Kipp’s devices Years : 1940-1950-1960 The Kipp’s device is used to prepare gases in a lab. Aerometers Bought in 1945 Aerometers, also called densimeters, measure liquids density. Poggendorff-Grenet’s pile Register number:53 Catalogue number: 2559 Bought in 1948 This pile supplies electric current by using two coal layers. Engler’s viscosimeter Made by Carlo Erba Strumentazioni Register number: 134063 Catalogne number: 2047 Bought in 1953 This equipment measure a liquid relative viscosity by using 20°C distilled water as a comparison. Hellige’s calorimetric comparator Made by Fritz Hellige & Co.CMBH Register number: 1536 Catalogue number: 3577 Bought in 1960 It determines the concentration of a substance in a solution. Abbe’s refractometer Made by Officine Galileo- Florence Register number: 51475 Catalogue number: 3043 Bought in 1960 This devise measures the substances refraction index. Hoppler’s viscosimeter Made by Gebruder Haake- Berlin Register number: BH 60421 – DIN 53015 Catalogue number: 3639 Bought in 1960 This device is used to establish liquids dynamic viscosity. Polarimeter Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Register number: 59686 Catalogue number: 29 Bought in 1939 This device measures the substances rotatory power. Device for “mechanical paradox” Catalogue number: 1044 Bought in 1948 Device used to verify that any body which can move freely, brings its gravity centre downward. Electric Arc Lamp Made by MWD Catalogue number: 646 Bought in 1935 Device used to trigger off a bright discharge between two coal electrodes kept at a constant dinstance. Coulomb’s balance Year: around 1880 Device used to calculate the interaction power between electric charges. Magdeburgh’s hemispheres Catalogue number: 438 Year: 1886 Device used to show that the atmospherical pressure exists. Nobili’s astatic galvanometer Made by: unknown Year: 1925 Device used to calculate the electric current intensity. Four coils differential galvanometer Made by: unknown Year: around 1910 Device used to calculate differences in current intensity. Demonstration universal galvanometer Made by Zambelli – Turin Year: 1949 This device is used to calculate very weak current intensities: it only works with direct current. Newton’s Tube Made by: unknown Year: 1902 It is a device used to study the free fall of bodies. Mohr-Westphal’s hydrostatic balance Made by Officine Galileo- Sartorius Register number: Catalogue number: Bought in This device measures liquids density. Berthelot-Maler’s calorimeter Register number: 70825 Catalogue number: 1873 Bought in 1960 It is useful to measure any fuel heating power. Malligand’s ebulliometer Made by Doc. Eng.C.Bullio Register number: 2453 Catalogue number: Bought in 1958 This device measures the alcoholic degree of dry wines on the principle that hydroalcoholic mixtures shw a boiling temperature lower than the one of water proportionally to their alcohol content. Hoffman’s voltameter Catalogue number: 1650 Bought in 1954 It is used to study electrolysis laws. Elettromagnetic Amperometer Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Register number: 520874 (class I) Bought around the year 1950 Device used to calculate circuits intensity in direct and alternating current. Inclined Plane Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Bought around the year 1940 Device used to study the balance of a body on an inclined plane. Hydrostatic balance Catalogue number: 454 Bought in 1892 Device used to verify Archimedes’ principle in an experimental way. Slide Rheostat Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Bought around the year 1930 Double slide rheostat Made by Gebr Ruhstrat-Gottinghen Register number: 5117 Catalogue number: 605 Bought around the year 1930 Devices that allow to change the tension or the current value in electric circuits. Weston’s sample pile Made by Weston Instruments – Berlin Register number: 5457 Catalogue number: 526 Bought in 1913 Electromotive device used for high precision tension measures with opposition method. Deprez – D’arsonval’s Galvanometer Catalogue number: 531 Bought in 1921 It is used for microampere current measures. Column Volta’s pile Year:1933 The first electromotive device. Spherometer Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Register number: 100138 Year:1925 It is a device which measures thin layers thickness and the bending spherical surfaces ray. Ruhmkorff’s Coil Made by Ptetffer Wetzeler Year: 1911 It is used to generate great potential differences. Mobile coil portable galvanometer Made by Elliot Bros – London Register number: 5138 Bought in 1907 Very weak current calculating device. Electromagnetic voltmeter Made by Officine Galileo – Florence Register number: 109782 Bought in 1949 Device for tension measures in direct or alternating current circuits. Beckman’s spectrophometer Catalogue number: 2106 Bought in 1964 This device is used to compare the intensity of a spectrum line with the ones in a sample-spectrum which was obtained from a known light intensity source. Kirchoff-Bunsen’s spectroscope Made by G.B. Paravia – Turin Catalogue number:3556 Bought in 1965 The device is used to establish the monochromatic components of a lighting radiation. Beckmann’s differential thermometer Bought in 1955 Psycometer Made by Engineers Calderara-Bossi Register number: 19 Catalogue number: 2528 Bought in 1950 Device used to calculate water vapour content in the environment. Fabrics dynamometer Made by Luigi Zambelli Co. Catalogue number: 218 Bought in 1945 Hand - planofil It is useful to establish a fabric section regularity and its hairiness. Hand – loom Catalogue number: 1346 Bought around the year 1945 It is supplied with a jacquard machine to make a shed which allows to realize 96 yarns drawings through the reading of the weaving memorized on punched cards.