National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. Effect of Modulation and Encoding Techniques on BER in Optical Networks Md. Anisul Islam Sarker, S.M Mominur Rahman, Md. Sifatullah, Md. Mirza Goalm Rashed Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: performance of AON [1]. In this work an optical network project of LINK 3 ISP Company is taken in consideration for the purpose of research. The network layout is designed and simulated with the help of Optisystem 9 software and the simulation result gives the performance of the network in terms of BER for different kinds of Encoding techniques like RZ, NRZ encoding and modulation techniques like Mach Zehnder and Eletro Absorption. Abstract— The Deployment of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology has caused the degradation of the of the quality of optical signal in the high speed networks. Performance of an Optical Network depends on a number of factors .Some of the factors such as Modulation Technique, Encoding Technique and Level of Power play a vital role on the performance of network. This research work presents the effects of different modulation techniques and encoding techniques on the performance of an optical network. The performance is measured in terms of BER in all the cases. II. MODULATION TECHNIQUES Keywords: Optical Network, Modulation Technique, Encoding Technique, BER 2.1 Electro-Absorption Modulation Electro-absorption modulation is a modulation which can be used for modulating the intensity of a laser beam via an electric voltage. A change in the absorption spectrum caused by an applied electric field, which changes the band gap energy (thus the photon energy of an absorption edge) but usually, does not involve the excitation of carriers by the electric field. For modulators in telecommunications small size and modulation voltages are desired. The EAM is candidate for use in external modulation links in telecommunications. These modulators can be realized using either bulk semiconductor materials or materials with multiple quantum dots or wells [5]. 2.2 Mach-Zehnder Modulation A Mach-Zehnder modulation is an intensity modulating of signal light, using a simple drive circuit for the modulating voltage. The modulator includes two waveguides with respective multiple quantum well (MQW) structures. Well layers of the MQW structures of the two optical waveguides have different thicknesses or are made from different materials so the phase of light propagating through one waveguide advances and through the other waveguide is delayed in response to the same applied Voltage. The phase-changed light signals are combined as an output light signal that is intensity Modulated [6]. I. INTRODUCTION In all-optical networks (AONs) the optical signal degradation and distortion seriously increases due to the deployment of wavelength-division multiplexing. [1].So, it is very important to evaluate the performance of the network to understand whether it is capable to achieve the minimum level of requirement or not. The bit error rate (BER) is the most significant performance parameter of any digital communications system. It is a measure of the probability that any given bit will have been received in error. A standard maximum bit error rate specified for many systems is 10-9. This means that the receiver is allowed to generate a maximum of 1 error in every 109 bits of information transmitted or, putting it another way, the probability that any received bit is in error is 10-9.The BER depends primarily on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the received signal which in turn is determined by the transmitted signal power, the attenuation of the link, the link dispersion and the receiver noise [2]. BER of an optical network also depends on so many other factors like Data Rate, Number of users, Wavelength, Fiber Length, Encoding Techniques etc [3] .Among all the encoding techniques the NRZ(Non Return to Zero) and RZ( Return to Zero)formats are two wellknown cost effective candidates for optimum 9 National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. techniques (RZ-Return to Zero and NRZ Non Return to Zero), modulation techniques (Mach Zehnder and Electro Absorption) and different levels of optical powers(20 dB and 15 dB) are used in the following experiments. III. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT The total experimental simulation is based on an optical network project conducted by the Link-3, an ISP of Bangladesh. The layout of the network is given in the Fig.1 and it is simulated by OptiSystem 9.0 software. The objective of the work is to observe the performance of the network in terms of BER with the change of different modulation and encoding techniques. The results are represented in bellow: Fig..2 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB Fig.1. Layout of the Optical Network The components and parameters used in the network are given below: Table 1: Configuration and Parameters of the network Input bit sequence. 4Bit and 8 Bit Signal pulse generator: Modulation Technique: RZ pulse generator and NRZ Pulse generator Mach-Zehnder and ElectroAbsorption Optical input power: Optical Fiber cable length: 20 dB and 15 dB 50 km A low pass filter Quantity-1 BER analyzer Quantity-1 Fig..3 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB IV. ANALYSIS OF THE BER The performance of a digital communication system is commonly measured in terms of BER. It is very important to maintain the BER within a certain threshold to make sure that the quality of the received message is up to the standard. In this research work we have considered three parameters for analyzing the performance of the netowork.The parameters are Modulation Technique, Encoding Technique and Input Optical power which has a direct influence on the BER of the transmitted signal in an optical network. In the simulation part some experimental cases are considered which are described in the following sections. 4.1 BER Analysis for 4-bit Input The figures[Fig.2-Fig.9] give the BER curves for 4 bit inputs (1010).Different types of encoding Fig.4. BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB. 10 National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. Fig..8 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 15 Db Fig..5 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB Fig..9 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation, Optical Power: 15 dB Fig..6 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 15 dB Table 2: BER Analysis for 4-Bit Input Fig.7. BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 15 dB. 11 National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. From Table- 2, it can be said that Mach Zehnder Modulation gives some Bit Error for both the RZ and NRZ encoding technique and Bit error rate found little bit smaller when 15 dB power is applied instead of 20dB power with NRZ signal generator. It is also found that there is no bit error rate for Electro Absorption modulation technique in case of both Encoding Schemes. 4.2 BER Analysis for 8-bit Input The figures[Fig.10-Fig.16] give the BER curves for 8 bit inputs (10101100).Different types of Encoding Techniques (RZ- Return to Zero and NRZ Non Return to Zero ), Modulation Techniques (Mach Zehnder and Electro Absorption) and different levels of optical powers(20 dB and 15 dB) are used in the following experiments. Fig.12 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB Fig.10 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation, Optical Power: 20 dB. Fig.13 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB Fig.11 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 20 dB. Fig. 14 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation and Optical Power: 15 dB 12 National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. 5.3.4 Results and Analysis for 8-bit input Fig.15 BER Curve for RZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 15 dB Table 3: 8-bits result from BER analysis The results of Table- 3 show that only Electro Absorption modulation technique with RZ encoding gives no Bit Error whereas the all other combinations are giving some Bit Errors. Among all other options Bit Error Rate is found to decrease when power level is reduced from 20 dB to 15 dB. V. CONCLUSION A real life Optical Network project is simulated in this research work. The performance of the network is tested by using different types of modulation and encoding techniques and measured in terms of BER. For 4 Bit Input , considering the BER and Utilized power it is found that RZ- Mach Zehnder, RZ-Electro Absorption and NRZ-Electro Absorptions provides optimum performance and for 8- Bit Input RZ-Electro Absorption provides excellent performance both in the case of high power and low power utilization. The experimental results suggests that the combination of RZ Encoding and Electro Absorption modulation provides a optimized state of the network both in the cases small and big size data packets. In this research work, only the effect of Modulation techniques and encoding techniques on BER is tested. There are a lot of parameters which have effect on the BER are not considered in this work. More simulations can be conducted in future taking more parameters in consideration and this may result more perfect outcomes. Fig.16 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Mach Zehnder Modulation, Optical Power: 15 Fig.17 BER Curve for NRZ Encoding, Electro Absorption Modulation and Optical Power: 15 dB 13 National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS 2012) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 31 March 2012. REFERENCES 1. 2. Optimization of All-Optical Network Testbed Ragarding NRZ and RZ Modulation, defdeny.jsp Practical Bit Error Rate Measurements on Fibre Optic Communications Links in Student Teaching Laboratories, (Retrieved on January 13, 2012). 3. Monte Carlo Analysis of Broadband Optical Passive Networks, 4. Comprehensive Assessment of New Modulation Techniques, 5.I. B. Akca, “Electro-optic and electro-absorption characterization of InAsquantum dot waveguides”, 2008, 3439, PP 16 6. 14 Mach-Zehnder Modulator, “United States Patent No-US6, 1, 98,854B1”, 2001