A November Surprise? by Gary Kah I was in our bedroom, watching the Republican convention on our small television, when John McCain announced his running mate, Sarah Palin. As I observed Governor Palin stepping out onto the platform with her children and husband at her side, I was unexplainably overcome with emotion and began to weep. Why was I reacting this way? I didn't even know this family. In the moments that followed I believe the Spirit of the Lord impressed on my heart that the Palins are a genuine, Christian family and that the media - together with the far-left political establishment - will do everything possible to shred them to pieces. After some time, I regained my composure and, together with my wife, voiced a prayer on their behalf, asking God to shield them from the darts of the enemy. Based on what we have learned about Sarah Palin since that time, I am firmly convinced that she is "one of us" and has been raised up by the Lord for such a time as this. She has a solid record on all the issues confronting our nation and faith - even on the alleged impact of global warming. She comes from a Christian background that teaches we are living in the last days and believes that Alaska might be a place of refuge for God's people when hard times come to America. She is also known to be a prayer warrior. Those on the left will undoubtedly assault her vigorously as this information becomes more public. As for John McCain, he may have taken Sarah as his running mate because he had no other choice. With Obama far ahead in the polls and with many Evangelicals vowing not to vote for McCain, he had to do something drastic to get Christians on board - if he was to have any chance of winning in November. To his credit, he realized what he needed to do and had the courage to do it. Regardless of what one may think of John McCain, he has brought Sarah Palin, a solid bornagain believer with deep biblical convictions, to the forefront of American politics. Perhaps God is using him without him realizing it. Although McCain has trended toward being more conservative over the last few years and is generally to the right of Obama on many issues, there are still numerous concerns about his background. While I would like to believe that he has experienced a great spiritual conversion in his elder years, this is probably not the case. Therefore, Governor Palin may find herself in some precarious situations in the days ahead - not unlike Daniel under the authority of King Nebuchadnezzar. Source: www.garykah.org A Call to Prayer Sarah Palin will be expected to stay in line with John McCain's program and to present a united front - even if she disagrees with him on important issues. For this and other reasons I believe the Lord would have us pray fervently for Sarah and her family on the following specific points. Pray that: • she will campaign effectively and honorably, with courage and strength, leading to a win on November 4th. • God would shield and protect Sarah and her family (physically and spiritually) from the principalities and powers being unleashed against them by Satan. • her family would stay close and unified in Christ in the midst of the enormous pressures they will be facing. • Sarah would retain her deep convictions and maintain her close walk with the Lord, unhindered by the powers and pressures of Washington. • she would continue to have access to the truth concerning national/global developments and that she would be surrounded by honest, straight-forward advisors. • she would find real favor with John McCain, and that he would genuinely consider her views and advice in making his decisions. • the Lord would give her discernment to know when it would be acceptable to compromise and when it is necessary to stand firm. • the Lord would give her the wisdom to tactfully disagree with McCain and even to strongly challenge him if necessary. Please take this matter seriously. This family needs our steadfast prayers on their behalf! This could be one of the closest elections in our nation's history. Every vote will be needed to get Sarah Palin into office, especially since Obama has a sizeable lead among young voters (those under 35). I believe God has given us an excellent opportunity to get a true Christian believer into power at a very high level. If elected she would be only a heartbeat away from the presidency. With McCain at age 72, it is possible she may become our leader and determine our next three Supreme Court justices. For those who take issue with the fact that she is a woman, be reminded that God raised up Deborah as a prophetess during a difficult time in Israel's history, using her mightily to fulfill His purpose (Deut. 4 & 5). The fact is, God has used women on numerous occasions to work out His will in the past. Why would it be different today? Given the choices we have, I have no problem knowing who to vote for come November! Source: www.garykah.org Oprah's Man On the other side of the aisle is a competitive and determined opponent who doesn't like to lose. Backing him are hundreds of ultra-liberal activists including many of Hollywood's biggest celebrities. Barack Obama owes much of his initial campaign success to Oprah Winfrey whose public endorsement and immense popularity catapulted him to political stardom. Without Oprah's concerted efforts and support, it is doubtful that Obama would have beaten Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Oprah's "new spirituality" meshes very well with Obama's religious views - tolerate everything except the "narrow" teachings of the Bible. Barack Obama is admittedly hard to resist. He has a certain likable quality which together with his smooth style and admirable communication skills can mesmerize audiences. But we must look beyond personality to his fruits. The fact remains: He is the number one most liberal politician in the US Senate, based on his voting record. His positions on nearly every important issue put him squarely in the far-left/anti-biblical Christianity camp. His most vocal supporters are found among the MTV crowd. Just this week I saw one MTV "phenom" from Britain pleading with Americans to vote for Obama. Hopefully, if enough rock sensations from this crowd speak out for Obama, common-sense Americans will be so repulsed they will vote against Obama/Biden - if for no other reason. While most people are now somewhat aware of Obama's voting record, there are a few details that the secular media has withheld from the public. As the watchdog group Accuracy in Media reports, There has been some comment about Barack Obama's legislative accomplishments or lack thereof. But there has been little major media coverage of his sponsorship of the Global Poverty Act, a global tax proposal that could force the U.S. to spend $845 billion over a 13-year period in order to meet the goals that the U.N. has set for us in foreign aid spending…the major media still don't want to talk about it. Why? It would expose Obama as the international socialist he is.1 In a similar vein, one of our friends recently expressed his concern in a letter to us: This is definitely turning into one of the oddest presidential elections we have ever witnessed. It is a bit frightening that the democrats so boldly and unashamedly are rolling out their socialist agenda and not even trying to disguise it (you mentioned a few years ago they would get bolder with their message). It is incredible that Obama Source: www.garykah.org openly decries that it is evil for people to be rich. I guess he has forgotten that we are, after all, a capitalistic society (at least for now anyway). I guess it's okay for him to live in a $1.2 million dollar house and earn $4 million dollars but not okay for everyone else. I always have trouble following the democrat's logic. Obama's Family Background The fact is, Barack Obama supports the measures that he does because he is a socialist through and through. His indoctrination into far-left principles began at a young age through his mother's influence. Barack's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (known as Ann) spent her early childhood years in Kansas with her family, who Barack claims were conservative Methodists or Baptists. At around the age of 12, Ann's family moved to the Seattle area where they became involved in a left-wing Unitarian church. The church was nicknamed "the little RED church" because of its Communist leanings.2 After about a year, Ann's family moved to Mercer Island so that she could attend the island's new high school where she would eventually be on the debate team. According to Newswatch Magazine, The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA, and this school had a number of Marxists on its staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, BOTH Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included: rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity and the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert's and Wichterman's classrooms was sometimes called "anarchy alley."3 [emphasis in original] Upon her graduation, Ann's family moved to Hawaii where she would attend the University of Hawaii and study anthropology. While at U of H she met Barack Obama, Sr. in her Russian language class. By this time she was a "full fledged radical leftist" and practitioner of critical theory. She would eventually work for the pro-world government Ford Foundation (which in years gone by was cited by the House Committee on Un-American Activities as being subversive to our republic.) Ann Dunham, who died in 1995 of cancer, was described by her friends as "a fellow traveler," meaning "a communist sympathizer."4 Senator Obama's father, who was from Kenya, was also heavily linked to socialist activities. Sen. Obama identifies very closely with his Kenyan family roots. In August 2006 he made a special trip to Kenya to meet with a man named Raila Amolo Odinga. Odinga is the head of the National Muslim Leaders Movement (ODM) which is dedicated to overthrowing the legitimate democratic government of Kenya. Odinga is extremely anti-Christian, and it is widely believed that he would outlaw Christianity if he took power. Odinga refers to Barack Obama as a close, personal friend; although some Christian missionaries in Kenya allege that he is, in fact, Barack's Source: www.garykah.org cousin. Odinga's revolutionary activities led to Kenya's recent political unrest and resulted in a bloodbath - especially of Christians who protested Odinga's agenda.5 Raila Odinga is a Muslim socialist who received his training in East Germany. Kenya's last president threw him into prison for trying to subvert his country. Some have alleged that Obama, under the name "Friends of Obama" gave a large sum of money to the opposition campaign headed by Odinga.6 We have had no way of verifying this allegation. It should not come as a surprise that Obama holds Marxist-Muslim leaders in high regard. According to Accuracy in Media, Barack Obama's mentor during his teen years "was a hard-core Communist." AIM reports, ...Obama's first book Dreams from My Father mentions someone named "Frank" who was a strong influence during Obama's youth. We discovered that "Frank" was actually young Barack's mentor, a member of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA named Frank Marshall Davis, with whom the young Obama developed something akin to a father-son relationship while he was living in Hawaii from 1971-1979.7 AIM concludes, ...the liberal media will give Senator Barack Obama a pass. They already excuse Obama's 20-year relationship with his anti-American pastor [Dr. Jeremiah Wright]; they dismiss his association with American terrorist William Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn; and they ignore the fact that Senator Obama's mentor during his teenage years was a hard-core Communist. This is the worst case in political history of reporters being in the tank for one candidate. Whatever happened to the public's right to know?8 [For a gift of $25, Accuracy in Media will send you a special report titled "The Truth about Barack Obama" along with a one-year subscription to the AIM Report which provides stories about Obama, McCain and others that the media aren't telling you. Send your request and gift to: Accuracy in Media, 4455 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 330, Washington, D.C. 20008.] Many Christians overseas are also becoming concerned over the prospects of an Obama presidency. This week our Israeli colleague, Barry Segal, emailed these news items about Obama's appeal to Muslims. ARAB NATIONS DON'T WANT REPUBLICAN WIN: The Arab world is voicing its increasing uneasiness at the possibility of another Republican administration in the White House. In years past, Muslim leaders have remained silent about their preferences during US presidential campaigns. Clearly in 2008 they prefer a Democratic, Barack Obama win…Many Muslims fear a McCain contingent would Source: www.garykah.org pursue more aggressively the anti terror policies of the outgoing government. (METimes) OBAMA'S CHILDHOOD: PRAYING TO SAINTS AND BOWING IN MOSQUES: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama continues to be questioned about his dual religious upbringing. In his childhood, Obama was registered as a Muslim and bowed toward a mosque on Fridays while praying to a Catholic saint on other days, according to a 2007 report in The LA Times. The article quoted his former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, and others who said that Senator Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended while in the third and fourth grades. (Jerusalem Post) In his second book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, Obama makes a provocative and telling statement: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."9 Conclusion This is just the tip of the iceberg concerning Barack Hussein Obama. Much more disturbing information is surfacing about his closest contacts, chief supporters, and his voting record. Yet the establishment media is refusing to share these details, preferring instead to present him as the next messiah (figuratively speaking). You can rest assured the media will not grant Sarah Palin the same favor. They will go after her with great vengeance, sparing nothing! Having said all that, Governor Palin is not a perfect individual, just as none of us are perfect. If she takes her eyes off the Lord she will be overcome by the raw politics and pressures of Washington. We should be careful not to put our main hopes and aspirations into a person or persons. Only God deserves that position in our lives. One person by themselves will not be able to single-handedly alter the course of our nation. Their being elected would only be one step in the right direction. In these last days what we need in America is not a reformation, but a transformation - a mass repentance that sweeps our nation, where individuals surrender their lives completely to Jesus Christ and turn from their wicked ways. If Americans would heed the warnings of the Lord and begin living in obedience to His truth, it is incredible what He would do. For nothing is impossible with God. Regardless of how difficult and challenging the times are, we must purpose to be used by Him to impact our nation and world - one person at a time - for His honor and glory. Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales; he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust… He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff… but those who hope in the Source: www.garykah.org LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Isaiah 40:15, 23-25, 31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Accuracy in Media newsletter, Donald Irvine, Chairman, Washington D.C., August 2008. Newswatch Magazine, Sept. 2008, p. 14. Ibid, pp.14-15. Ibid, pp 12-15. Ibid, pp. 9, 19-22. Ibid. Accuracy in Media newsletter. Ibid. Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (New York, Vintage Books, 2008), . Originally published by Crown Publishers in 2006. Source: www.garykah.org