CPT ® Code Changes for 2016 Academic Medicine, MultiSpecialty Based Medicine and Office-based Practices Stephanie Johnson, MHA, CHC, RHIT, CPC, CPEDS Compliance McKesson Business Performance Services This commentary is a summary prepared by McKesson’s Business Performance Services division and highlights certain changes, but not all changes, in 2016 CPT® codes relating to all specialties excluding Pathology/Laboratory, Radiology, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesia. This commentary does not supplant the American Medical Association’s (AMA) current listing of CPT® codes, its documentation in the annual CPT® Changes publications, and other related publications from the AMA, which are the authoritative source for information about CPT® codes. Please refer to your 2016 CPT® Code Book, annual CPT® Changes publication, HCPCS Book and Payer Bulletins for additional information, including additions, deletions, changes and interpretations that may not be reflected in this document. CPT® is a registered trademark of the AMA. The AMA is the owner of all copyright, trademark and other rights to CPT® and its updates. CPT® codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 1966, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1983-2015 AMA. All rights reserved. 1 OVERVIEW ® To provide details on the 2016 CPT changes, McKesson (BPS) has prepared this summary of new, deleted and revised codes for all specialties excluding Pathology/Laboratory, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, and Anesthesia issued by the American Medical Association (AMA). All individuals should understand the various code symbols that AMA uses to denote new codes, revised codes, deleted codes, resequenced codes, etc. You should look under the Code Symbols section of the introduction in the code book for definitions and explanations of the various symbols. Each year, the AMA publishes its new, revised and deleted CPT codes for that calendar year. This document is to provide a summary of the changes on the following specialties: Evaluation and Management, Surgery, Medicine, Category II, and Category III codes. SUMMARY REVIEW Section E/M Surgery Medicine Category II Category III New 2 48 14 0 27 Revised 2 14 50 1 2 Deleted 0 22 19 0 14 EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT In the Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services section, changes include the addition of a new subsection, guidelines, and two new codes (99415, 99416) to describe prolonged office observation care services provided by clinical staff in conjunction with physician or other qualified health care professional E/M services and psychotherapy services. The guidelines for the Prolonged Services subsection have been revised to reference the use of the new prolonged clinical staff services codes, as well as to provide instructions regarding how to report psychotherapy services. In addition, editorial revisions to the guidelines for Preventive Medicine Services and Counseling Risk Factor Reduction and Behavior Change Intervention have been made to clarify the use of behavior change intervention codes 99406-99409 and the use of modifier 25. 1 Prolonged Codes Revised Description Codes 99354 Prolonged evaluation and management or psychotherapy service(s) (beyond the typical service time of the primary procedure) in the office or other outpatient setting requiring direct patient contact beyond the usual service; first hour (List separately in addition to code for office or other outpatient Evaluation and Management or psychotherapy service) each additional 30 minutes (List separately in addition to code for prolonged service) 99355 New Codes 99415 99416 1 Description Prolonged evaluation and management or psychotherapy service(s) (beyond the typical service time of the primary procedure) in the office or other outpatient setting requiring direct patient contact beyond the usual service; first hour (List separately in addition to code for office or other outpatient Evaluation and Management or psychotherapy service) each additional 30 minutes (List separately in addition to code for prolonged service) 2016 CPT Professional Edition, AMA, Page 32-33 2 The Prolonged Service With Direct Patient Contact subsection has been revised, beginning with the revision of the instructional guidelines and the revision of codes 99354 and 99355. Two instructional parentheticals have also been revised, and four have been added. In addition, a new subsection titled “Prolonged Clinical Staff Services With Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional Supervision” has been added, along with new instructional guidelines, two new codes (99415, 99416), and new parentheticals to report prolonged clinical observation services in the outpatient or office setting. Prior to 2016, codes 99354 and 99355 were the only codes that could be reported for prolonged face-to-face services with the patient. These services, however, implied that the physician or other qualified healthcare professional was providing the service. The guideline and procedure code changes have been made to allow the reporting of office observation care services provided by clinical staff in conjunction with the services provided by the physician or other qualified healthcare professional in providing the primary procedure(s) for the patient. Because office observation care was ordinarily included as part of the Office or Other Outpatient Services (identified as part of the pre-or post-service effort included in the visit by the physician or other qualified healthcare professional), no codes existed to identify circumstances in which the physician’s staff was required to provide effort beyond the typical time for circumstances that required observation (eg, after the administration of a new medication or after the use of an inhaled drug to ensure patient safety). In these circumstances, although the physician is responsible for the care of the patient, these services do not require face-to-face time by the physician or other qualified healthcare professional. Instead, the effort of observing the patient beyond the time ordinarily included within the E/M service is provided by the clinical staff. The development of new codes 99415 and 99416 allows a method for reporting face-to-face services that only require face-to-face observation by clinical staff under the supervision of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional under specifically noted circumstances. Two major areas have been revised to effect the changes made in this section. The addition of the new subsection, guidelines, and two new codes allow reporting of the “new” services. This includes the addition of codes 99415 and 99416 to identify prolonged clinical staff time of one hour (99415) and each additional half hour of prolonged clinical staff time (99416). The instructional guidelines that precede the new subsection educate users regarding the intended use of these codes. They also provide instruction regarding when these codes may be reported (i.e., after the first 45 minutes of clinical staff time). In addition, the parentheticals that follow these codes identify when the codes may be reported in conjunction with other codes, and when codes 99415 and 99416 are excluded from use with codes 99354 and 99355. A table has also been added to provide guidance to users regarding the time duration that should be used to identify which codes may be reported. Revision of the guidelines and existing codes 99354 and 99355 in the Prolonged Service With Direct Patient Contact subsection clarifies when new codes 99415 and 99416 should be reported in place of codes 99354 and 99355, which are intended to be reported only by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional who provides service beyond the usual E/M service. Changes to the code descriptor include the addition of language to clarify that codes 99354 and 99355 are intended to be used in conjunction with E/M services, as well as psychotherapy services (with removal of language that implied use for other “primary procedure[s]”). Codes 99354 and 99355 are intended to report prolonged services that are provided by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. Codes 99415 and99416 are intended to report when prolonged services beyond the initial 45 minutes are provided by clinical staff. (Clinical staff–time of less than 45 minutes is not separately identified as this is inherently included as part of the existing E/M services.) Physician or other qualified healthcare professional supervision is required for the use of codes 99415 and 99416. Because these services are intended for outpatient settings, these codes are not intended for use in the inpatient setting. 3 2 Preventative Medicine Services Subsection Guideline Revision New Patient CPT 99381: Initial comprehensive preventive medicine E/M of an individual including an age and gender appropriate history, examination, counseling/anticipatory guidance/risk factor reduction interventions, and the ordering of laboratory/diagnostic procedures, new patient; infant (age younger than 1 year) The Preventive Medicine Services subsection guidelines have been revised to clarify that the Behavior Change Intervention codes (99406-99409) are to be reported separately when performed on the same day as an E/M service. In the Preventive Medicine Services subsection, the revisions align the guidelines with the original intent of the Behavior Change Intervention codes when they were added in 2008, which was to allow the separate reporting of an E/M service, including the Preventive Medicine Services codes. As stated in the Counseling Risk Factor Reduction and Behavior Change Intervention guidelines, “Any E/M services reported on the same day must be distinct, and time spent providing these services may not be used as a basis for the E/M code selection.” However, the Preventive Medicine Services guidelines were never revised when codes 99406-99409 were added to the CPT code set. Thus, the Behavior Change Intervention codes were inadvertently included in the listed range of codes specifically not separately reportable from the Preventive Medicine Services codes. This Preventive Medicine Services guideline revision extracts the Behavior Change Intervention codes from this list of codes not separately reportable with Preventive Medicine Services codes. The revision also places a crossreference parenthetical directing users to the specific codes for Behavior Change Intervention. 3 Counseling Risk Factor Reduction and Behavior Change Intervention Subsection Guideline Revision New or Established Patient The Counseling Risk Factor Reduction and Behavior Change Intervention subsection guidelines have been revised to add instruction to append modifier 25 when reporting E/M services on the same day as the Counseling Risk Factor Reduction and Behavior Change Intervention codes. This addition enforces already existing guidelines that state that these services are distinct from any E/M service reported on the same day. However, clearly stating that modifier 25 should be appended clarifies that, when performed, the E/M service must meet the definition of modifier 25 in that a significant, separately identifiable E/M service was performed on the same day of the procedure or other service. SURGERY In the Surgery section, numerous changes have been made, starting with expansion of the guidelines to include instructions for the use of “imaging guidance.” In the Integumentary System subsection, two new codes (10035, 10036) for soft tissue marker placement with imaging were added, and one code was deleted in the Musculoskeletal System subsection. The Respiratory System subsection contains new guidelines, parenthetical notes, and three new codes (31652, 31653, 31654) for reporting bronchoscopy utilizing transendoscopic endobronchial ultrasound. The Cardiovascular System subsection also contains new guidelines for the Pacemaker or Implantable Defibrillator subsection and includes refinements and new instructions pertaining to the use of new Category III codes and new code 33477 for reporting transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation. A new diagram to describe reporting of ECMO/ECLS procedures has also been added. 2 3 Ibid at Page 37. Ibid at Page 38. 4 In the Intravascular Ultrasound Services subsection, guidelines have been expanded to clarify that intravascular ultrasound is included in codes 37191, 37192, 37193, and 37197. Codes 37250 and 37251 have been deleted and replaced by new codes 37252 and 37253. Mediastinoscopy code 39400 has been deleted and converted into two codes (39401, 39402) to reflect the current use of these procedures, including lymph node biopsy for cancer staging. In the Digestive System subsection, multiple Category I and Category III codes have been either added or deleted, including the addition of 14 new codes (47531-47544) and the addition of extensive guidelines and numerous parenthetical notes pertaining to transhepatic and transcholecystic biliary procedures. In addition, a new table has been added to direct users to the appropriate use of these new codes in association with catheters and stent procedures. A large number of changes have been made to the Urinary System subsection, including some revisions that are editorial in nature pertaining to anatomy and the assignment of primary and secondary procedures. Other revisions include the deletion of codes 50392, 50393, 50394, and 50398, and the addition of new codes (50430, 50431, 50432, 50433, 50434, 50435), headings, and guidelines for reporting genitourinary catheter procedures and associated nephrostogram, nephrostomy, and nephroureteral services. Some of the new codes added describe biopsy and dilation of the ureter, nonendoscopic endoluminal biopsy of the ureter and/or renal pelvis, and the percutaneous placement of ureteral stent and embolization and balloon dilation of the ureter using nonendoscopic imaging guidance. In addition, the Male Genital System subsection contains two new codes (54437, 54438) to report traumatic penile injury repairs. New codes and numerous instructional parenthetical notes pertaining to three new codes (61645, 61650, 61651) describing cerebral endovascular therapeutic interventions in intracranial arteries have been added in the Nervous System subsection. Rarely performed procedure code 64412 was deleted. Three codes (64461, 64462, 64463) to identify thoracic paravertebral blocks and continuous infusions have also been added, and changes have been made to the guidelines pertaining to the 64633-64636 series of codes. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM4 New Codes Description 10035 Placement of soft tissue localization device(s) (e.g., clip, metallic pellet, wire/needle, radioactive seeds), percutaneous, including imaging guidance; first lesion 10036 each additional lesion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Two new codes (10035, 10036) have been established in the Skin, Subcutaneous, and Accessory Structures subsection to report initial and additional lesion placement of soft tissue localization device(s). Introductory guidelines and instructional parenthetical notes were added to clarify the reporting for the placement of soft tissue location device(s). With advances in clinical practice and chemotherapy, it is becoming increasingly important to mark lesions prior to therapy. Often a lesion will no longer be visible or palpable after therapy, and marking a lesion prior to therapy allows the area to be found for subsequent resection after therapy has been completed. While codes exist for marker placements into various organs, there is no code for soft tissue marker placement such as in the axilla or groin, and placement of markers into the soft tissues is becoming increasingly more important. As a result, codes 10035 and 10036 have been established to capture marker placements into areas such as the axilla and/or groin tissue. Insertion of soft tissue markers is typically performed with imaging guidance including ultrasound, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging, and the guidance 4 Ibid at Page 71. 5 is considered a bundled service. Therefore, imaging codes (76942, 77002, 77012, and 77021) should not be reported separately. Marker placement codes 10035 and 10036 should only be reported once per target, regardless of how many markers are used to mark the target. It would be appropriate to report code 10036 for a second procedure on the same side or contralateral side. If a more specific site descriptor is applicable (e.g., breast), use the site-specific codes for marker placement at that site. For example, report code 32553 for the percutaneous placement of an interstitial device(s) for an intrathoracic site; report code 49411 for the percutaneous placement of an interstitial device(s) for an intraabdominal, an intra-pelvic (except prostate), and/or a retroperitoneum site; report code 55876 for the placement of an interstitial device(s) for the prostate; report codes 19081-19086 for the placement of a localization device for breast biopsy; and report codes 19281-19287 for the percutaneous placement of a localization device(s) for the breast. MUSCULOSKELETAL NECK (SOFT T ISSUES) AND THORAX 5 FRACTURE AND/OR DISLOCATION Deleted Description Codes Open treatment of rib fracture without fixation, each 21805 INTRODUCTION OR REMOVAL Revised Codes 20555 6 Description Placement of needles or catheters into muscle and/or soft tissue for subsequent interstitial radioelement application (at the time of or subsequent to the procedure) In accordance with the deletion of codes 77776, 77777, 77785, 77786, and 77787, the parenthetical note following code 20555 has been revised with the removal of these codes and replaced with codes 77770, 77771 and 77772. RESPIRATORY 7 TRACHEA AND BRONCHI New Description Codes 31652 with endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) guided transtracheal and/or transbronchial sampling (e.g., aspiration[s]/biopsy[ies]), one or two mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node stations or structures 31653 with endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) guided transtracheal and/or transbronchial sampling (e.g., aspiration[s]/biopsy[ies]), 3 or more mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node stations or structures 31654 with transendoscopic endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) during bronchoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic intervention(s) for peripheral lesion(s) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure[s]) Three new codes (31652, 31653, 31654), a new set of guidelines, and parenthetical notes have been established in the Trachea and Bronchi subsection to more appropriately identify transendoscopic Ibid at 5 6 7 Ibid at Page 117 Ibid at Page 106 Ibid at Page 181. 6 endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) procedures. As a result of the establishment of these new codes, guidelines, and parenthetical notes, code 31620 has been deleted. These changes were initiated as a result of a survey requested by the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale (RVS) Update Committee (RUC) and Relativity Assessment Workgroup (RAW). RAW identified overlap between the use of code 31620 (used as an add-on procedure in conjunction with bronchoscopy to identify ultrasound for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions) and code 31629. Because code 31620 may be reported with bronchoscopic biopsy procedures, clarification was needed regarding when the add-on ultrasound procedure may be reported. It was concluded that the services had evolved and should be represented with codes that accurately portrayed the combi nation of procedures that are commonly performed together. As a result, codes 31652 and 31653 have been developed to identify two bronchoscopic procedures that are commonly performed together: transtracheal and/or transbronchial sampling procedures (e.g., aspirations or biopsy procedures) performed using endobronchial ultrasound guidance for one or two lymph node stations (31652) or for three or more stations or structures (31653). To correspond with this change, code 31620 has been deleted to remove redundancy in reporting endobronchial ultrasound performed for the purpose of biopsy. In addition, code 31654 has been established to identify transendoscopic endobronchial ultrasound procedures performed during diagnostic or therapeutic bronchoscopic procedures for lesions peripheral to the lymph node stations or structures. Guidelines included within this section provide instruction to users regarding the intended use for codes 31652-31654. To provide further instruction for users, parenthetical notes have been established, removed, or reassigned to coincide with the addition of the new codes and to direct users to codes for other bronchoscopic, tracheoscopic, or laryngoscopic procedures that could be mistakenly reported with these new codes. These parenthetical notes include codes or code ranges to direct users to the correct codes for these procedures. Code 31620 was previously used to report the add-on services of endobronchial ultrasound performed during diagnostic or therapeutic services. Codes 31652-31654 are now intended to be reported according to the actual service provided. The difference is that the services have been “bundled” to more accurately represent how these services are currently performed. In addition, parenthetical notes have been provided to direct users to codes in which add-on code 31654 may be additionally reported. Descriptor language within these codes specifically identifies that these codes are intended to be used once, regardless of the number of aspiration or biopsy procedures that are needed to accomplish the service (whether sampling for one or two node stations or sampling for three or more stations or structures). The number of times each of these codes may be reported is also specified within the parenthetical note that follows code 31654 (noting that codes 31652-31654 may only be reported once per session). In accordance with the deletion of codes 77785, 77786, and 77787, the parenthetical note following code 31643 has been revised with the removal of these codes and replaced with codes 77770, 77771, and 77772. Refer to the codebook and the Rationale for codes 77770, 77771, and 77772 for a full discussion of the changes. Deleted Codes 31620 Description Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) during bronchoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic intervention(s) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure[s]) Code 31620 has been deleted. For bronchoscopy with endobronchial ultrasound [EBUS] guided transtracheal/ transbronchial sampling of mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node stations or structures, see 31652, 31653. For transendoscopic ultrasound during bronchoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic intervention[s] for peripheral lesion[s], use 31654. 7 Revised Codes 31632 31633 Description with transbronchial lung biopsy(s), each additional lobe (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) with transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy(s), each additional lobe (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Codes 31632 and 31633 have been revised to include moderate sedation. CARDIOVASCULAR 8 CARDIAC VALVES New Description Codes 33477 Transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation, percutaneous approach, including prestenting of the valve delivery site, when performed Code 33477 is used to report Transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation (TPVI). Code 33477 should only be reported once per session. Code 33477 includes the work, when performed, of percutaneous access, placing the access sheath, advancing the repair device delivery system into position, repositioning the device as needed, and deploying the device(s). Angiography, radiological supervision, and interpretation performed to guide TPVI (e.g., guiding device placement and documenting completion of the intervention) are included in the code. Code 33477 includes all cardiac catheterization(s), intraprocedural contrast injection(s), fluoroscopic radiological supervision and interpretation, and imaging guidance performed to complete the pulmonary valve procedure. Do not report 33477 in conjunction with 76000, 76001, 93451, 93453, 93454, 93455, 93456, 93457, 93458, 93459, 93460, 93461, 93530, 93531, 93532, 93533, 93563, 93566, 93567, 93568 for angiography intrinsic to the procedure. Code 33477 includes percutaneous balloon angioplasty of the conduit/treatment zone, valvuloplasty of the pulmonary valve conduit, and stent deployment within the pulmonary conduit or an existing bioprosthetic pulmonary valve, when performed. Do not report 33477 in conjunction with 37236, 37237, 92997, 92998 for pulmonary artery angioplasty/valvuloplasty or stenting within the prosthetic valve delivery site. Codes 92997, 92998 may be reported separately when pulmonary artery angioplasty is performed at a site separate from the prosthetic valve delivery site. Codes 37236, 37237 may be reported separately when pulmonary artery stenting is performed at a site separate from the prosthetic valve delivery site. Diagnostic right heart catheterization and diagnostic coronary angiography codes (93451, 93453, 93454, 93455, 93456, 93457, 93458, 93459, 93460, 93461, 93530, 93531, 93532, 93533, 93563, 93566, 93567, 93568) should not be used with 33477 to report: 1. Contrast injections, angiography, roadmapping, and/or fluoroscopic guidance for the TPVI, 2. Pulmonary conduit angiography for guidance of TPVI, or 3. Right heart catheterization for hemodynamic measurements before, during, and after TPVI for guidance of TPVI. Diagnostic right and left heart catheterization codes (93451, 93452, 93453, 93456, 93457, 93458, 93459, 8 Ibid at Page 205. 8 93460, 93461, 93530, 93531, 93532, 93533), diagnostic coronary angiography codes (93454, 93455, 93456, 93457, 93458, 93459, 93460, 93461, 93563, 93564), and diagnostic pulmonary angiography code (93568) may be reported with 33477, representing separate and distinct services from TPVI, if: . 1. No prior study is available and a full diagnostic study is performed, or 2. A prior study is available, but as documented in the medical record: 4. There is inadequate visualization of the anatomy and/or pathology, or 5. The patient’s condition with respect to the clinical indication has changed since the prior study, or 6. There is a clinical change during the procedure that requires new evaluation. Other cardiac catheterization services may be reported separately when performed for diagnostic purposes not intrinsic to TPVI. For same session/same day diagnostic cardiac catheterization services, report the appropriate diagnostic cardiac catheterization code(s) appended with modifier 59 to indicate separate and distinct procedural services from TPVI. Diagnostic coronary angiography performed at a separate session from an interventional procedure may be separately reportable, when performed. Percutaneous coronary interventional procedures may be reported separately, when performed. Percutaneous pulmonary artery branch interventions may be reported separately, when performed. When Transcatheter ventricular support is required in conjunction with TPVI, the appropriate code may be reported with the appropriate percutaneous ventricular assist device (VAD) procedure codes (33990, 33991, 33992, 33993), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or extracorporeal life support services (ECLS) procedure codes (33946-33989), or balloon pump insertion codes (33967, 33970, 33973). When cardiopulmonary bypass is performed in conjunction with TPVI, code 33477 may be reported with the appropriate add-on code for percutaneous peripheral bypass (33367), open peripheral bypass (33368), or central bypass (33369). 9 ARTERIAL MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY Revised Description Codes 37184 Primary percutaneous transluminal mechanical thrombectomy, noncoronary, non-intracranial, arterial or arterial bypass graft, including fluoroscopic guidance and intraprocedural pharmacological thrombolytic injection(s); initial vessel 37185 second and all subsequent vessel(s) within the same vascular family (List separately in addition to code for primary mechanical thrombectomy procedure) 37186 Secondary percutaneous transluminal thrombectomy (e.g., nonprimary mechanical, snare basket, suction technique), noncoronary, non-intracranial, arterial or arterial bypass graft, including fluoroscopic guidance and intraprocedural pharmacological thrombolytic injections, provided in conjunction with another percutaneous intervention other than primary mechanical thrombectomy (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) In support of the establishment of code 61645, codes 37184, 37185, and 37186 have been revised to include non-intracranial, and exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added and revised to clarify the reporting of this service. 9 Ibid at Page 245. 9 Deleted Codes 37202 Description Transcatheter therapy, infusion other than for thrombolysis, any type (e.g., spasmolytic, vasoconstrictive) Code 37202 has also been deleted and a deletion parenthetical note directs users to codes 61650 and 61651 to ensure appropriate reporting of these services. 10 VENA CAVA FILTER Revised Description Codes 37211 Transcatheter therapy, arterial infusion for thrombolysis other than coronary, intracranial, any method, including radiological supervision and interpretation, initial treatment day 11 INTRAVACULAR ULTRASOUND SERVICES Deleted Description Codes 37250 Intravascular ultrasound (non-coronary vessel) during diagnostic evaluation and/or therapeutic intervention; initial vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 37251 each additional vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) New Codes 37252 37253 Description Intravascular ultrasound (noncoronary vessel) during diagnostic evaluation and/or therapeutic intervention, including radiological supervision and interpretation; initial noncoronary vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) each additional noncoronary vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Four codes, 37250 and 37251 (intravascular ultrasound [IVUS] for non-coronary vessels) and 75945 and 75946 (radiological supervision and interpretation), have been deleted, and two new codes (37252, 37253) that bundle these services, which were previously described by the four deleted codes, have been established in the IVUS Services subsection. As a result of the establishment of these new codes, guidelines have been revised and parenthetical notes added to instruct users on the appropriate use of these codes. The changes in these codes are a continuation of the bundling efforts to enable more efficient reporting of intravascular ultrasound during venous and arterial contrast angiography and endovascular intervention, especially for services that are usually reported together. Because codes 37250 and 37251 are typically reported together with codes 75945 and 75946 (radiological supervision and interpretation), the services described by these codes are now reported with the newly established codes 37252 and 37253. As codes 37252 and 37253 are add-on codes, they should never be reported as stand-alone codes. Instead, they should be reported in addition to therapeutic intervention (e.g., stent or stent graft placement, angioplasty, atherectomy, embolization, thrombolysis, Transcatheter biopsy), during which the IVUS is performed. 10 11 Ibid at Page 247. Ibid at Page 253. 10 As clarified in the guidelines, if a lesion extends across the margins of one vessel into another, this should be reported with a single code despite imaging more than one vessel. For example, if a lesion bridges in to two or more vessels, it would still be counted as one vessel and, therefore, reported with code 37252. In contrast, if there are two separate vessels and each has a lesion that is not continuous, add-on code 37253 should be additionally reported. MEDIASTINUM AND DIAGPHRAGM 12 MEDIASTINUM Deleted Codes 39400 Description Mediastinoscopy, includes biopsy(ies), when performed 39400 has been deleted. To report mediastinoscopy with biopsy, see 39401, 39402) New Codes 39401 39402 Description Mediastinoscopy; includes biopsy(ies) of mediastinal mass (e.g., lymphoma), when performed with lymph node biopsy(ies) (e.g., lung cancer staging) Two new codes (39401, 39402) have been established to report mediastinoscopy and biopsies of the mediastinum and lymph node(s), and code 39400 has been deleted in the Mediastinum subsection. The revisions to the mediastinoscopy codes have been made to reflect changes in clinical practice toward the performance of less invasive procedures rather than mediastinoscopy procedures. Revisions to the codes used to report mediastinoscopy procedures were first initiated as a result of a request from RAW. RAW identified code 39400 as a potentially misvalued code and upon review, it was determined that the performance of mediastinoscopy had steadily decreased every year since 2006. The decrease was attributed to the development and refinement of noninvasive lung cancer staging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET). In addition, pathologic staging of lung cancer can now be accomplished using the less invasive technique of EBUS-guided biopsy. Currently, mediastinoscopy is most commonly performed for staging of lung cancer and utilized when CT and PET procedures are inconclusive. It may also be performed in patients who are determined to be at high risk for lung surgery (e.g., those with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]). While the proper staging of lung cancer (which may involve the systematic biopsying of designated lymph node stations) can be critical to determine appropriate treatment, mediastinoscopy can also be utilized to establish a diagnosis in patients with a large mediastinal mass. As a result, the type of patient for whom the mediastinoscopy procedure is performed on has changed. Moreover, the site of service has shifted from hospital inpatient to hospital outpatient, and less than 1% of these procedures are performed in ambulatory surgery centers. Consequently, codes 39401 and 39402 have been established to identify the current uses for these procedures, as lymph node sampling for pathologic staging is more involved than a mediastinoscopy performed for a biopsy of a mediastinal mass. All of these changes inherently require the deletion of code 39400 as this code does not allow for distinction between the services as they are currently provided. Code 39400 was originally intended to identify mediastinoscopy performed for the purpose of diagnosing lung cancer. This included the procurement of one or more biopsy samples from a single mediastinal mass without attention to the margins. 12 Ibid at Page 260. 11 DIGESTIVE 13 ESOPHAGOSCOPY New Codes 43210 Description with esophagogastric fundoplasty, partial or complete, includes duodenoscopy when performed A new code (43210) has been established in the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy subsection to describe a transoral approach to a surgical esophagogastric fundoplasty procedure. An exclusionary parenthetical note has also been added and several others revised to restrict the use of this code with codes 43180, 43191, 43197, 43200, and 43235. Fundoplication may be performed for patients with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who cannot be managed with conventional pharmacologic and medical management. Code 43210 is for a partial or complete esophagogastric fundoplasty and includes duodenoscopy when performed. The procedure of esophagogastric fundoplasty performed through a transoral approach is different than a fundoplasty performed through a laparotomy, thoracotomy, or laparoscopy approach. Because of the difference in the described procedures, there was previously no mechanism of reporting this service. Deleted Codes 47136 Description heterotopic, partial or whole, from cadaver or living donor, any age Code 47136 has been deleted and a deletion parenthetical note has been added in the Liver Transplantation subsection. Code 47136 was used to report heterotopic liver allotransplantation, which involved leaving the recipient organ in place while transplanting a donor liver in a different (ectopic) location. When introduced, this procedure was believed to be useful for reversible liver disease in which the transplanted liver was removed once the native liver recovered. However, this procedure was rarely performed in the United States. Therefore, as part of an effort to ensure that the CPT code set reflects current clinical practice, code 47136 has been deleted due to low utilization, and a deletion parenthetical note directing users to unlisted code 47399 has been added. Deleted Codes 47136 Description heterotopic, partial or whole, from cadaver or living donor, any age Code 47136 has been deleted and a deletion parenthetical note has been added in the Liver Transplantation subsection. Code 47136 was used to report heterotopic liver allotransplantation, which involved leaving the recipient organ in place while transplanting a donor liver in a different (ectopic) location. When introduced, this procedure was believed to be useful for reversible liver disease in which the transplanted liver was removed once the native liver recovered. However, this procedure was rarely performed in the United States. Therefore, as part of an effort to ensure that the CPT code set reflects current clinical practice, code 47136 has been deleted due to low utilization, and a deletion parenthetical note directing users to unlisted code 47399 has been added. 13 Ibid at Page 272. 12 Deleted Codes 47500 47505 Description Injection procedure for percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 47510 Injection procedure for cholangiography through an existing catheter (e.g., percutaneous transhepatic or T-tube) Introduction of percutaneous transhepatic catheter for biliary drainage 47511 Introduction of percutaneous transhepatic stent for internal and external biliary drainage 47525 Change of percutaneous biliary drainage catheter 47530 Revision and/or reinsertion of transhepatic tube 47500, 47505, 47510, 47511, 47525, 47530 have been deleted. To report, see 47531-47541. Codes 47500, 47505 (cholangiography injection); 47510, 47511 (transhepatic catheter for biliary drainage); 47525 (change of biliary drainage catheter); 47530 (revision and/or reinsertion of transhepatic tube); and 74305, 74320, 75980, 75982 (radiological supervision and interpretation) have been deleted, and in their stead, 14 new codes (47531-47544) to bundle these services have been established in the Biliary Tract subsection. As a result of the establishment of these codes, a new table, illustration, guidelines, and numerous parenthetical notes have been added to instruct users on the appropriate use of these codes. These changes were made in response to RAW’s analysis to combine codes that are frequently reported together. 14 BILLIARY TRACT New Description Codes 47531 Injection procedure for cholangiography, percutaneous, complete diagnostic procedure including imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation; existing access 47532 new access (e.g., percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram) 47533 47534 47535 47536 47537 14 Placement of biliary drainage catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic cholangiography when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation; external internal-external Conversion of external biliary drainage catheter to internal-external biliary drainage catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic cholangiography when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation Exchange of biliary drainage catheter (e.g., external, internal-external, or conversion of internal-external to external only), percutaneous, including diagnostic cholangiography when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation Removal of biliary drainage catheter, percutaneous, requiring fluoroscopic guidance (e.g., with concurrent indwelling biliary stents), including diagnostic cholangiography when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation Ibid at Page 305. 13 47538 Placement of stent(s) into a bile duct, percutaneous, including diagnostic cholangiography, imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy and/or ultrasound), balloon dilation, catheter exchange(s) and catheter removal(s) when performed, and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, each stent; existing access 47539 new access, without placement of separate biliary drainage catheter 47540 new access, with placement of separate biliary drainage catheter (e.g., external or internalexternal Placement of access through the biliary tree and into small bowel to assist with an endoscopic biliary procedure (e.g., rendezvous procedure), percutaneous, including diagnostic cholangiography when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, new access Balloon dilation of biliary duct(s) or of ampulla (sphincteroplasty), percutaneous, including imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, each duct (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Endoluminal biopsy(ies) of biliary tree, percutaneous, any method(s) (e.g., brush, forceps, and/or needle), including imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, single or multiple (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Removal of calculi/debris from biliary duct(s) and/or gallbladder, percutaneous, including destruction of calculi by any method (e.g., mechanical, electrohydraulic, lithotripsy) when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 47541 47542 47543 47544 New percutaneous biliary procedure codes 47531-47544 include imaging guidance and diagnostic cholangiography. Codes 47531 and 47532 describe a complete diagnostic cholangiography procedure including imaging guidance, and are reported based on existing access (47531) or new access (47532). Codes 47533-47540 describe percutaneous therapeutic biliary procedures, code 47541 is a procedure to assist with access though the biliary tree and into the small bowel for other endoscopic procedures. Codes 47542-47544 are add-on codes describing various procedures that may be performed in conjunction with other codes in this family. A new table has been added to help determine the appropriate code(s) for reporting exchanges and/or conversions of biliary drainage using either internal -external or external catheters or placement of stents. To further clarify the intent for use of these codes, guidelines were added to clarify the differences between internal-external, external catheters, and stents. Deleted Codes 47560 47561 47630 Description Laparoscopy, surgical; with guided transhepatic cholangiography, without biopsy with guided transhepatic cholangiography with biopsy Biliary duct stone extraction, percutaneous via T-tube tract, basket, or snare (e.g., Burhenne technique) Two codes (47560, 47561) have been deleted and code 47562 has been restructured in the Biliary Tract Laparoscopy subsection. In addition, new instructional parenthetical notes have been added to provide instruction on the proper reporting of these services. Code 47560 described a laparoscopy with transhepatic cholangiography performed without a biopsy. Code 47561 described the procedure performed with a biopsy. Laparoscopic cholangiography is no longer standard practice, as more advanced imaging techniques have been developed (e.g., magnetic imaging and computed tomography); therefore, these codes have been deleted, and unlisted code 47579 should now be reported for laparoscopically guided transhepatic cholangiography. 14 In accordance with the deletion of code 47630, a deletion parenthetical note has been added in the Biliary Tract Excision subsection. 15 ABDOMEN, PERITONEUM, AND OMENTUM New Description Codes 49185 Sclerotherapy of a fluid collection (e.g., lymphocele, cyst, or seroma), percutaneous, including contrast injection(s), sclerosant injection(s), diagnostic study, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound, fluoroscopy) and radiological supervision and interpretation when performed A new code (49185) has been established in the Abdomen, Peritoneum, and Omentum Excision, Destruction subsection to identify percutaneous sclerotherapy of a fluid collection, such as a seroma or lymphocele. To support the addition of the new code, guidelines and parenthetical notes have also been added. Code 49185 has been added to allow specific reporting of the drainage of certain types of fluid collection. Because there are other types of fluid collections that are not listed in the parenthetical within the code descriptor, parenthetical notes have been added following the code to direct users to the appropriate codes to use to report drainage of other types of fluid collections. This includes appropriate reporting for vascular malformations or lymphatic collections (37241), sclerosis performed for veins or ablation procedures for incompetent extremity veins (e.g., 36468, 36470), and pleurodesis (32560). In addition, other methods of performing drainages are also noted within the parentheticals, such as access or drainage procedures with a needle (10160, 50390), or other types of drainage or exchange procedures. The parentheticals also provide instruction regarding how to report multiple, distinct drainage procedures that require separate access versus multiple fluid collections that may be drained using the same access. Guidelines have been added to instruct users on the appropriate reporting of this code. The guidelines clarify that diagnostic study of the collection, image guidance, sclerosant injection (or multiple injections, if needed), and any radiological supervision or interpretation needed to accomplish the procedure are included in code 49185. This procedure does not include the drainage of the fluid prior to sclerotherapy treatment. Drainage represents separate work and should be reported with the drainage procedure code for that anatomical site with modifier 51 appended to identify the secondary procedure performed. For example, placement of a drainage catheter left in place for use for injection of sclerosant over several sessions may be reported with a code to identify the drainage performed according to the anatomical site, and with code 49185 to identify the separately identifiable sclerotherapy procedure. Complicated collections that require sclerotherapy and a procedure that inherently includes drainage should be reported using the sclerotherapy code and the code for the procedure that was performed to correct the fluid flow. For example, continuous high output of fluid for a collection may make it clear that the collection will not stop draining without further treatment. URINARY SYSTEM INTRODUCTION 16 Revised Codes 50387 15 16 Description Removal and replacement of externally accessible transnephric ureteral tent nephroureteral catheter (e.g., external/internal stent) requiring fluoroscopic guidance, including radiological supervision and interpretation Ibid at Page 310. Ibid at Page 321 15 Code 50387 has been revised to match changes made to the Other Introduction (Injection/Change/Removal) Procedures guidelines. The phrase “transnephric ureteral stent” has been replaced with the phrase “nephroureteral catheter,” as the new phrase better describes the service, anatomy involved in the service, and the type of device used. Deleted Codes 50392 50393 50394 50398 Description Introduction of intracatheter or catheter into renal pelvis for drainage and/or injection, percutaneous Introduction of ureteral catheter or stent into ureter through renal pelvis for drainage and/or injection, percutaneous Injection procedure for pyelography (as nephrostogram, pyelostogram, antegrade pyeloureterograms) through nephrostomy or pyelostomy tube, or indwelling ureteral catheter Change of nephrostomy or pyelostomy tube OTHER INTRODUCTION (INJECTION/CHANGE/REMOVAL) PROCEDURES New Description Codes 50430 50431 50432 50433 50434 50435 17 Injection procedure for antegrade nephrostogram and/or ureterogram, complete diagnostic procedure including imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation; new access existing access Placement of nephrostomy catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic nephrostogram and/or ureterogram when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation Placement of nephroureteral catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic nephrostogram and/or ureterogram when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, new access Convert nephrostomy catheter to nephroureteral catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic nephrostogram and/or ureterogram when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation, via pre-existing nephrostomy tract Exchange nephrostomy catheter, percutaneous, including diagnostic nephrostogram and/or ureterogram when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation Six new codes (50430, 50431, 50432, 50433, 50434, 50435) have been established and four codes (50392, 50393, 50394, 50398) have been deleted under the heading Other Introduction (Injection/Change/Removal) Procedures in the Kidney subsection. Exclusionary parenthetical notes regarding the intended use of these codes, as well as an instructional parenthetical note following code 50435 directing users to the appropriate code to report the removal of a nephrostomy catheter requiring fluoroscopic guidance, were also added. Codes 50430 and 50431 are injection procedures for antegrade nephrostogram/ureterogram using a new access (50430) or an existing access (50431) to the injection site. The procedures include complete diagnostic services (which includes imaging). 17 Ibid at Page 322-323 16 Because many of the codes within the Genitourinary services subsection have been constructed to reflect only those procedures that are commonly performed together, diagnostic services have been inherently included as part of many of the services and procedures that are listed. However, separate codes have been established for injections for diagnostic antegrade nephrostogram/ureterogram to allow independent reporting of diagnostic services when these services are not inherently included as part of the procedure. Services that include the diagnostic procedure include a description of this service within the descriptor (as well as guidelines and/or parenthetical notes). For those services that do not inherently include diagnostic services (e.g., biopsy, embolization, or dilation of the ureter [50606, 50705, 50706]), codes 50430 and 50431 may be separately reported. This is exemplified within the exclusionary parenthetical note that follows code 50431 as this parenthetical lists all of codes that may not be separately reported in conjunction with code 50431. Codes 50432, 50433, 50434, and 50435 identify the percutaneous placement of a nephrostomy catheter (50432), the percutaneous placement of a nephroureteral catheter (50433), the conversion of a nephrostomy catheter to a nephroureteral catheter (50434), and the exchange of a nephrostomy catheter (50435). URETER 18 INCISION/BIOPSY New Description Codes 50606 Endoluminal biopsy of ureter and/or renal pelvis, non-endoscopic, including imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) The heading for the Incision subsection has been revised. The term “/Biopsy” has been added to the heading to acknowledge code 50606 within this section. Addition of this term facilitates identification of this section for codes to use for reporting biopsy procedures of the ureter. Code 50606, which is used to identify non-endoscopic endoluminal biopsy of the ureter and/or renal pelvis, is ordinarily performed with other genitourinary procedures. As a result, it has been designated as an add-on code. Refer to the codebook and see the Rationale for codes 50705 and 50706 for a full discussion of the changes. The exclusionary parenthetical note that follows code 50606 is intended to identify all services that should not be separately reported for the endoluminal biopsy of the ureter or renal pelvis when those procedures are performed for the same renal collecting system and/or associated ureter. If these services are performed on a different collecting system and/or ureter, then these services may be separately reported. In these instances, modifier 59 should be appended to identify that the service is distinct from the biopsy. INTRODUCTION New Codes 50693 18 19 19 Description 50694 Placement of ureteral stent, percutaneous, including diagnostic nephrostogram and/or ureterogram when performed, imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy), and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation; pre-existing nephrostomy tract new access, without separate nephrostomy catheter 50695 new access, with separate nephrostomy catheter Ibid at Page 326. Ibid at Page 327. 17 A new heading titled “Other Introduction/Injection/Change/Removal Procedures” has been added to the Ureter/Introduction subsection to allow the placement of three new codes used to identify ureteral stent placement procedures into this subsection. New guidelines have also been added. The guidelines provide instruction to users regarding the services that are inherently included as part of the stent placement procedures as well as clarify the appropriate codes to report when a separate ureteral stent procedure is performed through a new percutaneous renal access during the same session. The percutaneous stent-placement procedure codes (50693, 50694, 50695) include the diagnostic nephrostogram/ureterogram, when performed, as well as imaging (e.g., ultrasound or fluoroscopy) and radiological supervision and interpretation as noted in the code descriptor. As is true for other genitourinary services, exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added following code 50695 to restrict reporting other genitourinary services performed on the same collecting system or ureter. 20 REPAIR New Codes 50705 50706 Description Ureteral embolization or occlusion, including imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Balloon dilation, ureteral stricture, including imaging guidance (e.g., ultrasound and/or fluoroscopy) and all associated radiological supervision and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Three new codes have been added to identify non-endoscopic endoluminal biopsy of the ureter and/or renal pelvis (50606), embolization of the ureter (50705), and dilation of a stricture within the ureter (50706). Separate codes were created for these services to allow granularity in reporting for provision of these services from other urinary services that may be provided. These codes have been designated as add-on codes as they only include the intervention or procedure noted within the descriptor for that code. Because biopsy, embolization, and dilation of the ureter are ordinarily performed with other procedures that require access and diagnostic procedures (such as catheter placement procedures [50432, 50433]), the intent is that the services not specifically noted within the descriptor for codes 50606, 50705, and 50706 are intended to be captured in the reporting of other service codes, thereby eliminating duplicate reporting of diagnostic, access, and other services. As is noted with other genitourinary procedures, these services include language within their descriptors that note that imaging to accomplish these services is inherently included as part of the service. As a result, imaging to complete the biopsy, embolization, or dilation of the ureter is included as part of the service and not separately reported. URETER 21 INCISION/BIOPSY New Description Codes 54437 Repair of traumatic corporeal tear(s) 54438 Replantation, penis, complete amputation including urethral repair 20 21 Ibid at Page 327. Ibid at Page 343. 18 Two new codes (54437, 54438) have been established and an instructional parenthetical note has been added to the Penis/Repair subsection. Codes 54437 and 54438 are used to report traumatic penile repairs. These include penile fractures (i.e., corporeal tears of the penis) and complete amputation repairs. The addition of these codes includes the addition of a parenthetical note that identifies appropriate reporting for incomplete amputation of the penis (54437) and for repairs for the urethra (53410, 53415). These codes were established because there were no specific CPT codes included to capture these types of penile injury repairs. The only codes previously included in the CPT code set for penile repair r involved various procedures for hypospadias (i.e., procedures completed to correct anatomically congenital “mislocation” of the urethra [54300-54352]), chordee (downward angulation of the penis) and other angulation repairs (5436054390), various procedures for prosthetic implantation and/or removals (54400-54417), priapism (or erections that do not return to a flaccid state within four hours [54420-54435]), or for any unspecific plastic surgery operation for penis injury (54440). None of these codes specifically addressed reporting for penile fractures or penile amputations. Penile fracture occurs when the corpus cavernosum is compromised or “breaks” usually due to some type of traumatic injury. The corpus cavernosum is the muscular outer portion of the penile shaft that inflates with blood during an erection. When this anatomy fractures, the result is bruising and swelling of the penis at the site of the fracture and severe pain. Repair involves the re-approximation of the severed ends, drainage of the hematoma, and dissection of any damaged tissue to facilitate repair. Repairs for penile amputation are more involved, as a complete amputation of the penis requires re-approximation of all severed components, which includes musculature (at multiple levels), nerves, vasculature, and the urethra. Neither of these procedures is adequately identified by the aforementioned series of codes. (Code 54440, Plastic operation of penis for injury, represents a “catch-all” service for male plastic operations on the penis after injury. The variations and severity of the injuries differ, and each repair is predicated on the type of injury. The services identified by the use of code 54440 do not include mutilation injury repair or microsurgical vascular/nerve repair.) As a result of the changes, code 54437 is now reported to identify repair of traumatic corporeal tears of the penis. This includes the repair of incomplete penile amputations. Because rupture of the urethra (the tubule or conduit within the penis that transfers urine from the bladder out of the body) is not always involved with the fracture of the penis, repair of the urethra is separately reportable with codes 53410 or 53415, if performed. (A parenthetical note following codes 54437 and 54438 clarifies that repair of the urethra is separately reportable.) Complete penile replantation is identified by use of code 54438. This procedure includes repair of all severed penile components including the musculature at all levels, all vascular repair, any nerve suture, and reapproximation of the urethra. NERVOUS SYSTEM 22 ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY New Description Codes 61645 Percutaneous arterial transluminal mechanical thrombectomy and/or infusion for thrombolysis, intracranial, any method, including diagnostic angiography, fluoroscopic guidance, catheter placement, and intraprocedural pharmacological thrombolytic injection(s) 61650 Endovascular intracranial prolonged administration of pharmacologic agent(s) other than for thrombolysis, arterial, including catheter placement, diagnostic angiography, and 22 Ibid at Page 375. 19 imaging guidance; initial vascular territory 61651 each additional vascular territory (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Three new codes (61645, 61650, and 61651) have been established in the Endovascular Therapy subsection, three codes (37184, 37185, and 37186) have been revised and new introductory language and parenthetical notes have been added and revised. In CPT 2013, four new codes (37211-37214) were established to report noncoronary transcatheter therapy for thrombolysis. Code 37201 was deleted, and code 75896 was modified to prohibit its use for thrombolysis. Although codes 37211-37214 specify noncoronary thrombolysis, the codes were developed primarily to address peripheral thrombolysis. The neurovascular system is different from the peripheral vascular system and central nervous system; therefore, these codes did not adequately reflect the complexity of the service of either intracranial thrombolysis or mechanical thrombectomy. As a result, a new family of codes (61645-61651) has been established to describe intracranial endovascular revascularization of occluded cerebral vessels and intracranial prolonged infusion of agents that do not involve thrombolytic agents. Code 61645 describes intracranial arterial mechanical thrombectomy and/or thrombolysis. Diagnostic angiography, including radiologic supervision and interpretation, and procedural imaging guidance for the treated territory has been bundled into this code. Codes 61650 and 61651 describe the cerebral endovascular continuous or intermittent therapeutic prolonged administration of any nonthrombolytic agent(s). Ipsilateral diagnostic angiography, including radiologic supervision and interpretation and procedural imaging guidance for the treated territory, is bundled into these codes. EXTRACRANIAL NERVES, PERIPHERAL NERVES, AND AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM New Description Codes 64461 64462 64463 23 Paravertebral block (PVB) (paraspinous block), thoracic; single injection site (includes imaging guidance, when performed) second and any additional injection site(s) (includes imaging guidance, when performed) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) continuous infusion by catheter (includes imaging guidance, when performed) Three new codes (64461, 64462, and 64463) have been established in the Introduction/Injection of Anesthetic Agent (Nerve Block), Diagnostic or Therapeutic subsection to identify paravertebral blocks using single/ multiple injection(s) or continuous infusion using a catheter. Instructional and exclusionary parenthetical notes have also been placed to assist users with appropriate reporting. Paravertebral blocks (also known as paraspinous blocks) and continuous infusions can be used for the benefit of pain management for patients undergoing thoracic, breast, and upper abdominal surgery. Because the procedure may be performed at one or more levels or as a continuous infusion using a catheter in the thoracic paravertebral region for postoperative analgesia, multiple codes have been established to allow appropriate reporting. Codes 64461-64463 were established to reflect new procedures (i.e., thoracic paravertebral blocks at single or multiple levels, and continuous infusion for the administration of local anesthetic for postoperative pain control and thoracic and abdominal wall analgesia). These procedures identify medication injection into the paravertebral area, as a single injection, as multiple injections, or as a continuous infusion at any level of the thoracic spine. The intent is to provide a dense, 23 Ibid at Page 391. 20 ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic blockade as an analgesic alternative to a neuraxial blockade (which is performed as an epidural or via access to the spine). Paravertebral blocks target the sympathetic chain of nerves and multiple intercostal nerves and spinal nerves and their branches, and may be utilized for dermatomal coverage from T2-L1. A single injection technique can allow restriction at multiple levels of spinal nerves. Continuous catheter techniques can be used for targeting multiple dermatome levels and are intended to increase the duration of the block. Additional injections are identified by use of code 64462. This includes any number of additional injections including laterally performed injections (i.e., code 64462 is intended to be reported only once regardless of the number of additional injections or whether an additional injection is performed on the opposite side). This is due to the fact that these injections are usually performed unilaterally according to the anatomical location that is receiving the pain treatment (e.g., single breast). As a result of how the procedure is ordinarily performed, additional injections are all included as part of a single additional report of add-on code 64462. An instructional parenthetical note has been added to instruct users regarding this intent. An exclusionary parenthetical note also lists other injection and imaging procedures that are excluded from additional reporting. Because image guidance is specified within the descriptor for the service, imaging guidance is not separately reportable. EYE AND OCULAR ADNEXA ANTERIOR SEGMENTS 24 OTHER PROCEDURES New Description Codes 65785 Implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments Category III code 0099T, which describes implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments, has been deleted and converted to Category I code 65785. Code 0099T was scheduled to archive or “sunset” as a Category III code in January 2016. However, review of the procedure showed it has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration, clinical efficacy has been documented in literature, and all other criteria set forth for Category I status have been met. Therefore, rather than archiving or retaining the procedure as a Category III code, it was determined as a Category I service and relocated accordingly. ANTERIOR CHAMBER 25 INCISION Revised Codes 65855 Description Trabeculoplasty by laser surgery, 1 or more sessions (defined treatment series) Code 65855 has been revised to omit the reference to “1 or more sessions (defined treatment series),” and an exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to prevent the reporting of code 65855 in conjunction with codes 65860, 65865, 65870, 65875, and 65880. The instructional parenthetical note regarding the use of a modifier for re-treatment has been deleted. During the 10-day global period, it is current practice to perform one initial application of laser treatment and then monitor the results to determine whether it is necessary to perform additional treatments. To accurately depict the current practice and reporting mechanics, the reference applied to code 65855 designating “1 or more sessions” during a defined treatment series has been omitted. 24 25 Ibid at Page 405. Ibid at Page 405 21 Codes 65860, 65865, 65870, 65875, and 65880 describe procedures that are encompassed in the trabeculoplasty procedure described in code 65855, and thus an exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to restrict the reporting of codes 65860, 65865, 65870, 65875, and 65880 in conjunction with code 65855. Because code 65855 no longer describes multiple treatment sessions, it is not necessary to provide instructions on how to report another series of sessions utilizing a modifier (e.g., 22, 52), which may be required due to disease progression, as code 65855 is reported per treatment application and not as a treatment series. POSTERIOR SEGMENT 26 RETINA OR CHOROID Revised Description Codes 67101 Repair of retinal detachment, 1 or more sessions; cryotherapy or diathermy, with or without including drainage of subretinal fluid, when performed 67105 photocoagulation, with or without including drainage of subretinal fluid, when performed 67107 67108 67113 Deleted Codes 67112 Repair of retinal detachment; scleral buckling (such as lamellar scleral dissection, imbrication or encircling procedure), with or without including, when performed, implant, with or without cryotherapy, photocoagulation, and drainage of subretinal fluid with vitrectomy, any method, with or without including, when performed, air or gas tamponed, focal end laser photocoagulation, cryotherapy, drainage of subretinal fluid, scleral buckling, and/or removal of lens by same technique Repair of complex retinal detachment (e.g., proliferative vitreoretinopathy, stage C-1 or greater, diabetic traction retinal detachment, retinopathy of prematurity, retinal tear of greater than 90 degrees), with vitrectomy and membrane peeling, including, may include when performed, air, gas, or silicone oil tamponed, cryotherapy, endolaser photocoagulation, drainage of subretinal fluid, scleral buckling, and/or removal of lens Description by scleral buckling or vitrectomy, on patient having previous ipsilateral retinal detachment repair(s) using scleral buckling or vitrectomy techniques Code 67112 has been deleted, and five codes (67101, 67105, 67107, 67108, and 67113) have been revised in the Posterior Segment subsection to maintain consistency throughout the CPT code set. Code 67112, used to report retinal detachment repair by scleral buckling, has been deleted, and a Cross-reference parenthetical note has been added to direct users to the appropriate codes to report this service. Code 67112 was infrequently reported and was ill-defined, as it combined a procedure (scleral buckling) that is not used in this setting along with an unspecified vitrectomy that could be more accurately described by reporting more specific codes (e.g., 67107, 67108, 67110, 67113). In addition, the parenthetical note following code 66990 has been revised to omit code 67112. Codes 67101, 67105, 67107, 67108, and 67113 have been revised to replace the phrase “with or without” with “including . . . when performed” to follow CPT conventions for consistent terminology. 26 Ibid at Page 409. 22 27 DESTRUCTION Revised Description Codes 67227 Destruction of extensive or progressive retinopathy (e.g., diabetic retinopathy), 1 or more sessions, cryotherapy, diathermy 67228 Treatment of extensive or progressive retinopathy (e.g., 1 or more sessions diabetic retinopathy), photocoagulation; (e.g., diabetic retinopathy), photocoagulation Codes 67227 and 67228 have been revised to omit reference to “1 or more sessions,” and code 67229 has been reformatted to appear as a stand-alone/parent code and not a subset of codes 67227 and 67228. The introductory guidelines listed under the “Destruction” heading have been revised to omit reference to codes 67227 and 67228. In addition, the explanatory parenthetical note following code 67229 pertaining to the use of modifier 50 has been revised for specificity to include a listing of applicable codes. Removal of the phrase “1 or more sessions” included in the descriptors of codes 67227 and 67228 aligns the codes with their intended use. Code 67229 retains its original intent to report the treatment of retinopathy in infants encompassing one or multiple treatments during a 90-day global surgical package. It will appear in the codebook as a stand-alone/parent code with the added prefatory language, “Treatment of extensive or progressive retinopathy, 1 or more sessions.” To increase specificity, codes 67208, 67210, 67218, 67220, 67227, 67228, and 67229 have been added to the instructional parenthetical note following code 67229 to reference the unilateral treatment cod es that require the use of modifier 50 when treatment is applied to both eyes. AUDITORY SYSTEM EXTERNAL EAR 28 REMOVAL New Description Codes 69209 Removal impacted cerumen using irrigation/lavage, unilateral Code 69209 has been established in the External Ear subsection to report the removal of impacted cerumen by irrigation and/or lavage. In support of the establishment of code 69209, several exclusionary and instructional parenthetical notes were added to ensure appropriate reporting of codes 69209 and 69210. A new code was warranted to differentiate between direct and indirect approaches of removing impacted cerumen (earwax) performed or supervised by physicians or other qualified health care professionals. Impacted cerumen is typically extremely hard and dry and accompanied by pain and itching. Impacted cerumen obstructing the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane can lead to hearing loss. Code 69210 only captures the direct method of earwax removal utilizing curettes, hooks, forceps, and suction. Another less invasive method uses a continuous low pressure flow of liquid (e.g., saline water) to gently loosen impacted cerumen and flush it out with or without the use of a cerumen softening agent (e.g., cerumenolytic) that may be administered days prior to the procedure or at the time of the procedure. Code 69209 enables the irrigation or lavage method of impacted cerumen removal to be separately reported, and not mistakenly reported with code 69210. Codes 69209 and 69210 should not be reported together when both services are provided on the same day on the same ear. Only one code (69209 or 69210) may be reported for the primary service (most intensive time or 27 28 Ibid at Page 410. Ibid at Pages 418. 23 skilled procedure) provided on that day on the same ear. Two instructional parenthetical notes have been added following codes 69209 and 69210 to exclude codes 69209 and 69210 from being reported together. Also, to avoid misuse of either code, reciprocal parenthetical notes have been added after codes 69209 and 69210 to identify the code that utilizes the alternative methodology. If either one of the cerumen removal procedures is done on both ears, modifier 50 should be appended as indicated in the new parenthetical note added following codes 69209 and 69210. The E/M codes should be reported when non-impacted cerumen is removed according to the section category defined by the site of service (e.g., office or other outpatient, hospital care, nursing facility services) as instructed in the parenthetical note following code 69209, and in a similar note that has been revised following code 69210. Prior to the establishment of code 69209, the parenthetical note following code 69210 instructed the use of E/M codes for cerumen removal by irrigation. This parenthetical note has been revised to omit reference to the irrigation methodology, and to allow the time and resources for this procedure to be captured in a separate reportable code apart from E/M services. MEDICINE In the Medicine section, nearly all of the vaccine codes (90476-90749) have been updated to include Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) abbreviations, and numerous codes representing obsolete vaccine products have been deleted. Two new codes (90620, 90621) have been added to report the administration of serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccines, and a new code (90625) to report the administration of a live oral cholera vaccine has been added. In addition, code 91040, included in the Gastroenterology subsection, has been revised to omit the provocation requirement and to specify the study as diagnostic. The Ophthalmology subsection contains minor revisions pertaining to the trabeculoplasty and retinal detachment repair procedural codes, including editorial revisions and one code deletion. New codes for bithermal and monothermal caloric vestibular testing (92537, 92538) have been added under the Special Otorhinolaryngologic Services subsection. A single code (93050) has been added to the Cardiovascular subsection to report arterial pressure waveform analysis for the assessment of central arterial pressures. A detailed set of instructions has been added to instruct users on the proper reporting of codes 95970-95979 within the Neurostimulators, Analysis-Programming subsection. In the Special Dermatological Procedures subsection, six new codes (96931, 96932, 96933, 96934, 96935, 96936) have been added to report reflectance confocal microscopy for cellular and sub-cellular imaging of the skin. Lastly, ocular screening code 99174 has been revised, and a new code (99177) has been added to differentiate between remote and on-site analysis. VACCINES, TOXOIDS Revised Codes 90632 90633 90634 90647 29 29 Description Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA), adult dosage, for intramuscular use Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA), pediatric/adolescent dosage-2 dose schedule, for intramuscular use Hepatitis A vaccine (HepA), pediatric/adolescent dosage-3 dose schedule, for intramuscular use Hemophilus influenza Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib), PRP-OMP conjugate (, Ibid at Pages 578-581 24 3 dose schedule), for intramuscular use 90648 90649 90650 90653 90655 Hemophilus influenza Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib), PRP-T conjugate (, 4 dose schedule), for intramuscular use Human Papilloma virus (HPV) Papillomavirus vaccine, types 6, 11, 16, 18 (quadrivalent), quadrivalent (4vHPV), 3 dose schedule, for intramuscular use Human Papilloma virus (HPV) Papillomavirus vaccine, types 16, 18, bivalent (2vHPV), 3 dose schedule, for intramuscular use Influenza vaccine, inactivated (IIV), subunit, adjuvanted, for intramuscular use 90660 Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (IIV3), split virus, preservative free, when administered to children 6-35 months of age, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (IIV3), split virus, preservative free, when administered to individuals 3 years and older, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (IIV3), split virus, when administered to children 6-35 months of age, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (IIV3), split virus, when administered to individuals 3 years of age and older, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent, live (LAIV3), for intranasal use 90672 Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent, live (LAIV4), for intranasal use 90661 Influenza virus vaccine (ccIIV3), derived from cell cultures, subunit, preservative and antibiotic free, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, trivalent (RIV3), derived from recombinant DNA, hemagglutinin (HA) protein only, preservative and antibiotic free, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine (IIV), split virus, preservative free, enhanced immunogenicity via increased antigen content, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, live (LAIV), pandemic formulation, live, for intranasal use 90656 90657 90658 90673 90662 90664 90666 90668 Influenza virus vaccine (IIV), pandemic formulation, split virus, preservative free, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine (IIV), pandemic formulation, split virus, adjuvanted, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine (IIV), pandemic formulation, split virus, for intramuscular use 90670 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 13 valent (PCV13), for intramuscular use 90680 Rotavirus vaccine, pentavalent (RV5), 3 dose schedule, live, for oral us 90681 Rotavirus vaccine, human, attenuated (RV1), 2 dose schedule, live, for oral use 90685 Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (IIV4), split virus, preservative free, when administered to children 6-35 months of age, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (IIV4), split virus, preservative free, when administered to individuals 3 years of age and older, for intramuscular use Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (IIV4), split virus, when administered to children 6-35 months of age, for intramuscular use; Influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (IIV4), split virus, when administered to individuals 3 years of age and older, for intramuscular use Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis vaccine and inactivated poliovirus vaccine, inactivated (DTaP-IPV), when administered to children 4 through 6 years of age, for intramuscular use Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis vaccine, hHaemophilus influenza Type B influenzae type b, and inactivated poliovirus vaccine (DTaP-IPV/Hib), for intramuscular use Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed (DT) adsorbed when administered to individuals 90667 90686 90687 90688 90696 90698 90702 25 younger than 7 years, for intramuscular use 90714 90716 90732 Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adsorbed (Td) adsorbed, preservative free, when administered to individuals 7 years or older, for intramuscular use Varicella virus vaccine (VAR), live, for subcutaneous use 90736 Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 23-valent (PPSV23), adult or immunosuppressed patient dosage, when administered to individuals 2 years or older, for subcutaneous or intramuscular use Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, serogroups C & Y and Hemophilus influenza B Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib-MenCY), 4 dose schedule, when administered to children 2-15 18 months of age, for intramuscular use Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (any group(s)), serogroups A, C, Y, W-135, quadrivalent (MPSV4), for subcutaneous use Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, serogroups A, C, Y and W-135, quadrivalent (MenACWY), for intramuscular use Zoster (shingles) vaccine (HZV), live, for subcutaneous injection 90739 Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), adult dosage, 2 dose schedule, for intramuscular use 90740 Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), dialysis or immunosuppressed patient dosage (, 3 dose schedule), for intramuscular use Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), adolescent (, 2 dose schedule), for intramuscular use 90644 90733 90734 90743 90744 90746 90747 90748 Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), pediatric/adolescent dosage (, 3 dose schedule), for intramuscular use Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), adult dosage (, 3 dose schedule), for intramuscular use Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), dialysis or immunosuppressed patient dosage (, 4 dose schedule), for intramuscular use Hepatitis B and Hemophilus influenza Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (HepBHib)(Hib HepB), for intramuscular use The maintenance of the CPT code set to incorporate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) US Vaccine Abbreviations in CPT vaccine product codes 90476-90749, which were first implemented in the CPT 2015 code set, has been continued. The AMA’s Vaccine Coding Caucus (VCC) recommended that the ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations be included in the vaccine code descriptions to adequately describe the vaccine product and to capture standardized vaccine abbreviations. As a result, codes 90632, 90633, 90634, 90644, 90647, 90648, 90649, 90650, 90653, 90655, 90656, 90657, 90658, 90660, 90661, 90662, 90664, 90666, 90667, 90668, 90670, 90672, 90673, 90680, 90681, 90685, 90686, 90687, 90688, 90696, 90698, 90702, 90714, 90716, 90732, 90733, 90734, 90736, 90739, 90740, 90743, 90744, 90746, 90747, and 90748 have been revised to incorporate the ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations in the CPT vaccine product codes. In addition, vaccine abbreviations appearing in the CDC’s Updated May 2015 listing of US Vaccine Abbreviations were incorporated into the Human Papillomavirus vaccine codes 90651, 90620, and 90621. During the process of incorporating ACIP abbreviations into the 2016 code set, it was discovered that additional editorial revisions were warranted to maintain a correct code set. Thus, the following revisions were made: substitution of the term “Haemophilus” for “Hemophilus” in codes 90647 and 90648, and the term “Human Papilloma virus” for “Human Papillomavirus” in codes 90649 and 90650; addition of the letter “e” to the end of “influenza” in codes 90647, 90648, and 90698; addition of the term “type” in codes 90644, 90647, 90648, 90698, and 90748; repositioning of the term “inactivated” in codes 90696 and 90698, and the ACIP abbreviation in codes 90673, 90702, and 90714; utilization of a lowercase “b” in code 90698; utilization of an 26 uppercase “H” in the term “haemophilus” in code 90698; substitution of the term “quadrivalent” for “tetravalent” in code 90734; resequencing code 90644 to appear in proximity to codes 90733 and 90734 (including the addition of the resequencing symbol “#”); revision of code 90644 to match the age reflected in the product’s updated licensed age indication (2-18 months of age instead of the former 2-15 months of age indication); and substitution of the phrase “any groups” with specific serogroups “A, C, Y, W -135, quadrivalent” in code 90733. The ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations are listed in the CPT vaccine code descriptors following the full name of the vaccine. A listing of all the revised CPT codes containing ACIP US vaccine descriptors are available on the AMA CPT website at www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt-vaccine, and this update will continue during the bi-annual Category I Vaccine electronic release schedule. In addition, the ACIP maintains a table of current standardized vaccine abbreviations on the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/committee/guidance/vac-abbrev.html. The ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations for combination vaccines are often separated by either a slash (/) or a dash (-). The dash (-) signifies active components of a combination vaccine that are supplied in their final form by the manufacturer and are ready to be administered without additional preparation. A slash (/) signifies products in which the active components of the combination vaccine must be mixed by the user. An example of components requiring mixing or reconstitution include DTaP-IPV/Hib. The VCC will continue to update CPT vaccine codes to include new and revised ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations for release during the biannual Category 1 Vaccine electronic release schedule (January 1 and July 1) via the AMA CPT website. The accuracy of the ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviation designations in the CPT code set does not affect the validity of the vaccine code and its reporting function. OBSOLETE VACCINES, TOXOIDS CODES Deleted Description Codes 90645 Hemophilus influenza b vaccine (Hib), HbOC conjugate (4 dose schedule), for intramuscular use 90646 Hemophilus influenza b vaccine (Hib), PRP-D conjugate, for booster use only, intramuscular use 90669 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 7 valent (PCV7), for intramuscular use 90692 Typhoid vaccine, heat- and phenol-inactivated (H-P), for subcutaneous or intradermal use 90693 90703 Typhoid vaccine, acetone-killed, dried (AKD), for subcutaneous use (U.S. military) Tetanus toxoid adsorbed, for intramuscular use 90704 Mumps virus vaccine, live, for subcutaneous use 90705 Measles virus vaccine, live, for subcutaneous use 90706 Rubella virus vaccine, live, for subcutaneous use 90708 Measles and rubella virus vaccine, live, for subcutaneous use 90712 Poliovirus vaccine, (any type[s]) (OPV), live, for oral use 90719 Diphtheria toxoid, for intramuscular use 90720 90725 Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and whole cell pertussis vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae b vaccine (DTwP-Hib), for intramuscular use Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae b vaccine (DTaP/Hib), for intramuscular use Cholera vaccine for injectable use 90727 Plague vaccine, for intramuscular use 90735 Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine, for subcutaneous use 90721 27 During the process of incorporating the ACIP US Vaccine Abbreviations into the CPT code set, the VCC received information that led it to conduct a comprehensive review of the Vaccines, Toxoids subsection to identify obsolete codes for vaccine products that are no longer available in the United States. As a result, 17 codes (90645, 90646, 90669, 90692, 90693, 90703, 90704, 90705, 90706, 90708, 90712, 90719, 90720, 90721, 90725, 90727, 90735) have been deleted. A deletion parenthetical note has been added to replace each one of the 17 deleted obsolete vaccine codes. These references will remain in the CPT data set for three year 30 GASTROENTEROLOGY Revised Description Codes 91040 Esophageal balloon distension study, diagnostic, with provocation study when performed Code 91040 has been revised to remove the provocation requirement and to specify the study as diagnostic. Esophageal distension is generally measured in all patients who undergo esophageal balloon distension. However, not all patients undergo provocation during the performance of the study. Therefore, removing provocation from the code descriptor allows the reporting of this service when provocation is not performed. Patients with esophageal disorders, such as noncardiac chest pain, achalasia, and eosinophilic esophagitis, may undergo a diagnostic evaluation, which includes the transoral or endoscopic placement of a balloon catheter with barostat capability into the esophagus. Pressure and dimension measurement devices are used as an adjunct to other methods in the comprehensive evaluation of patients with symptoms consistent with esophageal sensory hypersensitivity. The device measures the distensibility of the esophageal lumen via inflation and deflation of the balloon in a standardized manner. Depending on the clinical presentation, provocation may or may not be performed along with measurement of distensibility of the esophageal lumen. Revisions to code 91040 include adding the term “diagnostic” and the phrase “when performed” to denote that provocation is no longer required to report this service. A parenthetical note, which has been added following code 91040, restricts the reporting of this service more than once per session. SPECIAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIC SERVICES 31 VESTIBULAR FUNCTION TEST, WITH RECORDING New Description Codes 92537 92538 Caloric vestibular test with recording, bilateral; bithermal (i.e., one warm and one cool irrigation in each ear for a total of four irrigations) monothermal (i.e., one irrigation in each ear for a total of two irrigations) Two new codes (92537 and 92538) have been established in the Vestibular Function Tests, With Recording (e.g., ENG) subsection to report bilateral caloric vestibular testing, both bithermal (92537) and monothermal (92538). Parenthetical notes have been added to direct users regarding the intended use of these codes. As a result of the additions, code 92543 has been deleted. In a screen for high-volume growth services, code 92543 was identified by the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale (RVS) Update Committee (RUC) Relativity Assessment Workgroup (RAW) in a screen for highvolume growth services in which Medicare utilization increased by 100%. Upon review of the increased use of 30 31 Ibid at Page 590. Ibid at Page 596. 28 the code, it was found that the service as described in the code was not being accurately reported. The code was intended to be reported per irrigation. However, the respondents noted that the procedure is usually performed as an entire service of four irrigations, as binaural, bithermal irrigation is typically performed as four tests. As a result, code 92543 has been deleted, and codes 92537 and 92538 have been established to remove the ambiguity. Based on standard practice, code 92537 is intended to report a complete caloric vestibular testing procedure that includes bilateral performance of bithermal irrigation (i.e., one warm and one cool irrigation for each ear). Fewer irrigation procedures require a different method of reporting according to what was done. For three irrigations (e.g., irrigation of both ears using monothermal irrigation of one ear and bithermal irrigation of the contralateral ear), code 92537 is reported with modifier 52 appended. Monothermal irrigation (i.e., irrigation of both ears with either cool or warm irrigation) is reported once with code 92538. If a single ear is irrigated with a single method of irrigation (cool or warm), code 92538 is reported once with modifier 52 appended. Parenthetical notes that accompany the codes direct users regarding the correct reporting for each type of irrigation. In addition, exclusionary parenthetical notes have been placed to restrict the reporting of code 92537 with code 92538, as only one code (with a modifier, if needed) should be reported for any caloric vestibular irrigation procedure. Deleted Codes 92543 Description Caloric vestibular test, each irrigation (binaural, bithermal stimulation constitutes 4 tests), with recording With the development of a more specific coding structure for these procedures, code 92543 has been deleted. A parenthetical note has been added to direct users to the appropriate codes to use for reporting this service. CARDIOGRAPHY New Codes 93050 32 Description Arterial pressure waveform analysis for assessment of central arterial pressures, includes obtaining waveform(s), digitization and application of nonlinear mathematical transformations to determine central arterial pressures and augmentation index, with interpretation and report, upper extremity artery, non-invasive Category III code 0311T, which describes non-invasive calculation and analysis of central arterial pressure waveform, has been deleted and converted to Category I code 93050, as the procedure is now performed frequently enough to warrant Category I status. In addition, a new exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to instruct users on the appropriate use of this code. Code 93050 may be used to assist in managing patients with resistant hypertension. Resistant hypertension is defined as blood pressure that remains above normal, despite the use of multiple blood pressure medications. These patients may be at higher risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and often have other cardiac risk factors such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, and usually have signs or symptoms of end-organ damage. A parenthetical note was added following code 93050 to clarify that this service should not be reported with any other diagnostic or interventional intra-arterial procedures. 32 Ibid at Page 604. 29 33 PULMONARY Revised Description Codes 94640 Pressurized or nonpressurized inhalation treatment for acute airway obstruction or for sputum induction therapeutic purposes and/or for diagnostic purposes (eg,such as sputum induction with an aerosol generator, nebulizer, metered dose inhaler or intermittent positive pressure breathing [IPPB](IPPB) device) Code 94640 has been revised and exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added to the Pulmonary Diagnostic Testing and Therapies subsection. Code 94640 was revised to clarify the intent that this is a bundled code, representing both diagnostic and therapeutic services. An exclusionary parenthetical note clarifies that this code may not be reported together with codes 94060 (bronchodilator responsiveness), 94070 (bronchospasm provocation evaluation), or 94400 (breathing response to CO 2 ). The parenthetical note following code 94060 has been revised to include 94640. Two new exclusionary parenthetical notes also follow codes 94070 and 94400 restricting their use with 94640. NEUROLOGY AND NEUROMUSCULAR PROCEDURES 34 Revised Description Codes 95972 complex spinal cord, or peripheral (i.e., peripheral nerve, sacral nerve, neuromuscular) (except cranial nerve) neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, with intraoperative or subsequent programming, up to 1 hour Deleted Codes 95973 Description complex spinal cord, or peripheral (i.e., peripheral nerve, sacral nerve, neuromuscular) (except cranial nerve) neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, with intraoperative or subsequent programming, each additional 30 minutes after first hour (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure Code 95973 has been deleted to allow the appropriate reporting of electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator systems. To comply with this, code 95972 has been revised and parenthetical and guideline language for neurostimulator analysis and programming has also been revised. In a screen for high-volume growth services, code 95973 was identified by the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale (RVS) Update Committee (RUC) Relativity Assessment Workgroup (RAW) as one for which Medicare utilization increased by 100%. Upon review of the increased use of the code, it was found that the service as described by the code descriptor was not accurately being reported. As a result, identification of the time needed to report this service is not necessary, and the codes used to report these services do not need to reflect time within the descriptor. Therefore, add-on code 95973 has been deleted, as this code was intended primarily to report additional time provided for this service, and code 95972 has been revised to conform to current practice. Any reference to code 95973 has also been expunged from language included within the guidelines and parenthetical notes. In addition, an instructional parenthetical note at the beginning of the section regarding the appropriate method to report less than 30 minutes of time-based analysis for these services has been revised to remove the reference to code 95972. 33 34 Ibid at Page 631. Ibid at Page 644. 30 35 SPECIAL DERMATOLOGIGAL PROCEDURES New Description Codes 96931 Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) for cellular and sub-cellular imaging of skin; image acquisition and interpretation and report, first lesion 96932 image acquisition only, first lesion 96933 interpretation and report only, first lesion 96934 image acquisition and interpretation and report, each additional lesion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) image acquisition only, each additional lesion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) interpretation and report only, each additional lesion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 96935 96936 Six new codes (96931, 96932, 96933, 96934, 96935, and 96936) have been established in the Special Dermatological Procedures subsection to report reflectance confocal microscopy for cellular and subcellular imaging of skin. New parenthetical notes have also been added to instruct users on the appropriate use of these codes. Prior to 2016, the only CPT codes available for confocal imaging were codes 43206 and 43252. These codes are still appropriate to report confocal endoscopy of the esophagus and the gastrointestinal tract. However, while the technology is similar, codes 43206 and 43252 cannot be reported for confocal imaging of the skin. New codes 96931-96936 may be reported for reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) imaging used anywhere external skin lesions are found. RCM is designed for the pathologic examination of skin lesions and can image an area of skin, typically 6 x 6 mm square, with the ability to scan larger areas at multiple levels, similar to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RCM may produce a significantly larger diagnostic sample of a skin lesion (typically the entire lesion), allowing determination as to whether a lesion is benign, malignant, or premalignant. 36 OTHER SERVICES AND PROCEDURES Revised Description Codes Instrument-based ocular screening (e.g., photoscreening, automated-refraction), bilateral; 99174 with remote analysis and report New Codes 99177 Description Instrument-based ocular screening (e.g., photoscreening, automated-refraction), bilateral; with remote analysis and report New code 99177 has been added and code 99174 has been revised in the Other Services and Procedures subsection to accommodate the use of instrument-based ocular screening to screen and detect conditions, such as amblyopia and strabismus, which are typically performed in young children. The parent code, 99174, has been revised, distinguished by whether the technology is readily available for on-site analysis (99177) or whether the data are transmitted to an off-site reading station (99174). In addition, exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added or revised and placed in the appropriate locations to direct users to the appropriate use of these codes. 35 36 Ibid at Page 654-655 Ibid at Page 665 31 The instrumentation reflected in code 99177 enables physicians to receive on-site, real-time analysis of images, as well as obtain an instant-read based on algorithms in the instrument via a built-in pass or fail indicator. The services included in code 99174 require that the ocular screening images captured in the office be transmitted to a remote facility via electronic transfer for analysis with compilation of a report and findings. The services included in code 99174 involve securing and transmitting images and remote analysis by an outside facility to perform the readings. In contrast, the services included in code 99177 do not require the electronic transfer of data; instead, the data analysis is automated via the instrumentation to provide an on-site reading and report of the results via a computerized database. As a result of the establishment of code 99177, code 99174 (formerly designated as a Category III code 0065T) has been revised to emphasize its use of off-site ocular photoscreening, as well as autorefraction. (The description of code 99174 was expanded in the CPT 2013 code set to include the use of autorefractors.) Automated-refraction screening is inherently included in codes 99174 and 99177 and should not be reported separately, as it is often a built-in component of most ocular photoscreening instrumentation. Therefore, code 92015, Determination of refractive state, should not be reported in conjunction with codes 99174 and 99177. Although the technologies and method of analyses represented in codes 99174 and 99177 may provide similar results, both procedures involve the use of different instrumentation and location sites. To ensure that code 99177 is not reported in conjunction with codes 99172, 99173, and 99174, exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added following codes 99172, 99173, and 99174. In addition, codes 99172, 99173, 99174, and 99177 should not be reported in addition to general ophthalmological services codes 92002-92014, as the services encompassed in these codes are considered part of the diagnostic and therapeutic services in the medical examination and evaluation described in codes 92002-92014. Codes 99174 and 99177 represent bilateral procedures and encompass screening done on both eyes. Unrelated services, such as evaluation and management office visit services provided at the time of the screening, may be reported separately. CATEGORY II In the Category II Codes section, code 6030F has been updated to comply with the revision of the Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBSI)—Central Venous Catheter Insertion Protocol performance measure for which this code is reported. Updates were made to match the language included within the revised measure to ensure the elements needed for compliance with the measure are stated in the code descriptor. In addition, the information listed for code 6030F within the Alphabetical Clinical Topics Listing has been revised. As a result of the refinement of the specification language used for the performance measure, the descriptor for code 6030F has been updated to match the revised measure regarding the elements needed for compliance. PATIENT SAFETY Revised 6030F 1 37 Description All elements of maximal sterile barrier technique, followed including: cap and mask and sterile gown and sterile gloves and a large sterile sheet and hand hygiene, skin preparation and, if ultrasound is used, sterile ultrasound techniques followed and 2% chlorhexidine for cutaneous antisepsis (or acceptable alternative antiseptics, per current guideline)(CRIT)1 Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement® (PCPI), www.physicianconsortium.org 38 37 Ibid at Page 686. 32 The descriptor for code 6030F has been revised to comply with the revision of the Prevention of CatheterRelated Bloodstream Infections (CRBSI)—Central Venous Catheter Insertion Protocol performance measure for which this code is reported. The information listed for code 6030F within the Alphabetical Clinical Topics Listing has also been revised. As a result of the refinement of the specification language used for the performance measure, the descriptor for code 6030F has been updated to match the revised measure regarding the elements needed for compliance. As stated in the Alphabetical Clinical Topics listing (available at the American Medical Association’s CPT website at www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt-cat2), code 6030F relates to the Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBSI)—Central Venous Catheter Insertion Protocol, which now identifies that sterile techniques must be followed for all patients who undergo central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, including all elements of maximal sterile barrier technique: hand hygiene, skin preparation, and sterile ultrasound techniques (when ultrasound procedures are used). This revision is editorial in nature as the language regarding what is identified as “maximal sterile barrier technique” that was previously included in the numerator for the measure is now included in a definition section for the measure. (Refer to the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ website at www.asahq.org for the most current listing of the language for this measure.) This definition lists the elements that are inherently part of maximal sterile barrier technique, including cap, mask, gown, sterile gloves, and sterile body drape. Sterile ultrasound techniques are also defined in this section. Code 6030F now includes language that matches the performance measure as clarified. CATEGORY III In the Category III Codes section, the introductory guidelines have been revised to include reference to payer coverage, and an extensive number of Category III codes have been added to cover emerging technology. Also, some Category III codes have been converted to Category I codes, while others have been scheduled to sunset or be archived. Some of the emerging technologies reflected in the new Category III codes include procedures to diagnose nocturnal epilepsy seizure events; procedures to laparoscopically place and remove esophageal sphincter augmentation devices; advancements in interstitial or intracavitary brachytherapy services; and procedures to treat uterine fibroids, and medical refractory movement disorders (utilizing magnetic resonance image–guided focused ultrasound). Other Category III codes have been added to describe procedures that detect implant stability during knee replacement arthroplasty and diagnose and manage ischemic heart disease by myocardial strain imaging. A new section of Category III codes has been added for the insertion, removal, and evaluation and programming of leadless and pocketless cardiac pacemaker systems, and a new Category III code has been added for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with optical endomicroscopy. In addition, two new Category III codes have been added to report multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis to analyze melanoma. Time-based Category III codes have been added to describe daily diabetes preventive behavior change intervention services and oversight of the care of extracorporeal liver assist system patients. The last two Category III codes added describe endoscopic drug eluting implants into the ethmoid sinus. 38 Ibid at Page 667. 33 39 EXPOSURE ADAPTIVE BEHAVIORTREATMENT WITH PROTOCAL MODIFICATION New Description Codes External heart rate and 3-axis accelerometer data recording up to 14 days to assess 0381T changes in heart rate and to monitor motion analysis for the purposes of diagnosing nocturnal epilepsy seizure events; includes report, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation by a physician or other qualified health care professional 0382T review and interpretation only 0383T 0384T 0385T 0386T External heart rate and 3-axis accelerometer data recording from 15 to 30 days to assess changes in heart rate to monitor motion analysis for the purposes of diagnosing nocturnal epilepsy seizure events; includes report, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation by a physician or other qualified health care professional review and interpretation only External heart rate and 3-axis accelerometer data recording more than 30 days to assess changes in heart rate to monitor motion analysis for the purposes of diagnosing nocturnal epilepsy seizure events; includes report, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation by a physician or other qualified health care professional review and interpretation only Six Category III codes (0381T-0386T) have been established to report external heart rate and 3-axis accelerometer data recording. Exclusionary parenthetical notes were added following the new codes to preclude reporting these services with other monitoring codes. Typically, patients are asked to maintain seizure diaries to record seizure frequency, but evidence has shown that the self-reported data can be unreliable. In order to track patient seizure-count frequency, codes 0381T0386T have been established to report data recording changes in heart rate and motion analysis for the purposes of diagnosing nocturnal cardiac-based epilepsy seizure events. The monitor is to be worn by the patient with epilepsy who experiences seizures during periods of rest or sleep to capture seizure event data. The epilepsy seizure monitoring–system (0381T-0386T) is similar to the Holter monitor (93224) because of its continuous event recording and interpretation and reporting to a physician or other qualified health care professional. However, the epilepsy seizure monitoring–system codes (0381T-0386T) differ from the Holter monitoring code (93224) in that they capture the target data for epilepsy seizure detection, rather than electrocardiographic (ECG) data. The epilepsy seizure monitoring–system includes an adhesive patch connected to a sensor that continuously detects and records ECG and 3-axis accelerometer motion data and communicates to a base-station hub and health care professional. The code structure has been split to identify time-based services and to allow for review and interpretation only. For example, codes 0381T and 0382T are intended to report monitoring for up to 14 days; codes 0383T and 0384T report monitoring from 15 to 30 days; and codes 0385T and 0386T report monitoring for more than 30 days. 40 PACEMAKER—LEADLESS AND POCKETLESS SYSTEM New Description Codes 39 40 0387T Transcatheter insertion or replacement of permanent leadless pacemaker, ventricular 0388T Transcatheter removal of permanent leadless pacemaker, ventricular Ibid at Pages 705-707. Ibid at Pages 705-707. 34 0389T 0390T 0391T Programming device evaluation (in person) with iterative adjustment of the implantable device to test the function of the device and select optimal permanent programmed values with analysis, review and report, leadless pacemaker system Peri-procedural device evaluation (in person) and programming of device system parameters before or after a surgery, procedure or test with analysis, review and report, leadless pacemaker system Interrogation device evaluation (in person) with analysis, review and report, includes connection, recording and disconnection per patient encounter, leadless pacemaker system Five Category III codes (0387T-0391T) and guidelines under a new heading titled “Pacemaker—Leadless and Pocketless System” have been established to report transcatheter leadless pacemaker procedures. In addition, editorial revisions have been made to the existing Category I guidelines in the Surgery/ Cardiovascular System subsection, and new parenthetical notes have been added. Existing CPT codes only addressed procedures for traditional pacemaker systems and did not adequately describe the procedure of implanting a leadless pacemaker. Therefore, these codes have been established to report leadless and pocketless system procedures. These specific procedures were previously reported with unlisted codes 33999, Unlisted procedure, cardiac surgery, and 93799, Unlisted cardiovascular service or procedure. Pacemakers are used to treat diagnoses, such as bradycardia (when the heart beats too slowly); atrioventricular block (delayed electrical conduction through the heart); and some forms of syncope (fainting) related to cardiac arrhythmia. Traditional pacemakers require lead placement, tunneling and connecting the leads to the pacemaker, and creation of a surgical pocket for placement of the pacemaker generator. A leadless pacemaker is placed directly at the apex of the right ventricle, and can provide the same therapeutic functionality as a traditional pacemaker. Code 0387T is used to report the insertion or replacement of a leadless pacemaker, and should not be reported in conjunction with leadless pacemaker systems device evaluation code 0389T (programming evaluation), 0390T (peri-procedural evaluation), or 0391T (interrogation evaluation). 41 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0392T Laparoscopy, surgical, esophageal sphincter augmentation procedure, placement of sphincter augmentation device (i.e., magnetic band) 0393T Removal of esophageal sphincter augmentation device Two Category III codes (0392T, 0393T) and an exclusionary parenthetical note have been established to report laparoscopic insertion and removal of a band on the esophageal sphincter. The addition of these codes allows accurate reporting of the surgical placement and removal of esophageal sphincter augmentation devices for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The procedure involves the implantation of a permanent device (i.e., magnet band). Codes 0392T and 0393T comprehensively describe the approach and all of the components of the implantation and removal of the magnetic band to augment the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to restore the barrier function of an incompetent LES. These codes are specifically reported for the placement and 41 Ibid at Pages 706. 35 removal of a magnet band device only. An exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to restrict reporting these services with other fundoplasty procedures, as described in codes 43279, 43280, 43281, and 43282. 42 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0394T High dose rate electronic brachytherapy, skin surface application, per fraction, includes basic dosimetry, when performed 0395T High does rate electronic brachytherapy, interstitial or intravavitary treatment, per fraction, includes basic dosimetry, when performed Code 0394T has been established, and code 0395T has been revised and renumbered to report HDR electronic brachytherapy skin surface application or interstitial or intracavitary treatment services. In addition, instructional and exclusionary parenthetical notes and cross-reference parenthetical notes have been added to clarify the reporting of these services. Existing code 0182T described HDR electronic interstitial or intracavitary brachytherapy and did not include basic dosimetry. Due to the differences between HDR electronic brachytherapy for skin surface and HDR electronic interstitial or intracavitary brachytherapy, a separate code for HDR surface brachytherapy treatments for skin cancer was needed. In addition, the descriptor of existing code 0182T was revised to describe HDR electronic brachytherapy for treating tumors other than skin tumors and include the work of basic dosimetry calculation. The code was renumbered to 0395T. This change is in accordance with the concept permanence principle, which dictates that new code numbers should be established if a revision to an existing code alters the meaning of that code. In addition, an instructional parenthetical note defining electronic brachytherapy has been added preceding the two new codes, and exclusionary parenthetical notes indicating that the two HDR electronic brachytherapy codes should not be reported in conjunction with code 77300, as well as several other services, have been added. Cross-reference parenthetical notes directing the user to the new HDR radionuclide brachytherapy services (77767-77772) have also been added. Refer to the codebook and see the Rationale for codes 7776777772 for a full discussion of these changes. 43 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0396T Intra-operative use of kinectic balance sensor for implant stability during knee replacement arthroplasty Code 0396T has been established for reporting the placement of a kinetic balance sensor for implant stability during knee replacement arthroplasty, and an inclusionary parenthetical note has been added to identify the codes with which add-on code 0396T should be reported. Code 0396T has been established to allow reporting of the intraoperative use of a kinetic balance sensor to detect specific balance of the tibiofemoral components during total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The technique is used to provide quantitative measures that aid in the exact balance of the tibiofemoral components. The data are used in a range-of-motion analysis to confirm proper component kinematics and to aid in appropriate tibiofemoral rotational balance and alignment. This procedure differs from other procedures that use computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or fluoroscopic imaging intraoperatively to guide navigation. Intraoperative use of kinetic balancers involves the 42 43 Ibid at Pages 706. Ibid at Pages 706. 36 use of tibial and femoral trial measures containing sensors designed to aid tibiofemoral tissue and ligament balance. The effort of this service is conducted after the orthopedic surgeon makes the initial femoral and tibial cuts per his or her usual technique. Once this is completed, the sensor balance smart trial is placed on the tibial crest at the level that is closest to being parallel to the tibial coronal plane to establish the tibial reference. The outcome of this procedure provides information on the degree of varus and valgus variation and may lead to improved TKA stability. Because code 0396T is an add-on code, it is not intended to be reported independently. Therefore, an instructional parenthetical note has been added to note the primary codes that should be reported when this procedure is performed. 44 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0397T Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ercp), with optical endomicroscopy Code 0397T has been established to describe endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with optical endomicroscopy (OE). OE is a technique for obtaining histology-like images without physical sampling and is selectively utilized in the diagnostic evaluation of indeterminate strictures and lesions of unknown etiology in the pancreatobiliary system to distinguish inflammatory from neoplastic lesions. OE uses in vivo microscopic imaging to facilitate real-time cellular observation of mucosal tissue during an endoscopic procedure. The results of the OE evaluation may guide further diagnostic evaluation and/or therapeutic management. Prior to CPT 2016, OE of the pancreas and the biliary tract was reported with unlisted codes. Moderate sedation is an inherent part of this procedure and is not separately reported. Parenthetical notes have been added to provide instruction on the appropriate use of this code. NEW CODES New Codes 0398T 45 Description Magnetic resonance image guided high intensity focused ultrasound (mrgfus), stereotactic ablation lesion, intracranial for movement disorder including stereotactic navigation and frame placement when performed Code 0398T has been established to report magnetic resonance image-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MRgFUS), and an exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to preclude reporting this service with other stereotactic codes. Code 0398T describes the use of focused ultrasound for noninvasive creation of an intracranial stereotactic ablation lesion to treat medically refractory movement disorders such as essential tremor. The method involves an ultrasound device to ablate tissue at the focal point of the beams. It is a combination of a conventional diagnostic (MRI) scanner and a focused ultrasound delivery system (FUS). Stereotactic radiosurgery is a similar methodology using imaging, planning, monitoring, and delivery. However, it uses a different form of energy such as radiation versus ultrasound. As a result, code 0398T was needed to describe an MRI–controlled focused ultrasound system to report non-invasive thermal ablation of brain tissue. 44 45 Ibid at Pages 706. Ibid at Pages 706. 37 An exclusionary parenthetical note has been added to preclude reporting MRgFUS with cranial stereotactic computer-assisted procedure code 61781 and stereotactic headframe application code 61800. 46 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0399T Myocardial strain imaging (quantitative assessment of myocardial mechanics using imagebased analysis of local myocardial dynamics) Code 0399T has been established to report myocardial strain imaging for the detection of myocardial malformation, for example, in patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. New parenthetical notes have been added following code 0399T to provide instructions on the appropriate reporting of this code. Myocardial strain imaging can be used in the diagnosis and management of ischemic heart disease. Code 0399T may be performed with stress echocardiography, both at rest and immediately following stress, and should only be reported once per session. 47 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0400T Multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis of clinically atypical cutaneous pigmented lesions for detection of melanomas and high risk melanocytic atypia; one to five lesions 0401T six or more lesions Codes 0400T and 0401T have been established to report multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis (MSDSLA). An exclusionary parenthetical note has been added following code 0401T to provide instruction on the appropriate reporting of this code. MSDSLA represents a service performed by providers utilizing new technology. Prior to determining that a biopsy is appropriate, the MSDSLA is ordered for lesions that are declared high risk and deemed suspicious for melanoma. Prior to CPT 2016, MSDSLA was reported with unlisted special dermatological service or procedure code 96999. MSDSLA is an additional imaging and analysis procedure that may typically be performed on the same day as an evaluation and management service. MSDSLA may also be performed following whole body integumentary photography as described by code 96904. If after performing MSDSLA it is determined that a biopsy is necessary, skin biopsy codes 11100 and 11101 would also be reported on the same day. These services and procedures would be separately reported if performed, as they are not inclusive components of codes 0400T and 0401T. NEW CODES New Codes 0402T 46 47 48 48 Description Collagen cross-linking of cornea (including removal of the corneal epithelium and intraoperative pachymetry when performed) Ibid at Pages 706. Ibid at Pages 707. Ibid at Pages 707. 38 Code 0402T has been established to report the corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) procedure. The objective of CXL is to stop or slow down the degradation of corneal collagen in conditions such as corneal ectasia (e.g., keratoconus). Keratoconus (KC) is characterized by progressive thinning and steepening of the cornea that induces irregular astigmatism and sometimes scarring, resulting in impaired vision quality. The management of KC has mainly consisted of visual rehabilitation using glasses, contact lenses, and intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation for early-to-moderate stages, and lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty for advanced stages characterized by contact lens intolerance and/or corneal scarring. CXL typically involves irradiating the cornea with ultraviolet-A (UV-A) light while introducing a photosensitizer (riboflavin or vitamin B2). When activated by the UV-A, riboflavin forms covalent bonds or cross-links in the corneal stroma causing a stiffening effect on the corneal stroma, which may stabilize it and increase its resistance to wear down. This new treatment often requires the removal of the epithelium (65435) and/or the introduction of agents to increase the permeability of the epithelium to the UV-A light, and is included in code 0402T. Therefore, code 65435 should not be reported separately. Intraoperative pachymetry (76514) to measure the corneal thickness and use of the operating microscope (69990) are also components of code 0402T and should not be reported separately. Exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added to prevent the misuse of codes 65435, 69990, and 76514 in conjunction with code 0402T. Code 0402T has been added to the list of codes found in the guidelines preceding code 69990 that cannot be combined or reported with code 69990, Microsurgical techniques, requiring use of operating microscope (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure). NEW CODES New Codes 0403T 49 Description Preventive behavior change, intensive program of prevention of diabetes using a standardized diabetes prevention program curriculum, provided to individuals in a group setting, minimum 60 minutes, per day Code 0403T has been established to address the delivery of a diabetes prevention program that uses a standardized curriculum in a group format intending to prevent the onset of an established illness, namely diabetes. With the increased frequency of these programs, the addition of code 0403T addresses the need for collection and analysis of utilization data tracked as a preventive health service. Because this code represents a prevention program, the participants do not have an established diabetes diagnosis and may not be symptomatic but are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Risk factors related to prediabetes and the prevention of prediabetes progressing to type 2 diabetes are addressed. The groups are generally community-based and peer-led using a defined curriculum. Code 0403T is a time-based code that is reported per day. Code 0403T is different from current codes in the CPT code set because it describes a prevention program using a standardized diabetes prevention curriculum. For educational services using a standardized curriculum provided to patients with an established illness/disease by a qualified nonphysician health care professional, codes 98960-98962 may be appropriate. 49 Ibid at Pages 707. 39 50 NEW CODES New Description Codes 0404T Transcervical uterine fibroid(s) ablation with ultrasound guidance, radiofrequency Code 0404T has been established to report transcervical ablation of uterine fibroids. The addition of code 0404T allows accurate reporting for the use of radiofrequency energy through an ultrasound-guided, incision-free transcervical approach for the treatment of uterine fibroids. This method includes an intrauterine ultrasound probe in combination with a radiofrequency ablation device in a single hand piece. The ultrasound guidance is typically used for identification of individual fibroids. The procedure described in code 0404T is similar to other ablation of uterine fibroid procedures (58545, 0336T, and 0071T). However, the other procedures are done via either major surgical procedure or the use of radiation to ablate the fibroids. NEW CODES New Codes 0405T 51 Description Oversight of the care of an extracorporeal liver assist system patient requiring review of status, review of laboratories and other studies, and revision of orders and liver assist care plan (as appropriate), within a calendar month, 30 minutes or more of non-face-to-face time Code 0405T has been established to report oversight of the care of an extracorporeal liver assist system patient. This code tracks the enrollment of patients into the clinical trial of this system and captures the services related to oversight of the patient’s care. Code 0405T describes 30 minutes or more of non-face-to-face time. The oversight of the care of an extracorporeal liver assist system patient is separate from critical care and other evaluation and management services. NEW CODES 52 New Codes Description 0406T Nasal endoscopy, surgical, ethmoid sinus, placement of drug eluting implant 0407T Nasal endoscopy, surgical, ethmoid sinus, placement of drug eluting implant; with biopsy, polypectomy or debridement Codes 0406T and 0407T have been established to report the endoscopic placement of a drug eluting implant into the ethmoid sinus, and exclusionary parenthetical notes have been added to limit the use of these codes with other specific sinus endoscopy codes or with each other when performed on the same side. Codes 0406T and 0407T describe endoscopic placement of a drug eluting stent either as a stand-alone procedure (0406T) or in follow-up to a previous biopsy, polypectomy, or debridement in the ethmoid sinus (0407T). 50 51 52 Ibid at Pages 707. Ibid at Pages 707. Ibid at Pages 707. 40 Nasal endoscopy procedure codes include the effort of performing the endoscopy, the packing used postsurgery, and the placement of any stent or implant used to maintain patency of the cavity. Therefore, the placement of a drug eluting implant during a sinus surgery is inherently included as part of the procedure and would not be separately reported with code 0406T or 0407T. Codes 0406T and 0407T describe (1) the endoscopic placement of an implant device when performed independently of other ethmoid sinus endoscopy procedures; or (2) the placement during the postoperative period if complications occur that require re-entry for treatment. In these events, the services are separately reportable using the newly established codes. Codes 0406T and 0407T describe procedures performed in the ethmoid sinuses only. As indicated in the exclusionary parenthetical notes, these codes may not be reported in conjunction with codes 31200, 31201, 31205, 31231, 31237, 31240, 31254, 31255, 31288, 31290, or with each other, when performed on the same side. However, if endoscopic placement of a drug eluting implant is performed on the opposite side, the appropriate procedure code should be reported, as creation of a separate access site is required. Modifier 59 should be appended to the additional code to indicate it is a distinct procedural service. 53 REVISED CODES Revised Description Codes Insertion of ocular telescope prosthesis including removal of crystalline lens or intraocular 0308T lens prosthesis Code 0308T has been revised to include the removal of an intraocular lens prosthesis at the time of placement of the ocular telescope. Code 0308T describes the implantation of a prosthetic intraocular telescope in which a crystalline lens or an intraocular lens is removed. Previously, code 0308T only included the removal of a crystalline lens; the code now includes the removal of an intraocular lens prosthesis. For CPT 2016, removal of either a crystalline lens or an intraocular lens prosthesis is included. 54 REVISED CODES Revised Description Codes 0358T Bioelectrical impedance analysis whole body composition assessment, supine position, with interpretation and report Code 0358T has been revised to remove the reference to “supine position.” In CPT 2015, code 0358T was established to report bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for whole body composition assessment in the supine position with interpretation and report. Removing “supi ne position” from the code descriptor now allows all methods (e.g., supine, standing, sitting position) of BIA to utilize the code. DELETED CODES Deleted Codes 0099T Description Implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments Category III code 0099T has been deleted and converted to Category I code 65785. 53 54 Ibid at Page 699. Ibid at Page 701. 41 Deleted Codes 0103T Description Holotranscobalamin, quantitative In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, code 0103T has been deleted. Because this code was intended for reporting testing for holotranscobalamin (a laboratory procedure), the unlisted code 84999 within the Pathology and Laboratory/Chemistry subsection should be used to identify quantitative holotranscobalamin testing. Deleted Codes 0123T Description Fistulization of sclera for glaucoma, through ciliary body In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, code 0123T has been deleted. Because this code was intended for reporting an eye procedure, the unlisted code 66999 within the Surgery/Eye and Ocular Adnexa subsection should be used to identify fistulization of the sclera for glaucoma. Deleted Code 0182T Description High dose rate electronic brachytherapy, per fraction Code 0182T for high dose rate (HDR) electronic brachytherapy has been revised and renumbered. The revision of code 0182T altered the meaning of the code’s intent, which required that the concept permanence principle be applied. This means the existing code must be deleted and assigned a new number(s). The procedure under the new codes is HDR electronic brachytherapy, and the difference is that it now includes basic dosimetry, when performed, and has been split into two codes depending on whether the HDR is surface or interstitial/intracavitary. Refer to the codebook and the Rationale for Category III codes 0394T and 0395T for a full discussion of these changes. Deleted Codes 0223T 0224T 0225T Description Acoustic cardiography, including automated analysis of combined acoustic and electrical intervals; single, with interpretation and report multiple, including serial trended analysis and limited reprogramming of device parameter, AV or VVdelays only, with interpretation and report multiple, including serial trended analysis and limited reprogramming of device parameter, AV andVV delays, with interpretation and report In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, codes 0223T, 0224T, and 0225T have been deleted. This deletion includes both the code listing and guideline language included within the Category III code section for these codes. Deletion of these three codes also affects language included in other sections of the CPT code set via the deletion of reference to codes 0223T, 0224T, and 0225T within a parenthetical note in the Medicine/Cardiovascular subsection. In lieu of citing the deleted codes, parenthetical notes have been revised within the Medicine section and added to the Category III code section to direct users to use unlisted Medicine code 93799, when reporting acoustic cardiography procedures. 42 Deleted Codes 0233T Description Skin advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) measurement by multi-wavelength fluorescent spectroscopy In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, code 0233T has been deleted. This change affects the code listing that was included in the Category III code section. The deletion of this code also affects language included in other sections of the CPT code set via the deletion of reference to code 0233T within a parenthetical note in the Pathology section of the code set. In lieu of citing the deleted code, parenthetical notes have been revised within the Pathology and Laboratory section and added to the Category III code section to direct users to use unlisted Pathology and Laboratory code 88749, when reporting skin advanced glycation endproducts measurement by multi-wavelength fluorescent spectroscopy. Deleted Codes 0240T 0241T Description Esophageal motility (manometric study of the esophagus and/or gastroesophageal junction) study with interpretation and report; with high resolution esophageal pressure topography with stimulation or perfusion during high resolution esophageal pressure topography study (eg,stimulant, acid or alkali perfusion) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, codes 0240T and 0241T have been deleted. This change affects both the code listing and parenthetical language included within the Category III code section. Deletion of these two codes also affects language included in other sections of the CPT code set via the deletion of reference to codes 0240T and 0241T within a parenthetical note in the Medicine/Gastroenterology subsection. In lieu of citing the deleted codes, parenthetical notes have been revised within the Medicine section and added to the Category III code section to direct users to use unlisted Medicine code 91299, when reporting high resolution esophageal pressure topography procedures. Deleted Codes 0243T 0244T Description Intermittent measurement of wheeze rate for bronchodilator or bronchial-challenge diagnostic evaluation(s), with interpretation and report Continuous measurement of wheeze rate during treatment assessment or during sleep for documentation of nocturnal wheeze and cough for diagnostic evaluation 3 to 24 hours, with interpretation and report In accordance with CPT guidelines for archiving Category III codes, codes 0243T and 0244T have been deleted. Unlisted Medicine Pulmonary code 94799 should be reported for intermittent measurement of wheeze rate for bronchodilator or bronchial challenge diagnostic evaluation. Deleted Codes 0262T Description Implantation of catheter-delivered prosthetic pulmonary valve, endovascular approach Code 0262T has been deleted and converted to a Category I code (33477). 43 Previously, code 0262T described implantation of a pulmonary valve using an endovascular approach for implantation. The new code describes a transcatheter approach and includes pre-stenting of the valve delivery site, when performed. Refer to the codebook and see the Rationale for code 33477 for a full discussion of the changes. Deleted Codes 0311T Description Non-invasive calculation and analysis of central arterial pressure waveforms with interpretation and report A new deletion parenthetical note has been added to indicate that code 0311T has been deleted; as this service has been converted to Category I code 93050. DISCLAIMER: This is an overview of the 2016 CPT and Modifier changes affecting all specialties excluding Pathology/Laboratory, Radiology, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesia. Please refer to your 2016 CPT® Book, HCPCS Book and Payer Bulletins for additional information. HCPCS additions, deletions and changes are not reflected in this document. McKesson Business Performance Services (BPS) is one of several business units within McKesson Technology Solutions. PST Services, Inc. is the legal entity BPS uses with contracts with its clients or third-party vendors. © 2015 PST, Inc. and/or one of its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other product or company names mentioned may be trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This publication is not intended to constitute legal, accounting, financial, investment or other professional advice. Any business decisions should be made in consultation with your personal legal, professional and accounting advisors. CPT® copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 44