NEWSLETTER - Blue Moose Consulting

B l u e
M o o s e
C o n s u l t i n g
Volume 5, No. 8 • August 2008
Talking Business: Natural Pet Care is Our Business
ith natural foods and natural
health care expanding beyond
our doorsteps and into the mass
market, it would be wise of the adaptive
natural foods store to expand the base of its
clientele to the ever-expanding market of
natural pet care. There could not be a more
certain investment for a store
that sees the potential and
works to gain this growing
You cannot ignore the
numbers. Pets are in over 60
million American homes, and
pet product sales are over
$39 billion. Of that, around $10 billion goes
to pet goods and medicines, and the natural/
holistic dog and cat pet category is
skyrocketing from over $500 million in 2005
to an expected $1 billion by 2010. That’s a
big market. Look at the majority of successful
health foods stores, and Whole
Foods, and the space that they
devote to pet care needs: do you
think that this is just a
coincidence? Remember, the goal
is always to get more people into
your store. If they are spending
this money somewhere,
then your goal should be
to make it in your store!!
I love The Nature
Channel. The animal
world offers much for us
to learn from. The
bottom line about those
pets that we take into our home is that, to a
large extent, they become members of our
families. The reality that emerges from this is
that pet lovers now seek treatment options
similar to those that they would expect for
themselves. And, for the person who shops in
your store regularly and the person looking for
natural solutions, these people will continue to
turn to their health food stores for trustworthy
answers for their pet’s health food needs. I can
foresee a time when the pet section in good
health food stores becomes even larger, with
the range of solutions expanding beyond what
most stores provide today.
The realities are that this emerging
market is very competitive. You cannot
just bring in a few products and
capitalize. Most pet owners will go the
most convenient route, and internet
continued on page 2
Retailer Certification
in Homeopathy
Sign up for a one-day intensive on homeopathy
sponsored by Newton Homeopathics
and the American Academy of Clinical
Homeopathy. This course is designed
to cover the basics for store personnel on
what homeopathy is, how homeopathy can
be presented to store customers and what
homeopathy offers in the marketplace that makes
it a growing alternative medicine modality. This
course was a great success when offered two
years ago in Philadelphia and now it is perfectly
situated in the mid-Atlantic states for everyone to
consider attending.
The one day event offers organic meals, and
free product to compensate for the enrollment
fee. When was the last time you were offered a
structured all-day session on homeopathy? Costs
are even better if two staff members attend, so take
this opportunity to sign up now. Space is limited.
Seminar location: Comfort Suites, Leesburg, VA
Date: Thursday, September 04
Sign up now: Call 1-800-448-7256 ext. 229 or
ask your BMC rep for details.
Application posted on the website
under “Industry News”
Talking Health: Maintaining Health in the Sun
h, the sun. Has it changed since we
were young, or are we just more
aware of its devastating power?
The sun is a cog in our wheel of life, but
it is also a scorching force of destruction.
The sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) brings
damage to skin and cells and eyes and is now
causing extreme health damage to millions
every day.
While we know that “getting some sun” is
imperative to natural health as sunlight helps
in the conversion of Vitamin D, we do not
often acknowledge that tanning is actually the
result of sun damage to the skin. Yes, as
millions flock to beach and hammock this
summer, they are putting themselves in danger
of skin cancer, and this is no light matter.
There are now two fantastic nutrients
that both have shown great promise in their
ability to be internal sunscreens, and every
store needs to know these facts and educate
sun-worshipper and outdoors-person alike
about the versatile importance of these two
basic and critical nutrients. GliSODin
vegetarian S.O.D. and astaxanthin.
With all that we learn each day in this
wonderful field, there is very little that
warrants as much attention as these two
nutrients, and anyone who lets me talk for
more than 15 minutes has heard me praise
these nutrients: and yet they are not the bestsellers that they should be. I can only blame
every educator for not doing their homework.
That challenge being issued, I urge everyone to
learn how each of these two nutrients can
assist in skin health, skin cancer prevention and
as a viable internal sunscreen. This is the
season, and now is the time to endcap both
GliSODin and astaxanthin together and start
the learning curve for your community.
GliSODin. The availability of this nutrient
in an absorbable form still ranks as the single
most important breakthrough in human
nutrition in the past 10 years (in my humble
opinion). Superoxide dismutase is the master
antioxidant nutrient. It is the precursor to
glutathione peridoxase, and it controls many
critical functions in the cell mitochondria.
GliSODin is a cantaloupe melon extract
rich in vegetal superoxide dismutase (SOD)
covered by polymeric films of wheat matrix
gliadin. This is the only proven orally effective
delivery of SOD. GliSODin is so important
for so many primary cellular actions, and is a
profound antioxidant/anti-inflammatory that it
should be a primary use nutrient for many
But its effect on solar protection is
breathtaking (even as GliSODin proves
essential for asthmatics!!). Human clinical
research suggests that it aids in the tanning
process while cutting down the potential for
sunburn. Research studies on 15, 50 and 150
people all showed similar results in increasing
internal cellular protection and limiting cell
continued on page 7
Natural Pet Care
continued from page 1
sales of these products will
continue to explode. So success
will be dependent first on the
interest the store gives to the
category. Target and Walmart are both
expanding their pet sections and using pets in
their advertising.
But the natural care market is yours for
the taking. A section of every newsletter
devoted to Pet Health, monthly sales on
essential products, and the greatest rule of
retail: always keep in stock the products that
the buyer wants. Let the pet lover on staff
become the answer person for this section:
the reward will be energy to a department
that should continue to grow with the effort.
Care for a pet is a serious and major
undertaking. As every parent at one time
cautioned the child who begged for the cute
puppy or cat, it is more than just cuddling,
petting and enjoyment. The list of health
concerns that confront a cat and dog owner
daunting: cancer, Lyme disease, kidney
disease, heart disease, parasites, ear mites,
rabies, heartworm, canine and feline
distemper, Kennel Cough, Feline Leukemia
Virus, Feline Respiratory Disease and issues
that include weight management, joint
mobility issues, brain and eye health, dental
problems, and digestive maladies. A
responsibility indeed.
Thankfully, there are caring veterinarians
throughout the country to handle these
health care needs. A call or visit to your local
Vet may strike up a copacetic
relationship. Most of them
have their hands full with
treating the animals, and they
would be very thankful for a
place to send people—
partners in pet health. Let the
Vet tell you if they have a
particular healthy dog or cat food that they
recommend. This has been the road to many
successful partnerships in health food stores
in this region. First food, and then the other
attendant health care tools.
The world of natural pet care is as
fraught with danger as every market is these
days, and you can be assured that
unscrupulous people will greenwash their
concerns for pet health as they scam inferior
quality products onto unsuspecting animal
stewards. So, it is your job to make sure that
you are careful in the products you offer.
If a person is going to buy any pet care
product from your store, it should be Nordic
Naturals fish oils, for only Nordic provides a
product that is superior to any product that
could be offered at your local pet supply
store. These products are so exceptional that
they are the perfect vehicle to advertise that
you have a stellar pet care section, for
Nordic’s Pet Cod Liver Oil and Omega-3
Pet Oil gelcaps are made from the same oils
and the same quality standards that are
used to make their industry-leading
Omega-3 health care products.
The Pet Cod Liver Oil delivers the
purest, freshest and most effective
omega-3 fish oils on the market.
Available in natural triglyceride form for
optimal absorption, Pet Cod Liver Oil is
derived from 100% wild Arctic Cod with no
artificial flavors, colors or synthetic
preservatives added. Each teaspoon supplies
625 mg DHA, 410 mg EPA, 225 mg of other
omega-3 fatty acids, and healthy levels of
Vitamins A and D. The suggested dose is ¼
teaspoon for cats and 1 teaspoon or less for
dogs depending on their weight. The
Omega-3 Pet Oil softgels, derived exclusively
from wild anchovies and sardines, offer
versatile and convenient ease of use.
The important omega-3 fatty acids, EPA
and DHA, support healthy skin, coat, joints,
heart, and the development and maintenance
of the brain and eyes. Since the typical
commercial pet food diet does not provide
adequate daily quantities of the important
omega-3 fatty acids, it is considered essential
Newton for Pets
Bowel Discomfort
Pet Detoxifier
Doggy Breath
Eye Irritation (internal)
Rheumatic Pain
Diarrhea & Gas
Ear Relief
Flea & Bug Bites
Pet’s Fatigue
Skin Relief
for every dog and cat to be given a daily
supplement of fresh and high quality
Omega-3 nutrition.
If you want to become versed in the
many applications of Omega-3 nutrition for a
broad range of pets, refer to the data
assembled at
under the category, “Veterinary Research/
animal studies”. You will find research
regarding the positive and preventative
health care needs for animals ranging from
rats and horses, pigs, and boars to cats & dogs.
The next biggest area of interest for
health care products for animal companions
is homeopathic medicine. Indeed,
homeopathy works—as evidenced
by the rate of return for
homeopathic pet products by
satisfied customers. (Again, beware
the saturation of the internet and
television marketplaces with
dubious products from “instaexpert” doctors: it would be pretty easy to
market an unscrupulous pet homeopathic).
Newton Homeopathics were the
original pet homeopathics in the American
market, and the success of these products is
noteworthy. Some stores almost sell as many
Newton for Pet products as they do human
products, as they work effectively and
thoroughly. Newton offers 12 specific
remedies for common pet maladies, making
this an easy set to carry in any size store.
Newton also offers an attractive counter
display, making Newton and Nordic two
wonderful product lines to occasionally offer
at the front counter in their portable displays
to accentuate that you have a well-rounded
and legitimate pet health care section.
How much do you want to invest
and how well are you willing to
market/merchandise it?
Beyond these basics, the question would
be how far you want to invest in your pet
care section—and there is no limit. I would
suggest that all stores start here, and then
monitor the response. Ultimately, care for
household pets could range beyond dogs
and cats (and there is really a strong market
for equine animal care in many parts of the
mid-Atlantic): do you want to venture out to
products to care for birds, rabbits, guinea pigs,
gerbils and amphibians?
What we do know for all animals is that
they do well with green foods. It would pay
to carry some pet green food to encourage
supplementation with quality green foods.
One great product to complement any pet
section is Aloe Life’s Animal Aloe. This
product is as versatile as any product you can
offer, being an internal
digestive support for all pets,
and an excellent first aid kit
applied directly to wounds,
skin irritation, scars and for use
with hair loss, and gum and
tooth concerns. Whether taken
from the hand for digestion,
licked off the skin or poured onto food, this
product gets multiple health needs met with
each application. (4 oz. liquid gel)
If you want to expand your pet section
gradually, there are many cross-over
merchandizing products that you can add to
your pet section now. The amino acid
l-Taurine is often lacking in most pet diets
where there is little animal meat in the diet,
and taurine deficiencies have become
commonplace with cats and dogs, leading to
heart conditions.
One of the most sought-after pet
products is actually the world’s best
human liver-support formula:
Himalaya USA’s Livercare®. This
product is discussed in many animal
protocols under its international
trademark, Liv.52. Liv.52 is used
internationally in forms and dosages
for dogs and cats, poultry, aquaculture
and livestock supplements for cattle, buffalo,
camels and horses. All animals can benefit
from the herbal liver support that these
products provide. Himalaya Herbal
Healthcare has an entire animal care division.
Life Source Basics also has an animal
nutrition division under its parent company,
BioThera. Their food-grade products have
been scientifically proven to enhance
continued on page 6
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
August Promotions
20% off
minimum order of 3 each
Children’s Echinacea glycerite
Chamomile liquid extract
Lemon Balm liquid extract
Children’s Winter Health Compound
Children’s Herbal Compound
Set your calendar now!
Thursday, August 21st, 2 or 7 pm EST
Tele-Training on Immune Herbs featuring:
Super Echinacea, Echinacea/Goldenseal Compound,
Immune Defense Tonic™, Immunattack™, Virattack™
Ask BMC rep for call in number and
web Presentation Link
Bluebonnet’s new ongoing sales promotion, their Slice of Life
promotion, has been well-received by all size stores. Here is a
great way to increase profitability, make viable sales programs
that fit your store, and promote a supplement line that is built to
work for you.
Ask your BMC rep to show you the way that this Slice of Life
promo is exciting buyers everywhere.
Also, remember to stock these great new items, all excellently
priced. All shipping now!!!
Standardized Panax Ginseng Root Extract
Standardized American Ginseng Root Extract
Standardized Pomegranate Whole Fruit Extract
Standardized Astragalus Root Extract
Zeaxanthin plus lutein softgels®
Standardized Cherry Fruit Extract Vcaps
ECGC Green Tea Extract Vcaps
Tumeric Root Extract Vcaps
Vitamin K-2 NUTRI-K™ Menaquinone-7 (MK-7)
Liquid Cal-Mag 2 New flavors (Mixed Berry flavor and Raspberry flavors)
Not represented by BMC in NJ, SC
Omega 3.6.9 Jr.
360 count, (Strawberry, 250mg) 4 soft gels per serving
Item# RUS-02720; UPC: 7 68990 02720 8
Retail: $42.95, Wholesale $25.77
EPA 120
Children’s DHA 360
180 count, (Lemon, 500mg) 2 soft gels per serving
Item# RUS-02775; UPC: 7 68990 02775 8
Retail: $35.95, Wholesale $21.57
N015 Acne
N057 Hyperactivity
N063 Rosacea Relief
N073 Shingles
N218 Sports Injury, Spray
P018 Rheumatic Pain, Pet
F044 Bedwetting, Kid
New products
August Sales Promotion
20% Discount, 6+ per SKU
Larger sizes on these 3
health promoting products!
Not represented by BMC in NJ
Slice of Life Promo is proving successful!!
120 count, (Lemon, 1000mg) 2 soft gels per serving
Item# RUS-02750
Retail: $49.95, Wholesale $29.97
Relieves symptoms of pain, bruising, and swelling as a result of
a sports related injury. Assists the body in quick recovery from
shock, emotional distress, and trauma associated with the injury.
Remember the children this month as school begins. Promote the
advantage of a daily DHA supplement! Call your BMC rep today to set
up a promo or order a floor display now for your store!
Directions: Pump spray twice into mouth every 10 to 15 minutes
until pain diminishes. For lingering pain and swelling use spray
1 to 4 times daily.
Note: Effective September 1st…New shipping policy goes into effect.
Free shipping with a minimum order of 72 bottles or $950.00. If this
minimum is not met, the freight rebate program does offset shipping
charges with product credit!
Not represented by BMC in NJ, SC and parts of PA
Volume 5, Number 8 • August 2008
Ingredients: Arnica, Chamomilla , China , Hypericum, Ledum,
Phosphorus, Ruta, Rhus tox., Staphysagria, Symphytum 15x.
Arnica, Calendula, Hydrastis, Hypericum, Symphytum 3x.
Alcohol 20%.
Not represented by BMC in NC, SC, WV
Now Here!!
Bring in 12 units of the gel
(can combine both sizes)
and receive 25% OFF
the 12-bottle price
A nonprofit foundation has been established in partnership
with the University of Utah Department of Health to
research the health benefits of Marine Phytoplankton for
human consumption. Glenn Richardson, Ph.D., Professor
and Director of Integrative Health at the University of Utah,
heads the research advisory board consisting of medical
doctors, Ph.D.'s and other health care professionals
presently conducting this study. The research intends
to identify areas in which the consumption of Marine
Phytoplankton improves physical and/or psycho-spiritual
health employing a mixed-method approach.
2oz wholesale $12.03 retail $22.69
1oz wholesale $7.79 retail $14.69
Marine Phytoplankton
Sovereign Silver
Homeopathic First Aid Gel
Restores, Strengthens and Balances your
entire system!
• Cleanse & Detoxify your Blood
• Healthy Skin & Hair
• Digestion Support
• Helps metabolize Fat
• Boosters your Immune System
• Powerful Antioxidant
• Helps control Blood Pressure
• Helps control Blood Sugar levels
Not represented by BMC in NC, SC, NJ, eastern PA
August Promotion
Essential Living Oils
10% off thru August!
Dr. Ohhira’s balanced vegan alternative
to fish oils….providing the beneficial
fats in an ideal balance of Linolenic
Acid (Omega 3), Linoleic Acid (Omega
6, especially GLA) and Oleic Acid
(Omega 9). Based on research by a
renowned Japanese scientist, it was
created from seeds and plants carefully
selected for their unique nutritional
properties. Only non-GMO plants and
seeds are used.
60 vegan capsules
Rice Bran Oil
Perilla seed
Borage Seed oil
Flax seed
Sunflower Seed
Green tea Seed
Olive Oil
Ancient Sun Nutrition, Inc.
Innovative Whole Food Nutrition Solutions
Wild Bars are for that time-off
state of mind.
Wild Bars are excellent energy
for day trips, back-packs and
back porch treats.
For dyed, chemically treated hair.
Surya Brasil offers you the secret of
beautiful Brazilian hair.
Amazonian plants such as acai, cupuacu,
buriti, brazil nut and hazel nut bring back
vitality, shine and softness. All Natural formula
protects while keeping color true longer.
Color Fixation Line includes:
Restorative Shampoo and Conditioner Gentle
formula reconstructs and repairs chemically
treated hair, increasing strength and shine.
Entice this vacation with a raw food
energy bar that delights.
Leave-in Cream Conditioner Hydrates,
strengthens and protects.
Restorative Mask Deep therapy for damaged
hair. Enriched with rice protein and 15 herbs.
Mayan Spice and Mountain Mint
20% Discount
thru Aug. 29th
Daily brushing to exfoliate the
skin helps to improve circulation,
obtain healthy looking skin, and
“wakes up your whole body.” All
brushes bristled into the wood or
acrylic handle for extra long life.
Hand finished oak or maple on all
wood models. All brushes are for
wet/dry use.
Single Application Extra strength conditioning
for damaged and color treated hair offering
intense shine.
Exfoliating Body
Wild Bars are the world’s greatest snack
for enjoying vacation.
August Promotion
August Promotions
15% off Color Fixation products
Direct Orders only!
August is the best month
to move those Wild Bars
to the register.
Finest Quality Hair, Body and
Skincare Accessories
Not represented by BMC in NC, NJ, PA
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
We believe in tea
‘Essential School Supplies’
August Promotion
ImmunoCare, MindCare Jr.,
StressCare, Bacopa,
Amla C, Gotu Kola, Guduchi, All liquids,
Daily Green Tabs
August Promotion**
For Adults, Children & Seniors…..
Certified Organic Greens
Buy 15> receive: 7% off Formulations/3% off Pure Herbs
Buy 25> receive: 15% off Formulations/5% off Pure Herbs
Buy 50> receive: 25% off Formulations/10% off Pure Herbs
Bacopa (Bacopa monniera)
Bacopa is part of that category of Ayurvedic herbs
which help maintain the normal function of mind,
intellect, consciousness and good spirit.
Supports normal mental acuity.
Contains bacosides
Supports the physiological processes involved in
AND, Use the Floor Displays to Save even more!!
‘Increase sales up to 52%’ with HUSA floor
Save 15% off plus additional 5% off
Just ask for one of the Pre-packaged displays or
customize your own!
Displays hold up to 36 regular bottles,
24 economy size, or 24 Soliga Forest Honey
**Discounts are product specific, no substitutes
allowed and are not applicable to Soliga Forest
Honey, Chyavanprash Jam or Koflet Lozenges
unless otherwise noted in the promotions above.
Not represented by BMC in PA, NJ
case of 12 20% off
Blended with a Whole Leaf Aloe Vera
12 green vegetables and 9 exotic foods:
no fillers or allergens
Gluten Free – Ph balancing – energizing
– detoxifying – fiber rich
8 Tablets contain 4-5 servings of
Healthy & Slim Daily Greens 120 Tablets
New Product perfect for this season!!
Bug Beware is 100% safe non-toxic
alternative bug repellent spray.
The strongest Herbal Spray on the market
it contains concentrated active ingredients
that naturally discourage mosquitoes and
other pests from biting children, adults
and pets too!
counter-display: twelve 2 oz. bottles
– 20% off discount
Not dust in bags or bitter black cups
But pure, natural, lush green leaves and complex,
fragrant, flavourful brews.
Organic, as nature intended. Biodynamic and
fair-trade produced, and expertly blended.
Some have praised the “exceptional spirit” of our
teas, but this is simply tea as tea should be.
Welcome to Hampstead.
We invite you to explore our range and
rediscover tea.
Rosehip Hibiscus Tea 10% Off
Direct Orders Only
The majority of Hampstead Tea comes from The
Makaibari Tea Estate. Rajah Banerjee, the owner of
the estate, is a living legend in Darjeeling . His new
book captures the magic of Makaibari and provides
a rare glimpse of one of Darjeeling 's greatest
He is a champion of the organic tea movement, a
social activist for tea laborers and small organic
farmers, an anthropologist who works tirelessly to
preserve the cultural heritage of the Himalayan
region and an environmentalist who fights to
conserve its rich biodiversity.
Learn more about tea: sign up for
the Hampstead Tea email newsletter. Go to
August Promotion
Cordyceps CS-4
A Natural Way to Safely Enhance Your
Children’s Immune System.
Immune Health Basics is introducing a new
children’s chewable product. Nothing is more
important than the health and happiness
of your children. Unfortunately they are
constantly exposed to foreign challenges at
school, daycare or the playground. Immune
Health Basics new lemon chewables are a
simple and safe way to actively support your
children’s health and well-being. Backed by
clinical studies.
Multi-Use - Great all-over wash,
shave gel, & therapeutic bath
No Sodium Lauryl Sulfates
No Parabens
Super concentrated…No Water,
No Filler Ingredients,
Additional organic oils make
wash extra moisturizing
Volume 5, Number 8 • August 2008
Alert! Life Source Basics is changing
their name to:
Immune Health Basics!
Cs-4 is an isolated strain of wild
Cordyceps that has been the focus of
much study throughout China and the
US . Effectiveness has been shown
in conditions of fatigue, adrenal and
sexual function, respiratory support,
kidney health and cardiovascular
health. Because of its ability to
increase stamina, energy levels, and
endurance, it has become one of the
top-selling sports supplements among
the worlds’ elite competitive athletes!
Children’s chewable
reformulated, shipping soon
Order 6 for 15% off
Order 1 case of 12
for 25% off!
August Sales Promotion
15% off
Real Spice Body Wash
Children’s Chewable Beta glucans
Buy 7 bottles and receive 2 bottles free.
90 Vcaps, 400 mg per Vcap
August special
Back to School Health
Natural Pet Care
continued from page 2
immune health in humans and animals, and
are used worldwide in animal nutrition
markets. Their beta glucan products are now
being used as cost-effective protection for
livestock and companion
animals while reducing
dependency on antibiotics.
Show your smartness with
animal nutrition by adding
Bluebonnet top-quality
l-Taurine caps, Himalaya
USA’s LiverCare® and Life
Source Basics beta glucans caps to the
selection. Some products have proven
essential for petcare but are best not crossmerchandised in your pet section. One
example would be Sovereign Silver’s Silver
Hydrosol and the new homeopathic Silver
Gel, for both products have been approved
and registered for human use.
One product that sells nearly as well in
the pet care section as in the human use set
is Well in Hand’s Cut Rescue. This herbal
styptic stick reduces
bleeding after cuts and is
adored by pet owners who
have difficulty cutting their
pet’s nails. Another product
that will soon gain
credibility with pet owners
August Sales Promotion
Mix and Match minimum 12 bottles of
Nutrex Spirulina 5 oz. or 16 oz.
and receive 20% discount plus
3 free books! Direct orders only!
1 tsp. daily as a whole food
supplement. Source of healthpromoting antioxidants, vitamins
and minerals.* Enjoy mixed in juice,
smoothies or sprinkled on food. Also,
great to add to yogurt!
The All Natural Hawaiian
Spirulina Advantage
• Pesticide Free/Herbicide Free/Kosher
• Unique Spirulina Pacifica strain
evolved in Hawaiian sun
• Ultra-pure, deep ocean water adds
minerals and trace elements
• Patented “Ocean-Chill drying
system”- highest carotenoid content
• Glass bottle and oxygen absorber for
freshness and potency
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Get involved. Make your plans now.
HerbDay is a coordinated series of independently produced public educational events celebrating the
importance of herbs and herbalism. HerbDay was conceived of by five nonprofit organizations with
interests in herbs and herbalism (the HerbDay Coalition), to raise public awareness about the significance
of herbs in our lives and the many ways herbs can be used safely and creatively for health, beauty care,
and culinary enjoyment. Greater familiarity with herbs will increase informed use of herbal products and
build public support for maintaining personal choice in the use of botanicals.
The date for HerbDay 2008 is set: Saturday, October 11
The first HerbDay was in 2006. Some folks celebrate before, during and after that day. Everyone is
invited to participate, including herbalists and health care providers using herbs in their practice; authors,
teachers and lecturers with expertise in herbs; herbal product manufacturers and marketers; retailers and
distributors of herbal goods; botanical gardens, parks, and schools — and most importantly, the people
and families who love to use herbs! HerbDay 2008 should be herbal fun!
Register your events by State at and use this event as an effective marketing tool
for your community
is the new Bug Beware from Aloe
Life; as this product will reduce
the mosquitoes and pest bites that
plaque pets all summer long.
Daily nutritional support for
the pet beyond a quality pet food?
Every animal should be offered the benefits of
Nordic Naturals Omega-3 nutrition, Aloe
Life’s quality aloe vera, and Newton
Homeopathics Pet Detox. The pet detox is a
homeopathic support that activates and
detoxifies both the liver and the kidneys, and
as such should be added daily to the pet’s
diet. Pet health, pet illness—both are part of
the contract made between human and
animal, and every good steward should take
Juvo: a Complete Meal
Vegetarian raw Organic freeze-dried
whole foods
The Secrets of Raw Living
Vegetarian Food
1. Embryo Bud (Sprouts). The first secret
of raw food is the embryo bud. This is where
grain starts its life.
2. Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll makes fresh,
clean blood, and helps revive damaged cells,
limits cancer cell growth and virus occurrence,
and functions as an anti-allergen.
3. Enzymes. No matter how much good
food we eat, the food can't become part of our
bodies without enzymes.
4. Dietary Fiber. Fiber is an excellent
internal cleanser. It absorbs and removes
harmful waste products and poisonous
materials, while reducing cholesterol and heavy
metal levels.
5. Phytonutrients. To strengthen the
immunity of our own bodies, we must consume
the immune substances of plants.
6. Vitamins. It's absolutely best to obtain
vitamins through meals of raw, natural,
organic food.
Not represented by BMC in Eastern PA, NJ
their obligations seriously. For that
person trying to do their best, your
store should be an asset and a
wellspring of information. Perform this
role and see the benefits, from the pet
owner who only comes in to your store
for the pet food and the other health support
formulas, and for the regular customer who
buys locally from the store they know they
will get support from in times of need. Every
one of these customers is another asset to your
store, so search out your clientele’s needs and
satisfy them naturally.
(Ask your BMC rep which pet pictured in
the article is theirs.) ❂
August Promotion
Olbas® Inhaler
Pocket Size, Case of 12
Buy 12 get one free
10% off, too!
New prices apply : $39.60/doz
1 FREE, and 10% off
Direct orders only
All Natural Nasal Inhaler Quickly Relieves
Stuffy Sinuses Due To Colds and Allergies
This convenient, pocket-sized nasal inhaler
helps clear congestion FAST giving you the
Olbas Inhaler contains: MENTHOL, derived
from peppermint and used extensively in nose
and throat preparations for soothing relief;
PEPPERMINT this aromatic stimulant provides
welcome relief from sinusitis and congestion;
CAJEPUT used since the 17th century by
Europeans, its antiseptic qualities inhibit the spread
of bacteria, prevalent in respiratory infections;
and EUCALYPTOL, derived from Eucalyptus, also
provides soothing, penetrating relief.
Common use: Aromatic vapors provide a pleasant
cooling sensation to dry, inflamed nasal passages
due to colds, allergies, hay fever, low humidity and
other nasal irritations; some use it when suffering
the effects of air pollution or smoke filled rooms.
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
Health in the Sun
continued from page 1
death from oxidative stress (as a result of sun
damage). Patient comments included that
they tanned more with less exposure to the
sun, and that their tanning process was
speeded up. This product protects on a
cellular level, while “giving the people what
they want” on that topical beauty level.
Certainly information that has scientific
merit and is worthy of sharing with as many
people as possible. For research material, go
to the research website
Bluebonnet Nutrition is the industry
leader in the sale of GliSODin vegetarian
S.O.D. and they have a nice selection of
dosage options with 100 mg and 250 mg
Vcap options in 30 and 60 size bottles. The
research concentrated on levels of 250 mg
1-2 times per day with the product being
taken before exposure to intense sunlight.
The other remarkable attributes of this
product, including the ability of this oral
dosing to accumulate S.O.D. in the tissue
over time, makes either dosage wonderful for
Solar protection
Did you know there are
Internal Suncreen options?
Astaxanthin 4 mg and 6 mg— Nutrex Hawaii
GliSODin vegetarian S.O.D. 100 + 250 mg
Age Less Skin® Vcaps (ascorbyl palmitate, alpha
lipoic aid, DMAE)—Bluebonnet
daily antioxidant protection, especially for
those who work outside all year round!
Realize that the skin is damaged by the
sun long after the initial day’s burn.
Ultraviolet radiation has long been known to
cause epidermis photoaging and skin cancer,
exposure can also cause premature aging of
the skin, wrinkles, dry skin, age spots and
freckles. The best way to prevent problems is
to prevent the burn. Therefore, internal
suncreens would be the best strategy for skin
health. This is why astaxanthin and
GliSODin S.O.D. are so important.
Astaxanthin is also a vegetarian nutrient,
derived from a microalgae. Nutrex Hawaii
is the world’s leading manufacture of this
natural food with their trademarked
BioAstin™ product that is an oil-based
extract of the carotenoid of the microalgae
Haeamatococcus pluvialis that they harvest in
pristine growing conditions in Hawaii. They
also have an international patent on the use
of astaxanthin as an internal sunscreen based
upon research conducted in 2002. You
should carry only one astaxanthin and it
should be BioAstin™!
It is amazing that this cutting-edge
research has not received international
attention in a world where skin cancer is the
fast-growing and most virulent form of cancer
afflicting humanity! Dr. Nicholas Perricone did
praise astaxanthin in his book, The Wrinkle
Cure, and has mentioned this superstar
antioxidant in his appearances on Oprah, but
the natural foods industry has been slow to
translate the research into popular product
usage. Astaxanthin should be an everyday
“We Are health food people”
Alice K. Maher, BMC Sales Representative & Educator,
Warrenton, VA (Moose living in Horse Country)
“Considering one ripple”
I’m a Certified Holistic Health Counselor & loving mother of three—
six including the pets! A 2008 graduate of the Institute for Integrative
Nutrition in NYC, with an advance study diploma from Columbia
University which will continue this upcoming year in graduate school.
I’m certified by the American Association of Drugless
I lead workshops on nutrition & work with
individuals and groups in a six-month program,
covering diet, nutrition, physical movement, career,
relationships & spirituality. Counseling either in person
in my office or via the telephone, my goal is improving
clients’ health & lifestyle in an easily integrated & lasting way. Specialties are helping
adults & children with ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Allergies, Colds & Sinus, Digestion,
Sugar Addiction, & Heart Disease.
With the world’s health situation seriously declining, we are each needed more
than ever. Remember just one person whose health you empowered? Imagine if they
spoke with ten people & they, ten...I encourage you to invite a “Moose” into your
store, explore together, the little “Blue” book they carry. Then observe the ripple effect,
as they train you & entire staff + promote & demonstrate for your customers, many of
the worlds finest quality body care, bars, teas, & supplements, at no cost to you! Let’s
continue to impact the health of America one day, one person, one ripple at a time.
Call a Moose — make your ripple .............................& ripple on.........
Alice—The Looking Glass/Natural Health
58 Winchester Street, Warrenton VA 20186 / 540 347 0073 / 540 222 5228 /
Volume 5, Number 8 • August 2008
Expo East:
Support your Industry. Have fun, and make your
business better. Attend the Expo East trade show
in Boston this October. Register today, online
(, then click on “Attend”) or by
phone (866-458-4935 toll free) or fax.
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Educational Programs: October 15-18, 2008
Trade Show: October 16-18, 2008
Join us at Natural Products Expo East, the
premier educational event designed exclusively
for Independent Retailers More than 1,100
companies will attend, offering the largest
collection of healthy, natural, and organic
products and branded ingredients you’ll find
anywhere on the East Coast.The show floor
experience is enhanced with education and
networking events to offer a well-rounded
business opportunity.
Keynote Speaker Frances Moore Lappé
is the author of the bestseller Diet for a Small
Planet and recently Getting a Grip. In her
keynote address, Lappé will stress how her Diet
for a Small Planet philosophy remains valid,
and how food remains the central issue through
which to understand world politics.
The Wednesday Retailer Workshop, a
full-day of education one day before the show
floor opens, provides category buyers and
managers direct interaction as they receive
focused, intensive training and advice from
industry experts and peers.
word, like ubiquinol and alpha lipoic acid and
l-carnitine are becoming.
There have been studies of astaxanthin in
this role since 1995, and in vitro studies
conclude that astaxanthin is beneficial in
protecting against DNA damage induced by
exposure to UVA radiation. The mechanism
of actions are not clearly known, and it may
be reflective of astaxanthin’s outstanding
anti-inflammatory capabilities. Astaxanthin
reduces ROS (reactive oxygen species),
reduces lipid peroxidation and seems to exert
an influence on the degenerative changes in
dermal connective tissues specific to damage
resulting from UVA and UVB radiation. That
being said, in sun-drenched tropical Hawaii ,
everyone knows that astaxanthin is a must for
anyone who wants to experience the mid-day
sun safely.
Nutrex now has two incredible
astaxanthin products, their original 4 mg
BioAstin™ gelcap, and their new BioAstin
Supreme™ that provides 6 mg in a
vegetarian softgel with organic olive oil. Their
new MD Formulas Hawaii™ line also
includes a very comprehensive skin care
formula called DermaAstin™ that is
designed to nourish the skin while protecting
it from the ravaging effects of sun exposure
and UV radiation. It contains 8 mg of
astaxanthin per two vegetarian capsules.
Nutrex now has for a limited time one of the
continued on page 8
Blue Moose Consulting
P.O. Box 557
Falls Church, Va. 22040-0557
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If you’d like to receive information by
email, send your request to
VISIT us at our website!
“If you don’t read this newsletter every month, you are missing something.”
Health in the Sun
continued from page 7
best intro offers you will ever see on a package
of these MD Formula Hawaii products, all
highlighting the amazing nutrient astaxanthin.
Ask your BMC rep for details and highlight
astaxanthin with GliSODin while the sun is
still high in the sky!
Astaxanthin has another intriguing
attribute for skin beauty health. Astaxanthin
has shown to be beneficial at reducing melanin
to levels up to 40% in in-vitro studies. This
makes it a sought-after product for people
concerned about freckles, age spots and skin
staining. Astaxanthin seems to have more
profound effect on overall skin health and
beauty than GliSODin, which seems to be
more profound in its effects on cellular health.
Astaxanthin has shown evidence in
numerous studies to reduce wrinkles, increase
skin moisture, elasticity, smoothness and skin
tone and to reduce pimples. Again, I ask, why
is astaxanthin not the best-selling nutrient in
your aging and beauty section? Astaxanthin,
Nordic Naturals Omega-3s, and Bluebonnet’s
Ageless Skin® for everyone concerned about
skin health. Add Himalaya’s LiverCare®,
DermaCare®, and Herb Pharm’s Dermal
Health and you have the best skin care section
around, naturally!
But back to internal sunscreens. Both
GliSODin vegetarian S.O.D. and astaxanthin
are proven internal sunscreens. Both perform
many elemental functions for overall human
health. Both provide noticeable results: for the
person preparing for vacation, the person
spending time relaxing in the sun, the person
toiling in the sun and for any person who has
gotten more sun than they need. The facts are
sun damage is danger, and cancer. Humans
foolishly ignore these facts: once they know
the facts, your job will be complete. Good luck
this August and every day thereafter. ❂
How to Reach Blue Moose Consulting
Call as often as necessary: we want to be of assistance
Blue Moose Consulting • Michael Hennessey
office: 202-588-8238 • cell: 202-236-3735 • fax: 202-986-9501 •
PO Box 557 • Falls Church, VA. 22040-0557
3509 Connecticut Ave., NW, # 150 • Washington, DC 20008
Companies represented:
Bluebonnet Nutrition
fax: 1-281-240-3535
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Herb Pharm
information: 541-846-6262
orders: 800-348-4372
fax: 800-545-7392
Williams, OR 97544
Newton Homeopathics
800-448-7256 • 770-922-2644
fax: 1-800-760-5550
Conyers, GA 30012
Aloe Life International
orders: 1-800-414-ALOE (2563)
fax: 619-258-1373
San Diego, CA. 92107
Himalaya USA
fax: 713-863-1686
Houston, TX 77042
Perfect Organics, Inc.
703-734-2434 • 800-653-1078
fax: 703-852-7199
Merrifield, VA 22116
AromaLand, Inc.
505-438-0402 • 800-933-5267
fax: 505-438-7223
Santa Fe, NM 87507
The Hair Doc Company
800-7 hair doc • 818-882-4247
fax: 818-341-3104
Chattsworth, CA 91406
Hampstead Tea
U.S. Inquiries: 703-791-1818 •
fax: 866-888-1127
Broad Run, VA 20137
Essential Formulas, Inc.
fax: 972-255-6648
Farmers Branch, TX 75234-8906
Life Source Basics
fax: 651-675-0400
Eagan, MN 55121
Olbas/Penn Herb Co., Ltd. •
orders: 800-523-9971
fax: 215-632-7945
Philadelphia, PA 19154
Epic Herbal Medicinals
434-534-6050 • 888-550-7774
fax: 434-534-6040
Forest, VA 24551-1200
Nordic Naturals:
Pure and Great Tasting
Omega OIls
800-662-2544 • 831-724-6200
fax: 831-724-6600
Watsonville, CA. 95076
Corp./Sovereign Silver
888-328-8840 • 954-979-0885
fax: 954-979-0838
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Mushroom Science
888-283-6583 • 541-344-8753
fax: 541-344-3107
Eugene, OR 97405
Surya Brasil
877-997-8792 • 718-267-9696
fax: 718-267-9648
Long Island City, NY 11105
Erom, Inc./Juvo
714-562-1515 •
800-558-Juvo (5886)
fax: 714-562-1516
Buena Park, CA 90620
Ancient Sun Nutrition, Inc.
877-429-0509 • 828-51-9290
fax: 828-651-0473
Asheville, NC 28802
Opinions expressed in this newsletter are solely those of Blue Moose
Consulting. Blue Moose Consulting is not paid for endorsing any products.
Support all the lines we represent: Independence, Quality, Strength
Editor and writer, Michael Hennessey • Graphics, Theresa Welling • Distribution and webmaster, Terry Gallagher