2014–2015 New Variety Brochure Syngenta Flowers, Inc. 2280 Hecker Pass Highway, Gilroy, California 95020 (408) 847-7333 | (800) 549-0158 (U.S. only) (408) 848-5429 (fax) | www.syngentafhg.com Cover Photo: Callie® Apricot calibrachoa Back Photo: Pinto™ Premium Lavender Rose geranium All photos are the property of Syngenta unless otherwise noted. ©2014 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local Extension Service to ensure registration status. Some or all of the varieties listed herein may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. The trademarks displayed or otherwise used herein are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All-America Selections® is a registered trademark of All-America Selections. GS 423.30023 (2/14) SCP 833-00024-A TM Grandahlia™ Orange dahlia Landscape Bandana® Red lantana Grandahlia™ Yellow dahlia Landscape Bandana® Pink lantana Sanguna® Patio Red petunia 2014 NEW SERIES 2 Grandahlia™ dahlia Varieties N Deep Red ● Orange ● ● Pink ● ● Rose Swirl ● Sunrise ● White ● Yellow ● N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured I P Dahlia x hybrida Rich, vibrant blooms present themselves nicely above the plant canopy Full range of colors include five core colors and two novelty colors Continuous blooming and flower bud development through plants’ lifespan Landscape Bandana® lantana Varieties N Pink ● ● Red ● ● Yellow ● ● P Spreading habit makes it ideal for the landscape and large mixed containers because of its robust growth and size Excellent choice for season-extending sales Sanguna® Patio petunia Varieties N I P Purple ● ● Red ● ● Salmon ● White ● GOLDFISCH VEGETATIVE Series includes four colors with the same great attributes of the Bandana series Expands the Heat Lovers® collection because of its performance in hot summer conditions ● Gold Improved ● I Lantana camara Sanguna® Patio Purple petunia Petunia hybrida Bred for pot-tight, high-efficiency production Landscape Bandana® Yellow lantana Early and continuous flowering for season-long color Ideal for late season and summer turns 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Syngenta Flowers, Inc. is excited to present our new series and variety improvements that are the result of top-quality breeding. In this brochure, you will find more than 65 new and improved varieties that include three new series and an assortment of Kwik Kombos™ vegetative mixes. With innovative product solutions and superior technical expertise, Syngenta Flowers is your partner in growing your business. Thank you for your business and we look forward to working with you in the upcoming season. Grandahlia™ Pink dahlia 3 Callie® Burgundy calibrachoa Kwik Kombos™ The Red Carpet™ vegetative mix Callie® Pink with Eye calibrachoa Sidekick™ Bronze ipomoea Kwik Kombos™ Blue Lightning™ vegetative mix Callie® calibrachoa The Callie series features bright colors and novel patterns, making it great for partner combinations. Its well-mounded, overflowing habit is ideal for hanging baskets and containers, while its uniformity gives it a round shape that will stay neat and tidy at retail and in home gardens. Callie® calibrachoa Varieties N I P Apricot ● ● Burgundy ● ● Pink with Eye ● ● Calibrachoa hybrid Three new color additions to round out an already strong color assortment Close internode spacing gives these plants a wellmounded habit Robust habit makes these varieties great for larger containers 4 Callie Apricot calibrachoa ® N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured ● I P ● N Blue Lightning™ Mix ● Cherry Blossom™ Mix ● Cranberry Bliss Mix ● Lanai® Red Devotion™ Mix ● Ipomoea batatas Primary Perfection™ Mix Improved I P ● 3-in-1 Vegetative Mixes Seasonally appropriate mixes maximize sales and ensure consumer success Reduces shrink with ready-made mixes that are extensively trialed across North America for uniform propagation Components bloom at the same time and require similar use of plant growth regulators ● Kwik Kombos™ Lanai® Red Devotion™ vegetative mix ● New leaves unfold light green and darken to bronze Rock ‘n’ Roll™ Mix ● ● Mixes well with shades of blue, red and orange Sour Patch™ Mix ● ● Matches vigor of Sidekick Black Southwestern Summer™ Mix ● The Red Carpet™ Mix ● Kwik Kombos™ Rock ‘n’ Roll™ vegetative mix ● Kwik Kombos™ Sour Patch™ vegetative mix 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Bronze N Varieties ™ Sidekick™ ipomoea Varieties Kwik Kombos™ vegetative mixes GOLDFISCH VEGETATIVE 5 Sanguna® Picotee Punch petunia Sanguna® Radiant petunias Complementing the Sanguna petunia series, the Sanguna Radiant series includes two new premium selections, Sanguna Radiant Blue and Sanguna Radiant Rose, which offer outstanding performance in landscape and containers. Their early and continuous flowering generously fills high-end containers for strong sell-through at retail. Combined with a one-of-a-kind flower pattern that sits above dark green foliage, Sanguna Radiant offers a new and unique flower to the market. Bandana® lantana Varieties N Orange ● I ● ● Cherry Improved P Lantana camara Well branching habit means more blooms at the time of sale Underutilized: Use Bandana in 10 and 12-inch hanging baskets Conducive to high-density production ● Varieties N Purple ● 6 Sanguna® Radiant petunia Varieties N I P Blue ● ● Rose ● ● Bandana® Cherry Improved lantana Petunia hybrida GOLDFISCH VEGETATIVE One-of-a-kind flower pattern Early and continuous flowering Ideal for high-end hanging basket and container programs N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured I ● Lobelia erinus P Offers better color differentiation within the Techno Heat Upright series ● Ideal for high-density production in 4.5-inch and quart containers ● Earliness to flower makes this a great choice for early, cool-season sales Sanguna® petunia Varieties N I P Petunia hybrida Large flower size blooms early and continuously Strong branching for fast fill Picotee Punch ● ● Ideally suited for quarts, gallons, baskets and planters Sanguna® Radiant Rose petunia 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Light Blue Improved Sanguna® Radiant Rose petunia Techno® Heat Upright Light Blue Improved lobelia Sanguna® Radiant Blue petunia Techno® Heat Upright lobelia Sanguna® Radiant Blue petunia Bandana® Orange lantana Techno® Heat Upright Purple lobelia 7 Lanai® Twister™ Amethyst verbena Lanai® Upright Red with Eye verbena Lanai® Twister™ Purple Improved verbena Lanai® Twister™ verbena Varieties N Amethyst ● I P ● Purple Improved ● ● Red Improved ● ● Verbena hybrida Sharper contrast in flower colors Foliage is improved to look fresh longer Improved vigor to fill containers and provide a premium finish Well-suited for hanging baskets, mixed and monoculture containers Magelana™ Red Improved verbena Lanai® White verbena Lanai® Upright verbena Verbena hybrida P Bright, bold flower colors can be used to create red, white and blue retail displays ● ● Ideal for late season and summer turns Purple with Eye ● ● Perfectly suited for 4.5-inch, quart and 10-inch basket production Red with Eye ● ● White ● Varieties N Pink with Eye I Magelana™ Peach Improved verbena GOLDFISCH VEGETATIVE Lanai® Twister™ Red Improved verbena 8 Varieties N White ● N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Verbena hybrida I P ● New addition to the award-winning Lanai series Pure white, non-blushing flower color Times well with entire Lanai series Magelana™ verbena Verbena hybrida I P Improved for a tighter habit that is consistent with the rest of the series Peach Improved ● ● Selected for strong center flowering and sharper colors Red Improved ● ● Low-profile habit with fine-leaf foliage Varieties N Lanai® Upright Purple with Eye verbena Lanai® Upright Pink with Eye verbena 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Lanai® verbena 9 Laser™ Snowridge Wine cyclamen Laser Synchro™ Scarlet Improved cyclamen Laser Synchro™ cyclamen Varieties N Coral Flame* ● I ● ● Scarlet Improved P ● Laser Synchro™ Coral Flame cyclamen Rainier™ Light Pink with Eye cyclamen F1 Cyclamen – Intermediate Rainier™ cyclamen Coral Flame has bright salmon-orange petals accented with white glowing margins Laser Synchro Scarlet is improved for: • Compact and branching habit • Fuller, mounded plants that produce more flowers • Shorter flower stems that hold longer • Deep scarlet red color that resists fading The Laser Synchro series is extremely uniform, early flowering and perfectly sized for high-density production in four to five-inch pots 10 Varieties N Purple* ● Wine* ● I P ● Light Pink with Eye* ● I GOLDSMITH SEEDS F1 Cyclamen – Standard P Large, salmon-pink blooms with distinct rosy eyes produce a bicolor look ● Thick flowers held centrally, in masses, on sturdy stems make Rainier perfect for premium retail sales Grows well at low temperatures and under low light conditions, making it ideal for winter production and sales Sierra™ Snowridge cyclamen Varieties N Rose* ● Scarlet* ● I P F1 Cyclamen – Standard Thick petals with distinct white edges Slightly later and more compact than the rest of the Sierra series F1 Cyclamen – Intermediate Thick petals with a distinct white edge • Similar flower form to the Snowridge varieties in the Winfall™ and Sierra™ cyclamen series, now available in an intermediate size Earlier and more free flowering than competitive intermediate varieties with this color pattern Holds up well to Botrytis and heat stress in pots or when planted in garden beds N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured N Sierra™ Snowridge Rose cyclamen ● Early flowering and a tight plant habit makes the Sierra series ideal for high volume retail pot sales Friller™ cyclamen Varieties N Pink* ● Larger flower size, more central and earlier flowering than competitive varieties in this color class I F1 Cyclamen – Fringed Standard P Bright pink addition to the Friller series expands sales opportunities for this novel cyclamen, giving it high retail appeal ● The earliest and most uniform, fringed-flowering standard cyclamen series on the market Round, compact plants with many leaves produce multitudes of brightly colored and textured flowers *Wholesale availability of all new Syngenta Flowers cyclamen begins November 2014. Laser™ Synchro Scarlet Improved cyclamen is the exception, which will be phased in during the spring months of 2014. 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Laser™ Snowridge cyclamen Varieties Friller™ Pink cyclamen 11 Big Kiss™ Yellow gazania Venti Parfait™ Crimson dianthus An addition to the Venti Parfait series, this new solid Crimson complements the existing bicolored Crimson Eye. This series, unlike traditional dianthus, has clusters of huge fringed blooms on compact plants, giving them high impact for early spring displays. This variety is screened to have greater tolerance to the common soil disease, Fusarium, so it will perform well in the landscape for an extended period. Venti Parfait™ dianthus Varieties N Crimson ● I P ● F1 Dianthus chinensis Venti Parfait™ Crimson dianthus Kiss™ gazania Clusters of deep crimson, extra-large, fringed flowers on compact plants are eye-catching in early spring displays Varieties Economical to produce at high densities in packs or large pots with minimal heating inputs Frosty Mix Improved Big Kiss gazania N I P Red ● ● Yellow ● ● I P Bright eye-catching colors pop against trendy silver foliage ● ● Silver foliage provides contrast to heat-loving landscapes and hard-to-plant areas Big Kiss™ Yellow gazania F1 Gazania rigens Varieties F1 Gazania rigens GOLDSMITH SEEDS Kiss Frosty Mix now includes Frosty Orange and Frosty Red along with the original Frosty Mix components Greater tolerance to Fusarium in the landscape means long-lasting garden displays ™ N ™ Sierra Snowridge Rose Big Kiss Red gazania Kiss™ Frosty Mix Improved gazania These core color additions to the Big Kiss series expand sales opportunities and flower one week earlier than Big Kiss White Flame and Big Kiss Yellow Flame The only F1 gazania series with super-sized flowers that are up to five inches in diameter Ideal for Heat Lovers and Season Extender programs 12 Venti Parfait™ Crimson dianthus N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Big Kiss™ Red gazania 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Big Kiss Red and Yellow will be sold as separate colors only 13 Florific™ Sweet New Guinea Orange SweetGuinea New Orange impatiens impatiens Multibloom™ Red Improved geranium Pinto™ Premium Lavender Rose geranium Multibloom™ geranium Varieties N Red Improved I P ● ● F1 Pelargonium x hortorum Pinto™ Premium Lavender Rose geranium Accent™ Premium impatiens Best-selling dwarf geranium is improved for earlier flowering and better garden vigor Varieties Compact plants are best suited for production in packs or small pots and planting outdoors in small garden beds or patio containers Orange Star Improved N I P Improved for more consistent bicolor pattern and reliability of seed supply ● ● Large bright orange and white bicolor flowers make cheerful retail displays and invigorate shady gardens Varieties N Lavender Rose ● I P ● F1 Pelargonium x hortorum Large, rosy flowers with an undertone of lavender • Smaller in stature but similar color to Calliope® Lavender Rose geranium Part of the number one selling seed geranium series in the world known for early flowering, versatile habit and unprecedented uniformity Well-branched plants increase the amount of color displayed at retail and in the garden Florific™ New Guinea impatiens Varieties N I Orange ● ● Sweet Orange ● ● Florific™ Orange New Guinea impatiens The addition of Orange to the Florific series expands the range of core colors for landscape applications Unique Sweet Orange is a breeding breakthrough for seed New Guinea impatiens. Plants with bronze-green foliage are covered by striking bicolor flowers in shades of salmon and orange Compact branching plants match the series and are well suited for large packs and four-inch pots N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Florific™ Sweet Orange New Guinea impatiens is a 2014 All-America Selections® winner Strong garden vigor provides season-long enjoyment in shady gardens, especially in areas where Impatiens Downy Mildew limits the use of I. walleriana in the landscape Florific™ Sweet Orange New Guinea impatiens 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 P F1 Impatiens hawkeri Extra-large, premium flowers sit on top of the foliage for more impact at retail and in the garden A perfect addition to spring bedding plant promotions where color sells 14 GOLDSMITH SEEDS Ideal for large packs, pots and premium upgraded containers because of its full habit Plants are covered in masses of small flowers unlike any other geranium on the market Pinto™ Premium geranium F1 Impatiens walleriana Accent™ Premium Orange Star Sierra Snowridge Rose Improved impatiens 15 Delta™ Premium Neon Violet Improved pansy Delta™ Premium pansy Varieties N Deep Blue ● Neon Violet Improved I ● P ● 16 N Blue Sun ● ● Rose with Blotch ● ● Karma™ Rose with Blotch pansy N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured I P P Blue with Blotch Improved has been enhanced for a better ability to hold in the pack Blue with Blotch Improved ● ● Peach Shades Improved has a more manageable, less-stretching habit with a brighter punch of color when compared to the old Skyline® Copperfield pansy Peach Shades Improved ● ● Overwintering performance you can trust Varieties Neon Violet is more free-flowering with enhanced uniformity from plant to plant Regardless of season, Delta Premium offers the most uniform, early flowering of any pansy. Its modern, compact plant habit requires fewer plant growth regulators and is stretch resistant for longer retail shelf-life New novelty color addition to the pansy series of choice for landscapers Blue Sun has deep purple wings with varying shades of blue and yellow faces atop robust, powerful plants • Larger flowers than similarly colored competitive selections • Suited for fall and spring pansy production in packs and pots Vigorous plants with strong root systems provide superior performance in the landscape F1 Viola wittrockiana / Medium-flowered pansy I One of the deepest blue flowers on the market, Delta Premium Deep Blue is so dark the blotch is nearly impossible to spot F1 Viola wittrockiana / Large-flowered pansy Varieties Mariposa™ pansy Mariposa™ Blue with Blotch Improved pansy N Ramblin’™ petunia Varieties N Amethyst ● I P ● F1 Petunia hybrid – Spreading Designer jewel-toned color addition for the awardwinning Ramblin’ series • Deep purple veins with lavender petals work well in premium seed combinations • Great for either premium or basic SKU’s for petunia at retail Incredible value in trailing petunia • Earliness and mounded, controlled vigor for a premium finish • Easy to produce in time for spring sales dates • Provides ease in growing, selling and exceptional value for the home gardener Karma™ Blue Sun pansy GOLDSMITH SEEDS Ramblin’™ Amethyst petunia Ramblin’ petunia performs like no other seed petunia, making it an excellent value for growers and consumers. Its early flowering and well-mounded plants offer simplified growing and shipping, ensuring only top quality plants arrive at retail. Consistent with the reliable performance seen in the rest of the series, the new Ramblin’ Amethyst shows off designer, jewel-toned flowers with deep purple veins for a perfect addition to one of the best-in-class spreading series. Ramblin’™ Amethyst petunia 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Karma™ pansy F1 Viola wittrockiana / Large-flowered pansy Mariposa™ Peach Shades Improved pansy 17 Maché™ White Improved ranunculus Primera™ Primula Series Primera primulas are the best early season primulas for fall and winter sales. This series doesn’t require a lot of cool temperatures to flower, making it ideal for southern regions. Primera also features a tight growing habit, rounded leaves and extremely large blooms, which makes it one of the most sought after primula series on the market. Primera™ primula Varieties N White Improved F1 Primula acaulis SunStorm® Purple Improved vinca Primera™ White Improved primula SunStorm® vinca I P Improved with a larger, clearer white flower with smaller rounded leaves Varieties ● ● The best choice for the earliest primula sales from early fall through winter Purple Improved N Catharanthus roseus I P This core color has been improved to match the uniformity and vigor of the SunStorm series ● ● Solid purple petals with a striking white eye Audrey™ Purple Shades aubrieta GOLDSMITH SEEDS Compact, well-branched plants are ideal for highdensity pack production Use for profitable gift pot sales or durable landscape applications PERENNIAL Maché™ ranunculus Varieties White Improved N I P ● ● F1 Ranunculus asiaticus An earlier, more paper-white bloom has been added to this profitable early spring crop Improved for overall vigor with more refined, airy foliage leaves that fill pots easily 18 Primera™ White Improved primula N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Varieties N Purple Shades ● I F1 Aubrieta hybrida P ● Uniform selection enhances the quality and value of the Audrey series • Three-to-four seeds per plug creates a more consistent plug than Purple and Red Mix Compact habit with vivid color that is superior for early season retail sales New Purple Shades will replace Audrey Purple and Red Mix Maché™ White Improved ranunculus 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Large, double blooms entice consumers early in the season Audrey™ aubrieta 19 Brittany™ Yellow garden mum Susan™ Coral Pink garden mum Garden Mums Varieties N Brittany™ Yellow ● I Makayla™ Yellow garden mum Jacqueline™ Pink Improved garden mum YODER MUMS Chrysanthemum morifolium P ● Brittany™ Yellow garden mum Very Early / 36.5 / Mound A very early, natural-season plant with strong, bright color Emelda Purple garden mum Early SE / 41.5 / Sphere With compact uniformity, Emelda offers an early season extending color with a sphere-shaped habit and vibrant bold purple blooms Varieties N Makenzie™ White ● ● Makenna™ Orange garden mum Early SE / 41 / Mound An early-season extender in natural-season production, Makenna Orange has a mounded habit Patty™ Purple ● ● Its traditional fall color partners well with Makenzie White and Makayla Yellow Susan™ Coral Pink ● ● I P ™ Emelda™ Purple ● Jacqueline™ Pink Improved ● ● ● Makayla™ Yellow ● ● Makenna™ Orange ● ● Jacqueline Pink Improved garden mum Early / 37.5 / Sphere Upgrades Jacqueline Pink and Pink Fusion, this new addition offers a more vivid color ™ Jacqueline Pink Improved partners well with the rest of the Jacqueline family in flowering response and vigor for early natural-season production Makayla™ Yellow garden mum Early SE / 41 / Sphere A well-rounded plant with true yellow decorative flowers 20 Jacqueline™ Pink Improved garden mum N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Makenzie™ White garden mum Early SE / 41 / Mound The clean white flowers of Makenzie White provide a striking contrast against its dark green foliage Patty™ Purple garden mum This early-season extender variety times well with Makenna Orange and Makayla Yellow Patty™ Purple garden mum Early / 38 / Mound With a round habit, Patty Purple offers stunning, large purple flowers for early natural-season production Makenna™ Orange garden mum Susan™ Coral Pink garden mum Late / 40 / Mound First to the mum market, Susan Coral Pink has stunning, large, spider-shaped flowers; color intensifies in cooler temperatures This late natural-season garden mum is in a category of its own Emelda™ Purple garden mum 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Makayla Yellow pairs well with Makenna Orange and Makenzie White for early-season extending natural-season color Makenzie™ White garden mum 21 Grandview™ Light Pink pot mum Newport™ Bronze pot mum Outrageous™ Red pot mum Pot Mums Newport™ Bronze pot mum Sand Point™ Purple Bicolor pot mum YODER MUMS Chrysanthemum morifolium Varieties N Grandview™ Light Pink ● I P ● Grandview™ Light Pink pot mum 8 / Medium With true, light pink daisy flowers, Grandview Light Pink will fit easily into current programs Limerick Lime pot mum 8 / Medium A striking, decorative flower form with fascinating lime green color Varieties N I P Sand Point™ Purple Bicolor ● ● Starling™ Pink ● ● ™ Limerick™ Lime ● ● Newport™ Bronze ● ● Outrageous™ Red ● ● Pueblo™ Yellow ● ● Newport™ Bronze pot mum 8 / Short A vibrant, bronze color showcased against dark green foliage Matches Freeport™ pot mum in flower form, timing and flower color differentiation Outrageous™ Red pot mum 7.5 / Medium An upgrade to Rage™ pot mum with a faster response and more intense color 22 N = New Variety I = Improved Variety P = Pictured Genevieve™ Purple Bicolor fleurette ● ● Pueblo™ Yellow pot mum 8 / Medium Completing the Pueblo family, this golden yellow daisy flower is great for autumn combinations Its beautiful yellow color stays true even under cool conditions Sand Point™ Purple Bicolor pot mum 8 / Medium With improved flower form, response time and more differentiation in flower color, Sand Point Purple Bicolor upgrades Little Rock™ pot mum Limerick™ Lime pot mum Starling™ Pink pot mum 7.5 / Medium A unique flower with fast response, Starling Pink has a daisy quill flower that is like no other Genevieve™ Purple Bicolor fleurette 6.5 / Short The new fluerette addition this year, Genevieve Purple Bicolor is the first bicolor in our fluerette collection Pueblo™ Yellow pot mum It complements recent introductions of Fifi™ Hot Pink, Sabine™ Bronze and Yellow Lucienne™ fleurettes Starling™ Pink pot mum 2014 – 2015 2014 – 2015 Great color retention Genevieve™ Purple Bicolor fleurette 23