Dreher High School Newsletter - Fall 2006

Richland County School District One
Jeanne Stiglbauer, Principal
Dreher Dispatch
Fall, 2006
9/11 Remembered
A Tradition of Excellence
2005 Recipient of Red Carpet School and
School of Promise Awards
Finalist, Carolina First Palmetto’s Finest
“Excellent” School Report Card rating, four
consecutive years
Palmetto Gold Award
Finalist, State Teacher of the Year
South Carolina Outstanding High School
Technology Teacher of the Year
Eight National Board Certified Teachers
Academic Decathlon Team, State
Champions, four of the last five years
High School Quiz Bowl Team, Champions,
five of the last six years
Ten National Merit Finalists and Two
National Merit Achievement Finalists
Three Presidential Scholar Candidates
55 RCSD1 Academic All-Stars, 52 RSCD1
High School Scholars
Ten All-State Math Team Members
Grand Award Winner (Team) University of
South Carolina Science Fair
SC FBLA State Historian
Over $15,000.00 raised for Charitable
Organizations; 138 Units of blood for the
American Red Cross
24 RCSD1 Honor Band, 12 All-Region Band,
2 All-State Band members
11 RCSD1 Honor Orchestra, 8 Region Orchestra
12 District Honor Chorus
Merit Award, South Carolina Scholastic
Arts Competition
State and South Sectional Coach of the Year
for Girls’ Track and Field
Parade All-American, Girls’ Basketball
12 All-State, 49 All-Region, and 34 All-Area
6 Coaches of the Year, Athletic Scholarship
Recipients, and North/South All-Stars
Five Region Championships and Region
Runner-up Teams
Four Region MVP Awards
Three WLTX Athletes of the Week
Dreher High School students, staff,
parents, and community members
gathered at the flag to remember the
tragedies of September 11, 2001.
Dreher’s NJROTC led a ceremony
designed not only to remember the events
of that traumatic day, but also to
celebrate the great feats of heroism and to
honor the tremendous sacrifices of so
many. To quote Lt Col Rick Barber,
NJROTC Officer In Charge, “We gather
to remember those events and those who
died. It is our obligation to them, and to
our future generations to remember . . .
It is appropriate that we render proper
respect to those who paid the ultimate
price. Those who died were not the only
victims that day. There are also those left
behind.” In closing, Lt Col Barber quoted
George Carlin by saying, “Life is not
measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath
away.” After 9/11, every small act, every
minute should be more cherished by us all.
Macaruso, Charles Marcil,
Alison Salisbury, Juliet
Sheridan, Luis Suarez, and
Alex Zhang, will have an
opportunity to continue in the
competition with a chance to
advance to the finalist level
and be selected as a Merit
Scholarship Award winner.
The NASP was established
specifically to provide
Lt to rt. Caroline Grego, Nathan Macaruso, Youlia Milenkova, recognition for outstanding
Alice Spencer, Juliet Sheridan, Jessica Mills, Luis Suarez, Black American high school
Richard Hahn, Alison Salisbury, and Charles Marcil. Not
students. Jessica Mills has
pictured, Jonathan Chu and Alex Zhang.
been designated as a
National Merit Scholars semifinalist in this program and will
compete for finalist status. Jonathan Chu,
Youlia Milenkova, and Alice Spencer
received recognition as Commended
The National Merit Scholarship students in the merit program. Although
Program (NMSP) and the National commended students will not continue in the
Achievement Scholarship Program competition for Merit Scholarship Awards,
(NASP), are the annual competitions some will be candidates for special
conducted by the National Merit scholarships offered by corporate sponsors.
Scholarship Corporation. Fewer than Dreher is extremely proud of all twelve
one percent of the nation’s graduating students recognized through the National
high school seniors qualify as semi- Merit Program, and we congratulate each
finalist in the NMSP. As semifinalists, student on their academic achievement.
Caroline Grego, Richard Hahn, Nathan
Dreher Dispatch
Page 2
Parent Organizations Announce Officers for 2006 - 2007
Parent Teacher Organization
Rita Nichols
Vice President
Lou Galloway
Mary Lu Dalton
The PTO meets the fourth Monday
of the month at 5:15PM in Room
Athletic Booster Club
Malissa Burnett
Dr. Jane Zenger
Francie Markham
Vice President
Wendall Hahn
Parent Representatives
Mary Lu Dalton, Dianna
Boyd, Catherine Bruce
Officers for the Dreher
Foundation will be
published in the next
edition of the Dreher
Rob Wilcox
Maureen Thunell
The Booster Club meets the
first Monday of the month at
5:30PM in Room 110.
Community Members
Larry McKeown
Mel Jenkins
The SIC meets the first
Monday of the month at
6:30PM in Room 110.
The Foundation meets the
fourth Monday of the
month at 6:00PM in Room
Dreher Accepted as a High Schools That Works Site
High Schools That Works (HSTW) is the nation’s first large-scale effort to engage state, district
and school leaders and teachers in partnerships with students, parents and the community to improve the
way ALL high school students are prepared for work and further education. HSTW is an effort-based
school improvement initiative founded on the conviction that most students can master rigorous academic and career/technical studies, if school leaders and teachers create an environment that motivates
students to make the effort to succeed. This reform model promotes research-based strategies to assist high schools in providing a
quality education for all students. HSTW provides a framework of goals, key practices and key conditions for accelerating learning
and setting higher standards. The major goals of HSTW are to:
Raise the mathematics, science, communication, problem-solving and technical achievement of more
students to the national average and above.
Blend the essential content of traditional college-preparatory students with quality career/technical
studies by creating conditions that support school leaders, teachers and counselors in carrying out key practices.
Advance state and local policies and leadership initiatives necessary to sustain a continuous
school-improvement effort.
HSTW has identified a set of key practices that impact student achievement and provide direction and meaning to
comprehensive school improvement and student learning. The key practices are:
* Setting high expectations
* Giving students choices for school-based and work-based learning
* Increasing access to challenging career/technical studies
* Having a structure and schedule for teachers to work together
* Increasing access to rigorous academic studies
* Involving students and parents in a guidance and advisement system
* Having students complete a challenging program of study * Providing a structured system of extra help
* Having each student actively engaged in the learning process
* Using student assessment and program evaluation data for continuous improvement
Dreher Dispatch
Page 3
Honor Society Inducts Seventy-Two
Hold high the torch,
You did not light its glow.
‘Twas given you from others hands you know.
“Tis only yours to keep it burning bright,
For there are other feet that you must guide
And other forms go marching by your side . . .
Some day in turn they’ll lift it high and say,
“I watched another carry it this way.”
- Service Creed (author unknown)
Recognized throughout the nation,
induction into the National Honor
Society is both the public recognition of
accomplishment, and the private
commitment to continued excellence on
the part of the new members. On
October 10, 2006, 72 students were
recognized for their accomplishments by
being inducted through ceremonial
proceedings into the Eleanor Doggette
Chapter of the National Honor
Society. President, Luis Suarez, Vice
President, Molly Hook, Secretary,
Scharan Clarke, Tutorial Chair,
Margaret Hicks, and Sergeant at Arms,
Principal Jeanne Stiglbauer Dalton Burroughs led the proceedings.
and Chief Justice Toal pause Following the pledge of membership by
the new members, guest speaker, Chief
for a “photo op.”
Justice Jean Toal, a 1961 Dreher
graduate, addressed the audience. Chief Justice Toal served in the South
Carolina House of Representatives for 13 years before becoming the first
and only woman to serve as a Justice of the South Carolina Supreme
Court. In her address, Chief Justice Toal stressed service and reminded all
of how fortunate we are to be in America. She challenged the new
members to be worthy of their stewardship and work to be seekers of the
promise of America. Dreher High School congratulates the newest
members of the Honor Society: Seniors: Jacqueline Beam, Ashley
Belton, Mellalisha Brasley, Ronda Bright, Bernisha Lee, Brittany
Lucas, Leah McCullers, Shawntoya Singletary, and Kim Spencer;
Juniors: Constants Adams, Stanton Adkins, Kayli Asbill, Luke Berson,
Kierra Bowers, James Chappell, Gregory Crabtree, Jeri Dimig, Allison
Dorman, Alannah Duncan, Lala Ek, Chesley Elliott, Katielynn Gadow,
Adam Gill, Jennett Griffin, Ashley Griffith, Ariel Guinn, Layla Gumati,
Christopher Hickman, Catherine Higgins, Alexander Hill, Brittany
Jacobs, Latoya Jones, Daniel Kellogg, Katie Kundinger, Annabel Lang,
Roxanne Lenzo-Zimmerman, Matthew Martin, Ellen McDuffie, Joshua
McGee, Marie McGwier, Berkeley McKeown, Mary Morrison, Dahn
Moses, Ianko Mouratev, Elizabeth Myers, Meagan O’Keefe, Christoper
Pruitt, Robin Quattlebaum, Kaitlyn Rainwater, Hilary Riley, Bianca
Robinson, Deanna Santoro, Samuel Shannon, Ellison Sharpe, Roddey
Smith, John Sniezak, Savannah Sparks, Gordon Stiglbauer, Daniel
Stone, Kendal Titus, Kistler Ulmer, Michael Utsey, Sarah Van Zee,
Kathryn Vickers, Lee Walker, Andrew Wall, Tyvanna Watkins, Casey
Wentworth, Amber Whitehead, Dana Witkoski, Kelsey Wright, and
Lauren Wright.
Jeanne’s Thoughts
A Time to Count Blessings
I am delighted to report
that the 2006-2007 school year
began with the smoothest
opening that I remember. The
first day was “business as
usual” at Dreher as high
expectations for lifting traditions of excellence were
evident everywhere. The staff and students are to be
truly commended on their excellent preparation. The
first quarter has passed quickly with much good news
to report. Here are some highlights:
♦ We are delighted with the teachers and students
who are the newest members of our school family.
Twelve of our students deserve high praise for their
outstanding scholarship and achievement in being
recognized by the National Merit Scholarship
Program: Eight National Merit Semi-Finalists, One
National Achievement Semifinalist, and three
National Commended Finalists. Dreher leads the
district in numbers of students selected, and ranks
near the top among state high schools. These are
extraordinary honors and the students are to be
congratulated along with their teachers and families.
♦ Homecoming festivities were certainly the most
spirited that I remember and a grand time was had by
the large crowd that came out to cheer our Blue
Devils to victory over Camden, as well as to honor
the young ladies of our homecoming court.
Festivities included a successful blood dive, spirit
days, a senior supper, a parade with Superintendent
Coles as our grand marshal, and a pep rally. Special
thanks to our student council and their sponsors for all
of their hard work.
♦ Our other fall sports teams have all made strong
showings with both cross country teams and the
women’s tennis team ranked in the top ten in the state
♦ The beautiful ceremony of installation of the
newest members of our National Honor Society with
the Honorable Jean Toal who spoke to our students
about her days at Dreher and offered inspirational
challenges for the future followed by a lovely
reception in our courtyard.
♦ We expressed our respects as we commemorated
the fifth anniversary of the attack on our fellow
citizens on September 11, 2001, with a beautiful
memorial service held around our flagpole and led by
our NJROTC members.
♦ Our journalism program has come forward with a
new format and has already published new versions
continued on page 4
Page 4
Dreher Dispatch
Freshman Orientation
A First Hand Look at Dreher
In its third year, Dreher’s freshman orientation continues to help reduce
the anxiety, nervousness, and
uncertainties that are often
associated with starting high
Mrs. Cousins-Hylton leads her students on a tour.
With the support of
faculty members and administrative support personnel, freshman students attended a
two-day orientation at Dreher. Rising 9th graders gained valuable information,
became familiar with the campus, and received materials necessary to begin the
school year. Parents were provided with an opportunity to visit the school, meet and
greet their child’s teachers, and get a better understanding about what Dreher has to
Teachers issue t-shirts to the class of 2010.
offer. “The freshman orientation is invaluable because it helps ease or eliminate
many of the fears that rising 9th graders have about going to high school,” state
Debbie Kinder, Community/Parent Liaison and Freshman Academy Coordinator.
As a part of the Freshman Academy, students are exposed to an extensive College and Career Awareness and assessment
program. They will have the opportunity to interact with an array of business leaders who participate in career awareness seminars,
and who visit the school as career speakers and mentors.
In Her Words continued
of The Blue Print.
♦ Our new building is being created right before our eyes and
we continue to plan for opening next fall.
♦ Our AP scores exceed our goals by increasing over 9% in
number of students with scores of “3” or higher as well as
increasing in numbers of students accepting the challenge of the
high expectations of the courses offered on our AP Institute.
♦ Math scores on the HSAP rose by ---.
♦ The faculty set Dreher’s loftiest goal ever by hoping to raise
our average SAT score to 1100 in the next two years.
♦ Our Foundation has begun preparation for an all class
celebration of Dreher’s past as we move into out new building.
♦ Our Academic Literacy tutorial programs and Freshmen
Academy format continue to bring strong results for our ninth
graders with continued drops in failure rates and rises in end-ofcourse passing rates from the Class of 2009.
♦ Efforts to continually improve our academic programs
include self-study in the new state clusters of study that will be
mandated to begin with our current freshman class. We have
been preparing for these changes for some time and feel that our
current learning communities for advanced study, the fine arts,
science, math and engineering, the humanities, business and
finance and the programs available through our partnership with
Heyward Career Center will allow our students access to an
extremely full realm of courses for concentrated study and career exploration. We have also been accepted as a new member
of “High Schools That Work” national network and look forward to the collaboration of that process.
♦ As you can see, we have not been idle. I am quite sure that
I have missed other vital happenings and hope that you will
recognize the list as a sampling of our efforts to serve our
students and their communities. We need your support more
than ever as we move into this new era of Dreher’s history and of
national high school reform. We hope that all are visiting our
website, using our e-mail system to communicate with staff and
checking progress through our ParentConnect service. Please
remember that guidance counselors, teachers and administrative
staff can be reached by a phone call. We try our best to return
all correspondence promptly but hope that you will work with us
by letting us know if we have not returned any inquiry. Strong
cooperation between staff, students and parents still provides the
best avenue to success that I know. Few problems go unresolved
when all work together.
♦ Finally, it is the season to count our blessings. As you can
see from the list above there is much for which to be grateful. I
am constantly humbled by the fact that I have been afforded the
opportunity to be part of such a diverse, compassionate, and
lively school community. We thank you for your support. We
thank you for your children.
♦ I ask that you take the time to encourage your children to
thank their teachers. Teaching is a job that cannot be done well
by those who do not feel called to service and who are unwilling
to trade opportunities for higher income for the greater reward of
knowing that one has made a difference. There is always room
for improvement in any faculty. There are always times when
mistakes are made even by the most skilled educators. The fact
remains that most people are profoundly influenced or touched
by at least one of their teachers. The great teachers are the
givers of hope in our complex society and we should not forget
this despite of popular tendencies to criticize and politicize.
This season please join me as I thank the teachers of Dreher
for their service and for their hearts. I, as colleague, community
member and parent, will count them as one of my greatest
blessings this season.
Jeanne Stiglbauer
Dreher Dispatch
Page 5
Welcome New Employees to Dreher High School
*Read about our new staff members on page 6
Courtney Gibson
Kensley Wentzky
Telisa Edmunds
Resource Officer
Kaye Greiner
Jeanette Wallulis
Jason Owens
Rachel Holderman
Linda Whitcomb
Foreign Language
George Ocker
Special Education
Ben Holladay
Kevin Kirkley
Jon Richards
Social Studies
Pam Newton
Britty Pointer
Page 6
Meet Dreher’s New Staff Members
After serving as a residential patrol officer and substitute
school resource officer for the past three years, Officer Telisa
Edmunds assumes a full-time position as Dreher’s school
resource officer. She has been with the City of Columbia
Police Department for 16 years. Officer Edmunds believes
that, “A positive thought develops a positive change.”
As a first year teacher, Courtney Gibson will impart her love
and knowledge of English as a member of the Freshman Academy. A favorite quote is, “What is essential is invisible to the
Kay Greiner has been an educator for 19 years. She comes to
Dreher with teaching experience in Virginia, Washington, and
two private schools in South Carolina. Ms. Greiner brings her
excitement and love of reading to our English department. She
has taken on extra responsibilities as the co-sponsor of student
council. Her favorite quote is “Courage is the primary virtue.
Without courage, no other virtues are possible.”
For 13 years, Rachel Holderman has been a guidance
counselor and is one of few that has been a counselor on every
level. “Your character is what you do when you think nobody
is watching,” was cited as a favorite quote.
After completing his student teaching at Dreher last school
year, Benjamin Holladay joined the science department. He
believes that, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”
After spending half of the 2005 – 2006 school year at Dreher
as the testing coordinator, Kevin Kirkley joins the guidance
staff with counseling responsibilities for 10th – 12th grade
students whose last names begin Q – T. He will also assist
with coordinating standardized testing. Mr. Kirkley has
become a true fan of the phrase, “Go Blue Devils!”
After teaching English at Lexington and White Knoll Middle
Schools, and White Knoll High School, Pam Newton brings
her 19 years of experience to the English department.
Students participate in the hoop shooting and football throwing contests. Special thanks to Sergeant Jim Middleton of
the Army National Guard for sponsoring these two events.
Dreher Dispatch
“Life is like a box of snow caps,” says George Ocker. He has
taught a variety of subjects and joins our Special Education
Department after teaching for five years in Nevada Nye County
School District.
Jason Owens, a big 1950s’ to 1970s’ jazz fan, joins our English
department after a stop at Colleton High School. His favorite
quote comes from Claude McKay; “If a man is not faithful to his
own individuality, he cannot be loyal to anybody.”
Over the past 26 years, Britty Pointer has taught in South
Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina, and Bulgaria.
She comes to Dreher as the English as a Second Language
(ESOL) teacher. Ms. Pointer believes, as did Henri Matisse, that,
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
Returning to Richland One after a year at Swansea High School,
Jon Richards joins our Social Studies department and will also
guide the boys’ basketball staff as head coach. Mr. Richards
shared a full circle moment by revealing that the high school he
attended in Pennsylvania also had as its mascot a blue devil. He
believes that you should, “discipline yourself so that others won’t
have to.”
Graduating from Dreher in 2001, and spending the 2005 – 2006
year at Dreher as a student teacher, Jeanette Wallulis returns to
her Blue Devil alma mater to teach math.
After close to a three year hiatus, Kinsley Wentzky returns to
teaching. Joining the English department, Ms. Wentzky quotes
Popeye who said, “I am what I am, and that’s all that I am!” She
loves to dance, loves the Clemson Tigers, and eats, breathes, and
sleeps sports – especially baseball. Ms. Wentzky is co-sponsor
of student council.
Linda Whitcomb has taught all levels of Spanish for 10 ½ years.
She has taught in South Carolina, Georgia, and Massachusetts.
Ms. Whitcomb loves sports, especially softball, and makes
mosaics for fun. A favorite quote is, “You have to dare to be the
was September 23-29 with the theme Read
Banned Books: They're Your Ticket to
Freedom. Banned Book Week is cosponsored
and promoted by the American Library
Association (ALA). The annual celebration
has been observed since 1982, and it's
designed to encourage folks to read the books
deemed unacceptable due to reasons such as "anti-family,"
"racism," and "promoting religious viewpoint," as well as to
educate folks on the assault on intellectual freedom.
celebrate banned book week at Dreher, the Media Staff hung
displays, conducted classroom visits, held booktalks, and hosted
a movie screening and discussion of “Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire.”
Dreher Dispatch
Page 7
GET Active @ your library®! October
15 - 21, the Dreher High School Media Center
was active with Teen Read Week. The week
was celebrated with book reading, dancing and
sports activities. Dozens of students participated
a Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)
tournament in which all were winners. The event was such a success that we
now have plans to start a DDR Club. By the way, DDR is a video game in
which you compete by dancing on a special floor pad. The National Guard
sponsored two sports themed activities: a hoop shooting competition and a
football throwing contest.
If that wasn't enough, the Media Center resurrected its Haunted Cafe
in time for Halloween! Students dropped in to scare up a book and soak up
the fog!
- Janet Kenney and Laura Haverkamp
Dreher to Compete with new
Model UN Team
New this year to Dreher’s activities roster is
the Model United Nations (Model UN) team,
sponsored by Dell Goodrich, a Dreher social
studies teacher. Larianne Collins, also a Dreher
social studies teacher, and Lieutenant Michelle
Brassell, stationed at Ft. Jackson, will be
assisting in the club’s sponsorship. Model UN is
a simulation of the workings of the UN General
Assembly and other multilateral bodies. Model
UN conferences are held regionally, nationally, or
internationally. Conferences have participants
from all over the United States and the world. At
Model UN conferences, students step into the
shoes of ambassadors from UN member countries
to debate current issues of relevance to those
countries. While playing their roles as
ambassadors, student "delegates" make speeches,
prepare draft resolutions, negotiate with allies and
adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the
Model UN conference rules of procedure - all in
the interest of mobilizing "international
cooperation" to resolve problems that affect
countries all over the world.
The goal is for Dreher’s Model UN group to
attend a conference/competition in the spring of
2007. The Dreher team has a lot of work ahead
in fundraising and soliciting donations in order to
attend a conference.
Prior to attending a
conference, it will be necessary to have a clear
understanding about the workings of the country
Dreher is assigned, as well as its position on the
issues that are being discussed. Researching is
the first and most important step in preparing for
a conference.
33 Dreher students signed up to participate
in Model UN at Dreher’s club rush.
- Dell Goodrich
News From the Special Education Department
The 2006-2007 school year is underway with Mrs. Savage's and
Ms. Taylor's students working diligently in spite of the oppressive heat of the
"dog days" of summer. There are a number of new faces in the classes as well
as some familiar ones. We are delighted to welcome incoming freshmen Kiera
Anderson, Isaac Ballard, Darien Bellinger, and Deven Staley. They join Jay
Myers and Kendill Strother in Mrs. Savage's class, while Jessica Childs and
Sha'quan Findlay have moved up to 11th grade, joining Fred Davis in
Ms. Taylor's class. Senior Courtney Boyd has also entered Ms. Taylor's class,
joining seniors, Stephanie Ball and Brittany Buchanan. All freshmen are
involved in the new PAES Program at Heyward Career Center, while seniors
are excited about participating in training for the workplace. Other students
are continuing the RICHLAND ONE WORKS program for their appropriate
grade level. In addition to gaining new students, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. McCuien,
Mrs. Hucks, and Ms. Taylor are enjoying adding Mrs. Vivian Crandall and
Mrs. Elizabeth Telford to their Adger Acres home. Good luck to all these
TRUE BLUE DEVILS during the 2006-2007 school year!
One final note from P.24: Mrs. Jenny McCuien has left the Special
Education program at Dreher High School to take a position at Meadowfield
Elementary. She will be greatly missed by students and coworkers, but we
wish her much success in her new job. Mrs. McCuien's daily commute to
work will be greatly reduced by this change, and she looks forward to having
more time to spend with her family. Best of luck, Mrs. McCuien!!
- Louise Taylor
FREE Road to Recognition and Scholarships
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an annual, academic
competition among high school students for recognition and college
scholarships. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is the qualifying test for entry
to the National Merit Program. The test is absolutely FREE, and is given to
all ninth through eleventh grade students. The PSAT is a practice test for
9th and 10th graders, however, for 11th graders, the score is used as a qualifier
for national merit recognition. Each ninth through eleventh grade student
received a test booklet prior to the test that was administered on Wednesday,
October 18th. Dreher anxiously await the results of the PSAT.
Dreher Dispatch
Page 8
Student Council Representatives
Ready For Action
Ebony Perkins
Student Body President
Ebony Perkins
Richard Hahn
Vice President
Richard Hahn
Secretary - Maggie Hicks
Treasurer - Brittany Gadson
Parliamentarian - Evie Copeland
Dreher PTO News
The Dreher Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) is off
to a great start.
The PTO provided a welcome back
breakfast to the teachers and staff on August 2, and
welcomed a large number of parents and students to the
Open House on August 21.
A big thank you to
Starbucks, located on Garner’s Ferry Road, for donating
the coffee.
The PTO held its first meeting on August 28. We have
begun a Spirit Store this year which began with the sale of
t-shirts. We will expand our sale to other items as we go
through the school year. With only a few of “The Last of
the Old School Devils, ‘07” t-shirts (targeting seniors)
remaining, we introduced the “Old School Blue Devil”
t-shirts to represent past and current year Blue Devils
(1938 – 2007). To place your order, you may the call the
school’s main office at 253-7000 or 647-9135. The cost of
the t-shirts is $12.00.
The PTO is seeking new board members and active
volunteers, especially parents of 9th and 10th graders. We
desperately need new and energetic “Blue Devil Blood” to
join the PTO. If you are interested in being a member
joining the organization is easy! Hope to see you at the
next PTO meeting. The next meeting will be held at
Dreher Monday, October 30, at 5:15PM in Room 110. All
meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month.
- Rita Nichols
PTO President
ALL Class Reunion
Mark your Calendars Now - May 11 & 12, 2007.
The Dreher Educational Foundation is excited to announce an
All Class Reunion week-end set for May 11-12, 2007. The weekend
is designed to make a memorable connection to the past, present, and
future as Dreher literally moves into the new building scheduled to
open August 2007. All Dreher alumni, friends of Dreher, as well as
parents of Dreher students are invited and encouraged to attend.
The theme “Looking Forward to Looking Back” will showcase
each of Dreher’s landmarks. Tours of the old and new Dreher
facilities will be scheduled on Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning. Mark your calendars as you won’t want to miss the Grand
Finale scheduled for Saturday evening, May 12, at the Columbia
Convention Center. The evening’s events will include a band, heavy
hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, DHS memorabilia for sale, and
plenty of friends with whom to meet and reunite.
One purpose of the event is for the Dreher Educational Foundation
to raise funds for a variety of needs for Dreher. The funds will be
used for an archive center/area, refurbishing the Dreher Art
Collection, scholarships for students, and support of the athletic and
arts programs. In addition there will be opportunities for alumni/
teacher recognition, a brick recognition campaign, and memorials
may be established.
In order to make the weekend a memorable event, the Foundation
Board also needs assistance. There are several planning committees
which you can join: Publicity/Communication, Silent Auction
Committee, Corporate Sponsorships, Tickets/Invitations, Event
Planning/Staging, Memorabilia Committee, and Alumni Class
representation. The Foundation Board meets the fourth Monday of
each month at 6:00 PM in room 110 at Dreher High School.
The planning teams, such as the Silent Auction Committee also
meet the fourth Monday of each month from 5:00-6:00 PM in the
Media Center at Dreher High School. Please refer to the meeting
dates listed below and make plans to join a committee, attend the
meetings, and become involved in the largest Reunion Event to take
place in the history of Dreher High School.
For current and updated information on the All Class Reunion
Event visit Dreher’s website at www.dreher.rcsd1.org
All of us are proud of our association with Dreher High School
and grateful for the support of Dreher friends, parents, and alumni.
Be sure to mark your calendars now for the weekend of May 11-12,
2007, to support our “Tradition of Excellence” as Dreher literally
moves into the future.
Silent Auction Meetings are 5:00-6:00 PM Media Center at Dreher
& the Foundation Board Meetings begin at 6:00 PM in Room 110
November 27, 2006
*December 11, 2006 2nd Monday-due to holiday
January 22, 2007
February 26, 2007
March 26, 2007
April 23, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007 Dreher Gala and Silent Auction
at the Convention Center
- Francie Markham, President
Dreher Dispatch
Page 9
2006 Region Orchestra
Cierra Asmond
Rebekah Merck
Candance Etheredge
Laura Hubbard
Tyler McGee
Kiara Williams
Bryanna Smith
Kaileen Yeh
Max Smith
William Davis
Dance Department News
The Dreher Dance Team performed October
13 - 14, in Amazing Feets, a city wide fund-raising
event to raise money for juvenile diabetes. This evening
of dance included all of Columbia's professional and
semi-professional dance companies coming together for
the same cause. Thank you all for supporting the arts,
your favorite Dreher dancers and this wonderful cause.
“Steam Heat – A Tribute to Fosse” will rock the
Dreher stage November 15 – 17 at 7:00PM as students
perform such famed musical numbers as Mein Herr
(Cabaret), Honey Hot Rag (Chicago), Big Spender
(Sweet Charity) and a pas de deux from All That Jazz.
Don’t miss your chance to see great classical jazz
dancing in this fall dance concert!
Our spring dance performance will celebrate the 50th
anniversary or The Wizard of Oz.
The Pirates of Penzance suit up for annual Homecoming Parade.
The last week of August was a busy one in the Dreher Drama
Department. Over 70 young singers, actors, dancers, and comedians
auditioned for what is sure to be a rollicking production of Gilbert and
Sullivan’s comedy The Pirates of Penzance. In fact there was so
much talent, that the auditors and Ms. Arvay have decided to use two
casts over 4 shows!
Cast in the leading role of Frederick are Jay Zenger and Keith
Hair, both juniors. Roddey Smith will dazzle us in the title role of
The Pirate King and Charles Francis will play the Modern Major
General, custodian to over 20 young maidens!
Seniors and
songstresses Bess Brown and Juliet Sheridan will portray Mabel,
Frederick’s love interest and daughter to the Major General. Viva
Whitlark, Iris Schomaecher, Dana Witkoski, Lindsay Lesesne,
Kaitlyn Rainwater & Caitlyn Orr will delight us with their vocal and
theatrical antics as they play Mabel’s sisters. You can expect the fun to
just begin when Lee Harrington and Joey White open the show as
Lieutenant Sam, buccaneer! Of course, when Ted Gwara enters as the
Sergeant of the Police, all sorts of zany fun begins, especially when
William Kana arrives. Rounding out the cast is a group of orphan
pirates, bumbling cops and not-so-innocent fair maidens, all making for
a delightful and delirious evening, with “information vegetable, animal
and mineral.”
Opening night is Thursday November 2, 2006, at 8 PM in the
Dreher High School Auditorium, the last full scale musical to be played
on these old, but precious boards. Shows continue on Friday and
Saturday nights as well as a Sunday afternoon
matinee at 3 pm on November 5. Tickets are
$7 for adults and $5 for students.
Pirates of Penzance surely will rivet,
entertain and delight audiences of all ages.
Jeanette Arvay
Dreher Dispatch
Page 10
The Dreher guidance department offers services
designed to support the total educational process by
addressing specific needs, problems, and concerns of the
student body. The goals of the guidance department are:
To be available to talk in confidence with students
concerning personal or school problems and to utilize
appropriate referral services if necessary.
To help students to understand themselves and to assist
them in utilizing their interests and abilities to plan a
high school curriculum leading to a successful and
satisfying future.
To assist students and their parents in planning for the
future by giving information and assistance with job
referrals, recommendations, and applications for
educational institutions, financial aid, and scholarships.
To set up and supervise the administration of the testing
program and to assist students and parents in
understanding test scores.
To maintain comprehensive and accurate student
Guidance Department
Guidance Director
10 - 12 (last names U - Z )
Jean Smith, 253-7033
All 9th Grade
Jerri Foley, 253-7015
10th-12th (last names A-G)
Dominique Padgett, 253-7014
10th –12th (last names H-P )
Rachel Holderman, 253-7008
10th –12th (last names Q-T )
Kevin Kirkley, 253-7016
Anne Amma, 253-7018
Database Specialist
Leslie MacCoy-Clayton, 253-7009
Movers & Shakers
♦ Mr. Timothy Moutrie for his
run for the Superintendent of
Education for the state of
South Carolina.
♦ Mr. Vandiver and his art students for their work on
the Columbia Aquarium Project located in the
Meridian Building.
♦ Mrs. McKee and her art students for their mural work
for the Drew Wellness Center.
♦ Junior, Kiera Daniels, for her invitation from the
Congressional Youth Leadership Council to participate
in the 2007 Global Young Leaders Conference.
♦ Sophomore, Jorde’ Farmer, winner of the 400
meter dash at the United States Youth Games
National Championship.
♦ Allison Hill for earning All-American status in the
US Youth Games and finishing 3rd in the 800 meter run.
♦ Coach Bennie Isaac, named the South Carolina
Assistant Coach of the Year by the SC Track & Cross
Country Association (SCTCCA).
♦ Coach Daniel Brooks, named President of the
♦ Jesse James, a 2006 Dreher graduate, now a Dick
Dyer Toyota employee, for being featured in the August,
2006 Time Magazine article celebrating Dick Dyer
Toyota’s partnership with Heyward Career &
Technology Center.
Register for Access to
Go to: www.dreherhighschool.com
Under School Resources, click on ParentCONNECT
Under Non Members sign Up Now, click Register
Enter the requested information and click on Submit
Please include email address.
What happens next? Through the district office, the
system assigns a login. It will take a few days to
process applications. This information is then sent to
the school. You will be sent your login information via
email from the school. If you do not have email, you
will be sent your login US mail.
For assistance, contact Laura Haverkamp in the media
center, 253-7029.
If you registered during the 05-06 school year, you
do not have to register again.
Dreher Dispatch
Coaching Assignments
Athletic Director - Mike DuBard
Athletic Trainer - Shannon Hill
Baseball - Pete Guyton
JV Baseball - Jason Sandifer
Assistant: Chad Powell
Girls’ Basketball - Teresa Jones
JV Basketball - Katrina Sims
Boys’ Basketball - Jonathan Richards
JV Basketball - Harold Martin
Assistant - Marvin Chattman
Girls’ & Boys’ Bowling - Eric Schweickert
Cheerleading - Stephanie Reaves
Girls’ & Boys’ Cross Country - Danny Brooks
Assistant - Judy Ray
Football - Bill Bacon
JV Football - Dwight Stenson, Jason Sandifer
Assistants: Pete Guyton, Gerald Kelley, P.J. Mauro,
Joe Soltish,, Dan Burk, Brad Edwards
Girls’ & Boys’ Golf - Joe Ferguson
Girls’ Soccer - David Kleinfelder
Boys’ Soccer - Matthew Hornsby
JV Boys’ Soccer - Robert Carter
Softball - Gerald Kelley
Assistant - Linda Rast
Girls’ & Boys’ Swimming - Kaitlyn Pruitt
Girls’ Tennis - David Kleinfelder
Boys’ Tennis - Ray Stilwell
Girls’ & Boys’ Assistant: Robert Mack
Girls’ & Boys’ Track - Danny Brooks
Assistants: Judy Ray, Maurice Campbell,
Bennie Isaac, Yasha Jones, Kelly Williams
Volleyball - Rebekah Thomas
JV Volleyball - Ashley Collins
Wrestling - Paul Watson
JV Wrestling - Jason Sandifer
The golf team swung through the season with a host of
players that were new to the game. Senior, Alex
Valsecchi qualified for the state playoffs. With a
more experienced team next year, Coach Ferguson
hopes for a more competitive season.
Page 11
The 47th annual Richland One Sportsarama was held
August 18 at Memorial Stadium. The annual event
paired Dreher against Orangeburg-Wilkerson. The team
is currently 4 - 5 with one game remaining - The Bacon
Bowl. The following awards were earned this season:
Richard Hahn, WLTX Player of the Week, Carolina
Panthers Community Captain Award Finalist.
State Player of the Week - Nick Bethea two times,
Randall Moody, once.
State Team of the Week - Rashad Benbow, Rashad
Goodwin, Kirk Sims, Nick Bethea, Randall Moody,
Rashad Flowers.
The Columbia Star Player of the week - Nick Bethea,
Rashad Flowers.
The BAC Player of the Week - Nick Bethea – two times.
Leading the team this year were seniors Sally
DeLoach, who was named to the All-Region
team, and Brittany Gadson, who led the team in
The boys’ cross country team led by senior,
Jonathan Chu and junior, Alex Hill head into
the lower state championships ranked number
one in the state. The girls’ team goes in ranked
number five and is led by junior, Kistler Ulmer
and 8th grader, Allison Hill. Best of luck on
the run to a state championship!
The girls’ tennis team heads into the state
play-offs with a 16 - 2 record. The team is lead
by senior stand-outs Lindsay Reynolds (13 - 2),
Lillian Reid (12 - 4), and Nellie Jenkins (11 5). Best of luck in the play-offs!
Injuries and past swimmers pursuing other interests
hampered the success of this year’s swim teams.
Elizabeth Myers was named Region MVP.
Dreher Dispatch
Page 12
Ronda Bright
Alesia Williams
Jasmine Butler
Alexandra Valsecchi
based on
Homecoming Queen
Vera Goodson
Ronda Bright
1st Runner-up
Brittany Rush
2nd Runner-up
Vera Goodson
Monday – Patriotic Day
Tuesday – Team Jersey Day
Wednesday – Twin Day
Thursday – Mix Match Day
Friday – Blue & White Day
(camouflage for seniors)
Maggie Hicks
Courtney McClinton
The Little
Paulina Valsecchi
Pirates of the
Brittany Rush
Ebony Perkins
Criseida Rico
Rachel Riley
Dreher Dispatch
VLF Is For Everyone
Richland One’s annual Visual Literacy
Festival (VLF) competitions offer something for
The Photography and Editorial
Cartoons competitions were held in October.
Remaining competitions and dates are: Computer
Contest, November 27, Video Production,
January 22, Puppetry, February 26, and Book
Production, March 26. If interested in more
information on any of the competitions, contact
Laura Haverkamp or Janet Kenney. Dreher
congratulates our photography winners:
Sara Pincelli won the Creative Excellence
Award and a $500 savings bond.
Youlia Milenkova: Corner of King and Market
Dorian Warneck: Calzonite
Sara Pincelli: Go Fish
Criseida Rico: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Drew Mendoza: Tall Dark Figures
William Cullum: Columns
Luke Berson: Lunch with Myself and Cary
Kistler Ulmer: Garrett
Commercial Design Class: Founded in 1938
Laurie McKee: Dancing Shadows
Pete Guyton: Alternative Views
Mike DuBard: Predawn Stream
Mike DuBard: 9/11 Remembered
Kevin Watts: Moonlight Drive
David Vandiver: Blue Forest
Beginner’s Permit Testing
Now Available at Dreher
The South Carolina Department of Motor
Vehicle (SCDMV) is making available a school
coordinator to give the written exam for the
beginner’s permit at Dreher High School. Any
student who is within six months from his or her
15th birthday or older is eligible to take the test.
Prior to taking the test, students should study the
South Carolina Driver’s Manual. To get a
manual, you can download it from the SCDMV
website at www.scdmvonline.com or get one
when you sign up at school. You can register to
take the test with our guidance director, Jean
Smith. At that time, she will provide you with a
pamphlet that contains answers to frequently
asked questions. To take the test you will need to
bring your student ID and your original
social security card. Remaining test dates are
November 28, December 14, and January 9. The
test is given at 7:15AM.
Page 13
Senior Timeline
Senior Class Sponsors: Janie Langley and Sarah Seaman
Senior Class Meeting: October 18, 2006 - - This was a
MANDATORY meeting. Seniors were measured for their cap
and gown and t-shirt sizes were taken for senior class t-shirts. A
Balfour representative was at this meeting to present information
on graduation invitations and optional items for purchase.
November 2, 2006 – Balfour Orders – 11:00AM – 1:00PM and
4:00PM – 7:00PM in the auditorium lobby.
Note: Parents can always call Balfour at 798 – 5134 with
questions regarding an order.
Senior Fees are due by January 31, 2007: $75.00 **$5.00 late
Deadline for Senior Class T-shirt design: March 30, 2007
Deadline for submission of graduation ceremony speeches:
April 20, 2007
Prom: April 21, 2007 at the Capital City Club. Contact
persons (prom sponsors): Sandra Savage, Louise Taylor, and
Julie Shuler.
Senior Day: May 4, 2007
Senior Night: May 10, 2007
Graduation practice at Dreher auditorium: May 20, 2007, from
9:00AM until 12:00PM or until finished. **Graduation practice
is MANDATORY. If you plan to participate in the graduation
ceremony, you MUST attend this rehearsal.
Graduation at the Carolina Coliseum: May 22, 2007 at 3:30
PM. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the
scheduled time.
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
Page 14
Dreher Dispatch
Dreher High School 2005 - 2006 School Year Recap
Dreher High, an exemplary urban school, continues its
tradition of excellence as it begins the new fall term. Founded
in 1938, Dreher has consistently produced graduates whose
distinguished high school careers have served as solid
foundations for successes achieved at institutions of higher
learning and in the workplace.
The school received a state report card rating of
“Excellent” and was again named a Palmetto Gold Award
recipient. Dreher continues as a Red Carpet School and a
Flagship School of Promise.
In the area of academics, some of the accomplishments of
the past year include: 11 National Merit Semifinalists, 10
National Merit Finalists, Two National Achievement
Semifinalists, One National Merit Commended Scholar, 47
Richland District One Academic All-Stars, Six Governor’s
School for Academics students, Five Governor’s School for
Humanities students, 43 High School Scholars, Three Robert
C. Byrd Scholar nominees, Three S.C. State Fellows, 24
Palmetto Fellows, and Two Presidential Scholar Nominees.
The Academic Decathlon Team won the state
championship for the fifth consecutive year and received 134
medals at state and national competitions. The Math Team
swept the College of Charleston Math Meet, the largest math
competition in the state, and eight of its members were named to
the All-State Math Team. Dreher also won the Grand
Championship at the USC Regional Science and Engineering
Fair for the second year in a row and sent two students to the
national competition. Dreher’s Richland District One Quiz
Bowl Team won that championship again for the sixth time in
seven years.
From our smaller learning communities, 16 honor
graduates were recognized in the AP Institute, 20 in the
Honors Engineering and Science Academy and 22 in the
Honors Humanities Academy. The Fine Arts Academy
produced 10 graduates. The Freshman Academy is proving to
have a positive impact upon student achievement, and the
National Academy of Finance has been implemented. An
Academic Literacy program was implemented through a
federal grant.
The fine arts program proved that it deserves the
distinction of being one of the best in the state. The Drama
Department earned “Superior” awards at the South Carolina
Association Festival to take top honors. West Side Story and
The Crucible were two major productions during the school
The Dreher Dance Department had four major
productions during the year. Dreher dancers also earned top
honors at the Richland One Dance Festival. The spring
performance, Dancing Around the World, not only involved
student choreography, but also incorporated music provided by
Dreher’s percussion ensemble.
The Music Department, which is composed of the choral
and band students, had an outstanding year. Chorus continued
to provide musical training and listening experiences for the
community. Seventeen Dreher students were selected for the
District Honors Chorus. Dreher choral ensembles participated
as opening acts at various events in the city and the state. The
Dreher bands, which worked in conjunction with the chorus at
various functions during the year, placed twenty-seven
musicians in the District Honors Band. Seven students were
selected for the Region Band and two were selected as
members of the South Carolina All-State Band. For its
exceptional work during the year, the Dreher Band Department
received the South Carolina Band Directors Association
Outstanding Performance Award for 2005-2006. The Dreher
Orchestra was selected as the South Carolina representative for
the 2006 International Celebration of Music, which was held
in Germany and Austria. Seven members of this group earned
All-Region honors and two were named All-State. Seventeen
members were named to the Richland One Honors Orchestra
with four of these being named 1st chairs.
The Visual Arts Department also continued its tradition
of excellence. Dreher students again dominated the district
Visual Literacy competitions by receiving more awards than
any other school. Twelve student and faculty winners were
named in these contests that are designed as showcases for
creativity. Dreher students were the grand prize winners for
the Parents & Students (PASS) Project and The Charles
R. Drew Wellness Center 3-dimensional design contest.
In athletics, Dreher was very competitive. The overall
program won five region championships and finished second
in three others. The baseball team, playing on the new
Memorial Field, were region champions. The men’s soccer
team swept region competition and were crowned as Lower
State Champions. Sixty-eight Dreher athletes were selected as
All-Region, thirty-four were All-Area, and eight were All-State
selections. Four hundred and nine student athletes competed on
forty different teams during the 2005-2006 school year. Fortyfour were named as Scholar Athletes by the South Carolina
High School League, an award that recognizes athletes that
have excelled at one or more sports and have maintained a
G.P.A. of 3.5 or better for their high school career.
As Dreher High School enters its sixty-eighth year of
existence, changes to the school have taken place in preparation
for the construction of a new facility. Despite these changes, the
faculty and staff remain committed to the mission of providing
the best educational opportunities possible for the approximately
thirteen hundred students in their charge. The school’s strong
academic standards combined with outstanding co-curricular
opportunities will ensure that this mission will be fulfilled.
*Reprint from the 2006 Sportsarama program, Michael
DuBard, author.
Dreher Dispatch
A Parent’s Guide to the
Smaller Learning Community
The DHS Honors Academy focuses on coursework for grades
10 -12 in specific areas called “academies” or “institutes.” These include
the AP Institute, Fine Arts Academy, the Humanities Academy, and
the Engineering and Science Academy.
Students will participate in exploratory courses and informational
seminars prior to and during the ninth grade. Based on performance and
interests, counselor assistance, and parental involvement, students will
choose which academy to pursue for the remainder of their high school
career. Depending on schedule accommodations, students may participate
in more than one academy. The specific requirements vary for each
academy. These opportunities will include specialized course offerings as
well as internships. Besides the obvious benefits of specialized instruction
and internships, students who meet the honors academy requirements will
receive recognition. Honor cords will be provided for graduation, and
most importantly recognition on their transcripts to colleges will be
The DHS Freshman Academy serves all freshmen through the
team concept. The freshman academy is designed to help new ninth grade
students develop skills essential to success in high school.
The DHS National Academy of Finance prepares students for
post-secondary education and careers through academic learning and
relevant work experience.
Honors Academy implemented 2003
Freshman Academy implemented 2003
National Academy of Finance implemented 2005
Get Your Booster Club
Membership Card Today
Additional applications can be
picked up from the main office.
“Focus on the Future
Richland One will hold its 6th Annual College
and Post-Secondary Education Fair on Thursday,
November 9, 2006. “Focus on the Future” is a
culminating experience for the district-wide study of
post-secondary education and career planning.
From 8:30 AM - 2:00PM, juniors, seniors, and
parents from the district’s seven high schools will attend the event.
Representatives from over 300 colleges and universities, along with local,
state, and national agencies will be invited to bring and share information
about their school or organization. Admission is free. Visit the district’s
website at www.richlandone.org for more information.
Page 15
Dates To Remember
November 1 - Delayed Start
November 2 - Balfour Orders
(11:00AM - 1:00PM and 4:00PM - 7:00PM)
November 2 - 5 - Drama Production
“Pirates of Penzance”
November 7 - Holiday
Election Day
November 9 - College & Postsecondary Fair
The USC Carolina Coliseum
November 9 - Fall Athletic Ceremony
6:00PM - 8:00PM - DHS Auditorium
November 10 - Veterans Day Parade
November 14 - PLAN (Pre-ACT)
All 10th graders
November 15 - 17 - Dance Production
“Steam Heat - A Tribute to Fosse”
November 16 - Interim Reports Issued
November 28 - FBLA Installation Ceremony
10AM - DHS Auditorium
November 22 - 24 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Be a Dreher Volunteer
Contact Debbie Kinder
Volunteer Coordinator
Don’t Forget to Recycle.
Bring your empty cartridges
to the main office.
The Dreher Dispatch is a monthly publication of
Dreher High School. Please refer comments and
suggestions to:
Rita Whitmire, Assistant Principal
701 Adger Road
Columbia, S.C. 29205
253-7000 (main office) 253 - 7031 (direct)
Fax - 253 - 7007
Dreher High School
701 Adger Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29205
Phone: 803-253-7000
Fax: 803-253-7007
A Tradition of Excellence
We’re on the Web
Columbia, SC
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