1 AIS- C-TYPE QUESTIONS - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 2 5. To plant one acre area, it requires …………. nos of mulberry saplings A) 1100 B) 7000 C) 5000 D) 2400 xU V¡f® gu¥Ãš kšbgç elÎ brŒa ............... v©â¡if kšbgç eh‰WfŸ njit A) 1100 B) 7000 6. Muscardine is a A) Silkworm stage C) Silkworm fungal disease k°fh®il‹ v‹gJ C) 5000 D) 2400 B) Silkwom Parasite D) Disinfectant A) g£L¥òG gUt« B) x£L©â C) g£L¥òG óŠrhz nehŒ D) »Uä ehÁå 7. Density of silk is called as A) Count B) Denier C) Leady g£L üš gUk‹............... vd miH¡f¥gL»wJ A) fΩ£ B) Oåa® C) Á£l« D) Density D)ml®¤Â 8. Mulberry planting season A) June – September C) March-May kšbgç elÎ gUt« B) October-December D) January-February A) #&‹ - br¥l«g® B) m¡nlhg®-or«g® C) kh®¢ - nk D) #dtç – Ã¥utç 9. .“Pebrine” is a A) Biofertilizer B) Weed C) Silkworm disease D) Pepper “bg¥ç‹” v‹gJ. A) cæ® cu« B) fis C) g£L¥òG nehŒ D) äsF 3 10. The body weight of silkworm increases …………. times in its lifetime A) 100 B) 1000 C) 10000 D) 100000 g£L¥òG jdJ thœehëš .................... kl§F vil mÂfç¡»wJ. A) 100 B) 1000 C) 10000 D) 100000 11. ‘Netrika’ is a A) Cocoonage B) Vegetable C) Disease D) Silkworm feed ‘be£çfh’ v‹gJ A) TLf£L« cgfuz« B) xUtif fhŒ C) xU nehŒ D) g£L¥òG czÎ 12. Botanical name of mulberry is A) Gossypium herbaceum B) Morus alba C) Strawberry D) Ocimum sanctum kšbgçæ‹ jhtuéaš bga® A) fhìÃa« bA®ngÁa« B) nkhu° Mšgh C) °£uh bg®ç D) Mìk« nr§l« 13. ‘DFL’ is A) Cocoon B) Silk C) Disease free layings D) Silkworm rearing DFL v‹gJ A) g£L¡TL B) g£L üš C) neha‰w g£L K£il¤ bjhF D) òGts®¥ò Kiw 4 14. For uniform hatching, silkworm eggs should be incubated at ……….….ºC. A) 20 B) 22 C) 25 D) 28 gl;L Kl;ilfis /////////// ºC btg;gepiyapy; milfhg;g[ bra;antz;Lk;/ A) 20 B) 22 C) 25 D) 28 15. Recommended dose of FYM for one acre mulberry garden? A) 20 MT B) 10 MT C) 15 MT D) 25 MT xU Vf;fh; ky;bghp njhl;lj;jpw;F ghpe;Jiuf;fg;gLk; bjhG cuj;jpd; mst[> A) 20 bkl;hpf; ld; B) 10 bkl;hpf; ld; C) 15 bkl;hpf; ld; D) 25 bkl;hpf; ld; 16. Which breed of silkworm gives gradable silk? A) Bivoltine B) Multivoltine C) Cross Breed D) All Vw;Wkjpj; juk; tha;e;j gl;ilf; bfhLf;ff;Toa gl;Lg;g[G ,dk; ////////////////////// A) ,URHw;rpapdk; B) gy RHw;rpapdk; C) fyg;gpdk; D) midj;Jk; 17. Papaya mealy bug infestation can be controlled by release of ………..parasitoids. A) Trichogramma B) Acerophagus C) Nesolynx D) Tetrastichus gg;ghsp kht[g;g{r;rpia mHpf;Fk; xl;Lz;zp /////////////////// ! A) l;iunfhfpuhkh B) mrpnuhngf!; C) ePnrhypd;f;!; D) omm<vi^<cg^<! 5 18 . Generally, tropical silkworm races are ------- moulters A) Tetra B) Penta C) Hexa D) Octa bghJthf c#;zj;ij jh';fp tsuf;Toa gl;Lg;g[G ,dk; ________ Kiw njhYhpg;git. A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 9 C) 56 D) 70 19. Chromosome number of Bombyx mori is A) 28 B) 42 ghk;gpf;!; nkhhpapy; cs;s Fnuhnkhnrhk;fspd; vz;zpf;if. A) 28 B) 42 C) 56 D) 70 20. Sericin is secreted by ---------------- region of silk gland A) Anterior B) Middle C) Posterior D) All gl;L Rug;gpapd; _________ gFjpapypUe;J brhprpd; Ruf;fpwJ. A) Kd; 21. B) ,il C) gpd; D) ,it midj;Jk; -------------- is a viral disease of silkworm A) Pebrine B) Muscardine C) Grasserie D) Sotto ky;bghp gl;Lg;g[Gitj; jhf;Fk; itu!; neha;. A) bgl;iud; neha; B) k!;fhh;ild; neha; C) fpuh!hp neha; D) nrhl;nlh neha; 6 22. Multivoltine silkworm race A) CSR 4 B) CSR 27 C) NB4 D2 D) Pure Mysore gy re;jjp -e!uf gl;Lg;g[G. -e A) rp v!; Mh; 4 B) rp v!; Mh; 27 C) vd;gp 4o2 D) g;a{h; ikR{h; 23. Mulberry is believed to be a native of A) India B) Sri Lanka C) Nepal D) Japan ky;bghpapd; jhafk;. A) ,e;jpah B) ,y';if C). neghsk; D) $g;ghd; 24. The acid used to break the diapause of silkworm eggs A) HNO3 B) H2So4 C) H2O2 D) HCl gl;Lg;g[G cwf;fj;ijf; fiyf;f gad;gLk; urhadk;. A) iel;hpf; mkpyk; B) ry;g{aphpf; mkpyk; C) iQl;u$d; bguhf;i!L D) iQl;nuhFnshhpf; mkpyk; 25. Wild ancestor of Bombyx mori is A) Diaphania pulverulentalis B) Paracoccus marginatus C) Bombyx mandarina D) Antheraea mylitta ghk;gpf;!; nkhhpapd; ,ay; \jhijah; A) ilangdpah gy;btUbyd;lhyp!; B) ghuhfhf;f!; khh;$pndl;l!; C) ghk;gpf;!; kd;lhhpdh D) Me;jphpah kpy;nyl;lh 7 APTITUDE & MENTAL ABILITY 26. What is the value of ( 51 +52 + 53+ .............. +100) A) B) C) 3705 D) 3775 ( 51 +52 + 53+ .............. +100) lkqh<H!biK@! !biK@! A) B) C) 3705 D) 3775 27. If 3x +2y = 25 and if the value of ‘ x ‘ is increased, then the value of ‘ y’ will A) increase B) remain constant C) decrease D) becomes zero 3x +2y = 25 weqe<? ‘ x ‘!e< !e<!lkqh<H!nkqgvqg<gh<hm<miz<!‘ y’e< e<!lkqh<H! A) nkqgvqg<Gl< B) lixilz<!-Vg<Gl< C) GjxBl< D) H,\<\qbliGl<! ! ! 28. A solid metallic cylinder is 20 cm in height and have a radius of 1.5 cm. Find the volume A) 30 cu.cm B) 45 cu.cm C) 40 cu.cm D) 50 cu.cm !!yV!dOzig!dVjt!31!oslQ! dbvLl<! 2/6!os/lQ!NvLl<! djmbK/!nke<!gentU! we<e@! @! A) 30 g/os/lQ B) 45 g/os/lQ C) 40 g/os/lQ! ! 29. Which is the Missing Number in the following picture ? g/os/lQ D) 50 8 ! A) 25 B) 140 C) 96 D) None of these hqe<!uVl<!hmk<kqz<!uqMhm<m!w{<!wK@ ! A) 25 B) 140 C) 96 D) -ux<xqz<!wKUlqz<jz! z! ! 30. If B = 2, BOOK = 43, BALL = ? A) 25 B) 27 C) 28 D) 26 C) 28 D) 26 B = 2, BOOK = 43, weqz< BALL = ? A) 25 B) 27 31. How many prime numbers are there in between 10 and 30 ? A) 7 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 !21!g<Gl<!41!g<Gl<!-jmOb!dt<t!hgi!w{<gt<!wk<kje!@! je!@! A) 7 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 32. A sum amounts of Rs.1,352 in 2 years at 4% compound interest. The sum is A) Rs.1,300 B) Rs.1,200 C) Rs.1,250 D) Rs.1,260 Ngg<!%cb!okijgbqe<!lkqh<H!we<e@!! 4% %m<Mum<c!uQkk<kqz<!2 uVmr<gtqz<!'/1352Ngg< '/ @!! A) Rs.1,300 B) Rs.1,200 C) Rs.1,250 D) Rs.1,260 9 33. The ratio of two numbers is 2 : 3 . Their sum is 60. The numbers are A) 20,40 B) 24,36 C) 30,30 D) 25,35 -V!w{<gt< < 2 : 3 we<x!uqgqkk<kqz<!dt<te?!nux<xqe<!%Mkz<!71!weqz<!nf<k!w{<gt<! t! A) 20,40 34. If = C) 30,30 D) 25,35 B) 27 C) 36 D) 63 C) 36 D) 63 , Find x A) 72 = B) 24,36 , weqz<!!x ! e<!lkqh<jh!gi{<g/! /! A) 72 B) 27 35. If a2>b2 then A) a> b B) a < b C) a = b D) a > b or a < b B) a < b C) a = b D) a > b or a < b a2>b2 we<xiz<! A) a> b 36. For an auditorium th of the seats were occupied by boys and th by girls. What percentage of the audience consisted of these children? A) 80% B) 70% C) 75% D) 62.5% !!gjzbvr<gl<! ye<xqe<! -Vg<jggtqz<! ! higl<! jhbe<gTl<! ! higl<! oh{<gTl<! dm<giv<fk < qVf<kev</! gjzbvr<gk<kqz<! nf<k! Gpf<jkgt<! -Vf<k! -Vg<jggtqe<! skuQkl<! we<e@! @! A) 80% B) 70% C) 75% D) 62.5% 10 37. How many squares are there in the given figure? A) 15 B) 10 C) 8 D) 9 C) 8 D) 9 !! !hqe< < wk<kje!sKvr<gt<!dt<te/@! !hqe<uVl< Vl!hmk<kqz< qz! e/@ A) 15 B) 10 38. In a certain code NCLAGJ means PENCIL, in the same code what does RPYGLQ means? A) TRUCKS B) TRAVEL !!!yV! Gxqh<hqm<m! GxqbQmc < z<! NCLAGJ nch<hjmbqz<!RPYGLQ we<hK!we<e@! @! A) TRUCKS C) TRAINS we<hK! PENCIL weqz<! nOk! GxqbQmc < e<! B) TRAVEL C) TRAINS 39. In computers, 1 KB and 1 MB are respectively equal to A) 1000 bytes and 100 kilobytes B) 1000 bytes and 10000 bytes C) 1024 bytes and 1000 kilobytes D) 1024 bytes and 100 kilobytes D) TRACKS D) TRACKS 11 g{qeqbqz<!yVgqOzijhm<!lx<Xl<!yVolgijhm<!LjxOb!wkx<Gs<!sll<!@! @! A) 1000 jhm<gt<!lx<Xl< 100 gqOzijhm<gt<! B) 1000 jhm<gt<!lx<Xl< 10000 jhm<gt< C) 1024 jhm<gt<!lx<Xl< 1000 gqOzijhm<gt< D) 1024 jhm<gt<!lx<Xl< 100 gqOzijhm<gt<! 40. What is ‘ DEBUGGER ‘ ? A) It is name of an Industry B) It is a software used to remove errors in computer program C) It is a hardware D) None of the above we<hKwe<e@! ‘ DEBUGGER’we< @! A) -V!yV!okipqx<sijzbqe<!ohbv< B) g{qh<ohixqbqz<!gm<mjtbqz<!dt<t!hqjpgjt!fQgG < l<!ole<ohiVt< C) -K!yV!ue<ohiVt< D) -ju!wKUlqz<jz! z! 41. A train passes a platform 60 metres long in 20 seconds and a man in 12 seconds. The speed of the train is A) 18 km/hr B) 27 km/hr C) 36 km/hr D) 40 km/hr ?yV!leqkje! !!yV!Hjg!u{<c!61!lQmm < v<!fQtLt<t!hqtim<hivk<jk!31!uqeicgtqZl</?y V!leqkje! 23!uqeicgtqZl<!gmg<gqxK!weqz<!nke<!Ougl<! A) 18 gqlQ/l{q B) 27 gqlQ/l{q C) 36 gqlQ/l{q D) 40 gqlQ/l{q 12 42. A certain number of men do a piece of work in 40 days. If there had been 45 men more, the work could have been finished in 25 days. The original number of men employed at the work was A) 30 B) 45 C) 60 D) 75 !!!yV! Gxqh<hqm<m! w{<{qg<jgbqz<! dt<t! Nm<gt<! yV! Oujzjb! Lcg<g! 51! fim<gt<! NgqxK/! 56! Ohv<gt<! nkqglig! -Vf<kiz< iz<! nu<Oujzjb! Lcg<g! 36! fim<gt<! NGl</! Le<ev<!nlv<kk < qb!Nm<gt<!w{<{qg<jg! g! A) 30 43. B) 45 C) 60 D) 75 B) 460 C) 1460 D) none of these B) 460 C) 1460 D) -ux<xqz<!wKUlqz<jz! z of 644 = ? A) 640 644 e<! =? A) 640 44. Pick the odd man out. A) Key board B) Monitor C) Printer D) Speaker !gQpg < ! < g{<mux<Xt<!uqk<kqbisliejk! qbisliejk!gi{<g!;! !;! A) gQ!Ohiv<M B) lieqmv< C) hqvqe<mm < v< D) ^<hg Q g < v<! 45. Study the diagram below, identify the region which represent the students who study Physics and Mathematics but not Chemistry. 13 A) T B) P+T+S C) P+T+V+U D) P+Q+R+S !! !gQp! < g{<m! hmk<jkg<! gueq/! ohtkQgl<! lx<Xl<! g{qkl<! hck<K! Oukqbqbz<! hcg<gik! li{uv<gjtg<!Gxqg<Gl<!-ml<! A) T B) P+T+S C) P+T+V+U D) P+Q+R+S 46. If i) Ajith scored more marks than Ajay ii) Ajay scored less than Arun iii) Arun scored more than Ajith and iv) Aravind scored more than Ajith,but less than Arun, then who scored the highest? A) Ajith B) Ajay C) Arun D) Aravind i) n\qk<!we<huv<!n\b<!we<hujv!uqm!nkqg!lkqh<oh{<!ohx<xiv< ii) n\b<!we<huv<!nV{<!we<hujv!uqm!Gjxuie!lkqh<oh{<!ohx<xiv< xiv< iii) nV{<!we<huv<!n\qk<!we<hujv!uqm!nkqg!lkqh<oh{<!ohx<xiv<! iv) nvuqf<!we<huv<!n\qk<!we<hujv!uqm!nkqgligUl<!nV{<!we<hujv!uqm ujv!uqm! ! GjxuigUl<!lkqh<oh{<!ohx<xiv<!weqz<?!-r<Gnkqg!lkqh<oh{<!uir<gqbuv<!biv<@ 14 A) n\qk< B) n\b< C) nV{< D) nvuqf<! ! 47. A man is facing southern directions. He turns to his left side through an angle of 225 degrees. The direction he faces now is A) North west B) South east C) South west D) North east !!!yVleqke<! okx<G! kqjsjb! Ofig<gq! -Vg<gqxie</! nue<! -mKHxlig! 336! Ogi{l<! kqVl<hqeiz<!nue<!-h<ohiPK!wf<k!kqjsjb!Ofig<gq!-Vg<gqxie< A) um!Olx<G B) oke<!gqpg<G C) oke<!Olx<G D) um! um!gqpg<G 48. Which of the following measures cannot be computed for ( 2, 7, 5,10,4 )? A) Mean B) Median C) Mode D) Harmonic Mean ( 2,7,5,10, 4 ) Ht<tq! uquvk<kqx<G! hqe<! uVueux<Xt<! wf<k! ntjujb! g{g<gqm! LcbiK@! ! LcbiK@ A) %m<Msvisvq B) fMou{< C) LgM D) -js! -js!svisvq 49. What is the Acronym for DBMS ? A) Data Base Medical Science B) Data Base Management System C) Data Base Monitoring System D) None of these DBMS we<hke<!uqvquig<gl<!we<e!@! !@! A) Data Base Medical Science B) Data Base Management System C) Data Base Monitoring System D) -ux<Xt<!wKUlqz<jz! z! ! 50. . If A = A) Then, A2 is B) C) D) 15 weqz<, A2 we<hK! K! A= A) B) C) D) GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 51. Which is not the work of Ottakkuttar A) Senkuntamalai B) Saraswathi Anthathi C) Yapperunkalam D) Arumbai Tollayiram !wf<k!F~z<!ym<mg<%k<kv<!wPkqbK!nz<z! A) osr<Gf<kv<!lijz B) sv^<ukq!nf<kikq! ikq! C) bih<ohVr<gzl< D) nVl<jhk<!okit<tibqvl<! ! 52. Transgenders were granted the status of third gender by the Supreme Court on A) March 20, 2014 B) April 15, 2014 C) June 15, 2014 D) January 20, 2014 !lix<Xh<!hizqek<kuv<gjt!&e<xil<!hizqelig!ds<s!fQkq!le<xl<!nr<gg Q ivl<!upr<gqb! fit<! A) liv<s< 20, 2014 B) Wh<vz< 15, 2014 C) \`e< 15, 2014 D) \euvq 20, 2014 53.Name of the first Tamil Scholar who received the “ Padmashree” award A) T.P.Meenakshi sundaram B) R.P.Sethupillai C) M.Varadharajan D) Ovvai D.Natarajan “!hk< !hk<l>!“ >! uqVK!ohx<x!Lkz<!klqpxqRv<!biv<@! !!!!!!A) !!!!!! oki/ohi/lQeim<sq!Sf<kvl< C) L/uvkviseiv< B) vi/hq/OsKh<hqt<jt! t! D) nu<ju/!K/fmvise< u/!K/fmvise<! 16 ! 54. The term ‘ Grand Master’ is associated with A) Hockey B) Foot ball C) Chess D) Badminton ‘!gqvie< !gqvie<m! < li^<mv<!‘!!wEl< !!wEl<!osiz<!wkEme<!okimv<HjmbK! jmbK! A) aig<gq B) giz<hf<K C) sKvr<gl< D) him<lqe<me<! ! 55. Which is the first State in India Panchayat Raj system was implemented? A) Andhra Pradesh B) Rajesthan !!hR<sibk<K! vi\<! Ljxbqje! fjmLjxh<hMk<kqb!lifqzl<!wK@! wK@! A) Nf<kqv!hqvOksl< C) Tamil Nadu -f<kqbiuqz<! B) vi\^<kie< D) Maharastra Lke<Ljxbig! Ljxbig! C) klqp<!fiM LPjlbig! D) lgivi] < vi! lgivi]c vi! 56. In India, policy of population control was introduced in A) 1951 B) 1961 C) 1971 D) 1947 K! -f<kqbiuqz<!!GMl<hg<!gm<Mh<him<M!kqm<ml<!wf<k!N{<cz<!nxqLgh<hMk<kh<hm<mK ! A) 1951 B) 1961 C) 1971 D) 1947 ! 57. The Central Bank of our country is the A) Reserve Bank of India B) State Bank of India C) Canara Bank D) Indian Bank fl<!fim<ce<!lk<kqb!ur<gq!we<hK! K! A) hivk!vqsv<u! < ur<gq B) hivk!^<Omm<!ur<gq gq C) gevi!ur<gq D) -f<kqbe<!ur<gq 58. The Principle of “ One Man – One Vote “ is followed in A) Joint Stock Company B) Co-operative society 17 C) Partnership Company D) None of these “!yV!fhv< !yV!fhv<!.!yV!uig<G”!we< !we<x!Ogim<hiM!hqe<hx<xh<hMuK! MuK! A) %m<M!hr<G!fqXuel< B) %m<MxU!sr<gl< C) %m<M!uqbihivl< D) -ux<xqz<!wKUl<!-z<jz! z! ! 59. NABARD was established in the year A) 1981 B) 1982 C) 1983 D) 1984 fhiv<M!ur<gq!wf<k!N{<M!Okix<Xuqg<gh<hm<mK! K! A) 1981 B) 1982 C) 1983 D) 1984 ! 60. 73 rd Amendment of Constitution of India deals with A) welfare of the people B) co-operative movement C) Individual freedom D) Panchayat Raj jmbK! !!84!uK!-f<kqb!nvsqbzjlh<H!sm<m!kqVk<kl<!wkEme<!okimv<HjmbK ! A) lg<gtqe<!fze<!!!!! C) keq!fhv<!Skf<kqvl< B) %m<MxU!-bg<gl< D) hR<sibk<K!vi\<! ! ! 61. Which of the first country in the world guaranteed in Right to Information? A) America B) England C) France D) Sweedan kguz<!nxqBl<!dvqjljb!wf<k!fiM!Lkzqz<!Wx<hMk<kqbK@! qbK@! A) nolvqg<gi B) -r<gqzif<K C) hqvie<^< D) ^<um Q e<! ! 62. Land is A) Man-made resource B) Non-renewable Natural resource C) Renewable natural resource D) All of these 18 fqzl<!yV! yV! A) leqkeiz<!dVuig<gh<hm<m!utl< B)! !HKh<hqg<g!-bzik!-bx<jg!utl< C) HKh<hqg<g!-bZl<!-bx<jg!utl< D) -ju!njek<Kl<! 63. Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam emphasized the adoption of the following to eradication of poverty in India and to have sustained economic growth. A) MGNREGS B) NRHM C) PURA D) NFSM !!!-f<kqb! fim<ce<! uXjljb! ypqg<gUl<?! fqjzbie! ohiVtikiv! utv<ss < qjb! ohxUl<! fjmLjxh<! hMk<kh<hm!Ou{<Ml<! we!mig<mv</W/hq/o\/nh<Kz<! gzil<! nuv<gt<! uzqBXk<kqg<! %xqbK/! %xqbK/! A) MGNREGS B) NRHM C) PURA D) NFSM 64. The aim of Rajiv Awas Yojana ( RAY) is make the country A) Canals free B) Slum free C) Mosquito free D) None of the above !!vi\qu<!nui^<!Obi\eiuqe<!( RAY) !hqvkie!Gxqg<OgitieK!flK!fim<cje!-ke<hc! ogi{<M!uVukiGl<! A) giz<uib<gt<!-z<zik B) Osvqgt<!-z< !-z<zik C)! !ogiSg<gtqmlqVf<K!uqMkjz D) Olx<%xqbK!wKUl<!-z<jz! z! ! ! 65. GIS stands for A) Geographic Information System B) Global Information System C) Graphical Information System D) Google Information System GIS we<hK! K! A) Geographic Information System B) Global Information System C) Graphical Information System D) Google Information System 19 66. INDRA – is the Joint Naval exercise between the following countries A) India and America B) India and Japan C) India and Russia D) India and Australia jm!hbqx<sqjb!Gxqg<Gl</! INDRA - gQOp!g{<m!fiMgTg<gqjmObbie!%m<M!gmx<hjm!hbqx< A) -f<kqbi!lx<Xl<!nolvqg<gi B) -f<kqbi!lx<Xl<!\h<hie< C) -f<kqbi!lx<Xl<!v] v]b < i D) -f<kqbi!lx<Xl<!N^<kqOvzqbi! qOvzqbi! ! ! 67. UN Flag is designed with the leaves of which of the following tree? A) Olive B) Willo C) Apple D) Pine !!\/!fi!sjhbqe<!ogicbqz<!-ml<!ohx<Xt<t!-jzgtqe<!hmr<gt<!wf<k!lvk<jks<! Osv<fk < ju@! ju@! A) Olive B) Willo C) Apple D) Pine 68. The Architect of Mullai –Periyar Dam is A) John Williams B) John Penny Cuick C) John Pinto D) Jacob Preist Lz<jz!ohvqbiX!nj{bqe<!gm<cm!gjzRv<! A) \ie<!uqz<zqbl<^< B) \ie<!ohe<eq!Gbqg< C) \ie<!hqe<Omi D) \ig<gh<!h<xq^<m! < ! ! 69. “ Tamil Isai Sangam “ was established at Chennai by A) Sir. R.K. Shanmugam Chettiyar B) Sir. M.A.Muthaiya chettiyar C) L.P.Ramanatha Chettiyar D) Sir. Annamalai Chettiyar !ose<jebqz<!“!klqp< !klqp<!-jss<!sr<gk<jk”!njlk< k !njlk<kuv<! 20 A) sv<!Nv</Og/s{<Lgl<!osm<cbiv< B) sv<!wl</W/Lk<jkbi!osm<cbiv< C) wz</hq/-vilfik!osm<cbiv< D) sv<!n{<{iljz!osm<cbiv< 70. Ladies Singles final in Wembledon-2013 had won by A) M.Bartoli B) S.Lisicki C) S.Peng D) K.Nara !!3124!Nl<!N{<cz<!fjmohx<x!uql<hqt<me<!lgtqVg<gie!yx<jxbv<!hqvquqz<!oux<xq! ohx<xuv<! A) wl</hv<Omizq B) w^</zq^<gq C) w^</ohe<g< D) Og/fivi! Og/fivi! ! 71. The National Commission for women was created by A) an amendment in the constitution of India B) a decision of the Union Cabinet C) an Act passed by the Parliament D) an order of the President of India Oksqb!lgtqv<!Nj{bl<!wu<uiX!dVuig<gh<hm<mK!@! K!@! A) -f<kqb!nvsqbzjlh<hqe<!sm<m!kqVk<k!lOsikiuiz<! B) lk<kqb!njls<svjubqe<!Lcuqeiz< C) fimiTle<xk<kqz<!sm<ml<!-bx<xqbkiz< D) -f<kqb!GcbvS!kjzuvqe<!Nj{bqe<hc! c! ! 72. The Indian Income Tax is A) direct tax B) progressive tax C) indirect tax D) none of the above !!-f<kqbiuqe<!uVlie!uvqbieK! uVlie!uvqbieK! !!!!!!A) !!!!!! Ofvc!uvq!!!!! C) ljxLg!uvq ! B) utv<ss < q!uvq D) -ux<xqz<!wKUlqz<jz! z! 21 73. The main objective of the 12 th Five year plan is A) Inclusive growth and Poverty reduction B) Inclusive and sustainable growth C) Sustainable and Inclusive growth to reduce unemployment D) Faster , Sustainable and more inclusive growth heqv{<miuK!!Jf<ki{<M!kqm<mk<kqe<!Lg<gqb!Ofig<gl<!! !!!!!A) < q!lx<Xl<!Wp<jl!Gjxk<kz<! !!!!! dt<tmg<gqb!utv<ss B) dt<tmg<gqb!lx< < q qb!lx<Xl<!fqjzbie!utv<ss < q C) Oujzbqe<jljb!Gjxg<Gl<!fqjzbie!lx<Xl<!dt<tmg<gqb!utv<ss D) Ouglie?!fqjzbie!lx<Xl<!nkqgh<hcbie!dt<tmg<gqb!utv<ss < q! q! ! 74. Which is the National fruit of India? A) Banana B) Apple C) Mango D) Water Melon C) lil<hpl< D) kv<H,s{q! ,s{q! -f<kqbiuqe<!Oksqb!hpl<!wK@! wK@! A) uijph<hpl< B) Nh<hqt< ! 75. Our National Anthem was composed by Rabindranath Tagore, it was first sung in the year A) 1905 B) 1906 C) 1911 D) 1912 !!flK!Oksqb!gQkk<jk!-bx<xqbuv<!-vuQfk < qvfik<!ki%v<?!-h<himz<!Lke<Ljxbig! -jsg<gh<hm<m!N{<M! A) 1905 ! ! ! B) 1906 C) 1911 D) 1912 22 GENERAL SCIENCE 76. Vernation means the arrangement of leaf A) on the stem B) on the root C) inside the bud D) outside the bud !!ouv<Of] f]e<!we<hK!-u<uqk!-jzbqe<!njlh<H!NGl<! A) k{<ce<!Olz< B) Ouvqe<!Olz< C) olim<cEt< D) olim<cx<G!Olz<! ! 77. Botanical name of turmeric is A) Azadirachia indica B) Hibiscus rosa sinensis C) Curcuma domestica D) Ammonia baccifera !lR<stqe<!kiuvuqbz<!ohbvieK! ohbvieK! A) N\ijmvg<mi!-e<cgi B) jahq^<g^<!Ovisi. Ovisi.jsee<sq^< C) gv<%li!omil^<cgi D) nOlieqbi!Oh^<^qohvi! qohvi! ! 78. Quinine is made from A) cinchona roots B) cinchona fruits C) cinchona leaf D) cinchona bark !Guqjee<!we<x!lVf<K?!sqe<Ogiei!lvk<kqe<!wf<k!higk<kqzqVf<K!kbivqg<gh<hMgqxK@ A) Ouv<gt< B) hpr<gt< C) -jzgt< D) hm<jm! m! 79. ‘Tikka’ disease is found in A) groundnut B) citrus C) sugarcane D) sorghum C) gVl<H D) Ositl<! ‘!cg< !cg<gi!‘!Ofib< i! !Ofib<!gi{h<hMl<!kiuvk<kqe<!ohbv</! A) fqzg<gmjz ! B) wZlqs<js 23 80. Krebs cycle takes place in A) chloroplast B) peroxisomes C) mitochondria D) cytoplasm !!gqvh<^! < Spx<sq!fjmohXl<!-ml<! A) GOtivihqti^<m< B) ohvig<^qOsil<^< C) jlm<Omigi{<cvqbi D) jsm<Omihqtisl<! 81. If you walk towards a plane mirror at a speed of 10 cm/s at what speed does your image approach you? A) 5 cm/s B) 10cm/s C) 20cm/s D) information inadequate !!!fQrg < t<! Lgl<! hiv<gG < l<! g{<{icjb! Ofig<gq! fmg<Gl<! Ougl<! 2! uqeicg<G! 21! os/lQ/we<xiz<!wu<utU!Ougk<kqz<!hql<hl<!dr<gjt!Ofig<gq!uVl</! A) 5 os/lQ/ uqeic B) 10!os/lQ !os/lQ/ uqeic C) 20!os/lQ !os/lQ/ uqeic D) Ohikqb!kguzqz<jz! z! 82. A loudspeaker converts A) electrical energy into sound energy B) sound energy into electrical energy C) small sound into a large sound D) none of the above Yzq!ohVg<gq!! q!! A) lqe<sg<kqjb!yzq!sg<kqbig!lix<XgqxK! gqxK! B) yzq!sg<kqjb!lqe<sg<kqbig!lix<XgqxK C) sqxqb!yzqjbh<!ohvqkig!lix< !ohvqkig!lix<Xl< D) -ux<Xt<!wKUlqz<jz 24 83. Which does not involve the principle of inclined plane? A) Mountain Road B) Staircase C) Sea-saw D) Ladder !sib<ktk<kqe<!nch<hjmbqz<!njlbikK!wK@! njlbikK!wK@! A) ljzh<hijk B) hcg<gm<Mgt< C) ^Q!.!^i!W{q D) W{q 84. When the speed of a body is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes A) doubled B) half C) quadruple D) one-fourth yV!ohiVtqe<!Ougl<!-vm<ch<hiGl<!OhiK!nke<!-bg<g!Nx<xz<! A) -vm<ch<hiGl< B) hikqbiGl< C) fie<G!lmr<giGl< D) fie<gqz<!yV!hr<giGl< 85. Fuse wire is a wire of ……………………. Resistance and ……………………. melting point A) low,high B) high,high C) low,low D) high,low lqe<dVgq!gl<hq_________ lqe<!kjmBl<!lx<Xl<!_________ dVG!fqjzBl<!djmbK! q djmbK! A) Gjxf<k?!nkqg B) nkqg?!nkqg C) Gjxf<k?!Gjxf< ?!Gjxf<k D) nkqg?!Gjxf<k! ! 86. What is the main component of bones and teeth? A) Calcium carbonate B) Calcium phosphate C) Calcium sulphate D) Calcium nitrate wZl< wZl<Hgt<!lx<Xl<!hx<gtqz<!Lg<gqb!ohiVtig!-Vh<hK!wK@! K!wK@! A) giz<sqbl<!giv<hOem< B) giz<sqbl<!hi^<Ohm<! C) giz<sqbl<!sz<Ohm< D) giz<sqbl<!jfm<Ovm<! 25 87. The function of Pace-maker is A) regulation of urine formation B) regulation of digestion C) initiation of heartbeat D) initiation of respiration Oh^<!Olg<gvqe<!Oujz! Oujz! A) sqXfQv! < dVuig<Gujk!yPr<GhMk<Kkz< B) osvqliek<jk!yPr<GhMk<Kkz<! C) -kbKch<jh!K~{<Mkz< D) Suisk<jkk<!K~{<Mkz<! 88. Where is the ‘Uvula’ in the human body? A) Nose B) Ears C) Mouth D) Eye ‘!BUzi! !BUzi!‘!we< !BUzi! !we<hK!leqk!dmzqe<!wf<k!hGkqbqz<!dt<tK@! K@! A) &g<G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giK! giK! C) uib<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D) g{<! ! 89. Bile is secreted by A) liver B) bile duct C) gall bladder D) pancreas hqk<k!fQjvs<!Svh<hK! K! A) gz<zvQ z<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B) < fitl<! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hqk<kfQv! C) hqk<kh<jh D) gj{bl<! ! 90. The hormone which brings about characteristic changes in male at puberty is called A) Androgen B) FSH C) Adrenaline D) Testosterone hVuljmf<k!N{<gTg<Gvqb!G{ikqsbr<gjt!dVuig<Gl<!aiv<Olie<! A) Ne<mO < vi\e<!!!!!!!!!!!!!B) !!!!!!!!!!!! hizqg<gqz<!osz<!K~{<Ml<!aiv<Olie<!)!FSH) )! C) nm<ve Q zqe<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D) om^<mO < mi^<cvie<! !!!!!!!!!!!!! 26 ! 91. Which one of the following is an explosive? A) Benzene hexachloride B) Trinitro toluene C) Tetraethyl lead D) Polyvinyl chloride !gQpg < ! < g{<mux<Xt<!!wK!ouclVf<K@! @! A) ohe<se Q ! < oag<^i!GOtijvM B) cjvjfm<Ovi!omiZuqe< C) omm<vi!=jkz<!ozm< D) hizquqjez<!GOtijvM! GOtijvM! ! 92. Mass number of an element represents A) number of protons and neutrons B) number of electrons and neutrons C) number of protons and electrons D) none of these yV!keqlk<kqe<!fqjx!w{<!Gxqh<hK!nkqZz<z! A) HOvim<mie<gt<!lx<Xl<!fqB,m<vie<gt<!w{<{qg<jg! g! B) wzg<mv< ie<gt<!lx<Xl<!fqB,m<vie<gt<!w{<{qg<jg C) HOvim<mie<gt<!lx<Xl<!wzg<mv< ie<gt<!w{<{qg<jg D) -ju!WKlqz<jz 93. Which of the following is correctly matched? A) TNT - Fertilizer B) Gasoline - Petrochemical C) Potassium Sulphate - Explosive D) Cement Molecular crystal - !hqe<!uVueux<Xt<!wK!svqbig!ohiVk<kh<hm<Mt<tK! K! 27 A) TNT - dvl< B) OgOsizqe< - ohm<Ovioglqg<gz< C) ohim<misqbl<!sz<Ohm< - oucohiVt< oucohiVt< D) sqole<m< - &zg<%X!hcgt<! ! ! 94. ‘Argentine’ is a chief ore/mineral of A) silver B) gold C) mica D) limestone C) jlg<gi D) nZlqeqbl< ‘!nv< !nv<o\e<jme<!‘we< we<hK!-ke<!Lg<gqb!kiK! qb!kiK! A) out<tq! B) kr<gl< ! ! 95. Which of the following known as complete fertilizer? A) Nitrogenous fertilizer B) Potash fertilizer C) NPK fertilizer D) NP fertilizer gQpg < g < {<m!dvr< m!dvr<gtqz<!LPjlbie!dvl<!wK@! wK@! A) jfm<v\e<!dvr<gt< B) ohim<mi] < dvr<gt< i ]! C) NPK dvr<gt< D) NP dvr<gt<! ! 96. When a metal ring is heated, its inner diameter will A) increase B) decrease C) show no change D) vibrate yV!dOzig!ujtbk<jk!$mig<gqeiz<!nke<!dt<uqm<ml<! ! A) nkqgvqg<Gl< B) GjxBl< C) lixiK D) nkqVl<! 28 97. Match the following lists and select the correct answer : List – I List - II a) Raman effect 1) Magnetic field b) Zeeman effect 2) Scattering c) Stark effect 3) Relative velocity d) Doppler effect 4) Electric field Codes : a b c d A) 3 1 2 4 B) 4 3 2 1 C) 2 4 3 1 D) 2 1 4 3 uvqjs!I–dme< uvqjs! dme<!uvqjs!II–!jeh< uvqjs! !jeh<!ohiVk<kq!svqbie!uqjmjbg<!gi{<g;! ;! List – I List - II a) vile<!uqjtU 1) gif<kh<Hzl< b) sQle<!uqjtU 2) sqkxz< c) ^<miv<g! < uqjtU 3) siv<H!kqjs!Ougl< d) mih<tv<!uqjtU 4) lqe<Hzl< GxqbQM : a b c d A) 3 1 2 4 B) 4 3 2 1 C) 2 4 3 1 D) 2 1 4 3 29 98. Periodic table was given by A) Faraday B) Mendeleev C) Arrhenius D) Lavoisier keql!uvqjs!nm< keql!uvqjs!nm<muj{jbg<!ogiMk<kuv<! A) 0hivOm! B) ol{<mzQu< C) nvQeqb^< D) zuib<sqbv<! 99. The blue colour of the water in the sea is due to A) absorption of other colours except blue by water molecules B) scattering of blue light by water molecules C) refraction of blue light by impurities in sea water D) Reflection of blue sky by sea water gmz<!fQv! < fQz!fqxlig!Okie<xg<!giv{l<! A) fQv! < &zg<%Xgt<!fQz!fqxl<!kuqv!hqx!fqxr< kuqv!hqx!fqxr<gjt!dxqR<Sukiz<! B) fQv! < &zg<%Xgt<!fQz!ytqjbs<!sqkxs<!osb<ukiz< C) gmz<!fQvqz<!dt<t!liSg<gtiz<!fQz!fqx!ytqbieK!ytq!uqzgz<!njmukiz< < fQz!uiek<jk!hqvkqhzqh<hkiz< D) gmz<!fQv! 100. Combustion chemically is A) decomposition B) reduction C) slow oxidation D) rapid oxidation wvqk<kzqe<!OhiK!fqgPl<!Oukq!lix<xl<! A) sqjkujmkz< B) yMg<gl< C) olKuie!Ng<^q\Oex<xl< D) uqjvU!Ng<^q\Oex<xl<!