Scientific Program and Abstracts Sponsors and Contributors BMS BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Steering Committee Su Sponaugle, Chair* Robert K Cowen* John Lamkin§ Barbara Muhling* Trika Gerard§ Geoffrey Shideler* *University of Miami—RSMAS Rafael J Araújo* Sean Bignami* Jessica Luo* Evan D’Alessandro* Claire Paris* Akihiro Shiroza* National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) § © Program designed by Rafael J Araújo for the 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference and printed by AllenPress, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas 66044 U.S.A. The 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference poster was designed by Akihiro Shiroza. Learn about the artist’s work by visiting Photographs courtesy of Evan D’Alessandro, Geoffrey Shideler, and Rafael J Araújo. Fish images courtesy of Akihiro Shiroza. About the Annual Larval Fish Conference T he Early Life History Section (ELHS) is an interest-discipline subunit of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) with an international membership of over 400 scientists. It is the only organization of this kind devoted to interests in the early life history of freshwater, estuarine, and marine fishes, and related matters. Through its newsletter, Stages, the AFS’s ELHS encourages and facilitates exchange of knowledge and ideas, updates members on current research, publications, meetings, and other events, provides feature articles and reviews, and communicates Section and pertinent AFS business and concerns. Welcome to Miami! W e are delighted that you are able to join us for the 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference! This year, at the time of program printing, approximately 40% of the 142 attendees are students, 60% are professionals. Over 50% of the registrants were not members of the section at the time of registration. We are pleased to see that the conference has attracted a wide diversity of participants hailing from almost 100 different institutions and 23 countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Saudia Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. Welcome to all! This conference would not have been possible without the volunteer efforts of many! I thank the LFC Miami Steering Committee (listed on the facing page) and, particularly, Geoffrey Shideler and Rafael Araújo, for much of the heavy lifting from the conference inception! Both win the “Most Valuable Volunteer” Award! I also thank the students who have volunteered their time both before and during the conference. To our host institutions, the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) and NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center, many thanks! A very special thank you to Rose Mann and RSMAS for banquet hosting. Next to RSMAS, the Guy Harvey Foundation is our largest co-sponsor of the conference. Their financial backing has made the conference possible and we are truly grateful. Finally, Florida Sea Grant’s initial contribution gave us an early boost to start promoting the conference. I hope you will find the conference venue comfortable, the scientific presentations interesting, the social gatherings enjoyable, and the new friendships forged both productive and long-lasting. Su Sponaugle, PhD Steering Committee Chair, 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference The annual Larval Fish Conferences (LFC) that serve as the focal point of ELHS activities evolved from a series of informal, freshwater-oriented symposia that began in 1977. The current LFCs, which are hosted and sponsored by various organizations throughout the world, cover the complete spectrum of research (from all habitats and geographic locations) related to fish early life history. A list of all the LFCs can be found on the ELHS web page ( The dates, locations, host institutions, and publications resulting from this and previous meetings are all available on the web site. Conference Themes T he 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference will feature eight theme sessions focusing on a broad range of topics of interest to larval fish scientists worldwide. This is the second time this annual meeting will convene in Miami (the 10th conference was held at the University of Miami in 1986). The city’s proximity to the tropics offers a timely opportunity to examine current research into tropical reef fish as model species in ecology and management. We also want to contribute to the discussion of the effects of ocean acidification and environmental change on the early life history of fishes. In a third session, we plan to explore aspects of the reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species such as tunas, sharks, swordfishes, and billfishes; this session will have particular relevance to the CLIOTOP (Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators) program. Our knowledge of predator-prey interactions in the ocean has continued to expand, thus a fourth session will encompass research on the state of knowledge on the structure of larval fish food webs. A fifth session will discuss recent advances in methodology applied to all aspects of the study of early life history of fishes. Session six will include presentations focusing on all aspects of the ecology of larval fishes. Finally, this year the conference will feature two sessions devoted to NOAA’s FATE (Fisheries and the Environment) program: session seven will include FATE presentations on larval fish studies and session eight will include FATE presentations on other topics. Welcome and Registration Session 2B 3:50–5:10 Session 2B 1:40–3:20 Session 2B 3:50–5:30 Session 8B 1:40–3:20 Session 7B 10:20–12:00 Session 7B 9:20–10:00 Lee Fuiman Chris Chambers, Sean Bignami Barbara Muhling Joel Llopiz Bob Cowen, Scott Holt, Klaus Huebert Tom Hurst, Jeff Leis, Tony Miskiewicz, Joan Holt John Lamkin Sam McClatchie, Mandy Karnauskas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Ecology of early life history stages of larval fishes FATE Science Meeting (Larval fish studies) FATE Science Meeting (Other studies) Session 8A 10:20–12:20 Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 Session 8A 9:00–10:00 Session 6B 10:20–11:20 Session 6B 9:00–10:00 Announcements 8:50–9:00 6 Thursday •• The banquet, award ceremony and auction will take place on the campus of the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science on Virginia Key (transportation from and to the hotel is provided). •• Posters will be on display in the Kentia Rooms. •• Conference sessions indicated with the letter B will assemble in the Alexander Rooms. •• Plenaries and conference sessions indicated with the letter A will convene in the Crystal Ballroom. •• The Registration/Information Desk will be located between the Palm Terrace and the Asian Gardens and will be open everyday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 7:00–10:00 PM (bus departure begins at 10:00 PM) Banquet and Award Winner Announcements Bus Departs Hotel to Banquet 6:30 PM Session 6A 3:50–4:50 Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 Session 6A 1:40–3:20 Lunch Break 12:00–1:40 Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes ELH Business Meeting 5:30–7:00 Session 5A 3:50–5:10 Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 Session 5A 1:40–3:20 Lunch Break 12:00–1:40 Session 5A 10:20–12:00 Session 6B 10:20–12:00 ELHS Brainstorming Session 11:00–12:00 Session 5A 10:20–12:00 Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 Session 5A 9:20–10:00 Plenary: Jon Hare 8:40–9:15 Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Session 6B 3:50–5:10 Session 6B 1:40–3:20 Session 3B 10:20–11:40 Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 5 Wednesday Announcements 8:30–8:40 SESSION CHAIR Poster Session 5:30–7:30 Session 4A 3:50–4:50 Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 Session 4A 1:40–3:20 Lunch Break 12:00–1:40 Session 1A 10:20–12:00 Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 Session 5A 9:20–10:00 Session 1A 9:20–10:00 Session 6B 9:20–10:00 Plenary: Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz 8:40–9:15 Session 3B 9:20–10:00 Announcements 8:30–8:40 Plenary: John Dower 8:40–9:15 4 Tuesday Welcoming Remarks 8:30–8:40 Registration 8:00–8:30 3 Monday 37TH ANNUAL LARVAL FISH CONFERENCE THEMES 10 PM (...) 6 PM 5:00–7:00 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM Noon 11 AM 10 AM 9 AM 8 AM 2 Sunday Agenda at a glance Agenda 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Sunday, June 2, 2013 Palm Terrace/Asian Gardens Miami’s Freedom Tower, a US Historic Landmark, was completed in 1925 as the headquarters and printing press site of The Miami Times. Today, the buiding is part of the Wolfson Campus of Miami Dade College. The structure is an example of the Mediterranean Revival style and is traditionally regarded as a memorial to Cuban immigration to the United States. 5:00–7:00 PM Registration Cabana Rooftop Pool 5:00–7:00 PM Welcome Reception Monday, June 3, 2013 • Morning Palm Terrace/Asian Gardens 8:00 AM–3:00 PM Registration Crystal Ballroom 8:30–8:40 AM Su Sponaugle, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Steering Committee Chair WELCOMING REMARKS Plenary Talk 8:40–9:15 AM John Dower, University of Victoria, Canada Progress and challenges in studying the feeding and growth of larval fish under natural field conditions Session 1: Reef Fish As Model Species in Ecology And Management Chair: Lee A. Fuiman, University of Texas at Austin 9:20–9:40 AM Shulzitski, K., Sponaugle, S., Cowen, R.K. REEF FISH LARVAE GROW FASTER IN MESOSCALE EDDIES 9:40–10:00 AM Pattrick, P., Strydom, N.A. OCCURRENCE OF LARVAL AND SETTLEMENT STAGE FISHES ON VARYING REEF TYPES IN ALGOA BAY, SOUTH AFRICA, WITH NOTES ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LIGHT TRAPS AS A SAMPLING TOOL 10:00–10:20 AM Coffee Break 10:20–10:40 AM Miller, S.E., Bartlett, L.S., Oxenford, H.A., Vallès, H. CONTRASTING PATTERNS IN SETTLEMENT DENSITIES OF CO-OCCURRING REEF FISH TAXA: EFFECTS OF PATCH SIZE 10:40–11:00 AM Staaterman, E., Paris, C.B., Kough, A.S., Claro, R., Lindeman, K. EFFECTS OF INTER-ANNUAL CLIMATOLOGY ON LARVAL TRANSPORT FROM SNAPPER SPAWNING AGGREGATIONS IN CUBA 11:00–11:20 AM Mayorga Adame, C.G., Batchelder, H.P., Strub, T. LARVAL FISH CONNECTIVITY IN THE KENYAN-TANZANIAN CORAL REEF REGION: RESULTS FROM PARTICLE TRACKING SIMULATIONS 11:20–11:40 AM Holstein, D.M., Paris, C.B., Mumby, P.J. CONSISTENCY AND INCONSISTENCY IN MULTISPECIES POPULATION NETWORK DYNAMICS OF CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS 11:40–Noon D’Alessandro, E.K., Sponaugle, S. EXAMINING THE PROCESS OF SETTLEMENT: COMPARATIVE PREDATION RATES ON LARVAL SNAPPERS (LUTJANIDAE) IN OCEANIC, REEF, AND NEARSHORE WATERS Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 6 Sunday, June 2, 2013 Palm Terrace/Asian Garden Banquet and Award Winner Announcements 5:00–7:00 PM Welcome and Registration P lease join us Wednesday April 5 (7:00–10:00 PM) on the campus of the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science to enjoy an evening of Caribbean-themed food and music on Biscayne Bay. We will be announcing the winners of the Sally Leonard Richardson and John H.S. Blaxter awards and holding the annual auction to raise funds for the Blaxter Award. Buses will be departing from the Mayfair Hotel at 6:30 PM. Return trips will begin at 10:00 PM. Monday, June 3, 2013 Palm Terrace/Asian Garden 8:00 AM–5:00 PM Registration Alexander Room 8:30–8:40 AM Su Sponaugle, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric SLarval Fish Conference Organizing Committee Chair WELCOMING REMARKS Plenary Talk Monday, June 3, 2013 • Morning Alexander Room Session 3: Reproduction and Early Life History of Highly Migratory Species Chair: Barbara Muhling, University of Miami—RSMAS 9:20–9:40 AM Muhling, B.A., Reglero, P., Ciannelli, L., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Alemany, F., Lamkin, J.T., Roffer, M.A. COMPARING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LARVAL BLUEFIN TUNA (THUNNUS THYNNUS) HABITAT IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA 9:40–10:00 AM Franks, J., Tilley, J., Gibson, D., Comyns, B., Hoffmayer, E. AGE ESTIMATES FOR LARVAL ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA (THUNNUS THYNNUS) FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO 10:00–10:20 AM Many barrier islands and keys cradle the coastline of south Florida. These islands contain sensitive ecosystems—such as coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrasses—that harbor a unique mosaic of plant and animal species such as the Blue Heron and Ibises pictured here feeding at low tide on a seagrass bed in Virginia Key. Coffee Break 10:20–10:40 AM Cornic, M., Alvarado Bremer, J.R. Rooker, J.R. INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF TUNA LARVAE IN THE GULF OF MEXICO 10:40–11:00 AM Reglero, P., Ciannelli, L., Balbín, R., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Alemany, F.J. INTERANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY INFLUENCES THE ANNUAL AND SPATIAL OVERLAP OF TUNA SPECIES DURING THE LARVAL STAGE 11:00–11:20 AM Kitchens, L.L., Rooker, J.R. HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS OF DOLPHINFISH LARVAE (CORYPHAENA SPP.) IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO 11:20–11:40 AM Scholey, V., Margulies, D., Wexler, J., Stein, M. STUDIES OF TUNA EARLY LIFE HISTORY CONDUCTED AT THE INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISION (IATTC) ACHOTINES LABORATORY, 2012–2013 11:40–Noon D’Alessandro, E.K., Sponaugle, S. EXAMINING THE PROCESS OF SETTLEMENT: COMPARATIVE PREDATION RATES ON LARVAL SNAPPERS (LUTJANIDAE) IN OCEANIC, REEF, AND NEARSHORE WATERS Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 7 Monday, June 3, 2013 • Afternoon Monday, June 3, 2013 • Afternoon Crystal Ballroom Alexander Room Session 4: Larval Food Webs and Predator-Prey Interactions Chair: Joel Llopiz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes Chair: Tom P. Hurst, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1:40–2:00 PM Llopiz, J.K. THE FEEDING OF FISH LARVAE AND THEIR ROLE IN PLANKTONIC FOOD WEBS: WHERE HAVE WE BEEN AND WHERE ARE WE GOING? 1:40–2:00 PM Deary, A.L., Hilton, E.J. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHARYNGEAL JAWS IN THE DRUMS (SCIAENIDAE) OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY WITH COMPARISONS TO OTHER MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY 2:00–2:20 PM Vinagre, C., Dias, M., Roma, J., Silva A. ROCKY REEF POOLS AS NURSERY AREAS FOR FISH LARVAE: FOOD WEB NETWORK MODELS 2:00–2:20 PM Miskiewicz, A.G. ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL USE OF MORPHOLOGICAL AND PIGMENTATION CHARACTERS DURING LARVAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF GOBIIDAE 2:20–2:40 PM Laiz-Carrion, R., Uriarte, A., Quintanilla, J.M., Cabrero, A., Hernandez De Rojas, A., Rodriguez-Fernandez, L., Rodriguez, J.M., Gago, J., Pinheiro, C., Bode, A., Garcia, A. EARLY LIFE TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS BY STABLE ISOTOPES ANALYSIS 2:20–2:40 PM De Forest, L.G., Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Heintz, R.A., Matarese, A.C., Siddon, E.C., Smart, T.I., Spies, I.B. ECOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF ARROWTOOTH FLOUNDER (ATHERESTHES STOMIAS) AND KAMCHATKA FLOUNDER (A. EVERMANNI) IN THE EASTERN BERING SEA 2:40–3:00 PM Ayala, D.J. CANNIBALISM OF LARVAL LESSER SANDEELS (AMMODYTES MARINUS) IN THE NORTH SEA 2:40–3:00 PM Deary, A.L., Pattrick, P., Strydom, N. COMPARISON OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND OSSIFICATION OF THE CRANIUM IN TWO SPECIES OF SOUTH AFRICAN DRUM (SCIAENIDAE), ARGYROSOMUS JAPONICUS AND A. THORPEI 3:00–3:20 PM Hauff, M.J., Sponaugle, S., Walter, K.D., D’Alessandro, E., Cowen, R.K. NUTRITIONAL CONDITION OF CORAL REEF FISH LARVAE VARIES WITH DISPERSAL HISTORY: A SPATIAL ASSESSMENT OF LARVAL GROWTH AND RNA/DNA RATIOS IN THE CONTEXT OF POPULATION CONNECTIVITY 3:00–3:20 PM Perez, K.O., Fuiman, L.A. ADULT DIET AND LARVAL DIET INFLUENCE SURVIVOR SKILLS OF RED DRUM LARVAE 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break 3:50–4:10 PM Greer, A.T., Cowen, R.K., Hare, J.A., Guigand, C.M. FINE SCALE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LARVAL FISHES TO PLANKTONIC PREDATORS AND PREY: THE IMPACT OF INTERNAL WAVES 3:50–4:10 PM Morissette, O., Sirois, P., Legault, M., Verreault, G., Lecomte, F. RAPID ESTABLISHMENT OF CONTINGENTS IN A RECENTLY REINTRODUCED STRIPED BASS POPULATION IN THE ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY (QUEBEC, CANADA) 4:10–4:30 PM Pitois S.G., Armstrong, M. THE GROWTH OF LARVAL ATLANTIC COD AND HADDOCK IN THE IRISH SEA: A MODEL WITH TEMPERATURE, PREY SIZE, AND TURBULENCE FORCING 4:10–4:30 PM Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Ciannelli, L., Vestfals, C., Sohn, D., Stockhausen, W., Ianelli, J., Hoff, G. ECOLOGY OF GREENLAND HALIBUT (REINHARDTIUS HIPPOGLOSSOIDES) IN CANYON AND SLOPE HABITATS OF THE EASTERN BERING SEA 4:30–4:50 PM Shoji, J., Fukuta, A., Schubert, P., Chapman, A., Haukebø, T. VARIABILITY IN PREDATION RISK OF JUVENILE FISHES IN SEAGRASS BEDS EVALUATED FROM PISCIVOROUS FISH BIOMASS AND PREDATION RATES FROM TROPICAL TO SUBARCTIC ZONES 4:30–4:50 PM Malca, E., Vásquez-Yeomans, L., Morales, S., Carrillo, L., Sosa-Cordero, E. Schultz, T., Morris, J. DISTRIBUTION OF LARVAL LIONFISH (PTEROIS VOLITANS) IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA 4:50–5:10 PM Alvarez, I., Catalan, I.A., Rodriguez, J.M., Balbin, R., Alvarez, D., Aparicio, A., Hidalgo, J.M., Alemany, F. MESOSCALE DYNAMICS OF THE SUMMER LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES AROUND THE BALEARIC ISLANDS (NW MEDITERRANEAN) Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 8 Poster Session Poster number in [brackets] Monday, June 3, 2013 • 5:30–7:30 PM Monday, June 3, 2013 • 5:30–7:30 PM Kentia Rooms Kentia Rooms Session 1: Reef Fish as Model Species in Ecology and Management Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes [1] Gonçalves, E.J., Faria, A.M. EARLY DEVELOPMENT AND LARVAL BEHAVIOR OF TWO CLINGFISH SPECIES (GOBIESOCIDAE) [14] Larouche, T., Sirois, P., Legault, L., Dodson, J.J., Lecomte, F. LIVING ON THE EDGE: SPAWNING DYNAMIC OF THE NORTHERNMOST POPULATION OF AMERICAN SHAD IN AN ALTERED RIVERSCAPE (ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, QUEBEC, CANADA) [2] Goldstein, E.D., Sponaugle, S. SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN DAMSELFISH EARLY LIFE HISTORY TRAITS AND SURVIVAL IN THE FLORIDA KEYS [3] Kerber, C.E., Silva, P.K.A., Dos Santos, P.A., Sanches, E.G. CONTRIBUTION TO CULTURE OF EARLY LIFE STAGES OF DUSKY GROUPER EPINEPHELUS MARGINATUS (LOWE, 1834) IN BRAZIL Session 3: Reproduction and Early Life History of Highly Migratory Species [4] Elking, B.A., Rulifson, R.A. MATERNAL TRANSFER OF STRIPED BASS: DETERMINING A MOTHER’S LIFE HISTORY STRATEGY FROM THE OFFSPRING Session 4: Larval Food Webs and Predator-Prey Interactions [5] Okazaki, Y., Kubota, H., Takasuka, A., Sakaji, H. COMPARISON OF FEEDING ECOLOGY BETWEEN TWO CO-OCCURRING CLUPEOID SPECIES [6] Garcia, A., Laiz-Carrión, R., Morote, E., Quintanilla, J.M., Uriarte, A., Rodriguez, J.M., Cortés, D., Alemany, F. FIRST APPROACH OF THE EARLY LIFE RELATIVE TROPHIC LEVEL SPECTRA BY STABLE ISOTOPE ANALYSIS OF BLUEFIN (THUNNUS THYNNUS) AND ITS ASSOCIATED TUNA SPECIES OF THE BALEARIC SEA [7] Uriarte, A., Quintanilla, J.M., Garcia, A., Pinheiro, C., Bode A., Laiz-Carrion, R. LIPID CORRECTION FOR STABLE ISOTOPES ANALISIS IN EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS EARLY JUVENILES Session 5: Advances and Novel Application of Methods for the Study of Early Life History Stages of Fishes [8] Ayala, D.J., Munk, P., Riemann, L. MOLECULAR ANALYSES OF SARGASSO SEA FISH LARVAE ENABLE FIRST-TIME LARVAL DESCRIPTIONS [9] Shiroza, A., Privoznik, S.l. KEY TO IDENTIFICATIONS OF COMMON SPECIES OF LARVAL SEA BASSES AND HAMLETS (FAMILY SERRANIDAE, SUBFAMILY SERRANINAE) IN THE WESTERN ATLANTIC AND THE CARIBBEAN [10] Rodríguez-Fernández, L., Leal, A., Lago, M.J., Laiz-Carrión, R., Sánchez, F.J., Piñeiro, C. EFFECTS OF PRESERVATION METHOD ON EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS LARVAE SIZE [15] Randall, L., Rooker, J.R. OCEAN INFLUENCES ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF FLYINGFISH LARVAE IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO [16] Keyes-Pulido, S., Aké-Canul, R., Burad-Méndez, A., Méndez-Campos, H., VarguezSoberanis, D., Ordóñez-López, U. FISH LARVAE ASSOCIATED WITH A HYPERSALINE GRADIENT IN A COASTAL LAGOON IN THE YUCATÁN PENINSULA, MEXICO [17] Morales, S., Vásquez-Yeomans, L., Carrillo, L., Malca, E., Privoznik, S., Lamkin J.T. PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THE LARVAL FISH DISTRIBUTION IN THE LOOP CURRENT IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AFTER THE DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL [18] Luzuriaga De Cruz, M. SPATIOTEMPORAL VARIATION OF ICHTHYOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE IN FRONT OF ECUADORIAN COAST (2000–2010) [19] Macedo-Soares, L.c.p., Freire, A.s., Muelbert, J.h. BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL EFFECTS IN MESOSCALE ICHTHYOPLANKTON COMPOSITION IN THE SW ATLANTIC [20] Rodriguez, J.M., Cabrero, A., Alvarez, P., Fletcher, C., Hernandez De Rojas, A., Gago, J., Garcia, A., Herreros, M., Laiz-Carrión, R., Vergara-Castaño, A., Piñeiro, C. And Saborido-Rey, F. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE LARVAL FISH COMMUNITY OFF THE NW IBERIAN PENINSULA, IN THE LATE WINTER 2012 [21] Torquato, F.O., Muelbert, J.H. PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL INFLUENCE ON THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ENGRAULIS ANCHOITA LARVAE IN AN UPWELLING SYSTEM [22] Pattrick, P., Strydom, N.A. ECOLOGY OF EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF FISHES IN VARIOUS HABITATS IN ALGOA BAY, SOUTH AFRICA [23] Schmitt, V.B., Muelbert, J.H. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO SMALL SCALE TRANSPORT AND COMPOSITION OF ICHTHYOPLANKTON AT THE MOUTH OF A SUBTROPICAL ESTUARY [24] Pawelczyk, A., Fey, D.P., Wozniczka, A. DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF THE BALTIC SPRING-SPAWNING HERRING LARVAE, CLUPEA HARENGUS MEMBRAS (L.), IN THE ODRA ESTUARY (POLAND) [11] Catalan, I.A., Dunand, A., Álvarez, I., Alós, J., Nash, R. AN EVALUATION OF SAMPLING METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING SETTLEMENT OF TEMPERATE FISH [25] Matarese, A.C., Blood, D A., De Forest, L.G., Napp, J.M. ONTO SEAGRASS MEADOWS GULF OF ALASKA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM PROGRAM: OBSERVATIONS ON THE LARVAL FISH [12] Huebert, K.B., Peck, M.A. COMMUNITIES IN THE EASTERN AND WESTERN GULF OF ALASKA FROM 2011 FIELD COLLECTIONS INCORPORATING MORPHOMETRIC TRAITS INTO PHYSIOLOGICAL MODELS OF MARINE FISH LARVAE Session 2: Ocean Acidification/Climate Change Impacts on the Early Life History Stages of Fishes [13] Freeburg, E.W., Rhyne, A., Hannigan, R. LABORATORY OCEAN ACIDIFICATION METHODOLOGY USING A HOBBYIST REED TANK CONTROLLER Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 9 (Continues next page) Poster Session Poster number in [brackets] Monday, June 3, 2013 • 5:30–7:30 PM Kentia Rooms Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes (Continued) [26] Garsi, L.H., Agostini, S., Durieux, E.D.H., Bisgambiglia, P.A., Pasqualini, V., Ternengo, S., Garrido, M., Gerigny, O., Perrin-Santoni, A. NEW APPROACH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA ON THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF FISHES’ POST-LARVAE OF CORSICAN COASTS [27] Rodríguez-Fernández, L., Quintanilla, J., García, A., Cabanas, J.M., Piñeiro, C. SEASONAL GROWTH RATE VARIABILITY OF YOUNG-OF-THE-YEAR EUROPEAN HAKE (MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS) BASED ON OTOLITH MICRO-STRUCTURE ANALYSIS [28] Doering, K.l., Stowell, M.a., Ciannelli, L., Prahl, F.g. COMPARISON OF JUVENILE ENGLISH SOLE LIPID CONTENT AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION IN COASTAL AND ESTUARINE HABITATS [29] Berenshtein, I., Kiflawi, M., Shashar, N., Wieler, U., Agiv, H., Paris, C.b. THE USE OF POLARIZED LIGHT FOR ORIENTATION IN CORAL REEF FISH LARVAE [30] Yam-Poot, G., Sosa-Cordero, E., Vasquez Yeomans, L., Lamkin, J.T. REEF FISH RECRUITMENT IN THE MEXICAN CARIBBEAN, DEVELOPING AN INDEX BASED UPON A SIMPLE, LOW COST TRAP [31] Faillettaz, R., Irisson, J.O. DRIVERS OF TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF LARVAL FISH RECRUITMENT IN VILLEFRANCHE BAY (NORTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN) OVER A SEVEN-YEAR TIME SERIES (2006–2012) [32] Matarese, A.C., De Forest, L.G., Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Smart, T.I., Spies, I.B. IDENTIFCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF ARROWTOOTH (ATHERESTHES STOMIAS) AND KAMCHATKA FLOUNDER (A. EVERMANNI) IN THE EASTERN BERING SEA [33] Baensch, F. FROM OCEAN TO CULTURE TO CAMERA: “CAPTURING” THE TRUE BEAUTY IN A MARINE FISH’S EARLY LIFE HISTORY [34] Snyder, D.E., Bjork, C.L. ILLUSTRATIONS OF LARVAL AND JUVENILE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUNTAIN WHITEFISH [35] Snyder, D.E., Bjork, C.L. ILLUSTRATIONS OF LARVAL AND JUVENILE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAINS TOPMINNOW [36] Clausen, K.C., Ditty, J.G. IDENTIFICATION OF LARVAE IN THE FAMILY EXOCOETIDAE (FLYINGFISHES) [37] Jimenez-Rosenberg, S.P.A., Sanchez-Velasco, L., Ordoñez-Guillen, F.E. FISH LARVAE IN THE BIOSPHERE RESERVE OF THE UPPER GULF OF CALIFORNIA (JUNE 2008, JUNE 2010) [38] Jimenez-Rosenberg, S.P.A., Gonzalez-Navarro, E., Saldierna-Martinez, R.J., AcevesMedina, G. ELOPOMORPHA LEPTOCEPHALUS LARVAE FROM THE MEXICAN PACIFIC [39] Vasquez-Yeomans, L., Morales, S., Valdez-Moreno, M., Acevedo, D., Martínez, A., Carrillo, L., Malca, E. Victor, B. FISH LARVAE CHECKLIST (PISCES) FROM NORTH OF THE YUCATÁN PENINSULA Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 10 Agenda 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Tuesday, June 4, 2013 • Morning Crystal Ballroom 8:30–8:40 AM Su Sponaugle, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Steering Committee Chair ANNOUNCEMENTS Plenary Talk 8:40–9:15 AM Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration OVERCOMING THE LIMITATIONS OF TRADITIONAL IDENTIFICATION METHODS: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES IN FISH EARLY LIFE HISTORY STUDIES Tuesday, June 4, 2013 • Morning Alexander Room Session 5: Advances and Novel Application of Methods for the Study of the Early Life History Stages of Fishes Chair: Bob Cowen, University of Miami—RSMAS Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes Chair: Jeff Leis, Australian Museum 9:20–9:40 AM Jina, O., Sung, K. MASSIVE FISH EGG SPECIES IDENTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY ON SPAWNING ECOLOGY OF FISH USING PYROSEQUENCING 9:20–9:40 AM Chambers, R.C. TIME AND TIMING IN THE ECOLOGY OF MARINE FISH EARLY LIFE-STAGES 9:40–10:00 AM Favero, J.M., Katsuragawa, M., Zani-Teixeira, M.L., Turner, J.T. NEW METHODOLOGY TO IDENTIFY ENGRAULIDAE EGGS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN BRAZILIAN BIGHT 9:40–10:00 AM Alós, J., Catalán, I.A., Arlinghaus, R., Palmer, M., Basterretxea, G., Jordi, A., Morales-Nin, B. TOWARDS THE ROLE OF DISPERSAL OF EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES IN EVOLUTIONARY FISHERIES 10:00–10:20 AM Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 AM Coffee Break 10:20–10:40 AM Hernandez, F.J., Carassou, L., Graham, W.M., Powers, S.P. EVALUATION OF THE TAXONOMIC SUFFICIENCY APPROACH FOR ICHTHYOPLANKTON 10:20–10:40 AM Paulsen, M., Clemmesen, C., Hammer, C., Polte, P., Von Dorrien, C., Malzahn, A. HABITAT SPECIFIC GROWTH PATTERNS IN LARVAL HERRING (CLUPEA HARENGUS) IN THE WESTERN BALTIC SEA 10:40–11:00 AM Vasquez-Yeomans, L., Morales, S., Valdez-Moreno, M., Acevedo, D., Martínez, A., Carrillo, L., Malca, E. Victor, B. IMPROVING THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF ELOPOMORPH FISHES IN THE WESTERN CARIBBEAN USING DNA BARCODING 10:40–11:00 AM Makrakis, M.C., Silva, P.S., Assumpção, L., Makrakis, S., Xavier, R., Fogaça, P.L.C. SPAWNING OF NEOTROPICAL FISH SPECIES DOWNSTREAM OF IGUAÇU FALLS, IGUAÇU RIVER–IGUAÇU NATIONAL PARK 11:00–11:20 AM Konstantinidis, P., Olsson, L., Hilton, E. HOMOLOGY AND THE IMPORTANCE OF LARVAL FISHES FOR MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYLOGENETIC STUDIES, WITH EXAMPLES FROM THE JAW MUSCULATURE OF ACTINOPTERYGIAN FISHES 11:00–11:20 AM Boucher, J.M., Chen, C., Sun, Y., Beardsley, R.C. MODELING INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY IN LARVAL SURVIVAL OF GEORGES BANK HADDOCK, MELANOGRAMMUS AEGLEFINUS, WITH FOCUS ON THE UNUSUAL 2003 RECRUITMENT EVENT 11:20–11:40 AM Wilcox Freeburg, E.D., Rhyne, A.L., Hannigan, R.E. A PICTURE IS WORTH ONE THOUSAND WORDS: IMAGE ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR OTOLITH STUDIES 11:20–11:40 AM Polte, P., Heiler, J., Beyer, S., Moll, D., Kotterba, P. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF EARLY HERRING (CLUPEA HARENGUS L.) LIFE STAGES IN A SHALLOW WESTERN BALTIC LAGOON 11:40–Noon Cowen, R.K., Guigand, C., Greer, A.T., Luo, J.Y. IN SITU ICHTHYOPLANKTON IMAGING SYSTEM (ISIIS): DESIGN, CAPABILITIES, AND RESULTS FROM CASE STUDIES 11:40–Noon Flores-Coto, C., Sanvicente-Añorve, L., Zavala-Hidalgo, J., Funes-Rodríguez, R. BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN THE SOUTHERN GULF OF MEXICO Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 12 Tuesday, June 4, 2013 • Afternoon Tuesday, June 4, 2013 • Afternoon Crystal Ballroom Alexander Room Session 5: Advances and Novel Application of Methods for the Study of Early Life History Stages of Fishes Chair: Scott Holt, University of Texas at Austin Session 2: Ocean Acidification/Climate Change Impacts on the Early Life History Stages of Fishes Chair: Chris Chambers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1:40–2:00 PM Malanski, E., Muelbert, J.H. MEASURING SMALL ORGANISMS UNDER MICROSCOPE: THE CASE FOR FISH LARVAE 1:40–2:00 PM Sswat, M., Clemmesen, C., Jutfelt, F., Riebesell, U. IMPACT OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION AND WARMING ON LARVAE OF COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT FISH SPECIES 2:00–2:20 PM Vikebø F.B., Rønningen, P., Lien, V.S., Meier, S., Grøsvik, B.E. THE USE OF DISPERSANTS TO COMBAT OIL SPILLS MODIFIES THE EXPOSURE RATE OF FISH EGGS AND LARVAE TO POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS 2:00–2:20 PM Bignami, S., Enochs, I.C., Manzello, D.P., Sponaugle, S., Cowen, R.K. OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ALTERS THE OTOLITHS OF A PANTROPICAL FISH SPECIES WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR SENSORY FUNCTION 2:20–2:40 PM Stieglitz, J.D., Mager, E.M., Hoenig, R.H., Benetti, D.D., Grosell, M. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE BIOASSAY SYSTEM (PELEC) FOR USE WITH PELAGIC MARINE FISH EMBRYOS AND LARVAE 2:20–2:40 PM Clemmesen, C., Frommel, A., Maneja, R. Piatkowski, U. EFFECTS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ON HERRING AND COD LARVAE—A COMPARATIVE APPROACH 2:40–3:00 PM Schornagel, D.B., Gregory, R.S., Snelgrove, P.V.R. FINE-SCALE HABITAT USE OF JUVENILE GREENLAND COD (GADUS OGAC) AS REVEALED BY ACOUSTIC TELEMETRY 2:40–3:00 PM Chambers, R.C, Candelmo, A.C., Habeck, E.A., Poach, M.E., Wieczorek, D., Greenfield, C., Cooper K.R., Phelan, B.A. OCEAN ACIDIFICATION EFFECTS IN THE EARLY LIFE-STAGES OF SUMMER FLOUNDER, PARALICHTHYS DENTATUS 3:00–3:20 PM Huebert, K.B., Peck, M.A. QUIRKS—A FREE TOOL FOR COMPARATIVE MODELING OF MARINE FISH LARVAE 3:00–3:20 PM Candelmo, A.C., Chambers, R.C., Habeck, E.A., Poach, M.E., Wieczorek, D., Phelan, B.A., Caldarone, E.M., Greenfield, C., Cooper, K.R. THE EFFECTS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ON THE EARLY LIFE-STAGES OF WINTER FLOUNDER, PSEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERICANUS 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break 3:50–4:10 PM Nanninga, G.B., Zhan, P., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Hoteit, I., Berumen, M.l. EMPIRICAL FIELD VALIDATION OF A BIOPHYSICAL DISPERSAL MODEL 3:50–4:10 PM Rhyne, A.l., Wilcox-Freeburg, E., Bourque, B., Cerino, D., Tlusty, M., Hannigan, R.E. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: DIET OVERPRINT IN LARVAL REEF FISH OCEAN ACIDIFICATION STUDIES? 4:10–4:30 PM Karakoylu, E., Ulanowicz, R.E, Miller, T.J. INFORMATION THEORY AND LARVAL RECRUITMENT IN ATLANTIC MENHADEN 4:10–4:30 PM Arula, T., Gröger, J., Ojaveer, H., Simm, M. REGIME SHIFTS IN LARVAL HERRING AND THE RELATED MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL TIME-SERIES: CASE STUDY IN THE GULF OF RIGA (BALTIC SEA) IN 1957–2010 4:30–4:50 PM Glas, M., Tritthart, M., Lechner, A., Keckeis, H., Loisl, F., Humphries, P., Habersack, H. LARVAL DRIFT EXPERIMENTS ON A SHORELINE IN A LARGE RIVER: VALIDATION OF THE PARTICLE TRACING MODEL IN COMBINATION WITH A 3D NUMERICAL MODEL 4:30–4:50 PM Malanski, E., Swalethorp, R., Munk, P., Nielsen, T.G. FOOD PREFERENCES IN ATLANTIC COD LARVAE, GADUS MORHUA, IN GODTHÅBSFJORD, GREENLANDIC WATERS 4:50–5:10 PM Lechner, A.J., Keckeis, H., Glas, M., Tritthart, M., Loisl, F., Humphries, P., Habersack, H. LARVAL DRIFT EXPERIMENTS ON A SHORELINE IN A LARGE RIVER: LARVAL DRIFT IN COMPARISON TO NUMERICAL PASSIVE PARTICLES 4:50–5:10 PM Peck, M.A., Huebert, K.B., Hufnagl, M., Kreus, M., Pätsch, J. MODELLING TROPHODYNAMIC CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON NORTH SEA FISH POPULATIONS 5:30–7:00 PM American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Business Meeting Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 13 Agenda 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Wednesday, June 5, 2013 • Morning Crystal Ballroom 8:30–8:40 AM Su Sponaugle, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Steering Committee Chair ANNOUNCEMENTS Plenary Talk 8:40–9:15 AM Jonathan Hare, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration PURSUING HYPOTHESES AND THE FUTURE OF FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY Wednesday, June 5, 2013 • Morning Session 5: Advances and Novel Application of Methods for the Study of Early Life History Stages of Fishes Chair: Klaus Huebert, University of Hamburg Session: FATE Science Meeting (Larval Studies) Chair: John Lamkin, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 9:20–9:40 AM Donahue, M.J., Karnauskas, M., Toews, C., Paris, C.B. GOOD TIMING: HIGHER LARVAL SUCCESS DURING OBSERVED PERIOD OF SPAWNING AGGREGATION 9:20–9:40 AM Ford, M.D. FISHERIES AND THE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM: OVERVIEW AND UPDATE 9:40–10:00 AM Paris, C.B., Irisson, J., Atema, J., Kingsford, M., Gerlach, G., Guigand, C., Foretich, M. REEF ODOR: A WAKE-UP CALL FOR NAVIGATION IN SETTLEMENT STAGE REEF FISH LARVAE 9:40–10:00 AM Mcclatchie, S., Goericke, R., Weber, E.D., Watson, W., Hill, K., Miller, E., Jacobson, L.D. A NEW ENSO-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX FOR PACIFIC SARDINE RECRUITMENT 10:00–10:20 AM 10:00–10:20 AM Alexander Room Coffee Break Coffee Break 10:20–10:40 AM Kough, A.S., Paris, C.B., Staaterman, E., Guigand, C. DAY AND NIGHT ORIENTATION OF FISH LARVAE IN THE OPEN OCEAN 10:20–10:40 AM Leising, A.W., Bograd, S.J. DEVELOPMENT OF A CHL-A BASED SPRING BLOOM INDEX FOR THE CCS IEA 10:40–11:00 AM Vaz, A.C., Paris, C.B, Kelley, C., Richards, K.J., Holstein, D. FIRST ESTIMATION OF LARVAL SUPPLY AND CONNECTIVITY OF RESERVES IN THE HAWAIIAN ARCHIPELAGO 10:40–11:00 AM Karnauskas, M., Walter, J.F. III, Paris, C.B. USE OF THE CONNECTIVITY MODELING SYSTEM TO ESTIMATE MOVEMENTS OF RED SNAPPER (LUTJANUS CAMPECHANUS) RECRUITS IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO 11:00–Noon BRAINSTORMING SESSION WITH CHRIS CHAMBERS 11:00–11:20 AM Sheremet, V., Brooks, L., Lough, G., O’Brien, L., Legault, C., Manning, J., Chen, Y. VALIDATING OCEAN CIRCULATION MODEL USED FOR CALCULATING LARVAL FISH TRANSPORT IN CONNECTION WITH FISH RECRUITMENT AND STOCK MANAGEMENT 11:20–11:40 AM Peterson, B., Rykaczewski, R. THE INFLUENCE OF TEN EL NIÑO EVENTS ON PELAGIC ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE IN THE OREGON UPWELLING ZONE About FATE 11:40–Noon Hare, J.A., Brooks, E.N., Palmer, M.C., Churchill, J.H. A CAUTIONARY TALE: EVALUATING AN ENVIRONMENTALLY-EXPLICIT STOCK RECRUIT MODEL FOR WESTERN GULF OF MAINE ATLANTIC COD (GADUS MORHUA) F T isheries And The Environment (FATE) is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) program that supports NOAA’s mission to ensure the sustainable use of United States fishery resources under a changing climate. The focus of FATE is on the development, evacuation, and distribution of leading ecological and performance indicators. For more information please visit he FATE program takes a multidisciplinary approach to developing leading ecological indicators. Similar in concept to leading economic indicators, leading ecological indicators are indices of ecosystem properties and processes that reflect the condition of the ecosystem and the potential for changes in the distribution, growth, or reproductive success of economically or ecologically important species. Stock assessment biologists have recognized the role of environmental forcing on annual production, growth, and catchability for many years. FATE investigators are therefore developing techniques that allow for the rapid incorporation of environmental forcing into assessments. Presentations in the “FATE Science Meeting (Larval Fish Studies)” and “FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies)” sessions will be given by members of FATE; however, all symposium attendees are welcome to attend. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 14 Wednesday, June 5, 2013 • Afternoon Wednesday, June 5, 2013 • Afternoon Crystal Ballroom Alexander Room Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes Chair: Tony Miskiewicz, Wollongong City Council Session: FATE Science Meeting (other studies) Chair: Sam McClatchie, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1:40–2:00 PM Kupchik, M.J., Shaw, R.F. EFFECT OF WINTER COLD FRONT PASSAGES ON DENSITIES OF BREVOORTIA PATRONUS AND MICROPOGONIAS UNDULATUS LARVAE IN A LOUISIANA TIDAL PASS 1:40–2:00 PM Stewart, J.S., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Byrnes, J.E.K., Foley, D.G., Gilly, W.F., Robison, B.H., Field, J.C. CLIMATE CHANGE BELOW THE SURFACE: TROPHICALLY MEDIATED RANGE EXPANSION OF HUMBOLDT SQUID (DOSIDICUS GIGAS) IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT SYSTEM 2:00–2:20 PM Mavruk, S., Avsar, D., Yuksek, A., Ozyurt, C.E., Kiyaga, V.B. TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE EARLY STAGE SPATIAL PREFERENCES OF ANTENNA CODLET (BREGMACEROS ATLANTICUS GOODE AND BEAN, 1886) IN NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN 2:00–2:20 PM Whitlock, R., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S., Foley, D., Bailey, H., Block, B.A. USING MOVEMENT MODELS, FORAGING EVENTS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TO IDENTIFY BLUEFIN TUNA HOTSPOTS IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT 2:20–2:40 PM Carrillo, L., Vasquez-Yeomans, L., Malca, E., Muhling, B., Smith, R., Johns, L., Sosa-Cordero, E., Lamkin, J.T. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF FISHES IN THE MESOAMERICAN REEF SYSTEM 2:20–2:40 PM Nye, J.A., Lynch, P., Hare, J., Stock, C., Alexander, M., Scott, J., Curti, K., Drew, K. POTENTIAL INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ANADROMOUS RIVER HERRING IN THEIR MARINE HABITAT 2:40–3:00 PM Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Smart, T., Mueter, F., Curchitser, E., Petrik, C. DYNAMICS OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF WALLEYE POLLOCK OVER THE EASTERN BERING SEA SHELF 2:40–3:00 PM Xu, Y., Nieto, K., Mcclatchie, S., Holmes, J., Teo, S.L.H., Bograd, S. ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON ALBACORE TUNA (THUNNUS ALALUNGA) DISTRIBUTION IN THE NORTHEAST PACIFIC: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 3:00–3:20 PM Macedo-Soares, L.C.P., Freire, A.S., Muelbert, J.H. SPECIES CO-OCCURRENCE AND LATITUDINAL CROSS-SHELF VARIABILITY IN LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN THE SW ATLANTIC 3:00–3:20 PM Ford, M.D. GELATINOUS ZOOPLANKTON AT THE SHELF SCALE: MOVING TOWARD INVESTIGATING IMPACTS ON FISHERY RESOURCES 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break 3:20–3:50 PM Coffee Break Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes (cont'd) Session 2: Ocean Acidification/Climate Change Impacts on the Early Life History Stages of Fishes Chair: Sean Bignami, University of Miami—RSMAS 3:50–4:10 PM Garsi, L.-H., Thomas, C., Crec’hriou, R., Agostini, S., Lecaillon, G., Ternengo, S., Garcia-Charton, J., Murenu, M., Muntoni, M., Lenfant, P. SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF FISH POST-LARVAE AROUND FRENCH MEDITERRANEAN COASTS: FIRST KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTIONING OF FISH BIODIVERSITY 3:50–4:10 PM Pitois, S.G. IMPACT OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON FISH POPULATIONS, USING THE FISH LARVAE DATASET FROM THE CONTINUOUS PLANKTON RECORDER 4:10–4:30 PM Ehrler, C.P., Steinbeck, J.R. SEASONAL AND ANNUAL VARIABILITY OF LARVAL FISH RECRUITMENT AT THREE LOCATIONS ON OAHU 4:10–4:30 PM Johnson, D.R. CLIMATE RELATED LARVAL TRANSPORT ANOMALIES 4:30–4:50 PM Havel, L.N., Fuiman, L.A. LARVAL RED DRUM (SCIAENOPS OCELLATUS) RESPOND TO DISSOLVED CHEMICALS FROM THE ESTUARINE ENVIRONMENT 4:30–4:50 PM Caridad, J.F., Able, K.W. CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON LARVAL FISH COMPOSITION IN LITTLE EGG INLET, NEW JERSEY 4:50–5:10 PM Hurst, T.P., Magel, C.R., Mathis, J.A, Turner, K.A. OCEAN ACIDIFICATION EFFECTS ON BEHAVIOR OF JUVENILE WALLEYE POLLOCK 5:10–5:30 PM Diaz-Gil, C., Alos, J., Catalan, I.A., Palmer, M., Steckbauer, A., Duarte, C.M. COMBINED EFFECTS OF HYPOXIA AND ACIDIFICATION ON ANTIPREDATOR RESPONSE OF JUVENILE EUROPEAN SEABASS Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 15 Agenda 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Thursday, June 6, 2013 • Morning Crystal Ballroom 8:30–8:40 AM Su Sponaugle, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Thursday, June 6, 2013 Science and 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference Organizing Committee Chair ANNOUNCEMENTS Alexander Room • Morning Session: FATE Science Meeting (other studies) Chair: Mandy Karnauskas, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Session 6: Ecology of Early Life History Stages of Larval Fishes Chair: Joan Holt, University of Texas at Austin 9:00–9:20 AM Langseth, B.J., Craig, J.K., Smith, J.W., Schueller, A.M., Shertzer, K.W. DOES HYPOXIA INFLUENCE THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF CATCHES IN THE COMMERCIAL REDUCTION FISHERY FOR GULF MENHADEN? 9:00–9:20 AM Zens, B., Glas, M., Tritthart, M., Lechner, A., Loisl, F., Humphries, P., Keckeis, H., Habersack, H. MOVEMENT PATTERNS OF FISH LARVAE IN RELATION TO FLOW-VELOCITY AND ORIENTATION ALONG THE CURRENT VECTOR IN AN EXPERIMENTAL FLUME 9:20–9:40 AM Muhling, B.A., Ingram, G.W. JR., Cass-Calay, S.L., Walter, J.F. INCORPORATING INDICATORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SUITABILITY AND CATCHABILITY INTO EXISTING ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA ABUNDANCE INDICES FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO 9:20–9:40 AM Leis, J.M., Paris, C.B., Irisson, J.-O.,Yerman, M.N., Siebeck, U.E. IN SITU STUDY SHOWS PELAGIC ORIENTATION BY LARVAL REEF FISH IS INDEPENDENT OF LOCATION AND YEAR BUT DEPENDS ON TIME OF DAY 9:40–10:00 AM Barcelo, C., Brodeur, R., Daly, E., Ciannelli, L. SCALE DEPENDENT DYNAMICS OF THE PELAGIC NEKTON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CURRENT ECOSYSTEM 9:40–10:00 AM Paris, C.B., Irisson, J.-O., Leis, J.M., Bogucki, D., Piskozub, J., Siebeck, U., Guigand, C.M. SUN COMPASS ORIENTATION FOR REEF-FISH LARVAE 10:00–10:20 AM Coffee Break 10:00–10:20 AM Coffee Break 10:20–10:40 AM Large, S.I., Fay, G, Friedland, K.D., Link, J.S. QUANTIFYING TRENDS AND THRESHOLDS IN RESPONSES OF ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS TO THE COMBINED EFFECTS OF FISHING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURE 10:20–10:40 AM Faria A.M., Gonçalves, E.J., Borges, R. CRITICAL SWIMMING BEHAVIOR OF SAND-SMELT LARVAE (ATHERINA PRESBYTER, CUVIER 1829) — IMPLICATIONS FOR LARVAL DISPERSAL AND COMPARISON WITH OTHER TEMPERATE SPECIES 10:40–11:00 AM Stawitz, C.C., Stachura, M.M., Essington, T.E., Branch, T.A., Haltuch, M.A., Hollowed, A.B., Mantua, N.J., Spencer, P.D. IMPROVING ECOSYSTEM-BASED STOCK ASSESSMENT AND FORECASTING BY USING A HIERARCHICAL APPROACH TO LINK FISH PRODUCTIVITY TO ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVERS 10:40–11:00 AM Hurst, T.P., Cooper, D.W., Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Farley, E.V. INSHORE AND OFFSHORE HABITAT USE BY JUVENILE PACIFIC COD IN THE BERING SEA 11:00–11:20 AM Li, Y., Ji, R., Chen, C., Fratantoni, P., Hare, J.A. STRATIFICATION INDICES FOR STOCK AND ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENTS FROM A DATA ASSIMILATIVE CIRCULATION MODEL 11:00–11:20 AM Neidetcher, S.K., Ciannelli, L. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE OF SPAWNING PHENOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY TO LARVAL TRANSPORT MODELS FOR TWO IMPORTANT ALASKAN GADIDS 11:20–11:40 AM Zador, S., Ormseth, O., Renner, H. RED FLAGS OR RED HERRINGS? USING ECOSYSTEM INDICATORS TO DETECT ANOMALOUS CONDITIONS IN THE GULF OF ALASKA IN 2011 11:40–Noon Murphy, M.D. HOW PRECISE AND/OR ACCURATE DO FORECASTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS NEED TO BE TO BE USEFUL TO STOCK ASSESSMENTS? Noon–12:20 PM Kaplan, I.C., Siedlecki, S., Bond, N., Hermann, A., Levin, P., Williams, G., Newton, J., Peterson, W. DEVELOPMENT OF A PREDICTION SYSTEM FOR CALIFORNIA CURRENT OCEAN CONDITIONS Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 16 Plenary talks Monday, June 3 — 8:40 AM Crystal Ballroom Progress and challenges in studying the feeding and growth of larval fish under natural field conditions DOWER, J.F., PEPIN, P., MONTAGNES, D.J.S. In the century since Hjort’s seminal work first linked larval survival to recruitment variability, much has been learned about the ecology of the early life history stages of fishes. In particular, considerable effort has been devoted to studying larval feeding and growth in both the lab and (to a lesser extent) under natural field conditions. Despite this, considerable gaps remain in our understanding of how, and under what conditions, variability in feeding and growth translates into measurable effects on larval survival. For example, we are still constrained by our inability to properly quantify the natural variability experienced by larval fish in the field. To what extent can larvae buffer against variability in prey availability and/or food quality? How big (or how long) a change in prey availability and/or food quality is required to elicit a “biologically significant” effect on larval growth or survival? Likewise, there remains much to learn about food-web and predator-prey interactions that involve larval fish. For example, historically the focus has been on energy transfer via the classic “diatom–copepod–larval fish” food chain. However, there is growing evidence that food chains involving the microbial loop contribute significantly to larval fish diets. Might this account, in part, for the dearth of evidence that observations of starving larvae under natural field conditions are rare? In an attempt to tie these themes together we will review our current understanding of these topics and offer some suggestions for the application of emerging field and lab techniques to the study of larval fish. Dr. John Dower is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology and the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. He was born and raised in Newfoundland, where his family was involved in the cod fishery for nearly 200 years. Dower completed his PhD in 1994 focusing on the biophysical linkages that promote high productivity around shallow seamounts. It was during this research that Dower first became interested in ichthyoplankton, after finding high abundances of coastal rockfish larvae above a seamount 500 km off the Washington coast. A postdoc position with Bill Leggett subsequently introduced him to the broader field of fisheries oceanography. Dower’s research focuses on the ways in which physical forcing affects the production of zooplankton and links to the feeding, growth, and survival of larval fish. His research program is primarily field-based, and involves work on both Canada’s east and west coasts. Tuesday, June 4 — 8:40 AM Crystal Ballroom OVERCOMING THE LIMITATIONS OF TRADITIONAL IDENTIFICATION METHODS: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES IN FISH EARLY LIFE HISTORY STUDIES LYCZKOWSKI-SHULTZ J., MARANCIK K.E., HERNANDEZ, JR. F.J., BAYHA, K.M. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC/Mississippi Laboratories, 3209 Frederic Street, Pascagoula, MS 39567. Email: Joanne.Lyczkowski-Shultz@ An ever-growing demand for information on the early life stages of fishes highlights the frustrating reality that we cannot reliably identify the larvae of most marine species. In the western central North Atlantic, for example, larval descriptions are available for only 40% of the region's over 2,000 known species (globally, the percentage is much lower, approximately 10%). Even these estimates are deceiving because for many large families the larvae of relatively few species have been described making it difficult to determine the diagnostic characters that will reliably distinguish the described larvae from the undescribed ones. Eggs and the smallest, preflexion larvae are often unknown or the least described, yet they potentially provide valuable fisheries-independent information critical for management (e.g. spawning stock biomass). Within the past several decades, however, advances in molecular genetic techniques have given us a viable alternative approach to identifying fish eggs and larvae. Ideally genetically identified specimens can be used to formally describe the morphology of developmental stages. Then these descriptions can be used thereafter to identify larvae in field collections. However, when distinguishing morphological characters are not available, less expensive genetic analyses are being developed that can be implemented as a routine component of the identification process. Here we review the applications of molecular techniques in early life history studies, and present examples of how data gained from genetically identified eggs and larvae have led to the fuller utilization of early life history stages in fisheries assessment, management and ecology. Dr. Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz has been a Research Fishery Biologist at the NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC Laboratory in Pascagoula, MS, since 1993 where she heads up the SEAMAP Plankton Team. Prior to joining the NMFS she worked at the Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, MS, and Oregon State University, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, OR. She received her Master’s degree from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in 1971 and her PhD from the University of Maine, Ira C. Darling Center at Walpole, ME in 1980. Her interest in the early life history of fishes began while diving in the Damariscotta River, Maine, in winter months to observe and collect the eggs and larvae of sculpins. Among the accomplishments she values most over her career are the young scientists she has mentored and the productive collaborations she has had with fellow researchers in both the Fisheries Service and academia. Wednesday, June 5 — 8:40 AM Crystal Ballroom PURSUING HYPOTHESES AND THE FUTURE OF FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY HARE, J.A. NOAA Narragansett Laboratory, 28 Tarzwell Drive, Narragansett, RI 02882. Email: Fisheries oceanography is largely an applied discipline with a major goal of improving fisheries management and marine conservation. Hjort’s critical period hypothesis, and its decedents, remain a dominant theme and focuses on early life stage survival as mediated by prey availability and feeding. A second hypothesis focuses on the sequential transfer of energy from primary productivity to fishery productivity. Four relatively recent hypotheses challenge these traditional bottom-up hypotheses: predation of early life stages, maternal condition, over-winter mortality, and shifting migration pathways. Support for these hypotheses from the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf will be reviewed and their implications to fisheries management and marine conservation will be described. It is important that these recent hypotheses continue to be pursued and tested. The results must then be integrated into current and future assessments and management decisions. Dr. Jonathan Hare is the director of the NOAA Narragansett Laboratory and oversees the operational oceanography programs for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. He is also involved in regional and international ocean observing activities. Jon received a BA in Biology from Wesleyan University and a PhD in Oceanography from SUNY Stony Brook. He received a National Research Council Research Associate in 1994 to work at the NOAA Beaufort Laboratory and was hired by NOAA in 1997. His research has focused on fisheries oceanography: understanding the interactions between the ocean environment and fisheries populations with an aim of contributing to assessments and management. Recently, Jon has started to examine the effect of climate change on fish population dynamics. This work involves coupling the output of IPCC-class climate models with fish population models to simulate the effects of climate change on population dynamics. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 17 Miscellany About the Larval Fish Conference Awards Presented by the American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section T T he Sally Leonard Richardson Award is presented every year to the best student oral paper delivered at the Larval Fish Conference. Winners have been selected since 1986. This year, 28 presenters are competing for this award. he John H.S. Blaxter Award is given annually to the best student poster presented at the Larval Fish Conference. Winners have been selected since 2004. Twelve posters are competing for this award. About the Student Award Raffle and Auction F F unds to support the Sally Leonard Richardson Award will be raised through the traditional raffle. Donate items and purchase raffle tickets to show your support! ollowing tradition, the Blaxter Award Committee will hold an auction during the 2013 Larval Fish Conference Banquet on Wednesday night to raise funds to continue to support this award. Bid early and often! About the Early Life History Business Meeting T he Business Meeting of the Early Life History Section of the American Fisheries Society is an informal gathering to inform interested people about current and future activities in the section. The meeting is open to everyone, but only full AFS members are eligible to vote. The elected officers (Secretary and Treasurer) will report on the current membership numbers and demographics. You will be informed about the financial status of the section and the Richardson and Blaxter award funds. Appointed officers (Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Historian, Nomination and Ballot Committee Chair, Time and Place Committee Chair, Awards Committee Chairs) will report on their activities since our most recent meeting in Bergen. This is an opportunity to approach section officers with questions and suggestions. Please get involved… New ideas and dedicated new people are always needed! About the Brainstorming Session with Chris Chambers O pen discussion about how to make the Early Life History Section and the Larval Fish Conference even better. We want to keep this community vibrant and growing. Please bring and voice your thoughts on organization and conference structure, meeting venues, themes, mentoring, social media, and other new ideas. Are you interested in hosting a future conference? A n important component of the Business Meeting will be the discussion about future meeting locations. Quebec City, Canada, is hosting a joint meeting with AFS August 17–21, 2014. Pascal Sirois, Dominique Robert, John Dower, Marc Mingelbier, Patrick Oullet, and Martin Castonguay are in charge of organizing next year’s conference. As for future meetings, we have received offers from places around the globe. Come and join the discussions about offers for our Larval Fish Conferences in 2015 and 2016! Abstracts in alphabetical order by presenter’s name (in bold) Oral presentation Poster presentation Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 9:40 AM Alexander Room TOWARDS THE ROLE OF DISPERSAL OF EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES IN EVOLUTIONARY FISHERIES ALÓS, J., CATALÁN, I.A., ARLINGHAUS, R., PALMER, M., BASTERRETXEA, G., JORDI, A., MORALES-NIN, B. IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), C/ Miquel Marqués 21, 07190, Esporles, Illes Balears, Spain. Telephone: + 00 34 971 61 08 29, Fax: + 00 34 971 61 17 61, Email: pep.alos@ of early life-stages exposed to the oceanographic dynamics in an important marine coastal Mediterranean species highly targeted by recreational fisheries (Serranus scriba). We based our larval fish dispersal estimations on highresolution hydrodynamic model simulations (sbPOM) of the circulation along the southern coast of Mallorca island (Mediterranean) and mean Lagrangian trajectories of virtual particles (eggs and larvae) released from 25 different coastal sub-populations. The dispersal of early life history stages estimated from the oceanographic particle motion model identified relatively isolated sub-populations therefore presenting limited gene flow. Based on individual life-history traits estimated from the various sub-populations, we provide compelling evidence that such limited gene flow can induce evolutionary responses to fishing at surprisingly small geographical scales. We propose that the dispersal of early life-history stages can play a major role in the evolutionary trajectory of most harvested marine populations. The pelagic nature of early life-stages is the only mechanism of gene flow and dispersal for many sedentary coastal fish. Contrary to the common wisdom, recent development in genetics and transport models show that many marine fish populations are not as open as expected even at scales of a few kilometres. Therefore, the degree of dispersal of such pelagic early life history stages, and the population’s underlying gene flow, should play a role in understanding and anticipating the evolutionary responses to trait-selective fishing. Capitalising on this idea, we analyzed the influence of population’s connectivity on the evolutionary responses of coastal fish species by exploring the spatial dynamics Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 19 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Poster Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 4:10 PM Alexander Room REGIME SHIFTS IN LARVAL HERRING AND THE RELATED MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL TIME-SERIES: CASE STUDY IN THE GULF OF RIGA (BALTIC SEA) IN 1957–2010 ARULA, T., GRÖGER, J., OJAVEER, H., SIMM, M. Estonian Marine Institute, Univ. of Tartu, Lootsi 2A, Pärnu 80012, Estonia. Email: Detection and analysis of regime shifts was conducted in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) by applying the iterative shiftogram method to selected single and multivariate factors focused on the early life-history stages of the local herring population. Altogether nineteen variables were used, both in univariate and multivariate levels during the 1957–2010, describing abiotic and biotic components of the environment. In addition, phenology of the herring larvae and Eurytemora affinis was included. All investigated univariate time-series of the early life history stages of herring as well the studied multivariate scores by the major three complexes (abiotic, biotic and phenology components) exhibited changes over time with variable types and timings. However, the multivariate shiftogram pooling nineteen variables identified two distinct states in the ecosystem. The first state occurred during 1957–1985, followed by a smooth transition period, lasting 1986–1991 and entered into a new phase since 1992 onwards. Major implications of regime shift on herring larvae and recruitment were increased and more variable abundance dynamics after regime shift. The studied environment was mainly regulated by abiotic conditions related to the temperature, while phenological aspect and biotic components had substantially minor role. John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate MOLECULAR ANALYSES OF SARGASSO SEA FISH LARVAE ENABLE FIRST-TIME LARVAL DESCRIPTIONS AYALA, D.J., MUNK, P., RIEMANN, L. Denmark's National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Jaegersborg Allé 1, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark. Email: Molecular analyses of Sargasso Sea fish larvae have led to several new and ongoing down-stream discoveries. Several first-time larval descriptions have been enabled by linking DNA barcodes of investigated unknown and undescribed larval specimens, to juvenile and adult identifiers. We here show first-ever larval developmental series for the lanternfish Lampanyctus photonotus, and the first confirmed larval descriptions of the barbeled Dragonfish Chirostomias pliopterus. Genetic sequence analysis of several specimens of the roundnose lanternfish Centrobranchus nigroocellatus indicated high genetic similarity among Sargasso Sea specimens, which showed clear divergence from specimens from other oceanic regions. Molecular analysis gives larval fish researchers several new tools to expand the depth and breadth of larval development understanding. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes FROM OCEAN TO CULTURE TO CAMERA: “CAPTURING” THE TRUE BEAUTY IN A MARINE FISH’S EARLY LIFE HISTORY BAENSCH, F. Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 2:40 PM Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Crystal Ballroom CANNIBALISM OF LARVAL LESSER SANDEELS (AMMODYTES MARINUS) IN THE NORTH SEA AYALA, D.J. Denmark's National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Jaegersborg Allé 1, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark. Email: Predation upon larval fishes by other fish species, and in the special case of cannibalism, is an important component of overall mortality, yet is still a factor whose scale and scope are not well understood. Cannibalism of larval lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) by juveniles and adults was investigated in the North Sea. Stomach-content analysis confirmed larval A. marinus as a dietary component of all investigated older year-classes. Analyses concurrently indicate a highly variable contribution of larval A. marinus in the overall diet. This is the first study reporting a direct trophic linkage between early life history stages, and adults, of this commercial and ecological key species, and simultaneously heightens the need for further investigations into density-dependent mortality of larvae among this species. Reef Culture Technologies, 4079 Koko Dr., Honolulu HI 96816. Email: rct@hawaii. The diverse, natural beauty of developing marine fish larvae is rarely presented since most conventional larval descriptions rely on dead specimens. Collecting wild eggs in the ocean can provide a diversity of species for laboratory rearing to document the development of live and healthy larvae. The Early Life History Project utilizes wild egg collection and larval rearing techniques to study the reproductive patterns, culture requirements and larval ontogeny of Hawaiian marine fish. The project provides the opportunity to document the development of living marine fish larvae; to present their true pigmentation and size; and to show their natural beauty. This poster presents photographs of selected stages for some of the families that have been cultured to date. These include Acanthuridae, Blenniidae, Callionymidae, Carangidae, Chaetodontidae, Diodontidae, Fistularidae, Kyphosidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Molidae, Ostraciidae, Pleuronectidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Priacanthidae, Scaridae, Scorpaenidae, Serranidae. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 20 Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 9:40 AM Crystal Ballroom SCALE DEPENDENT DYNAMICS OF THE PELAGIC NEKTON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CURRENT ECOSYSTEM directionality was positively and strongly affected by the sky clarity (absence of clouds and haze). Moreover, larvae swimming under fully polarized light exhibited a distinct behavior of tracking the polarization axis, as it rotated along with the DISC. This behavior was not observed under partially-polarized light. We view these findings as clear indication for the potential use of sun-related cues by orienting coral reef fish larvae. Presentation type: Oral BARCELO, C., BRODEUR, R., DALY, E., CIANNELLI, L. 104 CEOAS Admin. Bldg., College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97330. Email: cbarcelo@coas.oregonstate. edu Understanding the relative influence of different spatial and temporal scale determinants on the pelagic nekton community composition will likely increase the accuracy and precision of future ecosystem based management tools in the California Current. Towards this goal, we characterized the pelagic forage fish and predator community composition sampled in the Northern California Current (from ~ 44 - 48°N) between 1998 and 2011 at multiple spatial and temporal scales using local, regional and basin scale environmental covariates. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination was used to assess the dimensionality of the multi-species abundance data and to quantify the variability in community composition at distinct scales of data aggregation. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to characterize the spatial and temporal differences in assemblage structure as a function of distinct environmental variables. Using individual hauls as sample units, the most important environmental variables structuring the community of pelagic fish included wind stress, upwelling, and discharge volume from the Columbia River. At the individual cruise scale, regional and basin scale variables such as NPGO, PDO and the summer upwelling index are important correlates describing variability in community composition. Additionally, we present maps of the spatial extents of distinct pelagic nekton communities as well as the distributions of individual forage fish and predator species sampled during the 14-year survey period. We conclude by summarizing some of our recent and ongoing contributions to NOAA's California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, including indicators used for assessing NCC pelagic ecosystem health. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate THE USE OF POLARIZED LIGHT FOR ORIENTATION IN CORAL REEF FISH LARVAE BERENSHTEIN, I., KIFLAWI, M., SHASHAR, N., WIELER, U., AGIV, H., PARIS, C.B. Interuniveristy Institute & Ben Gurion University, Zehurit st. 2/17 Eilat, Israel. Email: Recent studies of the larvae of coral-reef fishes reveal that these tiny vertebrates possess remarkable swimming capabilities, as well as the ability to orient to olfactory, auditory, and visual cues. While navigation according to reefgenerated chemicals and sounds can significantly affect dispersal, the affect is limited to the vicinity of the reef. Effective long-distance navigation requires at least one other capacity – the ability to maintain a bearing using, for example, a sun compass. Directional information in the sun's position can take the form of a brightness gradient and/or the pattern of light polarization. We examined the response to both cues using commercially-reared larvae of the clown-fish Premnas biaculeatus. Initial optomotor trials indicated that these larvae are sensitive to linearly polarized light (39 of 48 larvae showed a positive response). Directional swimming was then tested using a Drifting In-situ Chamber (DISC), which allowed us to examine the larvae’s response to natural variation in light conditions and manipulated levels of light polarization. Under natural light conditions, 25 of 28 larvae showed significant directional swimming (Rayleigh’s test p< 0.05), but to no particular direction. Swimming Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 2:00 PM Alexander Room OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ALTERS THE OTOLITHS OF A PANTROPICAL FISH SPECIES WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR SENSORY FUNCTION BIGNAMI, S., ENOCHS, I.C., MANZELLO, D.P., SPONAUGLE, S., COWEN, R.K. Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sci., Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami, FL 33149. Email: sbignami@rsmas. Ocean acidification affects a wide diversity of marine organisms and is of particular concern for vulnerable larval stages critical to population replenishment and connectivity. While it is well known that ocean acidification will negatively affect a range of calcareous taxa, the study of fishes is more limited in both depth of understanding and diversity of study species. We utilized new three-dimensional microcomputed tomography to conduct in situ analysis of the impact of ocean acidification on otolith (ear stone) size and density of larval cobia (Rachycentron canadum), a large, economically important, pan-tropical fish species that shares many life history traits with a diversity of high-value, tropical pelagic fishes. We show that 2100 μatm pCO2 ocean acidification significantly increases not only otolith size (up to 50% greater volume and 58% greater mass) but also otolith density (6% higher), with 800 μatm pCO2producing significantly greater mass (14%) and a similar but non-significant trend for otolith size. By using a modeling approach, we demonstrate that these changes could affect auditory sensitivity including a ~50% increase in hearing range at 2100 μatm pCO2, which may alter the perception of auditory information by larval cobia in a high-CO2 ocean. Our results indicate that ocean acidification has a graded effect on cobia otoliths, with the potential to substantially influence the dispersal, survival, and recruitment of a pelagic fish species. These results have important implications for population maintenance/replenishment, connectivity, and conservation efforts for other valuable fish stocks that are already being deleteriously impacted by overfishing. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 11:00 AM Alexander Room MODELING INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY IN LARVAL SURVIVAL OF GEORGES BANK HADDOCK, MELANOGRAMMUS AEGLEFINUS, WITH FOCUS ON THE UNUSUAL 2003 RECRUITMENT EVENT BOUCHER, J.M., CHEN, C., SUN, Y., BEARDSLEY, R.C. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, School for Marine Science and Technology, 706 Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02744. Email: Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 21 Recruitment of the Georges Bank haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) stock in 2003 vastly exceeded any year on record since assessments began. While the causes of this event have been investigated, no definitive explanations have been put forward. Utilizing an individual-based model coupling the FiniteVolume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) physical circulation fields with the FVCOM-based I-State Configuration Model (FISCM), we attempted to determine if a model of haddock early life history is capable of resolving the dynamics that produced the large recruitment event. Two primary sources of mortality, starvation and advection from the nursery area, are compared for haddock spawned on the Northeast Peak of Georges Bank annually from 1995 through 2009. Above average retention of passive individuals occurred in 2003 with comparable rates for 2000 and 2002, which did not have recruitment events of similar magnitude. The potential for larval transport from Browns Bank to Georges Bank was simulated as an extension to the advection hypothesis, with highly variable transport from Browns Bank suggesting a supplemental source of larvae in some years. Larvae exhibited the lowest growth rates in 2003, associated with higher temperatures and shear dispersion on Georges Bank producing a poor model foraging environment. Results from our simulations indicate that high retention rates on Georges Bank combined with additional supply from Browns Bank are necessary for increased recruitment success, but did not provide a sufficient explanation for recruitment in 2003 when low growth rates were considered. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 3:00 PM Alexander Room THE EFFECTS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ON THE EARLY LIFESTAGES OF WINTER FLOUNDER, PSEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERICANUS CANDELMO, A.C., CHAMBERS, R.C., HABECK, E.A., POACH, M.E., WIECZOREK, D., PHELAN, B.A., CALDARONE, E.M., GREENFIELD, C., COOPER, K.R. Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, 74 Magruder Road, Highlands, NJ 07732. Email: Limited evidence to date supports the expectations that effects of elevated levels of CO2 in finfish will differ across species, will be subtle, and will interact with other stressors. CO2 and temperature effects were tested on the embryos and larvae of an ecologically important marine fish, winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Initial results show that increased CO2 had little effect on the survival of winter flounder embryos with subtle signs of reduced survival with increased CO2 and warmer waters. The mean lengths of larvae were longer at higher CO2 levels, with this trend more pronounced in larvae of older ages that experience warmer water. Mean protein mass was also greater in more advanced larvae exposed to higher CO2 levels. Preliminary results indicate mortality at earlier ages of smaller, less developed individuals in higher CO2 environments, which may account for the larger mean length and mass calculated for survivors. In addition, the ratio of RNA/DNA was lower in young larvae (1-week old) exposed to elevated CO2 levels and especially at colder temperatures. Finally, winter flounder larvae exposed to high CO2 levels showed increased cranial-facial, ocular, and muscular abnormalities, and an increased occurrence of hepatic lesions. Overall, winter flounder embryos may be relatively tolerant to high levels of CO2 due to their residence in relatively variable benthic inshore habitats. Winter flounder larvae, however, may be more vulnerable than embryos to high CO2 levels, as expressed by decreased condition, increased abnormalities and lesions, and lower survivorship to metamorphosis. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 4:30 PM Alexander Room CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON LARVAL FISH COMPOSITION IN LITTLE EGG INLET, NEW JERSEY CARIDAD, J.F., ABLE, K.W. Rutgers University Marine Field Station, 800 C/O 132 Great Bay Blvd., Tuckerton, NJ 08087. Email: There is increasing evidence for the effects of climate change on ecosystems; however it is more difficult to assess these impacts in marine systems. Studies have shown that shallow temperate estuaries can be greatly affected by increasing temperatures. Utilizing data collected from long term water temperature monitoring (1976–present) and weekly ichthyoplankton sampling programs (1989–2010, > 350,000 individuals) at Little Egg Inlet, NJ, there is evidence that rising temperatures may have influenced the ingress of larval fish into the estuary. There have been significant changes in community structure when comparing pre-2000 and post-2000 species compositions, especially in the fall and winter months. Biodiversity has also increased over the sampling period and the organisms that are contributing the most to the overall variation in community structure have been identified. Understanding these impacts is imperative when assessing management strategies because increased mortality due to climate change can dramatically reduce the already low survival rate fish experience during their larval stage. Because of the importance of estuaries to the early life history of important commercial and recreational fishes and their prey, the impacts of climate change can greatly affect not only the ecology of the estuary, but also its societal and economic importance. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 2:20 PM Crystal Ballroom PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF FISHES IN THE MESOAMERICAN REEF SYSTEM CARRILLO, L., VASQUEZ-YEOMANS, L., MALCA, E., MUHLING, B., SMITH, R., JOHNS, L., SOSA-CORDERO, E., LAMKIN, J.T. EL COLEGIO DE LA FRONTERA SUR, Av. Centenario km 5.5, Col. Pacto Obrero, Chetumal, Quintana Roo. Email: The Mesoamerican reef system (MRS), in the western Caribbean, represents the second largest coral reef barrier in the world. There have been several collaborative efforts in key environmental issues, including the spatial distribution of the early life history (ELH) stages of fishes in the MRS. There is a clear agreement that the physical oceanographic processes in different scales in this region are one of the key factors to understand the distribution and ultimate fate of the ELH stages of fishes. This work is an attempt to provide a broad review of the knowledge of physical oceanographic processes linked to the ELH stages of fishes distribution in the MRS, illustrated by observational physical oceanographic information from three oceanographic campaigns in the MRS and coastal data collection. Data collected during the campaigns included hydrographic (CTD casts), currents from shipboard ADCP and satellite tracked ARGOS drifters, while the coastal current observations were analyzed from Acoustic Doppler profilers. A regionalization of the MRS according to dynamics aspects such as circulation, water masses, mesoscale features and bathymetric aspects is suggested and also compared to preliminary results of the ELH of fishes distribution. The interaction of the oceanic currents with the coast such as the Yucatan Current played the more relevant important role in the northern region of the MRS, meanwhile the southern part of the MRS, weaker and variable currents determined a potential retention zone. Presentation type: Poster Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes mixed water. A common set of 143 stations for both years was analyzed, and the larval fish assemblage (Hellinger transformation) was used as a multivariate response variable within a Redundancy Analysis Model. Eight physical and biological variables were used as potential explanatory variables. A subset of 5 explanatory variables were significantly related to the response taxonomic structure in both years, with depth, dynamic height and geostrophic velocity dominating the first two RDA axes in both years. While the depth contribution was more related to adult spawning areas (oceanic vs coastal species), we show how mesopelagic species and some epipelagic ones including tuna distributions are widely determined by dynamic height distribution, which relates to eddy dynamics and water masses in the area. AN EVALUATION OF SAMPLING METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING SETTLEMENT OF TEMPERATE FISH ONTO SEAGRASS MEADOWS Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes CATALAN, I.A., DUNAND, A., ÁLVAREZ, I., ALÓS, J., NASH, R. Tuesday, June 4 — 9:20 AM Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, C/Miquel Marqués 21, CP 07190, Esporles, Balearic Islands, Spain. Email: TIME AND TIMING IN THE ECOLOGY OF MARINE FISH EARLY LIFE-STAGES Demersal fish species generally shift from a pelagic to a benthic life style through a rapid settlement process. Understanding and measuring settlement is important for fisheries management and biodiversity conservation, but sampling fish at the time of settlement is challenging due to the spatial concretion, pulsed and rapid nature of the process. Although the combination of several sampling methods was highlighted as the best sampling strategy in coral reefs, its effectiveness in temperate areas is still unknown. Here we compare the effectiveness of six different sampling methods in terms of species composition, catch properties and size-spectra of pre-settlers and recent settlers in order to determine the best combination of techniques to utilize over the Posidonia oceanica, an endemic seagrass of the Mediterranean Sea of key importance for coastal fisheries. We considered three types of pelagic nets, two types of light-traps to sample pre-settled stages, and a low-impact experimental fine-mesh beam trawl for recent settlers. Our results show significantly different size-spectra for each method, within a continuous range of sizes from 2 mm to 200 mm. The optimal strategy for sampling key littoral fish species during the settlement period is to utilize a combination of the Ecocean (CARE) light trap combined with a small-scale experimental beam trawl. The results of this study provide quantitative evidence for the selection of sampling protocols designed for assessing the settlement process in temperate coastal areas, and can be useful for the identification of essential fish habitats and the design of marine protected areas. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 4:50 PM Presentation type: Oral Alexander Room CHAMBERS, R.C. NOAA Fisheries NEFSC, 74 Magruder Rd, Highlands, New Jersey 07732. Email: The importance of time and timing in marine fish ecology and recruitment has long been appreciated. Timing is fundamental to Hjort’s critical period hypothesis of marine fish recruitment, and to the subsequent derivative matchmismatch and stable-oceans hypotheses, the growth-mortality hypothesis and the predation hypothesis. In all, time is either an explicit or implicit part of the purported recruitment mechanism. Here the role of timing in ecology is considered especially as it pertains to marine fish early life-stages. First, the portrayal of time in ecological relevant units or increments linked to the key environmental drivers is likely to simplify the characterization of the underlying processes. The notion of physiological time is an example of such a simplification. The quantification of physiological time is presented, as are the ways that environmental factors map astronomical to physiological time. Second, using the thermal environment as an example of this mapping, the types of models that have been proposed to relate biological responses to temperature are summarized. Third, the key features of these models are described including biological zero, thermal summation, and curvature, as are the ways that these features affect ecological prediction. Fourth, examples are given of the early life-stage responses to a range of time-mapping environments (i.e., phenotypic plasticity), and the relative importance of these environments is discussed. Lastly, time compression and attenuation can occur in seasonal environments and an example is given of the special case of physiological time thresholds in winter. Alexander Room MESOSCALE DYNAMICS OF THE SUMMER LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES AROUND THE BALEARIC ISLANDS (NW MEDITERRANEAN) ALVAREZ, I., CATALAN, I.A., RODRIGUEZ, J.M., BALBIN, R., ALVAREZ, D., APARICIO, A., HIDALGO, J.M., ALEMANY, F. IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), C/Miquel Marqués 21, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Esporles 07012. Email: We analyzed two consecutive summer ichthyoplankton cruises (2004, 2005) around the Balearic Archipelago (NW Mediterranean, Spain). In both years, two contrasting hydrographic situations were observed, which characterize the summer dynamics of this area. In 2004 the oceanographic structure was characterized by the presence of Western Intermediate Water (WIW) in the Ibiza channel, making the meridional position of the (salinity driven) density front that separates the new from the resident Atlantic Waters (AW) reach the southern part of Menorca Island. In 2005, the other typical situation in the area was observed, the absence of the WIW in the channel allowed the new AW progress through the Ibiza and Mallorca channels and causing higher levels of Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 2:40 PM Alexander Room OCEAN ACIDIFICATION EFFECTS IN THE EARLY LIFE-STAGES OF SUMMER FLOUNDER, PARALICHTHYS DENTATUS CHAMBERS, R.C, CANDELMO, A.C., HABECK, E.A., POACH, M.E., WIECZOREK, D., GREENFIELD, C., COOPER K.R., PHELAN, B.A. NOAA Fisheries NEFSC, 74 Magruder Rd, Highlands, New Jersey 07732. Email: Early life stage (ELS) responses of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) were evaluated for responses to ocean acidification (OA). Survival of embryos was reduced by 50% below survival at local ambient conditions when maintained at the intermediate conditions (7.4 pH, 1860 ppm pCO2), and by 75% below local ambient survival when maintained at the most acidic conditions tested (7.1 pH, 4,715 ppm pCO2). Reduced embryo survival was consistent among Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 23 three females used as sources of embryos. Sizes and shapes of larvae were altered by elevated CO2 levels. Larvae were longer at hatching (but with less energy reserves) to midway through the larval period. Larvae from the most acidic conditions initiated metamorphosis earlier and at smaller sizes than those from more moderate and ambient conditions. Tissue damage and altered cranialfacial (CF) features were evident in older larvae (> 14-d posthatching) from both elevated CO2 levels. Effects in CF features changed with larval ages: CF elements of larvae from ambient CO2 environments were comparable or smaller than those from elevated CO2 environments at 7 and 14-d posthatching but larger at older ages. The degree of impairment in the ELS of summer flounder due to elevated CO2 levels suggests that this species will be challenged by OA in the near future. Further experimental comparative studies on marine fish are encouraged in order to identify the species, life-stages, ecologies, and responses that are most sensitive to increased levels of CO2 and acidity in near-future ocean waters. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 10:20 AM Alexander Room INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF TUNA LARVAE IN THE GULF OF MEXICO Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes CORNIC, M., ALVARADO BREMER, J.R., ROOKER, J.R. John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate IDENTIFICATION OF LARVAE IN THE FAMILY EXOCOETIDAE (FLYINGFISHES) CLAUSEN, K.C., DITTY, J.G. Texas A&M University at Galveston, NOAA/NMFS, 4700 Avenue U Bldg. 302, Galveston, TX 77551. Email: Flyingfish are an important resource worldwide, both as a fishery and as a food source for large pelagic fishes. It is important to be able to accurately identify larval flyingfish in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) due to their association as a prey species to fishes such as billfish and tuna. Increasing our knowledge of flyingfish may help inform management decisions pertaining to both flyingfish and large pelagic fisheries. There are ten species of flyingfish in the GoM, and of these species only five are identifiable at the larval stage using the current literature. Similarities in pigmentation, body shape, fin length, fin ray counts, and fin placement make these species particularly challenging to visually identify. This study combines the use of genetic identification and morphological measurements to determine distinctive characteristics which will facilitate identification of larval flyingfish. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 2:20 PM whereas the picture was not as clear in cod larvae. Otolith calcification was significantly affected by increasing seawater CO2 concentration. However the direct effects were different between the species with cod showing an increase in otolith size and herring a decrease. The observed changes in the otoliths were not reflected in a change in swimming behavior. Results from the two species will be presented and reasons for differences and similarities in reaction pattern will be discussed. Alexander Room Texas A&M University at Galveston, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston TX, 77553. Email: Summer ichtyoplankton surveys were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM), and catch data were used to characterize patterns of distribution and abundance of tuna larvae (Thunnus spp.) within this region. Overall, 12,674 larvae in the genus Thunnus were collected from 2007 to 2010. Mean density and percent frequency of occurrence of Thunnus larvae was 0.98 larvae 1000 m−3 and 78.5%, respectively. Temporal variability in catch numbers of Thunnus larvae were observed with the lowest density present in June (0.51 larvae 1000 m−3) and in 2010 (0.42 larvae 1000 m−3), the summer following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. To determine the species composition of Thunnus larvae in our collections, 2,975 larvae were genetically identified using high resolution melting analysis. Four different species were observed: blackfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus (87%), yellowfin tuna T. albacares (10%), bluefin tuna T. thynnus (3%), and bigeye tuna T. obsesus (<1%). Generalized additive models (GAMs) developed for each species indicated that environmental variables influenced the distribution and abundance of Thunnus larvae. The most influential factors in the bluefin tuna and blackfin tuna density models were sea surface height, presence of other species, salinity or sea surface temperatures. In contrast, yellowfin tuna densities were influenced primarily by depth, salinity, and the presence of congeners. Overall, our results indicate that the major factors affecting the distribution and abundance of Thunnus larvae in the GoM are species specific and appear to be associated with the position of mesoscale features and physicochemical characteristics of the water mass. Presentation type: Oral EFFECTS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION ON HERRING AND COD LARVAE—A COMPARATIVE APPROACH Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes CLEMMESEN, C., FROMMEL, A., MANEJA, R. PIATKOWSKI, U. Tuesday, June 4 — 11:40 AM Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Duesternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany. Email: IN SITU ICHTHYOPLANKTON IMAGING SYSTEM (ISIIS): DESIGN, CAPABILITIES, AND RESULTS FROM CASE STUDIES Studies on the impact of CO2 on the development of two commercially important fish species herring (Clupea harengus) and cod (Gadus morhua) under laboratory conditions (Kiel, Germany), in field settings (Baltic Sea, Bornholm Basin) and from a large, land-based mesocosm experiment at the marine facilities of the University of Bergen in Espegrend, Norway, were performed. With these data the effects of ocean acidification on fish populations adapted to very different abiotic conditions could be analyzed and the sensitivity of different larval developmental stages was evaluated. Methods used to determine growth and performance were morphometrics, biochemical indicators (RNA/DNA ratio, lipid analyses), histology, and otolith microstructure and microchemistry as well as behaviour. Severe tissue damages were observed in both herring and cod larvae. Reduction in growth rate and biochemical condition and metabolism were observed in herring, Crystal Ballroom COWEN, R.K., Guigand, C., Greer, A.T., Luo, J.Y. Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149. Email:, Our understanding of dynamic processes in the ocean has improved with advances in the resolution of oceanographic sampling, but many questions remain, especially with respect to relatively rare meso-zooplankton, such as ichthyoplankton and jellies. While common planktonic organisms are well studied by existing systems, there is a need to quantify relatively rare mesozooplankton within the same spatio-temporal context of more abundant zooplankton. ISIIS is a towed, high-resolution digital imaging system using a shadowgraph illumination scheme with a line-scan camera, capable of sampling Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 24 water volumes sufficient for accurate quantification of meso-zooplankton in situ. The images enable the clear identification of meso-zooplankters (e.g. ichthyoplankton, jellies, chaetognaths, euphausiids and even copepods), often to family or genus, with identification of small, transparent jellies often to species. Here we present case studies from four environments: Monterey Bay, Southern California, Georges Bank and Stellwagen Bank, to demonstrate the ability of this system to resolve the fine-scale distribution and orientation of zooplankton. The continuous ISIIS image can be used to to resolve finescale details in multiple trophic levels for a better understanding of plankton dynamics in the ocean. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 3:50 PM to settle to very nearshore seagrass areas. To test the hypothesis that predationrelated mortality increases as naïve late-stage fish larvae leave the offshore oceanic environment and enter the nearshore to settle, relative nocturnal predation rates on tethered late-stage snapper larvae were measured in oceanic, coral reef, and nearshore surface waters of the lower Florida Keys, USA. Both relative predation rate and probability of predation in oceanic areas seaward of the reef was significantly greater than over reef or nearshore seagrass/ hardbottom habitats. This surprising result may be due to differences in the density or spatial distribution of potential predators between deep offshore (near flotsam at the surface) and shallow nearshore environments (demersal). These findings suggest that successful late-stage snapper larvae should avoid surface waters in deep oceanic areas and move upward in the water column as they pass over the reef and other shallow nearshore environments prior to settlement. Crystal Ballroom Presentation type: Oral SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF FISH POST-LARVAE AROUND FRENCH MEDITERRANEAN COASTS: FIRST KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTIONING OF FISH BIODIVERSITY Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes GARSI, L.-H., THOMAS, C., CREC’HRIOU, R., AGOSTINI, S., LECAILLON, G., TERNENGO, S., GARCIA-CHARTON, J., MURENU, M., MUNTONI, M., LENFANT, P Monday, June 3 — 1:40 PM CEFREM UMR 5110 CNRS-UPVD, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan, France. Email: According to the most recent assessments of the Census of Marine Life (Coll and al., 2010), the decrease of marine biodiversity is particularly drastic in the Mediterranean Sea. The causes of biodiversity loss are multiple and mainly due to human activities. Habitat degradation, overexploitation, climate change, invasive species and pollution are recognized as the most important. The urgent need to stop the biodiversity decrease is addressed in the EU communication (COM 2006). With respect to the maritime status quo and the regulatory context, the European LIFE+ project “SUBLIMO” started one year ago and for a total of 3 years. The project proposes a new approach to analyze the marine biodiversity. It will seek to identify and estimate the abundance of coastal postlarval fish species which return to colonize coastal habitats and contribute to renew the local population. Seven sites along French Mediterranean coasts (including Corsica Island) are monitored with an innovative trap called CARE light trap patented by Ecocean French Company. Differences in richness and abundance are well marked reflecting the complexity of environmental and hydrographic conditions. Light traps sampled 62 taxa which represented 25 families in only 4 months of survey. CPUE values were quite different across localities (0.6 to 41 individuals/CARE/night) and was extremely low in Agde, the coolest place. Sites located in Lion’s Gulf harboured higher species richness (34 taxa), with decreasing values in Agde or Bastia (18 taxa), PortCros National Park (17 taxa), Port-Vendres (15 taxa) and Bonifacio Marine Park (10 taxa). Presentation type: Oral Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Alexander Room DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHARYNGEAL JAWS IN THE DRUMS (SCIAENIDAE) OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY WITH COMPARISONS TO OTHER MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY DEARY, A.L., HILTON, E.J. Attn: VIMS Fisheries, PO Box 1346, Route 1208 Greate Rd., Gloucester Point, VA 23062. Email: The goal of ecomorphology is to identify the aspects of morphology that influence an organism’s ecological role, although little information is available for the early development of many functional complexes in most fishes. It is difficult to identify the morphological features that influence the ecological position of early life history stage fishes. To evaluate the development of the pharyngeal jaws in early life history stage sciaenids, pharyngeal jaw elements from cleared and double stained specimens were prepared, dissected, and measured. Gill raker shape and the area of the upper and lower toothplates were recorded in nine of the 14 sciaenid species that use nursery habitats in the Chesapeake Bay. Sciaenids were grouped based on their primary habitat as adults (benthic vs. pelagic). Stomach contents were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level and prey was grouped by primary habitat (i.e. benthic crustacean, etc.) and relative hardness (e.g., fishes relatively soft, molluscs relatively hard). It is expected that unlike the oral jaw elements, which are matched for prey capture and primary foraging habitat, pharyngeal jaw elements will be matched to the degree of prey hardness since these structures are used to process prey. Species that prey on relatively harder-bodied organisms (Aplodinotus grunniens, Micropogonias undulatus, L. xanthurus, Menticirrhus spp.) are expected to have greater pharyngeal toothplate areas than species that prey on relatively softer-bodied organisms (B. chrysoura, Cynoscion nebulosus, C. regalis, Sciaenops ocellatus, Larimus fasciatus). Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Monday, June 3 — 11:40 AM Crystal Ballroom Presentation type: Oral EXAMINING THE PROCESS OF SETTLEMENT: COMPARATIVE PREDATION RATES ON LARVAL SNAPPERS (LUTJANIDAE) IN OCEANIC, REEF, AND NEARSHORE WATERS Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes D’ALESSANDRO, E.K., Sponaugle, S. Monday, June 3 — 2:40 PM University of Miami, RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami FL, 33149. Email: COMPARISON OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND OSSIFICATION OF THE CRANIUM IN TWO SPECIES OF SOUTH AFRICAN DRUM (SCIAENIDAE), ARGYROSOMUS JAPONICUS AND A. THORPEI The life cycle of most reef fishes involves pelagic larvae entering the nearshore environment to settle to benthic substrates. Settlement is considered to be highly risky as larvae encounter high rates of predation mortality associated with shallow nearshore habitats. This potential bottleneck may be particularly significant for many tropical snapper (Lutjanidae) species which bypass the reef Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Alexander Room DEARY, A.L., PATTRICK, P., STRYDOM, N. Attn: VIMS Fisheries, PO Box 1346, Route 1208 Greate Rd, Gloucester Point, VA 23062. Email: South Pointe Park, a 22-acre natural area at the southernmost tip of South Beach, offers breathtaking views of Downtown and PortMiami. The park was recently renovated to restore native vegetation and is characterized by presenting a serpentine splanade and pylons with changing LED lights built on a walkway of Florida limestone. Argyrsomus is a genus within the family Sciaenidae that is not well resolved due to taxonomic confusion arising from a lack of distinguishing characters in the adults. Two sympatric species of Argyrosomus, Argyrosomus japonicus and A. thorpei, are found along the South African coast and are important recreational and commercial fishery resources. The goal of this project is to provide developmental and diet data that is currently lacking for A. japonicus and A. thorpei, providing some understanding into the comparative ecomorphology of these two species in the early life history stages. Specimens were captured through an intensive two year long, monthly sampling program that included shore-based larval seine tows and boat-based plankton tows within Algoa Bay, South Africa. Samples were sorted and identified in the lab. Stomachs were removed; gut contents were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, and pooled into broad taxonomic groupings. Thirty nine specimens were cleared and double stained (cartilage blue and calcified structures red) to describe the development of the cranial structures and overall pattern of ossification. Twenty four specimens of A. japonicus (1.9-5.7 mm Total Length; TL) and twelve specimens of A. thorpei (1.9-5.05 mm TL) were examined. Stomach contents were examined from nine specimens of A. japonicus and six specimens of A. thorpei. Very little ossification was observed in the pre-flexion larvae for both species. Cartilage and bone development were more defined in A. japonicus relative to A. thorpei. Six A. japonicus specimens also had food items in their stomachs, suggesting active foraging. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 5:10 PM Alexander Room COMBINED EFFECTS OF HYPOXIA AND ACIDIFICATION ON ANTIPREDATOR RESPONSE OF JUVENILE EUROPEAN SEABASS Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 2:20 PM abundance, and relative condition as indicated by energy density and % bodily lipid. We developed a genetic technique based on mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and subsequently successfully identified Atheresthes spp. larvae and early juveniles from EBS cruises (2006–2010). We examined genetically identified specimens, assessed unique pigmentation and morphological characters, and were able to identify small (<12.0 mm SL) and large (≥20.0 mm SL) specimens using visual identification methods. Historical samples were re-identified to species to describe distribution. Larvae (< 25 mm SL) of ATF and KF have similar distributions in the EBS, but juveniles (>25 mm SL) have slightly different distributions; KF occurs closer to shelf edges and in deeper water. Data on % lipid content of larvae and juveniles indicate that larval KF have higher % lipid content than ATF. Results provided in this study are the first comprehensive ecological data on ATF and KF in the EBS. Alexander Room ECOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF ARROWTOOTH FLOUNDER (ATHERESTHES STOMIAS) AND KAMCHATKA FLOUNDER (A. EVERMANNI) IN THE EASTERN BERING SEA DE FOREST, L.G., DUFFY-ANDERSON, J.T., HEINTZ, R.A., MATARESE, A.C., SIDDON, E.C., SMART, T.I., SPIES, I.B. NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Email: Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias: ATF) are large, predatory flatfish found in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea (EBS). Early life history studies of ATF in the EBS have been difficult due to the presence of the closely related species Kamchatka flounder (A. evermanni: KF). As adults, ATF can be separated from KF by morphological and meristic characters; however, in larval and early juvenile stages these two species have been identified only as Atheresthes spp. The purpose of this project was to identify larval and early juvenile ATF and KF from the EBS and understand their distribution, DIAZ-GIL, C., ALOS, J., CATALAN, I. A., PALMER, M., STECKBAUER, A., DUARTE, C.M. LIMIA, Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), C/ Miquel Marques 21, 07190 Esporles, Islas Baleares, Spain. Email: cdiaz@imedea. The increase in CO2 in the atmosphere during the last century has led to an increase of water temperature and acidification. In the Mediterranean, hypoxic events and ocean acidification are increasing, but the effect of the interaction between these factors on to coastal fish physiology and behavior are seldom explored. In this work we evaluated experimentally the behavioral response of juvenile European Sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax to hypoxia and acidification within predicted levels and in a factorial design, where the individual fish was taken as a random factor. Individual response of juvenile sea bass to the presence of a predator (Scorpaena porcus) was evaluated in small aquaria, equipped with an artificial seagrass shelter. The activity, distance and boldness/risk behavior (entering the area close to the predator) was evaluated vs a control treatment following the position of the juvenile during the whole experiment each second through spatial landmark-based analysis. Preliminary results show that there is a significant effect of both treatments and their combination on fish antipredator response. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 26 Presentation type: Poster Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 4:10 PM John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate Alexander Room COMPARISON OF JUVENILE ENGLISH SOLE LIPID CONTENT AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION IN COASTAL AND ESTUARINE HABITATS ECOLOGY OF GREENLAND HALIBUT (REINHARDTIUS HIPPOGLOSSOIDES) IN CANYON AND SLOPE HABITATS OF THE EASTERN BERING SEA DOERING, K.L., STOWELL, M.A., CIANNELLI, L., PRAHL, F.G. DUFFY-ANDERSON, J.T., CIANNELLI, L., VESTFALS, C., SOHN, D., STOCKHAUSEN, W., IANELLI, J., HOFF, G. University of Miami, 15646 85th Way North, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. Email: English sole (Parophrys vetulus) larvae metamorphose and settle as juveniles in both nearshore coastal and estuarine habitats. Though these habitats are close in space, biogeochemical attributes of coastal and estuarine locations can vary widely, and thus differentially affect juvenile flatfish growth and survival. We used gas chromatography (GC) to examine triacylglycerol to sterol (TAG:ST) ratio and fatty acid signatures of newly settled English sole, and gravimetrically measured total extractable lipid content (TEL). These metrics were used as proxies for body condition, and were compared across individuals collected during June and July of 2012 from a coastal and nearby estuarine location off the central Oregon coast. English sole settling in the nearshore coastal habitat had higher body condition based on TAG:ST ratio than those in the estuarine habitat. Additionally, TAG:ST ratio and TEL decreased from June to July at both sites. This seasonal trend was previously observed with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analyses during the summer of 2011, and may reflect decreases in habitat quality with time, perhaps due to lower dissolved oxygen content or to different food type and availability. Alternatively, this trend could be an artifact of differences in body size or developmental stage with time. GC analyses revealed varying fatty acid composition among sample sets, which may also reflect differences in diet. Continued research incorporating individuals of more comparable sizes, larger sample sizes, absolute quantification of lipid classes, and controlled experiments may further improve understanding of how juvenile English sole lipids vary with respect to habitat and seasonal timing. NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 USA. Email: We examined differences in canyon and slope habitat utilization, and spawning to nursery area connectivity for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), a deep-sea spawning flatfish, in the eastern Bering Sea using diverse and complimentary approaches. First distribution and abundance of adults, larvae and juveniles were seasonally assessed using field surveys and historical data from the NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Second, a coupled hydrodynamic and individual-based model was used to evaluate where and when eggs and larvae crossed from off-slope spawning locations to the continental shelf, and to determine critical settlement and nursery habitat for offspring. Finally, statistical models were used to evaluate the impact of climate variability on transport and settlement success. Results indicate that, during non-spawning periods, Greenland halibut adults tend to be more abundant along the continental slope, though during the spawning season no differences in habitat use were found. Oceanographic modeling results indicate that connectivity of Greenland halibut larvae between the slope and the shelf primarily occurs via undersea canyons (Pribilof, Zhemchug) to the north of the Alaska Peninsula, and that connectivity may be dependent on availability of nursery habitat over the continental shelf. Results indicate that climate variability has significant impacts on the distribution, abundance, connectivity and habitat use of this commercially-important deep-sea flatfish. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 9:20 AM Crystal Ballroom Wednesday, June 5 — 2:40 PM Crystal Ballroom DYNAMICS OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF WALLEYE POLLOCK OVER THE EASTERN BERING SEA SHELF GOOD TIMING: HIGHER LARVAL SUCCESS DURING OBSERVED PERIOD OF SPAWNING AGGREGATION DUFFY-ANDERSON, J.T., SMART, T., MUETER, F., CURCHITSER, E., PETRIK, C. DONAHUE, M.J., KARNAUSKAS, M., TOEWS, C., PARIS, C.B. NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115. Email: Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, PO Box 1346, Kaneohe, HI 96744. Email: Spawning aggregations are a common phenomenon among many commerciallyimportant reef fish populations. For some species these aggregations are highly predictable in space and time, increasing their vulnerability to targeted fishing efforts, but also suggesting that there are fitness advantages to spawning at these particular times and locations. In this study, we carry out a larval transport simulation model for a lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris) spawning location off Punta Hicacos-Cayo Mono, Cuba, and test whether larvae released at the observed aggregation site and observed time are more likely to successfully recruit than larvae released at adjacent spatial and temporal locations. We track virtual larvae from release to settlement, incorporating changes in larval behavior through ontogeny, using a multi-scale biophysical model, the Connectivity Modeling System. We found that larvae released during the observed spawning period had a lower probability of recruitment failure than those released outside the observed spawning period; however, releases from various adjacent spatial locations had a much smaller effect on estimated differences in recruitment success. We pose a simple optimization model to understand the relationship between number of days in the spawning period and the expected recruitment success in a temporally variable environment. We undertook a multi-year study to examine seasonal linkages between spring spawning areas, early summer distribution patterns, and late summer/early fall occurrences of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea. Analyses indicated that spatial distributions of walleye pollock early life stages are influenced by broad-scale (temperature, spawning stock biomass, wind) and fine-scale (zooplankton biomass) variables, though temperature explained more of the variation in abundance of walleye pollock early life stages than any other covariate. We show that timing of spawning of walleye pollock appears to be delayed by as much as a month when thermal conditions over the eastern Bering Sea shelf are colder-than-average. We demonstrate spatial shifts in the distribution of early life stages to the east under warmerthan-average conditions, which appear to be related to predominant wind patterns over the continental shelf. Finally, we develop a biophysical model (ROMS-TRACMASS) to examine how variable atmospheric forcing, and the ocean’s response to this forcing, affects the distribution of walleye pollock ichthyoplankton. Implementation of the model will allow us to examine historical dispersal pathways of walleye pollock eggs and larvae and to forecast how these might change in the future under changing climate and ocean conditions. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 27 Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 4:10 PM Crystal Ballroom SEASONAL AND ANNUAL VARIABILITY OF LARVAL FISH RECRUITMENT AT THREE LOCATIONS ON OAHU. EHRLER, C.P., STEINBECK, J.R. Tenera Environmental, 141 Suburban Road, Suite A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. Email: Larval fish samples were collected from April 2006 through April 2012 at the shoreline intakes of three power plants on Oahu, covering a range of habitats including the open coast on the west side of the island at Kahe Point, and inside Honolulu Harbor and Pearl Harbor. Collection were conducted at least monthly using a 0.6 m2 diameter 335 micron mesh net. Samples were collected at each location about every 6 hours over a 24-hour period during each survey. A total of over 212,000 individuals from at least 130 taxa were identified in the 1,921 samples. The abundance of each taxon was variable between locations and between years, with some taxa only being represented by a single larvae during the study. The percentage of the common taxa collected during all six years at each location ranged from 24% to 43%. The most abundant taxa by location included damselfishes, gobies, infantfishes, Hawaiian triplefin, and blennies near Kahe Point, damselfish, anchovies, gobies, and infantfishes in Honolulu Harbor, and anchovies, jacks, and gobies in Pearl Harbor. Figures will be presented showing the seasonal and annual variation of the most abundant taxa. Presentation type: Poster Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species MATERNAL TRANSFER OF STRIPED BASS: DETERMINING A MOTHER’S LIFE HISTORY STRATEGY FROM THE OFFSPRING ELKING, B.A., RULIFSON, R.A. East Carolina University, 1813 Bradford Dr Apt 194, Greenville NC, 27858. Email: Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) have two life history strategies: anadromy and residency. Anadromy is when a species lives in saltwater as an adult and spawns in freshwater, while residents stay in freshwater throughout life. It is possible to determine whether or not an individual is anadromous or resident by examining trace elements in the otoliths (ear bones), specifically Strontium, which is directly related to water salinity. We take this knowledge a step farther to determine that, by looking at larval otolith strontium levels, the life history of the mother can be determined. The life history strategy (resident or anadromous) of the mother can be seen in the core of these progeny’s otoliths and the primordium of adult fish based upon the Strontium levels. Since the progeny’s otolith signatures can be traced back to the mother’s life history strategy, we can then determine the relative production and survival of progeny from anadromy versus residency. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate Understanding the dynamics of larval fish recruitment has been of major interest in the past century, but temporal patterns are still difficult to predict. Few studies have tackled larval recruitment in the Mediterranean Sea, all of them short term. We extracted a seven-year time series (2006–2012) of weekly plankton samples and environmental data from the work of the SO-RADE at point B station in the bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, which spans 50 years. Zooplankton data came from daily Régent net samples analyzed using computer assisted identification (ZooScan). While this sampling effort did not specifically target fish larvae, fish larvae were caught in 185 of the 365 samples (42.6%), although no taxonomic resolution was available. The time series showed strong seasonality, with higher abundances during late spring and early summer (highest captures in June: 8.8±10.7 individuals 100 m−3). After the first main peak, larval fish abundance tended to decrease through the summer until a second peak in late summer, which may suggest two main spawning periods. Maximum recruitment corresponded to day 23rd after new moon. Some years differed from the general pattern; 2010 and 2012 were characterized by an early first abundance peak, which correlated with higher abundances in zooplankton taxa. These results match with seasonal patterns of recruitment observed in other parts of the Mediterranean Sea and provide a first look into drivers of temporal variability in larval fish recruitment at weekly to semi-decadal time scales over a long time series. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Thursday, June 6 — 10:20 AM Alexander Room CRITICAL SWIMMING BEHAVIOR OF SAND-SMELT LARVAE (ATHERINA PRESBYTER, CUVIER 1829) — IMPLICATIONS FOR LARVAL DISPERSAL AND COMPARISON WITH OTHER TEMPERATE SPECIES FARIA A.M., GONÇALVES, E.J., BORGES, R. Eco-Ethology Research Unit, ISPA – Instituto Universitário, R. Jardim do Tabaco 34, 1149-041 Lisboa, Portugal. Email: Sand-smelt, Atherina presbyter, is one of the two species representing the family Atherinidae in west Europe. It is an inshore marine fish, occasionally entering coastal lagoons and estuaries. Studies of genetic differentiation of A. presbyter in the North-eastern Atlantic reveal a pattern of isolation-by-distance, suggesting limited larval exchange among populations. The extent of gene flow may be affected by distinct biological, physical and ecological characteristics of a species. Additionally, it has become increasingly evident that larval fish behavior must be considered when investigating dispersal and connectivity. The current study represents the first assessment of swimming abilities of larvae belonging to the atheriniform order. The ontogeny of critical swimming speed (Ucrit) was investigated for wild-caught sand-smelt larvae, and speeds ranged from 3.5 to 18.7 cm s-1, over the size range of 5.5 to 21 mm TL. These critical speeds are well within the speeds reported for temperate and warm temperate perciform species for which the ontogeny of critical speed is known. The observed behavior together with the available field data and early life history traits indicate that larvae might be able to explore the nearshore habitats and actively remain close to shore. The integration of larval behavior with biophysical models of larval dispersal is of great interest and in great need as this integration provides much insight into the realities of dispersal and retention. This is critically important to our understanding of population connectivity and to management decisions, including the design of Marine Protected Areas networks. DRIVERS OF TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF LARVAL FISH RECRUITMENT IN VILLEFRANCHE BAY (NORTHWESTERN MEDITERRANEAN) OVER A SEVEN-YEAR TIME SERIES (2006–2012) FAILLETTAZ, R., IRISSON, J.O. UPMC Univ. Paris 6 - UMR 7093, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, Observatoire Océanologique, F-06234 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. Email: Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 28 Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 9:40 AM Crystal Ballroom NEW METHODOLOGY TO IDENTIFY ENGRAULIDAE EGGS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN BRAZILIAN BIGHT FAVERO, J.M., Katsuragawa, M., Zani-Teixeira, M.L., Turner, J.T. University of São Paulo. Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Email: In the Southeastern Brazilian Bight, four groups of Engraulidae eggs occur in ichthyoplankon samples, but only Engraulis anchoita eggs are well identified. Eggs have been previously identified manually by measurements of the major and minor axes and by combinations of the two axes in the form of volume and eccentricity of the ellipsoid. To facilitate the identification of these four groups of eggs, a new method was developed using ImageJ — an image processing program, to measure and count eggs and R software for other analyses. Measurements of major and minor axes, perimeter, circularity, aspect ratio and roundness were obtained automatically through photographs of eggs. Volume and eccentricity were calculated. One Way MANOVA: Wilk’s Lambda showed that the four groups identified manually are significantly different and that they are distinguished by all measurements used (Wilk’s Lambda = 0.04, p<0.01). Discriminant Analysis was done using cruise FINEP-1 data from 1975, resulting in a model that separated the groups previously identified. Of 1,079 eggs measured, 83 (7.69%) were incorrectly classified by the model. Egg Groups A, B and E.anchoita had more than 95% chance of accuracy, and group D 74.16%. The classification was corrected to get a new and more robust model. To validate the new model, it was applied in eggs previously identified from cruises FINEP-5 (1976) and Mar-I (1990), and in both the percentage of accuracy was higher than 97%. Thus, the new method can be used to better identify Engraulidae eggs from the study area. Shelf ) and Campeche Bay are different regions. The geographic distribution of the three obtained assemblages fit well with these three zones of different hydrodynamic processes. Independently of variation of the boundaries and interactions of the assemblages, the formation of these is determined firstly by the adults habitat and spawning area and then by the hydrographic features dominating each area. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Larval Fish Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 9:20 AM Alexander Room Fisheries and the Environment Program: Overview and Update FORD, M.D. NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Email: The mission of the Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) Program is to provide the information necessary to effectively adapt management to mitigate the ecological, social and economic impacts of major shifts in the productivity of living marine resources. FATE improves single species and ecosystem assessments across the U. S. through the following activities: (a) analysis of the response of fish and shellfish to environmental change, (b) development of ecosystem indicators (c) incorporation of ecosystem indicators in stock assessments, and (d) construction of next generation forecasting models. FATE provides leading indicators of ecological and oceanographic change at the population and ecosystem level from local to ocean basin scales. FATE supports research on the functional relationships between environmental forcing and the growth, distribution, or reproductive success of managed species. This talk will be an overview and update from the Program. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Presentation type: Oral Wednesday, June 5 — 3:00 PM Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 11:40 AM Alexander Room BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN THE SOUTHERN GULF OF MEXICO FLORES-COTO, C., SANVICENTE-AÑORVE, L., ZAVALA-HIDALGO, J., FUNES-RODRÍGUEZ, R. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Av. Universidad 3000 Coyoacan, Ciudad Universitaria., Mexico 04510. Email: Biological and environmental factors influencing the larval fish assemblages were investigated in the southern Gulf of México. Data were obtained from 46 sampling stations, May 19 to June 18. using a Bongo net from surface to 200 m. All larvae were sorted from each sample. To each larval fish taxon it was assigned the habitat of their adult. Bray-Curtis index was used to determinate the larval assemblages. There were founded 182 taxa; most of them were oceanic (29.6). mid shelf (26.3%) and reef (25.2 %). Three assemblages were defined: 1) Yucatán Assemblage (YA), 2) Tabasco-Campeche (TCA) 3) Oceanic (OA). YA occupied the Campeche Bank, it is, the wide Yucatán shelf, where the most important hydrodynamic process is branch of Yucatán current. TCA occupied the shelf of Tabasco and southwest of Campeche where the most important hydrodynamic process is the continental water discharges through the main fluvial systems. OA occupied the oceanic area of the Campeche Bay where the dominant hydrodynamic process is a gyre, almost permanent. As a result of the different hydrographic features as oceanic currents, gyres, continental waters discharge, even the topography, the Tabasco shelf, Campeche Bank (Yucatán Alexander Room GELATINOUS ZOOPLANKTON AT THE SHELF SCALE: MOVING TOWARD INVESTIGATING IMPACTS ON FISHERY RESOURCES FORD, M.D. NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Email: Gelatinous zooplankton (hydromedusae, scyphomedusae, siphonphores, salps, ctenophores) are cosmopolitan, can have a continuous presence in some systems, and can bloom to extreme densities. With the capability to capture larval fish and clear large amounts of zooplankton, the interactions with fisheries have been suggested as potentially significant. However, the ultimate impact of direct predation and competition for prey seems less than clear. A relatively new index provides a backdrop and a shelf-scale view to investigate this impact. It suggests a bounded period of significant increase in the presence of ctenophores on the shelf in the 1990s. This talk stands in the realm of plankton dynamics and attempts to reach into larval fish ecology to consider the details of the connection between ctenophores and larval fish in this system. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 29 in selected collections. Presumed daily increments were counted if completely formed along the longest axis, and measurements of daily growth increments were made along this axis. The first visible growth increment (mean radius from primordium = 10.66 µm) was observed outside a diffuse core region (diameter = 21.32 µm) and presumably formed three days post-hatch, corresponding c l o s e l y with reported onset of exogenous feeding. Final agreement between readers on increment counts was 92% which resulted in 12 otoliths being eliminated from data analysis. Increment counts for sagittae were adjusted to absolute age by adding three to total counts. Analyses indicated that 128 bluefin tuna larvae (2.6 - 8.2 mm BL) ranged in age from 5 - 15 days, post-fertilization. Otolith radius-daily increment and age-length relationships were best represented by linear models as: y = 0.1562x + 2.2305, r2 = 0.90 and y = 0.4411x + 0.8774, r2 = 0.80, respectively. Estimated mean daily growth rate was 0.44 mm/d. Back-tracked (hindcast) passive transport of aged larvae from collection locations and dates to presumed spawning locations associated with ocean circulation features (eddies and Loop Current boundary shear) is examined. Presentation type: Poster Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 9:40 AM Crystal Ballroom REEF ODOR: A WAKE-UP CALL FOR NAVIGATION IN SETTLEMENT STAGE REEF FISH LARVAE PARIS, C.B., IRISSON, J., ATEMA, J., KINGSFORD, M., GERLACH, G., GUIGAND, C., FORETICH, M. Rosenstiel of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. Email: We monitored the movement of pelagic reef fish larvae using an open-ocean tracking device, the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), which does not require human presence. We sequentially deployed the DISC in both oceanic waters and in reef-born odor plumes propagating offshore with the turbulent ebb flow and observed unprecedented behavior in a total of 82 larvae in the two water masses. We provide the first in-situ evidence that pelagic reef fish larvae respond to reef odor by changing their swimming speed and direction. In addition, the effect of the ambient odor signal varied among taxa indicating that olfactory cues may act as stimuli to other senses or behaviors rather than providing direct navigational information. We concluded that reef fish larvae smell the presence of coral reefs from several kilometers offshore and that odor is relevant to a map sense. The central role of olfactory signals in marine population connectivity raises concerns about the effects of pollution and acidification of oceans which can alter both the chemical cues and the olfactory capabilities of larval fish. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Monday, June 3 — 9:40 AM Alexander Room AGE ESTIMATES FOR LARVAL ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA (THUNNUS THYNNUS) FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO FRANKS, J., TILLEY, J., GIBSON, D., COMYNS, B., HOFFMAYER, E. USM- Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, 703 East Beach Dr., Ocean Springs, MS 39564. Email: The microstructure of sagittal otoliths removed from 140 larval Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) collected by surface neuston tows (333 µm mesh) from the Gulf of Mexico during the month of May between 2000 and 2010 was examined independently by two experienced readers using light microscopy at 1000x with oil immersion. Larval samples represented each 0.5 mm size class Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes LABORATORY OCEAN ACIDIFICATION METHODOLOGY USING A HOBBYIST REED TANK CONTROLLER FREEBURG, E.W., RHYNE, A., HANNIGAN, R. University of Massachusetts Boston, School for the Environment, 100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125. Email: Oceans are acidifying as CO2 drawdown occurs. Recently, the process of ocean acidification has been the topic of much study. Laboratory experiments are paramount in our understanding of the impacts of OA on biota. Entry into this field of study is slow due to the high cost of experimental infrastructure. A pH control system was designed in an effort to construct an apparatus capable of OA experimentation in the laboratory at minimal cost. Using a hobbyist reef tank controller, Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Elite, and external electronics, pH of aquaria can be held within ±0.01 pH units, regardless of setpoint. We also developed software to include data logging, effectively increasing log capacity indefinitely. By incorporating periodic pH electrode calibrations, system uptime is on the order of several months without interruption. The system, and its performance, is thoroughly described. Presentation type: Poster Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions FIRST APPROACH OF THE EARLY LIFE RELATIVE TROPHIC LEVEL SPECTRA BY STABLE ISOTOPE ANALYSIS OF BLUEFIN (THUNNUS THYNNUS) AND ITS ASSOCIATED TUNA SPECIES OF THE BALEARIC SEA GARCIA, A., LAIZ-CARRIÓN, R., MOROTE, E., QUINTANILLA, J.M., URIARTE, A., RODRIGUEZ, J.M., CORTÉS, D., ALEMANY, F. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Centro Oceanografico de Málaga, Puerto Pesquero de Fuengirola, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga, Spain. Email: agarcia@ The Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) undertakes a reproductive migration towards the Mediterranean following the inflow of the Atlantic surface jet current. Among its privileged spawning sites is the Balearic archipelago where a branch of the Atlantic waters encounters the saltier Mediterranean water masses. The bluefin spawning habitat is likewise the spawning habitat of other Mediterranean tuna species. This study is aimed at analyzing the stable isotopic signatures of bluefin in respect to other two competing species belonging to the group of small tunnies, Auxis rochei and Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 30 Euthynnus alleteratus. The results seem to indicate that their early life trophic signatures show significant differences implying a partitioning of planktonic resources and differences in the energetic sources. Moreover, the stable isotope of nitrogen decreases significantly with the ln of larval dry weight in all three species. It is hypothesized that this decrease may be linked to trophic shifts along ontogenic development. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE LARVAL FISH COMMUNITY OFF THE NW IBERIAN PENINSULA, IN THE LATE WINTER 2012 RODRIGUEZ, J.M., CABRERO, A., ALVAREZ, P., FLETCHER, C., HERNANDEZ DE ROJAS, A., GAGO, J., GARCIA, A., HERREROS, M., LAIZ-CARRIÓN, R., VERGARA-CASTAÑO, A., PIÑEIRO, C. AND SABORIDO-REY, F. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico da Gijón 33212. Gijón, Spain. Email: This study analyzes the composition, abundance and the horizontal and vertical structure of the larval fish community (LFC) in a hydrographically dynamic region, under a typical winter situation. The surface layer (0-200 m) was completely mixed, with temperatures and salinities around 12.5 ºC and 35.7, respectively. Geostrophic currents were weak, although the upwelling index was unusually high for this time of the year. The most remarkable mesoscale hydrographic features found during the study were three relatively weak eddies, two cyclonic and an anticyclonic, and also a weak thermohaline front, located at the northeastern border of the study area. The 337 depths stratified samples yielded 9090 larvae belonging to 67 taxa in 26 families. The LFC was dominated by Micromesistius poutassou, Scomber scombrus and Merluccius merluccius. Larval abundances increased from south to north. There were no differences in larval fish abundance and LFC structure between day and night. The distribution of fish larvae was vertically stratified, both day and night, and there was no evidence of diel vertical migration. The LFC was horizontally structured into a coastal and an offshore assemblage but no depth stratified assemblages were found. Multivariate analysis also revealed that depth, SST, SSS and latitude were the most important factors involved in larval fish species distribution. In the absence of physical stratification of the water column, we hypothesize that larval behavior is the most important factor in maintaining the vertical distribution and structure of the LFC. This study was funded by the Spanish research grant CRAMER-CTM2010-21856-CO3-02. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes NEW APPROACH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA ON THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF FISHES’ POST-LARVAE OF CORSICAN COASTS GARSI, L.H., AGOSTINI, S., DURIEUX, E.D.H., BISGAMBIGLIA, P.A., PASQUALINI, V., TERNENGO, S., GARRIDO, M., GERIGNY, O., PERRINSANTONI, A. University of Corsica Pascal Paoli, UMS 3514 Stella Mare, Lieu-Dit U Casone 20620 BIGUGLIA. Email: Main objective of the study is to inventory the fishes’ post-larval diversity, a biological compartment not well known in the Mediterranean. The Postlarvae Capture and Culture (PCC) innovative technique (Lecaillon & Lourié, 2007) is used in order to collect, identify and quantify post-larvae coastal fishes on 3 marine sites of the Corsican coasts showing different morphology, currents and level of human impact and protection: Bastia (43 545 inhabitants (INSEE 2009), future Natura 2000 area on Northeast façade), Saint-Florent (1 636 inhabitants (INSEE 2009), fishing cantonment, Northwest façade), Bonifacio (2 919 inhabitants (INSEE 2009), Natural Reserve, South façade). This research aims (i) evaluate the fish post-larvae response to their planktonic biological resources (phytoplankton and zooplankton) and alterations of natural aquatic environment (currents) (ii) analyze their spatial structure (connectivity between habitat and stock identification) with a methodology using natural markers (otoliths) and genetic. These questions are discussed by the use of two methods types of field research and data analysis: an analysis of the composition and distribution of fish post-larvae populations and their spatial and temporal variations as well as their relationships with environmental factors; and the methods and models replacing fish post-larva in its community and ecosystem as a whole. This new approach is intended to be extended to all Europeans partners of North-western Mediterranean Sea (France, Spain, Italy) with the aim of improving knowledge on fish post-larval phase, dispersal process, colonization and recruitment. These biological parameters can then be fed a biophysical model of post-larval dispersion at large scale. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 4:30 PM Crystal Ballroom LARVAL DRIFT EXPERIMENTS ON A SHORELINE IN A LARGE RIVER: VALIDATION OF THE PARTICLE TRACING MODEL IN COMBINATION WITH A 3D NUMERICAL MODEL GLAS, M., TRITTHART, M., LECHNER, A., KECKEIS, H., LOISL, F., HUMPHRIES, P., HABERSACK, H. Inst. of Water Man., Hydrol. a. Hydraulic Eng., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 107, Vienna, A-1190, Austria. Email: martin.glas@ Within the framework of an interdisciplinary research project, drift experiments with marked fish larvae (nase, Chondrostoma nasus) and passive floats were performed alongside a near natural gravel shore of the Austrian River Danube, aiming at the investigation of the mode of larval dispersal (active-passive). An integral part of this study was the validation of a numerical particle tracing model which, in combination with a 3D hydrodynamic model of the river, shall describe the passive mode of transport. Therefore around 50,000 passive floats were released on two different sites (inshore, offshore) in the field. Longitudinal and lateral patterns of (passive) dispersal were measured with stationary drift nets on four consecutive sites downstream, up to five hours after release. Furthermore, the dispersal of virtual particles from the same release points was computed with the particle tracing model. By comparing spatiotemporal and quantitative aspects of observed and simulated dispersal patterns, we found that the numerical particle tracing method was a valid representation for the passive component of larval drift. In the future, active components of larval dispersal shall be integrated in the particle tracing model and thereby enhance its predictive capacity. Presentation type: Poster Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN DAMSELFISH EARLY LIFE HISTORY TRAITS AND SURVIVAL IN THE FLORIDA KEYS GOLDSTEIN, E.D., SPONAUGLE, S. RSMAS, University of Miami, RSMAS/MBF, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. Email: For reef fish with complex life cycles, successful settlement, recruitment to the reef, and maturation requires survival through multiple of life stages and environments. During the pelagic stage, larvae encounter variable oceanographic conditions that can affect traits and mortality. Subsequently, fish undergo an ontogenetic shift and settle to reef habitats that entail new challenges to survival. Particular early life history traits (ELHTs: daily growth, Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 31 pelagic larval duration, and size at settlement) may confer a survival advantage that can vary based on environmental conditions and habitat, creating local patterns in traits and selection. We examined spatial and temporal variability in Stegastes partitus (bicolor damselfish) ELHTs and trait-mediated selective mortality in the upper and lower Florida Keys during the summer months of 2008. Fish cohorts were sampled repeatedly through time starting from latestage larvae on the night of settlement, until three weeks post-settlement on the reef to quantify shifts in mean population traits using otolith microstructure analysis. Our results reveal significant temporal variation in growth, pelagic larval duration, and size at settlement. Preferential survival of fish with fast larval growth and large settlement size was both temporally and spatially consistent. However, preliminary analyses suggest that spatial variability in ELHTs and the magnitude of selection may differ between study cohorts, indicating that both temporal and spatial processes influence selective mortality. This study provides insight into the effects of regional patterns of selection on post-settlement fitness of individuals and connectivity between local fish populations. Presentation type: Poster polychaetes) using both full water column profiles and fixed depth transects (10 m) to quantify vertical and horizontal components of their distributions during stratified and internal wave conditions. Larval fishes, consisting mostly of Urophycis spp. and Merluccius bilinearis, were concentrated near the surface and displayed ontogenetic vertical migration. Copepods formed a near surface thin layer during the stratified period of sampling that was absent when internal waves were propagating. Ctenophores, on the other hand, were more concentrated at greater depths, but displayed strong taxondependent vertical distributions with lobate ctenophores common near surface and tentaculate ctenophores at depth. Polychaetes and chaetognaths were relatively rare compared to gelatinous organisms. The surface waters, therefore, may represent a zone where larval fishes can experience much higher than average concentrations of prey, especially during stratified conditions, while experiencing lower predation pressure than they would at depth. Internal waves may counteract stratified conditions by 1) breaking up patches or thin layers of copepods and 2) bringing gelatinous zooplankton towards the surface where they can exert heavier predation pressure on larval fishes. Imaging technology has the potential to greatly improve sampling efficiency and elucidate dynamic trophic relationships involving larval fishes. Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management EARLY DEVELOPMENT AND LARVAL BEHAVIOR OF TWO CLINGFISH SPECIES (GOBIESOCIDAE) Session: FATE Science Meeting (larval fish studies) GONÇALVES, E.J., FARIA, A.M. Wednesday, June 5 — 11:40 AM ISPA - Instituto Universitário, Eco-Ethology Research Unit, Rua Jardim do Tabaco 34, 1149-041 Lisboa, Portugal. Email: A CAUTIONARY TALE: EVALUATING AN ENVIRONMENTALLYEXPLICIT STOCK RECRUIT MODEL FOR WESTERN GULF OF MAINE ATLANTIC COD (GADUS MORHUA) The recent taxonomic clarification of clingfish species Lepadogaster lepadogaster and L. purpurea led us to reassess the few descriptions on the early development of eggs and larvae and study the behavior of the early stages. A comparison of morphological, ecological and behavioral early life history traits was performed. Embryonic development lasted 21 days in L. purpurea at 14.2°C, and 16 days in L. lepadogaster at 16.5°C, being the former a winter spawner and the later a spring spawner. Newly hatched larvae measured 5.2 mm, had the mouth and anus opened, pigmented eyes and almost no yolk. The change to a benthic mode of life was gradual, with larvae increasingly spending more time close to the bottom until definitely settling. Larval development lasted 33 days in L. purpurea and 18 days in L. lepadogaster. The ontogeny of swimming was also measured and L. lepadogaster larvae swam better than L. purpurea larvae, but this difference might be related to differences in water temperature. Swimming speeds increased with ontogeny (size) despite high variability at any ontogenetic state and started to decrease at settlement (10 to 11 mm total length). This is concurrent with the development of a ventral sucking disk that allows individuals to attach to the bottom and counteract strong currents being probably an adaptation to the cryptobenthic mode of life of these fish with relevant implications for their nearshore retention. Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 3:50 PM Presentation type: Oral Alexander Room HARE, J.A., BROOKS, E.N., PALMER, M.C., CHURCHILL, J.H. NOAA Narragansett Laboratory, 28 Tarzwell Drive, Narragansett, RI 02882. Email: A previous study documented a correlation between Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) recruitment in the Gulf of Maine and an annual index of the north component of May winds. This correlation was supported by modeling studies that indicated unusually strong recruitment of Gulf of Maine cod may result from high retention of spring-spawned larvae in years when winds were predominately downwelling favorable (out of the south). We re-evaluated this relationship using updated recruitment estimates from a more recent stock assessment and found that the correlation between recruitment and wind decreased from -0.67 to -0.26. This finding is more than just another case of an environmental relationship breaking down when additional data are included. The original relationship was largely driven by two recruitment estimates, one of which (2005 year class) was highly uncertain because it was near the terminal year of the assessment. With additional data, the updated assessment estimated lower recruitment for the 2005 year class, which consequently produced a lower correlation. These results suggest more caution in the development of environmentally-explicit stock recruitment relationships, in particular, when basing relationships and hypotheses on the output from terminal years of stock assessment models. More broadly, this studies highlight a number of sources of uncertainty that should be considered when analyses are performed on the output of stock assessment models. Crystal Ballroom FINE SCALE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LARVAL FISHES TO PLANKTONIC PREDATORS AND PREY: THE IMPACT OF INTERNAL WAVES GREER, A.T., COWEN, R.K., HARE, J.A., GUIGAND, C.M. University of Miami – RSMAS, Marine Biology and Fisheries, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami, FL 33149. Email: Tidally driven internal wave packets are predictable features in the summer near Stellwagen Bank, Massachusetts, USA that have the potential to influence patchiness of larval fishes, prey, and gelatinous predators. We used the In Situ Icthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS) to synoptically sample larval fishes, copepods, and predators (ctenophores, hydromedusae, chaetognaths, and Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 11:00 AM Crystal Ballroom STRATIFICATION INDICES FOR STOCK AND ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENTS FROM A DATA ASSIMILATIVE CIRCULATION MODEL LI, Y., JI, R., CHEN, C., FRATANTONI, P., HARE, J.A. NOAA Narragansett Laboratory, 28 Tarzwell Drive, Narragansett, RI 02882. Email: Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 32 Understanding the spatio-temporal pattern of stratification is critical in linking physical environment and fisheries. Data from in-situ ocean observations can be used to develop stratification indices, but are understandably sparse and usually not uniform in time or space. In this study, we use a data-assimilative three-dimensional circulation model (FVCOM) to provide high-resolution estimates of stratification for the Northeast U.S. shelf ecosystem from 1978 to 2010. A number of criteria have been used to quantify the degree of stratification, including surface-to-bottom and surface-to-50m Brunt–Väisälä frequency and Simpson Potential Energy. The data-assimilative model shows high performance across different criteria, and successfully captures a large amount of variability in the temperature, salinity and stratification fields observed in the NEFSC surveys (37304 casts). The 33-year products have been analyzed to derive climatological and interannual stratification indices. Phenological parameters were calculated to examine the timing and intensity of stratification at critical periods such as the onset, peak and decline of stratification. The density stratification has been decomposed into its thermal and haline components to identify underlying processes (e.g. the contribution of buoyancy versus heat flux); and EOF analyses have been conducted to explore the key spatio-temporal patterns and their possible links to external forcing. Our results support the needs for the NEFSC Ecosystem Assessment Program to determine whether the current Ecological Production Units (EPUs) can adequately resolve the spatio-temporal scales of variability. Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 3 — 3:00 PM Crystal Ballroom NUTRITIONAL CONDITION OF CORAL REEF FISH LARVAE VARIES WITH DISPERSAL HISTORY: A SPATIAL ASSESSMENT OF LARVAL GROWTH AND RNA/DNA RATIOS IN THE CONTEXT OF POPULATION CONNECTIVITY HAUFF, M.J., SPONAUGLE, S., WALTER, K.D., D’ALESSANDRO, E., COWEN, R.K. University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences, 1084 Shennecossett Road Groton, CT, USA 06340. Email: Because of the strong influence of carryover effects between life stages, larvae exhibiting different levels of condition in the plankton often differ in their post-settlement mortality. Thus, in order to better understand the relative potential for local retention and long-distance dispersal to contribute to reef fish population maintenance, it is necessary to examine the relationship between larval condition and dispersal trajectory. Over three cruises in the summers of 2007 and 2008, ichthyoplankton and environmental measurements (MOCNESS and CTD) were collected on cross-shelf transects along the Florida Keys (FK) reef tract, and in the Loop Current upstream of the FK. MOCNESS tows at each station yielded larvae from a broad range of reef fish taxa and, for a subset of larvae identifiable to species (bluehead wrasse, pearly razorfish, bluelip parrotfish, and great barracuda), RNA/DNA ratios and otolith-derived growth rates were obtained. These indices were used to evaluate the condition of individual larvae collected across distinct water masses and, for three of the four taxa investigated, larvae collected closer to shore exhibited distinctly higher condition as compared to larvae collected offshore. These among-region differences could not be explained by enhanced feeding due to increased environmental prey availability, as the preferred prey items of the larvae were less abundant at nearshore sampling stations where mean condition was highest. Instead, an examination of the distributions of individual larval condition levels with age indicated that observed nearshore-offshore differences in condition likely resulted from dissimilar levels of selective mortality between the two regions. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 4:30 PM Crystal Ballroom LARVAL RED DRUM (SCIAENOPS OCELLATUS) RESPOND TO DISSOLVED CHEMICALS FROM THE ESTUARINE ENVIRONMENT HAVEL, L.N., FUIMAN, L.A. The University of Texas Marine Science Institute, 750 Channel View Dr., Port Aransas, Texas 78373. Email: Planktonic larvae require both developed swimming capabilities and functional sensory systems to locate benthic habitats. Marine fishes commonly use chemical cues for navigation, however the olfactory function for fish larvae that reside in estuaries has received little research attention. To examine the role of water chemistry as an orientation cue for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) to locate or remain in settlement habitat, we quantified their behavioral responses in the presence of distinct natural chemical cues. In laboratory trials, we made paired comparisons of pre-settlement larvae exposed to sterilized sea water (as a control) and one of six treatments (sterilized sea water, sea water collected from a channel at ebb tide, sea water collected at flood tide, sea water collected from seagrass habitat, tannic acid dissolved in sterilized seawater, or lignin dissolved in sterilized seawater). Results showed that larvae exposed to seawater collected from the seagrass habitat swam faster than those from the other treatments. Additionally, larvae in the water from seagrass habitat swam higher in the water column than those in the flood tide water. These differences in behavior among the various water samples demonstrate that red drum larvae can distinguish different water masses and suggest an active response to chemical stimuli, which could aid in orientation and movement to, or retention in suitable settlement sites. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 2:00 PM Alexander Room USING MOVEMENT MODELS, FORAGING EVENTS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA TO IDENTIFY BLUEFIN TUNA HOTSPOTS IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT WHITLOCK, R., HAZEN, E.L., BOGRAD, S., FOLEY, D., BAILEY, H., BLOCK, B.A. UC Santa Cruz CIMEC / NOAA SWFSC ERD, 1352 Lighthouse Ave, Pacific Grove, CA, 93950. Email: Bluefin tuna are among the world’s most valuable commercial fishes. All three bluefin tuna species (Atlantic—Thunnus thynnus, Southern—Thunnus maccoyi, and Pacific—Thunnus orientalis) have been overfished and two species (Atlantic and Southern bluefin) have been proposed for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Understanding how environmental features influence the movement and distribution of bluefin will aid evaluations of alternative management strategies in the light of systematic environmental change. Advanced archival tags can measure the energetic intake of bluefin using the heat increment of feeding (HIF) providing an opportunity to integrate movement data, oceanography and resource availability as discerned from the archival tag HIF data. Here we present our HIF calibration results and generalized additive mixed model output. We can use these tools to predict catch risk indices for pacific bluefin to inform spatially explicit management goals (e.g. potential time-area closures). Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 33 Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 10:20 AM Crystal Ballroom EVALUATION OF THE TAXONOMIC SUFFICIENCY APPROACH FOR ICHTHYOPLANKTON HERNANDEZ, F.J., CARASSOU, L., GRAHAM, W.M., POWERS, S.P. University of Southern Mississippi, 703 East Beach Drive, Ocean Springs, MS 39564. Email: Ichthyoplankton identification is a time consuming task, and often larvae cannot be identified to species due to a lack of adequate early life history descriptions. As a result, ichthyoplankton assemblage data are often analyzed at the family level, which results in a loss of taxonomic resolution, or at mixed taxonomic levels (e.g., family, genus and species combined), which can lead to difficulties in interpretation of results when a single species is included in multiple taxonomic groupings. The taxonomic sufficiency (TS) approach has been used extensively in other disciplines (e.g., benthic marine macrofauna) to address similar analytical constraints, but to date this method has not been rigorously examined for ichthyoplankton studies. In this study, an ichthyoplankton data set collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico was proportioned into three data subsets with varying levels of taxonomic resolution: 1) species level only; 2) species, genus and family levels; and 3) combined taxonomic levels. Comparisons were made for assemblage metrics (larval density, richness and diversity) calculated for each taxonomic subset, as well as multivariate analyses of temporal variations characterizing ichthyoplankton assemblages. Genus and species level similarity matrices were highly correlated, which suggests analyses at the genus level could serve as a good proxy for species when examining assemblage diversity. Multivariate results for seasonal patterns were similar among family, genus and species level analyses. The common approach of analyzing ichthyoplankton assemblages at mixed taxonomic levels, however, is not as statistically rigorous as single taxonomic level analyses. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 11:20 AM Crystal Ballroom CONSISTENCY AND INCONSISTENCY IN MULTISPECIES POPULATION NETWORK DYNAMICS OF CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS HOLSTEIN, D.M., PARIS, C.B., MUMBY, P.J. University of Miami, RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. Email: I.M. Pei’s iconic Miami Tower, a 47-story landmark building in the heart of Downtown Miami, was completed in 1987 and is considered a wonder of modern architecture. The tower houses the only elevated metro station inside a skyscraper in the world. On most nights, the three-tier structure is lit in multiple color schemes to commemorate events, holidays, and seasons. Different marine species and their larvae have characteristics that can expand or contract their potential dispersal, which can add complexity to the management of species assemblages. Here we use a multi-scale biophysical modeling framework for the analysis of network connectivity for five Caribbean coral reef-associated species in order to gauge similarities and dissimilarities among species as well as among Caribbean regions. This study resolves local dispersal and retention to assess regional exchanges, and reveals that management of coral and fish populations has dissimilar requirements in many regions, with some notable exceptions. Populations of Porites astreoides corals appear fragmented, suggesting that loss of adult colonies in any region may significantly impact regional recruitment success and connectivity. At the other end of the spectrum, populations of bluehead wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatum are highly connected and removal of adults in any single region would not imply future recruitment failure in that region. We suggest the use of a diversity of exogenous recruitment index as a proxy of recolonization potential, which is related to the stability of regional connectivity networks. We demonstrate that resolving multispecies larval transport dynamics helps identify regions of Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 34 both network stability for multi-generational connectivity (e.g. stable larval sources and corridors) pertinent to regional-level management, and network inconsistencies (e.g. differential regional betweenness centrality suggesting that the network roles of regions may be species-specific) which are pertinent to the success of local management. Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 4:50 PM Alexander Room MODELLING TROPHODYNAMIC CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON NORTH SEA FISH POPULATIONS Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 3:00 PM Presentation type: Oral Crystal Ballroom QUIRKS—A FREE TOOL FOR COMPARATIVE MODELING OF MARINE FISH LARVAE HUEBERT, K.B., PECK, M.A. University of Hamburg, Olbersweg 24, 22767 Hamburg, Germany. Email: klaus. We developed Quirks to simulate and compare the foraging behavior and growth physiology of marine fish larvae in a wide range of environments. Quirks is an individual-based model similar to physiological models tuned to larvae of one particular species. However, Quirks is generic in that many different types of larvae can be parameterized by a short list of numbers representing important biological traits. Further, all foraging and growth processes, including the effects of key environmental factors (e.g., temperature, photoperiod, and prey concentration), are represented by generic mechanistic rules. Due to the one unified set of rules, Quirks estimates of larval growth rate and prey requirement are easy to compare across different species and environmental conditions. So far we have parameterized young exogenously feeding larvae of Atlantic herring, Atlantic cod, European anchovy, and European sprat. Quirks growth rate and prey requirement estimates were strongly (overall R² = 56%) and significantly (p < 0.001) correlated to empirical estimates from 26 laboratory and field studies. Further parameterizations are planned and Quirks source code is freely available. PECK, M.A., HUEBERT, K.B., HUFNAGL, M., KREUS, M., PÄTSCH, J. University of Hamburg, Olbersweg 24, 22767 Hamburg, Germany. Email: myron. Changes in marine plankton communities driven by global climate change can affect the coupling between lower and upper trophic levels. We examined the implications of changing phytoplankton productivity and zooplankton size spectra for, marine fish populations in the North Sea using a coupled model approach. A 3-D ecosystem model (ECOHAM4) provided estimates of seasonal changes in phytoplankton productivity and temperature that were used to model prey fields for early life stages of marine fishes. Modelled prey fields were corroborated with field sampling and compared to physiological requirements for the successful foraging, growth, and survival of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) larvae. Our study highlights how differences in fish early life history strategies (e.g. spawning times, larval stage durations, preferred prey sizes, metabolic requirements) will influence the direct (temperature and water currents) and indirect (prey productivity and composition) effects of climate change. It will be critical to take such complex interactions into account, in order to gain a cause-and-effect understanding of how climate-driven warming may affect the productivity of key fish species and trophodynamic coupling in marine systems. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Thursday, June 6 — 10:40 AM Alexander Room INSHORE AND OFFSHORE HABITAT USE BY JUVENILE PACIFIC COD IN THE BERING SEA Presentation type: Poster Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes INCORPORATING MORPHOMETRIC TRAITS INTO PHYSIOLOGICAL MODELS OF MARINE FISH LARVAE HUEBERT, K.B., PECK, M.A. University of Hamburg, Olbersbeg 24, 22767 Hamburg, Germany. Email: klaus. Modeling how key environmental attributes affect the foraging and growth of marine fishes as they develop from eggs and yolksac larvae to feeding larvae and juveniles generally requires species-specific parameterization of physiological and behavioral processes. This approach has been successful for several wellstudied fish species, but essential laboratory measurements for a much wider range of species are lacking. Links between the form and function of fish larvae may allow us to estimate missing parameters from readily available morphological traits. For example, the visual detection of prey is related to eye size, the capture and ingestion of prey are related to mouth gape size, and the digestion of prey is related to gut length and shape. A vast amount of morphological information is contained in the form of illustrations in larval fish identification manuals. We measured and analyzed morphometrics from illustrations of 64 species. Much of the morphological variability (73%, based on principal component analysis) could be represented on a spectrum from thin larvae (with small heads, eyes, and jaws) at one extreme to thick larvae (with large heads, eyes, and jaws) at the other. The next step is to incorporate these kinds of patterns into simple modeling tools for estimating growth and survival of less-studied species. At this meeting, we hope to motivate a collaborative effort to compile morphological and physiological parameters across a wider spectrum of marine fish early life stages for this purpose. HURST, T.P., COOPER, D.W., DUFFY-ANDERSON, J.T., FARLEY, E.V. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA-NMFS, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR 97365 USA. Email: Shallow, subtidal waters and coastal embayments are the primary nursery habitats of juvenile Pacific cod through much of their range. However, the Bering Sea offers relatively little of this habitat and age-0 fish are known to inhabit surface and sub-surface waters over the broad continental shelf. In this study we examined the habitat use of age-0 cod in a focal area along the central Alaska Peninsula and compare the results to those from synoptic sampling of the Bering Sea shelf. Age-0 cod were more abundant along the open coastline than they were in the coastal embayments of Port Moller and Herendeen Bay. Fish were most abundant at depths of 10-25m and were absent from shallower waters along the wave-swept shoreline. On the shelf, cod were captured in demersal sampling at depths less than 40 m. Pelagic age-0 cod were captured over the middle and outer shelf in surface and sub-surface trawls. While capture efficiencies may differ among trawl types, CPUE of age-0 cod in nearshore waters was > 40x that observed on the shelf, demonstrating the importance of coastal nursery habitats in this population. Despite lower densities, the large area of shelf habitat appeared to support a significant fraction of the cumulative cohort. The spatial relationship and similar size distributions of fish in inshore and offshore concentrations suggests that habitat use in the Bering Sea occurs along a gradient from coastal to pelagic, unlike the distinct habitat use patterns of population segments of Norwegian Atlantic cod. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 35 Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 4:50 PM Alexander Room OCEAN ACIDIFICATION EFFECTS ON BEHAVIOR OF JUVENILE WALLEYE POLLOCK HURST, T.P., MAGEL, C.R., MATHIS, J.A, TURNER, K.A. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA-NMFS, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR 97365 USA. Email: High latitude ecosystems are predicted to be most immediately impacted by ongoing ocean acidification but the range of responses by commercial fishery species has yet to be fully explored. Previous work has shown that the growth rate potential of early life stages of walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) appear generally resilient to the direct effects of elevated CO2. However, elevated CO2 has been shown to disrupt sensory and behavioral responses in some tropical reef fish species, without disrupting growth energetics. In this study we examined the behavioral responsiveness of juvenile walleye pollock, 58-97 mm, to prey scent cues under ocean acidification conditions. After 4-9 weeks of CO2 acclimation, fish were tested individually (n=20/treatment) in a flume at their acclimation CO2. Prey scent cues of varying magnitudes were introduced to the upstream end of the flume at 30-min intervals, with increased activity levels indicating a positive recognition of the cue. Baseline activity levels were not significantly different among CO2 treatments. Fish reared at high CO2 (> 800µatm) were less likely to respond to injections of prey scent cues than fish reared at ambient CO2 levels (~400 µatm), but responsiveness was not consistent among fish or across treatments. Future experiments are planned to examine other behavioral responses of walleye pollock and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) to ocean acidification. Such sensory and behavioral responses will be a significant determinant of how acidification affects the functioning of marine ecosystems. was tested repeatedly for validation of the reproducibility of pyrosequencing method. By plotting the rarefaction curve, the number of specimens and the effective number of sequences were estimated. We propose that this method should provide the occurrence information of massive fish eggs and estimate the spawning season and ground of fish. Also further study on other gene like COI for more high resolution of identification and accumulating the reference sequences for unknown species’ identification will be needed. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes FISH LARVAE IN THE BIOSPHERE RESERVE OF THE UPPER GULF OF CALIFORNIA (JUNE 2008, JUNE 2010) JIMENEZ-ROSENBERG, S.P.A., SANCHEZ-VELASCO, L., ORDOÑEZGUILLEN, F.E. Instituto Politecnico Nacional - Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas SNI/EDI/COFAA/PIFI, La Paz, BCS, México, CP 23096. Email: adelheid1969@ The Upper Gulf of California is an important Biosphere Reserve which, despite of its extreme environmental conditions, houses high fish species richness. Two intensive prospections of fish larvae were made during June 2008 and June 2010 as part of multidisciplinary project PANGAS-III. From 54 and 75 zooplankton sampling stations, respectively, a total of 47,939 fish larvae were collected. Fish larvae of 141 taxa were identified, 42 families were represented being Engraulidae (3 taxa) and Clupeidae (6 taxa) the most abundant (46% and 29% of total larval abundance), while families Serranidae (16 taxa), Scianidae (13 taxa) and Gobiidae (11 taxa) were the most diverse. Larvae of Opisthonema libertate (Clupeidae), Anchoa spp (Engraulidae), Serranus sp 1 (Serranidae), Sciaenidae type 1, Gobulus crescentalis (Gobiidae) and Etropus crossotus (Paralichtyidae) were dominant in both years. The number of taxa registered confirms the high fish species richness, compared to adjacent marine regions were fish larvae of about 50 taxa have been registered during summer. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 9:20 AM Crystal Ballroom MASSIVE FISH EGG SPECIES IDENTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY ON SPAWNING ECOLOGY OF FISH USING PYROSEQUENCING Jina, O., Sung, K. Marine Ecosystem Research Division, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, and Department of Marine Biology, KIOST campus on University of Science and Technology, 787 Haeanro, Ansan, 426-744, Republic of Korea. Email: The species identification of fish egg is fundamental and crucial to study on spawning ecology of fish. When fish eggs are identified into the species level, spawning ground and season of fish can be accurately estimated by the occurrence information of fish eggs. Conventional sequencing method such as Sanger method has been widely used to identify single specimen as the species level. However, this method takes much time and costs to analyze massive single specimens. Pyrosequencing, one of the next generation sequencing, is a high-throughput and sample specific method. It can analyze massive mixed specimens at a same time. To study on spawning ecology of fish, mixed fish eggs collected from three different seas were sequenced using GS FLX-454 (Roche). 16SrDNA of mtDNA was analyzed as a molecular marker for species identification. The sequences obtained from pyrosequencing were confirmed by comparing with the single specimen’s sequences by Sanger method. Species compositions by the pyrosequencing were similar to those by Sanger method, but the proportion of species was different each other. Each sample Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes ELOPOMORPHA LEPTOCEPHALUS LARVAE FROM THE MEXICAN PACIFIC JIMENEZ-ROSENBERG, S.P.A., GONZALEZ-NAVARRO, E., SALDIERNAMARTINEZ, R. J., ACEVES-MEDINA, G. Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas SNI/EDI/COFAA/PIFI, La Paz, BCS, México, CP 23096. Email: adelheid1969@ Larval identification is particularly hard for most fish groups such as the Elopomorpha leptocephalus larvae, mainly because the lack of taxonomic description of the early life stage of fishes, problems related with the adults taxonomy as well as the fact that not all larval stages has been collected until now. Leptocephalus larvae have a translucent and compressed long slim body, “V” or “W” shaped myomeres, small head and rudiments on the non-paired fins. This work characterizes lepthocephalus larvae of 21 species according to their morphologic and meristic characters as well as their pigment patterns. For 15 of this species engyodontic larval stage is described for the first time. Specimens are deposited in the scientific collection of fish eggs and larvae of the Mexican Pacific at CICIMAR-IPN. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 36 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 4:10 PM Alexander Room CLIMATE RELATED LARVAL TRANSPORT ANOMALIES JOHNSON, D.R. Gulf Coast Research Lab, U. Southern Miss., 104 Kendrick Dr, Slidell, LA 70461. Email: This study examines the relationship between possible climate-induced circulation anomalies and loss of larvae from outer shelf reef populations. In the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, energetic spin-off eddies from the Loop Current commonly interact with the continental shelf, exchanging water between the shelf and the basin; eggs and larvae from reef fish populations along the outer shelf can be easily swept into the deep basin where mortality is expected to be high. In a related study on red snapper larval dispersion using HYCOM model currents, it was noted that one year (2010) had significantly less loss (~40%) to the deep basin. Examination of eddy energy along the upper continental slope from HYCOM model currents between 2003 and 2011 showed that 2010 was an anomalous year with low eddy energy during the spawning season. Further examination of climate indices for the equatorial Atlantic indicated that 2010 was an anomalous year. Although cause and effect are not clear, and extremely difficult to prove, it is suggestive that anomalous swings in climate induced circulation patterns can have a major impact on populations. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 12:00 PM Crystal Ballroom DEVELOPMENT OF A PREDICTION SYSTEM FOR CALIFORNIA CURRENT OCEAN CONDITIONS KAPLAN, I.C., SIEDLECKI, S., BOND, N., HERMANN, A., LEVIN, P., WILLIAMS, G., NEWTON, J., PETERSON, W. NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd E., Seattle, WA, 98112 USA. Email: Funded by the NOAA FATE (Fisheries And The Environment) program, our project provides short-term (six to nine month) forecasts of regional ocean conditions that are testable and relevant to annual management decisions on the US West Coast. Forecasts include temperature, chlorophyll, oxygen, and zooplankton. In the context of the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, these are key attributes of ecosystem health (community composition and energetic/material flows) and the pelagic habitat available to sardines, anchovies, and other fish stocks. To determine potential predictability of the system, we have performed re-forecasts of ocean conditions for a test year (2009), forcing ROMS (the Regional Ocean Modeling System) with outputs from NOAA’s global-CFS (Climate Forecast System). We have likewise examined 30-year series of global re-forecasts from NOAA’s Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecast (CFSRR), to assess relevant aspects of forecast skill. We have used these linked global and regional re-forecasts to measure model skill at predicting sardine distributions, which are known to respond to variables such as temperature and chlorophyll. We present true forecasts of ocean conditions for 2013, which are available through the NANOOS public website (, as part of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Ongoing research will improve these forecasts of ocean conditions, and will test the skill of the ROMS and CFS models against other data sets involving pelagic fish distributions. Session: FATE Science Meeting (larval fish studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 10:40 AM Alexander Room USE OF THE CONNECTIVITY MODELING SYSTEM TO ESTIMATE MOVEMENTS OF RED SNAPPER (LUTJANUS CAMPECHANUS) RECRUITS IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO KARNAUSKAS, M., WALTER, J.F. III, PARIS, C.B. NOAA - NMFS - Southeast Fisheries Science Center, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL 33149. Email: The 2013 red snapper stock assessment will use a two-area Stock Synthesis model to estimate reference points for an overall northern Gulf of Mexico stock. When parameterized for multiple areas, Stock Synthesis can account for movement of both recruits and adults between regions. The purpose of this research is to obtain estimates of the extent to which recruits move between the two areas, on an annual basis, which will inform the stock assessment model. We use the Connectivity Modeling System (CMS), an individualbased model which estimates the movement of eggs and larvae (particles) in a 3-D velocity field, and has the capacity to simulate complex behaviors such as those displayed by fish larvae. The CMS is used to simulate the release of red snapper eggs and track their larval vertical migration and transport during the spawning season for years 2003 – 2012. Model results suggest there is little mixing between the East and West. In the West, 98% of released particles are retained in the region, while 2% are exported to the East. In the East, 80% of particles released are locally retained, while 20% are exported to the West. Estimates of relative recruitment success from the CMS are in good agreement with the recruitment deviations from the red snapper stock assessment model runs, implying that annual variability in oceanographic currents can account for much of the unexplained variation in recruitment levels. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Thursday, June 9 — 9:00 AM Alexander Room MOVEMENT PATTERNS OF FISH LARVAE IN RELATION TO FLOW-VELOCITY AND ORIENTATION ALONG THE CURRENT VECTOR IN AN EXPERIMENTAL FLUME Zens, B., Glas, M., Tritthart, M., Lechner, A., Loisl, F., Humphries, P., KECKEIS, H., Habersack, H. Department of Limnology, University of Vienna, Althanstraße 14, Vienna, A-1090, Austria. Email: To better understand dispersal of fish larvae in large rivers, movement patterns of different developmental stages of the larvae of nase carp (Chondrostoma nasus), a characteristic fluvial cyprinid species in many European rivers, were studied in an experimental racetrack flume. To resemble conditions of the nasecarp`s natural habitat, our experimental mesocosms included typical features of river-bed morphology and a velocity gradient between outside and inside bends. Experiments were carried out at three different velocities (representing sub-, near- and supercritical flow conditions with respect to nase carp swimming abilities). Based on video recordings, the travel paths of larvae were analyzed from their position, their swimming speed and orientation in the water column. Information on flow velocity in different vertical layers was obtained from a fine-scaled 3D numerical model. Focusing on fish movement in relation to flow velocity and the orientation of the fish against the current vector enables the differentiation between active, active-passive and passive modes of downstream dispersal (drift). Rates of downstream movement differed significantly between flow scenarios and developmental stages. In contrast to upstream movement rates, downstream movement rates increased with increasing speed of the flume, and earlier stages had higher downstream movement rates compared to Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 37 later developmental stages. Orientation towards the current revealed an activepassive mode of downstream movement irrespective of the speed of the flume. These results provide basic information to model the dispersal of individual fish larvae in the River Danube. Presentation type: Poster Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management CONTRIBUTION TO CULTURE OF EARLY LIFE STAGES OF DUSKY GROUPER EPINEPHELUS MARGINATUS (LOWE, 1834) IN BRAZIL KERBER, C.E., SILVA, P.K.A., DOS SANTOS, P.A., SANCHES, E.G. Redemar Alevinos, Rua Luis Ameixeiro 194, Ilhabela - SP 11630-000, Brazil. Email: The Dusky Grouper, inhabits rocky bottoms and occurs on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s listed in the IUCN Red List as endangered teleost. In Brazil, a private company has succeeded in producing fingerlings since 2010. However, in the 2012-2013 spawning season (October to March), although natural spawning was frequent, the larviculture attempt using the same protocol from previous years failed entirely. A successful culture was considered when larvae survived 20 days after hatching and beyond. Larvae were examined daily and then fixed and sent to a diagnostic veterinary lab. The water parameters were recorded daily and it’s remarkable that between October 2012 and March 2013, when 15 attempts failed, water temperature showed an average of 26,32±1,2°C reaching 29,5°C. For the same period on two previous years the larvae culture resulted in more than 5.000 fingerlings. At that time the average water temperature remained 24,53 ±1,9°C (2010-2011) and 23,10±0,67°C (2011-2012). The larvae with 8 D.A.H. sank toward the bottom of the tanks and a massive mortality occurred during the following 7 days coinciding with the onset of spines. Most successful rearing trails in Europe were achieved in temperature ranging from 22°C to 23°C. Larval samples showed crystal formations mainly into the urinary bladder reaching 80% of the population in some cultures. It was not possible to attribute the cause of the massive mortality to the temperature of the water only. More studies are needed in order to establish the ideal temperature for the E. marginatus larvae to develop. Presentation type: Poster species were mainly associated with the gradients of salinity, temperature and planktonic productivity. M. Colei and A. Mitchilli were found along the different zones in the lagoon, so they were able to colonize zones with a high value of salinity. On the other hand, distribution of the other icthyoplanktonic species found in the lagoon was due to salinity tolerance. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 11:00 AM Alexander Room HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS OF DOLPHINFISH LARVAE (CORYPHAENA SPP.) IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO KITCHENS, L.L., ROOKER, J.R. Texas A&M University, 200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, TX 77553. Email: Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and pompano dolphinfish (C. equiselis) are pelagic species of considerable economic value to commercial and recreational fisheries worldwide; however, knowledge of their ecology and habitat use during early life is limited. In order to assess the distribution and abundance of dolphinfish larvae and identify conditions that characterize productive nursery areas, summer surveys were conducted in surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico (26–28 °N 86–93 °W) over a four-year period (2007–2010). Dolphinfish larvae were relatively common in our surveys (frequency of occurrence 59%), and genetic analyses revealed that 87% of the 1,145 dolphinfish larvae collected during this study were C. hippurus. Factors influencing presence/absence and density of dolphinfish larvae were assessed using binomial and quasi-Poisson generalized additive models. Results showed that presence and density of C. hippurus larvae increased near fronts and eddies, and that salinity and temperature were the most influential physicochemical parameters in the models. Additionally, our models indicated that the distribution of C. hippurus larvae was significantly correlated with that of C. equiselis, suggesting that these species utilize similar early life habitat. Results of this study provide strong evidence that the Gulf represents important spawning and nursery habitat of dolphinfishes and that the distribution and abundance of C. hippurus larvae is linked to mesoscale features and physicochemical conditions in this region. Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate Presentation type: Oral FISH LARVAE ASSOCIATED WITH A HYPERSALINE GRADIENT IN A COASTAL LAGOON IN THE YUCATÁN PENINSULA, MEXICO KEYES-PULIDO, S., AKÉ-CANUL, R., BURAD-MÉNDEZ, A., MÉNDEZCAMPOS, H., VARGUEZ-SOBERANIS, D., ORDÓÑEZ-LÓPEZ, U. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán & CINVESTAV-IPN, Calle 29, No.173, entre 16 y 18, Col. San Miguel, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Email: The present study analyzes the variation of the community descriptors associated with the salinity gradient in the lagoon Rio Lagartos, located in the north of the Yucatán Peninsula. We carried out night superficial trawls (new moon) of 5 min with a conical web (35 cm of diameter and mesh of 300 µ), a flujometer was placed to estimate the quantity of water filtered in 12 sites along the lagoon during the north season (November/1997–January/1998). Simultaneously we registered hydrological patterns with a field multisensor YSI 85/50FT (±0.1). The results of this analysis evidenced three different zones (internal or hiperhaline, medium or mesohaline and external or marine). We captured a total of 999 organisms representing 15 families, 17 genera and 21 species of fish. Menidia colei was the dominant species representing 67% of the collected material, other important species were: Anchoa mitchilli, A. hepsetus and Harengula jaguana. The major abundance and diversity registered was in the marine zone of the lagoon which showed major hydrological dynamics and exchange of ictioplanktonic marine fauna with the estuarine fauna. The Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 10:20 AM Crystal Ballroom DAY AND NIGHT ORIENTATION OF FISH LARVAE IN THE OPEN OCEAN KOUGH, A.S., PARIS, C.B., STAATERMAN, E., GUIGAND, C. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33133. Email: Late stages of reef-fish larvae swim quickly and directionally, presumably to find settlement habitat and survive this pelagic phase. Although early work suggests that larval settlement takes place at night, nocturnal swimming behavior has never been observed in the pelagic environment to verify this hypothesis. We used a novel in situ observational method, the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), designed to quantify the movement of fish larvae in the open ocean without an observer. The DISC is a clear acrylic Lagrangian frame equipped with a behavioral arena, a camera, a magnetometer and analog compass, and an environmental sensing system (light and temperature). For this study we developed a “night vision” system provided by a ring of true infra-red LEDs Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 38 illuminating the arena. Directionality and orientation of gray snapper, Lujanus griseus, larvae were observed throughout the day and at night under varying light and tidal phase conditions, at 3 m under the sea surface, offshore of the Florida Keys Reef Tract (>60m depth) during August 13-19, 2012. Larvae were collected in light traps, tested in the DISC within 24 hours of capture, then released at sea. A total of 58 trials were conducted, 11 trials occurred during daytime, 16 during dusk, and 31 at night. This study reveals for the first time distinct nocturnal and diurnal swimming behaviors (i.e., speed, precision of directionality, and orientation) for larvae in the open ocean, and supports the hypothesis that fish larvae move actively from the open ocean during the night. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 1:40 PM Crystal Ballroom EFFECT OF WINTER COLD FRONT PASSAGES ON DENSITIES OF BREVOORTIA PATRONUS AND MICROPOGONIAS UNDULATUS LARVAE IN A LOUISIANA TIDAL PASS KUPCHIK, M.J., SHAW, R.F. Louisiana State University, Energy Coast & Environment Bldg., Office #2257, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Email: Temporal heterogeneity in estuarine recruitment of offshore-spawned larvae arising from the passage of atmospheric cold fronts in Louisiana’s predominantly north/south-oriented estuaries represents a potential driver for estuarine recruitment of ichthyoplankton. Tidal pass densities of larval B. patronus and M. undulatus collected in Bayou Tartellan, Louisiana, were calculated for the winter periods of highest cold front occurrence, September through April 2006-07 and August through April 2007-08. Surface and near-bottom samples were collected every four hours during flood and ebb tides over 72 hr periods, twice monthly. A Generalized Additive Model (GAM) was used to investigate the effect of net water transport resulting from atmospheric and meteorological forcing on larval densities in the tidal pass, allowing for the non-linear response expected by the temporal heterogeneity. Results indicate that ichthyoplankton estuarine densities had a strong correlation to these winter frontal events, with high densities associated with coastal setup during the pre-frontal phase and up until passage of the fronts. An example of how these atmospheric fronts can override the normal diurnal, micro-tidal regime was quantified by estuarine recruitment of larvae during the pre-frontal phase southerly wind fields on ebb tides, and estuarine export of larvae during the post-frontal phase northerly wind fields on flood tides. Presentation type: Poster Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions LIPID CORRECTION FOR STABLE ISOTOPES ANALISIS IN EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS EARLY JUVENILES URIARTE, A., QUINTANILLA, J.M., GARCIA, A., PINHEIRO, C., BODE A., LAIZ-CARRION, R. Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, 29640. Fuengirola, Málaga. Spain. Email: Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 5 — 2:20 PM fractions during both seasons. The distinct oceanographic conditions of each survey influenced nutrient uptake from the pelagic food web according to the differences observed in nitrogen isotopic signatures. Low values and high variability of δ15N in both plankton and hake larvae were found during spring coinciding with unusually strong upwelling. Inversely, high δ15N and low %N content in zooplankton in summer suggest strong nitrogen limitation for primary producers during this season. However, hake larvae sampled in summer had higher %N and %C content together with higher Fulton condition factors than those sampled in spring. Higher δ13C values in hake larvae in summer than in spring suggest differences in the origin of food supplies. Both the nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes Vs size or weight relationships suggest an ontogenetic shift in hake larvae diet. The higher average trophic level observed in the summer hake larvae in relation to the variability of early life pelagic food web is discussed. This study was funded by Spanish CRAMER- CTM2010-21856-CO3-02 and Xunta-Galicia ECOPREGA10MMA602021PR research projects. A.U. is supported by PhD grant IEOFPI-2011/03-MICINN. Crystal Ballroom EARLY LIFE TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS BY STABLE ISOTOPES ANALYSIS LAIZ-CARRION, R., URIARTE, A., QUINTANILLA, J.M., CABRERO, A., HERNANDEZ DE ROJAS, A., RODRIGUEZ-FERNANDEZ, L., RODRIGUEZ, J.M., GAGO, J., PINHEIRO, C., BODE, A., GARCIA, A. Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, 29640. Fuengirola, Málaga. Spain. Email: The early life trophic food web dynamics of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) from northwestern Iberian shelf off Galicia (Spain) were analyzed using natural abundance of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C, respectively). Hake larvae were collected during spring and summer of 2012. Vertical plankton tows were carried out and samples were fractionated into the micro- (55-100 microns) and meso- (>200 microns) zooplankton size fractions. Hake larvae contained higher δ15N than the zooplankton The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of lipid extraction on carbon stable isotope signature (δ13C) determining lipid correction equation to accurately predict δ13C from atomic C:N rations for European hake early juveniles. Analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes naturally occurring in animal tissues and their putative preys are proven to be a useful tool for trophic ecology research. Variability of the lipid content can alter δ13C values, and thus mislead the interpretation of dietary or habitat shifts. To assess differences in δ13C arising from differences in lipid content, the δ13C values can be corrected a priori by extracting lipids from samples, or a posteriori, through mathematical corrections. When lipid extraction is not possible, mathematical lipid correction models is an alternative of lipid extraction by relating lipid content, C:N ratios and δ13C with lipid removal. These relationships have been analyzed for European hake early juvenile proposing a normalization equation for this species. A subset of samples before and after lipid extraction, were analyzed in order to obtain the species specific normalization equation based on bulk C:N as a reliable alternative to chemical extraction corrections, that will improve estimates of dietary sources using stable isotopes. This lipid correction constitutes a functional contribution in trophic ecology studies of early life stages of hake, where lipid extraction is not possible due to a low amount of Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 39 somatic mass of larvae. This study was funded by CRAMER-MICINNCTM2010-21856-CO3-02 and ECOPREGA-10MMA602021PR. A.U. is supported by PhD grant IEO FPI 2011/03-MICINN Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 9:00 AM Crystal Ballroom DOES HYPOXIA INFLUENCE THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF CATCHES IN THE COMMERCIAL REDUCTION FISHERY FOR GULF MENHADEN? LANGSETH, B.J., CRAIG, J.K., SMITH, J.W., SCHUELLER, A.M., SHERTZER, K.W. NOAA, 101 Pivers Island Rd., Beaufort, NC, 28557. Email: brian.langseth@noaa. gov The northwestern Gulf of Mexico currently experiences one of the largest seasonal hypoxic events in the western hemisphere. Hypoxia, defined as oxygen concentrations <2.0 mg/L, peaks during summer and results from a combination of nutrient-rich outflow from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River basins and stratification in the water column. Although concentrated along the sea floor, hypoxic conditions can occur within the water column, potentially influencing pelagic as well as benthic organisms. Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) is a prolific pelagic species that is distributed in areas of the Gulf commonly affected by hypoxia. Gulf menhaden supports a large commercial fishery that harvests approximately 500,000 mt of menhaden per year and is the largest fishery by volume in the Gulf and one of the largest in the United States. Low oxygen has the potential to contract or disperse the spatial distribution of menhaden, which could lead to changes in catchability to the fishery. Currently, assessment models of gulf menhaden do not account for changes in catchability, which has potential consequences for the perception of stock and fishery status. We explored the extent to which hypoxia and other factors influenced the spatial distribution of gulf menhaden catches. More specifically, we analyzed the spatial distribution of catches in the commercial fishery, and considered the spatial extent of hypoxia as well as variation in fishing effort (i.e., number of operating plants and vessels) for their potential to influence catchability to the fishery. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 10:20 AM Crystal Ballroom QUANTIFYING TRENDS AND THRESHOLDS IN RESPONSES OF ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS TO THE COMBINED EFFECTS OF FISHING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURE LARGE, S.I., FAY, G, FRIEDLAND, K.D., LINK, J.S. NOAA-Fisheries, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02532. Email: scott.large@ Fishing and environmental forces influence the structure and function of marine ecosystems. Increased demand for living marine resources has resulted in global declines of targeted species, which are often managed under a single-species paradigm that does not fully incorporate ecosystem functions such as ecological interactions and environmental factors. As a more holistic management approach, ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) has been recommended to concurrently address human, ecological, and environmental factors that influence living marine resources and evaluate these considerations collectively. To implement EBFM, ecological indicators have been suggested as a means to evaluate ecosystem status and inform reference levels for management action. However, we lack a complete understanding of how ecological indicators respond to environmental and anthropogenic pressures. To accurately suggest reference levels for management action, it is important to quantify thresholds where fishing and environmental pressures influence ecological indicators. Using a generalized additive modeling approach, we empirically determined thresholds where fishing and environmental pressures altered the response of ecological indicators for the Northeast US shelf. We identify thresholds where significant changes in indicator responses occur, suggesting that ecological indicators are sensitive to fishing and environmental pressures. Further, we evaluated the combined effect of fishing and environmental pressures on indicator responses. Examining each indicator response as a surface on bivariate axes (i.e., x=fishing pressure, y=environmental pressure) we define changes in the gradient, demonstrating that interactions between fishing and environmental pressures influence the value of indicator thresholds, suggesting that reference levels for management action should incorporate both anthropogenic and environmental pressures. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate LIVING ON THE EDGE: SPAWNING DYNAMIC OF THE NORTHERNMOST POPULATION OF AMERICAN SHAD IN AN ALTERED RIVERSCAPE (ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, QUEBEC, CANADA) LAROUCHE, T., SIROIS, P., LEGAULT, L., DODSON, J.J., LECOMTE, F. Research Chair on Exploited Aquatic Species, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555, boulevard de l'Université, Chicoutimi (QC) G7H 2B1, CANADA. Email: The once highly-abundant St. Lawrence American shad run has been impacted by the building of power dams, channel dredging and alteration of the shoreline and other impediments to the landward adult migration and the seaward drift of recruiting early life stages. The riverscape in which they live has dramatically changed during the last 60 years. Despite an important decline in the commercial landings, granting the status “vulnerable” for the St. Lawrence population, the species nevertheless maintains a spawning run and recruit within this river located in its northernmost distribution range. The conservation status of the St. Lawrence population is maintained mostly because the only known spawning sites are all located in the vicinity of Montreal. The persistence of these sites can be jeopardized by industrial or urban development in this area. Whether the St. Lawrence run exploits spawning sites only in the vicinity of Montreal or elsewhere (downstream) is still unclear. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of early larvae in the St. Lawrence River and convey molecular analyses on larvae and juveniles to detect heterogeneity in the molecular architecture and/or distribution of larvae supporting the existence of multiple genetically-distinct spawning sites. The patterns observed suggest the existence of other important spawning sites located between 100 to 200 km downstream of Montreal. This could be indicative of separate spawning populations or the occurrence of batch spawning throughout the river. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 4:50 PM Crystal Ballroom LARVAL DRIFT EXPERIMENTS ON A SHORELINE IN A LARGE RIVER: LARVAL DRIFT IN COMPARISON TO NUMERICAL PASSIVE PARTICLES LECHNER, A.J., KECKEIS, H., GLAS, M., TRITTHART, M., LOISL, F., HUMPHRIES, P., HABERSACK, H. University of Vienna, Glasergasse 9/7, 1090 Wien, Austria. Email: aaron.lechner@ Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 40 Active behavior might dramatically impact the outcome of larval dispersal models, as shown in various marine studies. Accordingly, larval travel paths can be considered to base on a combination of hydrodynamic forces and innate reactions towards environmental cues in order to enhance successful settlement in nurseries and physio-morphological attributes of the individual, which more or less enable their realization. The main regulating factor of larval dispersal in large rivers is the flow and its concomitant flow-velocities. The unidirectional fast currents facilitate rapid movements from spawning sites to suitable inshore nurseries, but may as well impinge on larval fish by washing them offshore into swift turbulent flows enhancing drift duration, drift distance and mortality. Being able to drop out of fast currents should be an important ability of drifting fish larvae and is assumed to encapsulate orientation and swimming performance. By comparing drift patterns of two different larval stages with different swimming capabilities and of virtual passive particles we assessed the active component of larval dispersal and discussed its possible criteria (i.e. morphology, orientation towards hydraulic gradients). These criteria serve as a basis to develop a dispersal model for riverine fish larvae. Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Alexander Room IN SITU STUDY SHOWS PELAGIC ORIENTATION BY LARVAL REEF FISH IS INDEPENDENT OF LOCATION AND YEAR BUT DEPENDS ON TIME OF DAY LEIS, J.M., PARIS, C.B., IRISSON, J.-O.,YERMAN, M.N., SIEBECK, U.E. Ichthyology, Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia. Email: Traditionally, larvae have been studied in the lab or from the deck of a ship using towed nets. But, traditional approaches miss much of what larvae actually do in the ocean, so in situ studies are required, especially to investigate behavior. An example of what in situ methods can reveal is the orientation of 300+ settlement-stage larvae of a damselfish (Chromis atripectoralis) measured by divers in open water 100-1000 m off east and west sides of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef over 10 years. Orientation was remarkably consistent: 94% of larvae swam directionally and all 10 data sets had a southerly median orientation. Overall median bearings off east and west sides of Lizard Island were 161 and 170 degrees, respectively. This may be a response to the prevailing S-SE current in the area. Individual larvae had no clear diurnal pattern in precision of directionality. However, among-individual orientation precision was lowest (and non significant) between 12:00 and 13:00, and the median bearing changed from SE during most of the day to SSW in late afternoon. This location-independent but diurnally-dependent orientation implies the use of celestial cues for orientation. A Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC) to measure orientation of larval C. atripectoralis returned similar results, except that orientation precision of individual trajectories was somewhat greater for larvae observed by divers. Subsequent manipulation coroborated the use of celestial cues. Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 3 — 1:40 PM Crystal Ballroom LLOPIZ, J.K. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 266 Woods Hole Rd. MS#33, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Email: Over the past century, researchers have come to acknowledge the critical role that larval fish investigations play in our broader efforts to understand how adult populations grow, fluctuate, and respond to a variety of stressors. Central to our research on the early life history of fishes are the diets and feeding success of fish larvae in their natural environment—for larvae that feed successfully not only avoid starvation, but may also minimize their time spent vulnerable to larger predators and be optimally capable of evading attacks. From a synthesis of a multitude of published studies on the feeding dynamics of field-collected, planktonic fish larvae, several taxonomic and regional patterns have emerged that highlight large-scale differences in feeding success, prey type importance, and prey selectivity. Additionally, a field investigation of larval feeding in the Straits of Florida has yielded some unique findings, which only come to light when examining the feeding of all co-occurring fish larvae rather than one or a few select taxa. Looking ahead, I will speculate on the directions that feedingrelated research on fish larvae could take in the future, hopefully stimulating discussion about the utility of these directions, while highlighting potential alternatives. With this discussion, and those stimulated by other presentations in this session, we may be able to chart a path on how larval fish trophodynamic research can expand with new technologies and interests, and complement other subdisciplines in plankton ecology and fisheries oceanography. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes SPATIOTEMPORAL VARIATION OF ICHTHYOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE IN FRONT OF ECUADORIAN COAST (2000– 2010) LUZURIAGA DE CRUZ, M. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Larval Fish Studies) Wednesday, June 5, — 10:20 AM Presentation type: Oral THE FEEDING OF FISH LARVAE AND THEIR ROLE IN PLANKTONIC FOOD WEBS: WHERE HAVE WE BEEN AND WHERE ARE WE GOING? Presentation type: Oral Thursday, June 6 — 9:20 AM spring bloom for survival and thus successful recruitment. However, the newly developed California Current System Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (CCSIEA) currently does not include a phytoplankton- or chlorophyll-based index of the spring bloom, although this report makes a specific call for the development of such an index. Here, we further develop a satellite-derived, chlorophyll-a-based index of the spring bloom, patterned on the index described by Henson and Thomas (2007; JGR 112). The index was calculated for representative regions of the CCS, and compared with purely upwellingderived indices of the physical spring transition. The results of this analysis will be discussed, along with the feasibility of including this index in future iterations of the CCSIEA. Alexander Room DEVELOPMENT OF A CHL-A BASED SPRING BLOOM INDEX FOR THE CCS IEA LEISING, A.W., BOGRAD, S.J. NOAA-SWFSC, 1352 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Email: andrew. Many species of small pelagic fish, the larvae of those fish, and the larvae of larger managed fish species, are critically dependent upon the timing of the Instituto Nacional de Pesca, Letamendi 102 y la Ria, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Email: This paper emphasizes the diversity and spatial distribution of eggs and larvae of small pelagic fishes collected in 16 oceanographic campaigns and four fixed stations located ten miles offshore of Ecuador. Zooplankton samples were collected between 2000 and 2010. Variations in density and species composition of fish eggs and larvae were associated with planktonic availability, the position of Equatorial Front and coastal processes related to oceanographic Events. Areas of ichthyoplankton richness have been found, in: a) coastal waters of the Gulf of Guayaquil, mainly eggs and larvae of small pelagic Cetengraulis mysticetus (chuhueco), Opisthonema spp. (pinchagua), Engraulis ringens Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 41 (anchoveta), Anchoa spp., and of demersal fishes as Chloroscombrus orqueta (hojita), Trachurus symmetricus (jurel); b) in oceanic waters located at the southwest of the 2° 30'S and 81° 30'W, characterized by Diogenichthys laternatus (pez linterna) and eggs and fish larvae of Vinciguerria lucetia (pez luminoso), and c) area since San Lorenzo Cape to Pasado Cape, characterized by engraulids, eggs and fish larvae of demersal fishes; and d) in front of the coast Punta Galera and Muisne with fish larvae of Bregmaceros bathymaster and V. lucetia, serranids and scianids. In Oceanographic cruises, the highest diversity was obtained in the Gulf of Guayaquil and between Cabuyal and Punta Galera – (Zone D - October 2006). In coastal waters, between San Lorenzo Cape and Cabuyal (Zone C), the greater abundance and diversity, favored for the mixing water from the ocean and the estuary Chone River. Everything one imagines about South Beach forcefully collides on Ocean Drive­: Miami’s quarter-mile of trendy beaches, Art Deco, neon, nightlife, and excess. Presentation type: Poster Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Wednesday, June 5 — 3:00 PM Crystal Ballroom SPECIES CO-OCCURRENCE AND LATITUDINAL CROSS-SHELF VARIABILITY IN LARVAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES IN THE SW ATLANTIC MACEDO-SOARES, L.C.P., FREIRE, A.S., MUELBERT, J.H. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 88040-900. Email: Latitudinal gradients in species diversity and community composition in the marine environment are well known. In such context, null models have been used to test if observed patters are less frequent than expected by chance. This study applies null models to test whether observed distribution patterns in larval fish assemblages in the Southwest Atlantic are random. Vertical plankton tows were collected between 21º27’ and 34º51’S at 89 stations deployed at 14 cross-shelf transects, during December-2010 and January-2011, from depth of chlorophyll maxima up to the surface in deep stations, and from 10m from the bottom to surface in shallow waters. A conical-cylindrical plankton net (200μm/0.5m diameter) equipped with a flowmeter was used. Indicator species analysis and Bray-Curtis similarity index clustered with UPGMA were used to identify the presence of larval assemblages. Species co-occurrence was achieved with Checkerboard score (C-score) index applied to larval presence/ absence matrix. Random patterns were tested with null model fixed-rows/ equiprobable-columns. Results showed three coastal-neritic assemblages (CNA) with latitudinal gradient: Southeast Shelf (SES), Southern Brazilian Bight (SBB) and Southern Subtropical Shelf (SSS). Transitional (TA) and Oceanic (OA) assemblages only presented cross-shelf variability. C-score and null models showed randomly distribution only in TA, indicating species cooccurrence in the remaining assemblages. These findings suggest that larval fish assemblage structure varies in space, and that deterministic processes are involved in species co-occurrence. Further studies should be carried out to evaluate if the observed patterns in larval assemblages vary over time. BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL EFFECTS IN MESOSCALE ICHTHYOPLANKTON COMPOSITION IN THE SW ATLANTIC MACEDO-SOARES, L.C.P., FREIRE, A.S., MUELBERT, J.H. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 88040-900. Email: Ichthyoplankton is an essential component in pelagic ecosystems, and biological and environmental interactions play an important role in determining its distribution. We aim to investigate biological and physical-chemical sources of variation in the mesoscale ichthyoplankton composition in the Southwest Atlantic. Vertical plankton tows were collected between 21º27’ and 34º51’S at 89 stations deployed at 14 cross-shelf transects, from December-2010 to January-2011, from depth of chlorophyll maxima up to the surface in deep stations, and from 10m from the bottom to surface in shallow waters with a conical-cylindrical plankton net (200μm/0.5m diameter). Physical-chemical parameters were registered with a CTD/rossette. Redundancy Analysis was applied in fish larvae abundance constrained by physical-chemical (latitude, coast distance, depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients) and biological (chlorophyll concentration and abundance of 9 zooplankton taxa) features. Biological matrix considered potential predators/competitors and preys. Variation in species composition was decomposed in physical-chemical, biological, shared effects and unexplained causes of variation through Variation Partitioning. In extreme south, ichthyoplankton were positively correlated with high silicate, brachyuran zoea and Larvacea abundance, low temperature and N/P ratio. In tropical/coastal areas, chlorophyll, N/P, and abundance of nauplii, Copepoda and Chaetognatha had positive influence in ichthyoplankton. Oceanic species were associated with Tropical Water. Physical-chemical variables accounted for 18% of variation in species composition, whereas biological ones accounted for 8%. Shared effects answered for 2% of variation, and 72% remained unexplained. These findings reveal that biological and physical-chemical influence on mesoscale ichthyoplankton is small compared to other sources of variation, including some with stochastic origin. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 42 Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 1:40 PM Crystal Ballroom MEASURING SMALL ORGANISMS UNDER MICROSCOPE: THE CASE FOR FISH LARVAE MALANSKI, E., MUELBERT, J.H. National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Section of Ocean Ecology and Climate, DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark, Kavalergården 6, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark Kingdom. Email: Size is one of the basic data obtained from larval fish, and it is applied to biological and ecological investigations. By logistics and sampling constraints, this parameter is usually not obtained when fish is alive, but methodological procedures are applied that include the use of preservative and measurement techniques. Studies have shown that larval length can be affected by the preservative technique used, causing shrinkage in fish larvae structures. The correction factor to obtain the size of larvae at life is species-specific. However, investigations on measurement techniques were not verified. The aim of this study is to investigate the steps to obtain larval fish size, including measurements by image and traditional techniques in different body-shape larvae, and analysis of preservative in larvae of one fish species. The results show that there is no difference in measurements between image and traditional techniques, suggesting both produce the same average result. Although image technique indicates gaining in one decimal unit in precision against traditional technique, it’s observed a difference in horizontal and vertical pixel size, causing measurements 6% greater than in the vertical pixel axis. Shrinkage in Brevoortia pectinata larvae was observed using either formaldehyde or alcohol, with significant shrinkage until 30 days of preservation in formaldehyde, and 15 days in alcohol. Observing the correction factor, in alcohol (1.1415xSL) the shrinkage was higher than in formaldehyde (1.0799xSL). The capacity of use new hardware in ichthyoplankton investigations seems attractive and useful, but a detailed methodological procedures should be carefully followed. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 4:30 PM Alexander Room FOOD PREFERENCES IN ATLANTIC COD LARVAE, GADUS MORHUA, IN GODTHÅBSFJORD, GREENLANDIC WATERS MALANSKI, E., SWALETHORP, R., MUNK, P., NIELSEN, T.G. National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Section of Ocean Ecology and Climate, DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark, Kavalergården 6, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark . Email: Climatic changes affect the distribution pattern of marine organisms, and thereby impacts have major importance in countries where the economy depends on marine resources. Greenland is such an example, and global warming has been effecting drastically its environment. Linkages between environmental factors, biology and inter relationships between species in Greenlandic waters is therefore essential, to support scientists and governors for a sustainable resources management. Godthåbsfjord, south western Greenland, is home to the largest inshore spawning stock of Atlantic cod in Greenland. In 2010 one high-resolution investigation was carried out there, focusing on larval ecology in relation to hydrographic and biological characteristics of the fjord. The aim of the present study is to investigate early life of cod in relation to the plankton community along the fjord. Fish larvae were identified, measured, aged and their stomach contents analyzed. The larvae analyzed ranged from 4 to 24 mm, corresponding to 3 to 40 days of age. Stomachs contained 30 different zooplankton taxa. There was observed a succession in the prey field of cod larvae: in smaller larvae (<5 mm) calanoid’s nauplii dominated, while in larger ones (>15 mm) the cladoceran Podon sp was the most representative. In intermediate larvae (5-15 mm), these two preys dominated the prey taxa identified, illustrating an ontogenetic succession in the preferred prey. The present study documents the important coupling between the survival success of cod larvae and the large calanoid copepods, but also highlights the importance of cladocerans for a successful recruitment of Greenlandic cod. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 10:40 AM Alexander Room SPAWNING OF NEOTROPICAL FISH SPECIES DOWNSTREAM OF IGUAÇU FALLS, IGUAÇU RIVER–IGUAÇU NATIONAL PARK MAKRAKIS, M.C., SILVA, P.S., ASSUMPÇÃO, L., MAKRAKIS, S., XAVIER, R., FOGAÇA, P.L.C. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná-Unioeste, Rua da Facildade, 645. Jardim Santa Maria. Toledo-Paraná, Brazil 85903-000. Email: mmakrakis@terra. This study evaluated spatial and temporal spawning patterns of Neotropical fish species in Iguaçu River from downstream Iguaçu Falls to the mouth with the Paraná River, Iguaçu National Park. Fish were collected monthly from October/2010 to September/2012 for evaluation of reproductive activity with several fishing gears (gillnets and longlines) and from October to March (2010-2011 and2011-2012) to evaluate the occurrence of spawning using a plankton net. Fish caught were dissected to determine gender and stages of gonadal development, performing the macroscopic inspection of the gonads: a total of 80 species was analyzed and among them 17 long distance migratory fish species. A temporal pattern of reproduction was observed, with a greater number of fish in reproduction and high abundance of eggs between October and March, nearest sites to the Iguaçu Falls. The abundance of fish larvae was low, and 9 taxa were identified, especially Bryconamericus spp. The study area has been used for spawning of Neotropical fish species, including long distance migratory species, especially downstream of Iguaçu Falls. The low capture of fish larvae is probably due to the high volume of water in these locations as well as of great turbulence, especially close to the Iguaçu Falls. Larvae of long distance migratory species were not collected, with a predominance of nonmigratory species. However, the high abundance of eggs coupled with the occurrence of migratory species in reproduction, especially downstream of the falls, suggests that these species spawn in this stretch still preserved. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 4:30 PM Alexander Room DISTRIBUTION OF LARVAL LIONFISH (PTEROIS VOLITANS) IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA MALCA, E., VÁSQUEZ-YEOMANS, L., MORALES, S., CARRILLO, L., SOSACORDERO, SCHULTZ, E.T., MORRIS, J. CIMAS, University of Miami, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami FL 33149. Email: The invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) are native to the Indo-Pacific Oceans but are now commonly found in the Caribbean and temperate Western Atlantic waters at depths ranging from <1 to 300m. Lionfish are considered invasive because of their observed extreme impacts to reef fish community structure and biodiversity in the Atlantic. Despite their widespread distribution, little is known regarding the early life history of this species. We present the most complete collection of lionfish larvae from the Atlantic (n=109) collected aboard the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter during the spring of 2011 from 125 plankton tows to 50 m depth using multiple gear (MOCNESS 505 µm, Neuston nets 950 µm, and 505 µm). In total, 33% of the stations sampled Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 43 during the cruise were positive for lionfish larvae, and were collected as far east as Haiti, and in the Mesoamerican Reef to Cozumel, Mexico. Despite the differences in sampling effort for the area, the MOCNESS net collected the highest number of lionfish larvae. The highest larval abundances were found in the western Caribbean and larval densities averaged 2.421 ± 3.128 larvae/1000 m3, 2.871 ± 1.887 larvae/1000 m3 for MOCNESS and Neuston-505µm respectively. Larvae collected measured between 1.5 to 14.0 mm total length. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (COI) confirmed 69 (78%) specimens with three different haplotypes distributed throughout the cruise track. Our results provide the first quantitative information on lionfish larval distribution and catch rates and can serve as a baseline for assessing the prevalence of lionfish larvae in the future. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes GULF OF ALASKA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM PROGRAM: OBSERVATIONS ON THE LARVAL FISH COMMUNITIES IN THE EASTERN AND WESTERN GULF OF ALASKA FROM 2011 FIELD COLLECTIONS predation on walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). One hypothesis for their increase is that it is related to factors influencing growth and survival of early life stages. Larvae from the GOA have been well-studied and early life stages have been published. These stages of ATF, however, have been difficult to study in the EBS because early life stages of its congener, Kamchatka flounder (A. evermanni: KF), are morphologically similar. We collected larval and early juvenile Atheresthes spp. from the EBS (2006–2010) to examine and identify traits to be used as species-specific characters. We successfully used a genetic technique, at sea and in the lab, to identify larvae as either ATF or KF. We then examined the genetically identified specimens for pigmentation and morphological differences. Currently, we can visually distinguish these species in the preflexion (6–10 mm SL) and early juvenile stages (>23 mm SL). KF have more pigment that develops earlier than ATF. Using morphological traits derived from specimens, we have been able to re-identify many specimens in historical collections to species level. This allows us to present species-specific information on historical distribution and abundance of larval and early juvenile ATF and KF in the EBS. To identify complete developmental series for both species, we need additional postflexion specimens. Presentation type: Oral MATARESE, A.C., BLOOD, D.A., DE FOREST, L.G., NAPP, J. M. Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Email: Wednesday, June 5 — 2:00 PM The Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Program (GOA-IERP) is a four year (2011–2014) multi-disciplinary study examining interactions between physical and biological oceanography to understand how the environment influences the survival of early life history stages (egg to young-of-the-year) and recruitment of five commercially and ecologically important groundfishes: walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) and Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus). The program has two primary field seasons (2011 and 2013) to conduct biological and oceanographic surveys in the eastern and western GOA. Based on a long-term, 20-year historical series, ichthyoplankton communities are well known in the western region, but the eastern region of the Gulf of Alaska is relatively unknown. We present a summary of larval fish data collected during the 2011 field season from the eastern and western GOA in spring and summer. Preliminary results comparing spring larval fish distributions to modeled circulation indicate that eddies may play a role in transport onto the shelf. Presently, Pacific Ocean perch are indistinguishable from other species of rockfish larvae. As a result, larval rockfishes are identified only to genus level (Sebastes spp.), but ancillary genetic studies are helping resolve this problem. Our results provide new information on larval fish communities in the eastern Gulf of Alaska, a region that has not been well sampled for either oceanography or biology, and highlight both similarities and differences between the eastern and western ichthyoplankton communities. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes IDENTIFCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EARLY LIFE STAGES OF ARROWTOOTH (ATHERESTHES STOMIAS) AND KAMCHATKA FLOUNDER (A. EVERMANNI) IN THE EASTERN BERING SEA Crystal Ballroom TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE EARLY STAGE SPATIAL PREFERENCES OF ANTENNA CODLET (BREGMACEROS ATLANTICUS GOODE AND BEAN, 1886) IN NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN MAVRUK, S., AVSAR, D., YUKSEK, A., OZYURT, C.E., KIYAGA, V.B. Cukurova University, Fisheries Faculty 01330 Balcali-Adana, Turkey. Email: Eastern Mediterranean is a unique region in terms of the hostile character for alien marine organisms. Approximately, a quarter of the ichthyofauna consists of established alien species. Among them, Bregmaceros atlanticus is also a recently invaded species that has restricted information about zoogeography and ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean. Thus, the early stage ecology of Bregmaceros atlanticus has been considered, in this study. An ichthyoplankton survey with monthly intervals was conducted at 28 sampling stations between November 2009 and October 2010 in Iskenderun Bay, Turkey. Studying area was surrounded by a rectangle that had the coordinates of 36.47E–35.23N, 36.24E–35.67N, 36.96E–35.99N, 36.69E–36.91N. A Bongo Net with 300µm mesh size was used to operate oblique tows. Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen and Salinity data have been collected by using a CTD at each station. The abundance data were fitted with a Negative Binomial GAM with spatial and temporal variables and standardized environmental parameters by using monthly averages and standard deviations. A non-linear temporal structure with two clear abundance pick (October and April) was detected. The station depth and vertical distance from inner coast of bay interactively affected the abundance in a linear way. The standardized temperature values that indicated temperature deviation from monthly average significantly interact with temporal variable. The larval stages of codlet were determined to prefer approximately average temperature value in autumn. However larval abundance intensified around the negative temperature anomalies in spring. Additionally, positive temperature anomalies caused a significant decrease in larval abundance. MATARESE, A.C., DE FOREST, L.G., DUFFY-ANDERSON, J.T., SMART, T.I., SPIES, I.B. NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Email: In the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias: ATF) are an important component of the groundfish community. Their abundance recently increased, causing concern among fisheries scientists due to their heavy Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 44 Presentation type: Oral Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 11:00 AM Crystal Ballroom LARVAL FISH CONNECTIVITY IN THE KENYAN-TANZANIAN CORAL REEF REGION: RESULTS FROM PARTICLE TRACKING SIMULATIONS MAYORGA ADAME, C.G., BATCHELDER, H.P., STRUB, T. Oregon State University, 918 NW Fremont Ave, Corvallis, OR. Email: cmayorga@ For most coral reef fish species the larval stage represents the only opportunity for dispersal. The connectivity achieved by the pelagic phase allows them to potentially maintain populations based on both local (self-seeding) and recruitment from elsewhere. Suitable adult habitat for recruitment of coral reef fish larvae is highly patchy, and very sparse, with variable but often larger distances between suitable habitats. Some reefs are very isolated with few, if any, neighboring reefs, while other reefs may have multiple reefs nearby. Coral reef larvae experience high mortality risk, due to predation and advective loss if they are unable to locate suitable recruitment habitat within their settlement competency period. Settlement success is generally determined by the interaction of ocean circulation, hydrographic conditions and the behavior of fish larvae. Spatial management efforts directed at conservation of biodiversity and productivity of coral reef systems, such as the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), should consider connectivity patterns of larvae. Connections among MPAs and with unprotected reefs will enhance system resilience and recovery from disturbances to individual reefs. We used an individual-based particle tracking model (IBM) coupled to an ocean circulation model (providing velocity and temperature fields) to examine connections among coral reefs in the Kenyan-Tanzanian reef region of East Africa. Connectivity matrices, derived from IBM particle tracking of coral reef fish larvae, describe potential recruitment pathways among the individual reefs in this region, and will provide guidance for the implementation of a network of MPAs. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Larval Fish Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 9:40 AM Alexander Room A NEW ENSO-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL INDEX FOR PACIFIC SARDINE RECRUITMENT MCCLATCHIE, S., GOERICKE, R., WEBER, E.D., WATSON, W., HILL, K., MILLER, E., JACOBSON, L.D. SWFSC, NOAA Fisheries, 8901 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037-1509, U.S.A. Email: There are multiple environmental variables that affect sardine recruitment and surplus production, and environmental forcing is clearly not univariate. Based on work with small pelagics off California, important environmental variables include temperature, abundance of prey, abundance of predators, the abundance of bloom organisms (e.g. salps or gelatinous predators), wind stress curl, offshore transports, mesoscale variability of fronts and eddies, and phenology of both physical and biological environmental variables. Important processes include production, predation, and advection, all of which affect growth and mortality of larvae and recruits. In addition to environmental variables, density-dependent effects may be important when sardine are more abundant. The dominant process forcing large-scale changes on inter-annual time scales in the California Current System is ENSO. We propose creating a set of standardized time series variables that are affected by regional ENSO conditions, and then combining these variables using EOF analysis to create a quantitative metric of ENSO conditions in the California Current System. Key variables with the highest temporal resolution, and longest time series indexing regional ENSO conditions that ultimately affect sardine recruitment, are sea level height, surface temperature and salinity anomalies. The EOFs would index the “state” or “condition” of the regional expression of ENSO. Such an index would directly link to the mechanisms driving recruitment of sardine, whereas temperature alone does not. We report on progress toward this new environmental index for sardine recruitment. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 10:20 AM Crystal Ballroom CONTRASTING PATTERNS IN SETTLEMENT DENSITIES OF CO-OCCURRING REEF FISH TAXA: EFFECTS OF PATCH SIZE MILLER, S.E., BARTLETT, L.S., OXENFORD, H.A., VALLES, H. University of the West Indies, C/O Cape Eleuthera Island School, Twinex, 1811 N.W. 52 Street, Hanger #42 C, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 USA. Email: Over small spatial scales, coral reefs are a mosaic of patches of potential settlement substrate for incoming larval reef fishes, with patches varying in composition and size. Most studies have examined the effects of patch composition on the settlement of reef fishes, whereas few have examined how variation in the size of patches of similar composition influences spatial variability in the density of recently settled fishes (recruits). Theory predicts that most settlement behaviors should lead to positive relationships between patch size and recruit abundance, but to negative relationships between patch size and recruit density. To investigate the latter, we performed underwater field experiments during the highest settlement period of three lunar months in Barbados. Using standardized units of coral rubble settlement substrate (surface area: 0.23 m2), we examined the effect of patch size (6-unit clusters versus single units) on the settlement of the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) and the ecologically and commercially important Sparisoma parrotfish. As expected, recruit abundance was consistently highest in the 6-unit treatments for both taxa. However, the relationship between patch size and recruit density differed between taxa; bicolor damselfish exhibited the expected negative relationship between patch size and density, whereas parrotfishes exhibited the opposite pattern. These results indicate marked differences in settlement strategies between these two co-occurring taxa, leading to contrasting patterns in smallscale spatial variability in recruit density. Given the importance of early postsettlement density-dependent mortality in the population dynamics of reef fishes, our study might help predict species-specific impacts of reef habitat fragmentation. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 4:10 PM Crystal Ballroom INFORMATION THEORY AND LARVAL RECRUITMENT IN ATLANTIC MENHADEN KARAKOYLU, E., ULANOWICZ, R.E, MILLER, T.J. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, 146 Williams Street, Solomons, MD 20688. Email: We conducted multiple runs of an Individual-based Coupled Biological Physical Model to quantify patterns of transfer of menhaden larvae from discrete spawning locations in the Mid-Atlantic Bight to estuaries along the east coast of the United States. Larvae followed trajectories drawn from realistic flow solutions spanning multiple months and years to include seasonal and inter-annual physical variability. We used Information Theory to analyze the observed source-sink dynamics and we quantified the numbers Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 45 of individuals reaching nurseries, the efficiency of transfer, and the reliability of transfer. Results show that transfers are affected by density-independent, time-dependent physical processes. The annual fraction of larvae reaching nurseries varied twofold (0.18 – 0.37%) among simulated years. Overall two main trends are evident: recruitment occurred predominantly occurring in either Long Island Sound (0.074-0.15% of larvae produced) or further south, in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays and Albemarle Sound (0.07-0.17% of larvae produced). Higher transfer efficiencies were seen between estuaries and the closest spawning locations, with Long Island Sound and its closest larval source ranking highest. In contrast, transfer reliabilities were much more variable, and the pathways resulting in the highest number of recruits do not seem to be necessarily the most resilient. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of these findings. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Presentation type: Oral Monday, June 3 — 3:50 PM Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 2:00 PM Carangidae were the most abundant families with relative abundance of 17.4%, 16.3% and 13.0%, respectively. Scombrids and carangids were two groups most likely to be impacted by the oil spill due the larvae were found in the upper layers of the water column. Scombrids occurred in 99% of the study area comprised of nine species of which, the genus Thunnus was the most abundant (Thunnus atlanticus and Thunnus spp.), followed by Euthynnus alletteratus and Auxis rochei. Overall, we found similar results to previous surveys in this region; however, we found a higher diversity. The strategic location of the LC deserves further efforts to understand its role in larval connectivity. Alexander Room ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL USE OF MORPHOLOGICAL AND PIGMENTATION CHARACTERS DURING LARVAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF GOBIIDAE MISKIEWICZ, A.G. Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong, NSW, 2500, Australia. Email: The Gobiidei are a very diverse group of fish comprising nine families with about 270 genera and 2,210 species. There have been a variety of studies undertaken using morphological, osteological and molecular characters of adults to investigate phylogenetic relationships within the group. Larval developmental series collected from southern Australian waters of seven genera of Gobiidae (210 genera, 1,950 spp) Arenigobius, Afurcagobius, Favonigobius, Gobiopterus, Paedogobius, Psuedogobius and Redigobius and two genera of Eleotridae (35 genera 155 sp) Hypseleotris and Philypnodon were assessed. For the larval development series of these nine genera, ontogenetic changes in body shape and pigmentation patterns and the size at development of fins, notochord flexion and transition to juveniles for each genus were documented. There was considerable variation in these larval characters between the two families and between genera. The larval development characters were assessed to determine similarities and differences between genera and then compared with the proposed lineages for these genera based on adult characters. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THE LARVAL FISH DISTRIBUTION IN THE LOOP CURRENT IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AFTER THE DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL MORALES, S., VÁSQUEZ-YEOMANS, L., CARRILLO, L., MALCA, E., PRIVOZNIK, S., LAMKIN J.T. CIMAS, University of Miami, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami FL 33149. Email: The Loop Current (LC) is the major oceanographic feature in the eastern of the Gulf of Mexico, and its highly dynamic regime drives the transport and retention of fish larvae. During the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, an interdisciplinary survey across the LC and into the northeast Gulf of Mexico was conducted in the summer of 2010 (30 June – 18 July) aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster. Multiple plankton collecting gears were used at 75 stations (MOCNESS, Neuston, and Bongo with 505 µm mesh) to examine larval fish distribution. Ichthyoplankton samples were sorted and identified to the finest possible taxonomic level. Here, we present preliminary results for 14,072 larval fishes corresponding to 103 families and 233 species. Myctophidae, Scombridae, and Alexander Room RAPID ESTABLISHMENT OF CONTINGENTS IN A RECENTLY REINTRODUCED STRIPED BASS POPULATION IN THE ST. LAWRENCE ESTUARY (QUEBEC, CANADA) MORISSETTE, O., SIROIS, P., LEGAULT, M., VERREAULT, G., LECOMTE, F. Research Chair on Exploited Aquatic Species, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, 555, Boul. de l'Université, Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7H 2B1. Email: The existence of partial migrations is commonly reported for diadromous fish species. Migratory differential life-history pathways can establish stable structure within populations (e.g. migratory contingents). Contingents have been identified in numerous striped bass population along the North-American East Coast using various methods. Otolith chemistry proved an effective tool for assessing migratory behavior of fish, especially during early life. The main objective of this study is to determine if migratory contingents exist during early life in the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) re-introduced striped bass population using otolith chemistry. Juvenile (aged 0+ and 1+) striped bass have been captured in 2011 an 2012 in the SLE. Chemical compositions on whole-life transects of 118 sagittal otoliths have been quantified. Migratory movements of striped bass were investigated using multivariate analysis of 4 elements (Sr, Ba, Mn and Mg) with a split-moving window method. Three migratory contingents, exhibiting distinct juvenile habitat utilization, have been identified: freshwater residence, oligohaline and mesohaline migrant. Chemical signatures of the natal origin of captured fish are relatively homogenous even between distinct contingents, providing insights of the reproductive dynamics of the population. This study shows the rapid (< 10 years since first stocking of striped bass in SLE) establishment of migratory contingents structure during early life in the striped bass population of the SLE. Results shed light on the migratory strategy of striped bass and raise questions on the capacity for the species to colonize rapidly new rivers through the expression of partial migration. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 9:20 AM Crystal Ballroom INCORPORATING INDICATORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SUITABILITY AND CATCHABILITY INTO EXISTING ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA ABUNDANCE INDICES FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO MUHLING, B.A., Ingram, G.W. Jr., Cass-Calay, S.L., Walter, J.F. University of Miami, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL, 33149. Email: Barbara. Catch rates of bluefin tuna caught on longlines in the US Gulf of Mexico are formulated into an index of abundance, which is one of several inputs to the western Atlantic stock assessment. This project aimed to add environmental and fishing gear effects into the index, and to investigate if these additions could tune the index more closely to spawning stock biomass estimates. Catches of bluefin tuna reported in logbooks were found to be strongly seasonal, and temperature-dependent. However, the interannual behavior of the index was not well correlated to environmental conditions, particularly in the early part of the time series (before 1993). Analyses of gear configurations and fishing regulations through time suggested that several factors had contributed to the observed trend in the index, including the introduction of the observer program in 1992. A predictive habitat model was constructed from fisheries observer data, and used to show potential effects of on-board observers on reporting in logbooks. Implications for the trend and behavior of the logbook index are discussed. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Monday, June 3 — 9:20 AM Alexander Room COMPARING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LARVAL BLUEFIN TUNA (THUNNUS THYNNUS) HABITAT IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA MUHLING, B.A., Reglero, P., Ciannelli, L., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Alemany, F., Lamkin, J.T., Roffer, M.A. University of Miami, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL, 33149. Email: Barbara. Atlantic bluefin tuna undertake long migrations to reach warm, low productivity spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea. Peak spawning occurs during spring in the Gulf of Mexico, and summer in the Mediterranean. Environmental conditions within spawning areas appear unfavorable for adult feeding and physiology, and so have been presumed to benefit larval survival, through enhanced feeding conditions, larval retention or growth rates. In this study, a comparison of the environmental characteristics of both spawning sites was completed using standardized environmental data and modeling methods. Artificial neural network predictive models of larval occurrence were constructed using historical larval collections, and environmental variables from both in situ and remotely sensed sources. Results showed that larvae on both spawning grounds were most likely to be found in warm (23-28°C), low chlorophyll waters with moderate current velocities, and favorable regional retention conditions. In the Gulf of Mexico, larvae were located in offshore waters outside of the Loop Current and warm eddies, while in the western Mediterranean, larval occurrences were associated with the confluence of inflowing Atlantic waters and saltier resident surface waters. Results suggested common themes within preferred spawning grounds on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the ecological processes governing larval survival and eventual recruitment are yet to be fully understood. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 11:40 AM Crystal Ballroom Forecasts of fish populations are usually made assuming some level of future recruitment that is associated mainly with the spawning capacity of the stock. Though environmental effects on recruit survival are known for many marine fishes, the uncertainty in predicting the environment into the future may impede using these relations to improve fish stock forecasting. In this project, we investigate whether forecasts of fish populations —as generated from a typical single-species stock assessment model—are improved when future recruitment is linked to a forecasted environmental feature. The analyses presented will roughly mimic North Atlantic swordfish population dynamics with recruitment success coinciding with low or negative values of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 3:50 PM Crystal Ballroom EMPIRICAL FIELD VALIDATION OF A BIOPHYSICAL DISPERSAL MODEL NANNINGA, G.B., ZHAN, P., SAENZ-AGUDELO, P., HOTEIT, I., BERUMEN, M.L. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 4700 KAUST, Thuwal 239556900, Saudi Arabia. Email: Marine metapopulation dynamics are often regulated through local replenishment of sedentary adult populations via pelagic larvae from local and/or external sources. Larval dispersal in the sea is governed by a plethora of stochastic physical and biological processes and patterns of connectivity vary spatially, temporally, and taxonomically. Coupled biophysical numerical models have emerged as the principal means to simulate and forecast patterns of larval transport in complex marine systems. In this study, we use the Connectivity Modeling System framework to simulate patterns of larval dispersal in an anemonefish (Amphiprion bicintus) at a reef scale of 10s km. Current velocities are derived from a three-dimensional baroclinic MITgcm with a spatial resolution of 500m. Hydrodynamics are driven by real-time atmospheric forcing and open boundary conditions, providing heat and momentum flux. Initial behavioural inputs are based on estimates from observations in ongoing studies of A. bicinctus. While biophysical models are clearly the most powerful tools to make hypothesisdriven predictions on variable scales, countless sources of uncertainties could affect the accuracy of their projections. Despite the universal call for field validations of model predictions, there remains a pressing need for modeling studies to incorporate an efficient ground-truth strategy. Here, we use genetic parentage assignments to trace the transport of recruits in the system described above and we integrate this empirical data with real-time model predictions. This dyadic approach allows us to validate initial model performance and, more importantly, to fine-tune uncertain input parameters by fitting the model to the observed assignment data. HOW PRECISE AND/OR ACCURATE DO FORECASTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS NEED TO BE TO BE USEFUL TO STOCK ASSESSMENTS? MURPHY, M.D. University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, 140 7th Avenue South, St Petersburg, FL 33701. Email: Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 47 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Thursday, June 6 — 11:00 AM Alexander Room APPLYING KNOWLEDGE OF SPAWNING PHENOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY TO LARVAL TRANSPORT MODELS FOR TWO IMPORTANT ALASKAN GADIDS NEIDETCHER S.K., CIANNELLI L. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Email: Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) is an important species, both economically and ecologically, in the southeastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, yet little is known regarding spawning patterns for this species. Furthermore, because Pacific cod eggs are demersal and few larvae are captured by ichthyoplankton research cruises, little is known about dispersal patterns and early stage distribution. To address these knowledge gaps, gross anatomical maturity data were collected by fishery observers with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC), Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Division (FMA) and used to assess the location and timing of spawning. Knowledge of the geography and phenology of spawning fish can greatly benefit our understanding of interactions between a species and environmental conditions; to assess spawning migrations; to identify early life stage distribution and dispersal to nurseries where young fish develop; and may provide a general understanding of population structure. This presentation will include a description of maturity assessment methods, the analysis of temporal and spatial spawning patterns, and will include a discussion of current efforts in modeling dispersal patterns for Pacific cod. Preliminary analysis of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) observer-assessed maturity data will be described briefly along with potential future larval dispersal modeling efforts for this species. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 2:20 PM Alexander Room POTENTIAL INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ANADROMOUS RIVER HERRING IN THEIR MARINE HABITAT NYE, J.A., LYNCH, P., HARE, J., STOCK, C., ALEXANDER, M., SCOTT, J., CURTI, K., DREW, K. 107 Dana Hall, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794. Email: The term “river herring” collectively refers to alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis), two anadromous fishes distributed along the east coast of North America. Historically, river herring spawning migrations supported important fisheries, and their runs continue to be of cultural significance to many coastal communities; however, substantial declines in spawning run size have prompted a petition to consider river herring for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The ESA review process requires an evaluation of the population responses to multiple stressors, including climate change. For anadromous species that utilize a range of habitats throughout their life cycle, the response to a changing global climate is inherently complex, and likely varies regionally. River herring occupy marine habitat for the majority of their lives, and we project changes in marine distribution and abundance under future climate scenarios by coupling species habitat models with projected temperature regimes from global climate models. We project northward shifts in distributions, and declines in preferred habitat along the US East Coast. We demonstrate that current abundance may play an important role governing the significance of climate effects on future abundance; however, there is uncertainty surrounding current population size. Thus, establishing effective conservation efforts in the near term would likely improve population resiliency, and provide lasting benefits to river herring populations. Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 11:00 AM Crystal Ballroom HOMOLOGY AND THE IMPORTANCE OF LARVAL FISHES FOR MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYLOGENETIC STUDIES, WITH EXAMPLES FROM THE JAW MUSCULATURE OF ACTINOPTERYGIAN FISHES KONSTANTINIDIS, P., OLSSON, L., HILTON, E. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 9457 Glass Road, Hayes, VA 23072. Email: Anatomical characters in early life history stages of fishes are often the sole source for identifying homologous structures, and for that reason are of great importance for phylogenetic and evolutionary studies. In taxa for which early life stages of species are rare or unknown, the identification of homologous structures is based solely on the adult condition, and are identified via connectivity, the composition, and the similarity of structures. This approach often fails to resolve the question about homology and thus can obscure the phylogentic/evolutionary signal. The study of a complex structure from its first appearance in ontogeny until it is fully formed often provides the most conclusive data for the identification of homologous structures. To achieve this goal it is important to obtain closely staged ontogenetic series of species, which is a difficult task for many taxa. The skeletal and muscular components of the jaw apparatus in actinopterygian fishes offers such a complex anatomical structure for which homologies have yet to be adequately addressed. We obtained ontogenetic series of white sturgeon and paddlefish from aquaculture, and longnose gar and Amia from the wild for an ongoing study of the evolution of the jaw apparatus of teleostean fishes. Our study combines traditional methods, such as clearing and staining and histology, and innovative state of the art methods techniques, such as computer tomography, 3D-modelling, and wholemount antibodystaining. We will present examples from the development of the musculoskeletal systems of the jaws demonstrating the value of ontogeny for phylogenetic studies. Presentation type: Poster Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions COMPARISON OF FEEDING ECOLOGY BETWEEN TWO COOCCURRING CLUPEOID SPECIES OKAZAKI, Y., KUBOTA, H., TAKASUKA, A., SAKAJI, H. Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, 3-27-5 Shinhama, Shiogama, Miyagi, 985-0001, Japan. Email: We investigated prey items and diet overlap of larvae and juveniles of two clupeoid species, sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), collected from the same location. Four data sets of late larvae and juveniles were obtained by a commercial trawl in Tosa Bay, south western coast of Japan, during February to April in 2009 and 2010. Three data sets of juveniles were collected by a surface trawl in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region in June 2010. Gut contents and prey organisms were identified to the lowest taxonomic level as possible, and their body length and width were measured. In Tosa Bay, larvae and juveniles of sardine and anchovy fed on adult and copepodite stages of copepods such as Paracalanus spp., Corycaeus spp. and Oncaea spp. and appendicularians. In the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region, juveniles of sardine and anchovy fed on adult and copepodite stages of copepods such as Paracalanus spp., Corycaeus spp. and Oncaea spp and krill furcilia. In summary, no marked difference was found in the preferred prey items between sardine and anchovy during the early life stages even using the co-occurring fish specimens. Thus, the trophodynamics such as change in the zooplankton community structure may not directly lead to species alternations between these two clupeoid species. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 48 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Thursday, June 6 — 9:40 AM Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Alexander Room SUN COMPASS ORIENTATION FOR REEF-FISH LARVAE PARIS, C.B., IRISSON, J.-O., LEIS, J.M., BOGUCKI, D., PISKOZUB, J., SIEBECK, U., GUIGAND, C.M. University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149-1098, USA. Email: cparis@rsmas. Reef-fish larvae swim directionally, implying the existence of a compass to keep a consistent bearing. We manipulated the view of the Sun of larvae Chromis atripectoralis placed in a behavioral arena deployed at sea, the Drifting In Situ Chamber. We also used a radiative transfer model to simulate the visible underwater light patterns experienced by the larva under direct sunlight (control treatment) and when their view of the Sun was blocked (umbrella treatment), both under clear skies and light wind conditions. While most larvae were directional in both treatments, precision in directionality decreased with Sun elevation in the natural treatment only, indicating that larvae used primarily the Sun’s disk position to keep directionality. Without the view of the Sun, larvae exhibited a distinct behavior, holding a true course to the SSW, 42 degrees away from the wind. The model results are consistent with the observations suggesting that orientation behavior involves the visual detection of surface waves’ direction. Without the direct view of the Sun, larvae are still capable of orienting, guided by visible cues at the sea surface, involving sensitivity to light intensity or to polarization. This study provides the first evidence of in situ sun compass by a reef fish larva, primarily mediated by the direct view of the Sun. Larval fish ability for large-scale navigation challenges established expectations for dispersion and population connectivity. Presentation type: Oral John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate ECOLOGY OF EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF FISHES IN VARIOUS HABITATS IN ALGOA BAY, SOUTH AFRICA PATTRICK, P., STRYDOM, N.A. PO Box 77000, Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth 6000 South Africa. Email: Within the typically rough coastal environment observed off the South African coast, a mosaic of shallow, coastal habitats, important for the development of marine fishes has been recognized. The importance of these alternative habitats for larval stages of coastal fishes has long been overlooked with the majority of research focused within estuaries. A multiple gear approach was used to assess the composition, abundance, seasonality and distribution of larval and early juvenile fish assemblages in the nearshore, surfzone and inlets of two estuaries within Algoa Bay, on the temperate south east coast of South Africa. Different larval fish communities are associated with different habitat types with Cynoglossidae dominating nearshore catches, Sparidae dominating catches within the surf habitats and Gobiidae dominating the estuary inlets. Several important commercial and recreational fish species, and other coastal species important from a biodiversity perspective, complete the pelagic phase of early development within the shallow (<30m water-depth) nearshore environment. Larval and early juvenile fish assemblages within the surf zone were strongly linked to habitat type associated with exposure and rocky shores. Recruitment of larvae into the estuarine systems and the supply of recruits to the nearshore out of the estuary on the flood tide are equally important. However, larval recruitment on the flood tide overrides recruits departing from the estuarine systems indicative of net gain into estuaries. However, only a select species suite are known to utilize estuaries as nurseries and the remaining coastal fish species are utilising other shallow-water habitats. Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Presentation type: Oral Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 9:40 AM Crystal Ballroom OCCURRENCE OF LARVAL AND SETTLEMENT STAGE FISHES ON VARYING REEF TYPES IN ALGOA BAY, SOUTH AFRICA, WITH NOTES ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LIGHT TRAPS AS A SAMPLING TOOL PATTRICK, P., STRYDOM, N.A. PO Box 77000, Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth 6000 South Africa. Email: Light traps and a plankton ring net were used concurrently to investigate the larval and settlement stage fish assemblages associated with common reef habitat types in the warm temperate waters of Algoa Bay, South Africa. Sampling coincided with peak fish breeding and was conducted within a proposed marine protected area on twelve nights over a two year period from June 2010 to February 2012. A total of 4084 larvae and settlement stage fishes belonging to 31 teleost families and 84 species were captured in the study area. Three times as many families and five times as many taxa were captured by the plankton net compared to the light traps. However, 6 taxa were caught exclusively by the light traps. Fishes were abundant during the summer months (plankton net average mean 93 larvae/100 m3) coinciding with peak spawning in the region. Unique patterns of abundance and species composition associated with the various reef and reef associated habitats were found with greatest species richness observed within the proposed MPA area. Results indicate that the light trap samples complemented those taken by the plankton net, however the larvae of many reef fish species common in the area were absent from catches in both methods. Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 10:20 AM Alexander Room HABITAT SPECIFIC GROWTH PATTERNS IN LARVAL HERRING (CLUPEA HARENGUS) IN THE WESTERN BALTIC SEA PAULSEN, M., CLEMMESEN, C., HAMMER, C., POLTE, P., VON DORRIEN, C., MALZAHN, A. Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Alter Hafen Sued 2, 24118 Rostock, Germany. Email: Larval fish growth is a function of biotic as well as abiotic conditions. However, especially biotic conditions differ strongly, both in space and time. Therefore we investigated growth of larval herring along with abiotic measures at a coastal (Kiel Fjord) and two estuarine areas (Kiel Canal (KC) and Greifswalder Bodden GWB) in the German part of the western Baltic Sea during spring 2010 to 2012. In both of the studied estuaries the seasonal trend of larval growth patterns was similar during the years investigated. Larval growth rates in KC decreased over time after maximum values in the middle of the season in all three years under investigation. Contrasting, larval growth increased significantly in the GWB towards the end of the season in all three years. Detailed investigation of biotic factors in 2011 revealed that these growth patterns reflect changes in prey quantity and quality over the season. Generally, larval growth rates in the estuarine habitats were subjected to interannual variability. While growth rates did not differ between GWB and KC in 2010 and 2011, respectively, growth rates in KC were significantly higher compared to GWB in 2012. This indicates regional effects on larval growth conditions in some years. In contrast, periods providing favorable growth conditions within a season seem to be habitat specific. Additionally to the results on estuarine habitats, comparative analyses with larval growth patterns in the coastal Kiel Fjord area will be presented. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 49 Presentation type: Poster Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Session: FATE Science Meeting (Larval Fish Studies) DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF THE BALTIC SPRINGSPAWNING HERRING LARVAE, CLUPEA HARENGUS MEMBRAS (L.), IN THE ODRA ESTUARY (POLAND) Wednesday, June 5 — 11:20 AM THE INFLUENCE OF TEN EL NIÑO EVENTS ON PELAGIC ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE IN THE OREGON UPWELLING ZONE PAWELCZYK, A., FEY, D.P., WOZNICZKA, A. PETERSON, B., RYKACZEWSKI, R. National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Research Station, pl. Slowianski 11, 72-600 Swinoujscie, Poland. Email: NOAA-Fisheries, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon 97365. Email: The River Odra Estuary (Pomeranian Bay, Szczecin Lagoon and the strait connecting these two areas) is a coastal area characterized by high dynamics of changes in the biotope, where the hydrological regime is shaped by freshwater flow of Odra river. Despite the high variability of the environment, Pomeranian Bay is one of the main spawning sites of spring-spawning herring in the southern Baltic Sea. The goal of this work was to study the occurrence of herring larvae in the mouth of Oder (Szczecin Lagoon and the strait connecting Lagoon with Pomeranian Bay) in comparison to their abundance in the Pomeranian Bay basin. Two sets of data were analyzed: 1994-1998 and 2007-2012. In both periods the herring larvae samples were collected between April and July at ca.15 stations located in the same area. The mean density varied from 18 to 557 ind./100 m3 in the Pomeranian Bay and from 0 to 420 ind./100 m3 in the Odra mouth. The presence of herring larvae in the Odra mouth were positively correlated with increased salinity, which was due to the inflows of marine waters into the estuary. At the same time, absence of yolk-sack stages indicates that presence of herring larvae in the Odra mouth was related to nearby spawning sites in Pomeranian Bay rather than to local spawning places in the Odra mouth. We have examined relationships between El Niño events and variability in SST, hydrography, and the abundance and species composition of copepods, krill eggs, larvae and adults, and ichthyoplankton in waters of the northern California Current. We have sufficient hydrographic, copepod and ichthyo-plankton data to compare the impact of ten past El Niño events on lower trophic levels (196869, 1972-73, 1976-77, 1982-83, 1991-92, 1997-98, 2002-03, 2004-05, 200607 and 2009-10). The time of year when El Niño signals arrive in the NCC and the duration of the event shapes the ecological consequences of oceanic anomalies thus the variability in the timing and duration are important factors in understanding the differences between individual El Niño events. Five strong events (max ONI ≥ 1.5) have occurred in equatorial waters since the early 1970s most of which were initiated in spring, and lasted ~ 12 months. Three of these events have coincided with positive phases of the PDO (198283, 1991-92, 1997-98) while two occurred during negative phases of the PDO (1972-73 and 2009-10). The ecological impacts of El Niños are moderated by conditions associated with negative PDO; and conversely, impacts are exacerbated during positive PDO conditions. Ordinations of copepod species abundance will be used to demonstrate relationships between El Niño events and unique community types. Indicator species analysis will identify those species which are typical of strong vs. weak El Niño events. Two of the best indicators are presence of subtropical copepod species and late-stage zoea of Emerita analoga. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Monday, June 3 — 3:00 PM Alexander Room Alexander Room ADULT DIET AND LARVAL DIET INFLUENCE SURVIVOR SKILLS OF RED DRUM LARVAE Presentation type: Poster PEREZ, K.O., FUIMAN, L.A. Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute, 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas, TX 78373-5015 USA. Email: EFFECTS OF PRESERVATION METHOD ON EUROPEAN HAKE MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS LARVAE SIZE Essential fatty acids, those that must come from either the larval or maternal diet, are required for normal growth and development. Correlations have been reported between concentrations of two egg fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA), and larval escape performance, with the suggestion that some effects may be irreversible. We produced batches of eggs that varied in ARA and DHA by manipulating adult diet and then measured larval escape swimming ability, routine swimming speed, growth, and survival. To evaluate whether deficiencies in maternally-derived fatty acids could be compensated or fatty acid surpluses could be generated by the larval diet, larvae were fed four different diets that varied in fatty acid content. Of the five traits that were related to egg fatty acid content, latency and routine swimming speed were significantly lower than predicted by egg content when larvae were fed an enriched larval diet, indicating that for some performance traits the larval diet can compensate for poor egg quality. Significant changes in response distance when larvae were fed highly enriched diets, however, suggest potential generation of a fatty acid surplus that had a detrimental effect on performance. The other two larval traits did not differ significantly among the different diets, indicating that those effects of egg quality may be irreversible and caused by variations in adult diet. These causes of variation in larval performance suggest that adult diet dynamics are important for our understanding of mechanisms behind larval survivorship and recruitment. RODRÍGUEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, L., LEAL, A., LAGO, M.J., LAIZ-CARRIÓN, R., SÁNCHEZ, F.J., PIÑEIRO, C. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo Apartado 1552, Cabo Estai-Canido, 36200 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain. Email: carmen. The objective of this study was to determine how preservation method affects the standard length (SL) of European hake larvae. Four fixative mediums were employed: i) freezing in sea water at −20ºC (SW-20); ii) RNA-later at −80ºC (RL-80); iii) 4% formalin borax-buffered (F4); and iv) freezing with liquid nitrogen (NL). Hake larvae SL were initially measured and individually fixed in one of the four fixatives. In order to evaluate the effect of the preserved time in each conservative, the SL of each larva were obtained for a second time after three different preservation periods (15, 44 and 91 days). To assess the effect of the initial size on the final shrinkage, two larvae groups of 15 and 24 days after hatch were analyzed, with size ranges of 3.5–5.0 and 4.2–7.3 mm respectively. Most shrinkage occurred within the first period of preservation in all four fixatives, with no effect of the preserved time on the percentage shrinkage for any preservative (Two-Way Anova, F(6, 344)=0.641, p>0.05). Likewise, no differences in the shrinkage has been observed between both groups of larval size, covariated by initial SL (Ancova, F(1, 353)=2.323, p>0.05). However, initial SL affect the % shrinkage depending of the fixative used (TwoWay Anova, F(3, 343)=6.603, p<0.001). The greater percent shrinkage (mean±sd) has been caused by RL-80 (27.6±0.5) followed by NL (11.9±0.5), Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 50 SW-20 (8.9±0.5) and F4 (6.8±0.5). Four correlation equations are suggested to convert an initial SL in a final contracted hake larvae size for each fixative. Financed by CRAMER-MICINN and ECOPREGA–Xunta de Galicia. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes SEASONAL GROWTH RATE VARIABILITY OF YOUNG-OF-THEYEAR EUROPEAN HAKE (MERLUCCIUS MERLUCCIUS) BASED ON OTOLITH MICRO-STRUCTURE ANALYSIS RODRÍGUEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, L., QUINTANILLA, J., GARCÍA, A., CABANAS, J.M., PIÑEIRO, C. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo Apartado 1552, Cabo Estai-Canido, 36200 Vigo, Pontevedra, España. Email: carmen. Daily growth of Atlantic juvenile hake (Merluccius merluccius) from northwest Spanish Iberian coasts was estimated by counting daily increments of the transversal sections of otoliths. The microstructural analysis of otoliths enabled to estimate seasonal variability of growth rates. Juveniles were sampled in one of the most important recruitment areas of the species of NW Atlantic Iberia in surveys that were carried out during spring and summer of 2012. A total of 130 otoliths (sagittae) of individuals ranging from 5 and 25 cm total length were analyzed. The results indicated that juvenile growth show growth pulses of varying intensity throughout the year. The evolution of daily increments widths indicate higher growth in spring than in winter, where average mean of increment widths varied from 8 µm in spring to 6 µm in summer. This study was made possible by the financial support of projects CRAMER-MICINN and ECOPREGA–Xunta de Galicia. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 3:50 PM Alexander Room IMPACT OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON FISH POPULATIONS, USING THE FISH LARVAE DATASET FROM THE CONTINUOUS PLANKTON RECORDER PITOIS, S.G. Cefas, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft NR330HT, Suffolk, UK. Email: sophie.pitois@ The Continuous Plankton Recorder dataset on fish larvae has an extensive spatio-temporal coverage that allows the responses of fish populations to past changes in climate variability, including abrupt changes such as regime shifts, to be investigated. This newly available dataset offers a unique opportunity to investigate long-term changes over decadal scales in the abundance and distribution of fish larvae in relation to physical and biological factors. Here, we applied a principal component analysis using 7 biotic and abiotic parameters is applied to investigate the impact of environmental changes in the North Sea on 5 selected taxa of fish larvae during the period 1960 to 2004. The analysis revealed that the larvae of clupeids, sandeels, dab and gadoids seemed to be affected mainly by changes in the plankton ecosystem, while the larvae of migratory species such as Atlantic mackerel responded more to hydrographic changes. Climate variability seems more likely to influence fish populations through bottom-up control via a cascading effect from changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) impacting on the hydro dynamic features of the North Sea, in turn impacting on the plankton available as prey for fish larvae. The responses and adaptability of fish larvae to changing environmental conditions, particularly to changes in prey availability, are complex and speciesspecific. This complexity is enhanced with fishing effects interacting with climate effects and this study supports furthering our under - standing of such interactions before attempting to predict how fish populations respond to climate variability. Spain’s Antoni Gaudí sensuous, sophisticated architecture is evoked by Miami’s Mayfair Hotel. Built in the 1980s, the building’s round walls, copper façade, and many bas reliefs are superb representations of Coconut Grove’s artsy, funky vibe and eclectic lifesyle. Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 3 — 4:10 PM Crystal Ballroom THE GROWTH OF LARVAL ATLANTIC COD AND HADDOCK IN THE IRISH SEA: A MODEL WITH TEMPERATURE, PREY SIZE, AND TURBULENCE FORCING PITOIS S.G., ARMSTRONG, M. Cefas, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0HT, U.K. Email: sophie.pitois@ Cod and haddock are commercially important whitefish species in the Irish Sea. As with many North Atlantic cod stocks, Irish Sea cod has undergone a continuous decline in spawning-stock biomass. In contrast, haddock has continued to experience relatively strong year classes at intervals, thus causing conflicting management requirements for the two stocks. Growth and survival through the early life-stages being of critical importance to successful recruitment in marine fishes, we need to understand better how cod and haddock larvae interact with their prey environments. We applied a physiological individual-based model for the foraging and growth of cod and haddock larvae using data from the Irish Sea, collected during the spawning season in 2006. The model was used to examine the different productivities of the cod and haddock stocks under the conditions encountered in the Irish Sea. Both larvae showed similar responses to changes in environmental conditions and survival was found to be better on the western side of the Irish Sea, covering the spawning ground for haddock and about half of that for cod. Prey availability was found to be the limiting factor of larval growth, but exploration of stock assessment data suggests that others factors have a role to play to ensure successful recruitment. We suggest that the increasing population of clupeids may have added predatory pressure on the eggs and larvae of gadoids in the Irish Sea, thus fitting the same pattern reported elsewhere, of forage fish being a significant factor impacting on recruitment success of demersal species. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 51 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 11:20 AM Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Alexander Room John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF EARLY HERRING (CLUPEA HARENGUS L.) LIFE STAGES IN A SHALLOW WESTERN BALTIC LAGOON OCEAN INFLUENCES ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF FLYINGFISH LARVAE IN THE NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO POLTE, P., HEILER, J., BEYER, S., MOLL, D., KOTTERBA, P. RANDALL, L., ROOKER, J.R. Thuenen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Alter Hafen Sued 2, D-18069 Rostock, Germany. Email: Texas A&M University, 200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, TX 77553. Email: Larval herring of Atlantic sub-populations hatched in shallow inshore lagoons of the Baltic Sea develop in a quite different suite of coastal habitats than their shelf bank spawned counterparts in the neighboring North Sea. Hypothesizing that herring larvae that hatched in the upper littoral zone of shallow brackish lagoons leave this fluctuating environment during further development, we sampled pelagic and littoral sites in a major spawning ground of Western Baltic spring spawning herring for eggs and larvae. Additionally we sampled the open water areas of the bay to investigate the vertical distribution of larvae. This was based on the assumption that in the shallow waters of the lagoon larvae are homogenously distributed in the water column since the area is characterized by a well-mixed water body without any observed stratification. Results reveal that spawning is concentrated in littoral spawning beds above the 2m isobath. Despite escalating temperatures in the littoral zone considerably high larval abundances were found which, however, were subjected to site-specific topography. Unexpectedly larvae in the pelagic zone showed distinct depth distributions at daytime which varied between stations. Furthermore the results indicate size specific differences in the vertical distribution of larvae of 5-9 mm and 10-15 mm respectively. These findings potentially have important implications for the development of distribution models and further analyses of environmental variables structuring larval survival in the coastal Baltic Sea. Flyingfish occupy a crucial link in pelagic food webs, and understanding their distribution and abundance can lead to an improved understanding of their population dynamics. Here, we report on summer ichthyoplankton cruises conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGoM) during 2009-2011. Samples were collected using neuston nets towed through the upper meter of the water column in the outer shelf and slope waters of the NGoM. Over the three year sampling period, a total of 12,478 flyingfish larvae were collected. Interannual variation was detected with densities of flyingfish larvae higher in 2009 and 2010 (14.7 and 9.7 larvae 1000 m2, respectively) than 2011 (2.6 larvae 1000 m2). Flyingfish larvae were present in each year and month along our sampling transect, and percent frequency of occurrence ranged from 56% in July 2011 to 100% in June 2010, suggesting that flyingfish represent a common and important component of the ichthyoplankton assemblage in the NGoM. Multivariate procedures were used to investigate the link between relative abundance of flyingfish larvae and oceanographic conditions in the NGoM, and models indicate that larval abundance increased in waters with lower temperatures and negative sea surface height, which corresponds to frontal boundaries and cyclonic features in the NGoM. Presentation type: Oral Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Presentation type: Poster Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes KEY TO IDENTIFICATIONS OF COMMON SPECIES OF LARVAL SEA BASSES AND HAMLETS (FAMILY SERRANIDAE, SUBFAMILY SERRANINAE) IN THE WESTERN ATLANTIC AND THE CARIBBEAN SHIROZA, A., PRIVOZNIK, S.L. NOAA/RSMAS, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL 33149. Email: sarah. Species of the subfamily Serraninae, such as sea basses and hamlets, are abundant in ichthyoplankton samples from the US Virgin Islands and Leeward Islands, as well as South Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. These larval stages are poorly described, however, as only five of the 35 species recorded in this area are fully described. Further, identification of these larvae to species through meristics is difficult, due to substantial overlap in meristic characters among species, and lack of fin development in pre-flexion larvae. This project investigated potential species-specific pigment patterns in the larval stages of Serraninae that may be useful for visual identification. These patterns were then verified through genetic barcoding. Out of 380 larval serranines, 119 specimens were successfully sequenced, and eight species and two unidentifiable species were identified. Hierarchical clustering revealed groupings of species at three flexion stages by their pigment patterns, and Canonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates was used to determine discriminating pigment location(s) for the species by their flexion stage. These results demonstrated that pigment locations are useful for larval identification in three species and a two-species group within Serraninae, and allowed for the development of an identification key for each flexion stage. The success of this study suggests that pigment patterns exist within species or species groups that can be used to identify larvae to species, and similar keys can be developed to advance visual identification techniques. Monday, June 3 — 10:40 AM Alexander Room INTERANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY INFLUENCES THE ANNUAL AND SPATIAL OVERLAP OF TUNA SPECIES DURING THE LARVAL STAGE REGLERO, P., CIANNELLI, L., BALBÍN, R., ALVAREZ-BERASTEGUI, D., ALEMANY, F.J. Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Centre Oceanogràfic de les Balears, Moll de Ponent s/n, 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Email: The distribution of recently-hatched larvae suggests spatially segregated spawning habitats of three tuna species at the local scale in the Balearic Sea (NW Mediterranean). Whereas bluefin tuna shows environmental preferences for spawning, bullet tuna and albacore are driven mainly by geography, therefore less variable over time. As they develop, larval tuna can quickly become piscivorous. Previous analysis have indicated that predation rates during the larval stages has the potential to impact recruitment dynamics. In spite of the different attributes of their habitats, the three species of larval tuna can spatially overlap around the Balearic region. Thus it is important to understand the mechanisms that lead to increased spatial overlap among the three species and between young and older stages of the same species, in order to understand the mechanisms of recruitment dynamics. We develop an annual and spatial overlap metric and analyze how environmental heterogeneity influence tuna species coexistence over a 5 years period. Our results show that the species overlap is constrained in the warmer years and enhanced in the colder years. The results obtained for small and big larvae of the same species indicate habitat shifts during the larval ontogeny. Inter-annual differences in the mesoscale activity explain differences in the spatial pattern of coexistence of the larvae across years. A spatial hotspot for significant overlaps is related to summer consistent frontal structures. We confirm spawning strategies and environmental variability explain the overlap of tuna species over the larval ontogeny and identify key mechanisms that control recruitment. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 52 Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 3:50 PM Alexander Room YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: DIET OVERPRINT IN LARVAL REEF FISH OCEAN ACIDIFICATION STUDIES? RHYNE, A.L., WILCOX-FREEBURG, E., BOURQUE, B., CERINO, D., TLUSTY, M., HANNIGAN, R.E. Roger Williams University / New England Aquarium, Department of Biology/ Marine Biology, One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI 02809. Email: Interest in the effects of ocean acidification reef fish is accelerating. Several larval studies have been completed on reef fish, but they have had mixed results. While there is standard methodology for measuring the physical parameters such as calcium saturation state, the methodology for the husbandry of the animals including larval rearing tanks, flow regimes, and diet, is far from standardized. Prior studies have found clownfish (which were reared on rotifers and Artemia) to be sensitive to the effects of increased acidity. In an attempt to mimic a natural diet, we reared three clownfish species on calanoid copepods. Our results suggest that when fed this copepod diet, the clownfish were not as affected by increasing acidification treatments, a result that is contradictive to the existing literature. This results implies that a more natural larval diet, containing natural levels of n-3HUFAs, results in more robust larvae which are less sensitive to the pH stressor of Ocean Acidification studies. We suggest that diet significantly influences an animal’s ability to mediate environmental stressors, and is a factor that needs to be accounted for in future ocean acidification trials. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Session: Reproduction and early life history of highly migratory species Monday, June 3 — 11:20 AM Alexander Room STUDIES OF TUNA EARLY LIFE HISTORY CONDUCTED AT THE INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISION (IATTC) ACHOTINES LABORATORY, 2012–2013 SCHOLEY, V., MARGULIES, D., WEXLER, J., STEIN, M. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, Achotines Laboratory, Las Tablas, Los Santos, Republic of Panama. Email: The IATTC conducts a variety of research on the reproductive biology and early life history of tuna at the Achotines Laboratory, Republic of Panama. Yellowfin tuna broodstock have been spawning since 1996 with the resulting eggs, larvae and juveniles serving as research subjects. A collaborative study funded by the Pelagic Fisheries Research Program and conducted with scientists of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Macquarie University and the University of Gothenburg, is investigating the potential effects of ocean acidification on yellowfin early life stages. Preliminary results suggest potential impacts of increased acidification. In 2011, a 5-year joint project began at the Achotines Laboratory and in Japan involving comparative studies of Pacific bluefin and yellowfin tuna. The joint study is conducted by the IATTC’s Early Life History Group, Kinki University and the Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panama. The project is funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Japan Science and Technology Agency. Comparative investigations of both species for growth potential, responses to delayed feeding and starvation in larvae, embryonic development, larval development and genetic monitoring are ongoing. During 2012, a 3-year study funded by California Sea Grant was initiated by the IATTC and the Hubbs Sea World Research Institute to investigate the development of sustainable tuna aquaculture in the U.S.A. The project includes feasibility studies of air shipment of yellowfin eggs and larvae from Panama to San Diego, and rearing studies of yellowfin larvae in Panama and San Diego. John H.S. Blaxter Award Candidate ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO SMALL SCALE TRANSPORT AND COMPOSITION OF ICHTHYOPLANKTON AT THE MOUTH OF A SUBTROPICAL ESTUARY SCHMITT, V.B., MUELBERT, J.H. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Crystal Ballroom Universidade Federal de Rio Grande. Email: Tuesday, June 4 — 2:40 PM Environmental conditions affect community structure and dynamics of fish larvae migration between estuaries and adjacent coast. It is assumed that transport and composition of ichthyoplankton assemblages are influenced by the highly variable circulation in the Patos Lagoon Estuary. Thus, spatial composition and transport of fish larvae were investigated during 24h in three stations located perpendicular to the mouth of the estuary. At the sample period, the estuarine circulation varied from salt-wedge, to vertically homogeneous and laterally stratified. The composition of fish larvae along the transect indicated a pattern laterally differentiated. The east and center stations were linked and showed largest salinity and intensity of the currents compared to the west station. At east predominated the flood system and fish larvae were mainly transported into the estuary. Whereas at west, the ebb system dominated and fish larvae were mostly expelled to ocean. Vertical patterns in the composition of ichthyoplankton assemblages were also observed. Surface stations were related and showed largest salinity and current intensity. At the bottom, the assemblages abundance was low as well as the current intensity. Variations in the circulation system and salinity had a significant influence on patterns of composition and transport of ichthyoplankton and consistent positive correlations between this variables were obtained. These results improve the understanding of the dynamics of ichthyoplankton in the interface between the estuary and the adjacent coast, and reinforces the importance of small-scale measurements to enhance the knowledge on the patterns of composition and transport of larval fish in estuarine regions. FINE-SCALE HABITAT USE OF JUVENILE GREENLAND COD (GADUS OGAC) AS REVEALED BY ACOUSTIC TELEMETRY SCHORNAGEL, D.B., GREGORY, R.S., SNELGROVE, P.V.R. Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 0 Marine Drive Logy Bay, NL, Canada, A1C 5S7. Email: The availability of suitable habitat can increase the survivorship of juvenile fish by providing enhanced foraging opportunities and refuge from predation. Our study utilizes the latest technology in acoustic telemetry in association with detailed seabed habitat mapping to examine the activity and habitat usage patterns of age-1 Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) in Newman Sound, a coastal fjord in Newfoundland, Canada. Acoustic transmitters were surgically implanted into 82 juvenile cod and provided fine-scale positions (<6 m) over the course of a year. Forty-one tags were released in each of October 2010 and November 2011. Aerial photographs and submersible cameras were used to develop seabed habitat maps (±5 m) of two nursery areas within Newman Sound. Positions estimated from acoustic telemetry were then overlaid onto seabed habitat maps to investigate patterns of activity and habitat association over temporal scales (hours to seasons). Age-1 G. ogac show preference for eelgrass habitats, and avoidance of kelp. Habitat use and activity also vary over the diel period, with lower activity and higher site fidelity at night. Developing a better understanding of juvenile cod habitat use provides invaluable information for the development of effective conservation and management strategies, such as the delineation of MPA's and other spatially sensitive management initiatives. Presentation type: Oral Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (larval fish studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 11:00 AM Room Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Alexander VALIDATING OCEAN CIRCULATION MODEL USED FOR CALCULATING LARVAL FISH TRANSPORT IN CONNECTION WITH FISH RECRUITMENT AND STOCK MANAGEMENT SHEREMET, V., BROOKS, L., LOUGH, G., O’BRIEN, L., LEGAULT, C., MANNING, J., CHEN, Y. NOAA Woods Hole Laboratory, 166 Water St, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Email: A goal of this FATE project is to develop indices characterizing oceanographic conditions on Georges Bank that influence the recruitment and that can be used for fisheries management. Application of numerical models in fisheries oceanography provides a more realistic approach to investigation of larval transport in 3D flow fields. FVCOM GOM3 30 year hindcast simulation was analyzed against available long term observations of temperature from lobster traps, currents from drifters and moored platforms. A satisfactory agreement was found in relatively shallow areas, such as Georges Bank. In deeper areas with stronger density stratification the model shows warmer temperatures and weaker currents. The model is a useful tool for analyzing various physical effects such as winds on larval fish transport. Two approaches to calculating the larval transport were developed: particle tracking and probability distribution advection. For three species: cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder, the evolution of larvae probability distribution was calculated following the hypothetical annual spawning events. Variability of the retention and year-1 recruitment on Georges Bank for the modeled years was analyzed against the observed egg, larval, and young of year densities available from surveys. Presentation type: Oral Crystal Ballroom REEF FISH LARVAE GROW FASTER IN MESOSCALE EDDIES SHULZITSKI, K., SPONAUGLE, S., COWEN, R.K. RSMAS - University of Miami, 1844 SW 23rd Street Miami, FL 33145. Email: Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous across the world’s oceans and their propagation along western boundary currents is often accompanied by upwelling and increased primary productivity. Enhanced productivity suggests that eddies may serve as important larval habitat, yet there is a paucity of empirical data on the abundance and growth rates of fish larvae associated with these eddies. Ichthyoplankton samples and physical data were collected during three cruises in the Straits of Florida where mesoscale eddies constitute a dynamic component of the oceanographic environment. We found that abundances of reef fish larvae were higher in mesoscale eddies for two of the three cruises, though this pattern was variable at the species level. For five common reef fishes, Xyrichtys novacula, Cryptotomus roseus, Thalassoma bifasciatum, Stegastes partitus, and Sphyraena barracuda larval abundances were largely unaffected by mesoscale eddies. However, otolith analysis revealed that four of the five species had consistently faster growth inside of eddies. Increased larval growth has been linked to higher survivorship in the larval and juvenile stages, thus, independent of patterns of abundance, these faster growing fish inside eddies likely contribute significantly to population replenishment in this dynamic system. Our results are consistent with the concept that the increased productivity associated with mesoscale eddies translates into favorable habitat for the larval stages of reef fishes. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes ILLUSTRATIONS OF LARVAL AND JUVENILE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUNTAIN WHITEFISH SNYDER, D.E., BJORK, C.L. Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 3 — 4:30 PM Monday, June 3 — 9:20 AM Crystal Ballroom VARIABILITY IN PREDATION RISK OF JUVENILE FISHES IN SEAGRASS BEDS EVALUATED FROM PISCIVOROUS FISH BIOMASS AND PREDATION RATES FROM TROPICAL TO SUBARCTIC ZONES SHOJI, J., FUKUTA, A., SCHUBERT, P., CHAPMAN, A., HAUKEBØ, T. Takehara Marine Science Station, Hiroshima University, 5-8-1 Takehara, Hiroshima 725-0024, Japan. Email: Seagrass beds are known to be highly productive ecosystems which support high species diversity. Fish production accounts for a large amount of the provisioning services although quantitative data of fish community and production in natural ecosystem are very limited. Investigations on spatial and temporal variability in fish community structure and trophic flow are indispensable for sustainable use of the biological resources of coastal ecosystems in the future. Biological and physical surveys were conducted in seagrass beds at 25 sites covering tropical to sub-arctic zones. Fish were sampled with a large seine net (2-mm mesh) and water temperature, salinity, seagrass shoot density and leaf length were measured at each sampling location. Invertebrates were collected with a plankton net (0.1-mm mesh). Sampled fishes were processed for analysis of stomach contents and stable isotopes. Number of fish species per surveyed area (100 m2) was highest at southernmost sites while fish biomass (g per 100 m2) was highest at intermediate latitudes (35–40˚N). Comparison within seagrass beds dominated by a single species, Zostera marina, showed that piscivorous fish biomass and predation rate (number of fish found in stomachs of predators per 100 m2) were highest at the intermediate latitudes. Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, 1474 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1474. Email: The mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni (Salmonidae, subfamily Coregoninae) is native to much of western Canada and the United States on both sides of the Continental Divide. In Colorado, it is native to the Yampa, White, and Green River drainages and has been introduced to upper reaches of the Colorado River and Cache la Poudre River drainages. In Wyoming, it is found in all basins west of the Powder River, North Platte River, and Great Divide basins. It is a non-guarding, open-substrate lithophil, broadcasting its eggs over coarse gravel or cobble substrates. Demersal, non-adhesive, 3-4 mm eggs are spawned in fall, incubate at low temperatures for a few months in the substrate, and hatch in late winter or early spring at 12-14 mm TL (total length). Embryos of the mountain whitefish have been moderately well described and illustrated, but prior to the report on which this poster is based, their larvae and early juveniles had not. Here we better document the early morphological development of mountain whitefish with several detailed, three-view illustrations from a recently hatched 12.6 mm TL protolarva to a 43.5 mm TL young-of-the-year juvenile. Although identification of mountain whitefish larvae has not been a problem in Colorado and Wyoming, where it is currently the only representative of the whitefish subfamily, these illustrations should be helpful elsewhere in its range where that is not the case. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 54 Presentation type: Poster Presentation type: Oral Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) ILLUSTRATIONS OF LARVAL AND JUVENILE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAINS TOPMINNOW Thursday, June 6 — 10:40 AM SNYDER, D.E., BJORK, C.L. Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, 1474 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, Colorado 805231474. Email: The native range of the plains topminnow Fundulus sciadicus (Fundulidae) consists mostly of two disjunct regions in the Missouri River Basin–one confined to south-central Missouri and a much larger region covering much of Nebraska and extending into neighboring states including southeastern Wyoming and northeastern Colorado. It is a non-guarding, open-substrate phytophil, typically broadcasting its eggs over aquatic vegetation, including filamentous algae. Spawning occurs from mid-spring to mid-summer at 18-25 °C. Eggs average 1.8 mm (range 1.6-2.2 mm) in diameter, have thin chorionic filaments for attachment to vegetation, and hatch in 8-14 days at 21-23 °C. Embryonic development has been noted as similar to that of diamond killifish Adinia xenica, but, except for a few descriptive notes, the larvae and early juveniles had not been previously described or illustrated. We document morphological development of young plains topminnow with four detailed, three-view illustrations from a recently hatched, 6.2 mm TL (total length) flexion mesolarva to a recently transformed, fully scaled, 19.1 mm TL juvenile. Early larvae are distinguished from the northern plains killifish F. kansae, the only other fundulid found in Colorado and Wyoming, by much denser body pigmentation and essentially round rather than moderately oval eyes. Metalarvae and juveniles are distinguished from northern plains killifish by a more posterior dorsal fin (origin well behind anal fin origin), fewer dorsal fin rays, and usually fewer anal fin rays; juvenile plains topminnow also have fewer scales and do not develop vertical stripes on the lateral body. Presentation type: Oral Session: Ocean acidification/climate change impacts on the early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 1:40 PM Crystal Ballroom IMPROVING ECOSYSTEM-BASED STOCK ASSESSMENT AND FORECASTING BY USING A HIERARCHICAL APPROACH TO LINK FISH PRODUCTIVITY TO ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVERS STAWITZ, C.C., STACHURA, M.M., ESSINGTON, T.E., BRANCH, T.A., HALTUCH, M.A., HOLLOWED, A.B., MANTUA, N.J., SPENCER, P.D. University of Washington, SAFS, Box 355020, Seattle, WA 98195-5020. Email: Oceanographic conditions can significantly affect productivity in fish stocks, so incorporating these effects into stock assessment models may improve estimates and forecasts. Recruitment and somatic growth are the primary processes that govern fish production dynamics. Thus, by identifying shared recruitment and growth dynamics patterns across stocks, we can identify groups which respond similarly to environmental drivers. Here we assessed synchrony in recruitment and growth dynamics in stocks from the Northeast Pacific Ocean ecosystems and related these dynamics to life history traits and environmental time series. We applied h i e r a r c h i c a l Bayesian meta-analysis techniques to allow for group-level parameter estimation and increase the statistical power of the analysis. For recruitment, we find mixed degrees of synchrony across the three main ecosystems, with highest synchrony in the Gulf of Alaska. Recruitment dynamics in this ecosystem were related to regional sea surface height variability. For growth, we evaluated two alternative models: one in which unique growth trajectories are assigned to each cohort, and another in which environmental processes affect growth of all age classes. We find that differences in cohort initial mean size impact size-at-age in later years, but annual effects influence growth across cohorts. In summary, a key challenge in this process was defining groups a priori that have synchronous production dynamics, highlighting our limited understanding of the processes and time/space scales at which recruitment and growth are governed. Alexander Room IMPACT OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION AND WARMING ON LARVAE OF COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT FISH SPECIES SSWAT, M., CLEMMESEN, C., JUTFELT, F., RIEBESELL, U. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany. Email: Effects of increasing carbon dioxide and temperature on commercially important fish larvae are a major concern for future fisheries. Ocean acidification and warming can directly affect fish larvae on a physiological level (ossification, organ development and growth in general) or, possibly even more important, indirectly due to changes in food quantity and quality. A large-scale mesocosm experiment on ocean acidification using the Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for Future Ocean Simulations (KOSMOS) is currently on-going in the Gullmar Fjord at the west coast of Sweden. As part of this five-months-long study, we investigate the development of fish larvae under conditions where both the larvae themselves and the plankton community they feed on are exposed to present-day and projected year 2100 CO2 levels. In parallel, we perform lab experiments on the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming on larvae of cod and herring. Our experiments include adult cod, pre-incubated in CO2-enriched water, where spawning will be induced. We will monitor the egg development as well as growth, condition and mortality of the larvae. Based on “DNA-fingerprinting” using microsatellites we aim to track back each tested larvae to their individual parents. We will show preliminary results from this study, including larval growth and mortality, and will discuss theses results in the context of ocean change impacts on commercially important fish species. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Monday, June 3 — 10:40 AM Crystal Ballroom EFFECTS OF INTER-ANNUAL CLIMATOLOGY ON LARVAL TRANSPORT FROM SNAPPER SPAWNING AGGREGATIONS IN CUBA STAATERMAN, E., PARIS, C.B., KOUGH, A.S., CLARO, R., LINDEMAN, K. RSMAS, Applied Marine Physics & Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, Florida 33149-1098, USA. Email: With progressively faster climate change, shifts in distributional ranges have been reported for many species. The success of organisms at coping with novel seasonal conditions depends on the mechanisms that determine their schedules. Snapper migrate to form spawning aggregations with conspecifics at predictable locations and times as observed in many other coral reef related species. While spawning is thought to be associated with particular oceanographic features, dispersal kernels (i.e., the probability of dispersal) from these ‘hotspots’ of breeding activity are not well understood. They may vary spatially and temporally, possibly differing between spawning events, seasons, and years. An earlier biophysical modeling study, which incorporated currents from a single year (1984) and sequential runs centered on peak spawning Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 55 months and lunar phases, suggested that considerable levels of self-recruitment structured the Cuban snapper populations. Here we repeat this study over a decade to investigate the effects of the inter-annual variability on dispersal kernels and transport pathways. In addition, in an effort to assess the impact of extreme climatic events on the persistence of local snapper populations (i.e., their replacement over space) in Cuba, we quantify the spatial variability of dispersal kernels for simulated spawning and settlement events during the passage of hurricanes. This analysis reveals major pathways of larval transport from spawning aggregations, and demonstrates the effect of extreme events on their variance and on levels of local and regional connectivity, a component needed in the design of marine reserve networks. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 1:40 PM Alexander Room CLIMATE CHANGE BELOW THE SURFACE: TROPHICALLY MEDIATED RANGE EXPANSION OF HUMBOLDT SQUID (DOSIDICUS GIGAS) IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT SYSTEM STEWART, J.S., HAZEN, E.L., BOGRAD, S.J., BYRNES, J.E.K., FOLEY, D.G., GILLY, W.F., ROBISON, B.H., FIELD, J.C. Stanford University, 120 Oceanview Blvd, Pacific Grove, CA, 93950. Email: Since the late 1990s, Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) have been increasingly abundant throughout the California Current System. There is concern that when highly abundant, Humboldt squid have the potential to greatly impact coastal ecosystems and fisheries, as they forage on important commercial species including Pacific hake, Pacific sardine, market squid, rockfish, and salmon (as well as their staple diet of myctophid fishes and other lower trophic level species). As such, there is interest in developing both absolute and relative abundance indices and understanding the environmental drivers that may be facilitating their presence in the region. Humboldt squid are highly migratory and tolerate hypoxic conditions in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) while their mesopelagic prey, competitors, and predators may be disadvantaged. Consequently, ongoing and likely future consequences of climate change below the surface (i.e. OMZ shoaling) may have opened a new ecological niche for Humboldt squid through new foraging opportunities, and could be an important driver of their ongoing range expansion. We used a unique, fifteen-year dataset of in situ observations of predator-prey and environmental interactions in Monterey Bay, California and took several modeling approaches to explore the mechanisms behind the Humboldt squid range expansion. Our results suggest that Humboldt squid are indirectly affected by OMZ expansion through effects on the mesopelagic community. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Sally Leonard Richardson Award Candidate Tuesday, June 4 — 2:20 AM differences in the sensitivity and developmental process of pelagic marine fish embryos, traditional 96-hr bioassays yielded inconsistent test performance results, often with low control survival causing numerous test failures. Development of a novel exposure system, the pelagic embryo-larval exposure chamber (PELEC), was necessary to conduct consistently successful bioassays on embryo/larval life stages of pelagic marine fish. By utilizing upwelling hydrodynamics in replicated recirculating chambers, it was possible to significantly improve control survival in pelagic marine fish embryo bioassays. Results indicate that control performance of mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos in the PELEC system (89.8% ± 2.12), measured as percent survival after 96-hrs, consistently outperformed agitated static exposure (76.8% ± 4.49) and traditional static exposure (67.5% ± 4.79) systems. Use of this bioassay system allows for controlled and accurate testing of fish embryos and larvae from challenging pelagic species such as mahi-mahi and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL INFLUENCE ON THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ENGRAULIS ANCHOITA LARVAE IN AN UPWELLING SYSTEM TORQUATO, F.O., MUELBERT, J.H. FURG, INSTITUTO DE OCEANOGRAFIA, LEI, CX. POSTAL 474, CARREIROS, 96200970 - Rio Grande, RS – Brasil. Email: This study seeks to understand the influence of environmental forcing on vertical distribution of Engraulis anchoita larvae in an upwelling frontal system off Cape Santa Marta Grande (28°S). Data were collected at 15 stations distributed along three transects perpendicular to the coast during winter 2005 and summer 2007. Larvae were collected during darkness and daytime with a 0.75 m² opening MultiNet equipped with two 200μm and three 330μm meshnets. Ash-free dry copepod (Prey) biomass and abundance of chaetognaths (Predator) were measured from a 10% aliquot. Water column stratification and water mass type were determined based on temperature and salinity from CTD data. Diel variability in depth distribution was represented by displacement of the mean center of mass (ZCM). Larval abundance was analyzed with respect to the environmental variables using a Poisson GLM. During winter, the highest abundance of larvae was mainly in the upper 30m. Small larvae were present in all water masses, particularly in cold and low salinity water from Plata Plume Water and Sub-Tropical Shelf Water (STSW). The ZCM showed that small larvae were concentrated in upper layers during day, and migrated to deeper layers at dark. Temperature, salinity and depth had explanatory power and negatively influenced abundance. Prey had explanatory power and was positively correlated. During summer, most larvae were in the upper 30m in STSW and Tropical Waters. Prey, predator and temperature were positively correlated with larval abundance while salinity had a negative influence. These results showed that vertical distribution of anchovy is controlled by environment factors. Presentation type: Oral Crystal Ballroom DEVELOPMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE BIOASSAY SYSTEM (PELEC) FOR USE WITH PELAGIC MARINE FISH EMBRYOS AND LARVAE STIEGLITZ, J.D., MAGER, E.M., HOENIG, R.H., BENETTI, D.D., GROSELL, M. University of Miami – RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. Email: A novel 96-hr acute toxicity bioassay system has been developed allowing for toxicity testing embryo and larval stages of pelagic marine fish. Accurate determination of toxicity to embryo and larval stages of such species requires the use of scientifically acceptable bioassay protocols and systems. Due to key Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 10:40 AM Crystal Ballroom IMPROVING THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY STAGES OF ELOPOMORPH FISHES IN THE WESTERN CARIBBEAN USING DNA BARCODING VASQUEZ-YEOMANS, L., Morales, S., Valdez-Moreno, M., Acevedo, D., Martínez, A., Carrillo, L., Malca, E. Victor, B. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Av. Centenario Km 5.5, Chetumal Quintana Roo, México, 77014 Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 56 The identification of early stages of fishes is a difficult task, especially in tropical areas where species diversity is high and the requisite effort particularly daunting. The group Elopomorpha is no exception; since 1989 there has been an increased effort to systematically identify leptocephalus larvae in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, progress has been slow and relatively few species have been described. Recently however, genetic tools have helped to resolve some of the complexities inherent in identifying larvae in this particularly species-rich group of fishes. Here, we present the results obtained using DNA barcoding to identify leptocephali from the region. The material analyzed was obtained mainly from oceanographic cruises along the Mesoamerican Reef (NOAA Gordon-Gunter 2006-2007). All our material was identified morphologically to the lowest feasible taxonomic level and subsequently analyzed with the DNA barcoding identification engine. A total of 496 specimens were sequenced including 407 larvae, 15 eggs, and 74 adults. Overall, 60% of larval and egg sequences matched with a >97% similarity to reference sequences in the BOLD database, frequently allowing identification to the species level. Three orders were identified: Anguilliformes, represented by 6 families including 23 genera, i.e. Congridae, Chlopsidae, Moringuidae, Muraenidae, Nettastomatidae and Ophichthidae; Elopiformes comprising Elopidae and Megalopidae with 2 genera; and Albuliformes with Albulidae and the single genus Albula. We present new records for the region and unknown stages for some species of Elopomorpha. At present, the ECOSUR Collection for early stages of Elopomopha is the most complete in the Caribbean. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes FISH LARVAE CHECKLIST (PISCES) FROM NORTH OF THE YUCATÁN PENINSULA VASQUEZ-YEOMANS, L., Morales, S., Valdez-Moreno, M., Acevedo, D., Martínez, A., Carrillo, L., Malca, E. Victor, B. ECOSUR Chetumal Q. Roo. Mexico, Ave. Centenario Km.5.5 Col. Pacto obrero. C.P. 77014 Chetumal Quintana Roo, Mexico. Email: A taxonomic checklist for fish larvae occurring at Dzilam (May 1992–April 1993), Celestún ( July 1994–June 1995), La Carbonera ( July 1995–June 1996), Chuburná ( July 1995–June 1996), Río Lagartos (November 1996– October 1997), Chelem ( July 1999–June 2000) and Yalahau ( June 2001– May 2002) lagoons located in the north of the Yucatán Peninsula is presented. Sampling was carried out for five min. using a zooplankton net for fish larvae. This work aims to provide the current state of the taxonomic composition and general distribution for 45,471 fish larvae. From those, two classes, 17 orders, 45 families, 86 genera and 127 species were caught, including 10 new records, where 24 have been found only in the Gulf of Mexico, four in the Caribbean Sea, and 90 are common to both regions. This study updates and increases the number of species in stages fish larvae reported by previous workers. It was found that early reef larval stages were more abundant towards the East of the Yucatán Peninsula and less to the West. The high number of shared species (127) suggests that the north region of the Yucatán Peninsula is a transition zone for fish larval and juvenile between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Presentation type: Poster Session: Ecology of early life history stages of fishes REEF FISH RECRUITMENT IN THE MEXICAN CARIBBEAN, DEVELOPING AN INDEX BASED UPON A SIMPLE, LOW COST TRAP YAM-POOT, G., SOSA-CORDERO, E., VASQUEZ YEOMANS, L., LAMKIN, J.T. Lourdes Vasquez-Yeomans, Ave. Centenario km. 5.5 Col. Pacto Obrero Chetumal Quintana Roo. C.P. 77014 México. Email: Recruitment is a major process driving abundance changes in fish populations. In reef fish, recruitment can be viewed as a combination of three steps: i) influx of pelagic postlarvae to coastal areas mediated by physical processes; ii) settlement of postlarvae in selected benthic habitats; iii) post-settlement survival of juvenile stage to adult. It is of commercial and ecological interest to monitor reef fish recruitment and its variation in space and time, along the Caribbean. This study developed a recruitment index for reef fish using a simple, inexpensive trap deployed in two reef areas of the Mexican Caribbean: Punta Allen and Xcalak. Each sampling station consisted of multiple sets of traps in the reef lagoon adjacent to patch reefs, at a mean depth of 2 m, and was checked daily for larval fish recruitment for 2-3 days during the new moon of May-August and October 2004. In total, 952 postlarvae were caught, and 49 species were identified, pertaining to 37 genera of 25 families. The most abundant fish was the labrid Doratonotus megalepis, with 202 postlarvae specimens (21.2% of the total catch). Six species of the commercially valuable snapper (Lutjanidae) were collected; with the Schoolmaster Lutjanus apodus being the most abundant with 80 postlarvae (8.4% of the total catch). Length ranged greatly (4.6 to 107.3 mm total length). The potential of this trap as an inexpensive sampling gear for monitoring the influx of postlarval reef fish at a regional level is discussed, and guidelines for sampling design are also given. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Wednesday, June 5 — 10:40 AM Crystal Ballroom FIRST ESTIMATION OF LARVAL SUPPLY AND CONNECTIVITY OF RESERVES IN THE HAWAIIAN ARCHIPELAGO VAZ, A.C., PARIS, C.B, KELLEY, C., RICHARDS, K.J., HOLSTEIN, D. RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker CSWY, Miami, FL, 33149. Email: edu This study investigates larval dispersal among reserves in the Hawaiian Archipelago, focusing on bottomfish species (Pristipomoides filamentosus, Etelis carbunculus and Etelis coruscans) by simulating larval dispersal using an Individual-based model (IBM) and flow fields from hydrodynamics models. A range of biological traits were implemented in the IBM their effect on larval dispersal, and in shaping the demographics of bottomfish populations, and this information was linked to local fisheries management issues. We addressed two key questions regarding the location of the reserves in the Hawaiian Islands: i) are the reserves efficient in supporting populations through larval retention and connectivity and thus what are the relative contribution of local retention and export to other protected sites, ii) are the reserves potentially effective at replenishing fisheries resources through larval dispersal? Larval transport results indicated that the species considered presented shared connectivity patterns. Specifically, connectivity was limited between the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) and the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), indicating the need of distinct management measures to maintain fisheries stocks along the archipelago. Most of the viable larvae spawned inside MHI reserves were exported to fishing sites. Therefore, these areas are potentially achieving their role to replenish fisheries populations by larval export. However, the reserve network presented limited demographic Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 57 connectivity suggesting that many reserves are relying on larval subsidy from fishing sites to sustain their populations. The designation of more reserves could improve the efficiency of the reserve network. Presentation type: Oral Session: Advances and novel application of methods for the study of early life history stages of fishes Tuesday, June 4 — 2:00 PM Crystal Ballroom THE USE OF DISPERSANTS TO COMBAT OIL SPILLS MODIFIES THE EXPOSURE RATE OF FISH EGGS AND LARVAE TO POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS VIKEBØ F.B., RØNNINGEN, P., LIEN, V.S., MEIER, S., GRØSVIK, B.E. Institute of Marine Research, Box 1870 Nordnes, N-5817, Bergen, Norway. Email: Forcing an oil drift and fates model (Oscar) and an individual-based model (IBM) for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) eggs and larvae with circulation, hydrography and turbulence from the ocean model ROMS, enables us to integrate the individual exposure of eggs and larvae to oil from various oil spill scenarios at daily time steps. We can thus evaluate the effect of time and location of oil spill and spawning grounds on the degree of exposure. By distinguishing between the egg and larval stage, and including numerical algorithms for their vertical distribution, we are able to quantify the importance of individual dynamical vertical positioning of eggs and the vertical behavior of larvae for exposure to simulated oil concentrations. However, the fates model also includes the possibility of introducing dispersants to combat the oil spill. Here, we quantify how this modifies the exposure of egg and larval stages to total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which explains most of the toxicity in weathered oil. Session: Reef fish as model species in ecology and management Tuesday, June 4 — 11:20 AM Crystal Ballroom A PICTURE IS WORTH ONE THOUSAND WORDS: IMAGE ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR OTOLITH STUDIES WILCOX FREEBURG, E.D. , RHYNE, A.L., HANNIGAN, R.E. University of Massachusetts Boston, School for the Environment, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02155. Email: The fish inner ear bones, or otoliths, have been the subject for much study. A concise toolset for comparable metrics has been developed for otolith morphology and surface roughness. Morphology tools have been used to assess growth changes, but often require programming knowledge to replicate. Using a MATLAB script written specifically for this sample type, sample morphology characteristics and ellipsoid approximation are generated. Roughness characteristics have never been calculated for these sample types. Using local normalization procedures, SEM imagery can be used to calculate roughness indices based on grayscale values. Using these two toolsets, advanced microstructural analysis can be carried out on sub-mm scale objects, such as larval fish otoliths for use in applied studies. Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Wednesday, June 5 — 2:40 PM Alexander Room ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON ALBACORE TUNA (THUNNUS ALALUNGA) DISTRIBUTION IN THE NORTHEAST PACIFIC: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS AND RESULTS XU, Y., NIETO, K., MCCLATCHIE, S., HOLMES, J., TEO, S.L.H., BOGRAD, S. NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Fisheries Resources Division, 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037-1509. Email: Presentation type: Oral Session: Larval food webs and predator-prey interactions Monday, June 3 — 2:00 PM Presentation type: Oral Crystal Ballroom ROCKY REEF POOLS AS NURSERY AREAS FOR FISH LARVAE: FOOD WEB NETWORK MODELS VINAGRE, C., Dias, M., Roma, J., Silva A. Centro de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal. Email: Rocky reef tidal pools of southern Europe act as nursery areas for larval and 0-group juvenile marine organisms. Among these organisms are commercially important fish species like the white seabream Diplodus sargus and other abundant coastal species like the sand smelt Atherina boyeri and the grey mullet Liza ramada. Occasionally, species like the European sardine, Sardina pilchardus, the Zebra seabream, Diplodus cervinus, the Baillon’s wrasse Symphodus bailloni and the Lesser weever Echiichthys vipera also occur in tidal pools. Larval forms of D. sargus, A. boyeri and L. ramada reach very high densities in spring. In summer, most of these larvae reach the juvenile stage, yet continue to occupy this habitat. Gut contents of fish larvae and juveniles were analyzed. The food webs of 6 tidal pools, in 4 rocky beaches, were compiled and food web models were built. Their network structure and properties were investigated. Fish larvae rely heavily on larval forms of other organisms that also concentrate in tidal pools, especially those of shrimp. In turn fish larvae constitute an abundant food resource for juvenile fish and shrimp. The north Pacific albacore surface fishery is the most important highly migratory species fishery on the west coast of the US and Canada. However, relatively little is known about the environmental influences on albacore distribution in the northeast Pacific (NEP). This study aims to improve our understanding of the environmental influences on albacore distribution in the NEP and develop environmental time-series that reflect albacore availability to NEP fisheries. For our preliminary analysis, we assembled a database of catch and effort data from logbooks of surface fishery vessels targeting albacore from 1998 to 2011. Weekly fields of SST, SSH anomalies, frontal gradients, and chl-a concentrations were used as environmental predictors. We also examine the influence of the North Pacific Current (NPC) bifurcation latitude on albacore distribution. Statistical models were used to relate environmental predictors to normalized albacore catch rate. The model domain covered the NEP and was divided into two sub-regions to study coastal and open ocean spatial fields. We divided the data into training and testing datasets. Preliminary results show that the open ocean and coastal ocean oceanographic conditions affected albacore distribution differently. SST frontal gradients and NPC bifurcation latitude shifts appear to influence albacore distribution. Predicted albacore CPUEs showed good agreement with observed CPUEs for both training and testing datasets. If these relationships are found to be robust, then these types of analyses could be integrated into population dynamic models to help improve fisheries management in the face of environmental changes. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 58 Presentation type: Oral Session: FATE Science Meeting (Other Studies) Thursday, June 6 — 11:20 AM Crystal Ballroom RED FLAGS OR RED HERRINGS? USING ECOSYSTEM INDICATORS TO DETECT ANOMALOUS CONDITIONS IN THE GULF OF ALASKA IN 2011 ZADOR, S., ORMSETH, O., RENNER, H. NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Building 4, Seattle, WA 98115. Email: NOAA compiles and synthesizes information about the Alaska marine ecosystem annually into an ecosystem considerations report primarily for the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, but also the scientific community and the public. The goal of this report is to provide stronger links between ecosystem research and fishery management and to spur new understanding of the connections between ecosystem components by bringing together many diverse research efforts into one document. There are more than one hundred time series of physical and biological indicators that are tracked and updated, many annually. The status and trends of these indicators are monitored for early signals of ecosystem change that may have management implications. Here we present the status of ecosystem indicators that cumulatively suggest that anomalous conditions occurred in the Gulf of Alaska during 2011. The first indications were noted in upper trophic organisms (seabirds and Pacific halibut) that experienced reproductive failures and potential nutrient deficiencies, respectively. Abundance indices of plankton and forage fish; halibut stomach contents; and ocean surface currents also indicate anomalous conditions occurred during 2011. We compare multiple lines of evidence that suggest that changes in bottom-up forcing factors negatively influenced productivity at the lower trophic level that in turn negatively influenced upper trophic organisms. We conclude that: (1) synthesis of indicators’ status across multiple trophic levels can reveal broad-scale changes in the environment that may have important biological and management implications, and (2) upper trophic organisms in particular serve as integrative indicators that provide near real-time cues of environmental state. The sun sets on Everglades National Park, South Florida’s largest subtropical wilderness. The park was among the first national parks estalished to protect fragile ecosystems. The park has been declared an International Biosphere Reserve, a Wetland of International Importance, and a World Heritage Site. Among its many delicate ecosystems, the Everglades contain cypress and mangrove forests, Florida pinelands, tropical hardwood hammocks, freshwater sloughs, and marl prairies. The marine portion of the park contains Florida Bay, home to an incredible diversity of marine and estuarine species, many of which support a robust sport fishing industry. Miami 2013 Larval Fish Conference • 59 Author Index Able, K.W., 22 Acevedo, D., 56, 57 Aceves-Medina, G., 36 Agiv, H., 21 Agostini, S., 25, 31 Aké-Canul, R., 38 Alemany, F.J., 23, 30, 47, 52 Alexander, M., 48 Alós, J., 19, 23, 26 Alvarado Bremer, J.R., 24 Alvarez-Berastegui, D., 47, 52 Alvarez, D., 23 Álvarez, I., 23 Alvarez, P., 31 Aparicio, A., 23 Arlinghaus, R., 19 Armstrong, M., 51 Arula, T., 20 Assumpção, L., 43 Atema, J., 30 Avsar, D., 44 Ayala, D.J., 20 Baensch, F., 20 Bailey, H., 33 Balbín, R., 23, 52 Barcelo, C., 21 Bartlett, L.S., 45 Basterretxea, G., 19 Batchelder, H.P., 45 Beardsley, R.C., 21 Benetti, D.D., 56 Berenshtein, I., 21 Berumen, M.L., 47 Beyer, S., 52 Bignami, S., 21 Bisgambiglia, P.A., 31 Bjork, C.L., 54, 55 Block, B.A., 33 Blood, D.A., 44 Bode A., 39 Bograd, S.J., 33, 41, 56, 58 Bogucki, D., 49 Bond, N., 37 Borges, R., 28 Boucher, J.M., 21 Bourque, B., 53 Branch, T.A., 55 Brodeur, R., 21 Brooks, E.N., 32 Brooks, L., 54 Burad-Méndez, A., 38 Byrnes, J.E.K., 56 Cabanas, J.M., 51 Cabrero, A., 31, 39 Caldarone, E.M., 22 Candelmo, A.C., 22, 23 Carassou, L., 34 Caridad, J.F., 22 Carrillo, L., 22, 43, 46, 56, 57 Cass-Calay, S.L., 46 Catalán, I.A., 19, 23, 26 Cerino, D., 53 Chambers, R.C., 22, 23 Chapman, A., 54 Chen, C., 21, 32 Chen, Y., 54 Churchill, J.H., 32 Ciannelli, L., 21, 27, 47, 48, 52 Claro, R., 55 Clausen, K.C., 24 Clemmesen, C., 24, 49, 55 Comyns, B., 30 Cooper, D.W., 35 Cooper, K.R., 22, 23 Cornic, M., 24 Cortés, D., 30 Cowen, R.K., 21, 24, 32, 33, 54 Craig, J.K., 40 Crec’hriou, R., 25 Curchitser, E., 27 Curti, K., 48 D’Alessandro, E.K., 25, 33 Daly, E., 21 De Forest, L.G., 26, 44 Deary, A.L., 25 Dias, M., 58 Diaz-Gil, C., 26 Ditty, J.G., 24 Dodson, J.J., 40 Doering, K.l., 27 Donahue, M.J., 27 Dos Santos, P.A., 38 Dower, J., 17 Drew, K., 48 Duarte, C.M., 26 Duffy-Anderson, J.T., 26, 27, 35, 44 Dunand, A., 23 Durieux, E.D.H., 31 Ehrler, C.P., 28 Elking, B.A., 28 Enochs, I.C., 21 Essington, T.E., 55 Faillettaz, R., 28 Faria, A.M., 28, 32 Farley, E.V., 35 Favero, J.M., 29 Fay, G., 40 Fey, D.P., 50 Field, J.C., 56 Fletcher, C., 31 Flores-Coto, C., 29 Fogaça, P.L.C., 43 Foley, D.G., 33, 56 Ford, M.D., 29 Foretich, M., 30 Franks, J., 30 Fratantoni, P., 23 Freeburg, E.W., 30 Freire, A.S., 42 Friedland, K.D., 40 Frommel, A., 24 Fuiman, L.A., 33, 50 Fukuta, A., 54 Funes-Rodríguez, R., 29 Gago, J., 31, 39 Garcia-Charton, J., 25 García, A., 30, 31, 39, 51 Garrido, M., 31 Garsi, L.H., 25, 31 Gerigny, O., 31 Gerlach, G., 30 Gibson, D., 30 Gilly, W.F., 56 Glas, M., 31, 37, 40 Goericke, R., 45 Goldstein, E.D., 31 Gonçalves, E.J., 28, 32 Gonzalez-Navarro, E., 36 Graham, W.M., 34 Greenfield, C., 22, 23 Greer, A.T., 24, 32 Gregory, R.S., 53 Gröger, J., 20 Grosell, M., 56 Grøsvik, B.E., 58 Guigand, C.M., 24, 30, 32, 38, 49 Habeck, E.A., 22, 23 Habersack, H., 31, 37, 40 Haltuch, M.A., 55 Hammer, C., 49 Hannigan, R.E., 30, 53, 58 Hare, J.A., 17, 32, 48 Hauff, M.J., 33 Haukebø, T., 54 Havel, L.N., 33 Hazen, E.L., 33, 56 Heiler, J., 52 Heintz, R.A., 26 Hermann, A., 37 Hernandez De Rojas, A., 31, 39 Hernandez, F.J., 34 Herreros, M., 31 Hidalgo, J.M., 23 Hill, K., 45 Hilton, E.J., 25, 48 Hoenig, R.H., 56 Hoff, G., 27 Hoffmayer, E., 30 Hollowed, A.B., 55 Holmes, J., 58 Holstein, D.M., 34, 57 Hoteit, I., 47 Huebert, K.B., 35 Hufnagl, M., 35 Humphries, P., 31, 37, 40 Hurst, T.P., 35, 36 Ianelli, J., 27 Ingram, G.W. Jr., 46 Irisson, J.O., 28, 30, 41, 49 Jacobson, L.D., 45 Ji, R., 32 Jimenez-Rosenberg, S.P.A., 36 Jina, O., 36 Johns, L., 22 Johnson, D.R., 37 Jordi, A., 19 Jutfelt, F., 55 Kaplan, I.C., 37 Karakoylu, E., 45 Karnauskas, M., 27, 37 Katsuragawa, M., 29 Keckeis, H., 31, 37, 40 Kelley, C., 57 Kerber, C.E., 38 Keyes-Pulido, S., 38 Kiflawi, M., 21 Kingsford, M., 30 Kitchens, L.L., 38 Kiyaga, V.B., 44 Konstantinidis, P., 48 Kotterba, P., 52 Kough, A.S., 38, 55 Kreus, M., 35 Kubota, H., 48 Kupchik, M.J., 39 Lago, M.J., 50 Laiz-Carrión, R., 30, 31, 39, 50 Lamkin, J.T., 22, 46, 47, 57 Langseth, B.J., 40 Large, S.I., 40 Larouche, T., 40 Leal, A., 50 Lecaillon, G., 25 Lechner, A.J., 31, 37, 40 Lecomte, F., 40, 46 Legault, C., 54 Legault, L., 40 Legault, M., 46 Leis, J.M., 41, 49 Leising, A.W., 41 Lenfant, P., 25 Levin, P., 37 Li, Y., 32 Lien, V.S., 58 Lindeman, K., 55 Link, J.S., 40 Llopiz, J.K., 41 Loisl, F., 31, 37, 40 Lough, G., 54 Luo, J.Y., 24 Luzuriaga De Cruz, M., 41 Lyczkowski-Shultz, J., 17 Lynch, P., 48 Macedo-Soares, L.C.P., 42 Magel, C.R., 36 Mager, E.M., 56 Makrakis, M.C., 43 Makrakis, S., 43 Malanski, E., 43 Malca, E., 22, 43, 46, 56, 57 Malzahn, A., 49 Maneja, R., 24 Manning, J., 54 Mantua, N.J., 55 Manzello, D.P., 21 Margulies, D., 53 Martínez, A., 56, 57 Matarese, A.C., 26, 44 Mathis, J.A., 36 Mavruk, S., 44 Mayorga Adame, C.G., 45 Mcclatchie, S., 45, 58 Meier, S., 58 Méndez-Campos, H., 38 Miller, E., 45 Miller, S.E., 45 Miller, T.J., 45 Miskiewicz, A.G., 46 Moll, D., 52 Morales-Nin, B., 19 Morales, S., 43, 46, 56, 57 Morissette, O., 46 Morote, E., 30 Morris, J., 43 Muelbert, J.H., 42, 43, 53, 56 Mueter, F., 27 Muhling, B.A. 22, 46, 47 Mumby, P.J., 34 Munk, P., 20, 43 Muntoni, M., 25 Murenu, M., 25 Murphy, M.D., 47 Nanninga, G.B., 47 Napp, J.M., 44 Nash, R., 23 Neidetcher, S.K., 48 Newton, J., 37 Nielsen, T.G., 43 Nieto, K., 58 Nye, J.A., 48 O’Brien, L., 54 Ojaveer, H., 20 Okazaki, Y., 48 Olsson, L., 48 Ordóñez-López, U., 38 Ordoñez-Guillen, F.E., 36 Ormseth, O., 59 Oxenford, H.A., 45 Ozyurt, C.E., 44 Palmer, M.C., 19, 26, 32 Paris, C.B., 21, 27, 30, 34, 37, 38, 41, 49, 55, 57 Pasqualini, V., 31 Pätsch, J., 35 Pattrick, P., 25, 49 Paulsen, M., 49 Pawelczyk, A., 50 Peck, M.A., 35 Perez, K.O., 50 Perrin-Santoni, A., 31 Peterson, B., 50 Peterson, W., 37 Petrik, C., 27 Phelan, B.A., 22, 23 Piatkowski, U., 24 Piñeiro, C., 31, 50, 51 Pinheiro, C., 39 Piskozub, J., 49 Pitois, S.G., 51 Poach, M.E., 22, 23 Polte, P., 49, 52 Powers, S.P., 34 Prahl, F.G., 27 Privoznik, S.L., 46, 52 Quintanilla, J.M., 30, 39, 51 Randall, L., 52 Reglero, P., 47, 52 Renner, H., 59 Rhyne, A.L., 30, 53, 58 Richards, K.J., 57 Riebesell, U., 55 Riemann, L., 20 Robison, B.H., 56 Rodríguez-Fernández, L., 39, 50, 51 Rodriguez, J.M., 23, 30, 31, 39 Roffer, M.A., 47 Roma, J., 58 Rønningen, P., 58 Rooker, J.R., 24, 38, 52 Rulifson, R.A., 28 Rykaczewski, R., 50 Saborido-Rey, F., 31 Saenz-Agudelo, P., 47 Sakaji, H., 48 Saldierna-Martinez, R.J., 36 Sanches, E.G., 38 Sanchez-Velasco, L., 36 Sánchez, F.J., 50 Sanvicente-Añorve, L., 29 Schmitt, V.B., 53 Scholey, V., 53 Schornagel, D.B., 53 Schubert, P., 54 Schueller, A.M., 40 Schultz, E.T., 43 Scott, J., 48 Shashar, N., 21 Shaw, R.F., 39 Sheremet, V., 54 Shertzer, K.W., 40 Shiroza, A., 52 Shoji, J., 54 Shulzitski, K., 54 Siddon, E.C., 26 Siebeck, U.E., 41, 49 Siedlecki, S., 37 Silva, A., 58 Silva, P.K.A., 38 Silva, P.S., 43 Simm, M., 20 Sirois, P., 40, 46 Smart, T.I., 26, 27, 44 Smith, J.W., 40 Smith, R., 22 Snelgrove, P.V.R., 53 Snyder, D.E., 54, 55 Sohn, D., 27 Sosa-Cordero, E., 22, 43, 57 Spencer, P.D., 55 Spies, I.B., 26, 44 Sponaugle, S., 21, 25, 31, 33, 54 Sswat, M., 55 Staaterman, E., 38, 55 Stachura, M.M., 55 Stawitz, C.C., 55 Steckbauer, A., 26 Stein, M., 53 Steinbeck, J.R., 28 Stewart, J.S., 56 Stieglitz, J.D., 56 Stock, C., 48 Stockhausen, W., 27 Stowell, M.A., 27 Strub, T., 45 Strydom, N.A., 25, 49 Sun, Y., 21 Sung, K., 36 Swalethorp, R., 43 Takasuka, A., 48 Teo, S.L.H., 58 Ternengo, S., 25, 31 Thomas, C., 25 Tilley, J., 30 Tlusty, M., 53 Toews, C., 27 Torquato, F.O., 56 Tritthart, M., 31, 37, 40 Turner, J.T., 29 Turner, K.A., 36 Ulanowicz, R.E., 45 Uriarte, A., 30, 39 Valdez-Moreno, M., 56, 57 Valles, H., 45 Varguez-Soberanis, D., 38 Vásquez-Yeomans, L., 22, 43, 46, 56, 57 Vaz, A.C., 57 Vergara-Castaño, A., 31 Verreault, G., 46 Vestfals, C., 27 Victor, B., 56, 57 Vikebø Frode B., 58 Vinagre, C., 58 Von Dorrien, C., 49 Walter, J.F. III, 37, 46 Walter, K.D., 33 Watson, W., 45 Weber, E.D., 45 Wexler, J., 53 Whitlock, R., 33 Wieczorek, D., 22, 23 Wieler, U., 21 Wilcox Freeburg, E.D., 53, 58 Williams, G., 37 Wozniczka, A., 50 Xavier, R., 43 Xu, Y., 58 Yam-Poot, G., 57 Yerman, M.N., 41 Yuksek, A., 44 Zador, S., 59 Zani-Teixeira, M.L., 29 Zavala-Hidalgo, J., 29 Zens, B., 37 Zhan, P., 47 Notes Notes Thank you •••••••• We will meet again at the 38th Annual Larval Fish Conference Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 17–21 August, 2014 For information contact Pascal Sirois Email: