German Level 1 Curriculum Map

New Albany Global Languages Department
German 1 Graded Course of Study
Unit 1Objectives
Welcome to German
Understanding basic classroom commands, using basic German phrases in
class, numbers & classroom objects in German
Personal Pronouns, intonation and pronunciation of vocabulary
Origin of the days of the week, overview of Germanic
Gods(Mythological), Learning about how many people trace their origin to
German ancestry in the U.S., viewing cultural sites in Munich and southern
Germany, Learning about the Euro and how to convert to dollars, Learning
about the U.S. Continental Congress and how German almost became the
national language in 1683, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#1
Thomas Huber Video Series, EMC crosswords puzzles, Exploring
German, and History of German Americans, Rick Steves Traveling
Europe-from Munich and Bavaria.
Assessment Content Quiz#1(A), 2(A) & writing
Unit 2Objectives
Die Korperteile-Survival Vocabulary-Level 1
Introducing yourself, asking what someone's name is, asking how someone
is doing, saying how you are doing, asking/telling age for yourself and
others, asking and saying what day of the week it is, and identifying and
saying what color something is.
Introduction to present tense verbs, distinguishing between the informal and
formal forms of you.
Students must learn 21 countries and capitals of Europe, how German
speakers greet each other, brief history of the Neuschwanstein castle, and
how Germans count using their fingers, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#2
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, , EMC Crossword Puzzles, Facts on File Inc., Exploring
Assessment Content Quiz#3(A), 4(A) writing, and TPR(Total Physical Response)gestures.
Unit 3Objectives
Kleidung & Schuhe-Survival Vocabulary-Level 2
Saying what you are wearing, asking what someone is wearing, saying
what time it is, identifying the three basic parts of speech, and saying
where you come from.
Grammar Definite Articles in the nominative and accusative cases, present tense
verbs haben and sein.
Origin of the tie, Understanding the way Germans perceive time(24 hour
time), meaning and purpose of the German Dachshund, and German
custom of wearing house shoes, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#3
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German
Assessment Content Quiz#1(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 4-
Das Haus & Einrichtung, die Katzengeschichte-Survival VocabularyLevel 3
Objectives Identifying where things are in your house, describing what is in certain
rooms of your house, and students will be able to narrate and retell the
story-die Katzengeschichte.
Grammar Definite & indefinite articles in the nominative, accusative cases, and
dative cases. Possessive adjectives: mein, dein, sein & kein used with the
nominative, accusative and dative cases.
The German School day, the typical German home and how it is
constructed, Germans and their privacy. Rick Steves from Potsdam to
Berlin, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#4
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, Look I Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A
Resources Step-By-Step Approach to Communication Through TPR Stories, EMC
Crossword Puzzles & Exploring German
Assessment Content Quiz#2(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 5-
Tiere auf dem Bauernhof & Exotische Tiere, die Kuh & der Affe
-Survival Vocabulary-Level 4
Objectives Identifying different animals in German, describing what kind of pets are
at home, and being able to narrate and retell the story-die Kuh und der
Grammar Transforming sentences from the present tense into the future tense, and
using modal auxillaries with the present tense. Accusative & Dative
Origin of names of animals, Greeting strangers and Driving in Germany,
Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#5
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German
Assessment Content Quiz#3(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 6Objectives
Das Verloren Gegangene Buch & die Natur
Students will be able to describe an indoor & outdoor setting, give other
students commands & act out commands when prompted, students will be
able to demonstrate when to use a stem vowel change verb. Also students
will narrate, act out, and retell the story-das verloren gegangene Buch.
Grammar Separable and Inseparable Prefix Verbs in the Present Tense, & Stem
Vowel Changing Verbs
German History-from the Romans to Karl der Grosse, The German Culture
of Beer, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#6
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German, Look I Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step
Approach to Communication Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#4(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 7Objectives
Das Kleidergeschaft, Geschäfte, & Einkaufen
Students will be able to explain what they would like to buy for themselves
or others, also students will be able to inquire of what others will purchase.
Grammar Plurals of nouns, Dative Prepositions, Additional Personal Pronounsnominative and accusative cases.
Christmas Traditions in Germany-Origins of old traditions, Knecht
Ruprecht, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#7
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German, Look I Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step
Approach to Communication Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#1(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 8Objectives
Das Lotterie Los
Students will be able to act out story, retell story from memory and explain
what happened.
Grammar Separable and Inseparable Prefix Verbs in the Present Tense, & Stem
Vowel Changing Verbs
German Life-daily life trivia, German Taxation Practices, Treffpunkt
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German, Look I Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step
Approach to Communication Through TPR Stories, Teacher's DiscoveryCulture
Assessment Content Quiz#2(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 9Objectives
Das Schmutzige Baby & Adjektiven
Describing your family and people, discussing what your family does
together, retelling the story the dirty boy.
Grammar Separable and Inseparable Prefix Verbs in the Present Tense, & Stem
Vowel Changing Verbs
German Sports and Leisure, Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#9
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles & Exploring German, Look I
Resources Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step Approach to Communication
Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#3(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 10Objectives
Die Drei Elefanten, Korperteile von Tieren, Insekten
Extending and accepting invitations, making plans and getting ready,
explaining what happened. Students will also be able to retell the story
and explain what happened
Grammar Present Perfect Tense-Regular and Irregular Verbs
German Scientists & Advancements in technology, Treffpunkt BerlinAbschnitt#10
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles & Exploring German, Look I
Resources Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step Approach to Communication
Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#4(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 11Objectives
Die Mondgeschichte & das Weltall
Talking about meals and food, ordering a meal in a restaurant, discussing
travel plans and events on a trip. Students will be able to retell the story
and explain what happened. Also students will be able to discuss what
happened in the video clips to the Chapter
Grammar Present Perfect Tense-Separable Prefix Verbs
Fasching and Spring Holidays- Treffpunkt Berlin-Abschnitt#11
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, Komm mit! Level 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles &
Resources Exploring German, Look I Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step
Approach to Communication Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#1(D), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 12Objectives
Die Verabredung & das Badezimmer
Students will be able to describe the things they do in preparation for a
date, how they feel about themselves and others. Students will be able to
retell the story and explain what happened.
Grammar Present Perfect Tense-Inseparable Prefix Verbs
German History-from the Romans to Karl der Grosse, Treffpunkt BerlinAbschnitt#12
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 1, EMC Crossword Puzzles & Exploring German, Look I
Resources Can Talk-Blaine Ray-A Step-By-Step Approach to Communication
Through TPR Stories
Assessment Content Quiz#2(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10