Big Group Skit - Grace Church Kids

Principle: Letting God fight our battles. Trusting in Him rather than man or self.
Bible Character(s): Gideon
Scripture Reference: Judges 7
PERSONAL PREPARATION: Before this weekend, please read through Judges 7.
See how God tested Gideon by asking him to reduce his army from 32,000 to 300 men. This would
show that the battle was won by God, not by the strength of the Israelites. Gideon trusted God with
this battle and allowed Him to fight it. Gideon obeyed everything God asked of him, and they were
victorious. Spend some time thinking about different battles you’ve dealt with throughout your life.
When did you depend only on yourself to fight the battle? During which battles did you put your
trust in God and allow Him to fight for you? How was it different when God fought your battle
instead of depending on yourself to fight it? How do you allow God to fight your battle? Are there
any battles you are fighting right now that you need to give to God?
BIG GROUP TIME - 35-40 minutes
1) Run-through/Prayer
Run-through order of service (assigned parts, transitions, slides for music and skit, video if
applicable, etc), assign door greeters, pray, mic check
2) Welcome Cabins
Band member says, “Welcome to Camp Grace!” before intro song
3) Intro Song
4) Camp Competition
Alphabet Game
Give each camp counselor a piece of paper and a pen. Explain that they will be each be given a topic
and a letter and are to write down as many things as they can under that topic that begin with the
specified letter in 30 seconds. The cabin with the biggest list wins the camp banner for the week
(check the list to make sure all items qualify). If there is a tie, do a tie-breaker with a new letter and
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topic. (For example: animals beginning with the letter M, food beginning with the letter H, cities
beginning with the letter A.)
5) Worship Set
Worship Connector
How many of you have ever gotten in a fight or argument? (Allow responses.) Today we are
going to see a man named Gideon come upon a battle against the Midianites. God is going
to ask him to do some things that do not make sense for someone who is about to go into
battle, but Gideon chooses to trust God and allow Him to fight the battle against the
Midianites. We are also given a choice when we come upon a battle in our life. We can
choose to use our own strength and try to fight it ourselves, or we can choose to let God
fight our battle for us. As we sing this last song, think about how you can trust in God to
fight your battles for you.
6) Skit
You Can’t Fight Your Own Battles
Slide 1: slide with 320 black dots (32,000 men to fight the battle) ! need to explain each dot
represents 100 men
Slide 2: 100 of the 320 dots remain (10,000 men remain to fight the battle)
Slide 3: 3 of the 320 dots remain (300 men remain to fight the battle)
Staff Member #1: Boxer (will chant rhymes much like Muhammad Ali during the skit; rhymes will be
Staff Member #2: Trainer
Song “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble”
Boxing gloves
Sports water bottle with squirt top
Band exits stage.
Storyteller: Hi! I'm ____ and I want to welcome you to Camp Grace, Last week we heard about
Gideon. He was a young Israelite who God chose to lead Israel. This week, we’ll look at
Judges 7. In this passage, Gideon was preparing to go into battle with Midian.
(The song "Let's Get Ready to Rumble” begins. The boxer comes out and parades around the room,
wearing a robe, shorts, and boxing gloves. The trainer is following close behind, with a towel and
water bottle. When the boxer steps on stage the trainer should stay near him, frequently giving him
water, patting him on the back, wiping his brow with the towel, etc.)
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Boxer: (To storyteller) Bring out the competition. I'll knock him out in the first round.
Storyteller: Stop the music! What's going on here? Who are you going to knock out?
Boxer: The counselor from Cabin #15. I'll hit him with a left hook, hit him with a right. I'll hit
him with an upper cut, beat him in this fight.
Storyteller: You said you're going to knock out the counselor from Cabin #15? Have you
seen the counselor from Cabin #15? Have you heard his nickname is "The Hulk"?
Boxer: I know he's a big guy, but I think I can take him. He's big, he's strong, but he won't
stand for long.
Storyteller: Do you mind if I ask why you want to knock out "The Hulk"?
Boxer: I heard that he called me a geek. That infuriated me. So, I sent a message for him to
meet me here today. I'm going to pound him. Pound him, ground him, really astound him.
Storyteller: I understand that you're angry. But before you fight, can we take the time to
talk this out? See, you can't fight your own battles.
Boxer: I can, too fight my own battle. I've been training all week. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm
Storyteller: By training, you probably mean that you've been hitting the punching bag,
running, and even jumping rope. Well, for every single battle in our lives, we can train by
knowing what God says in His Word. Sit down with me and we'll find out what the Bible has
to say about all of this. (The storyteller and boxer sit down on the edge of the stage. The
storyteller picks up the Bible. The trainer exits to the carpets with the children.) We were just
going to talk about Gideon before you walked in. Do you remember Gideon from last
Boxer: Sure, Gideon was the young guy that God chose to lead Israel.
Storyteller: Right. He was young, but he trusted God. God made him the leader of the whole
Boxer: What does Gideon have to do with me fighting my own battle? (SLIDE 1)
Storyteller: Well, when Gideon prepared to battle the Midianites, he took 32,000 men.
Boxer: That's a lot of men.
Storyteller: True, but the Bible tells us that the Midianites were as thick as locusts. It tells
us that their camels were so numerous that to count them would be like counting the sand
on the beach.
Boxer: Sounds like Gideon needed to get a few new recruits to fight this battle.
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Storyteller: That's the surprise in the story. God told Gideon to get rid of some of his own
men. Check this out. God told Gideon to send 22,000 men home, leaving 10,000 men.
(SLIDE 2) Then, he told Gideon to send everyone home, except for 300 men. So, with 300
men, Gideon would face the Midianite army that was too numerous to count. (SLIDE 3)
Boxer: There's no way the Israelites can win this battle. The battle is over. Before it begins, it
comes to an end.
Storyteller: That's just it. There is no way that the Israelites could fight that battle on their
own. God wanted the Israelites to understand that He would be fighting the battle for
them. With so few soldiers, it would be impossible for the Israelites to win against the
enormous Midianite army. But with God, all things are possible. God wanted the Israelites
to understand that they couldn't fight their own battle. They needed to let God fight the
battle for them.
Boxer: What happened?
Storyteller: God told Gideon exactly what to do and Gideon listened. Gideon's 300 men
blew trumpets at exactly the same time. When the Midianites heard the sound of 300
trumpets, they were confused and scared. They fought each other and ran away. The
Israelites didn't even have to use swords. They were able to take possession of the Jordan
River. They won because God fought the battle for them.
Boxer: Okay, I see how I fit in. I'm like the Israelites going into battle. "The Hulk" is huge.
You think that because I'm smaller that I'll get pulverized by the "The Hulk.” You're going
to tell me that I need to ask God to fight "The Hulk" for me.
Storyteller: Not exactly. In your case, I think you know that you're acting in anger. You're
doing things your own way by challenging "The Hulk" to a fight. Even if "The Hulk" did call
you a geek, it's not okay for you to fight back. The first step in any problem is to hand it to
God. Just as He told Gideon exactly what to do, He'll tell you. He'll lead you every step of
the way.
Boxer: If Gideon had done things his way and fought the battle with 32,000 men, he might
have been defeated by the mighty Midianites. Instead, he trusted God to lead him step by
step. He did things God's way and won. I'm going to go ask God to help me deal with "The
Hulk" God's way. I'll let Him fight my battle for me. (On the way off stage, chant the
following:) I'm fighting to win, fighting to win. To do things my own way would be a sin.
(Play music, "Let's Get Ready to Rumble," as the trainer and the boxer exit.)
Storyteller: Any time we try to do things our own way, we are fighting our own battles. God
wants us to turn our problems over to Him and let Him fight our battles for us. Let's pray.
Father, thank You for the story of Gideon and how he was able to defeat an army so big
that it couldn't even be counted with only 300 men. Gideon did things Your way and won
the battle. Help us to learn from Your Word to do things Your way and not our own. Help
us to allow You to fight our battles for us so that we can bring glory to You. Amen.
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