LLN Skills Check: for use by volunteer LLN tutors working in Community Services Resources to Support the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) components for volunteer literacy tutors and Community Services and Health Care Workers was funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy Program (WELL) by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). This resource is under license and copyright restrictions. Please refer to the licensing agreement for complete information. Published by Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council Ltd ABN 96 056 479 504 PO Box 49 Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 Telephone: (02) 9270 6600 Fax: (02) 9270 6601 Email: admin@cshisc.com.au Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 LLN Skills Checks and LLN Assessments ......................................................................................... 1 Using this resource ............................................................................................................................ 1 Conducting the LLN Skills Check .......................................................................................... 3 Step 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Step 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Step 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Appendix I: LLN Skills Check interview form ......................................................................... 7 Appendix II: A self-assessment ........................................................................................... 10 Appendix III: Sample form ................................................................................................... 11 Appendix IV: LLN Skills Check summary ............................................................................ 12 Introduction Welcome to the LLN Skills Check. This resource has been developed for volunteer language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) tutors who work in the community services and health industry. LLN Skills Checks and LLN Assessments This resource is not an assessment tool, but a resource to determine whether a client, or a learner, would benefit from having a thorough language, literacy and numeracy skill assessment, carried out by an assessor who has expert knowledge of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and who is also a trained assessor. As a volunteer LLN tutor, you are not expected to carry out in-depth ACSF assessments but you do have a valuable role in determining whether a client would benefit from that process. An initial LLN Skills Check will determine whether learners have the skills to be able to carry out their job or training effectively, or whether they may struggle. If you identify that a learner may struggle, then it will be valuable to refer that learner for a thorough ACSF assessment, which will determine the detail of the learner’s skill level, covering core skills and aspects of skills which require development. This information can then be used to plan appropriate support for individual learners. An example Katie is a volunteer LLN tutor working with a group of personal carers at a community aged care facility, who are all enrolled in a Certificate III in Aged Care. Several of the workers can cope quite well with the language, literacy and numeracy tasks required of their job, and of the training, but Katie is not sure about a small group of three. After negotiating with her supervisor, Katie invites each of the three learners for a one to one LLN Skills Check. Two of the learners seemed to struggle through the skills check tasks, so she decides to refer them both on for a further ACSF assessment. The other learner completed all the tasks with no difficulty at all, but seems to be very shy. After another chat with her supervisor, Katie makes a plan to support the shy learner to be more confident in her role. The follow up ACSF assessment of the two learners determines that both have learning, reading and writing skills lower than the requirements of the job, and lower than a learner competent in the core units of competency in the Certificate III in Aged Care. The ACSF assessor recommends support for learning, reading and writing, and identifies some strategies to develop procedural reading and writing skills in line with those required of a personal carer. Using this resource This resource outlines a process for the volunteer LLN tutor to work through, set out in series of steps that would be carried out in a face to face, one to one, interview. Before you start using the LLN Skills Check you should read through the entire resource. You may need to modify some of the steps or tasks to suit the requirements of your learners and their workplace or simulated workplace. Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 1 The following chart summarises the steps included in the process. Step 1: Set up interview in a comfortable space Step 2: Explain the purpose of the interview Step 3: Talk to the learner about their background and skills Step 4: Ask the learner to carry out the selfassessment Step 5: Ask the learner to complete three written tasks Step 6: Make a judgement about the learner's core LLN skills Step 7: Explain to the learner whether you will make a recommendation for a more thorough core LLN skills assessment Step 8: Complete summary report The following section outlines each of the steps in detail. Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 2 Conducting the LLN Skills Check Step 1 Interviews can be daunting, even for people who have well developed skills and knowledge. Many of the learners that you interview will be nervous and perhaps suspicious of why they are being interviewed. Do what you can to put the learner at ease, including arranging a comfortable space for the interview to take place. Throughout the interview, you will also need to be sensitive to anxieties or stresses that may affect the LLN Skills Check, for example if a learner is obviously upset the interview should be postponed. Be aware that there could also be cultural issues that may affect the interview process. Step 2 Reinforce that the learner should feel at ease. Explain that the purpose of the LLN Skills Check is to gather information about their language, literacy and numeracy skill level to help determine future training needs. Also explain that the process will include a one-to-one chat and then some time will be given for the learner to complete two or three activities – all up the interview will take about an hour. Encourage the learner to feel comfortable and ask questions at any time. The interview is an opportunity for you to gather information about the learner’s oral communication (speaking and listening) and also about their approach to learning. Step 3 Use the LLN Skills Check interview form to guide an interview with the learner. The form is included at Appendix I. You should complete the form in conversation with the learner, using the suggested prompts where required, or your own prompts. Not all the questions will be relevant – they are a guide to getting learners to talk about their educational background, their interests and about their language, literacy and numeracy skills. This is all useful information to help you determine language, literacy and numeracy skill levels. Step 4 The self-assessment, included at Appendix II, is also designed to be completed by you during the interview. Again, it is a tool to encourage learners to talk about the skills they have and the skills they would like to develop. Because they are conducted orally, the LLN Skills Check interview and the self-assessment are ways of specifically collecting information about the learner’s oral communication skills. Step 5 Ask the learner to complete up to three written tasks. Task 1 The first task should be a form – it may be the form included at Appendix III, or it may be a form that the learner would be familiar with from the workplace or immediate environment. Forms are a part of everyday life and it is more than likely that your learner will have Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 3 completed numerous forms. Because of this, completing a form is likely not to be too confronting and so it serves as a good first written task. Provide assistance to the learner if required. If the learner struggles to complete the form, do not give any further written tasks. Go straight to Step 6. If the learner completes the form with not too much assistance required, provide a further task. Task 2 Make the second task a reading task. You could use any of the following texts: a brochure about a service a work document, such as instructions to complete an individual care plan or a simple safety procedure a local newspaper a position description a summary table. Select a part of the text, for example an introductory paragraph, or an advertisement. Ask the learner to read the text and answer three or four simple questions to check his or her understanding. See an example below. An example The second written task that Katie gives during the LLN Skills Check is based on a small advertisement for a nearby cafe that she cut out of the local newspaper. Cafe Bloom Nika and her team would like to welcome you to Cafe Bloom! We have more than 20 years experience in serving good food to tempt your taste buds. Why not join us for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Open hours: Mon – Sat 8am – 7pm Sun – closed Katie asked the learner to read through the advert, and then asked the following questions. What is the name of the cafe? Who runs the cafe? What meals are served? Could you have breakfast there at 7.30am on Tuesday? Would you go there for a celebratory birthday dinner with a group of friends? How many days a week is the cafe open? Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 4 If the learner has difficulty in answering your questions, then do not give any further tasks. Go straight to Step 6. If the learner answers your questions without needing to be prompted, then give a further task. Task 3 The third task could be a more complex reading task or perhaps a numeracy task if the learner needs to have numeracy to carry out their job effectively. You could use any of the following texts: a complex work procedure an instruction manual an annual report Select a few pages of the text, for example a section or a chapter. Ask the learner to read the text and answer three or four questions to check their understanding. Ask further questions if the learner shows no difficulties with what has been asked, but be careful not to push the learner too far which may result in embarrassment or withdrawal. See an example below. Go to Step 6. An example Katie picked up the annual report of the organisation she worked for, which was sitting on the coffee table. She chose a page that summarised the background or the organisation and asked the learner to read the first column. Then she asked: How many years has the organisation been in business? Why was the organisation established? What is the focus of the business now? What is the aim for the next 10 years? What is the purpose of the document titled Towards 2020. When the learner had no difficulties in answering the information, Katie went on to ask further questions: How does the organisation manage risk? How are outcomes measured? What was the expenditure on training in the year 2008-9? And when the learner could answer those questions without any issues, Katie asked more: How does the expenditure on training in 2008-09 compare to 2010-11? Why would the organisation aim for sustainable employment? Summarise the sustainability action plan. Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 5 Step 6 Now you need to make a judgement about whether to refer this person for a more thorough language, literacy and numeracy skill assessment, or not. If the learner carried out each task without any difficulties or requiring no prompting, then it is very likely that they have the core language, literacy and numeracy skills to be able to carry out their work effectively and participate in training with little or no support. If the learner completed some of the tasks and required assistance, or if you are unsure about whether they could carry out their work or participate in training without support, then refer them for a more thorough assessment against the ACSF to determine their skills and to identify particular areas where they may require support. Step 7 Explain to the learner whether they will be referred on for a further assessment and your reasoning, reinforcing that any further assessment will help to identify the learner’s requirements for support. Remember that the LLN Skills Check you have carried out is an initial check only. Follow-up language, literacy and numeracy assessments should be carried out by an assessor who complies with the requirements of the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations. Step 8 Where required, summarise the LLN Skills Check on the form included at Appendix IV and store according to organisational record-keeping procedures. The LLN Skills Check report will provide useful background information for an assessor who may carry out a follow up ACSF assessment. Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 6 Appendix I: LLN Skills Check interview form Name: _________________________________________________________________ Interviewed by: __________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________ Tell me about your job (if not employed, substitute different role, such as ‘tell me about living in Richmond’, or ‘tell me about being a parent’) Prompt Who do you work for? What are the tasks you carry out? This question is about getting the learner to talk so that you can start to understand their speaking and listening skills. It is also about you beginning to understand the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of their job. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What reading and writing tasks to you need to carry out for your job? Prompt Do you have to read forms or charts or individual care plans? Do you write on individual care plans? phone messages? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What numeracy or maths tasks do to you need to carry out for your job? Prompt Do you record your hours? Do you take measurements? Read diagrams? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What about speaking and listening – who do you talk to in your job? Prompt Do you have to read forms or charts or individual care plans? Do you write on individual care plans? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 7 How about using a computer? Prompt Can you use a computer? Could you find a document if required? Send an email? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What are you good at? Prompt This may include reading (magazines, emails, websites, notice boards); writing (emails, forms, lists, messages, reports); numeracy (money, times tables, 24 hour clock, measurement); speaking and listening (talking on the phone, asking for information, giving instructions). _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What would you like to learn? Prompt This might include reading novels or TV guides, writing letters, reading maps, using a calculator, or reading the types of programs listed on the community centre timetable. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ When did you leave school? Prompt When did you leave school? Where did you go to school? Have you done any training since you left school? If yes, which courses? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 8 What jobs have you had? Prompt What jobs aside from the current job? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What language do you speak at home? Prompt This may be obvious from the outset, but not always. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Notes: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 9 Appendix II: A self-assessment Tell me about your reading, writing and numeracy skills. I can … Yes Sometimes No understand signs at work write a supermarket shopping list check change when shopping write a SMS message use the internet to get information such as telephone numbers read a TV Guide read the prompts at an ATM read an account or bill send an email use a calculator understand a timetable read a map read and understand a newspaper use a dictionary write a job application read a novel calculate fractions, decimals and percentages keep a journal write a work report Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 10 Appendix III: Sample form Please complete the following details using BLOCK letters. Family name Given names Gender Please tick () M F Home address Postal address Telephone number DOB Place of birth Nationality Occupation Employer Business address Business telephone Signature Date Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 11 Appendix IV: LLN Skills Check summary Name: __________________________________________________________________ Interviewed by: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________________ Tasks carried out for LLN Skills Check: 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ Referred for ACSF assessment: Yes No Explain your reasons: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ **Attach any tasks attempted in the LLN Skills Check. Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council www.cshisc.com.au Trial LLN skills check for volunteer LLN tutors working in community services 12