Eaglepress Newsletter Next Deadline is June 23, 2014 @ 1 p.m. June 2014 Content Chief & Council........................2 Lands/ Membership/ Research......................3 Public Works...............4 Sustainable Ec Dev......5 Employment & Training ......................6 Community Vision in English The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation look to our Anishinabe roots to guide our vision for the future as a strong, caring, connected community who respects the earth’s gifts and protects the environment for future generations. Our identity includes our history, language, culture, beliefs and traditions which we strive to incorporate into the programs and services offered to our community. New Credit Historical TidbitDedicated on June 27, 1852, the Mission Church at New Credit was dedicated 162 years ago. The Rev. Peter Jones preached the sermon of dedication that day, and later, 500 people enjoyed a celebratory feast to mark the occasion. Part of the Methodist branch of Christianity, the church not only served the people of the New Credit First Nation, but also served the religious needs of non-reserve individuals seeking services of a Methodist persuasion. The mission church became part of the United Church of Canada in 1925 and remains part of that denomination today. Darin P. Wybenga, MNCFN Public Library Ojibwe.........................7 Classified.....................8 Chief & Council Meetings Infrastructure & Dev elopement, June 2, @ 9:00 am. Education & Social Services, June 9, @ 9:00 am. Regular Council June 16, @ 7:00pm. Executive Finance June 23, @ 9:00 am. All Band Council meeting are held downstairs in the (Administration) Buliding. MNCFN Chief & Council 2012 - 2013 Administration Building.......................................................... 905 768 1133 Chief Bryan LaForme............................................................. 905 768 3858 Councillor Clynten King.......................................................... 905 768 1696 Councillor Sharon Bonham.................................................... 905 768-4981 Councillor Arland Laforme........................................................519-761-9992 Councillor Cecil Sault............................................................. 905 869 1615 Councillor Erma Ferrell.......................................................... 905 768 3543 Councillor Stacey Laforme..................................................... 905 768 2818 Councillor Larry Sault.............................................................226-387-3364 The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Monday June 16, 2014 at 7pm in the Administration Building. All band buildings will be closed on Friday June 20 for Indian Solidarity Day. Chief & Council Monthly Activity Report -Erma Ferrell- May 2014 Aaniin – I see your light – word is used as “hello” Nanaboozhoo – Is an old Anishinaabek greeting - hearing the same stories and believing the same things. When you met someone – self identification Erma n’dizh nikaas – Erma I am called Chejauk dodem niin daaw – Crane Clan I belong Mississaugas of the New Credit n’doonjibaa– I am from May 03, 2014 – Matrimonial Law – Community Meeting A community meeting was held in the Council Chambers to discuss the proposed Matrimonial Law Policy. Band members met at May 03, 2014, to discuss what should be included in our Matrimonial Law. It is important we create a matrimonial law policy to govern our First Nation to settle property disputes on reserve. The Provincial Matrimonial Law will take precedent over our First Nation if we do not have our own policy in place. Due to the amount of time required for this document, it was decided a job posting would be created to advertise for two contract individuals to complete the policy. Eaglepress June 2014 The afternoon was spent at the home Nancy Rowe in her round house listening to teachings of our Clan system. Thank you very much to Nancy and her guests, Gordon Waindubence, Elder from the Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island and to Larry McLeoad-Shabogesic from Nipissing First Nation. Their teaching of our clan system was very educational. Also, thank you to everyone who contributed to our pot luck breakfast and to our lunch. May 15, 2014 – Brant Family Services Strategic Planning Meeting During the Brant Family Services monthly meeting Board members reviewed a new policy format for staff to improve home visits. May 20, 2014 – Special Council Meeting – Community Centre A special meeting was held with the parents and extended family and friends of Makayla Sault and the Brant Family Services (formerly known as the C.A.S.) , to ensure Makayla the Brant Family Services will not remove her from her family home. Condolences Condolences to Brandon & Jeannette Hill on the recent passing of Jeannette’s Mother. Erma Ferrell – ermaferrell@hotmail.ca 905-7681133 or 905-768-3543 2 Eaglepress June 2014 Lands/Research/Membership Please make sure that Lands/Research/Membership Department has your current address. If you know any band members not living in our area, please forward their addresses to us. This is to ensure that you receive important information about the Land Claims, Community Trust and the up coming Band Elections. This information can be either phoned into our office at 905 768 0100 or mail to : Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation ATTN.: Lands/Research/Membership Department 2789 Mississauga Rd. Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 If you simply mail it to R. R.. #6 Hagersville, without stating the civic address, the Post Office has said they will return it to the sender. Thank you for your careful consideration when mailing anything to our office. Why Register It is important to register your baby within the first year. During that year or shorter when the baby is not registered, it will be covered for services, under the mother or fathers number, which ever one is registered. If both are registered use the number of the primary parent, that means the parent the baby is to be registered under the primary parent. Once the baby is registered, a status card can be issued. We recommend a picture be put on the card, because it is a picture ID. The picture is to be Current, within the last six months. The minor cards expire every two years. Documents Required -Certified copy of Live Birth, (Long form) -Parental Consent Form (signed by both parents). -Custody Orders (if applicable). Donation Policy This is a reminder to the New Credit Band Members that the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Council has a “Donation Policy” in place. The “Donation Policy” is for donations but also includes the Registration/lessons fees reimbursement. The “Donation Policy” has been developed pursuant to the MNCFN Vision Statement. The MNCFN see the need for and is committed to the advancement of our First Nation through academic excellence and sportsmanship, under the categories of education, health and welfare, sports and recreation, art and culture and the environment. Donations granted under this policy are normally intended as one time special event funding to assist band members. The donation funding Does Not cover costs supported by other programs or funding sources, purchasing of equipment, tuition, books, travel and accommodations. The Donation Policy includes registration/lesson fees for any of the eli- Lands, Research, & Membership gible categories, on a reimbursement basis with receipts, up to $250.ºº Per applicant per year Event Funding Events funding for any one of the eligible categories listed One time a year funding to a maximum of $500. or 50% of the proposed budget - individual. To a maximum of $1,000. or 50% of the proposed budget - group (three plus people) Exclusions: No donations/reimbursements will be provided for cost associated with licenses, permits, or registration fees related to motorized vehicles. The Donation policy covers the period April 1–March 31 each year For the eligibility criteria, see the “Donation Policy”. Donation Policy packages can be picked up at the Research, Lands and Membership, 468 New Credit Road Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Applications need to be in two weeks prior to event. Registering Births & Deaths Effective immediately the only documentation that is acceptable for registering births is the Long Form Birth Certificate which identifies the parent(s) by name additional information is also required. Letters from municipal registrars are NOT acceptable to register births. Also, effective immediately the only documentation for registering deaths is the Vital Statistics Death Record; Church Death Registration; Coroner’s Report; Funeral Director’s Statement; Burial Permit; or Internment Certificate. Expiry date Minor children status cards expire every two years and adult status cards expire every five years,. New cards maybe obtained at the Lands/Research/Membership office every Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Buyer Beware Purchasing land or a house for your protection, check with the Lands/Research/Membership Department at 905 768 0100 before purchasing land or house to ensure that there is no encumbrance or lien against the land or house such as liability, mortgage, or claim. Wellness Policy If you need a community wellness policy and or form you can find them on the website under the Lands, Membership, and Research Department page or stop by the LRM Office and pick a copy up. For more information on any services provided by the Lands/Research/Membership Department please contact us at 905 768 0100 or at the above address. 3 Public Works Eaglepress June 2014 Public Works Household Tips: For Public Works water, sewer, & roads emergencies call Brandon Cell# 905-517-7900 Carpets - Deep clean carets and rugs once a year. Mold spores and dust mites are found deep in the carpet and are difficult to remove by vacuuming. Please keep in mind that there are service lines (water/ Sewer, Gas, Hydro, and Phone) that run through the MNCFN territory (on your property & along the road allowance) and lines need to be located if you plan on digging. To request a locate for one or more of the services, please take note of the locate service numbers as follows Clothes Dryer - Vacuum lint from ducts and areas surrounding the clothes dryer every 3 months. Remove lint after each use of the dryer. if your dryer has a dirty lint tray and dryer vent, it will use more energy and will cost more. Install bird screen in the outside dryer vent and kitchen stove vent to stop birds from building nest. Obstructions like bird nest stope the fans from working effectively, and cost more in terms of energy. Call Before You Dig Water/Sewer 905-768-1133, Brandon Hill or Matt Sault Gas Line 519-445-4213, Six Nations Natural Gas Hydro Line 1-888-664-9376, Hydro One Network Inc. Phone Line 1-800-400-2255, Bell Canada Paying Your Account When paying your account in cash at the Administration Building please have the exact amount due. As many of you are aware, the downstairs back door of the Agimaw Gamig (Admin Building) is locked. Please enter the building by the front doors and ASK THE FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST to see Public Works Staff for any payments and/or other business. ALL GUEST TO THE BAND OFFICE NEED TO SIGN IN and be announced to the department for everyone’s health and safety. Also, as of September 1, 2012, the front desk receptionist will only accept payments if the Public Works Office staff are unavailable. Supply Staff will not be able to accept payments at any time. HOW TO BE A LEAK SEEKER A Water Meter Can Help A water meter is the measuring device used to monitor the volume of water your household uses. However, it can also play a major role in finding leaks Most households water meters are designed with a “low flow indication device” visible on the face of the meter. Depending on the age, type, and manufacture. This device can be either red or black and could be either triangle or diamond in shape. The low flow indicator is calibrated to register even the smallest amount of water passing through the meter. This is beneficial in leak seeking. To check for leaks first ensure there is no water running anywhere in the house. Locate you water meter. Find the low flow indicator, as described above, and see if it is moving. If its spinning, somewhere water is running, most likely a leak. Attention Please Watch for the water service curb stops when you are cutting the grass within the road allowance and water main valve boxes when cutting grass in the ditches. MNCFN PW 4 Eaglepress June 2014 Sustainable Eocnomic Development Sustainable Economic Development Community Centre Rental Rates For Rent Community Member - $25.00 per hour The MNCFN Sustainable Economic Development Department has the following rental units available: Industrial Park – Unit 1 (3,000 sq. ft.) & 3 (20,000 sq. ft.) Contact the Sustainable Economic Development Department 905 768 1133 Mon.–Fri. 8:30–4:30 for more information. New Credit Variety & Gas Bar 78 Mississauga Rd. Hagersville, On 905-768-8787 Store hours are Sunday thru Saturday 6am till 9 pm. Country Style Bistro hours Monday–Friday in store 6 am to 8 pm drive thru 5 am to 8 pm Sat and Sunday in store 7 am to 8 pm drive thru 6 am to 8 pm 289-282-1155 - $200 for basic day, - with Kitchen add $40.00 per day. If you have safe food handling course then kitchen rental will be $30.00 per day. Youth and Elders room is $15 dollars per hour. MNCFN Group (i.e. Public Works) - $25.00 per hour, - $200.00 per basic day - with Kitchen add $40.00 per day. Youth and Elders room is $20.00 per day. Non Profit Rentals - $30.00 per hour - $240.00 for basic day, - with kitchen add $50.00 per day. Youth and Elders room is $20.00 per hour. Profit Groups - $40.00 per hour, - basic day $320.00 - with Kitchen add $50.00 per day. Youth and Elders room is $20.00 per hour. To rent the Community Centre please call Aimee Sault @ 905-768-1133 ext. 244. 5 EaglePress June 2014 Mississaugas of the New Credit Employment & Training Attention Students Resume workshop June 11, 2014 5:00-7:30 Lower Level - Social & Health Services Bring in your work, school and volunteer information (or a resume) so that we can help you update it for the summer jobs deadline on June 12. Upcoming deadlines for Summer Jobs June 6, 3:00 pm, Library/historical Assistant – Deliver to the Library by deadline. June 12, 4:00 pm * Person Friday (repost – funding pending) *Grounds Maintenance (2 funding pending) * Day Camp Counsellor (2 funding pending) Complete applications must be submitted – these are available at Social & Health Services Reception and online at www.newcreditfirstnation.com under employment opportunities. Employment & Training Self Employment Training Graduates Congratulations to our 9 entrepreneurs who have successfully completed the first step in building their business or idea into a successful career. Thank you to their families for having the patience and support while they attended Friday nights and Saturdays. Keep your eyes open for these new or re-ignited businesses in the very near future. Emergency First Aid & CPR for Summer Students Wednesday July 2 2014 9 am - 4 pm, Lower Level of Social & Health Services. Please book your Intake Appointment at least 1 day in advance. Intake Packages are available at the Social & Health Reception or via www.newcreditfirstnation.com. You will find a PDF of intake forms under Departments - Social & Health Services (scroll to just above the ALFDC & Canada logos). Employment & Training Planned Absences: June 4-9, June 19, June 30, July 11,14, 2014 Mississaugas of the New Credit Employment & Training 659 New Credit Road, R.R. # 6 Hagersville, Ontario N0A 1H0 Phone #: (905) 768-1181 x223 Fax #: (905) 768-0404 Michele.king@newcreditfirstnation. com 6 Ojibwe Eaglepress June 2014 Let’s Speak Ojibwe It is envisioned that together, we can pratice these common words, phrases, and revive the awareness of our language. As most of us known there are a number of various dialects in the Ojibwe language. What will be presented in these on-going inserts will be what the writer has been taught. Birds – Bneshiinhik Wild Pigeon – Miimii Blue Jay – Gwiingwiish Chickadee – Jigjigaaneshiinh Hummingbird – Naanooshkaan Robin – Pichi Swallow – Zhaawnoo-bneshiinh Woodpecker – Baapaase Mudhen – Shagi Snowbird - Waabningziinh Prepared by Kerri L. King, with the assistance of ‘Kidwenan, an Ojibwe Language Book,’ written by Isadore Toulouse Bebamikawe. Vision Statement in Ojibwe: Ezhi niigaan waabjigaayewaad Mississaugas New Credit endaawaad (the vision of these people). Ezhip mino maadzijig (living a joyful life), ezhi waamjigaazwaad (their identity, how people have identified them), ezhi debwedmowaad (their beliefs), ezhi mimiingaazwaad (what was given to them by Creation, what they always had, their heritage), niigaabminunkiiwaad Anishinaabek (is how they always lived as Anishinaabek). Translated by: Nimkew Niinis, N’biising First Nation. 7 Classified EaglePress June 2014 Classified New Credit Library Hours If you would like to receive your EaglePress Newsletter by e-mail please send your request to reception@newcreditfirstnation.com Land for Sale 2 acres of land for sale 208’ x 416’. Has access to hydro, natural gas, piped water and sewer. Culvert is in at road. Survey is done. Call 905768-1547. Weed Warriors Lawn Care Lawn care, property maintenance, Sam 519-426-7537 Triple A Sewing By Andrea M. Sault Specializing in Adult & Children’s Clothing alterations Special orders Located 3404 R. R..#6 Hagersville On. andrea_m_45@ yahoo.com 905 768 1259 Secords Crafts Embroidery now available LetteringGraphics-Native designs 3238 Second Line Open: Mon.–Fri. 9 am–4:30 905 768 9310 myspace.com/ secordsnativecrafts.com Eamil: Secords_Crafts@ hotmail.com or Facebook: “Secords_Crafts” Free Scrap Removal Removal of Scrap Metals, Electronics & Recycling Industrial Materials, Farm & Automotive Machinery, Cottage & Home Metals, Batteries, Building Materials, Household Items Tires if Still on their Rims Will Pay Cash for Automobiles, Machinery & Scrap in Large Quantities call 905-768-9310 For Rent Inflatable Bounce Castle call 768-9053 Darla 905- To rent the New Credit Church Hall Contact 905-7685981 or 905-768-5598 House for Sale - House and 1 acre of Land for sale Serious Inquiries Only Please. 905-768-3684 House for rent April 1, 2014, 3 bedroom with large yard on townline. Call 905 961 1624 0r 289 682 8165 For Sale For sale large 3 bedroom home on one acre lot 1 km from Hagersville on Indian Line Rd. For more information please call 519-428-2548 or 519-718-4812. LIL ‘ RASCALS CASTLES Inflatable Bouncy Castle Rentals 2980 Mississauga Rd. Hagersville, ON To Book Your Bouncy Call 519-732-1710 or e-mail; lil-rascals-castles@hotmail.com Jay’s Variety Open 7/days a week Mon – Fri 6am – 10pm Sat & Sun 7am – 9pm All Day Breakfast - Restaurant Store - Pool Tables - Gas Bar *Effective Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Mon thru Thurs 4 pm to 9 pm Tribal Body Piercing Body Jewelry and Accessories by Dee 78 First Line Rd. And Hwy #6 New Credit Plaza 289-758-3779 Recreation Committee “If you are interested in renting the ball diamond/grove area during the upcoming 2014 season, please contact either Kerri L. King at 289-439-6353 or Evan Sault at 519-770-7371. Please note that weekends fill quickly, book early to avoid disappointment.” HONEST ENGINE Automotive Service & Repair 3076-1 Mississauga Rd. Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 If It’s broken or just wounded, we may be able to fix it. Just give us a call. Bill LaForme 519-717-5331 J-n-J Roofing & Renovations R. R. #2 Oshweken, ON N0A 1M0 No job too big or too small James Butler 519-732-1769 Josh Laforme 226-388-8605 Wanted Looking for someone to make moccasins with a rubber sole as well as regular sole. Please contact Gwen Johnson 905-359-9293 or gwen. johnson@cogeco.ca Carla’s Cakes a’ more ® Carla Campbell (King) Get your cake and floral order in one place. Custom made cakes, cake toppers, edible photo images, airbrushing, and many more bakery items. In addition to regular cakes, lowfat & diabetic are also available. One week notice of order. Order via (519) 774 8334 Check out our FB page, Carla’s Cakes a’ more… Hours 8:30a-4:30pm Mon-Sat” By appointment. www.carlascakesamore.com Puppies for sale Chihuahua/Shih Tzu $350.00 each 3 females. Ready for middle of May 905-768-9012 please leave message. Heritage and Cultural Coordinator (Summer Student) I am pleased to announce that I, Brittney Sault, will be taking on the position of Heritage and Cultural Coordinator for the 2014 summer season. I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario, with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science and an Honours Specialization in Criminology. I’m a registered band member and resident of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. I look forward to supporting the Cultural Committee in all initiatives throughout the upcoming summer months, as well in assisting to make the 28th Annual Three Fires Pow Wow & Traditional Gathering a continued success. Best Regards, Brittney Sault 8