music takes up the first 30 seconds. Tale of O 02 3:31 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals Continuation. When an individual is unique they stand out in the workplace – in the spotlight. Tale of O 03 2:10 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals, assumptions, expectations Continuation: Making assumptions about someone based on externals can lead to mistakes about them. Tale of O 04 1:34 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals, assumptions, expectations Continuation: Blending in, standing out, competition Tale of O 05 6:30 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals, assumptions, expectations, traditions, culture Continuation: What happens to the majority group when a minority is added? The majority group can sometimes become more homogenous and resentful of the “different” person. Tale of O 06 4:34 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals, assumptions, expectations, traditions, culture, acceptance Continuation: What happens when the minority person joins the majority group. Changes to attitudes happen. The minority strives for peer acceptance. Minorities can become the scapegoat. Tale of O 07 1:49 Tags: equality, diversity, stress, individuals, assumptions, expectations, traditions, culture, acceptance Conclusion: Summary of main points of animation. Targeting for Performance Targeting for Performance 01 2:28 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction Introduction to video. A new staff member joins a project team. Targeting for Performance 02 2:23 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART Continuation. Discussion of the concept of SMART targets. Targeting for Performance 03 7:50 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART Continuation. The importance of objective targets is stressed. Illustrates how difficult staff can be managed. Difference between activity and targets. Targeting for Performance 04 7:55 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART, motivation, retention Continuation. Focusses on the specifics – creating a detailed action plan. Targeting for Performance 05 9:37 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART, motivation, retention Continuation. Discusses the difficulty in getting people to agree targets, and why it is necessary. Targeting for Performance 06 3:01 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART, motivation, retention Continuation. Summary of SMART targets. Targeting for Performance 07 3:55 Tags: Performance, management, customer service, induction, targets, SMART, motivation Conclusion: Covers the importance of regular meetings to evaluate progress.