Question from Barrio Boy "A Day's Wait"

1. Who tells the story
2. Who are the main chacters?
3. Is there important
dialogue? If so, summarize
4. What important events
make up the action of the
from Barrio Boy
Ernesto Galarza
Ernesto, his mother, & Miss Ryan
No dialogue
Ernesto's mother taking him to
school on his first day, going to
class, learning English
"A Day's Wait"
the boy's father
Schatz (boy) & his father
Schatz asks his father when
he will die, his father explains
the confusion from France
father calling the doctor, the
doctor telling Schatz his
temperature, the boy being
upset all day
5. What feelings does
the main character have
as events unfold?
nervous to start school, reassured by
his teachers, confident to finally speak
afraid to die, relieved to learn
he will live
6. How is the main
character's problem
He learns English & is proud of his
Mexican heritage
His father finally explains the
difference between Celsius &
1. Key Ideas and Details
(a) Why does the boy tell his father to leave
the sickroom?
The boy is worried that he may die and that his
father will catch the illness.
(b) Infer: What does this reveal about the
It reveals that he is brave and caring.
2. Key Ideas and Details
(a) Why does the boy think he will die? Use details from
the story to suupport your response.
His temperature is 102 F. In France, he was told that people
die with a temperature above 44 C. He doesn't understand
that the numbers have a different meaning on each type of
(b) Interpret: What is the meaning of the story's title?
The boy waits the whole day to die.
3. Key Ideas and Details
(a) Analyze: Which of the boy's words and actions give clues that he
believes something terrible is wrong ?
Comments such as Just the same, so far, I can't keep from thinking,
and Do you think it will do any good? show that he thinks something is
wrong. Also, he is very detached from what is going on, and he does
not care about being read to.
(b) Evaluate: Do you think the story is about the boy's bravery or about
the boy's fear? Explain.
Possible Response: The story is about the boy's bravery because he
does not break down, even though he is afraid.
(c) Speculate: What might have happened if the boy had shared his
The boy's father probably would have explained the difference between
the two types of thermometers and relieved the boy's fears earlier in
the day.
4. Integration of
Knowledge and Ideas
When the truth of the boy's illness is
explained to him, what truth has he learned
about his character? [Connect to the Big
Question: What is the best way to find the
Possible Response: The boy may learn that
even though he is brave, he does not need to
hide his fears. Sometimes it is okay to show