Lean CRM - LifeWings Partners LLC

How LifeWings Saves Lives, and Money,
By Thinking Outside the Process Improvement Box.
LifeWings blends all of the elements of Crew Resource
Management (CRM) plus Toyota Lean process
improvement into one united effort one that provides
administrator, physician, and nursing engagement and
support of standardized work at the outset, and
sustained results over time.
We build an operationally
experience by using Lean to create standard practices
for improved on time starts, optimized patient flow,
and patient and procedure room readiness. We also
create fully balanced staffing, scheduling, and surgical
or procedure block times. Result? Quality, safety, and
cost effectiveness.
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But, it doesn’t matter how efficient these standardized
practices are, if staff don’t, or won’t, use them. To
ensure accountability, LifeWings changes your culture
through CRM training to ensure every member of the
team can make a stop the line assertive statement,
communicate without error, and collaborate like an
expert team.
Using CRM we implement standard handoffs, time outs
checklists, protocols, and scripts, to create high
performing, accountable organizations. With our
training, your teams communicate freely, fluidly, and
transcend traditional silos.
World Class Lean Coaches
All of our Lean coaches are expert in HosinKanri
process, strategic planning, in station process control,
metrics development and use, employee engagement,
standardized work, organizational design, total
productive maintenance, 5 S standardization, Kaizen
events, value stream mapping, and the Just in Time
material flow pull systems.
Mike Brown:
20 years experience implementing the
Toyota Production System (TPS) and Practical
Problem Solving. Implementations include:
o St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
o Baylor Healthcare System
o DaimlerChrysler
o University Of Minnesota Medical Center
o Hill Country Memorial Hospital
o Main Line Health
o Motorola
o United Technologies
o Smiths Aerospace
o St Luke’s Health System Idaho
Founding member of the Toyota Motor
Manufacturing Plant, Kentucky;
Extensive TPS training in Japan at both the
Kamigo and Tahara Toyota facilities.
David Lawson:
20 years experience implementing the
Toyota Production System (TPS).
Implementations include:
o St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
o Baylor Healthcare System
o University Of Minnesota Medical Center
o Main Line Health
o St Luke’s Health System Idaho
Lead Lean projects in:
o 24 room operating facility
o Emergency department
o Angiology
o Outpatient imaging
o Outpatient operating facility
o Trauma step down unit
o Patient admission testing unit.
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David Bowman:
11 years experience implementing the
Toyota Production System (TPS);
Founding member of the Toyota Motor
Manufacturing Plant, Kentucky;
Extensive TPS training in Japan at the Kamigo
Toyota facility from the Toyota Sensei;
Implementations in:
o Perioperative Services Patient Care
o Emergency Department Pharmacy
o Environmental Services
o EMR.
Kevin Noble:
22 years experience implementing the
Toyota Production System (TPS);
Implementations include:
o Elmore Medical Center
o St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
o Hill Country Memorial Hospital
o Bryn Mawr Hospital
o Lowe’s Corporate
o Ideal – Tridon Corp.
Jeff Darnaby:
17 years experience implementing the
Toyota Production System (TPS);
Implementations include:
o Hill Country Memorial Hospital
o Bryn Mawr Hospital
o Charleston Area Medical Center.
Michael Jihn, FACHE, MBA:
LifeWings senior advisor and executive coach
for leadership teams and physician groups as
they navigate the difficult waters of safety and
process transformation.
30 years of experience leading healthcare
o 14 years with St. Luke’s Episcopal
Health System President & CEO.
o Board member for The Joint
Commission, Texas Heart Institute, and
Houston Forum.
Case Study #2
Increased Pre Op Antibiotic Prophylaxis Timing
Compliance > 95%, in all areas, from a low of
Increased OR cases per day capacity while
decreasing patient flow time;
Increased On Time Starts First Cases to 90%,
from 33% previously;
Reduced Average Room Turnover Time to 16.1,
from approx. 35 Min previously;
DSU PT Prep Time 30.4 Min, a 31%
Case Study #3
Sentinel events reduced to 1 from average of
6 –7 per year;
Serious safety events rate lowered from 5.83 to
3 year Mortality index lowered from 0.97 to
Days on ventilator reduced from 240d to 173d;
74% of all Safety Culture Survey indicators show
ICU’s reduced RN turnover costs by $187,000
Surgical Services reduced RN turnover costs by
$345,000 annually;
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Retention Costs
Before CRM
ICU Dept.
Retention Costs
After CRM
St. Marys
Improved: OR On Time Starts = 100%, a 51%
OR Room Turn Over Time = 23.9 Min, a 35%
OR Anti Biotic Timing Compliance = 97% a 1%
DSU Holding Wait Time = 0.0 Min (Eliminated
This Step);
DSU patient Prep Time = 30.4 Min, a 31%
PAT Phone Interview Time = 29.6 Min , a 27%
Case Readiness 72 Hrs. Out = 28.6%, a 60%
St. Marys
Case Study #1
Documented Results
Case Study #4
Instrument Tray accuracy up from 80% to 97%;
Case Cart accuracy up from 81% to 94%;
8 wrong or missing laterality discovered in
8 wrong side surgeries prevented;
6 Medication errors/harms prevented;
First case, On time starts up 18% in Main OR;
First case, On time starts up 19% in Day Surgery
Safety Culture Survey: Supervisor Support for
safety – up 13 points;
Safety Culture Survey: Overall Support for
Safety – up 17 points;
“Good Catch Program” 98 Good catches for
Typical ROI
Example #1
$470K invested produced $2M in returns.
Example #2
$8.5M invested produced $30.5M in returns.
Example #3
$484K invested produced $1.5M in returns.
Returns are based on savings, cost avoidance, waste
reduction, efficiency, and volume increases. After the
Deep Dive, ROI is guaranteed.
Sustained Results
Our guarantee is that when the engagement ends your
staff will have the knowledge to create new safety tools
and standardized work on their own, and more
importantly, is able to train fellow staff members on
how to create, implement, and use new tools for
lifelong improvements.
Partners with Purpose
LifeWings, located in Collierville, TN, was founded in
2005 with the sole mission of helping health care
providers improve safety with the proven teamwork,
safety tools, and methodologies for communication
used successfully in high reliability industries. Their
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leaders, experts in health care, manufacturing, and
aviation, were the pioneers in effectively adapting tools
proven in the aviation world (CRM) and the
manufacturing industry (Lean) to the health care
setting. Their program succeeds where others have
failed because they require their clients to measure
results and have a plan for sustainability. They teach
clients how to create more efficient, safer cultures and
teach future employees the methods, so the
improvements are systemic, not one time quick fixes.
As a result of industry wide recognition of the
LifeWings program, their team has helped providers
around the world save lives and reduce costs.
LifeWings Partners LLC
1163 Halle Park Circle
Collierville, TN 38017