Book Lists 2015/2016 - Holy Family Senior School

Holy Family Senior School, Station Road, Ennis.
2nd. Class Booklist 2015/’16.
Name of Book to buy
Alive O 4 Book
Book Rental Scheme from School
Spellbound B (Folens)
Reading Zone: The Grumpy Teaspoon.
Just Handwriting Series — 2nd. Class.
Reading Zone: The Green Genie.
Guided Reading P.M. Books.
Treasury B - Core skills in English
SALF (Self Assessment Learning Folders)
Class Novels.
Bua na Cainte 2 (Edco)
Litrigh é Linn.
Mathematics: Planet Maths 2nd Class - Folens
Planet Maths Activity Satellite Book - 2nd Class
Figure It Out 2.
Brainteaser 2.
Access to Planet Maths online.
Unlocking SESE - 2nd Class (Folens)
The Right Note 1st. & 2nd. Classes (Folens)
(to be carried forward from 1st. Class)
What a Wonderful World.
88 Page copies,
88 page C3 Sum copy (squared)
40 page 10mm Junior sum copy (squared).
All Books and Copies to be
covered and labelled.
A zipped material folder (A3 size).
30 cm. Ruler, Large Pritt Stick,
4 HB Pencils/Crayons/Twistables - all labelled.
Eraser & Pencil Sharpner.
All Workbooks to be bought New.
Books available at O’Mahony’s Bookshop, Parnell Street, Ennis during July and August.
The following to be paid to the Class Teacher on August 31st., 2015.
Book Rental Scheme:
Requisites to cover Homework Journal, Art & Craft, Testing,
Maths Testing, Computer Activities, Stationery, Photocopying, etc.:
€ 20.00
€ 20.00
Pupil Personal Accident Insurance: 24 hr. cover with Allianz (optional)
Please indicate if you wish to take out 24 hr. insurance cover on student.
€ 8.00 ∆ Yes. ∆ No.
Total due:
All monies to be paid to the school office by 23rd. October, 2015.
€ 78.00
€ 30.00
Please note we have a system in place where the above sundries bill can be paid to the school office on a weekly
basis by prior arrangement. Enclosed please find easy payment form. Please contact the school office if you
wish to set up this payment.
For all students who participate in Gaelic football a mouth guard is now compulsory. Any sports shop will
supply you with same.
Holy Family Senior School, Station Road, Ennis.
3rd. Class Booklist 2015/’16.
Name of Book to buy
Alive-O 5 Workbook
Bun go Barr 3 (C. J. Fallon)
Book Rental Scheme from School
Alive-O 5
Ceartlitriú 3 (C. J. Fallon)
Just Handwriting Series 3rd. Class.
Better English Literacy Skills 3
Spellbound C - Folens
Treasury C - Core skills in English.
Collins School Dictionary
SALF (Self Assessment Learning Folder)
Questions and Answers
Class Novels x 2.
Peer Tutoring: DK Readers
Access to Accelerated Reader Library.
Reading Zone 3.
Reasons to Write 3.
Peer Tutoring Reading Material.
HFSS Passport to Better English Book.
Map Wise 1 (EDCO)
Earthlinks & Earthlinks Workbook
What A Wonderful World 3
Science All Around Me 3
Windows of the World 3.
Table Book (bring with you from 2nd. Class)
Mathemagic 3
Planet Maths Activity Satellite Book 3 (Folens)
Planet Maths 3.
Action Maths 3
Figure It Out 3
The Right Note 3rd. & 4th. Class (Folens)
3 - Sum Copies C3 - 88 page
5 - 120 page Writing Copies
5 - 88 page Writing Copies
1 - B4 Red & Blue Line copy
1 - Hardback A4
1 - Pritt Stick
1 - Set of colouring pencils/crayons.
1. - Eraser
5. - HB Pencils.
1. - 30 cm Ruler.
1. - Pencil Sharpener.
Please turn over:
All Workbooks to be bought new.
Books available at O’Mahony’s Bookshop, Parnell Street, Ennis during July and August.
The following to be paid to the Class Teacher on August 31st., 2015.
Book Rental Scheme:
Requisites to cover Homework Journal, Art & Craft, Testing,
Maths Testing, Computer Activities, Stationery and photocopying, etc.
Accelerated Reader:
Student Personal Accident Insurance: 24 hr. cover with Allianz (optional)
Please indicate if you wish to take out 24 hr. insurance cover on student.
€ 20.00
€ 30.00
€ 5.00
€ 20.00
€ 8.00 ∆ Yes.
€ 83.00
All monies to be paid to the school office by 23rd. October, 2015.
Please note we have a system in place where the above sundries bill can be paid to the school
office on a weekly basis by prior arrangement.
Enclosed please find easy payment form. Please contact the school office if you wish to set
up this payment.
For all students who participate in Gaelic football a mouth guard is now compulsory.
Any sports shop will supply you with same.
Holy Family Senior School, Station Road, Ennis.
4th. Class Booklist 2015/’16.
Name of Book to buy
Book Rental Scheme from School
Alive - O 6 Workbook
Alive - O 6
Bun go Barr 4.
Cleachtaí Gramadaí Bunscoile.
Ceartlitriú 4.
Foclóir Gaeilge/Bearla/Bearla/Gaeilge
Just Handwriting Series 4th. Class.
Better English Literacy Skills 4.
Spellbound D - Folens
Reading Zone for 4th. Class.
Collins School Dictionary (now in colour)
Class Novels x 2.
Access to Accelerated Reader Library.
Reasons to Write 4.
Treasury D.
HFSS Passport to Better English Book.
SALF Folder (Self Assessment Learning Folder)
Philips New Irish Primary Atlas & Atlas Hunt
Primary Atlas Activities for 3rd. to 6th. Class.
Earthlinks & Earthlinks Workbook.
Mapwise 3rd & 4th Class (Edco) (carried forward
from 3rd Class).
Windows on the World 4 (History).
Science All Around Me 4.
Mathematics: Planet Maths Activity Satellite Book - 4th Class.
Planet Maths - 4th Class.
Brainteasers 4.
Figure It Out 4.
The Right Note 3rd. & 4th. Class (Folens)
(carried forward from 3rd. Class)
A 11 by 9 copies.
C3 by 3 copies.
A4 Hardback copy by 2. 2. Pritt Sticks.
A4 Ziplock folder. Twistables.
30 cm Ruler. Red Biro. Pencils, eraser and
All Workbooks to be bought new. Books available at O’Mahony’s Bookshop, Parnell Street, Ennis
during July and August.
The following to be paid to the Class Teacher on August 31st.. 2015.
Book Rental Scheme:
€ 20.00
Accelerated Reader:
€ 5.00
Requisites to cover Homework Journal, S.R.A., Art & Craft, Testing,
Maths Testing, Computer Activities, Stationery and photocopying, etc.
€ 30.00
€ 20.00
Student Personal Accident Insurance: 24 hr. cover with Allianz (optional) € 8.00 ∆ Yes. ∆ No.
Please indicate if you wish to take out 24 hr. insurance cover on student.
€ 83.00
All monies to be paid to the school office by 23rd. October, 2015.
Please note we have a system in place since last year where the above sundries bill can be paid to the school office
on a weekly basis by prior arrangement. Enclosed please find easy payment form. Please contact the school
office if you wish to set up this payment. For all students who participate in Gaelic football a mouth guard is now
compulsory. Any sports shop will supply you with same.
Holy Family Senior School, Station Road, Ennis.
5th. Class Booklist 2015/’16.
Name of Book to buy
Book Rental Scheme from School
Alive O - 7 Workbook
Alive - O 7
Béal Beo 5 (Edco)
Beo le Ceo (Graiméar)
Fócloir Gaeilge/Béarla - Ó Siochfhradha
Spellbound E - Folens
Better English Literacy Skills 5.
Collins School Dictionary
Reading Zone for 5th. Class.
Just Handwriting Series - 5th. Class.
Reasons to Write 5 - EDCO.
Treasury E (Core Skills in English)
Class Novels x 2.
Access to Accelerated Reader Library.
HFSS Passport to Better English Book.
SALF Folder
Mathematics: Tablebook
Planet Maths 5. + Access to Planet Maths
on line resources.
Brainteasers 5
Figure It Out 5
SESE/SPHE: Philips New Irish Primary Atlas & Altas Hunt Earthlinks & Earthlinks Workbook for 5th
Primary Atlas Activities for 3rd. To 6th.
Class. (Folens). (Please bring with you
from 4th. Class).
Geography Quest 5.
Windows of the World 5
Science All Around Me 5
Copies, etc.:
The Right Note 5th. & 6th. Class (Folens)
A4 Hardback Copies x 2.
8. 120 Page Writing Copies.
3. C3 120 Page Copies.
Twistables, Pritt Stick, Pencil Case - pencils, eraser,
red & blue biro, sharpener, compass, protractor.
All Workbooks to be bought new. Books available at O’Mahony’s Bookshop, Parnell Street, Ennis during July and August.
The following to be paid to the Class Teacher on August 31st., 2015.
Book Rental Scheme:
€ 20.00
Accelerated Reader:
€ 5.00
Requisites to cover Homework Journal, Art & Craft, Testing,
Maths Testing, Computer Activities, Stationery and photocopying, etc.
€ 30.00
€ 20.00
Student Personal Accident Insurance: 24 hr. cover with Allianz (optional)
€ 8.00
∆ Yes.
∆ No.
Please indicate if you wish to take out 24 hr. insurance cover on student.
€ 83.00
All monies to be paid to the school office by 23rd. October, 2015.
Please note we have a system in place where the above sundries bill can be paid to the school office on a weekly basis
by prior arrangement. Enclosed please find easy payment form. Please contact the school office if you wish to set up
this payment.
For all students who participate in Gaelic football a mouth guard is now compulsory. Any sports shop will supply you with
Holy Family Senior School, Station Road, Ennis.
6th. Class Booklist 2015/’16.
Name of Book to buy
Book Rental Scheme from School
My Confirmation Year Workbook - Veritas.
Alive O - 8
The Good News School Edition Bible
Béal Beo 6 (EDCO)
Beo le Ceo Graiméar
Focloir Gaeilge/Béarla - Ó Siochfhradha
Graimear le Chéile.
Spellbound F - Folens
Better English Literacy Skills 6.
Just Handwriting 6th. Class
Reading Zone 6.
English Dictionary Thesauras
Novels: No. 1. - Holes.
No. 2. - Chinese Cinderella
No. 3. - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
Away with Words 6
Treasury F - Core skills in English
Reasons to Write 6.
Access to Accelerated Reader Library.
HFSS Passport to Better English Book.
SALF (Self Assessment Learning Folder)
Mathematics: Planet Maths Activity Satellite Book 6.
Planet Maths 6. + Access to online resources.
Figure It Out 6
Maths Challenge
The Right Note 5th. & 6th. Class.
(Carried forward from 5th. Class)
SESE/SPHE: Fallons Map Workbook 2 (New Ed.)
Philips New Irish Primary Atlas. (carried
Earthlinks & Earthlinks Workbook
Geography Quest 6
forward from 5th. Class).
Science All Around Me 6.
History Its About Time.
History Quest 6
All Workbooks to be bought new. Books available at O’Mahony’s Bookshop, Parnell Street, Ennis.
The following to be paid to the Class Teacher on August 31st., 2015.
Book Rental Scheme:
€ 20.00
Accelerated Reader:
€ 5.00
Requisites to cover Homework Journal, Art & Craft,
Testing, Maths Testing, Computer Activities.
€ 30.00
€ 20.00
Student Personal Accident Insurance: 24 hr cover with Allianz (optional)
€ 8.00
∆ Yes ∆ No
Please indicate if you wish to take out 24 hr. insurance on student.
€ 83.00
Please turn over for rest of book list.
All monies to be paid to the school office by 23rd. October, 2015.
Please note we have a system in place the above sundries bill can be paid to the school office on a
weekly basis by prior arrangement. Enclosed find easy payment form. Please contact the school
office if you wish to set up this payment.
For all students who participate in Gaelic football a mouth guard is now compulsory. Any sports
shop will supply you with same.
120 page copies.
120 page sum copies (squared).
A4 Exercise copies (soft covered).
Geometry Set.
30 cm ruler.
Pritt Stick.
set of colouring pencils.
HB pencils.
Blue Pens.
Red Pens.