I / / / ------..................... . ...................................... —..... X", - - - _________ - '. - ................... , , .p,-— .--- DAYS SET Mid-Term Test Results FOR MEETS ON FRUITS ■NK Following is th e list of New­ a rk stu d en ts passing m id -term R egents an d C ertified ex am in a­ tio n s,la st week, as announced by E. R. Woelfei, su p e rin te n d e n t of schools. An asterisk preced ­ in g th e nam e in d icates a g rad e o f 90 o r more. ^ f,$ihree fu ll days of fr u it meet| ^ | s ' - a r e in store for W ayne fc ^ U n ty f r u it m en th e first week ip ^ lE e b ru a ry . T h is w as th e a n ­ n o u n c e m e n t of Ja m e s G . Case S qdus, t h e fru it com m ittee The following people passed p h a irm a h of th e F a rm Bureau. “ fln s te a d o f th e re g u lar two 2- exam inations in C ertified Sub­ y schools th e ^com m ittee de- jects: ENGLISH I jj.J e d to tr y a series o f th ree Nicholas B arberi, O tis Bloom. |:||iis.ecutiye days th is year. They David Craw ford, Wesley F a rn s­ b e h eld in W illiamson w o rth , E rnest Lay, S hirley Van ,nge H a ll o n T hursday, Feb. Wlaes, William VerDow, C arlto n ^ fo llo w in g day a t th e Sodus W einm an. a n g e H all, a n d o n S a tu rd a y ENGLISH II th e W olcott H igh School. M ary P ratt. M a jn in g sessions w ill begin at ENGLISH I I I 1 0 o'clock, an d aftern o o n sesM. E laine H am m ond. ■ sio n s a t 1 o ’clock. LANDSCAPE GARDENING T h e W illiam son a n d W olcott Iren e B rink, E leanor F ineI, m e e tin g s w ill h a v e id e n tic a l p ro- wood, B runo L ag an a, M ary M c1 g ra in s d e alin g w ith ap p le s th u s P a rla n d , P eter M inutolo, G race t g iv in g grow ers in a ll p a r ts of Q uagliata, F ra n k S a tta , C arl t t h e co u n ty o p p o rtu n ity to easily TruU u, P eter V anderM olen, V in­ (I a tte n d '. T h e Sodus m eetin g will c e n t Velesenti. REPRESENTATION <k {ProVide d iscussion on fru its o th 'M ary ’ A ustin, ‘E lizabeth 11i* e r t h a n ap p les a n d w ill also s p o tlig h t a ta lk on “Incom e Tax Boynton, F ra n k Ceravolo, A r­ W hich. F r u it G rowers M ust P a y ”. lene DeSmith, "Ja n e E vans, --JSLWood Law rence, a n d Ed. D e­ *Lona Evans, F re d H arding, E rn est Lay, \* P a u l P alerm o, l i g h t o f W illiam son, Ja m e s Case Rocco Palermo, ‘Elsie Priebe, a n d M . E. B uckm an of Sodus, Elsie VanAst, ‘E sth e r V anN orM ario n E ygnor of N o rth Rose m an. a n d H a rry S h e a r of W olcott will DESIGN „p re s id e a t the various sessions. LeRoy Aplin, ‘ Rose B urchards, At W illiam son an d W olcott th e H enry A. Crescibene, H enry R. lo n g a w a ite d resu lts o f Prof. M. Crescibene, ‘H aro ld D ikem an, •H; H offm an’s successful w ork in E dw ard McCue, ‘R ich ard P e r­ sa v in g th in n ing lab or by sp ray - kins. f n a g o ff p a r t of th e ap p le bloom CIVICS w ill b e shown. S uch grow ers as ‘R ichard A kenhead, ‘V irginia ^ G a n n e tt Bros, o f Lyons point Albanese, E d ith Allen, Jo a n B ag'o u t t h a t th is new discovery will ley, ‘A lbert B ailey, ‘M adeline b e p a rtic u la rly valuable during B enjam in, ‘B a rb a ra Bloomer, th iS w a r em ergency. Joseph Je a n n e B rig h tm an , Alvin B rink, E v a n s w ill discuss "W hich Is th e W illiam Buck, A n n a B uraginia, 'R ig h t D o rm a n t O il?” Dr. W. D. •C herie B urcroff, “C h e ster B u rM ills a n d F red Lewis w ill give d jtt, W illiam B urgess, •G e ra l­ t h e low dow n o n th e ir sugges­ dine B urgett, E d ith Case, V ir­ tio n s re la tiv e to sp ray in g in th e gin ia Celso, Jam es Ceravolo, bloom to p re v e n t Eire B lig h t th e ‘B etty Chase, E lean o r C larke, C arl Cornwell, L ester Cox, disease w hich d id th o u san d s of d o llars o f d am ag e to ap p le la st ^ ^ ^ i d s o n . Edwin ytear. D ailey, ‘John D avis, M arg aret T h e. f r u it com m ittee h a s also DeBoerdKre, ‘E ln o ra D eBout, scheduled E n g in eer C. N. T u rn e r ‘ R obert D eCausem aker, N ina ; t a lay o u t a. p rogram of spray D ecker, Dolly DeDee, A nthony rvg care a n d operation during DeMarco, Helen DeMarco, R ich ­ Jbhe p re s e n t em ergency w hen r e ­ a r d DeNagel, Je rry D ennis, B etty p a i r p a r ts a n d sp ra y lab o r effi­ DeW eaver, M ildred Dey, Evelyn ciency a r e a t a prem ium . Dorn, Ju n e Downey, A udrey D u.AH co m m ercial m a te ria l co m ­ P o in t, S tephen E lliott, V ivian p a n ie s h a v e been asked to sen d E n g ert, Hazel F a rn sw o rth , M ary a re p re se n ta tiv e to th e Sodus F isch ette, D onald F isk, T h e lm a B a rb a ra F o llette, tin g to ta lk o n supply in g o f F o g a r t y , ( ^ m a t e r i a l s d u rin g th e ^ o m - !Chafles Frey, V ivian F u ller, B a rb a ra Fussell. s n g season. D orothy G ary, ‘N ancy G entile, Alfred G. Lewis Jr. of G eneva, v ic e -p re sid e n t o f th e New York M in a Gifford, B etty G lim pse, f S ta te C herry G row ers As- F ra n k Gullo, T h e lm a H arris, Kpsociation, w ill b e p resen t a t th e Iv a n H ym an, B e rn a rd H untley, Jack so n , W illiam ;Sodus m o rn in g program . H is ‘ H erb e rt Jones, ‘Lym an K aller, K e ith ;topic is “W e ju s t got B ack from K etch am , A ndrew Lootens, M ichigan.” Mr. Case says th a t E lean o r Lym an, C ora M arrio t, Cherry grow ers who lo s t p a r t o r G eorge M arro, R o b ert M a rtin , a l l o f th e i r crop from fro st la s t D elores Mason, P e te r M ason, season w o n ’t w a n t to m iss Dr. D uane McCue, ‘ Shirley M eF au l, M ill’s r e p o r t of th e effect of V irginia M cM ann, H einz M ohr, s p r a y m a te ria l on th e a m o u n t R ich ard Monje, D oris M urray. o f ‘‘f reezin g dam age. Mill’s ta lk F ra n k P alerm o, R ich ard P ark s, >tr£Le is “D id Lim e S ulfur S p ray - E d n a Peirson, P a lm a r Pelis, fed. > C h e rry T rees H ave More B lossom s K illed b y L a st S p rin g ’s } F ro st.’* o CERTIFIED O nalee P itts, Leonard Polakieweiz, Leland Powers. Edgar P rentice, Louise Restivo, ‘R ich­ a rd Reeves. Isabelle Robeson. K ath e rin e Ross, S hirley Ryan, ‘R ichard Schum m , F rancis Siler, •R obert S m ith, Edwin Stell, D orothy Strong, Lucille Tack, Lucy T avano, ‘Doris Taylor, Gene Tilburg, George Tilburg, E leanor U rsano, M arg aret V an DeMoortel, Eugene V anderm ar­ tel, H arold V andenbout, ‘D on­ ald V anderbrook, R obert Van Hoesen, Emily VerCrouse, Gladys Voll-ertsen, R obert Wage, Agnes W alters, M arjorie W arner, Jose­ phine W ebster, ‘ Lois W inans, •M ary Z appia, ‘V eneranda Z arola, Clayton Spade INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS Laverne Young. SALESMANSHIP R obert Crouse, Helen DeCann, Pauline Dey, Ellen Dion, William F arnsw orth, Cora Henkel, T heresa M arroeco, M arjorie Pierce, Aquila Santoro, ‘Elsie Simonse, Elsie VanAst, E sther V anNorm an, Mark W alsh CHEMISTRY M arian Kelley GENERAL SCIENCE Henry Crescibene, Erm a Jean P arks, Irving Robinson, Coram arie Siler, Ja n e t W arner, S h ir­ ley VanWaes. EL. ALGEBRA Edward Reed. HOMEMAKING A (Foods) Elizabeth Boynton, M artha B oynton, Mildred DeRue, Jan e Evans, V irginia Frawley, Laura G allagher, E dna Goossen, •Ethel H anlon, R u th H arding, Ann H avert, M arian Kelley, Mary M inutolo, Doris M urray, •Thelm a O’Connell, M argaret Overslaw, E dna Peirson, Lucy Q uag­ liata , Emily VerCrouse. HOME ECONOMICS I L oretta Billotto, Virginia Cel­ so, Wilma Clark M argaret DeBoerdere, Ju n e Downey, Mary DeLyser, Hazel Farnsw orth. Jessie F arnsw orth, Helen F erraraccio, M ina Gifford, Elizabeth Gullo, T helm a H arris, Y olanda Moyer, F ran ces Ryckbost, Lucy T avano, Rosalie Traicchio, G ladys Vollertsen, Agnes W alter SPELLING Nellie Adele, ‘B lanche Artlip, R alph B aker, Jacob Bouwens, K eith BrH], ‘ Jean Buck, A m a Campbell, K en n e th Chrysler, A nn Cill, Henry C inti, Rose Colacino, ‘E leanor Cole, Eleanor Colem an, G rover Coleman, ‘M arjorie D avenport, Michael D eJohn, ‘Ire n e D eK ann, Al­ phonse DePorter, ‘Mary DiS an to , M a rth a Douglas, F reder­ ick Feiock, ‘ K enneth Follette, •Ann F ran k lin . Howard F ra n k ­ lin. ‘Rosella F rench. Ann Griho •S arah H allagan. Joseph Hal- i ■— mi. ■ '■*— ■' ■ ■■ ■■ ■= gets- co-operation in stead o f I som ething, instead of trying to lin an , Mary H ansen, ‘ Nadine H olland. ‘M arth a Jolly, ‘Joan Kelley, Edward K neut, R u th K rebbeks, Donald Lanse, ‘B etty Lawton, H arry Lewis, C arl Lyke, A nthony Mancuso, M artha Mor­ gan, Joseph Muoio, G ertrude M urray, ‘ George Negus, ‘Ethel Nerber, Hazel O ’Brte n, R ichard Pelow. ‘M arilyn Pulver. D orothy Richmond, ‘ Mary Sapp, ‘ Vera S atta, George Sco­ field, Helen Sedgwick, ‘T hom as Sedgwick, ‘Dorothy Shearer, Elaine Strobridge, ' .L y m a n S tu art, Betty VanCasselle, ‘Alice Verdehem, ‘Jean VerDow, Helen W alter, ‘Dorell Williams, L aura Yarborough, ‘ Rose Zarola. REGENTS LATIN THREE YEARS •K athleen Crouch. INT. ALGEBRA •B etty Allen, ‘ Louise Bailey, •C harles A. Bloom :r, ‘Lena Cel­ so, ‘Bruce Cook, Myrtle Cook, •Dorothy Cooper, ‘Clayton Cornwell, Jam es Cornwell, Mary Ja n e DeBarr, Genevieve Doug­ las, Posey Emerson, M arilyn F arrar, M argaret Gabriel, Co­ m an G alusha, ‘Donald Garlock, Arlene Hoad, ‘Brewster Kopp, •Ann Noonan, Ellsworth Sawyer, B etty Scheerens, Cora Scheetz, H arriet Smith,* Rose Wilck, ‘R obert Wildhack, M ary Eliza­ beth Wood, ‘Ellen Young. SOLID GEOMETRY R ichard C hittenden, Harry Inm an, William M atthews, Wil­ liam Jerom e Rich, ‘R ichard Schumm , Cornelius Sinkeldam , Maurice Strobridge. BUSINESS LAW Irene B rink, M arjorie L. C ar­ roll, Phyllis Cole, Helen DeCann, Pauline M. Dey, Ellen O. Dion, William F arnsw orth, Eleanore E. Finewood, Charles A, H ausm an, T heresa Marrocco, Lucy Maslyn, Ward P R ynearson, Elsie Simonse, M argaret E. Townsend, Elsie VanAst. “ Es­ th e r E. VanNorman, William H. Vickery. ECONOMICS Raymond Brock, ‘M ary Brockhuizen, T helm a Ja n e Craver. G uilda Crescibene, Mary Ctosante. R obert Crouse, ‘Gloria G roat. I Cora Henkel, Angellne Ioele, Josephine Lewen. E dna L. Nodfeckdr, Aquila Santoro, “ Ptrjlhp\Rpss. B ernard V anderbrooke. Hugh W helpton, “ Helen W aeghe “ denotes Certified exam ination TYPEWRITING Helen D eCann, Ellen Dion. ELEMENTARY ENGLISH •L ena Marie DeLyser, Florence Lamote, Helen Oney. Edgar Prentice. GEOGRAPHY M arian Bauer. ‘Betty Burcroff. •Lillian DeCann, Mary DeSain. Floyd Engert, ‘ Donald F agner, ‘K enneth H arder, V irginia Hoot, ‘Lorraine H ornbeck , J e a n K lahn, ‘Florence L am ote, J a n e Schumm, A lbert Toye, Arlene VanLare. SPELLING Donald B oughton, Donald Fagner, ‘Je a n K lahn, Helen •Oney, ‘Joyce Reeves, K a rl Stacy, •Carolyne T rask, A rlene V an Lare. ■' ARITHMETIC «* Lawrence DeLyser, D onald Fagner, Lena F rench, J e a n K lahn, P au line L ootens, Joyce Reeves, K arl S tacy, C arolyne Trask, Arlene V anLare, B etty Jan e Willemsen. ELEMENTARY U.S. HISTORY M argaret D eboerdere, L ena DeLyser, ‘Howard F aro, B a rb a ra Follette, ‘Florence Lam ote, Helen Oney, B etty W illemsen. SILENT READING Lawrence D eLyser, L ena D e­ Lyser, Howard Faro, W. R. J a n ­ sen, Ivan H ym an, ‘Florence L a ­ mote, Helen Oney, K a rl Stacy. W RITING 'Lena DeLyser, H ow ard Faro, Florence Lam ote. -oTlie Lake S uperior district supplies m ore iro n ore th a n any other section of th e world, a n d consists o f M innesota, M ichigan and Wisconsin. CARNEGIE (Continued from Page Nine) Commerce M anagers associa­ tion. I have been genuinely interested in w h a t TCCM a n d its associations h av e m ean t to me and I am anxious to bring such inspirations t o my fellow secretaries in th e profession, therefore I s h a ll‘be glad to do w hat I can to h elp you. First, find a tta c h e d h ereto my check for m y a n n u a l dues; I ju st neglected sending them sooner. "Next, I would suggest th a t as m any of o u r p re se n t m em ­ bers m ake a p ersonal visit to th e non-m em bers i n th e ir im ­ m ediate area; second best, a letter, tellin g them w hat TCCM has done fo r u s and w hat it should m ean to them ought to help . "If you will advise m e th e names of the non-m em bers in niy section o f Texas I shall m ake a special effort to co n ­ ta c t them .” T h a t kind of letter is 'better th a n th e one originally s e n t because it refrain s from c r it­ icizing the person receiving i t ' an d m akes him w an t to do som ething. T he w riter of it --COUPON-- FAIRY SOAP 4 for 1 5 c WAYNE S U P E R C U T - R ATE SHAVE TALC NEWARK 9< Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Specials WITH COUPON' R ight Reserved to Limit Q uantities 50c Box 15 S tar Double-Edged Holland Linen 25 Blades Cold Cream 2 "« 2 5 ' 3-50c Li " 5 9 ” Analgesic Balm Doverettes 3 D ifferent Shades A Swell L ittle Cigar 50c 4 Envelopes G’o ld Dust j. Bubble Bath Scouring Powder 25c V alue 75c Indoor or Outdoor $1.00 HARRIET HUBBARD AYER FACE POWDER COUPON .-COUPON- 35c HOOK 1 tb . Delicious Dental Plate Brush Peanut Clusters 19c FREE W ith $1.00 JAR LUXURIA COLD CREAM All for $ £ . 0 0 1 4 c w it h ro ri'o N ro rro x NEWARK PALMYRA MEAT SPECIALS * I » * IP rb :- WITH- SOOT-ON' Iwaiiah. I t regulations call; 1 every n ig h t. O’X filian E n g in e e r, e s U S. E ngineers a: bointed a Serges filian D efense Uni’ FORMAN’S CIDER VINEGAR POT ROAST PORK Sausage IN TOWND riv* Slow ly, Don't S k id , Avoid Quick Sturts, In flat* Tiros Correctly PANCAKE HOME MADE PAN STYLE SYRUP FISH F IL L E T S SK IN LESS FRAN K FU RTS PO LLO CK 27«= „ 17c,„ OUT-OF-TOWN- quart JU G XO W A S T E O N T A R IO LARGiE BOX SL IC K D ARMOIR'S “STAR" HICKORY SMOKUB BACON BACON SQUARES Go by SUPER-COACH H.VLK 1*01 M> pancake flo u r 23 It’s tb e « refrte, restful way to any­ where—saviny wear and tear on-year car* saving 2/3 of die cost of driving! One-W ay Rd.-Trip LB. B ingham ton $2.40 $ 4.35 2.90 Buffalo 1-60 Chicago 9.00 16.20 8.95 New York C ity 4.95 4.60 W atertow n „?;55 (IRBVHOt'SD TBBSnM L Wlldhnck’* D re r Stow PJuma 12 D K L IC IO I S V U .I F O R M \ D RIED FAMOUS “OLD DUTCH" ZESTFUL TANGY SALAD DRESSING PRUNES One Pound Boxes QUART JAR GREYHDUNP 29c iib iu tm r s “f a h jm OXT" c r ea m Foil W rappedPkgs. WINE FLAVOR T R r THIS REAL TREAT. Everybody knows that ice-cold COOKIES SUGAR MOLASSES COCOAN I T EACH of genuine goodness,—the taste that charms and never cloys. It brings an JELLY < p F,p l an vn oc r TULA R O L ROLLS 2 L S after-sense of complete refreshment. All you want and you want it all. N f:w GENEVA C O C A - COLA B O T T L I N G . C O M P ANY mgg |.D. g C m - B IM I! . 5 c '• ***** '4 BACH' FRIED oKtiffaml I rH O (;. HARSHHAXLQW jK ’jfc r P la in 4 A CAKES DOZ. 14c | layer CAKES i»20c SPINACH CARROTS nnsT E nv eOTTlED UNpElt AUTHpftlTYOF TMfi COC4 COtA -'CaMTANV »Y GENEVA, N. Y. IIIQ KHKSH f t T SOfTHEH.N You trust4its quality .... C O FFEE RIN GS HART’S BIG CRISPY Coca-Cola has qualify, the qualify STREUSEL KUCH EN S Old _JhYtsltiOn < mtm intm* flch& fct AmT l i c l t i x EA. , Is. John H anee of 3 Is serving w ith e lit in th e 'Hawaiian ptly rep o rted thE ne th rough Dec Ih o u t a scratch. £ |y , the oldest B a tt Iw aiian DepartjhC |ly h a rb o r d efe h le into action on Id was th e first In g down a J a p 4* C R A C K ER S R 1N D I.K S S BEEF iloward B ailee, soi LB. A R M O U R ’S S T A II IIA M B L R IiS O R P A T T IE S FR ESH GROUND ft. a bottle PRIME STEER BEEF l a r Mr. Howard: j have been g ettir lio n s o f th e papt M th d u g h w hen T [Jack so n I failed warding address. -file I was in Sa in tly , I g o t a lette J e. Stafford asking ■her w hile I w as a | o . (Mrs. S taffo rd Ison w ho m ade n p passible'). I h a d i a n d h e r daughts I about N ew ark. A! ftn 't been th e re . Irs, she k n ew ev« |p le . S he w as ver ted a considerable ne. life to m y sti Incisco. fob O’C o n n e ll. t o sound b u t riot' ^ .n d . S e o' JUICE QUART Q blonel Floyd I Im andJrig Office b a ra r req u ests re L d s bf . M n y ’ree lervice* to .?ajy the Ire ,-th e boys legv W a r -■■■“ ■- ■ he" (?5lotieTs ri J n p b ts-h y th,q fa c Ilitle S rlp r ipfoperi: 1 croyr'ds of v isito r i d beyond' eap aci le n t- influx o f rec I and en listed yes ■olonel &drlock (n e e d th a t 'ih ' th< 6e im possible t Ksages b y telephoi L h to , KCjruits M ice tie s u p ' line I m ilitary com m ur “Sincerely, “PVT. ROBERT g ia n t TIRES and MILK PHONE 26 1 46-OZ. CAN FOR D EM HO ls Newark Creamery Co. Generallce Cream Co. Hair Togte m ORANGEr TENDER YOUNG — CORN-FED — RIB-ENI) 5 - RIB CUT 29 c. . ,i %, \ 30c FITCH’S IDEAL WILLIAMSON LOAF CAKES - 4 Thermometer Sanitary Belts ' 1 ' FANCY MILK-FED Fc R ubinstein’s “Keys to B eauty 25c C ashm ere B ouquet % o^ E With tl 39' 3 9 ' Gem Blades Jergens Lotion FOWL. f By anticipating your Milk and and Ice Cream requirements, you will aid us materially in cut* - ting down on special delivery trips. This means SAVING RUBBER TIRES as Ice Cream and Milk Truck Tires .< rt - iare not on the Priority list. 23 55c — 12 Pack, Genuine 25c J a r Jergens Face Cream F ree w ith 50c w it h 6 |L . II—N q AFTER DRUG S T O R E ro rv u .v w it h 95 YEAR ■C O U P O N . . E. UNION ST. E ST ^P /ITH A RB L ongest Lake • Lake Superior is th e longest uf th e G re a t Lakes, antagonism . Always try to force him to do som ething, m ake a person want to do I —Buy Defense o s— Newark Girl Has Important R ole in Drama at College 7~- Ith a b a —R aid a Dedomenico o f l&Tewaris w ill be seen in a n im J jb o x ta n t role w hen th e Ith a c a JwGollege D ram a D e p a rtm e n t pref s e n t s i t s th ird m a jo r production o f th e academ ic year, W ednes­ d a y th ro u g h S a tu rd ay , J a n . 2 8 -; an t h e L ittle T h e a te r. A-c nst of 41 s tu d e n ts w ill p re js e n t th e novel C hinese play, ‘ L ady P recious S tream ", w h ic h ; a rq u se d favorable notices from cities w h en it h a d its Broadw ay r e m i s e a few seasons ago. i h i s is th e first d ra m a tic pro, a u c tio n in w hich Miss D edom en|-ic o h a s ippeared a t I th a c a Colge| S h e is 'ta k in g a specialized aurse in d ra m a , E nghsh, speech I S and ra d io fo r w hich a bachelor | f p f science degree is aw arded e r f o u r y e a rs ’ study. A sophom ore in th e D ram a I e p ’a rtm e h t, Miss Dedomenico is S?the. d a u g h te r of Mr. a n d Mrs. "Stilly D edom enico, 110' S tu a r t | V\A ye. —o— IT FA Y S TO RE/ D THE ^C O U R IE R -G 4ZETTE PANT ADS - I ■ Ift TELjPHQNE 710 NEWARK COURIER-GAZETTE AND MARION ENTERPRISE, NEWARK, N. Y : THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1942 Sarold DuBoiS, soi fs. W alter D ufiois lenrolled. in'dan avi lies school t o Tex peduled to .g ra d u a le a r Mr. Howar T‘I am W riting a gratithdO. tb : piye for sorrdinf Jo o k foyward to ■use it co n ta in s ■ ncern in g , my* I m e and .also’ Irvice. ? [“Quite .a.i bib'i . L ee 1 w rote Irs in th e .fja to l p called b a c k e t |v e been a.fiftee ’ moved .to Lbli ■“The w e a th e r : J d the C aih p , lo u g h w e do J s t we a ic dpm: |e sta te s while |e battlefield. 1 "r ad m ire th e Bayed b y Geii |e n . T hey .are pi mericari, A rm y< | tu rn d ish it. bi i a n inspiratior Ick h o m e tOd-do p s ib le to 'k i|jp i l a t th e y ;pan'.'kel 1 “S tn e ^ e iy ,/' “C O R P . ^ ■Don’t stbp1*®? J e service'beCi In g e r p rin t sp e fio n e c a ll t o . t |te office is a ll I p u t yOu ’Iri^] [flciencibs ptice of c h a n S | pvt. John. £).' lr . ahd hirs; j j S. M aip $t,r, Iryed fforh \ i r p t Monmouth |P rlv a te S h e r f w stationed p t h C arolina (Continacd ■