
Albert Einstein
By: Max and Pan 10-2
The Modern World were fulfil with many well-­‐known people, every subject seem to be very important to become successful. The people who can change the world by reproducing the scien@fic theory and several experiments could refer to one of the extraordinary person named Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein discovered many formula and scien@fic theory for example : the formula for energy that composed of E=mc^2 (Energy, Mass, Speed of light.) Mover over, his scien@fic theory can even made the world shocked for instance; Einstein brain’ s was different than the normal human due to the result of Dr.Thomas Harvey. The biography of Einstein can be included of The ChildHood Period, Middle Year, Last Year Of Life, Mysterious Quotes and Interes@ng Facts about Einstein Brain. !
At the first period of Einstein, aYer Pauline and Heimann Einstein had married. The boy name Albert Einstein were born in Ulm, Southern Germany on March 14, 1879. One year aYer Einstein were born his parent moved to Munich about 110Km away from Ulm. Einstein learn how to speak aYer he was 2 years old, therefore he had a problem of speaking un@l other member look down at him. To cure that problem he tried to whispering soYly un@l he can pronounced its good enough. Cita@on from (the book of Einstein; His Life and Universe Isaacson W.) !
The @me had passed for 2 years, the new daughter was born named Maja ( Einstein baby sister). His father gave Einstein a magne@c compass when he was about 5 years old, he get interested on the hand of the compass. The year aYer, he was 6 years old; he began to take violin lesson un@l its turn him to become a musician. At the age at 9, Einsterin entered the dis@nguished secondary school in Munich. He was being named to be the enlightened of Math and Science as well as La@n and Greek. The life in school was good however he did’t like the strict discipline. AYer when he was 12, his grand father introduced him the book of Science and Maths. (Related from the book of Einstein; His Life and Universe Isaacson W.) !
By the Age of 15, he dropped out of school in order to follow his parent to Pavia, Italy near Milan.He would not return to Germany, in this cased he promised to study on his own way and afempt the technical college in Zurich. An the summer, at aged 16, he wrote the theory Physic about “ On the inves@ga@on of state of Ether in a Magne@c Field”. Moreover, he easily passed the exam of ALBERT EINSTEIN
Maths and Science. On the other hand, he didn’t genius to passed all the exam. Therefore he failed on Literature, French and Zoology etc. In the next period, he had a decision to get back to Germany when he was 17. 1895, he feels comfortable about magnet coin and generated electricity. According to the Uncle Jakob consequences “Einstein used just only 15 minuted for calcula@on the new machine compare to the normal assistance engineer which used 1 day for the calcula@on.” (Cita@on from the book of Einstein; His Life and Universe Isaacson W.) !
In 1896, Einstein finished high school in Aarau Switzerland. AYer that, he entered the school in Zurich, Switzerland that was on the first ranked of Europe(ETH). The next moment, Einstein fell in loved with Mileva Maric. Related to the book(Encycopedia); Mivela was a physic student from Serbia. Einstein finally became a Swiss ci@zen in 1901 because he work at Swiss Federal Patent Office in Bern. (According to The World Book Encyclopedia) !
In January 1902, Mileva got pregnant and the new child were born; she is a daughter named Lieserl Albert. For the following year, Albert Einstein and Mileva married together, aYer that next 2 years; Einstein and Mileva have more children named Hans Albert. Is was not long enough un@l he invented two new theory in March called ”The photoelectric effect” and the second project named “Brownian Mo@on”. (Cita@on from to The World Book Encyclopedia) !
As the cita@on from ( David Cassidy's book, Einstein and Our World,hfp://
history/einstein/essay-­‐photoelectric.htm.) At the beginning light and another electromagne@c radia@on was established by Maxwell and Lorentz. However, The world had shocked in 1905 when Einstein argued that the waves of lights did not travel con@nued, it travel discon@nued in single par@cles. The amount of each energy were carried the “light quantum( a single quantar)” or the stable amount of energy. Einstein was not originally the first one who developed the idea of light energy however he was the first one to con@nue focusing on the project. From over all, the idea of photoelectric effect was when the beam of light caused the atom subatomic par@cle named electrons. Therefore, the electron flow as the electric current so they produce light to shine on it. Today the quantum of light was known as photon. Einstein received the noble prize in 1921 in physic of his first paper on the photoelectric effect; the atom can absorb photon which made electron leave immediately if the photon have enough energy. !
Einstein had published 4 papers, he second paper refer to the Brownian Mo@on. Brownian mo@on published at the same @me of the photoelectric effect. The Brownian Mo@on started when the well-­‐known botanist named Robert Brown. Firstly he was studying about sexual rela@on of plants According to (Michael Fowler, U. Va. 8/1/08, hfp://
152.mf1i.spring02/BrownianMo@on.htm). By the @me that he observed, Brown founded that aYer he filled the pollen grain into the test-­‐tube. The result came out that these pollen were in mo@on and this mo@on was not caused by the current fluid or any evapora@on. !
Finally the third paper, which published in June; related to “ The special theory of rela@vity” Related to the (The World Book Encyclopedia), the @tled off the paper was “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”. He said that constant mo@on does not affect the velocity( speed in a par@cular direc@on) of light. Einstein said that constant mo@on doesn’t affect the velocity or (speed in a par@cular direc@on) of light. Einstein given the example about that you are on the railroad car travelling on the straight tracks at the constant speed of one to third the speed of light. You flash a light from the back of the car to the front of the car. The formula of this physic theory is c+1/3*c. “Einstein also said that c is the universe of “speed limit” no physical process can spread thought space with velocity higher than c. From the cita@on of (Max Planck Ins@tute for Gravita@onal Physics, Golm/Potsdam, hfp://www.einstein-­‐ the all informa@on is rela@ves to the space and @me. Everything connected together, and it mean that there is no constant point reference the measure of mo@on. The rela@ve given a posi@on in space and @me. For instance, the observa@on that took place in the space sta@on. Assumed that it have two clock, clock A stay at rest. On the other hand, the clock B star@ng moving. The source concluded that the clock A will moved slower due to clock B. To summarise, one of the event happened earlier than other which called @me dila@on. !
The fourth paper, was published in September 1905. The result from special theory of rela@vity is the con@nued path of this paper; The interchangeability of mass and energy. This paper said that mass is a measure of an object iner@a which resist to changes in it mo@on. Einstein paper ‘s contain one of the famous theory; “E=mc^2 . Therefore, E is equal the bodies mass, M refer to @mes of the speed of light, C refer to the speed of light. Later this equa@on turned to be the powerful equa@on used for producing Atomic Bomb Project. !
In this period the story of Einstein being to started the Middle Age. AYer he published, “ The photoelectric, Brownian mo@on, The special theory of rela@vity and The interchangeability of mass and energy. ” Einstein was pretend to be the famous Physic Community in 1909. The next year, new children was born, the son named Eduard Albert. (1911)At this statement, According to the (The World Book Encyclopedia) Book He became a professor at the German University in Prague. But 1 year later, Einstein returned to the ETH (German: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) as a professor. AYerthat, in 1914 Einstein moved to Berlin to became a member ALBERT EINSTEIN
of Prussian Academy of Science. In this path, I am going to concluded to the other source that have the same informa@on but different years. According to (Dr.Ljubo Vujovic,hfp:// In 1911 and 1912 he worked in the posi@on of professor at the German University in Prague. In 1913 Einstein and family moved to Berlin. Then, he was accepted the professorship of physics at the University of Berlin in 1914. At this year he received back the German Ci@zen un@l 1933. Step backward in the year 1921, Einstein received the Noble Prize “for his service to Theore@cal physic , and of course the Law of the photoelectric effect”. Related to (hfp:// By the year 1940 he received the United States and re@red from his job in 1945. While he were living in United States, he became a posi@on of professor of Theore@cal Physic at Princeton. !
The cover of informa@on from the top un@l this paragraph, Einstein have 3 na@onality: American, Swiss and originally Germany. He received the U.S. na@onality when he received his opportunity to be the Professor of Theore@cal Physic of Princeton. Therefore, he received Swiss ci@zenship as he accepted the posi@on as technical assistant in Swiss Patent Office. !
Einstein said “He never made an agreement with Hanford Site, more over ;he doesn’t even involved in any works or experiments the related the atomic bomb. Einstein doesn’t even wanted to help Hanford facili@es. In 1939 the World war 2 was begin, but the United State didn’t involved yet . Germany gained the workers from other countries but most of them were originally from Germany. Germany wanted to win the war, they announced scien@st to have an experiment for producing the chemical weapon. In conclusion, the one project Germany and American tried to built is the Atomic Bomb. !
In 1939, while Einstein was living in the United State, he heard about Germany talked bout the producing of atomic bomb. Some of Einstein friend’s in United State believed that scien@st in America also trying to produce the atomic bomb project too. In this case,Einstein decided to write the lefer to the president of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The president of United State ordered Einstein to produce one atomic weapon. AYer that, he wrote the lefer and sent it back to Einstein and thanks for his sugges@on. Next, two years later in 1941, United State joined the world war 2. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt remember that Einstein had sent him a lefer in 1939, so he decided that he would follow the Einstein theory and try to make the atomic bomb. !
The president of America assigned people to build the atomic bomb. He also had to find the secret place in order to work on this project. AYer that, Franklin Delano decided to make an agreement with Hanford because Hanford had a detector that would recognise where the plutonium is. Therefore, plutonium was one of the factor used to make the atomic bomb. The first atomic bomb that produced was in Hanford factories. The first atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki, Japan in August 1945. Five day later, the world war 2 was ended. !
Einstein said , if he didn’t send lefer to president Franklin Delano Roosevelt , Hanford couldn’t build any atomic bomb. The, the equa@on that used to build the bomb was E=mc^2 . Therefore it was the same theory of mass energy and equivalent. The Government of Nazi was the first group who developed the atomic weapon. Einstein said, the atomic bomb was not produce by him however he just give the theory to the faculty. Overall the atomic bomb were from the cita@on of (hfp:// According to the (The World Book Encyclopedia)Albert Einstein was not rich. He didn’t receive any money for the “ Theory of rela@vity” because of the equa@on cannot be copyrighted. Moreover, he was comfortable because he was a college professor at Princeton, was paid a professor salary. Before that, he was a physicist in Pre-­‐Nazi, he also be a jewish so he can gained more salary there. !
From the summary, Einstein was one of the greatest physicists that well-­‐known un@l today. Therefore, he referred as the 'father of the atomic age’. He was a brilliant physicist un@l he gat a Noble Prize in Physics. E=mc^2 is the most famous formula that made the world shocked. Moreover, he was one of the physicist that changed the world of science. Einstein was passed away in 1955 at the age of 76. From the cita@on of (hfp:// all the part of his bodies did not burned due to the ceremony and his requested. !
On the other hand, a pathologist named Thomas Harvey removed Einstein brain during that period and he kept the brain for the hope to unlocked the mysterious about Einstein genius. As the result, he measured that Einstein brain was actuary the same size as normal human brain. (But when Harvey measured Einsteins brain, he found that it was no larger than an average persons brain. ) Dr. Harvey had photographed Einstein brain then he had operate and cut off the brain into 249 pieces. AYer that, he began to send the pieces of Einstein brain to neurologist(about brain) in order to evaluate. The result came out that none of them could find the differences between Einstein and normal human brain. !
30 years later, Dr. Marian Diamond had founded the higher rates of glial cells which help the nerve cell be able to give more func@on and operate more befer. Some later year, scien@st founded the Einstein brain had 15 percent @ssue (which have the func@on to cover the brain) larger than the average. These cover skin were called parietal. Moreover, the parietal also missing Sylvian fissure(the cracked of the brain), these separates into two sec@ons. From the inves@ga@on, some scien@st thought that these lack of Sylvian fissure made the brain to communicated more faster than the average human’s. The scien@st from East China had measured a thick bundle of nerves which called the corpus callosum, the result told that Einstein corpus callosum was thicker than a group of 52 men that were the same age as Einstein during his "Miracle Year” or the famous period of Einstein in 1905. These greater thickness of nerve cell give more ability of nerve cell to connect to each other. Or another reason is; Einstein choose to thought by imagining things instead of just thinking about informa@on and words. On the other hand, some inves@ga@on told that he learn how to read science, maths, and philosophy when he was young. These can improved the learning and thinking of new ideas. !
In conclusion, Einstein was one of the extraordinary physicist who invented severals theory to the world such as The atomic bomb: Einstein made theory of atomic bomb in the period of WWII. Second, the quantum theory light which gives the idea that light exists as a @ny par@cles, Einstein called this protons. With Max Plank’s, he later proved that energy and mafer are linked together with the rela@onship called E=mc^2. Third, he began to work about that gravity and accelera@on are equivalent, these two fact are the same phenomenon. AYer that, he created the General theory of rela@vity which shows the mafer and energy actually mild the shape of space and the flow of @me. There are many secret of Einstein, that we cannot figure out. The overall informa@on cover all important sequences of his life ,the end of his life and the well-­‐known theory of Einstein. It figured out that, if our world didn’t have Einstein the world will developed more lower than today. !